Physical Features of Africa

Physical Features of Africa

|Feature: Madagascar |Feature: Congo River |

|Relative Location: In the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa |Relative Location: Central and Western Africa |

|Countries located in: Madagascar |Countries located in: Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) |

|Details: |Details: |

|1. Separated from Africa by the Mozambique Channel |1. Formed by three other rivers |

|2. Fourth largest island in the world |2. Is 2,720 miles long |

|3. Made of a plateau |3. Has a width of 4 to 10 miles |

|4. Largely deforested |4. It contains islands |

|5. Agricultural economy |5. One of Africa’s largest potential sources of hydroelectricity |

|Feature: Niger River |Feature: Mt. Kilimanjaro |

|Relative Location: Western Africa |Relative Location: Central Eastern Africa along the equator |

|Countries located in: Guinea, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria |Countries located in: Tanzania |

|Details: |Details: |

|1. 2,600 miles long |1. Highest mountain in Africa |

|2. Largest delta in Africa |2. Extinct volcano |

|3. Major source of fish |3. Made of two peaks, Kibo and Mawenzi |

|4. Flows south |4. Highest point is 19,340 feet |

|5. Empties into the Gulf of Guinea |5. Coffee and plantains are raised on the slopes |

|Feature: Mediterranean Sea |Feature: Congo Basin |

|Relative Location: Between Europe and Africa |Relative Location: Central Western Africa |

|Countries located in: Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt |Countries located in: Zaire, Zambia, Angola, Congo, Gabon |

|Details: |Details: |

|1. World’s largest inland sea |1. Large Rainforest |

|2. Connects to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar |2. Surrounded by mountains |

|3. Connects to the Red Sea by the Suez Canal |3. World’s second largest river basin |

|4. It has mountainous shores |4. Lies along the Equator |

|5. Covers an area of 965,000 sq. miles |5. Area of 1,335,000 sq. miles |

|Feature: Zambezi River |Feature: Orange River |

|Relative Location: Southeastern Africa |Relative Location: Southern Africa |

|Countries located in: Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique |Countries located in: South Africa |

|Details: |Details: |

|1. Flows from the Congo Basin |1. Runs across the Namib Desert |

|2. Fourth largest river in Africa |2. Major river in South Africa |

|3. Only river that flows into the Indian Ocean |3. Orange in color |

|4. Most famous for Victoria Falls |4. Runs through South Africa |

|5. Only crossed by 5 bridges |5. Much is in desert areas |

|Feature: Cape of Good Hope |Feature: Atlas Mountains |

|Relative Location: Southwestern African tip |Relative Location: Northwest Africa |

|Countries located in: South Africa |Countries located in: Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia |

|Details: |Details: |

|1. Shaped like a hook that shoots out into the Atlantic Ocean |1. System of ranges and plateaus |

|2. Most famous part of South Africa |2. Spans 1,500 miles |

|3. Very rocky landscape |3. Climate barrier between Mediterranean Sea and Sahara Desert |

|4. Famous for explorers using it as a trade route from Europe to India|4. Fertile lowlands separate the ranges |

|5. Not the southern most tip |5. Rich in minerals |

|Feature: Red Sea |Feature: Great Rift Valley |

|Relative Location: Between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula |Relative Location: Central Eastern Africa |

|Countries located in: Egypt, Sudan, and Eritrea |Countries located in: Extends from Mozambique to Syria |

|Details: |Details: |

|1. Arm of the Indian Ocean |1. Geographical fault system |

|2. Gulf of Aqaba and Suez are in the North |2. Ranges from 1,300 feet below sea level to 6,000 feet above sea |

|3. Linked to the Indian Ocean by the Gulf of Aden |level |

|4. Surrounded by hot and dry deserts and steppes |3. Highest cliffs are in Kenya |

|5. Summer water temperatures can exceed 85 degrees |4. Erosion leveled out the valleys |

| |5. Dead Sea is located in the valley |

| |Feature: Lake Victoria |

| |Relative Location: Eastern Africa |

| |Countries located in: Tanzania and Uganda |

| |Details: |

| |1. Largest lake in Africa |

| |2. Located in the Great Rift Valley |

| |3. This region is one of the most densely populated |

| |4. Within 50 miles of the shores live several million people |

| |5. Freshwater lake |

|Feature: Indian Ocean |Feature: Atlantic Ocean |

|Relative Location: East Coast of Africa |Relative Location: West Coast of Africa |

|Countries located in: Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, Mozambique|Countries located in: Gabon, Angola, Namibia, Morocco, Niger |

|Details: |Details: |

|1. Third largest ocean in the world |1. Second largest ocean in the world |

|2. Extends from Asia to Antarctica |2. Connected to the Arctic Ocean by the Greenland Sea |

|3. Extends from east Africa to Australia |3. Connected to the Pacific Ocean by the Panama Canal |

|4. The depth is around 11,000 feet |4. Connected to the Indian Ocean by the Suez Canal |

|5. Extension of the Great Rift Valley |5. The Mediterranean and the Gulf of Guinea are the two arms |

|Feature: Sahara Desert |Feature: Kalahari Desert |

|Relative Location: Northern Africa |Relative Location: Southern Africa |

|Countries located in: Egypt, Libya, Mali, Chad, Sudan |Countries located in: Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe |

|Details: |Details: |

|1. World’s largest desert |1. Covered by reddish sand |

|2. 3,500,000 sq. miles in area |2. Arid plateau region |

|3. Bordered by the Atlas Mountains to the north and the Sahel to the |3. Lies between the Orange and Zambezi Rivers |

|south |4. Grass grows during the rainy season |

|4. Sand dunes cover 15 percent |5. Agriculture is possible in some areas |

|5. Stone deserts cover 70 percent | |

|Feature: Nile River | |

|Relative Location: Eastern Africa | |

|Countries located in: Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, | |

|Burundi, and Zaire | |

|Details: | |

|1. 4,160 miles long | |

|2. Longest river in the world | |

|3. Supports almost all agriculture in Egypt | |

|4. Gives water to 20 percent of Sudan’s crop area | |

|5. Important source of hydroelectric power | |


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