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6th Grade Science Final Study GuideName:___________________________Weather & Climate What causes weather changes?Air masses moving and meeting. Which absorbs heat faster: land or water?landWhich loses heat faster: land or water?landWhat is the difference between climate and weather?Weather is the short term, current atmospheric conditions.Climate is the long term, average temperature and rainfall. What makes global winds curve instead of move in a straight line?Coriolis effectWhat causes wind?Differences in air pressure. Wind blows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.What happens to air at the equator? What happens to air at the north and south pole?Air at the equator is warmer and less dense so it rises. Air at the poles is cooler and more dense so it sinks.What type of storm is the most powerful on earth?HurricanesWhat type of weather do cumulonimbus clouds usually bring?Thunderstorms What is the difference between hurricanes and tornadoes?Hurricanes form from humid air over tropical ocean water, and tornadoes over land when warm humid air meets the right mix of cool dry air.Universe & Solar System Explain the big bang theory.According to the theory the universe started as a tiny speck in which all matter was compressed. This speck rapidly expanded to form the universe and is still expanding.According to this theory how old is the universe?13.7 Billion years oldWhat are the three types of galaxies?Spiral, elliptical, irregularHow do we know the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy?We can see the arms of the Milky Way galaxy in our night sky.What force holds galaxies together?gravityWhy is Venus called Earth’s twin?It is about the same size as Earth.What is the difference between terrestrial planets and gas giant planets?Terrestrial planets are small and rocky while gas giants are large and gassy.Why does Venus have the highest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system?Venus has a thick, cloudy carbon dioxide rich atmosphere that traps heat in.Why do scientists believe mars once had a warmer climate?Mars has what appear to be dry river beds. Why do planets and moons with atmospheres have fewer craters from meteors?The atmospheres burn up meteors as a result of friction due to air resistance.Where is the asteroid belt located in our solar system?Between Mars and Jupiter.List the following from largest to smallest: galaxy, solar system, universe, planetUniverse, galaxy, solar system, planetEarth, Moon, & SunWhat is the difference between revolution and rotation?A revolution is one object moving around another (ex. Earth moving around the sun). Rotation is spinning in place (ex. Earth spinning on its axis).Earth moves around what celestial object once every year?The sunIf you watched stars all night long would they stay in one spot or mover from east to west like the sun and moon?The stars will move across the sky from east to west.Why does the sun appear to rise and set each day?The Earth spins on its axis counter-clockwise which makes the sun appear to move across the sky from east to west.Why does the moon appear to change shape in the sky?As the relative position of the Earth, moon, and Sun change we can see different amounts of the lit side of the moon.Draw a picture of the positions of the Earth, Moon, & Sun during a full moon.SunEarthMoonHow long does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth once?28 daysWhat is the cause of Earth’s tides?Gravitational pull of the moon and sun.Explain the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse.During a solar eclipse the moon passes between the sun and Earth, and blocks out the sun from our point of view. During a lunar eclipse the Earth moves between the sun and the moon, and the moon is blocked from the sun’s light. Why do solar and lunar eclipses not occur each month?The moon has a tilted orbital plane. Explain why Earth experiences seasons.The Earth has a tilted axis. When the axis is tilted toward the sun the Northern Hemisphere receives direct sunlight, and we experience summer. When the axis is tilted away from the sun the Northern Hemisphere receives indirect sunlight, and we experience winter.When it is winter time in the U.S. what season is it in Australia?SummerAt what angle is Earth’s axis tilted?23.5°At the same time we get up to come to school in Georgia students in China are getting ready for bed. Why is this?Because of Earth’s rotation, one side of the planet experiences sunrise, while the opposite side is experiencing sunset.Draw and label where the sun would be at 7am, 10am, 12pm, 3pm, and 7pm on the picture below.30515441727352615609172735190322817273510951531727352020191727357am10am12pm3pm7pm↑South ................

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