Student Speak Newsletter

Student Speak Newsletter

October 2011 - Articles by Room 12 Students

|The Book Fair | | |

|By Sarah and Iman | |Pulleys and Gears Field Trip |

| | |By Nicole, Karan and Keenan |

|We had been waiting for this all year and finally it came! The Book Fair! | | |

|The Book Fair was from October 17th until the 19th. There were all the books| |Have you ever seen pulleys and gears so complicated? We went on a field trip |

|you could imagine there. It was awesome! There were non-fiction, fiction, | |with our Science class on Thursday, October 13th to Doon Heritage Crossroads. |

|French books, colouring books, novels and lots more! There were lots of | |Have you ever been there with your family? Well, your child has been there! |

|bookmarks, erasers and pencils. We raised $2500 for the library with about | |Room 10 and 12 divided into two groups (though at the beginning we had 4 groups).|

|400 customers attending the sale. Pretty amazing! Maybe next year you can | |Each group saw 3 out of 6 stations. Each station represented a different kind of|

|come to the Book Fair! | |simple machine (e.g. lever, pulley, wedge etc.). We tried out simple machines |

| | |such as a drying machine meant for the kitchen. We had a super time at Doon |

|Kindness Song | |Heritage Crossroads! |

|By Katie, Hanna and Arlinda | | |

| | |Book Review – The Shattering |

|In October, Katherine Wheatley came to our school to write songs with each | |By Natalie and Brenna |

|class. Our song was written with Mrs. Martin’s class (room 15) and is about | | |

|kindness. We have mentioned many people that show kindness around the school| |This amazing 5th book is from an awesome series of owl books called Guardians of |

|including Mr. Gomez, Mrs. Lima, Mrs. Jones, Don the Crossing Guard and | |Ga’hoole. Eglantine has been having dreams about her mom…or so she thinks. She |

|Kindergarten Helpers. Each class song is about a school monthly goal. We | |ventured off to find her mom, but Soren is worried about her. She thinks this is|

|recorded the song in P21. Katherine is going to make a CD with our song on | |all too good to be true until…this is not what my mom would say….and what is this|

|it. Later in the year our classes will sing our songs at an assembly. We | |about the secret orb? Read this series to find out. We recommend this series to |

|can’t wait to hear each others’ songs! | |extreme owl lovers who need action served with their awesome owls! |

| | | |

|The Amazing Turkey Trot | |Soccer |

|By Nicole and Megan | |By Armaan and Priscilla |

| | | |

|The week before Thanksgiving, two grades per day met at the gym and then went| |In September, our intramural soccer began. The teams playing were USA, Spain, |

|outside and ran around the school. There were Pals who gave us slips to | |England, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal and Canada. Soccer was fantastic! We |

|prove we were running around the school. After we got all the slips, we went| |all had fun and each and every one of us learned something new. We had games |

|to the gym so we could enter a draw to win a turkey! We went around the | |after school – inside and outside. It was the first time for grade 4s to |

|school again and again until the bell rang. We hope that the kids had an | |participate in our intramurals. Most of the grade 4s signed up. They enjoyed |

|amazing time doing the turkey trot!! | |themselves very much. The two finalists were USA and England. England won in |

| | |the end, but we all had fun. We can’t wait for the next intramural – VOLLEYBALL!|

| | | |

|Treasures Books | |Thanksgiving |

|By Evi and Emma | |By Jessie and Evi |

| | | |

|In October, we sold tons of great Treasures Books to raise money for the | |On October 10th it was Thanksgiving Monday. It was a chance to spend quality |

|school. Our class sold so many Treasures Books that, luckily, we were able | |time with your family and give thanks to the world for what we have. It was a day|

|to win a bowling party or a pizza party. We decided to go bowling in | |to celebrate happiness. On Thanksgiving millions of people eat turkey, stuffing |

|November. People may know that Treasures Books have tons of great coupons | |and more. Mostly, people fill themselves with pumpkin and apple pie. |

|like Angel’s Diner, Marble Slab, Golf, Laser Quest and Chicopee. Our class | |Thanksgiving was awesome! |

|cannot wait until we get to go for the bowling party! Treasures Books rock! | | |

| | |Initiative |

|Pumpkins! | |By Keenan and Gillian |

|By Laura Beth and Charlie | | |

| | |Last month’s school goal was initiative. Initiative means if we see a need, we |

|It’s autumn time, and pumpkins are everywhere – even in our class! On | |act. We have seen a lot of initiative this past month at Westvale. Mrs. |

|Friday, October 28th, Room 12 brought in items from home to decorate pumpkins| |Rathwell takes pictures of the school wide goals each month. Then Mr. Cressman |

|for art. We were split into groups of four where we thought of a | |makes a video of the pictures. Initiative will be one of the longest videos, |

|character/topic to decorate our pumpkins as. Past years, students have | |which is no surprise because it’s one of the easiest goals to show! All classes |

|decorated pumpkins as sports players, zombies, celebrities and cartoon | |showed initiative – when we see a need we act! What a great school! |

|characters. So Friday afternoon, every group used the items they’d brought | | |

|in to dress up their pumpkins. This year, we had a baseball player zombie, | |Food Drive |

|Franken Bieber, a frog mummy, a candy corn monster, a skateboard mummy, a | |By David and Mark |

|clown and a spider mummy. By using toilet paper for mummy bandages to using | | |

|bouncy balls as frog eyes, we dressed our pumpkins. In the end, the pumpkins| |In October we had a Food Drive (as you could probably guess from the title) for |

|looked hilarious and cool. It was loads of fun! | |people who don’t have enough money to buy food. We collected food in cans, boxes|

| | |and bags. We collected a lot of food! We hope the number of people who don’t |

|Movie Review: | |have enough money to buy food goes down. The people of the Waterloo Food Bank |

|Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part II | |are working very hard to make it go down. |

|By Sasha, Grace and Cassidy | | |

| | | |

|It all ends here. This Harry Potter is full of mystery, surprise and | |Teacher’s Note |

|emotion. Harry is in hiding because the Ministry of Magic has been | | |

|infiltrated by Voldemort’s supporters. In Part I, after a disastrous | |Congratulations student writers on another great newsletter! At this point, |

|wedding, the other members of The Order of the Phoenix are forced into hiding| |students sign up to write an article if they wish. We will try to encourage all |

|so Harry is on his own to defeat Voldemort. He, Ron and Hermoine are the | |children to write an article at least once every two months. Please remember |

|only ones who know about Horcruxes, bits of Voldemort’s soul they must try to| |that the newsletter is also available electronically on our website – |

|destroy. They are planning to break into Grigott’s bank with the help of a | |. |

|dragon, a goblin and a sword to find the Horcruxes. You can purchase the DVD| | |

|of the movie on November 11th. We will see you when you find the Horcruxes! | | |



















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