39619-013: Eastern and North Central Provincial

Completion Report

Project Number: 39619-013 Loan Number: 2546 September 2016

Sri Lanka: Eastern and North Central Provincial Road Project

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Currency Unit ? Sri Lanka rupee/s (SLRe/SLRs)

At Appraisal

At Project Completion

14 July 2009

5 August 2016

SLRe1.00 = $0.0087


$1.00 = SLRs114.8599 SLRs145.95


AADT ? average annual daily traffic

ADB ? Asian Development Bank

DBST ? double bituminous surface treatment

EIRR ? economic internal rate of return

EPC ? Eastern Provincial Council

EPRDD ? Eastern Provincial Road Development Department

FIDIC ? F?d?ration Internationale Des Ing?nieurs-Conseils

(International Federation of Consulting Engineers)

GDP ? gross domestic product

GIS ? geographical information system

GRC ? grievance redress committee

IT ? information technology

km ? kilometer

m2 ? square meter


? ?

Ministry of Provincial Councils and Local Government Ministry of Local Government and Provincial Councils

NCPC ? North Central Provincial Council NCPRDA ? North Central Provincial Road Development Authority

PBRMC ? performance-based road maintenance contract PCR ? project completion report PIC ? project implementation consultant

RMMS ? road management and maintenance system RPPF ? Road Project Preparatory Facility

RRP ? report and recommendation of the president TA ? technical assistance

VOC ? vehicle operating cost

Deyata Kiruala

Grama Niladhari Watti Vade

GLOSSARY ? An annual educational and development exhibition

organized by the government on Independence Day ? Village-level administrator appointed by government ? An open basket ? A snack made out of dhal and/or undu flour

NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

Vice-President W. Zhang, Operations 1

Director General Hun Kim, Director General, South Asia Department (SARD)


Sri Widowati, Country Director, Sri Lanka Resident Mission (SARD)

Team leader

A. Nanayakkara, Senior Project Officer (Road and Transport), SARD

Team members

K. Bandara, Senior Project Officer (Environment), SARD T. Miyao, Senior Portfolio Management Specialist, SARD A. Tayyab, Principal Natural Resources and Agriculture Economist, SARD

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.





II. EVALUATION OF DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION A. Relevance of Design and Formulation B. Project Outputs C. Project Costs D. Disbursements E. Project Schedule F. Implementation Arrangements G. Conditions and Covenants H. Related Technical Assistance I. Consultant Recruitment and Procurement J. Performance of Consultants, Contractors, and Suppliers K. Performance of the Borrower and the Executing Agency L. Performance of the Asian Development Bank

III. EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE A. Relevance B. Effectiveness in Achieving Outcome C. Efficiency in Achieving Outcome and Outputs D. Preliminary Assessment of Sustainability E. Impact

IV. OVERALL ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Overall Assessment B. Lessons C. Recommendations

APPENDIXES 1. Design and Monitoring Framework 2. Project Roads and Packages 3. Project Costs 4. Loan Disbursements 5. Implementation Timeline and Schedule 6. Chronology of Main Events 7. Organizational Structure 8. Status of Compliance with Loan Covenants 9. Technical Assistance Completion Report 10. Contract Implementation Details 11. Economic Reevaluation 12. Road Maintenance and Sustainability 13. Socioeconomic Impact




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