Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Uplift Grade 5 Science 2 ½ Weeks

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Uplift Grade 5 Science 2 ? Weeks

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Uplift 2 ? Week Unit

Introduction to unit This unit will cover earthquakes, volcanoes, and uplift. We will discuss how they

change the surface of the earth, and learn about the landforms they create. We will also discuss how plate tectonics creates earthquakes, volcanoes and uplift.

There is a final project that will be due at the end of this unit. The class will be split into three groups, with each group creating a movable model of either an earthquake, volcano, or uplift. Each group will present their project to the class. Don't panic! You will learn all you need to know to create your movable model. I will had out directions for this project next week, and we will discuss it at that time.

Text and Materials School text book, note book for taking notes, pencil or pen, color pencils. Materials

needed for the final unit project will be listed on the directions for that project. Any other materials needed will be announced in class.

Unit Goals The goals in this unit is for you to understand how plate tectonics work, identify the

three different types of tectonic plate boundaries, explain how they are different and how plate tectonics create earthquakes, volcanoes, and uplift.

You will also understand how earthquakes, volcanoes, and uplift create landforms by changing the surface of the earth. You will also understand the differences between the different types of earthquakes, and volcanoes.

Grading: There will be 100 points possible for this unit. Homework assignments will be worth a total of 55 possible points. Two pop quizzes worth 10 points each for a total of 20 possible points. The final project will be worth 25 possible points.

Please acknowledge you have read and understand this disclosure.

____________________________ Student signature

___________________________ Parent signature

Schedule Day 1 - Plate tectonics. Day 2 - Plate tectonics and earthquakes. Day 3 - Plate tectonics and volcanoes. Day 4 - Plate tectonics and uplift. Day 5 - Review of days 1-4

Hand out model project info. Day 6 - Earthquake faults Day 7 - Landforms created by earthquakes

Day 9 - Landforms created by volcanoes Day 10 - Uplift.

Day 11 - Landforms created by uplift. Day 12 - Review of days 6 - 11 Day 13 - Group presentations of movable models.

Day 8 - Volcanoes

Contextual Factors Topic Paper Feb 6, 2006

During my field experience, I noticed one boy in particular who was very fidgety. His desk had books and papers scattered everywhere, and there were crumpled up balls of paper at his feet. He continually walked to the front of the class and fumbled through a box of papers. I do not know what the box contained, but he was apparently looking for something. This boy obviously has trouble with organization. His preoccupation of looking for something took away from his actual learning of the assignment. After he found what he was looking for, he asked the teacher to explain the assignment to him. This preoccupation is a contextual factor that hindered his learning.

There was another student I noticed having a difficult time understanding the math lesson that was taught that day. The teacher asked her if she was ok, if she needed help understanding and she replied "No, I'm fine". She then asked other students to help her. She appeared to be shy and withdrawn, and perhaps scared or embarrassed to admit to the teacher she really did need help. This is an example of a contextual factor that hinders learning. The contextual factor being social, or emotional development of the student.

Another contextual factor I noticed is the classroom itself. The teacher has many things posted on the wall, or hanging from the ceiling to help the students. There is a map of the world, multiplication table chart, spelling and grammar rules, and various other forms of information for the students to reference. There is no fluffy, pretty useless decorations or information, just educational charts and such available for the students. This is a positive contextual factor that helps students learn.

The third contextual factor I noticed during my field experience is the postings of the school being drug, smoke, and violence free. This is a positive contextual factor that helps the students learn because they can feel safe and comfortable while at school. The students can relax, and concentrate on

learning, which is after all, their job!


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