Rochester Discovery Charter School

DISCOVERY CHARTER SCHOOL (DCS)Board Meeting MinutesNovember 16, 2017 A Board of Trustees Meeting was held on 11.16.17 at 16 Lake View Park, Rochester, NY 14613. Trustees Present: Scott Adair (Treasurer), Sarah Armignacco, Leslie Berkowitz (Secretary), Yoshida Blackman (Family Representative), Donna Dedee Doyle, Shanna Jamanis, Robert Stiles (Vice-Chairperson) and Sara Varhus (Chairperson)Trustees Excused: Lisa Lewis and Olivia West (Ms. West participated via conference call)Also Present: Laurie Corbett (Operations Manager), Steven Polowitz (Attorney) and Joseph Saia (School Director) Call to OrderThe Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and it was determined that a lawful quorum was present. Proof of Public Notice of MeetingPublic Notice was provided in the Messenger Post.Conflict of Interest ReminderThe Chair read the following statement: “The Chair reminds everyone that if a potential conflict of interest exists concerning a subject under discussion by the Board that you have an obligation to disclose the potential conflict and, if deemed a conflict, recuse yourself and leave the room during any discussion and vote on the subject.”Consent AgendaApproval of Minutes of Previous Meeting (9.21.17); Resolution #280 (Hiring J. Elahi); Resolution #281 (Checks over $5000 from Sep.); Resolution #285 (Checks over $5000 for Oct.)A motion to approve the items from the consent agenda was made by Ms. Armignacco, seconded by Mr. Stiles, and unanimously approved. Committee Reports and Updates2017-2018 Enrollment Report UpdateMs. Corbett summarized the current enrollment report.Finance Committee Report: Financial Statements, Key Financial indicators, and Check Detail ReportMr. Adair led the board in a review of the October financial statements, key financial indicators and check detail report. Mr. Adair asked if there were any questions. There were none.Grant Status Report Ms. Corbett summarized the current grant status report.Director’s UpdateMonthly Operations and Program ReportDCS met October attendance goal of 96% school-wide.A DCS parent is co-planning and coordinating a Habits of Scholarship field study to the Strong Museum of Play for 30-45 students. Stipend of $150 being funded by teacher-initiated grant.Fifteen of sixteen families participated in the creation or updating of their child’s 504 Plan.First grade will partner with East High School (RCSD) for a cooking experience to support their “Farm to Table” expedition while providing refreshments to support the Third grade play (culminating experience for “Courage” expedition).Quarter 1 Academic PerformanceInternal ELA benchmark assessments triangulated with SRI and R-CBM data to inform the next eight weeks of instruction to assist in preparing students for the NYS ELA assessment in April.SchoolMint Common App Memorandum of Agreement (Resolution #286)Working on making the application process simpler and quicker for families.A motion to approve Resolution # 286 to enter into the School Agreement with E3 to allow DCS to become a user under a certain Software as Service Agreement entered into between E3 and SchoolMint, Inc for access to SchoolMint’s Enrollment System and Services was made by Mr. Adairby Mr. Adair, and seconded by Ms. Dedee and seconded by Ms., was unanimously approved. TES Staffing Service Agreement (Resolution #287)Securing high quality substitute teachers.A motion to approve Resolution # 287 to enter into the TES Staffing Services Agreement was made by Ms. Jamanis, seconded by Ms. Blackman, and unanimously approved. ESN Bus Use Agreement AmendmentReduction of costs from previously voted-on contract.ESN Van Use Agreement (Resolution #288)Allows for student transportation at costs lower than for an entire bus.Ms. Armignacco indicated that she has a conflict of interest where DCS is considering entering into an agreement with ESN because of her work relationship with ESN. Ms. Armignacco then left the room while the board considered and voted on the proposed agreement with ESN, including consideration of alternative approaches to meeting DCS’ need for bus/van services. Thereafter, a motion to approve Resolution # 288 to enter into the ESN Agreement, as amended, for bus/van services was made by Mr. Adair, seconded by Ms. Berkowitz, and unanimously approved. Ms. Armignacco then returned to the board meeting. Monroe One Educational Services Professional Learning Proposal (Resolution #289)DCS Coaching Plan supports.A motion to approve Resolution # 289 to enter into the Monroe One Services Agreement was made by Ms. Jamanis, seconded by Mr. Adair, and unanimously approved. 990 Tax ReturnExtension filed. Return and resolution will be revisited in future.Old BusinessProposed Charter RevisionsLottery Process 2018English Language Learner Weighted Lottery (Resolution #283)A motion to approve Resolution # 283 to participate in the ELL Weighted Lottery was made by Ms. Berkowitz, seconded by Ms. Jamanis, and unanimously approved.Enrollment Preference for Staff Member’s Children (Resolution #284) v. A motion to approve Resolution # 284 to provide an enrollment preference for staff member’s children was made by Mr. Adair, seconded by Ms. Blackman, and unanimously approved.Board Organization and Processes The board discussed the recommendations in the Board Organization and Processes Report prepared by an Ad Hoc Committee consisting of Mr. Adair, Ms. Berkowitz, Ms. Varhus, Mr. Stiles and Mr. Saia. A motion to approve proceeding with the recommendations in the Report was made by Ms. Dedee, seconded by Ms. Berkowitz, and unanimously approved. Mr. Stiles will work with Mr. Polowitz to draft language to implement the changes contemplated in the Report which will then be subject to board approval at a subsequent meeting. New BusinessPolicy Draft- Allegations of Child Abuse in a School Setting (Resolution #282)A motion to approve Resolution #282 to revise the School’s Policy relating to Allegations of Child Abuse in a School Setting was made by Mr. Adair, seconded by Ms. Armignacco, and unanimously approved. A motion to approve a Resolution #292 to hire Mr. Jonathon Cortina as part of the DCS staff was made by Ms. Jamanis, seconded by Ms. Dedee, and unanimously approved.DCS Holiday Gathering – discussion confirming date and place and concurrence that the event will be supported financially by the board.Board Meeting EvaluationMotion to AdjournMotion to approve adjournment of the meeting was made by Ms. Dedee, seconded by Mr. Stiles, and unanimously approved. ................

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