Study GuideThis is not required, however, it is extra credit if you do it and turn it in on the test. In order to receive that credit, these questions must be done on a separate sheet of paper, if you hand write them, you must copy down the question as is and then write the answer in a different color. If you type them (recommended) put the answer on a new line.Act 1What is happening at the beginning of the play in Thebes?What does Creon report?Who does Creon say is responsible for Laius’ death?Who is Teiresias?What does Teiresias foreshadow will happen to Oedipus?What is Oedipus’ tragic flaw?What tone does Oedipus take on with Tiresias initially? How does his tone change throughout their conversation? How does the chorus feel about King Oedipus at the end of part 1?What does Oedipus accuse Creon and Teiresias of doing?Important quotes: What is the importance of each quote?Oedipus: “So I will fight for him as if her were my father” Think Irony!!Oedipus: “Here I am myself—you all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus.”Teiresias: “You mock my blindness? …You with your precious eyes, you’re blind to the corruption of your life” (What kind of blindness is Tiresias referring to?)Act 2Why is Creon upset with Oedipus?Why doesn’t Creon want to be king?How do Oedipus and Jocasta feel towards the gods in Act 2?Important quotes: What is the importance of each quote?Jocasta to Oedipus and Creon “Are you not ashamed to start a private feud when the country is suffering?” What does this quote show us about Jocasta>Act 3Describe how Oedipus and Creon are foils.How is Oedipus humbled at the end of the play?Why did Oedipus not just kill himself at the end of the play instead of stabbing out his eyes?What does the Corinthian messenger tell Oedipus about his “father” Polybus? Why is this important?What else does the Corinthian messenger know that will change Oedipus? How does Oedipus stabbing out his eyes, tie into the theme of truth in this play? (Think of the scenes with Tiresias).Important quotes: What is the importance of the following quote:Chorus: “Now as we keep our watch and wait the final day, count no man happy till he dies, free of pain at last”Caesar – Study the 2 speeches and the analysis you did and what we did in class. Greece Study Guide:?What was the legacy of the Ancient Greeks??How did the government of Ancient Greek, especially Athens, change??What are similarities between the Ancient Greeks and the United States?Who fought in the Persian War? Why did the war begin? Famous Battles??Who fought in the Peloponnesian War? Why did the war begin?What was the result of the Peloponnesian War? (What or who rose to power?)What was Alexander the Great’s legacy?How does the geography of Ancient Greece affect development of the city-states?How does Alexander the Great change how the city-states interact with one another?What are the differences between Sparta and Athens??Why did the Olympics take place??What does Hellenism mean?Know the main points of the Ancient Greek Philosophers:?Why did Minoan Civilization disappear?What are the Mycenaeans known for?Rome Study Guide:?.?How was Rome founded? Geography of Rome: How does the Roman government change when it forces out its king? Roman Law CodeWhy did the Punic Wars start? Who fought in these wars? How did the Punic Wars end?Why did the Roman Republic fail? Who was part of the 2nd Triumvirate? What was the Pax Romana? Discuss its legacy? What did the Romans value? Discuss differences between social classes in Roman society.What was Jesus of Nazareth’s role in history? How do we know about him? What CREATED christianity? Why is the rise of Christianity Important? What did Diocletian do? List some Romance languages What is the difference between Patricians and PlebiansKnow who, what, why for: consuls, senate, tribunes, dictator. Know legacy of Eastern Roman Empire vs. Western Roman Empire. ................

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