The Easter Vigil is very rich in scripture and ritual; an ...

The Easter Vigil is very rich in scripture and ritual; an extraordinary example of Catholic prayer. There are four parts:

Part 1: Service of Light. There will be a fire pit burning just outside of church symbolizing the light of God in our darkened world. Father will take the Easter Candle and cut a cross in its side with a stylus and will trace an alpha and omega sign and the year on the cross praising our God of yesterday, today and tomorrow. He will light the candle from the fire pit and some coals from the pit will go into a thurible with incense. Father will cantor a litany tracing our spiritual heritage, and then he will lead all the sponsors and candidates, who will hold candles lighted from the Easter Candle, into church as the candidates light candles of the congregation thus illuminating the entire church. It is quite moving. Candidates and sponsors will file into the front few pews, candidates in the front pew and sponsor in the next pew and behind the candidate.

Par 2: Liturgy of the Word. Seven Old Testament readings, one from the epistles and one from the gospels are read. Take close heed to the readings; cover all of salvation history: The Creation Story; The testing of Abraham with Isaac (prefiguring Jesus’ sacrifice); The parting of the Red Sea (Baptism); Two readings from Isaiah and one from Baruch prophesizing the Christ; The promise that God will our God and we His people from Ezekiel; New Life in Baptism beautifully explained by St. Paul in Romans; and the story of the empty tomb from Luke. Awesome!

Part 3: Sacraments of Initiation. This is what we’ve all been waiting for! After the homily, Father will call up the adults and children with godparents and will pray for new life of the Holy Spirit. Father will cantor the litany of Saints and then bless the baptismal water. He will then lead the catechumens through a renunciation of sin and profession of faith. Then Father will baptize with water poured over the side of the head, place a baptismal garment on each and present them with the baptismal candle. Father will then have the congregation renew its baptismal promises and profession of faith. Next will be the reception of all candidates into the church. Father will call all candidates up with the sponsors and will ask you for a profession of faith (a one sentence statement that I will have printed for you). Finally we have confirmation. Father will pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit then anoint each candidate with oil and words. He says be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit; you say “Amen”; then he says “Peace be with you” and you say “and also with you”. Then all the candidates and sponsors return to the pews. You are a full member of the Catholic Church!

Part 4: Eucharist. This sacrament flows as normal mass. Congratulations to those receiving the precious body and blood for the first time!

Note that after mass we have several couples from our group who will have their marriages convalidated (blessed in the Catholic Church). Congratulations!

Everyone please visit in the gym for a reception, and please pick up your Certificate and a gift from the parish for the occasion.


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