Durham Kennel Club Durham NC

Agility Trial Chairman Responsibilities

Months before the trials

|Duty |Reasonable to Delegate? |Description |

|Hire a judge |N |It’s important to get a judge that’s willing to do one-judge trials. If the |

| | |trial is outside, it is important to tell the judge – some judges can’t or won’t|

| | |do outside trials. It’s also important to get a judge that’s easy to work with,|

| | |has nice courses, and doesn’t do a lot of trials in this area. You can consult |

| | |other club members and friends for references. |

| | | |

| | |Get the judge’s contract signed as soon as possible. It is a good idea to get |

| | |several to review it for potential issues. Most judges will provide a contract |

| | |instead of expecting you to provide one to them. |

| | | |

| | |Judge’s information is available on the AKC website. |

|Get a trial secretary |N |You can hire a paid sec or get a club member to volunteer. Laurene Galgano |

| | |(paid) has been the secretary for Spring Trial for several years and is |

| | |excellent. She is not always available in the Fall due to World Team tryouts. |

| | |Sue Ivy (DKC member) has done the Fall trial recently, and Robin Early is doing |

| | |in in 2012. It is also important to get the trial secretary contract signed as |

| | |soon as possible. As with the judge’s contract, it is a good idea to get others|

| | |to review it. |

|Submit the AKC application |N |As chair, you get to decide when, where, what classes, and whether to allow |

| | |mixed breed dogs in our trials. Of course, the easiest choice is to use the |

| | |corresponding dates, and use the same classes as we’ve offered in the past, and |

| | |use the same site as we’ve used in the past. However, you don’t have to do that.|

| | | |

| | |You can mail in the applications or enter them on-line. |

|Get club members for the trial |N |The trial committee needs to be listed in the premium, so you have to get these |

|committee | |volunteers early. |

| | | |

| | |One main criteria is that these people must be on site for the entire trial, |

| | |each day. Your online chairman’s report will require that you list at least 4 |

| | |members, in addition to yourself, who were present all day every day. |

| | | |

| | |The trial committee can also be used for input on issues leading to the trial. |

| | | |

| | |Make sure all committee members are familiar with the “Dealing With Misconduct” |

| | |Guide prior to the trial. |

|Prepare the premium |Y |Most trial secretaries will prepare the premium and submit it the AKC. The AKC |

| | |reviews premiums at random. The most recent premium was not prepared by the |

| | |trial secretary, but by the trial chair. |

| | | |

| | |Contact hotels and make sure they still allow pets, not pet fees for premium. |

|Review the premium |N |Proofread the premium, focusing on typos in the dates. |

|Review any new AKC rules regarding |Y |It’s rare that equipment specifications change, but they often do. Mary Whorton|

|equipment and order anything that’s | |is usually on top if this. |

|needed or make modifications to | | |

|existing equipment | | |

|Make hotel arrangements for the |N |If the Judge is not brining dogs, the Arrowhead Inn is convenient to the trial |

|judge | |site and they have been easy to work with. If the Judge brings dogs, the Red |

| | |Roof is available. The Marriot has also been used. |

|Get photgrapher |Y (delegate the actual |Typically the Stewart’s have done this, and they need to be booked early. |

| |work, but you must get | |

| |the volunteer) | |

Weeks before the trials

|Duty |Reasonable to Delegate? |Description |

|Send judge equipment list and field|N |Typically the judge will ask for these about 3-4 months before the trial. They |

|layout | |have to submit their courses to AKC for approval, so they need to design them |

| | |several months ahead of time. If the judge doesn’t request these, then your |

| | |sending them this info can serve as a gentle reminder of their DKC assignment. |

|Make sure the site is prepared |Y (delegate the actual |It is important that the grass be mowed throughout the year so that the grass |

|(grass cut) |work, but you must get |does not get course. Roger Akers typically takes care of this, although others |

| |the volunteer) |have helped. |

|Inventory, Store, and Order |Y (delegate the actual |This job includes packing and storing the ribbons in such a way that they don’t |

|ribbons, bars, patches |work, but you must get |get creases in them. |

| |the volunteer) | |

| | |This includes the team ribbons. |

| | | |

| | |We commit to having ribbons, bars, and patches in the premium. If we run out, |

| | |then we must get the names of the folks we owe, and mail the awards to them. if |

| | |we run short, the trial chair is responsible for mailing the awards to |

| | |exhibitors. |

| | | |

| | |On the other hand, if you order too many, then inventorying them and storing |

| | |them becomes a bigger task. |

|Order Porta-Potties |N |Required. Generally order these about 2 weeks in advance. |

| | | |

| | |We have used readilite Barricade. 919 231-8309. Get an emergency contact in |

| | |case they forget to clean them. We have typically ordered 1 handicap and 3 |

| | |regular. |

|Get a vendor for lunch |Y (delegate the actual |Cathy and Scott Wells have been doing this for a while. |

| |work, but you must get | |

| |the volunteer) |If we state we’ll have lunch/food on site in the premium, then we must have food|

| | |on site. It would not only get us in trouble w/ AKC, but also be bad public |

| | |relations with exhibitors. |

| | | |

| | |If you cannot get a vendor, , then you must get Subway or Pizza, or something |

| | |else prepared off site and brought in. You can order and get the food yourself, |

| | |or delegate that. |

|Get a vendor coordinator |Y (delegate the actual |Karen Stewart has done this for a while. |

| |work, but you must get | |

| |the volunteer) | |

|Get a Chief course builder |Y (delegate the actual | This person must be on site from the time the judge gets there in the morning |

| |work, but you must get |with the day’s courses until the last class is done and we can prepare for the |

| |the volunteer) |next day. Since they must be there all day, they are a good candidate for the |

| | |Trial Committee. |

| | | |

| | |It would be good if this person can also address any equipment issues and/or |

| | |safety issues, and in the best case, take care of the timers too (like covering |

| | |them if it rains, recharging the batteries). |

| | | |

| | |If possible, it’s good if this person takes care of the timers. |

|Get a person to create the worker |Y (delegate the actual |Get the worker forms from the trial sec |

|schedule |work, but you must get |Create the sched, |

| |the volunteer) |Use experienced folks for Scribe, A Scribe, Timer, and Gate |

| | |if necessary, cross reference with club members to fill late day slots |

| | |don’t use folks who travel for late Sunday jobs |

| | |double-up folks if a class is less than 30 entries (for example if Nov Std has |

| | |25 entries and Nov JWW has 20 entries, then use the same person to time both |

| | |classes) |

| | |Make pre-trial adjustments based on emails received |

|Get a worker coordinator for |Y (delegate the actual |Make sure folks are in their places on trial days, and fill vacant slots as |

|day-of-show coordination |work, but you must get |needed |

| |the volunteer) | |

|Get person to handle any special |Y (delegate the actual |Collects the entry forms and calculates the placements at the end of the Ex |

|awards (team and triple Q awards) |work, but you must get |classes each day. Also purchases the awards, and presents awards to the winners|

| |the volunteer) |on the last day. |

| | | |

| | |For Triple Q, regular and Preferred, get the list of Ex B regular and preferred|

| | |competitors the first day from the trial sec or create one from the scores that |

| | |are posted. At the end of each day of Ex, calculate the current contenders. |

|Get an awards person |Y (delegate the actual |This person will order the toys before the trial. |

| |work, but you must get | |

| |the volunteer) |Ribbons are self-serve now, so this person will just need to make sure the |

| | |ribbons are out and available. |

|Get a person to take care of the |Y (delegate the actual |This person will contact the judge and find out their preferences, and prepare a|

|judge’s drinks and snacks |work, but you must get |cooler and food basket each day. |

| |the volunteer) | |

|Get a person to take care of worker|Y (delegate the actual |Buy worker drinks (workers expect both water and soft drinks). Transport |

|drinks |work, but you must get |coolers, drinks, and ice to the trial. Solicit members to bring their coolers if|

| |the volunteer) |necessary. Prepare the cooler at the start of each day, and check it during the |

| | |day to make sure the coolers are always stocked. |

| | | |

| | |We must take care of our workers, because they are critical to a smooth running |

| | |trial. |

|Get a person to take care of worker|Y (delegate the actual |Purchase and transport food for the workers. Set it out at the start of each |

|food |work, but you must get |day, and store it at the end of each day. Make sure it remains stocked during |

| |the volunteer) |the day. Decide how to store the food until the next trials. |

|Check any equipment for possible |Y (delegate the actual | |

|repainting and repairs and |work, but you must get | |

|coordinate a party if needed |the volunteer) | |

|Arrange transportation to and from |Y (delegate the actual | |

|the airport for the judge |work, but you must get | |

| |the volunteer) | |

|Check the timers still work, and |Y (delegate the actual |The timers are in a cabinet in the building – Jan Gray and Roger Akers have |

|there are fresh batteries |work, but you must get |keys. |

| |the volunteer) |It is best to replace all batteries before the trial, and have a spare set. |

| | |One timer needs to be charged each night. |

|Arrange for special transportation |Y (delegate the actual | |

|for sensitive equipment (timers, |work, but you must get | |

|horn, PA system, official measuring|the volunteer) | |

|wicket) | | |

|Get a person to handle recycling |Y (delegate the actual |Bring recycling containers, and empty them at the end of the day or as needed. |

| |work, but you must get | |

| |the volunteer) |Cathy Wells and Amanda Stipe have done this in the past. |

Days before the trials

|Duty |Reasonable to Delegate? |Description |

|Confirm that the worker schedule is|N |If you delegated the creation of the worker schedule, then check with that |

|complete | |person to make sure it’s complete. It must have ALL POSITIONS filled in, and |

| | |should make generous use of club members. |

|Coordinate the transportation of |Y (delegate the actual |This includes getting someone to tow the trailer, and deciding on when to load |

|the equipment incl |work, but you must get |the trailer and when to unload the trailer. |

|loading/unloading |the volunteer) | |

| | |It’s important to take inventory, just in case anything grew legs and needs to |

| | |be replaced before the trials start the following morning. |

|Make sure someone will take care of|Y (delegate the actual |Typically either Roger or George have done this. |

|the trash after the trials |work, but you must get | |

| |the volunteer) | |

|Purchase the judge’s gift |Y (delegate the actual |A $50 Visa gift card will work, but a more personal and/or breed-specific or |

| |work, but you must get |more personal gift would be better. |

| |the volunteer) | |

| | |This could be delegated. |

|Facilitate getting the entry monies|N |Arrange with the trial secretary and treasurer. |

|from the trial sec to the treasurer| | |

Days of the trials

|Duty |Reasonable to Delegate? |Description |

|Post Emergency Plan |N |Use the AKC form and follow instructions. |

|Make sure the Port-A-Potties have |N |If not, then call the emergency # |

|been pumped | | |

|Oversee general operations. |N |Make sure AKC rules are followed. Address and complaints regarding other |

| | |exhibitors/dogs, equipment, grounds, judge. |

|Review any special requests for |N |People have asked for refunds because their dog was injured ands even because |

|refunds | |they didn’t know how far the trial was (they were new to the area). |

| | | |

| | |Currently the only thing we state in the premium (and you can change this) is |

| | |that we’ll refund monies for bitches in season. For any reason other than they, |

| | |they are welcome to plead their case and ask for a refund, but it’s completely |

| | |up to your discretion. Asked for help from the trial committee on these issues,|

| | |because how you respond can reflect positively or negatively on DKC. |

|Get replacements for any critical |N |If the worker coord, course builder, award person, or any other critical |

|volunteers who didn’t show up | |volunteer is absent, then find a replacement or fill that position yourself. |

|Get someone to charge the timer |Y (delegate the actual | |

|battery pack each night |work, but you must get | |

| |the volunteer) | |

|Arrange for the judge’s |Y (delegate the actual |If you delegate this, I would suggest working with the judge on what time they |

|transportation to/from the trials |work, but you must get |should be there in the morning, and making it clear to the chauffer that it’s |

|each day |the volunteer) |not their place to change that. |

|Take judge to dinner each night |N |The club will pay for the Judge, trial chair, and trial secretary only. |

|Coordinate getting the equipment |Y (delegate the actual |This can be delegated |

|back to the building |work, but you must get | |

| |the volunteer) | |

|Arrange transportation back to the |Y (delegate the actual |This can be delegated |

|airport for the judge |work, but you must get | |

| |the volunteer) | |

|At the end of the day on Sunday, |N |Laurene will prepare this for you if she is the trial secretary. |

|submit your online chairmans report| | |


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