History at Illinois


Department of History

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

309 Gregory Hall, MC-466 (217) 333-1155

810 South Wright Street fax (217) 333-2297

Urbana, IL 61801 e-mail: mtodorov@illinois.edu


1971. M.A. History; B.A. English, University of Sofia, Bulgaria.

1977. Ph.D. History, University of Sofia.


2001 - Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2008 - Visiting Professor, European University Institute, Florence

1996-2001 Professor, University of Florida

1999 Visiting Professor, Harvard University

1999 Visiting Professor, Bosphorus University, Istanbul

1996 Visiting Professor, Karl-Franzens Universität-Graz, Austria

1994-1996 Associate Professor, University of Florida

1992-1994 Assistant Professor, University of Florida

1990-1992 Visiting Mellon Distinguished Professor, Rice University

1989-1990 Visiting Fulbright Professor, University of California, Irvine

1988-1989 Visiting Fulbright Professor, University of Maryland, College Park

1984-1992 Associate Professor, University of Sofia

1973-1984 Assistant Professor, University of Sofia


2015 -- Permanent Research Fellow of the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies at the Universität Regensburg and Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (LMU)

2013 -- Center of Advanced Study Professor, University of Illinois

2007 -- Gutgsell Professor of History, University of Illinois

2006 Doctor honoris causa, European University Institute, Florence

2006-2009 Leader (together with Stefan Troebst) of Volkswagen Foundation funded international research project on “Remembering communism: Methodological and Practical Issues of Approaching the Recent Past in Eastern Europe” (Euros 373,700, ca $ 500,000)

2005 Lynn M. Martin Professorial Scholar, UIUC

2004 Doctor honoris causa, University of Sofia, Bulgaria

2004-2005 Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

2001-2002 Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation

2001 Fellow, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna, Austria (July-December)

2000 Fellow, National Humanities Center

2000 Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, School of Historical Study: membership (declined)

1999 Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Fund, University of Florida: for summer, 2000

1999 Visiting Professor, Harvard University

1999 Visiting Professor, Bosphorus University, Istanbul

1997 Research Foundation Professorship Award, University of Florida

1996 Guest Professor, Karl-Franzens Universität-Graz, Austria

1994-1995 Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

1994 ACLS Travel Grant, 7th International Congress for Southeast European Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece

1990-1992 Visiting Mellon Distinguished Professor (Rice University).

1988-1990 Fulbright Scholarship for Lecturing (Universities of California, Irvine and Maryland, College Park)

1988 Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

1987 Greek Government Grant, Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki: Modern Greek Language

1987 Research Scholarship for the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and

Social History, UK from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

1983 University of Sofia Grant: Course on Ottoman Paleography and Diplomatics

Oriental Department, National Library, Sofia.

1981 Scholarship, Laboratoire de Démographie Historique, Paris:

Intensive Course in Historical Demography, Diploma.

1973-1975 Exchange Scholar Status, Institute for Balkan Studies, Moscow; Institute for Oriental Studies, Moscow; Institute for Oriental Studies, Leningrad. (Exchange Program between Universities and Academies of Science of Bulgaria and USSR).

1972 Research Scholarship from The Great Britain/East Europe Center, London, UK:

St.Anthony College, Oxford; Public Record Office, London.



Chair of the European Research Council Panel SH6 (2014-)

Member, Academic Advisory Board, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (2006-2012) (wiko-berlin.de/)

Member, Advisory Board, Georg Eckert Institute for Textbook Research (2007--)

Member, Panel of European Research Council (2011 --)

Member, Advisory Board, BRILL, Balkan Studies Library

Member, Board of Trustees, Center for Advanced Study, Sofia (2000-2003) (cas.bg)

Member, Academic Committee, Center for Advanced Study, Sofia (2003-2011) (cas.bg)

Member, Board of Directors, AAASS (2000-2003) (fas.harvard.edu/~aaass/)

Member, RAP for Eastern Europe and Eurasia, SSRC (2000 -2008) ()

Member, ACLS Committee on East Europe Studies (1999, 2002) ()

Chair, Jelavich Prize Committee, AAASS, 2007

Member, Jelavich Prize Committee, 2006

Chair, Academic Committee, Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in the Balkans (1999-2005) (cdrsee/org)

Member, Advisory Board, Kokkalis Program for Balkan Studies, Harvard University (ksg.harvard.edu/kokkalis/foundation.html)

Member, Advisory Board, Past, Inc. Center for Historical Studies, Central European University, Budapest

Member, Program Committee of IREX (International Research & Exchange Board), (1995-1998) ()

Advisory Board, History Department, Central European University

Member, Advisory Committee, Center for the Study of the Balkans, Goldsmith College, London

Member, Advisory Board, Graduate School of East and South East European Studies, Munich and Regensburg (2012-)

Editorial Boards:

Member, Editorial Board, Anthem Press (2007-)

Member, Advisory Board, BRILL, Balkan Studies Library (2008-)

Member, Editorial Board, American Historical Review (1998-2001) (ahr/)

Member, Editorial Board, Slavic Review (econ.uiuc.edu/~slavrev/)

Member, Editorial Board, East-European Quarterly (colorado.edu/history/events/easteuro.htm)

Member, Editorial Board, L'Homme. Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft

Member, Editorial Board, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies ()

Member, Editorial Board, South East European and Middle East Studies (2010-)

Member, Editorial Board, Istoricheski pregled (2010-)

Member, Editorial Board, Etudes balkaniques (2011-)

Member, Editorial Board, Bulgarian Historical Review (2009-)

Member, Editorial Board, East-Central Europe (2010-)

Member, Editorial Board, Balkani (2011-)

Member, Editorial Board, East-Central Europe (2010-)

Member, Editorial Board, GAMER (Ankara) (2012-)

Member, International Board, Bulgarska Etnologia (2013-)

Member, Editorial Board, Turkish Review (2013-)


Reviewer for journals: Slavic Review, American Historical Review, Comparative Studies in Society and History, East European Politics and Societies, Journal of Modern History, Nations and Nationalism, Public Culture, Journal for Modern Greek Studies,Aspasia,, Suedosteuropa, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, German Studies, Journal for SEE,

Reviewer for presses: Berghahn, Brill, Palgrave, Anthem Press, Purdue UP, CEU Press, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press. University of Pittsburgh Press, U of Chicago Press, Lexington, Stanford University Press,

Reviewer for research centers: Project Reviewer for Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, National Humanities Center, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Vokswagen-Stiftung, Franz Thyssen Stiftung, Swiss Science Foundation, Canadian Science Foundation, American Research Center Sofia, Leinbitz Association, European Research Council, ACLS, IREX, Guggenheim Foundation, MacArthur Foundation.


American Historical Association (AHA)

Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)

Association Internationale des Etudes Sud-Est Europeen (AIESEE)

Bulgarian Studies Association (BSA)

Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeastern Europe

past memberships:

Middle East Studies Association (MESA)

Social Science History Association (SSHA)

Bulgarian Historical Society (BHA)

Comité International des Etudes Ottoman et Pre-Ottoman (CIEPO)

PUBLICATIONS (in chronological order) (* indicates publication which has appeared in translation)


Sole author or editor

1. Rugier Boshkovich, Dnevnik na edno pîtuvane (Diary of a Journey), Sofia: Otechestven front, 1975 (Introduction, translation and commentary of an 18th century travelogue, in Bulgarian).

2. Podbrani izvori za istoriyata na balkanskite narodi XV-XIX vek (Selected Sources for the History of the Balkan People, 15th-19th cc.), Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1977 (Intr., trans., ed., in Bulgarian).

3. Angliya, Rusiya i Tanzimatît (England, Russia and the Tanzimat) Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1980 (author, in Bulgarian).

*4. Angliya, Rossiya i Tanzimat (England, Russia and the Tanzimat). Moscow: Nauka, Glavnoe izdatel'stvo vostochnoi literatury, 1983 (author, revised edition, in Russian).

5. Aspects of the Eastern Question, Sofia: Sofia University & CIBAL, 1986 (editor, in several languages).

6. English Travellers' Accounts on the Balkans (sixteenth-nineteenth centuries). Vol.7 of series: Foreign Travellers' Accounts on the Balkans. Sofia: Nauka i Izkustvo, 1987 (Intr., trans., ed., in Bulgarian).

7. Istoritsi za istoriyata (Historians on History). (An anthology of Western historical thought during the 20th c.), Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Kliment Okhridski" , 1988. (Intr., trans., ed., in Bulgarian).

8. Balkan Family Structure and the European Pattern: Demographic Developments in Ottoman Bulgaria. Washington, D.C.: American University Press, 1993.

9. Imagining the Balkans, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

*10. Balkani i Balkanizîm (Sofia: Fondatsiya za bulgarska nauka i kultura, 1999; Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo, 2004, expanded and updated Bulgarian version of 9).

*11. Imaginarni Balkan (Belgrade: Bibliotheca XX veka, 1999, Serbian translation of 9)

*12. Die Erfindung des Balkans (Darmstadt: Primus Verlag, 1999, German translation of 9).

*13. Balcanii si balcanismul (Bucharest: Humanitas, 2000, Romanian translation of 9).

*14. Valkania. I ditiki fantasiosi (Athens, Thessaloniki: Paratiritis, 2000, Greek translation of 9).

*15. Imaginarij Balkana (Ljubljana: Vita Activa, 2001, Slovenian translation of 9).

*16. Zamisluvajki go Balkanot (Skopje: Magor, 2001, Macedonian translation of 9).

*17. Immaginando i Balcani (Trieste: Argo Editrice, 2002, Italian translation of 9).

*18. Balkanskoto semeistvo: Istoricheska demografiya na Bîlgariya prez osmanskiya period. Sofia: Amiticia, 2002 (Bulgarian translation of 8).

*19. Balkanlar’I Tahayyül Etmek (Istanbul: Iletişim Yayinlari, 2003, Turkish translation of 9).

20. Balkan Identities: Nation and Memory (Hurst, London & New York University Press, 2004, editor, introduction and co-author).

21. Balkan Family Structure and the European Pattern: Demographic Developments in Ottoman Bulgaria. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2006 (second updated, revised and enlarged edition).

*22. Imaginarni Balkan (Belgrade: Bibliotheca XX veka, 2006, second Serbian edition with new introduction).

*23. Balkani imagjinar: Balkani si alter ego e Europës (Tirana: Instituti i Dialogut & Komunikimit, 2006 (Albanian translation of 9).

*24. Balkany wyobrażone, przel. Piotr Szymor i Magdalena Budzinska, Czarne, Wolowiec, 2008 (Polish transl.of 9).

*25. Podbrani izvori za istoriyata na balkanskite narodi XV-XIX vek (Selected Sources for the History of the Balkan People, 15th-19th cc.), Sofia: Paradigma, 2008 (updated edition of 2).

26. Imagining the Balkans, New York: Oxford University Press, 2009 (second updated, revised and enlarged edition, with a new Afterword).

27. Bones of Contention: the Living Archive of Vasil Levski and the Making of Bulgaria’s National Hero, Budapest: Central European University Press, 2009.

*28. Zhiviiat arkhiv na Vasil Levski. Sîzdavaneto na edin natsionalen geroi. Sofia: Paradigma, 2009 (Bulgarian translation of 28).

29. Remembering Communism: Genres of Representation (New York: Social Science Research Council, Columbia University Press, 2010).

30. Bîlgaria, Balkanite, svetît: idei, protsesi, sîbitiia (Sofia: Prosveta, 2010).

31. Dizanje prošlosti u vazduh (Beograd: Biblioteka XX vek, 2010).

32. Bones of Contention: The Living Archive of Vasil Levski and the Making of Bulgaria’s National Hero (abbreviated paperback edition), CEU Press, 2011.

*33. Imaginaire des Balkans (Paris: Editions EHESS, 2011) (French translation of 26).

*34. Imaginarni Balkan (Zagreb, 2015) (Croatian translation of 26).

Co-author or co-editor

34. La révolution industrielle dans le sud-est européen - XIX s. Sofia: Institut d'études balkaniques, Musée national polytechnique, 1977 (co-editor, in English, French and German).

35. Rumeliiski delnitsi i praznitsi ot XVIII vek (Everyday life in Rumelia during the 18th century). Sofia: Otechestven front, 1978 (co-author, in Bulgarian).

36. Postcommunist nostalgia (co-editor with Zsuzsa Gille), New York: Berghahn Publishers, 2010 (paperback edition 2012).

37. Imagining the Balkans: Identities and Memory in the long 19th century, Exhibition catalogue, UNESCO, National Museum of Slovenia, ICOM, ICEE, 2013.

38. Remembering Communism: Private and Public Recollections of Lived Experience in Southeast Europe (with Augusta Dimou and Stefan Troebst), Budapest, New York: Central European University Press, 2014.


1. "The Agricultural Banks of Midhat Pasha," Istoricheski Pregled, 1972, 5, 56-76 (in Bulgarian).

2. "The Establishment of British Consulates in the Bulgarian Lands and British Commercial Interests," Etudes balkaniques, 1973, 4, 80-88 (in English).

3. "An English Document Concerning the Early Revolutionary Activity of G.S.Rakovsky," Bulgarian Historical Review, 1973, 4, 76-78 (in English).

4. "The "Blue Books" as a Source on the History of the Balkans and Turkey, 1814-1856," Sovetskoe slavyanovedeniye, 1975, 3, 84-91 (in Russian).

5. "The Commercial Relations between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, 1830s-1850s," Blizhnii i srednii vostok. Ekonomika, istoriya, Moscow: Nauka, 1976, 77-87 (in Russian).

6. "Composition of the Ruling Elite of the Ottoman Empire in the Period of Reforms (1826-1878)," Etudes balkaniques, 1976, 1, 103-113 (in English).

7. "The Europeanization of the Ruling Elite of the Ottoman Empire in the Period of Reforms," La revolution industrielle dans le sud-est europeen - XIX siecle, Sofia, 1976, 103-112 (in English).

8. "The Europeanization of the Ottoman Empire (theoretical considerations and treatment in Western and Turkish historiography)," Narodi Azii i Afriki, 1977, 2, 204-211 (in Russian).

9. "British and Russian Policy towards the Reform Movement in the Ottoman Empire," Etudes balkaniques, 1977, 3, 17-41 (in Bulgarian).

10. "Commercial Relations between Russia and the Ottoman Empire from the Peace of Adrianople until the Crimean War," Vekove, 1977, 3, 31-40 (in Bulgarian).

11. "Political and Commercial relations between Russia and Turkey during the second quarter of the nineteenth century," Bulgarian Historical Review, 1978, 1, 26-50 (in Russian).

12. "England and the Ottoman Empire between the 1830s and the 1850s," Istoricheski Pregled, 1978, 2, 24-43 (in Bulgarian).

*13. "Composition of the Ottoman Ruling Elite (1826-1878)," Turkologicheskii sbornik-1976, Moskow, 1978, 153-162 (Russian version of # 6).

*14. " The Europeanization of the Ruling Elite of the Ottoman Empire in the Period of Reforms," Modernization and the Industrial Revolution in the Balkans, Athens, 1980, 93-109 (Greek version of #7).

15. "The Population of Varna in the Middle of the 19th Century," Izvestiya na durzhavnite arhivi, 1982, 43, 165-202 (in Bulgarian).

16. "Population Structure, Nuptiality, Family and Household in the Balkans (according to Ottoman documentary material from the 1860s)," Istoricheski pregled, 1983, 4, 85-99, (in Bulgarian).

*17. "Population Structure, Marriage Patterns, Family and Household in the Balkans in the nineteenth century," Etudes balkaniques, 1983, 1, 59-72 (abridged version in English of # 16).

18. "A Russian Document from the Resurgence Period," Vekove, 1983, 6, 82-84, (in Bulgarian).

19. "The Greek Volunteers in the Crimean War," Balkan Studies, vol. 25, 2, Thessaloniki, 1984, 539-563 (in English).

20. "The Revenue Book of Stefan Izvorski," Izvestiya na durzhavnite arhivi, 1984, 47, 99-110 (co-authored with Dimitîr Tsanev, in Bulgarian).

21. "The Budget of a Bulgarian Intellectual," Vekove, 1984, 2, 5-12 (co-authored with Dimitîr Tsanev, in Bulgarian).

22. "Family and Household in the Balkans," Materials of the 2nd International University Symposium Smolyan, 1984 (in Bulgarian).

23. "Die Frau auf dem Balkan im XIX Jhd.: einige demographische Aspekte," Die ungeschriebene Geschichte. Historische Frauenforschung, Wien: Wiener Frauenverlag, 1985, 311-317 (in German).

24. "The Bulgarian Volunteers in the Crimean War," Izvestiya na Bîlgarskoto Istorichaesko Druzhestvo, XXVII, 1985, 391-440 (in Bulgarian).

25. "Handicrafts and Guild Organization in Bulgaria (Textile Production in the Sandjak of Plovdiv)," Actes du IIe colloque international. Economie méditerranéennes. Equilibres et intercommunications. Tome II, Athenes, 1986, 275-283 (in English).

26. "Mythology of the Eastern Question: the Treaty of Unkiar-Iskelessi," Aspects of the Eastern Question, Sofia: CIBAL, 1986, 23-32 (in English).

27. "Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall (1774-1856)," Sbornik istoriografski izsledvaniya, Sofia: BAN, 1986 (in Bulgarian).

28. "The Participation of Bulgarian Volunteers in the Crimean War. Documents," Izvestiya na durzhavnite arhivi, 1986, 51, 249-268 (in Bulgarian).

29. "The Personal Accounts of the Bulgarian during the Nineteenth Century. The Formation of Bourgeois Mentality in the Balkans," Balkanistika, 1, 1986, 119-133 (in Bulgarian).

30. "Fernand Braudel (1902-1985)," Istoricheski pregled, 1986, 11, 52-56 (in Bulgarian).

*31. "Fernand Braudel (1902-1985)," Etudes balkaniques, 1986, 4, 138-142 (Russian version of No.30).

32. "Stefan Bogoridi. A Bulgarian Phanariote in the Ottoman Empire," Oost-Europa in het verleden. Liber Amicorum Z. R. Dittrich, Utrecht: Wolters-Noordhoff/Forsten, 1987, 171-187 (in Dutch).

33. "Problems and Tasks of the Historical Demography of the Ottoman Empire," Balkanistika, 1987, 2, 18-46 (co-authored with Nikolay Todorov, in Bulgarian).

34. "Was There a Demographic Crisis in the Ottoman Empire during the Seventeenth Century?", Etudes balkaniques, 1988, 2, 55-63 (in English).

35. "Marriage and Nuptiality in Bulgaria during the Nineteenth Century," Istoricheski pregled, 1988, 3, 59-78 (in Bulgarian).

36. "Die Osmanenzeit in der Bulgarischen Geschichtsschreibung seit der Unabhängigkeit," Die Staaten Südosteuropas und die Osmanen, Hrsg. Hans Georg Majer, München: Selbstverlag der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1989, 127-161.

*37. "Die Russische Orientpolitik und die Reformen im Osmanischen Reich zwischen den Frieden von Adrianopel und dem Krimkrieg," Österreichische Osthefte, 31, Heft 3, Wien, 1989, 78-402 (revised German version of # 11).

38. "Recent Research on Household and Family in the Balkans," Von der Pruth-Ebene bis zum Gipfel des Ida. Studien zur Geschichte, Literatur, Volkskunde and Wissenschaftsgeschichte des Donau-Balkan-Raumes. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Emmanuel Turczinski, München: Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1989, 11-22 (in English).

39. "The Myth of the Zadruga Reconsidered," Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. East European Program. Occasional Papers, 1989.

*40. "Myth-Making in European Family History: the Zadruga Reconsidered," Eastern European Politics and Societies, vol.4, number 1, 1990, 30-76 (revised version of No.39).

41. "Language as Cultural Unifier in a Multilingual Setting: the Bulgarian Case during the Nineteenth Century," Eastern European Politics and Societies, vol.4, number 3, 1990, 439-450.

42. "In Search of National Identity," Novo Vreme, # 12, 1991, 39-47 (in Bulgarian)

43. "Self Image and Ethnic Stereotypes in Bulgaria," Modern Greek Studies Yearbook, vol.8, 1992, 139-164.

44. "Improbable Maverick or Typical Conformist: Seven Thoughts on the New Bulgaria," Eastern Europe in Revolution, ed. Ivo Banac, Cornell University Press, 1992, 148-167.

*45. "The Personal Accounts of the Bulgarian from the National Revival Period," Materials of the 3rd Greek-Bulgarian Symposium in Turnovo, 1985, Special issue of Etudes balkaniques, 1992, 3-4, 48-56 (English version of # 29).

46. "Die Freiwilligen aus dem Balkan im Krimkrieg," Veröffentlichungen des Österreichischen Ost- und Südosteuropa Institut, Schriftenreihe, Band 20, Wien, 1992, 219-236.

47. "Language in the Construction of Ethnicity and Nationalism: the Bulgarian Case," Nation, National Identity, Nationalism, Center for German and European Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Working paper, 5.5, 1992.

*48. "The Historical Demography of the Ottoman Empire: Problems and Tasks", Scholar, Patriot, Mentor: Historical Essays in Honor of Dimitrije Djordjevic, ed. Richard B. Spence (East European Monographs, no.320) Boulder, Colorado; Columbia University Press, 1992, 149-170 (abridged English version of # 33).

49. "Historiography of the Countries of Eastern Europe: Bulgaria," The American Historical Review, vol.97, number 4, October 1992, 1105-1117.

50. "The Bulgarian case: Women's Issues or Feminist Issues?", Gender Politics and Post-Communism. Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, Ed.N.Funk and M.Mueller, New York, London: Routledge, 1993, 30-38.

51. "Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Communist Legacy in Eastern Europe," East European Politics and Societies, vol.7, # 1, 1993, 135-154.

52. "Slavafest und Zadruga," Historische Anthropologie. Kultur-Gesellschaft-Alltag, Heft 1, Böhlau, 1993, 39-45.

53. "Bulgaria in the Accounts of British Travellers," The Second Anglo-Bulgarian Symposium, Blagoevgrad, September 1985. Proceedings. Ed. Leslie Collins, London, 1993,1-11.

54. "Midhat Paşa's Governorship of the Danube Province," Decision Making and Change in the Ottoman empire, ed. Ceasar E. Farah, Kirksville: The Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1993, 115-128.

*55. "Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Communist Legacy in Eastern Europe," The Social Legacy of Communism, eds. James Millar and Sharon Wolchik, Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Cambridge University Press, 1994 (appeared in # 51).

*56. "Historical Tradition and Transformation in Bulgaria: Women's issues, feminist issues," Journal of Women's History, vol.5, No 3, 1994, 129-143 (version of # 50).

57. "The Balkans: From Discovery to Invention," Slavic Review, vol.53, No.2, Summer 1994, 453-482; also published in Eurobalkans, No. 16, Autumn 1994, 4-21; also in Sud-estul si contextul european. Buletin al Institutului de Studii Sud-Est Europene, VI, 1996, 91-110.

*58. "The Ottoman Legacy in the Balkans," Etudes balkaniques, 1994, No. 4, 66-81 (abridged version of 61).

59. "Identity (trans)formation among Bulgarian Muslims," Redefining Global Security, University of California at Berkeley, Center for German and European Studies, Working Paper 6.5, 1994 (56 p.)

60. "The Course and Discourses of Bulgarian Nationalism," Eastern European Nationalism in the Twentieth Century, ed. Peter Sugar, Washington, D.C.: American University Press, 1995, 55-102.

61. "The Ottoman Legacy in the Balkans," Imperial Legacy: The Ottoman Imprint in the Balkans and the Middle East, ed. L. Carl Brown, New York: Columbia University Press, 1995, 45-77.

62. "Bulgarian Historical Writings on the Ottoman Empire," New Perspectives on Turkey, No.12, Spring 1995.

*63. "Ottoman Legacy in the Balkans," Güney Özdoğan, Kemâli Saibaşılı, eds., The Balkans. A Mirror of the New International Order, Istanbul: EREN, 1995, 55-74 (abridged version of 61).

64. "Hierarchies of Eastern Europe: East Central Europe Versus the Balkans," South East European Monitor, 1995, 1-34.

65. "O dubla identitate: balcanica si europeana," Sfera Politicii, IV, Nr. 25, Bucharest, 25 februarie 1995.

*66. "Balcanii: de la descoperire la inventie," Sfera politicii, N.28, Bucharest, 1995, 12-16 (abridged Romanian translation of 57).

*67. "Balkan: od otkritja a do izuma," Srpska politicka misao, 1995, No.2-3, 153-186 (Serbian translation of 57).

*68. "Hierarchies of Eastern Europe: East Central Europe Versus the Balkans," Occasional paper, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, East European Program, # 45, 1996, 47 pp.(extended version of 64).

69. "The Construction of a Western Discourse of the Balkans," Etnoloska tribina, 19, Zagreb, 1996, 7-24; "Konstrukcija zapadnog diskursa o Balkanu," Etnoloska tribina, 19, Zagreb, 1996, 25-41.

70. "Situating the Family of Ottoman Bulgaria within the European Pattern," The History of the Family. An International Quarterly, vol.1, N.4, 1996, 443-460.

*71. "Ta Valkania: apo tin anakalipsi stin kataskevi tous," Miroslav Hroch, Maria Todorova, Ethniko kinima kai Valkania, Athens: Themelio, 1996, 57-114 (Greek translation # 57).

*72. "Identity (Trans)formation Among Pomaks in Bulgaria," Laszlo Kürti & Juliet Langman, eds., Beyond Borders, Boulder, Co: Westview Press, 1997, 63-82 (abridged version of 59).

73. "Sarajevo: the city and the symbol," Working paper for lecture series on "Cities in 19-20th century Europe," UCLA: Center for Russian and East European Studies, 1997.

74. "Zum erkenntnishistorischen Wert von Familienmodellen. Der Balkan und die "europäische Familie," Josef Ehmer, Tamara K.Hareven, Richard Wall (Hg.), Historische Familienforschung. Ergebnisse und Kontroversen, Frankfurt, New York: Campus Verlag, 1997, 283-300.

*75."Za epistemologichnata stoinost na semeinite modeli: Balkanite v evropeiskiya kontekst," Balkanistic Forum, 3, 1996, 51-63 (abbreviated Bulgarian translation of 74).

*76. "East Central Europe versus the Balkans," Balkan Review, Athens, No.11, 1997, 27-32 (version of 64 in Greek and English); also published in: Imagining the Balkans, Reader, Amsterdam, 1999.

*77. "Balkanlarda Osmanli Mirasi," in: Kemali Saybasili, Gencer Özcan, eds., Yeni Balkanlar, eski sorunlar, Istanbul, Ankara: Baglam Yayincilik, 1997, 117-145 (Turkish translation of 61).

*78. "Balcanii-de la descoperire la inventie," Secolul XX, 1997, No.7-8-9, 91-100 (Romanian translation of 57).

79. "Les Balkans," in: Jean-Pierre Bardet et Jacquews Dupâquier, eds., Histoire des populations de l'Europe, tome 2, Paris: Fayard, 1998, 463-486.

80. "La Bulgarie - entre le discours culturel et la pratique politique," Politique étrangère (Paris), N.1, 1998, 125-139.

81. "'Fragments of Cultural History'? Recent work on south-east European cultural history," Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies, 22, 1998, 292-301.

82. "Note la 'Imaginand Balcanii'," Lettre Internationale, Edittia Romana, vara 1998, 14-18.

83. "Bulgar Tarih yazıcılığında osmanlı dönemi," Tarih Eğitimi ve Tarihte "Öteki" Sorunu, Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları 62, 1998, 37-45.

84. "Marking Out Is Not an Innocent Act," European Educational Co-operation for Peace, Stability and Democracy. Presidency Conference on Southeast Europe, Graz/Austria, 14-16 November 1998, Vienna: Kulturkontakt, 1998.

*85. "Hierarchies of Eastern Europe: East Central Europe Versus the Balkans," in: Culture and Reconciliation in Southeastern Europe, Thessaloniki: Paratiritis, 1998, 11-65 (version of 64).

86. “Image de l’autre,” Association Internationale de l”etudes du Sud-Est Européen. Bulletin, 28-29, 1998-9, 185-191.

87. “Is ‘the Other’ a useful cross-cultural concept? Some thoughts on its implementation to the Balkan region,” Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 21, 1999, 163-171.

88. “The Balkans: from invention to intervention,” William J. Buckley, ed., Kosovo : Contending Voices on Balkan Interventions, Grand Rapids/London: Eerdmans, 2000, 159-169.

*89.“Balkan: Od invencije do intervencije”, in: Reč. Časopis za književnost i kulturu, i društvena pitanja, N.1, June 1999, and in Croatian in Bastard; in Bulgarian in: Novo vreme, LXXIV, 1999, 119-130 (Serb translation of 88).

90. “Kosovskata kriza i zapadît, “ Novo vreme, LXXIV, 1999, 1-2, 119-130 (Bulgarian translation of 88).

91. “Identity or Destiny: Reflections on the Balkanness of Greece,” Simeion Anaforas. Points of Reference: A Journal of Hellenic Thought and Culture, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, Summer 1999, 64-81.

*92. “Utazók a Balkánon” Haemus. Bolgár-magyar társadalmi és kulturális folyóirat, VIII, 3, 1999, 21-27 (Abbreviated Hungarian and Bulgarian versions of 89).

93. “Afterthoughts on ‘Imagining the Balkans’,” Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review, 5, 1999-2000, 125-148.

94. “Isn’t Central Europe Dead?”, Cristopher Lord, ed., Central Europe. Core or Periphery? Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, 2000, 219-231.

*95. “Balkanlar’da Imparatorluk Mirasi,”in: L.Carl Brown, Imparatorluk Mirasi. Balkanlar’da ve Ortadogu’da Osmanli Damgasi, Istanbul: Iletisim Yayinlari, 2000, 70-112 (Turkish translation of 61).

96. “Does Russian Orientalism Have a Russian Soul?” in Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 1(4), Fall 2000, 717-727.

97. “Za klishetata, za elitite i za krizata v mezhdunarodniya pravov red,” in Emmy Barouh, ed. Otvîd utopiite, Sofia: Deutsche Welle, 2000, 13-50; excerpts published in Kapital, 44, 4-10 November 2000 (in Bulgarian); also in English on H-net: Bulgarian Studies, 7 December 2000.

98. Sources turques relative à l’histoire bulgare, Sofia: Direction générale des archives près le Conseil des ministres, Académie des sciences bulgares, Bibliothèque nationale, 2001 (series: Arkhivite govoryat, 13) (member of translators team from the Ottoman; documents: 19, 20, 42, 62, 150, 151, 189, 192, 198)

99. “Ahogy a Balkánt elképzelik – Utóhang egy könyvhöz,” Magyar Lettre Internationale, 2001 tavasz, 40, 74-77.

100. “Balkan nije ni bolji ni gori...,” Dani (Sarajevo), br.218, 10 August 2001, 9-11 (in Bosnian).

101. “Conversion to Islam as a trope in Bulgarian historiography, fiction and film,” In: Varban Todorov, ed., Izsledvaniya v chest na chlen-korespondent Strashimir Dimitrov, Studia Balkanica, 23, Pt.1, Sofia: Izdatelestvo na BAN, 2001, 369-391 (in Bulgarian).

*102. “Individual, collective, and professional memory as a trope in Bulgarian historiography, fiction and film,”

in:.Kritika i khumanizîm, vol.12, N.3, 2001 (in Bulgarian, abbreviated version of 101).

*103. "On the epistemological value of family models: the Balkans within the European pattern," Family History Revisited. Comparative Aspects, ed. Richard Wall, Tamara K. Hareven, and Josef Ehmer with the assistance of Marcus Cerman, Newark: University of Delaware Press, London: Associated University Presses, 2001, 242-256 (English version of 74).

104. “Der Balkan als Analysekategorie: Grenzen, Raum, Zeit”, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Heft 3, 2002, 470-492.

*105. “The Balkans as Category of Analysis: Borders, Space, Time,” in Gerald Stourzh, Hg., Annäherungen an eine europäische Geschichtsschreibung, Wien: Archiv für österreichische Geschichte, 2002, 57-83 (abbreviated English version of 104).

106."Creating a National Hero: Vasil Levski in Bulgarian Public Memory," in Sabrina P.Ramet, James R.Felak, and Herbert J.Ellison, eds. Nations and Nationalisms in East-Central Europe, 1806-1948: A Festschrift for Peter Sugar, Bloomington, Slavica, 2002, 159-181.

*107. “Conversion to Islam as a trope in Bulgarian historiography, fiction and film,” In: Ivaylo Znepolski, Koprinka Tchervenkova, Alexander Kiossev, Penser la Transition/ Rethinking the Transition. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2002, 181-205 (English version of 102).

108. “National Heroes as Secular Saints: The Case of Vasil Levski,” IWM Working Paper No.1/2002, Vienna: Institute for Human Sciences, 2002.

*109. “Über die Klischees, über die Kräfte und die Krise in der internationalen Rechtsordnung, Jenseits der Utopien: Bulgarien, der Balkan, Europa – Visionen für das nächste Jahrzehnt, ed. Emmy Barouh, Köln-Sofia: Bulgarische Redaktion des radios “Deutsche Welle,” 2002, 29-41 (German version of 97).

110. “Historische Vermächtnisse als Analysekategorie. Der Fall Südosteuropa”, in Karl Kaser, Dagmar Gramshammer-Hohl and Robert Pichler, eds., Europa und die Grenzen im Kopf, Wieser Encyklopädie des Europäischen Ostens, Bd.11, Wieser Verlag, 2003, 221-246.

111. “Memoirs, biography, historiography: the reconstruction of Levski’s life story”, in Festschrift for Vesselin Traikov, Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Studia Balcanica 24, Sofia, 2003, 402-412 (in Bulgarian).

112. “The category time in the study of Balkan nationalism” in Revue des etudes sudesteuropéennes (2004).

113. “What is or is there a Balkan culture, and do or should the Balkans have a regional identity?,” Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, vol.4, No.1, January 2004, 175-185.

*114. “Conversion to Islam as a trope in Bulgarian historiography, fiction and film,” in Balkan Identities: Nation and Memory, Hurst, London & New York Univ. Press, 2004, 129-157 (English version of 102).

115. “The trap of backwardness: modernity, temporality and the study of Eastern European nationalism,” Slavic Review, 64, 1, Spring 2005, 140-164; abbreviated Bulgarian version in Kultura, 45, 26 November 2004.

*116. “Est’ li russkaia dusha u russkogo orientalizma? Dopolnenie k sporu Nataliela Naita I Adiba Halida,” in Rossiiskaia imperiia v zarubezhnoi istoriografii, Moskva: Novoe izdatel’stvo, 2005, 345-359 (Russian translation of 96).

*117. “Individual, collective, and professional memory: Islam as a trope in Bulgarian historiography, fiction and film,” in Donka Pravdomirova, Mariana Todorova, eds., Bîlgarska literaturna kritika za Anton Donchev, Sofia: Karina, 2005, 273-304 (in Bulgarian, reprint of 102).

*118. The mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov as lieu de mémoire,” Bulg. translation of 119 in Fakel, 2005. 371-400.

119. “Klopkata na izostavaneto: modernist, temporalnost, iztochnoevropeiski natsionalizîm,” Ponedelnik: Spisanie za teoriia, politika i kultura, 2006, 5/6, 28-50.

120. “The mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov as lieu de mémoire,” The Journal of Modern History, vol.78, N.2, June 2005, 374-411.

121. "Language in the Construction of Ethnicity and Nationalism: the Bulgarian Case,” in Sprawy Narodowosciowe, Seria Nowa, 2006, 27, 7-30 (revised Polish publication of 47).

122. „Wo liegt Europa? Von der Einteilung eines Kontinents und seinen historischen Regionen“, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin: Jahrbuch 2004-2005, Berlin, 2006, 290-312; „Feminism and Objectivity,“ ibid., 342-344; „In Search of a Turk.. and Other Things in Berlin,“ ibid., 189-191.

123. “Spacing Europe: What is a historical region?,” Der Donauraum, 3/4, 2005, 16-27.

*124. „Wo liegt Europa? Von der Einteilung eines Kontinents und seinen historischen Regionen“, abbreviated version in of 121, Europäische Rundschau, Vienna, 2005, 3, 47-61.

125. Šta je istorijski region? Premerevanje prostora u Evropi, Reč. Časopis za književnost i kulturu, i društvena pitanja, 73.19, 2005, 81-96.

126. “The Ottoman Empire,” in Europe 1789 to1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, eds. John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York, etc: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006, vol.3, 1681-1692.

127. “Spacing Europe: What is a historical region?,” in East Central Europe/ECE, 2005, vol.32, N. 1-2, 59-78.

128. “The Balkans,” in Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, eds. John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York, etc: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006, vol.1, 270-276.

129. “Bulgaria,” in Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, eds. John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York, etc: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006, vol.1, 476-480.

130. “Georgi Dimitrov” in Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, eds. John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York, etc: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006, vol.2, 851-852.

131. “Enver Hoxha,” in Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, eds. John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York, etc: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006, vol.3, 1362-1363.

132. “Does Russian Orientalism Have a Russian Soul?” in Michael David-Fox, Peter Holquist, Alexander Martin, Orientalism and Empire in Russia, Kritika Historical Studies 3, Bloomington, IN: Slavica, 2006, 47-60 (reprint of 96).

132. “Was there civil society and a public sphere under socialism? The debates around Vasil Levski’s alleged reburial in Bulgaria”, in Ulf Brunnbauer/Andreas Helmedach/Stefan Troebst , eds., Gesellschaft, Gedächtnis und Gewalt in Südosteuropa. Festschrift Holm Sundhaussen zum 65. Geburtstag, Muenchen: R. Oldenburg, 2007, 163-173.

134. Historische Vermächtnisse zwischen Europa und dem Nahen Osten/ Historical Legacies Between Europe and the Near East, Berlin: Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wiisenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, 2007, 83 pp. Reprinted in: Europa im Nahen Osten-Der Nahe Osten in Europa, Hrsg. Angelika Neuwitrth und Guenther Stock. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2010. Slightly modified version „The Balkans between cliche and European future“ in Bulgarian in Filosofshi Alternativi, vol.XIX, 6, 2010, 5-16.

135. “Balkanizem in postkolonializem: O lepoti pogleda z letala,” Zgodovinski Časopis (Historical Review, Ljubljana), 61, 2007, 1-2 (135), 141-155.

136. Die Kategorie Zeit in der geschichtsschreibung über das östliche Europa. Oscar-Halecki-Vorlesung 2003. Leipzig: Universitätsverlag, 2007, 50 pp. Also in Comparative: Zeitschrift fuer Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, Heft 5/6, 17.Jahrgang, 2007, 161-188.

137. “Memory, Identity and Historical Legacy as Categories of Analysis in the Balkans”, Histories of the Balkans in History Education: Regional Histories and the Reconstruction of Identities, Tokyo, 2008, 26-46 (in Japanese).

138. “Flying Between Identities” (Pohyb mezi identitami) in Europeans Write About Europe (Evropané píší o Evropě), Prague: ANO pro Evropu, 2008, 175-177 (in Czech).

139. “The Ottoman Menace in Post-Habsburg Historiography”, in: Austrian History Yearbook, XL, 2009, 141-147.

140. “Is weak nationalism tolerant?”, in Tolerantniuat natsionalist. Pameten sbornik, Sofia: Paradigma, 2009, 15-35 (in Bulgarian).

141. “Ambivalente Nostalgie”, Die Tageszeitung, 10.8.2009.

142. “Daring to Remember pre-1989 Bulgaria”, Guardian, 9 November 2009.

143. “Balkanism and postcolonilaism, or On the Beauty of the Airplane View,” in Costica Bradatan and Serguei Oushakine, Bradatan, ed. In Marx’s Shadow, NY etc.: Lexington Books, 2010, 175-195.

144. “Blowing up the Past: The mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov as lieu de mémoire,”in Remembering Communism: Genres of Representation (New York: SSRC, Columbia University Press, 2010 (updated version of 120), 391-443.

145. „Modernism“, in: Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeastern Europe (1770-1945), Budapest and New York: CEU Press, 2010, 4-22.

146. “From Utopia to Propaganda and back”, Postcommunist nostalgia, New York: Berghahn Publishers, 2010, 1-13.

*147. „Afteword to Imagining the Balkans,“ reprinted in: Istoricheski lichnosti i idei. Sbornik v chest ha 60-godishnia iubilei na Prof. Iskra Baeva. Sofia, 2011, 399-416.

148. „Vojna in spomin“, Prispevki za novejso zgodovino, Ljubljana, 2/2011, 121-126.

*149. „Ot utopia kam propaganda i obratno“, Evraziiski khorizonti: minalo i nastoiashte, Sbornik v chest na Valeri Stoyanov, Institute for Historical Research – BAS, Sofia, 2011, 232-242 (Bulgarian translation of introduction to Postcommunist Nostalgia).

150. “Der Balkan”, in: Europäische Erinnerungsorte, hrsg. von Pim den Boer, Heinz Duchhardt, Georg Kreis und Wolfgang Schmale, Muenchen: Oldenbourg Verlag, 2012, 601-610.

151. Forum on Bones of Contention: Response, Southeast Europe (Brill), 36 (2012), 264-272.

*152. „Balkani-balkaniz&m: poslepis“, Balkani, 1, 2012, 3-20 (Bulgarian translation of the Afterword of Imagining the Balklans)

153. “Nostalgia – the reverse side of balkanism?”, In: Europas und sein Osten. Geschichteskulturelle Herausforderungen, München: Olsdenbpurg Verlag, 2012, 61-74.

154. „I Balcani in Europa: tra stereotipi e futuro,“ Lettera Internazionale 114, 4 trimestre 2012, 4-9.

155. “My Yugoslavia,“ After Yugoslavia: The Cultural Spaces of a Vanished Land ed. Radmila Gorup, Stanford University Press, 2013, 23-37.

156. “War and Memory: Trotsky’s War Correspondence from the Balkan Wars,” in: Perceptions – Journal of International Affairs, Special Issue - From the Balkan Wars to Balkan Peace, Spring 2013, 5-27.

*157.” Îndrăzneala de a ne aminti de Bulgaria dinainte de 1989,” Platzforma, 17 Nov. 2014 (Romanian translation of 142)

158. “Re-Imagining the Balkans,” Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism: Radical Politcs After Yugoslavia, ed. Srecko Horvat and Igor Stiks, London: Verso, 2015.

159. “East European Studies in the United States: Thematic and Methodological Problems,” Christian Promitzer, Siegfried Gruber, Harald Heppner, eds., Southeast European Studies in a Globalizing World, Zuerich, Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2015, 61-73.

160. “Is there weak nationalism and is it a useful category?” Nations and Nationalism, 2015, 21(4), 2015, 681-699.

161. “On Public Intellectuals and Their Conceptual Frameworks,” Slavic review, 74, N.4, Winter 2015, 708-714.

Book reviews and encyclopedia articles: Over 150 in different languages.


1. The Ottoman Balkans (University of Sofia; University of Maryland-College Park; University of California-Irvine, Rice University, University of Florida, University of Graz, UIUC)

2. Modern Balkan History: Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Albania, Turkey (University of Sofia; University of Maryland-College Park; University of California-Irvine, Rice University, University of Florida, Harvard University, Bosphorus University, UIUC)

3. The Eastern Question (University of Sofia; University of California-Irvine; UIUC)

4. European Family History (University of California-Irvine, Rice University)

5. Sources and Historiography of Balkan history (University of Sofia)

6. Ottoman Decline and Balkan National Resurgence (University of Sofia)

7. The Historical Demography of the Ottoman Empire (University of Sofia)

8. The Europeanization of the Ottoman Empire (University of Sofia)

9. Europe's Five Hundred Years, 15th-20th centuries (Rice University)

10. Eastern Europe (Rice University)

11. Western Civilization since 1800 (University of Florida)

12. Nationalism (graduate seminar, University of Florida; UIUC; EUI)

13. Introduction to Bulgarian History (University of Graz)

14. Representing the Balkans: History and Theory (graduate colloquium, University of Graz)

15. Alterity in History (graduate seminar and colloquium, University of Florida; Harvard University; UIUC)

18. History of Travel (senior colloquium and graduate seminar: University of Florida; UIUC)

19. Historiography: the Annales school (University of Florida)

20. The Cold War (UIUC)

21. The Legacies of Empires in Eastern Europe (University of Bologna, Forli: MIREES)

22. Microhistory (UIUC)


Symposium de L'Association Internationale des Etudes Sud-Est Européennes, Istanbul, Turkey, 1974.

Turkological Conference. Leningrad, USSR, 1975.

Sypmosium de L'A.I.E.S.E.E. Hamburg, Germany, 1976.

Fourth International Congress for Balkan Studies. Ankara, 1979.

Symposium on Midhat Pasha. Istanbul, 1980.

15th International Congress of Historical Studies. Bucharest, 1980.

Second Greek-Bulgarian Symposium. Thessaloniki, Greece, 1981.

Second International Congress on Mediterranean Economies. Athens, Greece, 1984.

Fifth International Congress for Balkan Studies. Belgrade, 1984.

First Dutch-Bulgarian Historical Symposium. Sofia, 1984.

16th International Congress of Historical Studies. Stuttgart, Germany, 1985.

Third Greek-Bulgarian Symposium. Tîrnovo, Bulgaria, 1985.

International Conference of Women Historians. Vienna, 1985.

7th Symposium of C.I.E.P.O. (International Committee on Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies). Pecz, Hungary, 1986.

Fourth International Congress for the Social and Economic History of Turkey. Munich, Germany, 1986.

British-Bulgarian Symposium. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 1986.

Lecture at Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropäische Geschichte, Vienna, Austria, 1986.

Lecture at University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1987.

Lecture at University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 1987.

27th International University Week. Tutzing, West Germany, 1987.

International Symposium on National Movements in the Balkans. Vienna, 1988.

Eighth Symposium of C.I.E.P.O. Minnesota, 1988.

Sixth International Congress for Balkan Studies. Sofia, 1989.

National Convention of the AAASSS, Chicago, 1989.

National Convention of the American Historical Association, San Francisco, 1989.

Colloquium Transformation in Eastern Europe. Rice University, 1990.

NAFSA: Association of International Educators, 42nd conference. Portland, Oregon, 1990.

Symposium on Ethnic Stereotypes and Self-Image in Eastern Europe, The Wilson Center, 1990.

Forum on the New Europe, Santa Barbara, 1990.

Workshop on Bulgarian Culture. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1990.

National Convention of AAASS, Washington, D.C., 1990.

Colloquium on Eastern Europe in Revolution, Yale University, 1990.

Twenty-first Consortium on Revolutionary Europe. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 1991.

International Conference on Ethnic Conflict Management Under Rule of Law, U.S. Institute for Peace, 1991.

Symposium on "Intellectuals and Politics in Eastern Europe," Washington, D.C., 1991.

National Convention of AAASS, Miami, FL, 1991.

NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Region III Conference, Houston, TX, 1991.

Conference on "The Social Legacy of Communism," Washington, D.C. 1992.

Conference on "Nation, National Identity, Nationalism," Berkeley, CA,1992.

National Convention of AAASS, Phoenix, Arizona, 1992.

International Symposium on "Balkans and Turkey in the Changing International Order: Problems and Prospects", Istanbul, 1993 (participation prevented, paper sent and published).

Conference on "The Balkans in Crisis", Vryonis Center, California, 1993.

"Restructuring after War and Revolution, 1789-1989: Reappraising History, East and West", Conference at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 13-14 May 1993

25th National Convention of AAASS, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1993.

International Conference on Household Structures, Demographic Patterns and Cultural Identities in Central and Eastern Europe, 6-9 April 1994, Budapest.

Conference on Ethnic Minorities, Berkeley, 1994.

Fifth Bulgarian-American conference, Pittsburgh, 1994.

Seventh International Congress for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 1994.

Sixth Biennial Conference on the Ottoman empire, Binghampton, 1994.

Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Atlanta, 1994.

26th National Convention of AAASS, Philadelphia, 1994.

Conference on the Bosnia Crisis and the Islamic World, Columbia University, March 1995.

International History Congress "History Education and the 'Other' in History," Bosphorus University, Istanbul, 1995.

94th annual meeting of the AAA (American Anthropological Association), Washington, D.C., November 1995.

29th annual meeting of MESA (Middle East Studies Association), Washington, D.C., December 1995.

Workshop "Images of the Balkans and Imagining the Balkans," Institut für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung der Universitäten Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Wien. May, 1996.

Lecture at Institute for Ethnology and Folklore, Zagreb, Croatia, May 1996.

Lecture at Institute for History, Graz University, June 1996.

Lecture at Institute for Turkology, University of Munich, June 1996.

Conference "Recasting Social and Political Identities in Eastern Europe," University of Colorado, Boulder, 1996.

28th National Convention of AAASSS, Boston, 1996.

Lecture at UCLA, series on capital cities of Europe, March 1997.

Conference on Roderic Davison (in memoriam), George Washington University, April 1997.

Trilling series "The Prospects for liberalism in Russia and Eastern Europe," Columbia University, April 1997.

Conference "The Creation of a New Historic Identity in Turkey," Princeton University, April 1997.

Seminar "Imagining the Balkans," Wilson Center, May 1997.

Conference on "Culture and Reconciliation in South-Eastern Europe," Thessaloniki, Greece, June 1997.

Lecture at the Institut français des relations internationales, Paris, July 1997.

29th National Convention of AAASS, Seattle, 1997.

Lecture at Brown University, December, 1997.

Conference on Turkey and the Balkans, Washington, D.C., December 1997.

Lecture at Central European University, Budapest, March 1998.

Lecture at University of Wisconsin/Madison, March 1998.

Conference on NATO and EU expansion at University of Indiana, Bloomington, April, 1998.

Conference "Central Europe, Core or Periphery," Prague, Czech Republic, June 1998.

NGO conference, Thessaloniki, July 1998.

Summer University, Zabljak, Montenegro, Yugoslavia, July/August 1998.

30th National Convention of AAASS, Boca Raton, 1998.

Lecture at Harvard University, Minna de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, October 1998.

International Conference on South-East Europe: European Education, Co-operation for Peace, Stability and Democracy, Graz, Austria, November 1998.

Round Table Session on "Imagining the Balkans," Press Now, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 1999.

Harvard University, February 1998, international graduate student conference on Balkan studies.

Thomas E. Leontis Lecture in Modern Greek Studies, The Ohio State University, 22 April 1999.

Kosovo Panel, Ohio State University, 23 April 1999.

Forum “The War That Won’t Go Away,” Columbia University, 11 May 1999.

Lecture for Balkan Film Series, Wesleyan College.

Conference on “National Memory in the Balkans,” June 1999, Halki, Greece

Conference on Kosovo, Columbia University, November 1999.

31st National Convention if AAASS, St. Louis, November 1999.

AHA National Convention, Chicago, January 2000.

Sarasota Institute of Lifetime Learning, February 2000.

Lecture at Princeton University: 7 March 2000.

International conference on Mental Maps: The Construction of Borders and Space in Europe since the Enlightenment, Freie Universität Berlin, 31 March - 1 April 2000.

Meeting of the Academic Committee and the Board of Eminent Historians of the Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in the Balkans, Thessaloniki, Greece (10-12 May, 2000)

International conference on “New Approaches to the Writing of European History,” Vienna 14-16 May, 2000.

Seminar on “Imagining the Balkans,” UCLA: 25 May 2000.

Alpbach Seninar, Austria on co-existence of different cultures, 16-25 August.

Graduate students workshop at CDSEE, Thessaloniki, October, 2000.

32nd National Convention of AAASS, Denver, Colorado, November 2000.

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 3 November 2000.

University of Southern Maine, 17 November 2000.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 4 December 2000.

AHA National Convention, Boston, January 2001.

Lecture at National Humanities Center, 8 March 2001.

Lecture and seminar at University of Michigan, March 2001.

Sofia Conference (launching of BlueBird and NEXUS projects): 30-31 March 2001.

Lecture at IWM, Vienna, 9 July 2001.

Tuesday Lecture at IWM, Vienna: 25 September 2001.

United World College of the Adriatic, Duino, Italy, 13 October 2001.

Seminar at IWM, 28 November 2001

Roundtable, Palais Jalta, Frankfurt, 7 December 2001.

Lecture Max Planck Institut fuer Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt, 10 December 2001.

Lecture, Central European University, Budapest, 27 June 2002.

Conference on “Remembering communism”, Sofia, 29 June – 1 July 2002.

Lecture, Meeting of the Hague Club, CEU, Budapest, 12-14 September 2002.

Lecture, The Sawyer Seminar at Columbia University, October 2002.

Lecture, Europalia, Brussels, December 2002.

Symposium on “Nationalism, Memory and Commemoration in the Balkans”, Ohio State University, February 2003.

Conference on the Balkans, Tokyo University and Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, March 2003.

“Old Europe, New Europe”, UIUC, March 2003

Eutopia, UIUC conference, April 2003

4th Transnational Workshop, UIUC, May 2003

Graduate students workshop oft CDSEE, Sofia, June, 2003.

Conference “Remembering communism: genres of representation”, Braunschweig, Germany, September 2003 (co-organizer and presenter)

REEEC colloquium, October 2003

35th National Convention of AAASS, Toronto, Canada, November 2003.

Guest lecture and seminar at Northwestern University, December 2003

Oscar Halecki Lecture at the University of Leipzig, December 2003

Paper for “Where is Europe? Conference and Conversation”, University of Pittsburgh, April, 2004

Roundtable “Balkansim and postcolonialism,” Annual convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, New York, April 2004.

Graduate seminar at Chicago University, May 2004.

Paper for conference on “Symbolic geographies of Europe”, Budapest, CEU, May 2004

Lecture and roundtable at conference on “Balkans: Readings and reassessments”, Thessaloniki, June 3-7, 2004

Graduate students workshop of the CDSEE, Thessaloniki, June 17-21, 2004.

Lecture at New Europe College, Bucharest, Romania, October, 2004

Keynote address, conference on Balkan Identities, Constanţa, Romania, October, 2004.

Academic lecture at the ceremony of doctor honoris causa, Sofia University, November 2004.

Lecture and seminar at Center for Advanced Studies, Sofia, November 2004.

Paper at conference “Materiality/History: The Materialization of Historical Time,” Wiko, November 2005.

Paper at 36th National Convention of AAASS, Boston, MA, December 2004.

Guest lecture at the University of Bochum, January 2005.

Lecture at the University of Leipzig, GWZO, February 2005.

Lecture at the EinsteinForum, Potsdam, 1 February 2005.

Lecture at Freie Universitaet, Berlin, 3 June 2005.

Lecture at the University of Munich, 6 June 2005.

Lecture at the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, Vienna, 23 June 2005.

Abendkolloqium, Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, 29 June 2005.

Lecture at the University of Köln, 11 July 2005.

Paper at 37th National Convention of AAASS, Salt Lake City, November 2005.

Humanities lecture, UIUV, 9 November 2005.

Guest lecture at Ohio State University, 10 February 2006.

Guest lecture at the University of California, Berkeley, 24 March 2006.

Conference “Post-communist nostalgia”, University of Illinois, 6-7 April 2006 (co-organizer and presenter)

Paper at Conference “National Self-Assertion in Post-Dictatorial Societies, Warsaw, 7-10 June 2006

Guest lecture, University of Zuerich, Switzerland, 22 June 2006.

Guest lecture, European University Institute, Florence, 6 October 2006.

38th National Convention of AAASS, Washington, DC, November 2006.

Guest lecture at Kansas University, Lawrence, 22 February 2007.

Third Chancellor’s Special Lecture, UIUC, 26 March 2007.

First Carl-Heinrich Becker Lecture of the Thyssen Stiftung at the Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 21 May 2007.

Lecture at the National Library, Belgrade, 5 June 2007.

Presentation and conversation with Ivan Colovic, Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, 6 June 2007.

Organizer, conference on Remembering Communism. Categories and Sources , Berlin-Blankensee, 13-17 June 2007

Organizer and discussant, conference “Building the Balkans Anew: From Metaphor to Market,” UIUC, Sept. 2007

39th National Convention of AAASS, New Orleans, November 2007.

Guest lecture, Center for Mediterranean Studies, University of Crete, Rethymno, April 2008.

Commentator at conference on “Clashes in European Memory," Paris, 22-24 September 2008.

Organizer, second conference on Remembering Communism, Sofia, 26-30 September 2008.

Honorary lecture, European University Institute, 20 November 2008

Guest lecture, University of Firenze, 28 November 2008.

Guest lecture, University of Bologna-MIREES program (Forli), 5 December 2008.

Guest lecture, New York University, 26 March 2009.

Paper at – Geschichtsforum 1989 – Berlin, 30 May 2009.

Roundtable paper at Mapping European Culture, EUI, Florence, 3-6 June 2009.

Organizer, Conference of the project “Remembering Communism” – Bucharest, 1-5 October 2009.

41st National Convention of AAASS, Boston, November 2009.

Workshop on “Remembering Communism” at WIKO, Berlin – 21 November 2009

Inaugural lecture for the opening of Goldsmiths Balkan Center, London- 24 November 2009

Seminar at the Institute of Historical research, London - 25 November 2009

Keynote lecture at Columbia University conference, 26-27 March 2010

Guest lecture at Ohio State University – 10 May 2010.

First Christine von Kohl Memorial Lecture, Vienna, 27 May 2010.

Lecture at Humboldt-Forum: Berlin, 3 June 2010

Conference paper at conference on Eastern European historiography in Graz, 11-12 June 2010.

Conference paper at Volskwagwen Stiftung conference in Warsaw, 17-18 June 2010.

Paper for East European workshop at Stanford University, 17-18 September 2010.

42nd National Convention of AAASS, Los Angeles, November 2010: presidential panel.

Rutgers University: Distinguished Speakers Series, March 2011

Conference at the Institute for Human Sciences, n Vienna (panelist), 27-29 May 2011

Paper at conference in Paris, 27 June 2011.

Paper at East European conference in Jena, Germany, 8-10 July 2011.

43rd National Convention of ASEEES, Washington, DC, November 2011.

44th National Convention of ASEEES, New Orleans, November 2012.

University of Basel: keynote lecture for the series Erbschaften im Suedosten Europas (15 October 2013)

45th National Convention of ASEEES, Boston, November 2013.

Salon du livre des Balkans, Paris: table ronde (participation through video conference) “Est-ce que les Balkans existent?” (7 February 2014)

Distinguished Guest Lectureship, University of Pittsburgh “Is there weak nationalism and is it a useful category” (16 April 2014)

University of Rijeka. Keynote lecture “Is there weak nationalism and is it a useful category?”(9 May 2014)

46th National Convention of ASEEES, San Antonio, November 2014.

47th National Convention of ASEEES, Philadelphia, November 2015.


Reviews of "Balkan Family Structure"

1. Justin McCarthy, International Journal of Middle East Studies, vol.26, No. 4, November 1994, 695-697.

2. C.W. Bracewell, The Slavonic Review (London), vol.73, N.2, April 1995, 334-336.

3. Eve Levin, Slavic Review, vol.54, N.1, Spring 1995, 154-155.

4. Jasna Capo, Narodna umjetnost (Zagreb), 31, 1994, 308-309.

5. Karl Kaser, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft, Heft 1, 1994, 126-129.

6. Michael Mitterauer, Balkanistic Forum (Sofia), 1994,3, 15-33 (review article).

7. E. Kristeva, Minalo, 1994, 1, 88-90.

8. Tanya Boneva, Bîlgarska Etnologiya (Sofia), XXI, N.2, 1995, 108-113.

9. Stefan Troebst, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 44, 1996 (in print).

10. Viorel Panaite, Revue des études sud-est européennes, T.XXXIII, 1995, N.3-4, 346.

11. Monika Skowronski-Fries, Südost-Forschungen, Band 54, 1995, 479-482.

12. Olga Hering-Katsiardi, Ta Istorika, (Athens), 1996, vol 13, N. 24, 25, 300-306.

13. Tania Boneva, Istorichesko bîdeshte, 2002, 1-2, 293-297.

14. Olga Todorova, Aspasia, 2008.

Reviews of "Imagining the Balkans"

1. Gale Stokes, HABSBURG, H-Net list reviews, 1997/41, 10 September 1997.

2. Jasna Capo, Erasmus. Casopis za kulturu demokracije (Zagreb, Croatia), 22, 1997, 84-89.

3. Gregory Jusdanis, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 1998, vol.16, n.2, 375-377.

4. Angeliki Papantoniou, Europe. Magazine of the European Union, N.375, April 1998, 30-31.

5. Karl Kaser, Südostforschungen, Bd.55, 1998, 298-300.

6. Gerasimos Augustinos, European History Quarterly, 28, 3, 1998, 434-437.

7. Keith Hitchins, Nationalities Papers, vol.26, N.2, 1998, 343-344.

9. Boris Buden, Kulturrisse, (Vienna), N.51, March 1998, 26-27.

10. Vanessa Pupovac, “Why is there still an Eastern Europe,” LM, issue 108, March 1998


11. Ismail Cem, Sabah, 7 June 1998.

12. Maple Rasza and Nicole Lindstroem, Bastard, (Zagreb, Croatia) N.1, fall 1998, 74-77.

12. Nicholas Miller, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Summer 1998, vol.29, n.1, 127-128.

14. Gale Stokes, BSA Newsletter, October 1998, N.50, 13-15..

15. Erik Holm, "Balkanisering et fyord," Berlingske Tidende, (Copenhagen), 17 November 1998.

16. Barbara Reeves-Ellington, “Maria Todorova, Bulgarian Historiography, and Balkanism,” Binghamton Journal of History, Spring 1998.

17. Alki Kourkoula, “Valkanikes fantasies”, Kathimerini, 22 July 1998, p.3.

18 Pierre Hassner in Critique international, 1998, N.1, 66.

19. “Büchermarkt Kritiken: Die Erfindung des Balkans,” Deutschlandfunk, 12 August 1999


20. Philip Carabott, International Affairs, Oct.1998, vol. 74, n.4, 958.

21. Vladimir Pistalo, "The Handicap of Heterogeneity," in: Imagining the Balkans, Reader, Amsterdam, 1999.

22. Disa Hastad, “Inga spoken pa Balkan,” Dagens Nyheter, 2 February 1999.

23. Misha Glenny, London Review of Books, vol.21, N.9, , 29 April 1999, 12-14.

24. Pascalis Kitromilidis, The International History Review, XXI, 1, March 1999, 263-264.

25. Ioulia Pentazou, Historein, vol.1, 1999, 195-198.

26. Paul Gillespie, “Reconstruction to bring Balkans into Europe,” The Irish Times, 15 May 1999.


27. Katherine Verdery, Slavic Review, Summer 1999, 472-473.

28. Dejan Ilic “Imagimarni Srbi na imaginarnom Balkanu,” REC. Casopis za knizevnost i kulturu i društvena pitanja, No.3, 1999.

29. Ivan Radosavljevic, “Kako se rešava tajna dimnika,” REC, No.3, 1999.

30. Frank W. Carter, Journal of Historical Geography, 25, 3, July 1999, 434-436.

31. Serge van Duijnhoven, “De achterkant van Europa,” De Groene Amsterdammer, 14 July 1999.


32. Wolfgang Schuller, “Der Balkan im eigenen Auge,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 11 October 1999, N.236, p.55.

33. Mark Terkessides, “Das Bild vom Balkan,” Die Zeit, Nr.41, 7 October 1999.

34. Marija Mitrovic, “Le maledizione dei Balcani, antico pregiudizio,” Il sole 24 ore, 7 November 1999.

35. Holm Sundhaussen, “Der Balkan als historischer Raum Europas,” Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift für Historische Sozialwissenschaft, Jahrgang 25, 1999, Heft 4.

36. Ivan Krastev, “The Balkan Wall,” Correspondence. An International Review for Culture and Society, January, 2000; also in Bulgarian in: Kultura, No.1, 14 January 2000.

37. Cedomir Višnjic, “”Imaginiraje Balkana,” Identitet, November 1999, 46-47.

38. Karl Roider, Journal of Modern History, vol.71, n.3, 1999, 774-775.

39 “Kîm bîlgarskiya chitatel,” Literaturen forum, N.28, 28 Sept. - 4 Oct. 1999.

40. Claudia Lepping, “Eine aufgeregte Region,” Der Tagesspiegel, 13 December 1999.

41. Stefan Detchev, “Za edin zastinal obraz na Balkanite.” Balkanistichen Forum, Blagoevgrad, 1999, 1-2-3, 264-270.

42. Ljunibka Trgovcevic “Zamrznuta slika nesre_e i mr_nje,” Danas, 18. januar 2000, 6.

43. Karl-Markus Gauss, “Das dunkle Gegenbild Europas”, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 9 February 2000, # 33.

44. Darko Tanaskovo_, Politika, 4 March 2000.

45. Andreas Krause, “Westlicher als der Westen,” Berliner Zeitung, 6 March 2000.

46. Holm Sundhausen, Damals. Das aktuelle Magazin für Geschichte und Kultur, 1, 2000, 66.

47. Srda Pavlovic, Vijesti. Nezavisni dnevnik, 23 May 2000.

48. Pamela Ballinger, American Ethnologist, 27, 2, May 2000, 492-494.

49. John Lampe, American Historical Review, vol.105, N.3, June 2000, 881.

50. Raymond Detrez, Kultura, N.28, 21 July 2000.

51. K. E. Fleming, “Orientalism, the Balkans, and Balkan Historiography,” The American Historical Review, 105, 4.

52. Debate in Kritika i khumanizîm, 9, 2, 2000, 173-196.

53. Zigu Ornea , “O zona geografica inflamabila,” Romania Literara, No.8, 2001 (28 Feb.-6 March), 9.

54. Gert Dressel, “Der Balkan(ismus) in unseren Köpfen,” Balkan, Jg.1, Heft 2, 74-75.

55. Wilhelm Libal, “Noch einmal Todorova,” Balkan, Jg.1, Heft 4, 38-39.

56. Csaba Dupcsik, “Kisertethaz,” Regio: Kisebbseg, Politika, Tarsadalom, 4, 2000, 203-210.

57. Balkan Horizons, Bi-monthly newsletter on democracy and civil society issues, Nr.5, Winter 2000, p.32 (cited as best-selling book in the Balkans).

58. Anke Pfeifer, Paratexte Berlin 2000, Jahrgang 1, Heft 2, 570-571.

59. Roundtable on the Balkans, Kultura, No.19/20, May 2002.

60. Zdravka Rakova, Istorichesko bîdeshte, 2002, 1-2, 289-293.

61. Piero Comelli, Bulgaria-Italia, 19 Feb.2002 ( bulgaria-)

62. Robert Hudson, European Business Review, 2002, vol.4, issue 4.

63. Нойбауер, Дж. „Наративи и ментални карти, формиращи балканската идентичност”, Литературен вестник”. Брой 38, 20.11.2002.

64. Milada Jędrysik, Krótka historia Bałkanizacji, Gazeta Wyborcza, 15 Sept.2008.

65. Marcin Jakimowicz, Balkany dla zaawansowanych, Katowice, Nr.50, 14 Dec. 2008.

66. Marcin Zyla, Echa Orientu, Znak, Nr.11, 11-2008, 121-126.

67. Maciej Robert, Warzsawa, Nr.8, 08-2009.

68. Piotr Kofta, Miedzu duma a wstydem, Dziennik. Polska Europa Swiat, Nr.199, 14-14-08-2008.

69. Angela Falcetta, Cromohs, 14 (2009): 1-8,

70. Jean-Yves Grenier, Liberation, 2.7.2011

71. Jean-Arnault Derens, Monde diplomatique, 1.7.2011.

72. Nadege Ragaru, La Revue des Livres, mars/avril 2012.

73. Daniel Baric, Annales, vol 68, N.2, 2013.

74. Anne Madelain, "Imaginaire des Balkans" in the Revue d'études comparative Est-Ouest. (Juin 2013)

Reviews of "Balkans Identities: Nation and Memory"

1. Katherine Fleming, Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies, 2004.

2. Brigitte Le Normand, H-Net Habsburg, January 2005.

3. Roumen Daskalov, Contemporary European History, 13, 4, November 2004, 529-536.

4. Antionela Capelle-Pagacean, Critique internationale, N.25, oct.2004.

5. Pamela Ballinger, Slavic Review, 65, 1, Spring 2006, 155-156.

6. D. Livanios, Slavonic and East European Review, 83, 2, April 2005, 361-362.

7. Daniel Pennell, Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Summer 2007.

8. Dejan Djokic, Anglo-Hellenic Review, n.31, Spring 2005.

9. Melissa Bokovoy, American Historical Review, 110,2, 2005.

10. Gerald Easter, The International Journal of Non-Profit-Law, vol.7, issue 2, February 2005.

11. Anto Knezevic, The Slavic and East European Journal, vol.49, N.4, 2005.

12. Brigitte Le Normand, Habsburg H-Ne Reviws, January, 2004.

Reviews of "Bones of Contention"

1. Diana Mishkova, Sotsiologicheski problemi, 2009, 3-4, 301-304.

2. Ivaylo Ditchev, Kultura, 7 July 2009.

3. Nilolai Ovcharov and Nikolai Poppetrov, Bîlgarsko Vîzrazhdane. Godishnik, 12, 2010, 191-215.

4. Gerald Creed, Slavic Review, 69, 4, Winter 2010, 989.

5. Nikolai Poppetrov, История, 2010, № 1, c. 59-63.

6. Mari Firkatian, American Historical Review, 116, 3, June 2011, 896-7.

7. Richard Crampton, The Journal of Modern History, 83, 2, June 2011, 459-460.

8. Forum (reviews by Stefan Troebst and Ivailo Dichev and response): Southeast Europe, 36 (2012)., 252-263.

9. Brigita Iosifova, Ponedelnik, #9-10 2012 .

Reviews of “Post-Communist Nostalgia” and “Remembering Communism: Genres of Represenatation”

1. Neringa Klumbyte, Slavic Review, 70, 3, Fall 2011, 674-675.

2. Jonathan L. Larson. HABSBURG, H-Net Reviews. January, 2012.


3. Katja Krebs, European Journal of Cultural Studies, 14, 2011, 468-470.

4. Gediminas Lankauskas, Anthropology of East Europe Review, 29, 1, 2011, 153-154.

5. Wim van Meurs, Suedosteuropa, 59, 1, 2011, 170-172.

6. Ulf Brunnbauer, Contemporary European History, 21, #3, 2012.

7. Lorenzo Ferrari, LSE Review of Books, August 11, 2013.

Review of Dizanje prošlosti u vazduh

Vreme, br 1024, 19 August 2010.

Slovanský přehled. Historický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.. Roč. 98, 3-4 (2012), s. 363-366.

Reviews “Remembering Communism: Private and Public Recollections of Lived Experience in Southeast Europe”

1. Codrita Pohrib, The Slavonic and East European Review, vol93,N.3, July 2015. 587-588.

2. Tanja Petrovic, H-Soz-u-Kult, H-Net Reviews. September, 2015.

3. John Feffer, Los Angeles Review of Books, October 13th 2015.

4. Rositsa Gencheva, Sotisologicheski Pregled and Kultura.

5. Kristin Ghodsee, H-Socialisms, H-Net Reviews. November, 2015.



BBC radio interview, 8 April 1998.

Interview with Andrei Morawieski, July 1998 in “Opoka” (in Polish): .pl/biblioteka/I/H/krew.htm

Radio interview on Belgian National Radio, February, 1999.

Publication in the Vienna daily “Die Presse”: 10 April 1999.

Interview with Serbian magazine “Nin”: 5 August 1999.

Interview for Croatian journal “Feral Tribune”: October, 1999.

Interview on Austrian National Radio: September, 1999.

Interview with the Voice of America: April, 2000.

Interview with the BBC: May, 2000.

Interview with Finnish National Radio: September, 2001.

Interview with Deutsche Welle: December 2001.

Interview with Austrian Radio 1: December 2001.

Interview with Newsletter of CAS (Center for Advanced Study), Sofia, June 2002.

Interview with Radio Free Europe, Prague, October, 2002.

Interview with Feral Tribune, Zagreb, December 2002.

Interview on post-communism for Danish Radio (+ BBC), 4 July 2005.

Interview on post-communist nostalgia for Danish Radio, November 2006.

Radio interview with Deutsche Welle, Berlin, 21 May 2007

Interview with Serbian daily Politika, 5 June 2007

Interview with Serbian daily Danas, 2-3 June 2007

Interview with Serbian magazine Vreme, 7 June 2001

Interview with Serbian journal Evropa, 4 June 2007

Interview on Serbian National TV, 6 June 2007

Interview with Croatian newspaper Feral Tribune, 5 June 2007

Radio interview with Bulgarian radio Horizont, 6 June 2007

Interview in Kultura, 17 October 2008

Interview for H-Alter - Udruga za nezavisnu medijsku kulturu, February 2009:

Rasio Sofia, Progarama Horizont: 19 October 2009.

Interview in Standart, Wien, 28 May 2010.

Interview with Austrian National Radio (ORF), 28 May 2010: .

Interview for Deutsche Welle, 2 June 2010.

Profile on Maria Todorova and interview: Colloquia (Institute of Central European Studies), vol.XIX, 2012, 146-77.

Interview for Radio Free Europe (June 2014).

Interveiw for the film Angel Wagenstein (dir. Andrea Simon)

Interviews in Croatian papers Jutarnji list, 14 November 2015, Vecernji list, 10 January 2016, and 24 casa express, 15 January 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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