Midterm Review Notes

Midterm Review Notes

General Information

1 Know the major capitals, geographic features, and straits.

B. What is the study of population called?


C. List the documents that lead to the development of modern democracies.

-Hammurabi’s Code (duh)

-The 12 Tables

-Justinian’s Code

-Magna Carta

-English Bill of Rights

II. Foundations & Classical Civilizations

A. The change from hunting & gathering to sedentary agriculture first occurred in-

-The Middle East

B. What was the period before the Neolithic called?


C. What effect on belief systems were caused by the shift to sedentary


-Trick question. Sedentary agriculture had no effect on belief systems.

D. How did Egyptian civilization differ from that of Mesopotamia?

-As far as government is concerned, Egypt was more predictable, while Mesopotamia went through many changes


E. What innovation was first introduced in Sumeria?


F. What was a major political difference between the river-valley civilizations

& the classical period?

-Larger, more complex and organized governments were established in the

classical period.

G. What are the major belief systems of China’s three major belief systems?

-Daoism (Taoism): Harmony & nature

-Legalism: Strict law & punishment

-Confucianism: Education & heirachy

H. What were the major beliefs of India’s belief systems?

-Hinduism: Polytheistic & caste system


I. Be able to compare major religions & belief systems.

J. What were some Roman influences on the U.S. governmental system?

-Rights of the accused



K. What were the political responses to Buddhism in China?

-Empress Wu tried to establish Buddhism, but the next emperor to take

over China tried to abolish it by murdering Buddhist monks.

L. What innovation in government came from Athens?


M. Understand the trend in religions following CE 200 in Asia, Europe, North


-Monotheism began to become popular.

N. What were the major geographic differences between classical Chinese



III. Postclassical Civilizations

A. What is the name of the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and of



B. What are the dates of Muhammad’s revelations, Hijrah, death, etc.?

-610 CE: Revelation

- 622 CE: Hijra

-632 CE: Death

C. What are the basic beliefs of Islam?

-The 5 Pillars

• Pray 5 times a day

• Pilgrimage to Mecca

• Ramadan (fasting)

• Haji (donation)

• Submission: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger

D. Are there divisions within any of the major monotheistic religions? If so, what

are they?

-Sunni & Shiites (how to choose the caliph)

-Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Orthodox, Protestant…. I think that’s

all of them

E. What was the impact of the crusades on the west?

-Math, science, literature, & technology

F. What was the impact of the crusades on the Muslim civilization?

-Little if none.

H. What year did Christian armies capture Jerusalem?

-1099 CE

I. What are some major accomplishments of Emperor Justinian?

-Justinian’s Code

-Changed the language from Latin to Greek

-Hagia Sophia

J. Between the 9th and 16th centuries, what was the most significant influence on

Sub-Saharan Africa from the outside?


K. What does “Islam” mean?


L. What does “Muslim” mean?

-One who has submitted

M. Understand differences between the Andean & Mesoamerican civilizations.

N. What was the system that defined political & economical relationships in

postclassical Europe?


O. What was the system that defined political & military relationships in

postclassical Europe?


P. Why was the Grand Canal built in China?

-the grand canal was built in china becuase the rivers run from east to west and they needed to transport goods north to south

Q. What innovation was launched by the Ming Dynasty?

-The innovation launched by the Ming Dynasty was the trading expeditions by Cheng Ho (there are some other spellings) and the Star Fleet

R. Know the major Muscovite & Russian rulers in order & sequence.

S. Know the major accomplishments of each.

T. In Russia, serfdom becomes hereditary in? Why was this important?

-1649 CE. It becomes impossible to escape serfdom.

U. What were some differences between Russia and Eastern Europe?

-Eastern Europe had more technology.

V. Know the ratio of rural to urban population in Russia in the 1700s.

-95% of the population was rural.

W. Study Chapter 18 notes and pay attention to pictures or images in the chapter.


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