
Chapter 15-Lesson 1 Fall of RomeWhat changes weakened Rome?Weakness1. Empire couldn’t feed all the people.Due to ________________________=less fertile landFood shortages caused unrest among the people.2. Running out of __________________________Spending on foreign goodsDidn’t pay the high _____________________________________________________ didn’t have money to pay for services.3. At war with __________________________ peopleNeeded larger armyHired _____________________________________No ________________________________ to the empire4. many EmperorsToo many changes in governmentDivided EmpireDeocletian split the empireHe ruled the Eastern EmpireMaximian ruled the Western EmpireCivil War broke out and 4 men fought for controlConstantine________________________ took control over the West and the 12 years later the EastMoved the capital from Rome to Byzantium.Constantine renamed the city ________________________________.After his death his 3 sons fought for control.Empire was _________________________ divided into eastern and western empires.Summary:Chapter 15-Lesson 2 Fall of RomeWhat causes made the Western Empire fall?East vs. WestEastern Roman Empire was wealthy and better _______________________ than Western Roman Empire.Traded with Asia, _____________________ and EuropeWestern Roman Empire had no ______________ trade routesEasy to ______________________People left the _____________________________Invasions___________________________ tribes attached RomeThey were called _______________________________The Romans considered Germanics to be ______________________________GermanicsThey had a complex ___________________________Skilled metalworkersAssembliesWar chiefsHunsThe Huns were from ______________________ Asia and they were driving the Germanic people into Rome.The Romans did not help the GermanicsRome FallsThe _____________________ was caused by:___________________________ was corruptCitizens were ______________________________Goths attached Rome which seriously weakened the Empire______________________ invaded France, Spain and northern AfricaEmpires army was too weak to __________________________Huns began attacking the EmpireRoads were _________________________Trade declinedGermanic ___________________________ beganThe Church gained _________________________Eastern Empire continued for another __________________________ years.Summary:Chapter 15-Lesson 3 Fall of RomeHow did the Byzantine Empire preserve Roman culture?ByzantineEastern Roman Empire became known as the ____________________ EmpireLasted for a ________________________ yearsRuler was an _____________________ rulerJustinianEmperor JustinianRebuilt ________________________________________ Built schools, _________________________ and churchesMost famous church was Hagia SophiaCreated a new set of laws______________________ CodeDealt with marriage, women’s rights and criminal JusticeByzantines thought of themselves as part of ____________________ culture.ReligionThe religion developed differently from East and West___________________ –Emperor had authority over the churchWestern- the _________________ had the authorityChristian splitPope tried to take control over the east but they would no follow. This causedthe _____________________ to split. East became known as the _______________________________________________________ became known as the Roman Catholic ChurchPope claimed control over __________________ and ____________________This caused problems between the _________________ and kings and emperorsThe East had more power over the _______________________ and the church.The end of ByzantineByzantine faced threats from East and West.New religion called _______________________________.___________________________ armies attacked ConstantinopleOttoman Turks and Serbs attackedAll these attacks _____________________________ ByzantineSummary:Chapter 15-Lesson 4 Fall of RomeHow did Roman culturally survive?Roman CultureFrom the GreeksRomans added __________________ ideas about art and forms of writing to their own culture.MosaicsBas-reliefEpic poems_______________ by poet VirgilOratory_____________________ language spoken by the Romans became known as the romance languages which included: French, Spanish and ItalianArchitectureImproved the structure of buildings:ArchesVaultsDomesA kind of ____________- to help create stronger buildingsAqueductsBuilding of roads which made travel and trade fasterChurchThe ______________ of Christianity was helped the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox ernmentRoman Republic _________________ the United States governmentSenate_________________ Code models many modern lawsRight to _______________ treatment under the lawSummary: ................

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