APEC Meeting Documents




Agenda Item: 12

Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group Work Plan 2008

Purpose: Information

Submitted by: SMEWG Chair

|[pic] |26th Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group Meeting |

| |Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei |

| |2– 4 April 2008 |

Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)

Work Plan 2008

1. Deliverables for 2008

In response to APEC Leaders, Ministers, SME Ministers and priorities of the SOM and SCE, and in accordance with SME theme and sub-themes for 2008:


– Business Solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises Development


– Business Formalization and facilitation (obtaining business licenses)

– Innovation, Innovation Management and Technology Transfer

– Complementary services for Strengthening SME regional hubs and Local Market Development

The SMEWG will work towards the following deliverables for 2008:

At the 26th SMEWG Meeting in Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei to be held from March 30 – April 4, 2008:

– Conduct the APEC SMEWG Pandemic Influenza Train the Trainer Workshop on the margins of the first SMEWG meeting, Chinese Taipei (CT) to assist SMEs in APEC member economies to be better prepared for an influenza pandemic.

– Conduct the OVOP High Level Meeting (CT project).

– Develop and deliver the APEC Seminar on SME Taxation, as a part of Capacity Building Seminar on Ease of Doing Business, prepared by New Zealand and Canada.

– Implement the Strategic Planning Consultancy.

– Conduct the Strategic Planning Workshop.

– Prepare a paper outlining the process for the new voluntary chairing arrangements, including the appointment of the chair.

At the 27th SMEWG Meeting to be held in Chiclayo, Peru from August 25 - 27, 2008:

– Conduct the APEC SME Innovation Management Seminar.

– Conduct the Capacity Building Seminar on Ease of Doing Business, on Obtaining Business Licenses.

– Deliver the SMEWG Strategic Planning document, after the agreements of second SMEWG APEC Meeting, about this topic.

2. Ongoing activities

– Contribute to achievement of the Bogor Goals by improving the business environment for SMEs through sharing information on best practice initiatives.

– Implement the Daegu Initiative to enhance innovation of SMEs and MEs.

– Implement the Integrated Plan of Action for SME Development (SPAN) to promote the development of SMEs and MEs.

– Oversee the implementation of SMEWG projects (refer to Attachment A for full list of SMEWG projects currently underway).

– Recognition of on-going SMEWG projects such as the Consumer Education Protection Initiative (CEPI) (USA)

3. Proposed activities with outside organizations

– Cooperation with business sector, in coordination with APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC).

– Cooperation with private sector, in projects as a complementary part of SME Meetings.

– Cooperation with the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

– Cooperation with the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC).

4. Cross cutting issues and approach for coordination with other fora

– Improve the SMEs participation in the Gender Focal Point Network and Women Leader’s Network for sharing experiences.

– Coordinate with other fora in order to enhance SME competitiveness

5. Expected Outcomes for 2008

The expected outcomes for 2008, that the SMEWG will be working on are the following:

– Improved efficiency of the SMEWG meetings, allowing greater productivity and enhanced policy outcomes to benefit SMEs/MEs.

– Assist member economies to be better prepared for an influenza pandemic.

– Improved knowledge on how to reduce the time taken to register a business in APEC economies.

– Improved knowledge on how to minimize compliance costs for SMEs regarding tax administration.

– A four-year Strategic Plan for the SME Working Group.



As of 10 Jan 2008

2007 Projects

|Project No. |Project Name |Overseeing Economy |Status |Remarks and Reason for Underspending |

|SME 01/2007A |Development of Human Capital for SME Innovation Policies |Korea |Completed |Evaluation report received. |

| | | | | |

|SME 02/2007A |Best Practices to Support Micro and Small Entrepreneurs: Assessment and Recommendations |Canada |on-going | |

| |for APEC – Phases I - III | | | |

|SME 03/2007A |APEC SMEWG – UNSIC Pandemic Influenza Train the Trainer Workshop |USA | | |

| | | | | |

|SME 01/2007T |APEC SMEWG Seminar on SME Management of Intellectual Property Right |USA |completed |Evaluation report received |

|SME 02/2007T |Enhancing the Market Development of Local Cultural Industries in APEC (the second year) |Chinese Taipei |completed |Progress report received |

|SME 03/2007T |The Second APEC OVOP Seminar |Japan |completed |Evaluation report received |

|SME 04/2007T |Capacity Building Seminar on Ease of Doing Business: Dealing with Licenses |New Zealand | | |

|SME 01/2007 |APEC High Level Meeting on Driving SMEs’ Growth to Promote Local Development |Chinese Taipei | | |

2006 Projects

|Project No. |Project Name |Overseeing Economy |Status |Remarks and Reason for Underspending |

|SME 01/2006 |A Research on the Innovation Promoting Policy for SMEs in APEC : Survey and Case Studies|Korea |Completed |Progress & Evaluation Report received |

|SME 02/2006 |Internship Support Systems for Learning Best Practices in the Development of Micro and |Chile |Completed |Final Report received |

| |Small Enterprises Within APEC Economies | | | |

|SME 03/2006 |Studying Existent Financial and Policy Assistance for Micro-Enterprise Development from |Vietnam |In implementation |Disbursement deadline extended to 30 |

| |Regional and International Institutions to Find Out a Suitable Approach for APEC to | |Consultant contract awarded. |Sep 2008 |

| |Provide Supports for Micro Enterprises | | | |

|SME 04/2006 |APEC Incubator Forum |Viet Nam |Completed |Evaluation report received |

|SME 01/2006A |Program Enhancement of APEC-IBIZ |Canada |completed |Progress report received |

|SME 01/2006T |Enhancing the Market Development of Local Cultural Industries in APEC |Chinese Taipei |completed |Progress & Evaluation report received |


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