Texas History

The Road to RevolutionFredonian Rebellion1825: received an Empresario contract to settle 800 families near .When he got there, he found out that many families were already living in Nacogdoches.Edward’s contract said that he had to respect land titles that had already been given on his land.He asked the settlers to show him their . They didn’t have any. So Edwards required them to from him.Many settlers , saying they had been living on the land for years and owned the land.Edwards threatened to . The settlers alerted the government and an official told Edwards he couldn’t charge for the land.He . : The government cancelled his contract. His brother, , took action.Benjamin Edwards gathered a small group of settlers, including some and claimed a part of East of Texas as the .Dec. : Edwards and supporters rode into Nacogdoches and took over a fort named the Old Stone Fort. They adopted a Declaration of Independence.Most Texans, both Tejano and U.S., the and the .SFA called out the militia. The rebels fled.The rebellion itself was a incident, but attracted a lot of .U.S. newspapers reported about it. The heard that Texans were rebelling and got that others in Texas wanted to revolt. On top of all of this, in the , the made several offers to from .Mexican Government thought that the Fredonian Rebellion was a U.S. attempt to free Texas. They immediately sent into East Texas. They also sent a General, , into Texas to investigate. His report would throw Texas into Revolt.Mier y Teran Report : Teran begins his tour of Texas in San Antonio.Traveled to San Felipe and met with . Austin expressed his Traveled to .Wrote a letter to the . He noted that Mexican influence decreased as you moved and . U.S. settlers outnumbered Mexicans by 10 to 1. Warned that was growing each day.Teran made several to the Mexican President.Trade between Texas and Mexico should be in an effort to with the . needed to be to Mexico’s control over the region. Mexico should encourage more and to settle in TexasTeran hoped that these actions would and show Mexico’s power and determination to keep Texas.Law of April 6, 1830 : The Mexican President, Vicente Guerrero, outlaws in Mexico.Texas slaveholders the decree.They were from the law. : In response to the Teran Report, the was passed. Banned and made it to into Texas. unfulfilled empresario contracts. coming into Texas from the U.S.The Law angered many Texans. They feared the new restrictions would harm the economy.Also, many relatives and friends from the U.S. were banned from coming to Texas.SFA with the law as well. The Mexican Army . Conflicts soon arose.Conflict at Anahuac : Mexican troops build a fort at the mouth of the Trinity River on An important route and point. The troops would now be able to enforce import taxes and immigration laws. was in charge.Feb. : Bradburn arrests , who was surveying land for titles in the area. Many Texans became with the arrest. He then disbanded the town government in Liberty. He used for projects their owners.November : All ships coming into Texas are required to pay customs duties at .Made it difficult for ships not docked at Anahuac. SFA: The rules were “utterly impractical and their execution is impossible.” : and are arrested, further angering citizens.Groups of Texans demand their release. A force is organized of more than 150 people. They marched on Anahuac.Turtle Bayou ResolutionsThe Texans with Mexican troops, and captured some Mexican troops as well. Bradburn agreed to Travis and Jack in exchange for the soldiers.The Texans retreated to .A resolution was drawn up. () Declared that the events were not a rebellion, but a defense of their rights and a defense of the .Pledged for .Conventions : elected of Mexico.Texans liked him, and believed he would restore the .Texans thought SA might approve some reforms, or changes, in “unfair” policy.They held a convention to discuss the changes. Each district in Texas was asked to send delegates to San Felipe on . .They asked the Mexican government to allow legal from the U.S.They requested that Texas become a instead of being joined with Coahuila.The Texans asked that customs duties be removed for .Asked for land for Officials would the resolutions. .SFA tried to get the Tejanos in San Antonio to support the reforms so they would pass. While SFA was in San Antonio, impatient Texans called another .Held on . was there. was President. They wanted change for Texas.SFA was they held a convention without him. It adopted many resolutions from the first Convention.SFA was chosen to present it to the Mexican Government. He left for on .Austin goes to Mexico CityIt took Austin to get to Mexico City.He presented the resolutions to the Vice President, . It was put on the back shelf. A cholera epidemic had swept the city and the government was busy.Austin pressed Farias for a decision, but didn’t get one. He wrote back to Texans, advising them to meet “without a moment’s delay for the purpose of for Texas.”Santa Anna finally the resolutions, and Austin left for Texas on .He made it as far as , the capital of Coahuila y Texas.He was . The Mexicans had intercepted his letter to Texas. He was charged with .Back in Mexico: Mexico its control over Texas. More were sent. A consultation was held, SFA returned, and for Texas. “There is no other remedy but to defend our rights, ourselves, and our country, but by force of arms.” ................

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