Snohomish County Medical Assistants

“Using Proofreader Marks for Document Editing”

CEU Correspondence Program # 8854-PRG8

Course Participation: January 1, 2008 – April 30, 2008

Contact Credit: 2 Units – Category Administrative

Program Evaluation

After reading the enclosed text, please answer the following exam questions so we may assess your participation in this program. After completing this assessment, please send this assessment, your completed information form with the appropriate fee, and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

Snohomish County Medical Assistants

205 E Casino Road Suite B-16 PMB#81

Everett, WA 98208

Allow 4-6 weeks for the return of your completion grade notice and certificate of program participation. You will receive your Certificate of Participation via email or you may receive a hardcopy for your records if you include a SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE.

You must receive 70% or better of correct answers to qualify for the CEU units to be awarded. All responses must be postmarked no later than April 30, 2008 to qualify for this course registration on your transcripts for May 2008. Payment can be made by check or money order only. No cash or credit cards can be accepted please!

If you should have any questions, please contact the Snohomish County Medical Assistants Education Chair at sheri.greimes@ or call PH# 425-513-2946 before 9:00pm PST.


NAME ____________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________

CITY ___________________________ STATE ______________ ZIP __________________

*EMAIL ___________________________ PHONE _________________________________


AAMA MEMBER? YES __________ NO ___________

*IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE AAMA MEMBER NUMBER ___________________________


*Your Program CEUs cannot be posted to your AAMA transcripts without the required information.

“Using Proofreader Marks for Document Editing”

by Sheri R. Greimes CMA (AAMA) PBT (ASCP) RMA RPT (AMT)

Proofreading is the task of reading through a document and noting errors such as misspelled words, improper punctuation, missing words or phrases and checking for correct grammar. Proofreading marks are a combination of short notations and symbols used during the auditing process to note what action must be taken to correct the document for errors and make the document professional and presentable for mailing or display.

Sending a business colleague or client a document that contains errors gives an impression of non-attention to detail, the person sending the document is lacking business polish and finesse which in turn gives the person receiving the letter the feeling that the work was hurried or of little importance to the sender. It is not in the best interest of any business trying to achieve a public persona of reliability and competence by having a document that presents poor communication and appearance.

Why Use Proofreaders Marks?

Proofreader marks will help prevent showing a lack of detail if the work is inconsistent and not clearly understood by the reader, thereby preventing a lack of miscommunication. There are many types of errors that are missed when relying on reviewing the document on the computer screen. If sharing the document with others and creating a cohesive work as a team, much frustration and time can be save if everyone is noting their changes and corrections in a common form of notations and symbols. If correcting a document for yourself, you may be able to read the scratchy writing and messy notes that you place in the margins to remind you of changes to be made, but others may look at the comments and not any idea of what you were trying to convey in required changes.

Computer Checks in Proofreading

In using the computer as a means of auditing and proofreading, most people will rely on the word processing program to catch the errors when creating a draft document. The programs though time-saving and proficient, they do not catch every error in the use of poor grammar, incorrect word usage or misspelled terminology specific to a type of business. It is very easy to misuse homonyms, words that sound the same, but are either spelled differently or have different meaning.

The grammar and spellchecker will only catch some mistakes, but to catch other types of errors, it is important to visually read a hardcopy of your document. It is best to proof from the printed source of document. Sometimes enlarging and changing the font can give your document a different look and make errors more visible. Tracking changes and corrections help in clarifying what changes need to be made in the document. Remember to keep the suggestions concise and clear to those who may be working on the document also.

• Some basic steps to follow when proofreading will help you in saving time and efficiently producing quality documents:

• Read your document numerous times, not just one or two times. When becoming tired, take a short break and read it again.

• Have someone else read your document. Another person may see something that you keep missing or suggest a better phrase or correct grammar usage.

• Read the document aloud to yourself or have someone else there to listen for consistent sentence structure and cohesive thoughts being relayed properly. This will help alleviate any double words that may have been typed in error.

• Check the spelling of all names, addresses and other pertinent information for accuracy. It is quite disturbing to receive a document and have your name or address incorrect. Ensure that all names and addresses have consistent capitalization if required.

• Check the font size and form for consistency through out the document. You may have accidentally changed the font during the document production without realizing this error has occurred.

• Check for consistent spacing between lines, paragraphs and margins. Keep a standard format through out the document.

Using Proofreader Marks in a Document

Proofreader marks are a series of symbols used to mark or indicate within the text what correction is to be made. The notations of the marks are explained by symbols placed in the margins of the text. Each symbol or mark has a corresponding notation. There are simple marks to use to note errors in punctuation and more complex notes to note errors in text or document formatting.

Review just a few of the most commonly used symbols and proofreader marks used in document editing:

|Symbol |Meaning |Example |

|[pic] | insert a period. |the wind was very strong yesterday[pic] |

|[pic] |delete a word or phrase or section |[pic] |

|[pic] |caret, or insert word, note or phrase |[pic] |

|[pic] |Insert a space |[pic] |

| | | |

|[pic] |close up space in a word |[pic] |

|[pic] |delete and close up space |[pic] |

|[pic] |Transpose the words or phrase |[pic] |

|[pic] |Begin a new paragraph | |

|[pic] |Spell out the word |[pic] |

|[pic] |Make the word in all capitals |[pic] |

|[pic] |Make the word or phrase in bold face type |[pic] |

|[pic] |Make the word in italic type |[pic] |

|[pic] |Align the word or phrases horizontally |[pic] |

|[pic] |Align the text vertically |[pic] |

There is clarity expressed as to what changes or corrections are needed when using proofreader marks, everyone is communicating what is to be changed. While there are much more proofreader marks to know and learn when using this form of document editing, knowing the basics can help you start producing professional and error-free document that show a commitment to providing quality in your business communications.


1. “Comprehensive Medical Assisting” Third Edition; Lindh, Pooler, Tamparo, Dahl; Thompson Delmar Learning 2005.

2. “Proofreader’s Marks” Desk Top Publishing; Roberti, Deborah; Epresso Graphics, 2005.

3. “Proof Correction Marks” Positive Concepts. 2002


“Using Proofreader Marks for Document Editing” – EVALUATION FORM

NAME ___________________________________________________________________

Place the correct Proofreader mark in the margins and symbols within the text to indicate the correction needed.

1. The space shuttle landed safely after its five-day voyage as it glided to a smooth perfect stop.

2. Milo my 10 year old cat is very fat and lazy.

3. Carlton, my bestest friend eats lunh with me evry day.

4. The door slammbed hard behind her.

5. The declaration of independence is a national treasure to our countries history.

6. The nile River in Africa is the longest river in the world.

7. The substitute teacher Mr. Evans was very confused about the english class assignments.

8. The foreigner walked carefully up steps the to the Asian temple.

9. The house on the end of the street was burned down last night by a sparks from the neighborhood fireworks.

10. The molecular symbol for water is H2O.

11. The four groups of elements in the traditional native Indian beliefs are earth wind water and fire.

12. I can’t believe you did that Sally yelled at her friend Betty who was driving the car.

13. I really needed a good night sleep last night for I was really exhausted.

14. The puppy was spotted with brown, black and grey spots all over his back and nose.

15. It was the first day off the montha nd the rent was due by midnight.



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