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Ancient China ~ Chapter 6

This packet contains the following worksheets:

1. Title Page

2. East Asia Map Questions

3. Timeline Review Notes

4. Confucius DBQ Practice

5. Chinese Philosophies - Cornell Notes

6. Chinese Philosophies Cont. – Cornell Notes

7. Great Wall of China DBQ Practice


1. What are the key geographical features that make up East Asia?

2. How is the the geography of East Asia alike/different when compared to other river valley civilizations that we have studied?

3. I can accurately create and place dates on a timeline.

4. What are the three major philosophies of ancient China (Confucianism, Taoism & Legalism) and what are the main beliefs & founders of each?

5. What was the purpose of the Great Wall and the Silk Road?

6. How do you question using a document – DBQ?

China Map Questions (use page 161 of your textbook for a visual)

1. Name and locate the two large rivers that run through China.

2. Identify some of the physical features that dominate China’s geography?

3. Based on the physical geography, where do you think Chinese civilizations would have started? Why?

4. Compare and contrast the geography of China and the other civilizations we have covered (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India).

5. Based on what you know, would it be easy to travel to China in ancient times? Why or why not?

6. What examples can you find to show how the geography of China led them to be isolated from other civilizations for thousands of years?

Timeline Review Notes:

• B.C. means ______________________.

-It is used for dates before ____________.

• A.D. means ____________________ or ____________________________.

-It is used for dates after ______________.

• B.C.E. means _________________________.

-It replaces ____________.

• C.E. means ______________________.

-It replaces ________________.

• A.D. dates are like __________ numbers.

• B.C. dates are like __________ numbers.

Document Based Question

Title: Confucius of China

Confucius was an important educator during ancient China. His main goal was to influence society for good. He thought that if everyone was able to get along, order and peace would be brought to China. He was focused on bringing peace, stability, as well as prosperity to the ruler’s kingdoms. Confucius was a teacher as well as a philosopher, and his ideas were used as training for the people that worked for the government. His work was changed into a new type of religion or philosophy known as Confucianism. As a teacher and as a philosopher, Confucius had a major part in the change of how people of China treated one another. By the end of his life, and even today, Confucius had a major impact on China’s society.

Using the document, answer the questions by not only echoing the question, but use examples from the documents to complete the answer. You must answer in complete sentences to earn credit.

1.) What was Confucius’s occupation? You need to use a direct quote based on the Document which is entitled “Confucius of China.” Answer statement, source & quote.


2.) What was the goal of Confucius? Based on your answer for the first part of the question, hypothesize why the leaders of China thought Confucianism would be a good philosophy to teach to government workers? Treat as a full DBQ – explain and apply.


|Cornell Notes |Topic/Objective: |Name: |

| |Philosophies of Ancient China |Class/Period: |

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|Essential Question: What are the 3 philosophies of ancient China and what do they believe? |

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|Essential Question: What are the 3 philosophies of ancient China and what do they believe? |

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Title: Great Wall of China

Throughout China’s history, they often worried about the nomads that lived along the northern border. Shi Huangdi finally developed a way to end the border wars. He ordered the largest construction project in Chinese history. He called it the “Dragon’s Back,” commonly known as the Great Wall of China. Many other rulers built parts of the wall and he decided to connect them. When it was finished it stretched over 1,400 miles. The walls were each thirty feet high which is equal to three stories of a building! The watch towers were every 100 to 200 yards and allowed the Chinese warriors to keep supplies for the archers. The Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the World.

Using the documents (the passage and the picture), answer the questions by not only echoing the question, but use examples from the documents to complete the answer. You must answer in complete sentences to earn credit.

1.) Why was the Great Wall of China built? You need to use a direct quote based on the Documents. (See Confucius DBQ for wording help.)


2.) Make an inference. Based on the picture above, why do you think the Great Wall of China was called “The Dragon’s Back.”



Practice Dates for Timeline: (You don’t have the write the event on the timeline, just the date!)

2300BC- The Old Kingdom ends in Egypt

391AD- All non-Christian religions are banned in the Roman Empire

334BC- Alexander the Great begins his conquests

1480BC- Queen Hatshepsut rules Egypt

1750BC- Hammurabi issues his law code

70AD- The Romans destroy the second temple in Jerusalem.

500BC- Athens becomes the world’s first democracy

753BC- According to legend, Rome is founded


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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