Paranoia, Hostility, Anger, Hate, and Animosity

4 March 2012

Akurians, envision an Image of your Living Body; fly that Image into the center of the Sun and expand it to 400,000 miles in diameter, noting you are still inside the Sun. Draw into yourself all the present Light and Electric Energies as you can manage. Now fill yourself with as much Black Fire as you can muster, and turn your Spirit Image into a Body of Fire. Now charge your Body of Fire: AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH – INTELLIGENCE, COMPREHENSION, DISCERNMENT, STRENGTH, COURAGE, HONOR, INTEGRITY, POWER, TELEPATHY, CLAIRVOYANCE, TELEKINESIS, AND WISDOM!

Akurians, establish an anchor between your Body of Fire and the Sun to become an Eternal Link of Infinite Power, a Link of Fire; and return to your Living Body stringing your Sun Link that you be fully attached to the Sun. Now return and attach your Body of Fire to your Living Body with your Permanent Sun Link by tensing your physical body.

Firing Officer:

This is a Righteous Strike at all who are not adamant and irrevocable adherent protectors and defenders of ALL RIGHTEOUS THINGS AKURIAN.

Intruders, One World Government monitors, HAARP manipulators and operators, Nefilim and all other ExtraTerrestials: BEWARE, your very existence is hereby condemned and without appeal except to the Supreme Lord of All High Lords, El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, He That is Called by The Name of God.

The Holy Seraphim and Holy Cherubim are Invoked for the sole and exclusive purpose of INFORMING THEM of our Invocation of Testimony – they will witness such before The Most High.




True and Righteous Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony and all Akurians throughout all Creation, hear me.

Blue Swords, Man Your Battle Stations!

Akurians, on my Command:

In your Living Body of Fire ascend the Planes of Heaven: HATHOR, HASTERAH, HESTERAH, IDEAH, HAKARMAH, HASANNAH.

Akurians, on my Command:

Akurians, be cognizant of your Living Body of Fire, and From the Hasannah Plane of Heaven extend your Living Body of Fire to the exact Center of the Earth to create a Manifestation of Akurian Righteousness and establish it from the exact Center of the Earth extending out 8,000 miles that it encompass the whole Earth and all Inhabitants thereof.

Akurians, From the Hasannah Plane of Heaven charge the Manifestation of Akurian Righteousness Akasha, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, INTELLIGENCE, COMPREHENSION, DISCERNMENT, STRENGTH, COURAGE, HONOR, INTEGRITY, POWER, TELEPATHY, CLAIRVOYANCE, TELEKINESIS, AND WISDOM!


The Chant: We, the Akurians, put away all Paranoia, Hostility, Anger, Hate, and Animosity from between and among ourselves for now and forever lasting!

Firing Officer:

By the Righteous Powers and Holy Authorities of my own I AM CONSCIOUS I,

(Your Name) , a (Your Akurian Station) ,

By order of The Most High Lord Of Spirits, ALIHA ASUR HIGH, in whose service the True and Righteous Akurians present this Manifestation of Akurian Righteousness.

Holy Seraphim, Holy Cherubim, Archangels, Great Elements, Winds and Angels, BEAR US WITNESS that All Creation shall hear the Word of the True and Righteous, and you shall deny us not!

AIR! East Wind Apelotes, Servant Wind Eurea;

FIRE! South Wind Notae, Servant Wind Lipae;

WATER! West Wind Zephyros, Servant Wind Skiron;

EARTH! North Wind Boreas, Servant Wind Kaikias; we command you to now

Holy Ben Nez, Guard of the Main Gates of the East Wind Pruel, Main Gates of the West Wind Druiel, Main Gates of the South Wind Albim and Main Gates of the North Wind Yhodukah; we command you to now enter into this Spirit Manifestation of Akurian Righteousness and open all the Gates of all the Winds that this Spirit Manifestation of Akurian Demands be fully empowered that even the Gates of Hell cannot stand against it.

Archangel Raphael, Holy Bahaliel and Holy Sarabotes; Archangel Michael, Holy Nafriel and Holy Jehuel; Archangel Gabriel, Holy Aniel and Holy Hamal; Archangel Uriel, Holy Beli and Holy Forlok; Archangel Remiel, Ruler of All the Binding in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths; Archangel Raguel, Ruler of All the Loosening in All the Heavens Above All the Earths, and in All the Earths, and in All the Depths Beneath All the Earths; Archangel Zerachiel, First Guardian of All the Holy Anointed Witnesses in Their Generations, Communicator Between The Holy Altar and the Ark of the Covenant of The Most High;

We, the True and Righteous Sons and Daughters of Akuria, who have chosen to be True and Righteous Servants of The Most High Lord God of All Creation, ALIHA ASUR HIGH and who have been accepted into His Righteous Service, command all under the hand and authority of El Aku Aliha Asur High, our Commander, to bring forth the Powers and Forces of Sword of Fiery Death, the Angel of The Most High standing in the Sun, to send forth all the energies to put away from between and among ALL True and Righteous Akurians ALL Paranoia, Hostility, Anger, Hate, and Animosity from between and among us that we BE The People The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation requires of us to be.

All use and application of the Great Element of AIR, all Powers of the East Wind Apelotes, the servant Wind Eurea; the Great Element of FIRE, all Powers of the South Wind Notae, the servant Wind Lipae; the Great Element of WATER, all Powers of the West Wind Zephyros, the servant Wind Skiron; the Great Element of EARTH, all Powers of the North Wind Boreas and the servant Wind Kaikias; that all the Akurians present ourselves as True and Righteous that we Be The People The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation requires of us to be before The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation.

We, the True and Righteous Sons and Daughters of Akuria, command ourselves to now apply all Powers of Loosening to loosen all Righteous Truth onto the Earth, and loosen all discovery, recognition, and acceptance of all Righteous Truth that we put away, eliminate and destroy all Paranoia, Hostility, Anger, Hate, and Animosity from between and among ourselves that we be the people The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation requires us to be.

We, the True and Righteous Akurians, here and now put away, demand and command all Paranoia, Hostility, Anger, Hate, and Animosity from between and among us that we be the people The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation requires us to be for now and foreverlasting.

We, the True and Righteous Sons and Daughters of Akuria, command you to now apply all Powers of Binding to bind all Righteousness that we be the True and Righteous Akurians The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation requires us to be.

We, the True and Righteous Sons and Daughters of Akuria, command ourselves to put away and deprive and destroy all Paranoia, Hostility, Anger, Hate, and Animosity from between and among us that we be Holy and Righteous before The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation as He requires us to be. Here and now accomplish now this Spirit Manifestation upon All True and Righteous Akurians that ALL Paranoia, Hostility, Anger, Hate, and Animosity be put away from between and among us that we BE The People The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation requires of us to be.

Akurians, on my Command release your Manifestation of Akurian Righteousness leaving it attached to the Sun to accomplish all you have endowed it to do.

Three, Two, One … Break!

Akurians, from recharge your Living Body of Fire from the Heavenly Plane of Hasannah, envision an Image of your Living Body; fly that Image into the center of the Sun and expand it to 400,000 miles in diameter, noting you are still inside the Sun. Draw into yourself all the present Light and Electric Energies as you can manage. Now fill yourself with as much Black Fire as you can muster, and turn your Spirit Image into a Body of Fire. Now charge your Body of Fire: AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH – INTELLIGENCE, COMPREHENSION, DISCERNMENT, STRENGTH, COURAGE, HONOR, INTEGRITY, POWER, TELEPATHY, CLAIRVOYANCE, TELEKINESIS, AND WISDOM!


Akurians, establish an anchor between your Body of Fire and the Sun to become an Eternal Link of Infinite Power, a Link of Fire; and return to your Living Body stringing your Sun Link that you be fully attached to the Sun;


Now return and attach your Body of Fire to your Living Body with your Permanent Sun Link by tensing your physical body.

VOAN KESLATA, PZNIONA BHSAT! (vone (I have spoken before the Lord, and He has heard.) kes-la-tah (That which the Lord hears must also be truth and righteous.) piz-now-ona (All is of the Lord as is inscribed.) beh-shat (Completed in the Forever. / As it is spoken, so it is done!)

Blue Swords, Stand Down.


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