African Slave Stations

Name _____________________________ Per. _____

African Slave Trade Stations

You do not need to write in complete sentences, just complete ideas.

Station One-Triangle Trade

Using the iPads and the link from my teacher page, click each of the arrows to reveal the pathway and complete the chart.

|Trading area |What was exported? |What was imported? |

| |Salves and Gold |Iron Products |

| | |Rum |

|Africa | |Manufactured Goods |

| | | |

| |Slaves, Sugar, and Molasses |Slaves and Gold |

| | |Flour, Fish, Meat, and Lumber |

|West Indies | | |

| | | |

| |Rum, Iron Products, Fish, Whale Oil, Lumber, |Slaves, Sugar, and Molasses |

| |Tobacco, Flour, and Meat |Manufactured Goods |

|13 Colonies | |Teas, Spices, Furniture, Cloth, and Tools |

| | | |

| |Manufactured Goods, Textiles, Teas, Spices, Iron |Fish, Whale Oil, Lumber, and Tobacco |

|England and Europe |Products, Furniture, Cloth, and Tools | |

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Station Two-Map Analysis

1. What were the top 2 overseas destinations for African slaves?

West Indies and Brazil

2. What years were the slave trade at its peak? 1701-1810

3. How many people were transferred to the Americas from Africa from 1650-1860?

10-15 million

4. What were the main crops grown in the area where the most slaves were sent?

Mining, Coffee, and Sugar

5. What do you notice about the statistics and maps that you find surprising or significant?

Station Three-Roots of Slavery

6. Define slavery.

Ownership, buying and selling of human beings for the purpose of forced and unpaid labor

7. What two religious texts mention the practice of slavery? Koran and the Old Testament

8. What ancient civilizations kept slaves?

Mayans, Aztecs, Babylonians, Sumerians, and Egyptians

9. Infer, what might be different between slavery in the New World and slavery already established in the Old World?

Different types of work/different social structure (ability to gain status in the Old World)/ removed from home and lack of identity

Station Four- Slaveowners and Castles

10. In general, how were slaves treated in Africa prior to European involvement in the slave trade?

Like a wage laborer; could earn money and change social status. More a symbol of wealth than property; treated as servants

11. Which European country established the first slave castle?


12. What was the purpose of slave castles?

To keep slaves (in horrible conditions) until the slave ships arrived

Station Five-Capturing of Slaves

13. Why did African kingdoms cooperate with Europeans and provide slaves for them?

In order to receive guns, ammunitions, cloth, and metal goods. Also potentially, out of fear of negative repercussions

14. What are your reactions to these images?

15. Infer, why didn’t European countries penetrate into the interior of Africa to obtain slaves?

They didn’t want to risk it. Instead sent those who knew the land and languages to do their work for them

Station Six-East vs. West

16. Describe the East African slave trade.

Well established, driven by the Middle East. Slaves worked as pearl divers, sailors, soldiers, and workers in salt pans. Worked in households. Women were taken as sex slaves. Slave trade expanded in the 18th c. with an increase in demand for ivory.

17. What distinguished the Atlantic slave trade?

Made slavery an African institution. Large-scale trading affected social and economic order. At least 12 million were forcibly removed

18. Did slaves only come from the coast? Explain?

No, they were forced to travel the treacherous journey from inland Africa

Station Seven-The Middle Passage

19. What were some of the horrific problems that slaves faced during the Middle Passage?


-No room to move or breath

-Women faced sexual harassment or rape

-Food given in 1 bucket for 10 men

-Disease was common (dysentery and small pox)

-Misery was a large cause of death

-estimated that 20% died on the journey

20. What was one impact of the slave trade on Africa?

Look below

Class Reflection: Social, Political, and Economic Impact of the Slave Trade

|Social |Political |Economic |Overall |

|Loss of Culture |Destroys Entire Societies |Trade Good Spread (guns and goods) |African Diaspora-over 15 M Africans |

| | | |spread throughout the world |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Destroys Family Structure (maj. Of |Starts Imperialism and Colonialism |Lose Workforce |Wipes Out Population |

|men were taken) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Establishes Racism |Conflict Between Groups/Societies in |Starts Uneven Balance of |Continent is Disadvantaged |

| |Africa |Trade-Dependent on Other Countries | |

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