Wyoming Legislature


of the


of the





JANUARY 11, 2011 THROUGH MARCH 3, 2011




HONORABLE George R. Salisbury Jr.

Representative Carbon County



Representative Johnson/Sheridan Counties


HONORABLE Ford T Bussart

Senator Sweetwater County



SPEAKER Edward Buchanan

HD4 Torrington – Goshen County


HD31 Gillette – Campbell County


HD23 Jackson – Teton County


HD33 Ethete – Fremont County


HD5 Lingle – Goshen/Platte Counties


HD11 Cheyenne – Laramie County


HD48 Rock Springs – Sweetwater County


HOUSE Patricia Benskin

Cheyenne – Laramie County





January 11, 2011 through March 3, 2011

Opening Proceedings 1

State of the State Address 19

State of the Judiciary Address 31

House Bills, Numerical Listing 49

Joint House Resolutions, Numerical Listing 421

Adjournment Proceedings 431


Members of the House

House Standing Committees

Alphabetical List of House Bill and Resolution Catch Titles

Alphabetical List of House Bills and Resolutions by Sponsor

Subject Index

Final Action Sheet




JANUARY 11, 2011

House Chamber

At 12:00 p.m., the House Sergeant-at-Arms introduced the following honored guests and their escorts.

The Honorable Pat Arp, Deputy Secretary of State, escorted by Representatives Bonner and Byrd.

The Honorable Max Maxfield, Secretary of State escorted by Representatives McOmie and Craft.

Secretary of State, Max Maxfield called the House to order and Sergeant of Arms Darrell Moore announced the Honorable Michael Golden, Justice of the Wyoming Supreme Court escorted by Representatives Patton and Connolly.

The Central High School ROTC posted the colors, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by the body.

The prayer was given by Reverend David Anderson, of North Hills Baptist Church, Lingle, Wyoming.

Deputy Secretary of State Pat Arp called the roll of the elected House Members.



The opportunity to open Wyoming's Legislative sessions is one of the high points in the privileges I enjoy as your Secretary of State.

I can feel the excitement as our Legislature sets out to work to continue to make Wyoming the greatest state to live in and do business in.

I applaud Governor Mead for his comments during his inauguration, acknowledging the elected officials represent ALL Wyomingites.

I am the not the Republican Secretary of State. I represent all Wyomingites and my office is available to all Wyomingites.

Regardless of numbers, Wyoming has a two party system; we should honor that.

But, when we are discussing what's best for Wyoming, party should not matter. Let's use this period of time, NOT to fracture and become Republicans vs. Democrats or factions within our parties, but rather let's use this time to unite around our common goals.

There is much we all want for Wyoming and there is much that the public expects from all of us. I suggest that the elected officials and this body unite around our common goals.

There will be differences; differences among us and differences between us. But when we disagree, let's remember CIVILITY. Let's disagree agreeably.

For many of you in this body today, serving the legislature is a new experience. You will find this experience among the most unique and meaningful chapters of your lives. You will make lifelong friends on both sides of the aisle and learn more about Wyoming.

Auditor Cloud spoke at your caucuses about a time that the Democrats and Republicans were so divided they would not even have their pictures taken together.

I think the portraits tell another story. Sometimes we think the legislative or the elective offices would come to a screeching halt if we were not here. Look at the number of folks who held our seats before us, and the room in the frames for the many that will come after us.

Each of us is important today, but let's remember the extent of, and the limits of, that importance.

You are surrounded by experience. Take advantage of that. Look to, and listen to, the more senior members in this body.

I want you to know, new legislators and experienced alike, that I, and my staff, stand ready to support and assist you. I am fortunate that I have some of the most experienced staff in state government. Combined they have many years of history and insight.

Godspeed… for a positive and productive session where, on the final day, we can say the state of Wyoming is a better place because we were here.

God bless you and God Bless America.


Representative Petersen nominated Representative Semlek for Temporary Speaker. The motion carried on a voice vote, Representatives Quarberg and Davison escorted Temporary Speaker Semlek to the chair.

Representative Pedersen nominated Patricia Benskin as Temporary Chief Clerk. The motion carried by voice vote.


Representative Semlek appointed Representative Stubson to serve as chairman of a credentials committee consisting of Representatives Brechtel, Moniz, Barbuto and Throne. The committee will convene in the office of the Majority Floor Leader. This committee shall report its findings as to the credentials of the membership of the House pursuant to Article 3, Section 10, of the Wyoming Constitution.


Representative Stubson: The Credentials Committee has received from the Secretary of State a certified list of the members elected to the House of Representatives of the Sixty-first Legislature of the State of Wyoming, according to the Certificates of the State Canvassing Board as filed in the office of the Secretary of State. We have reviewed that list and find it to be accurate. I move adoption of this report.

Justice Golden was asked to come to the rostrum to administer the oaths of office to House members.



I, Max Maxfield, Secretary of the State of Wyoming, do hereby certify that the attached is a full, true and correct list of the members of the Sixty first Legislature of the State of Wyoming, duly elected at the General Election held on the second day of November, 2010, according to the Certificates of the State Canvassing Board as filed in this office.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Wyoming. Done at Cheyenne, the Capital, this seventeenth day of December A.D., 2010.

Max Maxfield

Secretary of State

By: Peggy Nighswonger

Chief Election Officer


District Number Name

District 1 Mark A. Semlek

District 2 Hans Hunt

District 3 Frank Peasley

District 4 Edward A. Buchanan

District 5 Matt Teeters

District 6 Richard Cannady

District 7 Bryan Pedersen

District 8 Bob Nicholas

District 9 David Zwonitzer

District 10 John Eklund Jr.

District 11 Mary A. Throne

District 12 Amy L. Edmonds

District 13 Cathy Connolly

District 14 Kermit C. Brown

District 15 Donald Burkhart

District 16 Ruth Ann Petroff

District 17 Bernadine L. Craft

District 18 Allen Jaggi

District 19 Owen Petersen

District 20 Kathy Davison

District 21 Robert McKim

District 22 Jim Roscoe

District 23 Keith Gingery

District 24 Sam Krone

District 25 Dave Bonner

District 26 Elaine D. Harvey

District 27 Mike Greear

District 28 Lorraine Quarberg

District 29 John W. Patton

District 30 Jon Botten

District 31 Thomas E. Lubnau II

District 32 Norine A. Kasperik

District 33 W. Patrick Goggles

District 34 Rita Campbell

District 35 Kendell Kroeker

District 36 Gerald Gay

District 37 Steve Harshman

District 38 Bob Brechtel

District 39 Stan Blake

District 40 Mike Madden

District 41 Ken A. Esquibel

District 42 Pete Illoway

District 43 Dan Zwonitzer

District 44 James W. Byrd

District 45 Matt Greene

District 46 Glenn Moniz

District 47 William "Jeb" Steward

District 48 Joseph M. Barbuto

District 49 Clarence Vranish

District 50 Pat Childers

District 51 Rosie Berger

District 52 Sue Wallis

District 53 Gregg Blikre

District 54 Del McOmie

District 55 David R. Miller

District 56 Tim Stubson

District 57 Tom Lockhart

District 58 Lisa Shepperson

District 59 Carl "Bunky" Loucks

District 60 John Freeman


Representative Teeters nominated Representative Edward Buchanan as Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 61st Legislature. Representative Shepperson seconded the nomination of Representative Buchanan and moved that his election be made unanimous dispensing with the roll call.

The motion carried. Representative Buchanan was escorted to the rostrum by Representatives Harshman and Blake. Justice Golden administered the oath of office to Representative Buchanan.


Mr. Majority Floor Leader, Mr. Speaker Pro Tem, Mr. Majority Whip, Mr. Minority Leader, Madame Minority Whip, fellow legislators of the 61st Wyoming Legislature, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, citizens of the state of Wyoming.

It is an honor and privilege to stand before you today as your Speaker. You have vested your trust and confidence in me and to that honor I pledge my very best.

It is indeed wonderful to be in the presence of my family, friends and colleagues. I feel truly blessed and deeply honored. Thank you, each of you, for the parts you played in this day and for the love, friendship and support you've offered to me. And to my colleagues in the house, it's been my privilege to serve alongside this distinguished group of individuals, each of whom cares deeply for the state of Wyoming and her people. Finally, to the people of Goshen county; thank you for your trust in me and giving me the privilege to represent you in this great institution.

As we look toward a new year and a new session, I am boldly confident that now is a great time to be in Wyoming. We are the fortunate ones. Wyoming has a balanced budget, a respectable amount of money in savings, a relatively low unemployment rate, a favorable business climate, excellent educational opportunities, and beautiful geography. One need only glance outside our borders to know we are blessed.

Fortunately, leaders in Wyoming over the past decades have applied a conservative hand, which over time has brought an element of insulation from the boom and bust cycles and a brighter economic future in this state. Now, as the economies of other states and our nation continue to falter, Wyoming emerges head and shoulders above all. As I travel around the country each year I meet scores of people who ask, "So how is Wyoming's budget?" When I tell them, they universally are impressed and lament that they wish their state and federal government managed money like we do. I tell them we are constitutionally required to balance our budget. And how we were proactive in budget cuts before it was absolutely necessary. And I describe our ability to accomplish this in one word: LEADERSHIP.

Leadership is as essential in good times as it is in bad. It is as important now as it was when the constitutional convention convened in Cheyenne 121 years ago. Look around this capitol at the pictures of leaders who have walked these halls and stood where we stand. Think about the tough times they endured, the conveniences they didn't have, and the fortitude they applied during the framing of Wyoming. Our state's rich history demonstrates those leaders did not back away from the issues before them. Instead, they poured on the coal, heated the metal and continued to hammer out the shape of our great state.

Someday, 2011 will be in the history books, and our photos will be contained in another of the frames that line these halls. What will be remembered of us? What will we have done to contribute to the shape of Wyoming? My fiends, this is our time.

As your newly elected speaker, I pledge to you that we will lead. We will not shy away from the issues. We will embrace the tasks before us, make the tough decisions, endure rigorous debate and advance our society to the benefit of our prosperity. We must. This is our commission from those who elected us, and our mandate from those who came before.

Now, as is characteristic of a general session, many issues are lined up for consideration by this body and several are on the forefront:

The Budget

As we stand here today, we are 6 months in to the biennial budget we passed a year ago. I want to remind the body that it was designed for just that; to sustain ourselves for two years. It wasn't long ago, about a year and a half, when we were seriously concerned about our fiscal situation. For those new to the body, we were approaching the end of the session with declining commodity prices and were anxiously, not eagerly, awaiting our latest revenue forecasts. We took bold steps to hedge against a serious decline, to include siphoning off statutory flows to the PMTF, placing the revenue stream in a holding account and making 10% across the board cuts. Today, commodity prices have stabilized, but three facts bear mentioning; first our positive financial position today is largely due to those budget cuts. Second, we actually had more money at our disposal than we do today. And, finally, while we do have some liquid savings, any other surpluses you hear about are simply projections. And, at this point, are projections that are nearly two years out, all of this is simply to say remember that we have a two-year budget that has already been passed, we are only six months into it and supplemental budget requests should, therefore be carefully scrutinized. There's no amount of money government can't spend. Let us be disciplined in this regard.

The Wolf

When it comes to the issue of wolf management, I believe Wyoming must stay the course and not capitulate by expansion of the trophy game area or wolf numbers in general. I believe recent developments in our litigation efforts provide wholly defensible reasons for Wyoming to stay the course with our lawsuit against the federal government. A comparison of the issues in the respective federal district courts gives us reason to believe we are well-poised for any appellate action in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals and that we can avoid fallout from any decision made in the 9th circuit. We are in a position of strength at this time, have acted in good faith, and have come too far to give up now.

Wind/Energy Development

As developers continue to tap into our plentiful supply of wind, now is the time for the legislature to develop fair, predictable and consistent tax policy recognizing the value of Wyoming's natural resources and the significant impacts of these developments on local communities and their infrastructure.

We must also be very careful when going about the business of eminent domain. I encourage support for bills that make the export of electricity feasible and that also provide protection and fair compensation for landowners.

I also support establishing wind as a property right that is inseverable from the surface estate.

In addition, there is a need to take a realistic look at the growth in the southeastern part of the state which will likely result from the significant increase in oil exploration. While this is good news for Wyoming's coffers, we have to realize the impacts of these developments on local infrastructure. We would be wise to anticipate this impact and plan accordingly.

Speaking of local infrastructure, we will debate supplemental appropriations for local governments contained in the governor's budget. However, we need to carefully scrutinize proposals for earmarked funding. I am not sure that taking one half of the one percent of the statutory flow to the PMTF or appropriating monies from the "SPRA" is the best way to approach. I believe we should have a deep policy discussion on severance tax flows in general as they relate to local governments. Of course this means that ultimately the general fund and budget reserve account would take the hit which would reduce funding for other areas. Hence the need for serious fiscal policy discussions on this topic.


Now, turning to education, much has been said about improvement, but not all of it has been recent. Since 2009, we have attempted to highlight the need for some changes in education. We saw the call for reform and improvement in the recent election. Universally, we all see the need for improvement but for two years we have done virtually nothing on accountability and improvement. It is my intention to ensure we earnestly begin to address these issues.

To that end, one of the bills we will consider is the Educational Accountability Act, but could be more aptly named the Education Improvement Initiative. In my remarks at this very podium in 2008, I asked the following questions, and they bear repeating as we still have yet to answer them.

Why did 36% of Hathaway recipients lose their scholarship once they got to college?

Why do 31% of students entering the state's university and community colleges need remedial math courses? 36% needed remedial English.

Why does Wyoming continue to maintain an unacceptably low graduation rate of 75%?

Why do some districts use money allocated by the funding model for smaller classroom sizes for other areas when their performance clearly needs improvement?

Wyoming has more potential than any state in America, to produce the best, highest achieving students in the nation.

The courts have mandated the legislature allocate the resources we currently direct toward education and we have dutifully followed that mandate. We spend over a billion dollars per year for K-12. For comparison, our state budget for 2 years is about $3 billion. In fact, we had the resources to do it. However, if performance doesn't match the expenditure, it makes no sense to continue to over-fund the model by $100 million in this year's recalibration legislation.

Let's be clear. This accountability applies across the board. And it starts right here, right now with us, as legislators. Beyond that, school boards, superintendents, principals, teachers and parents share this responsibility. This is not about singling out any one group, as some might claim. Instead, we are shoring up the system as a whole so that money being spent is justified by results. Only then will we see a return on our investment.

A portion of the education legislation coming during the session will look at collaborative process by which design teams work to improve the system. Those districts currently spending money without using best practices and resource-based positions will be scrutinized. We will also look for quick, accurate testing which provides a clear measurement of student growth.

The issue of teacher tenure will also be reviewed and if anyone doubts our support and commitment to teachers, one only need to look at the money allocated for increased teacher salaries over the past decade, making teacher pay in Wyoming among the highest in the country.

At the end of the day, there's little more important to our economy and our future than a well-educated workforce which creates jobs and provides services essential to our quality of life here in Wyoming. We must succeed.

These issues must be addressed. It is not an easy task for a myriad of reasons, however, we must succeed. Our children's' future depends on it. As we move through this legislation, I encourage everyone involved to offer positive solutions-based input rather than oppositional rhetoric. The legislation before you attempts to produce actual, quantifiable solutions and above all, better learning experiences for all of Wyoming's students. That is the only acceptable outcome and we will not shy away from reaching it.

Social Issues

Although many social topics will be debated this session, a couple of them merit special mention in this address. First, is the rate of divorce in Wyoming. Wyoming has the third highest divorce rate in the nation. As a result, Wyoming has too many children living at or below poverty level. State government has come up with many programs to help these families and children after they fall prey to divorce. But what if we could keep more children in homes with married parents?

After extensive research of similar laws in other states, I will bring forward a bill which would require premarital counseling before a marriage license would be issued in Wyoming. Those who do not wish to attend counseling would be required to undergo a waiting period before getting married. Similarly, for existing marriages, we will look at legislation which would allow the court to order marital counseling to see if a reconciliation may be reached. Those who are ordered but do not attend a divorce attend counseling would have a waiting period before a divorce would be granted. For those cases in which extreme or dangerous circumstances exist, at the court's discretion, the counseling requirement will be waived. Yes, there are irreconcilable relationships, but many could be salvaged if it weren't so easy to jump in and out of marriage. The state bears the sizable economic burden of these failed relationships, so it stands to reason that we reinforce the importance of thoughtful decisions upon entering or exiting a marriage. For those who believe that is not the role of government, I would point out two things: first, that in cases where this law would apply, the people involved have already voluntarily submitted themselves to government involvement through the use of the court system and second, we pay an enormous debt to take care of single parents and their children after the fact. It is time to look for innovative solutions on the front end to address this problem.

The other topic I briefly wanted to touch on is domestic violence. I support legislation this session that will strengthen our domestic violence laws with regard to enhanced penalties. No longer should abusers have the ability to avoid harsh sentences simply because 5 or 10 years has passed between their convictions. One conviction should be more than enough notice that subsequent acts will not be treated lightly. There is no excuse for it and it is time to change this law.

As Wyoming joins the fight against encroachment of the federal health care changes, the legislature will look at several issues relating to the same.

We will debate legislation that utilizes a grant program to establish more community-based health care facilities with the goal of attracting more health care providers to the state.

As for the health care pilot project, you will see efforts to expand this program. I only ask that you carefully examine whether it is prudent to do so at this time. This legislation passed only a year ago as a pilot project and had elements designed to test feasibility of preventative care through a health savings account type of program. I believe we must allow the initial design time to be tested before expanding the program further and I look forward to a detailed discussion on that front.

Finally, it is imperative that we continue our resistance to the over-reaching power of the federal government. A tough, but sensible stance can go a long way toward strengthening our tenth amendment rights. You will see legislation to establish a litigation fund to support these efforts through legal action when deemed appropriate and necessary as well as resolutions asserting our sovereignty and I would encourage your support of these measures.

Wyoming truly is the greatest state in the United States of America. This last year, I climbed Laramie Peak and took in the awe inspiring panorama of the great plains rolling up to meet the Rocky Mountains. And just last month, I returned, via snowmobile, to the majestic beauty of winter in the Big Horns, along the way always finding those friendly hellos and that warm hospitality which is so common in Wyoming it almost goes unnoticed.

So let's remind ourselves often, we in Wyoming truly are the fortunate ones. You are here in this room today because you love and care for Wyoming and her people. I welcome each of you to engage with me in the process as we fuel the fire, heat the metal and continue to shape the future of Wyoming.


Representative Brown nominated Representative Tom Lubnau as Majority Floor Leader for the 61st Legislature. Representative Teeters seconded the nomination of Representative Lubnau and moved that his election be made unanimous dispensing with the roll call.

The motion carried. Mr. Speaker appointed Representatives Kasperik and Wallis to escort Representative Lubnau to the rostrum. Justice Golden administered the oath of office.


Mr. Speaker, Mr. Minority Leader, Mr. Speaker Pro Tem, Mr. Majority Whip, Madame Minority Whip, Mr. Minority Caucus Leaders, Brothers and Sisters of the 61st Wyoming Legislature, family members, friends and guests.

Thank you for the honor and privilege of standing before you as your Majority Floor Leader. With great humility and gratitude, let me recognize those who sacrificed much for me to have the opportunity to be here.

To the armed forces of this country, serving at great risk, to make our freedom a reality possible. Thank you from each one of us. On a professional note, thanks to my law firm colleagues who make it possible for my business to continue while I'm here. And clearly, and I know each of you has loved ones who do the same for you – thanks to my family who sacrifices every day for me to be here. My wonderful wife Rita, my son Thomas, and my sister Kate.

For six months last year, each and every member of this House campaigned for office. We knocked on doors, we rode in parades, we handed out literature, we appeared in public events and served hot dogs at barbeques. We provided every citizen an opportunity to meet, greet and help guide the operations of Wyoming's government.

Most of all, we listened. We listened to the cares, the concerns and the dreams of the people of the State of Wyoming. And as a result, this body is truly a mirror of the thoughts, views and aspirations of the people of Wyoming.

Looking into that mirror, an underlying theme to the wishes of the people of the great State of Wyoming has come crystal clear.

Lay claim to our future. Lay claim to Wyoming people's unique future. Lay claim to Wyoming people's better future. The first area where we can lay claim to our stronger future is jobs and the economy.

Wyoming supplies 10.6 quadrillion btu's of energy to the US economy per year. That's more than Canada and Mexico. It is more that than Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Iraq and Venezuela combined. We must continue to support our extractive industries, while looking for value added opportunities.

We must also look for ways – vote for ways – to diversify and strengthen our economy. This session, we will be hearing bills that take advantage of our business friendly climate, our energy economy and our cold weather to expand our technology sector. Those bills merit our serious consideration.

The second area in which we can lay claim to Wyoming people's better future is education. The message of the people of Wyoming have sent with us to Cheyenne is business as usual in education is unacceptable.

When American children rank 25th in the world on math tests, the people of Wyoming are frustrated. When 15% of our Hathaway merit students require remedial education, our people our frustrated.

When underwhelming percentages of our children graduate from high school, our people are frustrated.

We know we have the core of the finest educational system in the world in Wyoming. We have the finest teachers and we have spent over a billion dollars on facilities over the last couple of years. We have the quality personnel in place, we have the infrastructure in place, and we have the motivation.

We need to listen to our educational professionals to remove the excuses for our mediocre performance, and dedicate our efforts to an education system that provides our children the best opportunity to the brightest future.

But, a note to the families in Wyoming:

Schools are not primarily responsible for the education of our children. Parents are.

If you want educational results, turn off the TV, set aide their Xbox, put down your newspaper, and sit down with your child in a text-free/FB free moment and talk about their homework.

The third area in which we have the opportunity to lay claim to the future is to remove all of the government impediments to freedom.

Those impediments come in over-regulation, taxation and unresponsive government. Wyoming is a state whose citizens take pride in individual responsibility. Wyoming is not this way it is by accident.

Our open ranges, our wildlife, our low taxes, our low crime environment and our successful economy – and budget in the BLACK – are a result of carefully considered policy decisions of our political predecessors.

We need to make sure we only place into statute those rules and laws that are necessary. We must continually evaluate and eliminate those regulations and programs that do not meet our goals. We must maintain our favorable tax climate. And, as were many wise legislators before us – as we act, let is be proactive, rather that just be reactive.

Finally, we have seen a new tide of federalism, which is a reaction to an unresponsive and irresponsible federal government.

The people of Wyoming are growing weary of a federal government that over-regulates, over-spends, under-listens and under-performs.

And this session, we will see legislation asking the State of Wyoming to exert it state's rights, so that when people deal with a government entity, it is a responsible and responsive government, not one shielded behind layer after layer of bureaucratic red tape.

I urge serious consideration of these state's rights measures. We have been called together at this time in history – with our unique Wyoming mandate, for a reason.

Our country is wandering in the wilderness of confusion, we are not. Our resolve is being tested; we are standing firm. We have all the tools at our disposal – the resources, the fiscally conservative policy, and the know-how. If we are careful, and most importantly, if we are wise – if our vision is based on our core principles – then we can lead, not only this state, but this country into a bright and prosperous future.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. God bless you and God bless the state of Wyoming.


Representative Harvey nominated Representative Keith Gingery as Speaker Pro Tem for the 61st Legislature. Representative Miller seconded the nomination and moved that his election be made unanimous dispensing with the roll call.

The motion carried. The Speaker appointed Representatives Roscoe and Petroff to escort Representative Gingery to the rostrum. Justice Golden administered the oath of office.


Mr. Speaker, Justice Golden, Mr. Secretary of State, Madam Deputy Secretary of State, Members of the Majority and Minority Leadership. Members of the 61st.

It is great to see so many returning faces and wonderful to see so many new faces. To the new legislators, there are two main questions I would urge you to ask yourselves.

What does it mean to be a legislator? And how do I know if I am being successful as a legislator.

As to the first question, being a legislator is about relationships. It is that relationship between you and your constituents. It is a relationship between you and your fellow legislators. It is understanding that the person you may be strongly debating against on one bill, that the very next bill, they will be your ally. It is a relationship between you and the people of the State of Wyoming, beyond your own constituency in your district. It is understanding that sometimes you need to look to the needs of the whole state and not just your parochial interests. You will work to build these relationships. To build trust.

It is also about empathy. The ability to place yourself into the shoes of others and understand their needs, their struggles, their aspirations and their successes.

As to the second question, how do I know if I am being successful as a legislator? I would urge you to create your own yardstick. Determine what to measure your success against. Each of us are different, and so the criteria by which we measure is different. For my yardstick it is to measure if I have improved the lives of my friends and neighbors. Will this bill assist with a need, or a struggle, an aspiration. And in many situations, the means by which I measure that same criteria is to actually vote no on a bill. There are many bills that may improve our lives, but the cost financially or through the loss of our liberty, may outweigh the benefit. I would urge you create your own yardstick to measure your effectiveness.

I did have one matter of business I wanted to address. Last year, Justice Voigt was Chief Justice at that time, appeared before us for his State of the Judiciary speech. Justice Voigt said "the civil jury trial system is broken." He went further and stated "What good is a right to trial by jury if no one can afford a jury trial and it takes three years to get in front of jury? What good are rules of procedure and discovery if they turn a simple divorce case into a financial and psychological nightmare? Why are mediation and arbitration so popular? Why would anyone prefer to get his justice from some tribunal held in the back room of a Holiday Inn rather than from the courts? Because we are too slow and we are too expensive."

I point out this issue only because I do not wish for us, as the Legislative branch, to lose sight of the struggles of one our sister branches of government. Many of the laws we are passing, make no sense, if there is not a viable tribunal to enforce the rule of law. On the positive side, Chief Justice Kite, upon taking office as the new Chief Justice has clearly heeded this call from Justice Voigt and has taken up the torch. She is working diligently toward tackling this issue by working internally within the courts and by partnering with the legislative and executive branches to obtain our assistance. It will take a few years to fix this issue, but I am confident of solutions being formulated.

On a further note in regards to the Judicial branch. The Judiciary has been communicating quite effectively with the Legislative branch through the use of concurrence opinions in recent cases coming out of the Supreme Court. From the Trade Secrets Act dealing with intellectual property to indecent liberties and the sexual abuse of minors, the court has effectively communicated with the Legislative branch urging changes to the law, rather than legislating from the bench. I find this open, public and transparent communication enlightening and effective. Which leads me to my last point.

Recently a case came out of the Wyoming Supreme Court regarding a traffic law. The law uses language that is ambiguous and is widely open to interpretation by the courts. The judges across the state have interpreted this particular statute differently. The Supreme Court was correct to point out in a footnote that the Legislature should fix the language of the statute. And there is a bill this session to deal with that issue. But, the point is that we need to understand that the words do mean something. As the former Chairman of Judiciary, members of my committee remember well, that we would work the bill and then we would work the bill again. And then after we had worked the bill again, we would work it a third time. We strove to make sure that any bill coming to the floor from our committee, did not need further work. We had ensured that the proper wording was being used and that the law was clear and concise, and not open to multiple interpretations. I urge all of us to work the bills. And once you work the bill, work it again.

Lastly, advice from my 5 year old daughter. When you do not get everything in your bill. And maybe someone has amended portions out or changed it in some manner that upsets you. As Alexandra would say "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit."

Thank you, now let's get to work.


Representative Throne: Thank you Mr. Speaker. To Mr. Secretary of State and Madame Deputy Secretary of State. Thank you for being here and for your dedicated service to Wyoming. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Majority Floor Leader, Mr. Speaker Pro-Tempore, Mr. Minority Caucus Chair, members of the House of Representatives of the 61st legislature, honored guests, friends and family of the House:

I am pleased to have this opportunity to speak to you today on behalf of the Minority, pinch hitting for our courageous and able Minority Floor Leader, Representative Pat Goggles. I want to extend a special welcome to our large and energetic class of new members. I also want to thank my family, Kevin, Michael, Tarver and Patrick for being here and for their sacrifices that allow me to do this work I love.

As a Cheyenne legislator, I often come to this glorious chamber when it is completely empty and except for our ever-present and faithful LSO staff, the second floor of the Capitol is quiet. It is a much different scene that it is today. During most of the year the House reminds me of an empty theater, after the curtain has come down, the lights have dimmed and the cast has gone home. Then, from a few weeks before the session until this Opening Ceremony, there is a gradually increasing buzz of activity. Our session staff comes on board to set the stage, this Chamber, for what will unfold over the next several weeks. Last of all we arrive, the Members of the 61st all leading characters in the action to come.

Of course, the script of the 61st is not yet written. Will it be a drama? Perhaps, even an epic? Past experience tells me, there will thankfully be some comedy. Whatever transpires, I am confident we will not mimic the worst of reality television.

The plot of this general session is anyone's guess. At this point, it appears a couple of issues are likely to dominate our debate - healthcare and education.

Healthcare is a troublesome and emotional issue. When considering policy options during this session, we should constantly question whether our action will make healthcare more affordable and accessible to Wyoming citizens. Thousands of our fellow citizens are uninsured, many are one medical emergency from bankruptcy or loss of a home and our hospitals routinely incur millions in uncompensated care. Ever-present healthcare cost increases pose a long-term risk to our rosy fiscal picture. If the policy choices in the coming days will not address our pressing healthcare needs, perhaps they should not be in law.

Education is personal for me and important to all of us. As many of you know, I am passionate about this topic – sometimes too passionate – because I am a mother with three children in our K-12 system. Every year of our children's education is precious and crucial to their future. This reality makes me impatient and cautious at the same time. On the impatient side-the current statewide assessment, known as PAWS, costs more than it is worth both in dollars and lost classroom time. There is no need to wait to fix it or to do more than the bare minimum required by federal law. No Child Left Behind has been a disaster for our schools and it is contrary to everything we believe in Wyoming to wait for Washington fix the mess. On the cautious side, there are many new ideas in draft and filed bills. All merit discussion. But before we rush to do something to "improve" education, let us borrow a guiding principle from our friends in the medical community: "First, do no harm." Many of the education reforms of the last decade have been done with the best intentions. Many, like No Child Left Behind, have done more harm than good.

Whatever issues make it into the script of the 61st, we know with certainty there will be little, if any partisan bickering. I have grown tired of the constant speculation since the election that this legislature will be dramatically different due to the overwhelming membership of one party and that the rest of us will be rendered irrelevant. We have no fear we will be treated unfairly by any of our colleagues in the majority, especially the fine gentlemen assuming leadership today. In public and private comments, all of us have committed to use our collective talents to work together, as we historically have, to strive to do what makes sense for the State of Wyoming. Today we have all officially become members of the 61st, individual legislators each duly elected to serve our constituents. We have taken the same oath of office to uphold the Wyoming and United States' constitutions. We are all united in our common purpose to promote the best interests of the people of Wyoming.

Whether we hail from the Big Horns in the north, the mountains of the west, the Black Hills of the northeast, somewhere along the Union Pacific line, energy counties or non-energy counties, the center of the state or the plains of the east, we share common Wyoming values. We share a love of our wide open spaces and a desire to keep our air clean and our water pure. We all understand that in Wyoming neighbor is a verb, as well as a noun. We are all grateful for the natural resources which provide our state with abundant wealth. However, we are always mindful of our need to invest for a future when minerals may no longer provide our revenue. We all agree our people will always be our greatest natural resource. We are all opposed to Washington solutions that do not work in Wyoming. We are all skeptical of over-reliance on government solutions and careful before we spend one tax dollar. Yet, we know we must have regulations to safeguard our precious environment and programs to provide a safety net for the most vulnerable among us. Above all, we share respect for each other and respect for all the institutions of our democracy, including this one.


Representative Lubnau moved that the persons whose names appear on the list of proposed employees, which has been previously distributed to the membership, be House employees for this session, in the positions so indicated on said list. The motion carried by voice vote.


Chief Clerk Patricia Benskin

Assistant Chief Clerk Jan Dancliff

House Attorney David K. Gruver

House Attorney Matt Obrecht

House Attorney Linda Cook

House Attorney Lily Sharpe

Staff Supervisor Sharon Novick

Assistant Staff Supervisor Phyllis Salzburg

Floor Computer Clerk Wendy Harding

Atty. Secretary Sandy Pedersen

Reading Clerk William R. Dubois

Journal Clerk Nancy Schmid

Leadership Secretary Pam Landry

Support Clerk Carmel Bush

Support Clerk Sheryl Fanning

Judiciary Secretary Bonnie Kruse

Appropriations Secretary Carolyn Johnson

Revenue Secretary Barbara Clark

Education Secretary Kathy Janssen

Agriculture Secretary Barbara Clark

Travel Secretary Kathy Janssen

Corporations Secretary Chris Caltagirone

Transportation Secretary Mary Lee Dixon

Minerals Secretary Chris Caltagirone

Labor Secretary Mary Lee Dixon

Rules Pam Landry

Copy Center Supervisor Ardath Junge

Telephone Receptionist Jerra Davis

House Receptionist Andrea Cook

Collator/Mail Clerk Ed Menghini

Messenger Jim Johns

Page Patti Menghini

Page Sherrie Robinson

Student Page Katherine Wilkins

Student Page Erika Klemola

Sergeant-at-Arms Darrell Moore

Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms Ed Wallace

Doorman (Chamber) Keith Rounds

Doorman (Gallery) Bob Mattson

Watchman (Morning) Jim Allen

Watchman (Afternoon) George Geyer

Watchman (wkend) Grant Farris

Clerical Assistant Sally Allen

Clerical Assistant Brenda Aurzada

Clerical Assistant Pat Camillo

Clerical Assistant Lynn Davis

Clerical Assistant Shirley Dickman

Clerical Assistant Janet Foresman

Clerical Assistant Karen Lippincott

Clerical Assistant Yvonne Quintal

Clerical Assistant Margie George

Clerical Assistant Charlene Randolph

Clerical Assistant Barbara Costa

Clerical Assistant(Coordinator) Peggy Smithson


Representative Lubnau moved that the permanent House and Joint Rules of the Sixtieth Legislature, be adopted as the Temporary Rules of the Sixty-first Legislature of the House of Representatives. Motion carried by voice vote.


Speaker Buchanan directed the Chief Clerk to notify his Excellency, the Governor, that the General Session of the House of Representatives, 61st Legislature is duly organized and ready to receive any communication he may desire to submit.


Speaker Buchanan directed the Chief Clerk to notify the Senate that the House of Representatives, 61st Legislature is duly organized and ready to receive any communication they may desire to submit.


Speaker Buchanan announced that the Chair would meet with the President of the Senate to make arrangements for the Joint Session of the House and Senate and to receive the Governor's message.


Speaker Buchanan appointed Representatives Shepperson as Chairperson of the Courtesy Committee consisting of Representatives Barbuto, Blake, Pedersen and Nicholas for the General Session of the House of Representatives, 61st legislature to wait upon members who are ill and attend to other courtesies as are from time to time deemed official by the membership.


Speaker Buchanan appointed the House Standing Committees for the House of Representatives, Sixty-first Legislature.





Kermit Brown, Chairman

Joseph Barbuto

Bob Brechtel

Richard Cannady

Matt Greene

Sam Krone

Bob Nicholas

Frank Peasley

Mary Throne


Rosie Berger, Chairman

Amy Edmonds

Ken Esquibel

Steve Harshman

Bryan Pedersen

Jeb Steward

Sue Wallis


Pat Childers, Chairman

Greg Blikre

Rita Campbell

Patrick Goggles

Mike Madden

David Miller

Mark Semlek

Clarence Vranish

Owen Petersen


Matt Teeters, Chairman

Bob Brechtel

Donald Burkhart

Kathy Connolly

John Freeman

Kendell Kroeker

Sam Krone

Carl Loucks

Michael Madden


Mark Semlek, Chairman

Stan Blake

Rita Campbell

Kathy Davison

John Eklund Jr.

Hans Hunt

Carl Loucks

Glenn Moniz

Dan Zwonitzer


Del MccOmie, Chairman

David Bonner

Jon Botten

Cathy Connolly

Allen Jaggi

Robert McKim

Ruth Ann Petroff

Lisa Shepperson

Kathy Davison


Pete Illoway, Chairman

Gregg Blikre

James Byrd

Allen Jaggi

Kendell Kroeker

John Patton

Jim Roscoe

Lisa Shepperson

Tim Stubson


Lorraine Quarberg, Chairman

Stan Blake

David Bonner

Jon Botten

Richard Cannady

Robert McKim

Owen Peterson

Clarence Vranish

Dave Zwonitzer


Tom Lockhart, Chairman

James Byrd

Mike Greear

Norine Kasperik

Glen Moniz

Jim Roscoe

Tim Stubson

Dan Zwonitzer

Dave Zwonitzer


Elaine Harvey, Chairman

Joseph Barbuto

Bernadine Craft

Gerald Gay

Keith Gingery

Matt Greene

Hans Hunt

David Miller

Frank Peasley


John Freeman

Norine Kasperik


Ed Buchanan, Chairman

Bob Brechtel

Cathy Connolly

Bernadine Craft

Keith Gingery

Patrick Goggles

Pete Illoway

Tom Lubnau

John Patton

Lisa Shepperson

Tim Stubson

Lorraine Quarberg

Mary Throne

Representative Lubnau moved the body adjourn until 3:30 p.m.


JANUARY 11, 2011



Speaker Buchanan acknowledged receipt of a notice of Election Contest and supporting documents from the Secretary of State relating to the election of the Representative from House District 45. Pursuant to Joint Rule 15 of the temporary rules of the 61st legislature, Speaker Buchanan appointed the following Representatives as a special committee to hear the contest and appointed Representative Illoway to serve as chairman:

Barbuto, Byrd, Campbell, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lubnau, Petersen and Stubson.

Note: Electronic recordings of the Select Committee's hearings on the election contest for House District 45, together with all pleadings and documentary evidence presented to the Select Committee, are on file in the Legislative Service Office.


JANUARY 12, 2011


President Anderson: The Joint Session of the Sixty-first Legislature, General Session was called to order by President Anderson at 10:00 a.m.

Senator Bebout and Representatives Shepperson and Roscoe will escort the First Lady of Wyoming, Carol Mead, and the Governor, Matthew H. Mead, to this Joint Session.

The House Sergeant-At-Arms, Darrell Moore, introduced the following honored guests and their escorts:


Judge William Downes Sen. Burns Rep. Stubson and Freeman

Judge Clarence Brimmer Sen. Emerick Rep. Patton and Connolly

Judge Alan Johnson Sen. Barnard Rep. Campbell and Barbuto

Justice Michael Golden Sen. Hicks Rep. Nicholas and Throne

Justice William Hill Sen. Rothfuss Rep Greene and Esquibel

Justice Barton Voigt Sen. Landen Rep. Burkhart and Blake

Honorable James Burke Sen. Martin Rep. Loucks and Botten

Honorable Joe Meyer Sen. Peterson Rep. Eklund and Hunt

Honorable Cindy Hill Sen. Jennings Rep. Loucks and Botten

Honorable Max Maxfield Sen. Cooper Rep. Vranish and Petroff

Honorable Marilyn Kite Sen. Perkins Rep. Krone and Quarberg

President Anderson invited Reverend Veit to give the invocation.

President Anderson presented his Excellency, Governor of the State of Wyoming, Matthew H. Mead.



JANUARY 12, 2011

Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, members of the 61st Wyoming Legislature, fellow elected officials, Chief Justice and members of the Judiciary, and to you, the citizens of Wyoming, including those in our schools and our troops abroad who may be tuning in today by means of various media.

Good Morning,

Today for the first time we have live internet video feed. Connectivity is important for our state, including the opportunity for our citizens to see our legislative process at work.

The opening prayer, I thought, was an appropriate reflection upon which to begin these proceedings. It was a fitting and lovely prayer.

Our thoughts and prayers go out today to all the victims of the tragic shootings in Tucson, Arizona last weekend. There is no place for such violence in our democracy. It was a despicable act. I ask for a moment of silence for the victims and their families.

Sworn in last week as our state's 32nd Governor, I have the privilege this week of delivering my first State of the State address.

This is a commencement – the start of a process. More important are the actions that will follow it, for I plan to move forward with the platform I campaigned on last year.

At the heart of that platform are the following priorities: Jobs and the economy, connectivity, infrastructure, assisting cities, towns and counties, streamlining government, education and dealing with federal issues on matters vitally important to our state. I'll talk about each of these areas today, because they will be the focus of my efforts.

Before I begin my remarks, there are a few preliminary matters I'd like to cover. First of all, I will take some time and the privilege, I guess, to tell that today is a special day. Today, 11 years ago, my son Pete was born. Today is his birthday.

So son, happy birthday. We are very proud of you, Pete.

And Mary, we are very proud of you. You were just great this last year.

I want to tell you that Pete is a smart young boy. I would not be surprised – he seems to have a tendency towards the legal field. As an example of this, a couple days ago, he was telling me, "Hey Dad, you know what happens when I get in trouble with my teacher?" And I said, "what's that?" He said, "I take the sixth amendment." I said "Pete, you mean you take the fifth amendment?" He said "That too." I'm not sure he'll be a prosecutor. That sounds more like a criminal defense attorney to me.

My wife Carol, it is so nice to have you here. Thank you for all the support you've given me over the last year.

Carol is a great reviewer of speeches, and before I give a speech, I always want her eyes to look at it. So I was pleased this morning, we've had a lot of late nights and not a lot of sleep the last couple of weeks, and so I pleased this morning as I got her up and she took her first look at my comments today that she said, "Hey, you know, I just got a few brief suggestions," which was rare, because usually it's a few whole lot of suggestions and she said, "first of all, because this is a process where you're getting involved in where there's compromise and deals struck, perhaps, because you've not got a lot of sleep lately and because I read your speech, you should say, listen, have them agree if they don't fall asleep during your speech, you won't fall asleep either." But before I would agree to do that, you should also know that her really serious comment was "I think you should start the first line starting with "In conclusion.'" So those are her views.

I want to thank – starting out, I want to thank Governor Freudenthal and his staff for working with me and my staff to make such a smooth transition. It really worked extremely well. I think it's appropriate to thank Governor Freudenthal and Judge Freudenthal for their eight years of excellent service to Wyoming.

Governor Freudenthal called me on the phone this morning, and I wasn't sure if it was to give me last-minute advice or last-minute grief, but I did get something from him and he was very kind in his comments.

I also want to thank the legislature, my fellow elected officials: Max Maxfield, Cynthia Cloud, Joe Meyer and Cindy Hill, and the people in their offices, and all who have extended courtesy and cooperation this past week. They provided great welcome to me.

I also want to congratulate again the 24 new legislators who won election and have taken up their place for the first time in these wonderful chambers. new members bring many good ideas and fresh constituent views, and I'm pleased to be starting out with you.

I also have some people that I'd like to recognize. Eastern Shoshone Business Council member Willie Noseep, Northern Arapaho Business Councilman Jim Shakespeare and Lydell Whiteplume are here today. I worked with the Tribal Business Councils often when I was U.S. Attorney, and now I greet you in a different capacity, as Wyoming's governor, Welcome.

Major General Ed Wright, the Adjutant General of the Wyoming National Guard is in the gallery today. General Wright has had a long, distinguished military career. He has served as Adjutant General since 2003. General Wright's entire tenure as Adjutant General was served in wartime. It included more than 20 Wyoming National Guard deployments, which involved more than 4500 soldiers and airmen.

Additionally, during his term, Camp Guernsey has become a state-of-the-art facility, training roughly 900,000 military from around the state, from around the country and from around the world.

He will be retiring in March, and we recognize him today for his distinguished service to our state and to our country. Thank you, General Wright.

Also in the gallery today is Lt. Colonel Bruce Row, 187th Airlift Wing Commander. Lt. Rowe led 200 personnel on the most recent Wyoming Air National Guard deployment in Afghanistan. Those airmen returned home in December. Colonel Rowe was deployed six times since September 11, 2001. Welcome, Colonel Rowe.

Major Dane Rogers, C Company, Fifth Battalion, 159th General Air Support Aviation Regiment, is also in the gallery. He is the deployed unit commander for "Charlie Med," our medivac helicopter unit, the most deployed unit in the Wyoming Air National Guard.

Major Rodgers and the Army National Guard soldiers under his command will leave for a one-year mission to Afghanistan tomorrow. This will be his fourth deployment. Please join me on safe journeys and welcome home in one year. Thank you, Sir.

I want to recognize and thank all of our members for their service. It means so much to our state and our country.

I specifically want to mention our appreciation to the military personnel serving far away from their homes. Words do not do justice to the sacrifice you're making. The sacrifice of the brave men and women of the military and their families allows us to be safe, and we are grateful. They support us, and we send our thanks today and every day.

Please join me in applauding the fine men and women who are serving or who have served in our nation's Armed Forces.

I want to recognize the achievements of our fine teachers and students from around the state. One teacher from each of the state's 48 school districts receives a Teacher of the Year award, and from that group a panel of parents, teachers and legislators selects the statewide Teacher of the Year.

We have with us the teacher selected last fall to receive this year's award. Please welcome Laurie Graves. Laurie teaches third grade at Big Horn Elementary School, and she is the 2011 Wyoming Teacher of the Year.

Laurie, you represent all the fine teachers we have in Wyoming, and I thank you for being here and for your excellence in the classroom.

We have a couple of our outstanding students with us. James Wilson is nine years old. He is an award-winning pianist from the UW Lab School in Laramie. James won his division of the Asian-American Music Society's 2010 International Competition and performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. in December, and I will tell you that if you haven't done it, you should get on and watch that clip, because banging the 88's doesn't describe what this young man can do. It's amazing. So thank you very much.

Taylor Ballick is with us today. He is Wyoming's spelling bee champion for 2010. Taylor is from Clear Creek Middle School in Buffalo. Taylor represented Wyoming in the National Spelling Bee last spring. My staff advised me to use the word that he won the competition on. I could not spell it, let alone say it. So just say it was very difficult, and we congratulate you.

You both represent all of the many accomplished students attending school in Wyoming. We are proud of you both and expect great things from you in the future.

We have our state's emerging leaders. Mark and Susan Kupke are here from Lusk. Kerry Mahanovich is here from Pinedale. These folks are representatives of those honored in 2010 for the 20 people under 40 program. They are business leaders and they're community leaders. These are enterprising individuals, and they are blazing trails into the future. So we also welcome you both.

When you look at people of distinction in Wyoming, and those mentioned today represent a few of many, many such people, we recognize the state of the state is very good. Wyoming's future is in capable hands.

Beyond the people quotient, taking a look at the big picture, I will make a few general observations here. While some states face significant budget shortfalls, our state does not. The latest CREG information projects approximately 275 million available to the general fund/budget reserve account due to higher energy prices, sales tax and improving employment. Some states have lost population for one reason or another. We have not. We have seen a population growth just slightly over 14 percent over the last decade.

The nation as a whole continues to face high unemployment. We do not. Wyoming started 2010 with an unemployment rate over 7 percent, but the latest reports for November indicate an unemployment rate that has dropped to 6.6 percent. Wyoming's rate is well under the national average, which has hovered in the mid 9 percent range or higher for some time.

And we have abundant resources. We, of course, have great leaders. We have energy, wildlife, open spaces, agriculture, recreation, all of them world-class assets. We are the envy of many states, yet there remains much to be done in order to secure a better future, because when the nation remains under an economic cloud, the cloud moves our way. With more than six out of every 100 workers out of jobs in Wyoming, we need to create more opportunities, because I can tell you for those working who cannot find work, the unemployment rate might as well be 100 percent.

With our revenues tied largely to energy, we need to diversify our economic basis and promote economic growth in general. With our communities still feeling the effects of the economic downturn, we need to provide an additional source of revenue to our cities, towns and counties.

It is good that we do not face repeat of last year's fiscal austerity with 10 percent budget cuts and revenue shortfalls that affected everyone in the chain in the state on down.

It is good that we have an unexpected amount of money for a supplemental budget, but the last few years have provided a wake-up call. We need responsible growth, growth which is right for the times and our needs, growth that does not compromise your values.

Now for some specifics. This is a conservative state government, and we recognize that. A relatively small shift in commodity prices can have a dramatic effect on revenues. We should remain conservative, even after the good news of this week's CREG revenue adjustments, which provided us with an additional projected 22.7 million in revenues this biennium.

Because this is a general session, only limited supplemental budget recommendations are before you. Governor Freudenthal proffered his supplemental budget recommendations in December. I concur with many but not all of them. I will discuss some of the budget proposals today, but I also appear before the Joint Appropriations Committee tomorrow for further discussion of the supplemental budget. Let me start by saying I support the additional 52 million in funding for highways and 52 million in funding for local governments, most of which would go to capital construction. That extra money this year will make reasonable progress towards addressing our infrastructure and local needs. I'll address this in detail later on.

Although less than requested in Governor Freudenthal's recommendations, I do recommend 6.1 million to bring those state employees earning less than 90 percent of market pay to that market pay level. I consider this investment in our state workforce appropriate and necessary.

We appreciate the work of state employees and want to give due recognition for it. Down the road, we should continue to reevaluate our economic picture and continue efforts to reach market pay for state employees based on regular and updated accurate data.

I support 3.1 million in supplemental funding for performance awards only if there is a viable system for recognizing excellent performance by state employees. We should not reward average. We should reward excellence. We should reward success, and in order for that to happen, an evaluation process has to be meaningful. I mean to make it so.

I am asking agency heads to sign a commitment letter when they accept their positions. The commitment letter, among other things, includes a commitment to create an evaluation process for a realistic assessment of each state employee's performance. I expect agency heads, using a meaningful evaluation process, to be able to give their exceptional employees performance awards, invent those meeting expectations, provide assistance to struggling employees and address non-performers.

I also ask state agencies to ask for a commitment to approach the budgeting process with fiscal discipline. We should exercise restraint when it comes to dealing with public money and also keep a close eye on the size and cost of state government. This commitment letter I'm asking for is a first.

Now, I remain skeptical that more dollars spent on buildings translates to a better education. Dollars spent on buildings are not dollars spent on teaching. Bricks do not an education make.

Having said that, I understand that we are required by law to have a funding model, but I want a plan in place that convinces me that these dollars are being spent for the maximum benefit of Wyoming, its children, teachers and citizens.

Governor Freudenthal recommended 61.9 million for construction of school facilities. This, I remind you, is on top of the 1.2 billion appropriated between 2003 and 2010. It is on top of the 156 million approved last session.

I will not support Governor Freudenthal's recommendation until I see an improved preference law is in place and enforced. I want to see a strong preference law and other contracting issues resolved before we pour more dollars into the supplemental budget to the School Facilities Commission.

Some of you have assured me, and I take you at your word, that this can be done and that this can be accomplished this session. I will look for that bill before approving supplemental monies this session to build schools.

The bottom line in my budget recommendation is that I have but 22.1 million in general fund expenditures and 61.9 million in school capital construction spending program from the supplemental budget. Coupled with this week's CREG revenue forecast, the legislature has roughly 52 million in the general fund and 332 million in the school capital construction program available to you. Don't spend it all in one place. Perhaps better yet, don't spend too much of it at all.

To create jobs and to grow and diversify our economy, we should build on Wyoming's natural advantages: Our energy, ag, tourism and great workforce.

We should not just extract and export our energy, we should look for value-added projects that use some of our energy here. For example, our superb wind resources partner well with natural gas-fired turbines which fill out the energy stream during lulls in the wind. We should develop both wind and gas-fired turbine projects where possible. I support the current efforts of those working on these types of projects.

And why not manufacture wind turbine components here as well? Let's build the items needed to develop our wind resources right here in Wyoming. I can assure you this is doable. Such manufacturers are looking at Wyoming now, and I'm a supporter. This is an example of how we can build on Wyoming's natural advantages and diversify our economy and create jobs.

Now, I know there is going to be a healthy debate about wind issues, property rights, taxation, eminent domain. I hope legislation that balances all the interests and keeps Wyoming's competitive wind companies in place here in Wyoming will reach my desk this session.

We need to continue to capitalize on all our natural advantages, not only with our wind, but our climate.

We have a good weather climate for some industries, in particular, for mega data centers. I support funding the money to recruit mega data centers. In Wyoming, we have what they need, and if you're in a state you don't have what they need, you can't get it.

We have these natural advantages: We have a favorable weather climate with a low number of cooling days. We can produce abundant, relatively inexpensive electricity. We have relative safety from natural catastrophes such as hurricanes, and we have available land. We also have an established track record with the NCAR supercomputer being built in Cheyenne. That's why I support the allocation of 14 1/2 million in general funds for the recruitment of multiple mega data centers. Such centers bring support businesses and other enterprise along with them. It is my belief they are a business magnet.

I support the bill passed last year that exempted qualifying computer equipment from sales and use tax. I thought last year's bill provided an attractive and appropriate incentive for business, and I would call for reasonable additions this year, like for computer software, to improve upon it. Please take a look at that legislation.

We must also continue to support all of our extractive industries. With respect to coal, oil and gas industries, I support research and development of carbon capture and sequestration technology.

I am skeptical about man made global warming without more and better science, but I am not skeptical about growing demand by our energy customers for cleaner coal and gas. I am not skeptical about our oil industry's need for carbon injection technology for enhanced oil recovery.

Improved technologies provide a benefit to companies and help them remain profitable. Wyoming is on the cutting edge of many technologies. We have laws in place and projects underway. Technology will be improved with projects like the UW-GE coal gasification facility, the development of the DKRW project in Carbon County and advance and continued research at the School of Energy Resources. Technology will help keep our energy industry competitive.

I will look favorable on legislation sent my way to foster science and commercial applications, remembering that advances in energy technology will only continue to occur if energy companies remain profitable.

I support continuing the manufacturing sales tax exemption. The current law has the exemption expire at the end of this year. I would remind you that 40 other states have this exemption and Wyoming must remain competitive.

Nearly 200 Wyoming businesses already use this exemption, and as we speak as we are here today, manufacturers targeted by the Wyoming Business Council and my office anticipate this exemption. This includes manufacturers of wind tower components about which I spoke earlier. Without this extension, we risk the real possibility these businesses will locate in other sates.

I hope you'll take up the issue of extending the manufacturing sales tax exemption, decide to extend it and put a bill on my desk.

I'm also keenly interested in legislation that will strengthen our ag and travel industries, which are vital to our state's economy, and I know you'll be considering such bills this session. For example, I support increases for rangeland assessment and for tourism promotion.

We need to make, as we go forward, our state regulatory environment predicable and reasonable so businesses can plan and commit resources to our state. Backlogs and delays at the Land Quality Division within the Department of Environmental Quality are an immediate concern. The undue backlogs and delays need to be made a thing of the past, sooner rather than later. the issue is addressed in my budget recommendations, which I'll lay out tomorrow.

The fact that our state is fiscally sound and otherwise a desirable place means we can welcome with open arms businesses that are looking for a welcoming place. One of the ways we do that is with technology.

Improving connectivity provides all sorts of possibilities that allows us to deal with each other directly and daily, interactively and not just from the hours of 8:00 to 5:00. It increases business productivity and access to markets.

I support using technology to maximum advantage: To improve state government, to improve the business climate for tech as well as other businesses, to enrich our personal and work lives, to improve the quality of patient health care through the use of electronic health records, to support better communication between physician and patient and prevent expensive duplication of testing.

I support measures that will give our state the competitive edge from a technology standpoint. For example, we already have begun work with a private telecom provider to expand the high-speed fiber optic footprint across Wyoming. This expansion could increase bandwidth capacity more than tenfold to an additional 11 Wyoming communities.

We're also working on lighting up dormant or dark fiber circuits that run across the southern portion of Wyoming into Salt Lake City and beyond.

From an economic development perspective, this growth in connectivity will allow us the bandwidth necessary for mega data centers, while also benefiting manufacturing and smaller businesses throughout many of our Wyoming communities.

Our interstate highways and railroad network connect us all to other states and all parts of the country, and they should help make us the business hub. The highways especially are important for business, personal and tourist travel. I support additional supplemental appropriations this year for highways.

Highway construction needs a reliable source of added funding. The recommended 52 million in supplemental funding this year makes reasonable progress, in my mind, on highway construction. Those dollars should be used to do what is needed most in 2011.

I also support funding for water development projects. Water is a precious resource in the arid west. We need to use all our allocated amounts from the various compacts and court decrees. Water projects spur economic development across the board for energy, ag, tourism and energy.

Our cities, towns and counties need additional revenue. We saw this most starkly last year. I do support a legislative fix that would provide this revenue.

Specifically, I support diverting one half of 1 percent of the statutory severance tax on minerals and splitting it into thirds, one-third to local governments, one-third to highways and one-third to the state's rainy day fund. This is money that will not only be used to invest in infrastructure, not only to invest in our localities, but also invest in savings. It's a good investment all the way around. As many of you know, the projected distribution will be about 52.15 million to each of the three recipient categories.

I would like to see a greater percentage of the local government share go to fund projects; that is, 75 percent should be put towards capital construction and 25 percent for operations.

I would like to see this investment, this one-half of 1 percent of the severance tax divided it into thirds, be made permanent or long term with a sunset provision of seven years down the road to 2018.

Now, I recognize there's serious disagreement about this proposal, and maybe that's understating it. I'm assuming your laughter is to mean nothing. And it's all right. There should be disagreement because it's a great deal of money. But we all agree that money should be wisely invested. Some want to place all the money in the rainy day fund. There is no question that our rainy day fund can serve us well during those times when the price of our natural resources decline.

But I have faith in Wyoming. And while we have had wise investments from the treasurer's office for many years, we also have to be aware that during these shaky times, where major financial companies, where auto manufacturers, where not just companies, but entire countries are failing, even the best investment decisions carry risk not seen for many decades.

We have seen the results of these tumultuous times for outside investing. As we know, we are back in the black, but in the past year and a half, we have seen unrealized losses from state investments as of June 30, 2009, of over $647 million. The realized losses were $201 million. This illustrates the volatility of the markets during this time.

Now we cannot take the risk of investing in the markets, and with my proposal, we will continue investing in the markets with that one-half percent via the rainy day fund, but we will also broaden our investment to Wyoming.

Now, you all, we all, care greatly about our local communities, and this body has a good track record of supporting local communities. But do we continue along these lines during these shaky times investing all of that money in companies that may be in other states, in other countries, or do we believe in Wyoming? Do we believe in Wyoming enough, our people, our towns, our counties, our small businesses and our future to put Wyoming first?

My proposal invests in local government, in infrastructure, in our highways, in our bridges and continue to invest in our rainy day account as well. It addresses my goals of economic development in that our local governments can do all the beautification projects they want, but if they don't have adequate water, sewer, bridges, roads, landfills, recruitment and retention of business is near impossible.

One-third of this money will go to the Department of Transportation to address the needs of our roads and bridges.

Now, we can disagree how much is needed. We can also disagree on other funding options, but hopefully we can agree that without safe, adequate roads, economic development and the enjoyment of our state will be diminished.

Hopefully, we can also agree that for the executive branch to defer maintenance on roads is not fiscally strong. It is operationally weak. If we do not invest today, we will require those that follow us to invest many more dollars in the future. I urge you to consider this method of funding our roads. As I said, one-third of that money will go back to local governments.

It's curious to me how many agree with me that the states are the backbone of the country, that the people closest to the problems are the best ones to solve the problem and yet when we talk about providing greater control to the locals in terms of money, we shy away.

In making your decision, remember, just as some of you view the federal government with a skeptical eye, so, too, does a city council member look at Wyoming's capitol.

Do we trust local governments in the way that we would ask Congress to trust us? We should, and this one-third is a way to show our faith in local governments. If not made permanent, a seven-year sunset provision, as I said, is a reasonable compromise that would give the legislature the opportunity to consider the matter again, but also show an ongoing commitment to local communities and allow for adequate planning and investing.

Now, if you don't agree with my proposal, find an alternative, because we want and need predictable funding for local governments and highways.

Now, last week I announced my support for legislation that would consolidate the Department of Workforce Services and the Department of Employment. I have reappointed Joan Evans as Director of Workforce Services. She is an excellent agency head. I have also appointed Joan to serve as the Director of the Department of Employment. I hope you will send me a bill that consolidates these agencies. We will create a one-stop shop related to employment matters, reducing dual administrative costs.

As you saw from yesterday, I have chosen Tom Forslund to head the Department of Health. He is a proven administrator with an established track record at building reserves and careful budgeting year after year as city manager of Casper.

I would ask you to look at the department that Tom Forslund is inheriting. It is a big, unwieldy agency. It gobbles up more and more of the budget pie each year.

We should take a serious look at reorganizing the Department of Health, but I want Mr. Forslund involved in the process. So in the meantime, I would ask for the authority for me to appoint the head of the health financing unit and have that person report directly to me.

I am responsible for state agencies. Legislation is currently being drafted that would provide me greater latitude in appointing people within agencies. My responsibility to make sure people within agencies are fiscally responsible provide outstanding service and follow a vision for the state goes hand in hand with my ability to appoint. So I ask for your support in this effort.

In Wyoming, we need to talk about education, and it is my belief the vast majority of teachers and administrators are doing an excellent job, but we recognize we're spending on a Cadillac plan, not getting Cadillac results. We all know we need to do better. We should not accept average, and we should be bold in our approach. And from where I sit, education is too important to remove any debate from the table. There are no sacred cows. From money spent on building schools to block grants provided to districts, let's look at everything.

It's also fair to look at changing teacher contracts, but a simple statutory change to alter teacher contracts without more is not a cure-all. Great teachers should be rewarded. Poor teachers should be removed. But as you consider teacher contracts, it should not be done in a vacuum. We should recognize they face challenges, and not just from eleven-year-old boys playing hooky, they face other challenges as well. We do not want teachers fired for the wrong reason or for no reason.

What criteria should be used? We want greater accountability, and accountability can only come from removing teachers for the right reason; that is, they're not doing a good job teaching.

To determine the quality of teaching requires an objective standard. Failing the huge objective standard we presume the infallibility of administrators. We need a testing program that is administered in a way that will measure students and teachers alike in a manner that clearly identifies both successes and problems.

The issue of charter schools is one I'm interested in moving forward. It is my belief that charter schools could provide some new ideas to be used at traditional schools. For this model to work, the charter schools cannot cherry pick the best students.

Now, we all talk about local control, but I expect school districts to use block grant money, state money, in a way that puts our students in the best position to succeed. We cannot provide endless funds to school districts without results.

So on these issues, I look forward to working with you. I look forward to hearing your ideas. I look forward to working with Superintendent Hill on education and I would just say I know it's complex, and I know it's difficult, but we cannot ignore education. It is too important for our future.

As I said in my inaugural address, the federal health care bill may be the best Congress could do, it is not the best we can do. Therefore, I support legislation that would establish a litigation fund related to the federal health care law.

As you no doubt know, I have taken steps to join the Florida lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act. I understand, as some of you told me, the criticism in doing so; some because they like the act; some because they're worried about the expense associated with the lawsuit.

I do not like the act. In my view, it is bad policy and too costly. This law will significantly increase our Medicaid rolls. Mississippi, for example, forecasts the overall cost to implement the Affordable Care Act in that state will be $1.7 billion over ten years, including 443 million in year 10 alone.

Now, while the federal government has committed to the bulk of the cost associated with Medicaid expansion, the last I checked, the federal government has significant financial problems of its own. On top of that, the federal promise does not cover all the additional expenses.

Concerning the cost of the lawsuit, the current prediction is that it will cost us $1,000,000.00 and the attorney general has been told it may not cost a lot more than that at all, but I would tell you, frankly, even for a much, much larger amount, I am willing to fully test the legality of the law, because it has implications beyond health care.

While this is a Tenth Amendment issue, the law should be tested with the same force and vigor as if it was a First and Second Amendment to our Constitution that was being eroded.

I believe that the rights of the states remain important, not just for legal principle, but because I believe the states can do a better job. Comparison of Wyoming's checkbook to Congress's checkbook is evidence that we can and that we have. I hope I will have your support in standing firm for Wyoming.

Now, it's not enough to say no. We should continue to seek state solutions even as we fight the federal law.

I support legislative proposals that advance state health care solutions, including expansion of the Healthy Frontiers pilot project begun last spring. That project has passed the initial test and is currently enrolling participants in both Cheyenne and Casper. Not a lot, but the process has been started. The expansion will give us the data and the experience that we need to develop more effective and less costly health care options.

Now, there are other areas that will require Wyoming to be proactive. We are small in number, but large in our contribution to this country and our voice should be heard.

Challenges to our ability to manage our wildlife, to produce our energy, to regulate our water and air quality should not go untested. We demand a balanced approach that protects our beautiful state, yet allows for mineral development.

It is the citizens of Wyoming, from those interested in conservation to those interested in development, those Wyoming people, us, it is we who should have the debate and making the decisions for Wyoming. To turn the issue of balance over to D.C., the more we do that, the more the debate will be taken from our mouths, from these halls, from this building, and moved to Washington where only three of our citizens, our congressional delegation, will be joined in the debate while the rest of us are relegated to listeners.

As I said in my inaugural address, the best solutions for Wyoming come from Wyoming. I would ask for your support to keep Wyoming's voice strong.

The death rate of misuse of narcotic prescription drugs exceeds all other illegal drug and drunk-driving deaths combined. We need to better monitor narcotic prescription drugs at point of contact to prevent abuse and lower the death rate. This is one issue. There are many other issues that are of interest to me and to all of you during this session.

Other pressing matters include other health issues, ag issues, law enforcement issues and our aging population. I will look closely at any legislation you put on my desk.

There is much to consider, but I will tell you that I'm conservative and by nature, and on both sides of the aisle, we have conservative and practical people, and in this general session, I ask for an approach that begins the process of efficient, streamlined government.

I will tell you that from my point of view, I'm interested in those laws that will help those who cannot find work. I'm interested in laws that do not make small business owners shutter wondering what rules and regulations will come out. We should pay attention to what matters most.

This body has and will continue to set an example of vigorous, but always civilized debate, and all of us are proud of the example that you set. Let's provide a framework where individuals through hard work, innovation and dedication can enjoy the freedoms of Wyoming.

Thank you for the opportunity to address you in this chamber, on your home court, so to speak. It's been an honor, and it's been a pleasure. You are always welcome, all of you, in my office, and I would be privileged to have you visit me. The boxes are unpacked, the welcome mat is out and the welcoming Matt is in. The door will be open. May we have a vision, may we have the courage and the faith to make wise decisions. May God bless all, our great state and our great country. Thank you very much.

President Anderson thanked Governor Mead for his message and introduced Chief Justice Marilyn Kite.



JANUARY 12, 2011

Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Governor and Mrs. Mead, members of the 61st Legislature, elected officials, members of the Judiciary, family, friends and citizens of our great state. It is an honor and privilege to speak to you on behalf of the dedicated men and women of the Wyoming Judiciary. Thank you President Anderson and Speaker Buchanan for the invitation.

As you know, this is my first opportunity to speak to you as Chief Justice and I am humbled and honored to do so. It is also the first time many of you have sat in this chamber as members of the legislature. And it is our new Governor's first chance to share his vision of Wyoming's future with all of us.

My memories of this chamber date back to Governor Hathaway's time when I was lucky enough to serve as an Assistant Attorney General for the newly created Department of Environmental Quality. In that capacity, I had the amazing opportunity to assist the likes of Malcolm Wallop, Warren Morton, John Turner, Tom Stroock, Dave Nicholas and Alan Simpson and many others as they worked to craft a balance between development of this state's resources and protection of its many natural wonders. I was impressed then, as I am today, with the dedication and willingness to serve exhibited by this legislature – one of the few truly citizen legislatures left in this country. We all appreciate the personal sacrifice each of you must make to serve our democracy.

What we are doing here today, bringing together the three separate and independent branches of government, constitutes an important tradition, symbolizing a unity of purpose, and provides us with a brief moment in which we can speak to each other and to the citizens of Wyoming as well as listen to each other and appreciate the importance of our respective efforts on behalf of the state. All of the members of Wyoming's Judiciary wish you energy, wisdom and endurance as you take on the challenges facing our state and its people at this point in our history.

We also wish you, Governor Mead, great success in your tenure. You follow the trail of many wise and dedicated individuals who sacrificed their personal lives for a period of time to devote limitless time and energy to leading the way for our state. You have the great fortune to have unmatched role models within our own family for how to lead with integrity, humility, wisdom and humor and we know they are smiling down on this chamber today. Congratulations.

I know you have a busy agenda and are anxious to get started. I will not delay you long, but do want to report on the changes in the Judiciary over the past year and highlight a few issues facing our branch of government. I suppose one of the most obvious changes is that after four years of accomplished leadership, Justice Barton Voigt has passed that mantle on to me. Justice Voigt's efforts over the past four years are far too many to mention, not the least of which were overseeing the design and construction of the remodel of the Supreme Court Building and leading the court system into the 21st century with electronic filing and docket management. On behalf of all of us serving in the Judiciary, I want to thank you Justice Voigt, for your devotion to the job, your diligence, and your ever-present sense of humor. We all owe you a great debt. And through it all, he kept completely current on his case assignments and sometimes seemed to have his opinion drafted before the rest of us got back to our offices. You might notice a particularly happy, relaxed expression on his face, which we all recognize as that of a former Chief Justice!

I also want to thank my other colleagues on the Supreme Court, Justices Golden, Hill and Burke for their friendship, their professional support and the confidence and trust they have shown by electing me as Justice Voigt's successor.

In 2010, we said farewell to some old friends and welcomed some new. We were saddened by the passing of former District Court Judge Jim Wolfe of Sheridan, and retired Supreme Court Justices Al Taylor and Richard Thomas, each having made a significant impact on the law of this state as well as its citizens. District Judge Nancy Guthrie, of Jackson, retired after 15 years of service in Lander and Jackson. Our judicial selection process resulted in Jackson Circuit Judge Tim Day being appointed to replace Judge Guthrie. Experienced Jackson attorney, James Radda, from the Teton County Attorney's office, was appointed to replace Judge Day. In Gillette, Circuit Court Judge Bill Edwards retired having served 19 years in that busy circuit and Wendy Bartlett, an energetic, well-respected Gillette attorney, from the Campbell County Attorney's office, was appointed to replace him. Most recently, District Judge Scott Skavdahl of Casper announced his resignation after 7 years of service to pursue a career in the federal judiciary. Catherine Wilking, a respected Casper attorney with experience in civil and criminal law as well as juvenile issues, was appointed to fill that vacancy. Judge Wilking's formal installation will occur in a few weeks. As always, the Wyoming Judicial Nominating Commission performed efficiently, fairly and free of political influence. As we watch with dismay, the politicalization of judicial selection in other states, we are again thankful for the wisdom shown by the legislature and our citizens in the adoption of the constitutional amendment establishing our system of judicial selection some 40 years ago.

The Supreme Court and the Access to Justice Commission have been busy implementing legislation this body adopted last year to provide funding through an increase in court filing fees to coordinate and support legal services for over 70,000 of our citizens who are financially eligible. We have had several statewide public meetings, have created a non-profit corporation, the Wyoming Center for Legal Aid, appointed an initial board of directors for the Center, drafted proposed bylaws and rules, and reported our progress to the legislature as required by statute. The upcoming year will see much progress in this effort and we are committed to fulfilling this body's intent to provide for justice for all of our citizens, not just those that can afford it.

I want to take a minute or two to share with you some thoughts about the work of the Wyoming Judiciary. As noted by Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Paper 78, the Judiciary is the weakest of the three branches of government. We do not hold the power of the purse, and we cannot raise armies. We do, however, hold in our hands the lives and fortunes of thousands of citizens every year and we have the constitutional responsibility to protect the fundamental fabric of our society – the rule of law. We provide that level playing field envisioned by our founders – justice for all.

In performing our work, we are facing some major challenges and we are working hard to meet them. While statistics certainly don't tell the whole story, a quick look at our case filings show that the Wyoming courts are vibrant, busy and getting their job done. The circuit courts processed over 180,000 cases last year, that includes all of law enforcement's citations, and the district judges who are here today to stand and be recognized for their hard work.

I am also pleased to report that those cases that do reach the Supreme Court are being handled promptly and we continue to rank near the top nationally in the number of opinions authored annually.

Despite this good news, we, like the other two branches of government, face extraordinary challenges. I want to talk to you today about two of those challenges in particular. Number. 1 is to become more efficient internally as we perform our jobs. And number 2 is how to reduce the cost and delay to the private citizens in civil litigation.

How do we manage an ever-increasing workload with static or even declining revenues? We are all well aware that other states have not been so fortunate as we have financially, and many have seen draconian cuts in funding to the point of even closing some courts thus denying citizens access to justice. We are committed to assuring that we spend state resources responsibly and efficiently in order to assure the citizens of Wyoming never face that prospect.

Even though our budget represents only 2% of the entire state government budget, in response to the decreasing revenues of the last several years and in cooperation with the executive branch, we have worked to reduce any expenditures that were not absolutely necessary. However, we do not have optional programs that can be eliminated. Our primary cost is for the personnel necessary to handle the caseload, the size of which is beyond our control.

In recognition of that fact, we are examining our structure to see if we can become more efficient. The most obvious opportunity for enhanced efficiency is to better utilize the circuit courts. As you know, their jurisdiction is currently limited to misdemeanors and civil cases involving less than $7,000.00. That limit was set 15 years ago and needs to be significantly increased. That will allow us to take better advantage of circuit courts as well as to reduce the ever increasing burden on our district courts. In consultation with the Board of Judicial Policy and Administration as well as the Circuit Court Judges, we have proposed, and the Joint Judiciary Committee has supported, an increase in the 15 year old jurisdictional limit to $50,000.00. Senate File 15, which is a committee bill, will accomplish that change and we urge your support of that legislation. While this change may have some impact on the clerks of both the circuit and the district courts, we believe those impacts are manageable and should not be a reason for a less efficient judicial system.

In addition to Senate File 15, we are working to improve our productivity through technology. Electronic filing and docket management is in place and functioning well in the Supreme Court. We are about half way through the effort to get all district courts on the same docket management system and to provide electronic filing in those courts as well. As soon as that is complete, we will do the same in the circuit courts. We have already installed public computer terminals in some circuit courts so the public can electronically search non-confidential court dockets and plan to have the rest in place this year. You have generously and wisely provided us the funding necessary to accomplish our case management needs at the district court level, even in the face of budget reduction pressure, recognizing that in the long run, this effort will reduce operating costs. Next session we will ask for additional funding to complete this effort in the circuit courts.

We would like to claim credit for all of this progress, but honestly, we were late to this party. It is thanks to the leadership, and dare I say prodding, from you, that we have made such significant progress. Often, institutions of government are resistant to change and that is the case with the judiciary. I learned recently that a cowboy who wants to participate in a roping event at Frontier Days can now enter the competition, pay the entry fee, draw the steer or calf, rope it, have the time immediately recorded, and the prize money calculated and paid the same day…all electronically… well maybe not the roping part! Now I don't know about you, but no cowboy I know likes change very much. The good old days were plenty good enough for them. So if cowboys can join the electronic age………judges can too, don't you agree?

Now, the next technological leap that will have the most impact on our day to day productivity will be when law enforcement is able to issue electronic citations and ultimately the fines can be paid electronically. The Highway Patrol has begun to implement e-citations and they are responsible for a large share of the work of the circuit courts. We have done the necessary work to allow the court's data system to accept their e-citations. We understand they will be ready to roll next summer and we look forward to that day. Once an officer can enter a citation electronically, the work load of our circuit court clerks should be substantially reduced. In some circuits, one full time person is necessary just to enter this data by hand.

Although you do not have a specific request before you, we want to call to your attention the need to provide funding to counties and cities so local law enforcement can acquire that e-citation capability as soon as possible. We understand a recommendation for that funding was contained in the report from Governor Freudenthal's Task Force on Impaired Driving and we hope that the executive branch will bring such a proposal to you soon. The resulting increase in speed and efficiency in processing citations will significantly enhance law enforcement's ability to deal with repeat offenders.

We are also working with law enforcement to facilitate payment of fines electronically and, in fact, just this week Laramie County has implemented its program and is receiving fines on line. When we can do this statewide, we will dramatically improve the fine collection rate. With outstanding unpaid fines in the range of $10,000.000, the fiscal benefit of that advancement is obvious. So we hope you keep this issue on your radar, so to speak.

Finally, on the technology front, most of our judicial districts have video conferencing capability and we are all learning how to use that tool effectively. Many judges are using it for arraignments, depositions and other proceedings thus reducing the cost and risk of transporting prisoners to and from jail, minimizing lost judge time and the expense of their travel and allowing cases to move forward more quickly. Last month we held a statewide Access to Justice Commission meeting with participants from six cities all over the state. Everyone heard and saw each other clearly and we had participation from many that simply could not have attended in person. Also last month, we held a Board of Judicial Policy and Administration meeting by video conference and saved $3,500 in hard travel expenses, about the same in value of lost work time, and no lives were put in danger on our winter roads.

How do we address the growing discontent with the cost and delay involved in civil litigation? Keeping in mind that our primary job is to provide fair and efficient justice to our citizens, we have initiated an effort to examine our rules and procedures to see how we can do that better. We started by conducting a survey of all Wyoming lawyers and judges and, not surprisingly, it showed that an overwhelming majority of both believe that civil litigation costs too much and takes too long. The cause of this failure of the system is likely a combination of district court workloads in some areas, and outdated, cumbersome rules. The growing demand on our district court judges, particularly in the domestic relations and juvenile dockets, can prevent them from resolving some cases expeditiously. And that, by the way, provides another important reason to support Senate File 15 – which I discussed earlier – to allow the circuit court judges to assume some of that load.

The rules of civil procedure that we follow today were adopted 72 years ago and have been modified very little since. The intent of those rules is clearly stated in Rule 1, "To secure the just, speedy and inexpensive determination of every action." It is safe to say that we have failed too often to realize that intent. The Board of Judicial Policy and Administration and the Supreme Court have initiated several different projects to begin to address these problems. Judge Norman Young, from the 9th Judicial District and current president of the District Court Judges Conference, is heading up an effort to examine the rules to determine if changes can be made to allow cases, especially smaller ones, to move more quickly and without unnecessary expense. Judge Keith Kautz, from the 8th District, is heading up a group of judges, under Judge Curt Haws' leadership, are drafting rules for simplified procedures in circuit courts aimed at reducing cost and delay. I anticipate we will consider rules changes and possibly propose statutory changes over the next year.

As this summary of the challenges, changes and opportunities facing the third branch of government shows, our plate is full. The men and women of the Wyoming Judiciary are fully committed to continual improvement in the way we do business while at the same time, doing justice in the cases at hand. We invite you to visit your local courts to see first hand the quality of your judges and we urge you to continue to provide us the necessary resources to get our job done as you have in the past.

Finally, with the tragic events in Arizona last weekend, we all, as public servants increasingly feel the weight of our responsibilities. We cannot prevent all acts of anger and violence directed at those who serve. But we can, and must, work to maintain an environment in which institutions, are respected. Our democracy depends upon that respect.

I thought it appropriate to close by quoting a former governor and senator whose service to Wyoming enjoyed and whose legacy has produced our new Governor. In 1965, then Governor Clifford P. Hansen addressed the 38th Wyoming Legislature and said, "Let me observe that we are elected officials, and as such, we are but temporary custodians of trust, favor, leadership and responsibility. We know the difference between right and wrong; we know that our sole duty is to give dedication and loyalty to the full public interest. History will deal with us. May the truth be that we gave our best."

Thank you.

President Anderson thanked Chief Justice Kite for attending the Joint Session and for her message and asked Senator Bebout and Representatives Shepperson and Roscoe to escort the First Lady and the Governor from the chamber.

Senator Perkins and Representatives Krone and Quarberg were asked to escort Chief Justice Kite from the chamber.

Senate Majority Floor Leader Ross moved that the Joint Session be dissolved. Senate Minority Floor Leader John Hastert seconded the motion. Motion carried.


JANUARY 14, 2011



Your Special Committee appointed to hear the election contest for House District 45 respectfully reports back to the House as follows: Based upon the findings set out in Attachment "A", it is the recommendation of the Special Committee that the election contest for House District 45 be rejected and that Matthias Greene be determined qualified to serve as the Representative for House District 45.

AYES: Campbell, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lubnau, Petersen, Stubson.

NAYS: Barbuto, Byrd, Illoway. Representative Illoway, Chairman.

Attachment A


It appeared to the special committee that the dispositive issue in this contest was:

Did Representative Matthias Greene ("Greene") have residency in House District 45 for one year prior to the date of the election on November 2, 2010, in accordance with the Wyoming Constitution, and Wyoming Statute §22-5-102?

Findings of Fact:

1. Mark Voorhees, Rachel Lynn, Seth Carson, Craig Rothwell and Debra Formento, all residents of Wyoming House District 45, filed a notice to contest election on the 4th day of December, 2010, pursuant to Wyoming Statutes §22-17-101, W.S. §22-17-102 and §22-17--110.

2. Discovery was conducted pursuant to Joint Rule 15 of the Rules of the Wyoming Legislature.

3. On January 11, 2011, the Speaker of the House empanelled a special committee to take testimony and hear the arguments of the parties with respect to the election contest.

4. Former Representative Seth Carson ("Carson") spoke on behalf of the contestants.

5. The facts in this matter are basically undisputed. A timeline is attached to this report as Exhibit 1.

6. Greene resided at 611 Mitchell, Unit #2, Laramie, Wyoming from August 2008 until May 25, 2009 in House District 13.

7. In March and April of 2009, Greene searched for a loft apartment in downtown Laramie. He expressed a desire to live in downtown Laramie because he likes the urban atmosphere, and he was within walking distance of the local restaurants and bars.

8. In April of 2009, Greene was notified that he was going to be deployed with the National Guard to Afghanistan to command a med-evac unit. At that time, he stopped his search for a downtown loft.

9. Greene acquired a mini-storage unit in House District 45 in May of 2009. He chose the location of the mini-storage based on the part of town it was located in and because of its convenience and it's ownership by a veteran who gave military discounts. Greene testified he always intended to move back to House District 45, but did not select the location of the mini-storage with any intention at that time of running for election in House District 45, although the mini-storage was located in House District 45.

10. On May 25, 2009, Greene placed all his worldly possessions, including his bed, his dresser, most of his civilian clothing, weight set and his kitchen utensils in mini-storage unit owned by Snowy Range Storage, Inc., located at 1491 Industry Drive, Laramie, Wyoming, and within the boundary of House District 45.

11. Greene's lease expired on the apartment at 611 Mitchell, Unit #2, Laramie, Wyoming on May 25, 2009. At that time, all his contact with House District 13 ended. He had no property in House District 13, no intent to return to House District 13, and no mailing address in House District 13.

12. On May 27th, 2009, Greene was sent to Canada to train for two and one-half weeks.

13. After the two and one-half weeks of training, Greene returned to Cheyenne for one night, where he spent the evening in the Comfort Inn in Cheyenne.

14. After his one night stay in Cheyenne, Greene was sent to Camp Guernsey for an additional 10 days of training for his deployment.

15. For the month of July 2009, Greene was trained in high-altitude helicopter flying in Colorado.

16. On August 2, 2009, Greene's unit gathered in Cheyenne for deployment.

17. On August 5, 2009, Greene's unit was dispatched to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma for additional training.

18. On September 17, 2009, Greene was deployed to Afghanistan.

19. On September 18, 2009, Greene arrived in Afghanistan, and his primary residence was Forward Operating Base Solerno.

20. In November 2009, after reading a newspaper article in the Laramie Boomerang about Carson, Greene began to consider running for the position of House District 45.

21. Greene began contact with the Wyoming Secretary of State's office in December of 2009, from Forward Operating Base Solerno, to confirm his residency was in House District 45. Several phone calls and e-mails were exchanged regarding residency.

22. On February 19, 2010, Mr. Greene received electronic correspondence from the Wyoming Secretary of State's office, stating that according to the Wyoming Statewide Voter Registration System, Mr. Greene was still a registered voter of House District 13 and that being the case, the Wyoming Secretary of State's office would not approve an application of nomination for Wyoming House District 45.

23. On April 5, 2010, Mr. Greene completed the necessary forms to change his voter registration address from 611 Mitchell, Laramie, Wyoming, to 1207 Boswell Drive, Laramie, Wyoming.

24. On April 5, 2010, Greene changed his address in the statewide voter registration system to 1207 Boswell Drive, the home of Matthew Brian Leibovitz and Teresa Elizabeth Thompson. This change of address to House District 45 was for the purpose of voting in a special election – the first election held in the district since Greene's deployment.

25. On May 27, 2010, Greene filed for office, and provided the address of 1207 Boswell as his address in House District 45.

26. On June 17, 2010, Greene returned from his deployment to Cheyenne, Wyoming.

27. On June 24, 2010, Greene spent the night at the home of his friend Matt Leibovitz, at 1207 N. Boswell in Laramie, Wyoming

28. On June 25 and 26, 2010, Greene spent the night in Ft. Collins, Colorado, visiting a friend.

29. On July 1, 2010, Greene signed a lease for a loft apartment at 115 E. Grand Ave, Laramie, Wyoming.

30. On June 27, 2010, Greene returned to the Leibovitz house, and stayed there until he moved into his loft apartment in downtown Laramie on July 2, 2010, at the address of 115 E. Grand Ave., Laramie, Wyoming within the boundaries of House District 45.

31. On November 2, 2010, Greene was the top vote getter in the general election for House District 45.


The requirement of residency is a constitutional prerequisite for serving in the legislature of the State of Wyoming. The Wyoming Constitution provides that no person shall serve in the legislature who is not a citizen "of this state and who has not, for at least twelve months next preceding his election resided within the county or district in which he was elected." Wyoming Constitution Art. 3 Sec. 2.

Section 22-5-102 of our statutes codifies the constitutional requirement by noting that "For the purpose of meeting the residency requirements of the Wyoming constitution, a person shall not be a candidate for the state legislature from a legislative district unless he has been a resident of that legislative district for at least one (1) year next preceding the election." Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 22-5-102(a).

The Special Committee's obligation is to determine whether Representative Matthias Greene meets these constitutional requirements. While the consideration of these issues takes place in the context of a political body, the members of the Committee have embarked on this endeavor with a clear recognition of their oath to support, obey and defend the Constitution of the State of Wyoming.

It is noteworthy that the Wyoming Constitution makes special provision for the residency of those serving the United States in our military. Specifically, the Constitution notes that "No elector shall be deemed to have lost his residence in the state, by reason of his absence . . . in the military or naval service of the United States." Wyoming Constitution Art. 6 Sec. 7.

The facts underlying this contest are not significantly in dispute. In May, 2009 Matthias Greene was living at 611 Mitchell, Laramie, Wyoming, a residence located in House District 13. Representative Greene's lease on Mitchell property terminated in late may 2009. Some time before the lease termination Representative Greene had decided to move to downtown Laramie which is located in House District 45. Prior to entering an agreement for a new apartment, Representative Greene learned of his imminent deployment to Afghanistan as part of the Wyoming National Guard. As a result, Representative Greene stored his goods in a storage unit located in House District 45, ceased his search for an apartment in downtown Laramie and began training for his ultimate deployment to Afghanistan.

As of the end of May, 2009, Representative Greene removed all his belongings from House District 13. He ceased receiving mail in the district. From that point on he had no right or entitlement to occupy any structure within the district.

The reasons behind Representative Greene's decision to cease his apartment search are significant. Representative Greene had received orders to deploy to Afghanistan. The Wyoming Constitution mandates that Representative Greene did not lose his residency in the State of Wyoming. Instead, his military service ensured that his residency was protected. As a result, we know that Representative Greene was a resident of either House District 13 or House District 45.

When examining this question the role of intent is significant. It is undisputed that Representative Greene intended to live in House District 45 and intended to return to House District 45 after his deployment. It is also undisputed that he formed that intent prior to his deployment. Objector contends that intent is not dispositive. The Committee agrees. Intent alone is not sufficient to build a basis for residency. However, intent must play a role in a review of the totality of the circumstances when determining the residency of a member.

Objector contends that Representative Greene remained a resident of House District 13 from May, 2009 until he returned to the country in June, 2010. Such an assertion defies both the law and common sense. After May 2009 Representative Greene had no connection whatsoever to House District 13. He testified that he did not intend to ever return to House District 13. The lease on 611 Mitchell had expired. Representative Greene removed all of his personal property from House District 13. He had no right to access or occupy any structure whatsoever within House District 13. To suggest that he remained a resident of House District 13 despite the lack of any remaining nexus to the District is to open possibilities of residency that eviscerate the principles embodied in our Constitution.

Applying these same principles to Representative Greene's contacts with House District 45 reveals a very different picture. Representative Greene's intent to live in House District 45 was accompanied by material and substantial acts. Representative Greene actively engaged in a search for housing prior to his deployment. He moved his personal belongings to the district. He took out a lease on a storage unit in the district. While the contacts with House District 45 are anticipatory, they are overwhelming in light of the lack of contacts with House District 13.

The very first election in Albany County following his departure from House District 13 occurred in May of 2010. Representative Greene voted absentee from Afghanistan in that election and voted as resident of House District 45. When Representative Greene returned from his deployment in June, 2010 he immediately returned to House District 45 and leased an apartment. When reviewing all the circumstances of this election contest, we see a continuity of conduct that weighs overwhelmingly in favor of a finding that Representative Greene was a resident of House District 45 beginning in late May or early June of 2009. This was more than one (1) year prior to the election of November, 2010. Representative Greene is qualified constitutionally to serve in the legislature of the State of Wyoming.

The fact of Representative Greene's popular election deserves some note. While no majority can undermine application of the Constitution, it is of significance that the people of House District 45 chose Mathias Greene as their representative and did so in light of broad publication of the facts outlined above. When there are two applicable interpretations of a provision within the Wyoming Constitution and one application undermines the will of the people while one supports the will of the people, that which recognizes the power of the voters should be sustained.

The contestant has relied heavily upon the opinion of the Attorney General dated November 1, 2010. The Committee finds that opinion to be unpersuasive. The Attorney General relied primarily on the definition of "Residence" as that term is defined in Wyo. Stat. § 22-1-102(a)(xxx). That definition refers to a place of actual habitation. However, that term is not used to define a person's eligibility for election. Instead, the legislature chose a different word "resident" to describe the eligibility requirement. It is inappropriate to take the definition of a word not utilized within a statute to rewrite the statute and insert requirements not required by statute. In addition, even if we were to rely upon the definition of "Residence" instead of the terms actually utilized in the statute, it speaks clearly of an "intention of returning". There was absolutely no evidence that Representative Greene intended to return to House District 13. As a result, the very definition that the Attorney General employs undermines the contestant's claims.

Joint Rule 15-1 (b)(3) provides: "The burden of proof is on the contestant to prove at least one of the grounds specified under W.S. 22-17-1010(a) by a preponderance of the evidence." The uncontradicted testimony of Representative Greene was that he intended to live in House District 45. The contestants offered no additional proof countering the intent of Greene to live in the district. As a result, the contestant failed to meet his burden of proof, and the complaint must be rejected.

It is clear that absent the issuance of military orders, Representative Matthias Greene would have been physically present within House District 45. The Wyoming Constitution recognizes the special circumstances of this case where a person in service of their nation, leaves their home to serve. It is clear that in those circumstances an interested citizen should not be punished for their service, but should be treated as a continuing resident of this state. The majority of the special committee find that Matthias Greene intended to and in fact was a resident of House District 45 for more than one year prior to the election.

As a consequence the committee FINDS that the Contest of Election filed by Mark Vorhes, Rachel Lynn, Seth Carson, Craig Rothwell and Debra Formento should be REJECTED.


The only question here is whether the facts demonstrate that Mr. Greene met the residency requirements for serving in the state legislature as outlined in Wyo. Const., art 3, § 2 and Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 22-5-102(a). A candidate is not qualified to run, "unless he has been a resident of that legislative district for at least (1) year next preceding his election." Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 22-5-102(a). The legislature has defined residence in Wyo. Stat. § 22-1-102(a)(xxx). Under this provision of the statute, residence, for purposes of this case, is defined as:

"Residence" is the place of a person's actual habitation. The construction of this term shall be governed by the following rules:

A) Residence is the place where a person has a current habitation and to which, whenever he is absent, he has the intention of returning;

B) A person shall not gain or lose residence merely by reason of his presence or absence while:…

(IV) Stationed at or residing on a military reservation or installation ….

The sections omitted from the quotation above, include absences related to such things as educational study or other public service purposes. Thus, the same definition of residence governs all absences from home and military service is not in a separate category.

The Attorney General issued an informal opinion of the definition of "residence" for purposes of serving in the legislature on November 1, 2010. The basic conclusion of the Attorney General is that the residency statute is unambiguous and in order to establish residency, a potential candidate must have an "actual habitation" to meet the residency requirement. The Attorney General Opinion, which is attached to this Report for the convenience of the body as Exhibit 2, concludes "actual habitation" as applied to the definition of "residence" "means "a person's dwelling or home which he actually occupied."

The opinion, then walks through the steps to apply the statute to facts similar to those in this contested case. Having determined that "the touchstone" of the definition is "actual habitation," the next step is to apply the provisions governing absence from a residence: "Then, if, for whatever the reason, a person is absent from that place for any period of time then the question becomes, …, whether person possessed the subjective intent to return to his place of residence—i.e., a person's place of actual habitation." The Opinion then cites the example of a student who leaves for college, but has a home in Laramie County. The home in Laramie County remains the residence "as long as the person has the intent to return to that home. " The Opinion, then reaches the key conclusion relevant to this decision:

Since the statute defines "residence" as "actual habitation," if a person temporarily leaves the state with the intent to return but to a different location within the state, his "residence," for purposes of qualification as a member of the Legislature, must be the place he last actually physically resided. If not, then "residence" would not mean "actual habitation" and the statute's plain and unambiguous meaning would be negated.

AG Opinion at 5.

Thus, under the AG Opinion, Mr. Greene, at the time his active military service resumed on or about May 27, 2009, needed to be a resident with an "actual habitation" in House District 45 and the intent to return to that residence. At the time he left for training in Canada, he had no "current habitation" in House District 45. The Attorney General Opinion does not allow Mr. Greene to declare a residency in House District 45.

Mr. Greene's interpretation of the statute is not supported by the plain language of the statute and as a result, should not be adopted by this body as our interpretation of the law. In essence, we are sitting as a court interpreting the statute and should be bound by the same strict interpretation of plain language as a court. This House should no more ignore the intent of the legislature, as represented in the words of the statute, than a court would. In fact, Mr. Greene provided no legal analysis in support of his statutory construction.

Some members of the committee questioned the analysis of the AG Opinion. It is not necessary to wholly agree with the AG's analysis, although it follows traditional rules of statutory construction. Essentially, as we understood it, Mr. Greene's interpretation of the statute at Section 102(a)(xxx)(A) ignores the "current habitation" language and suggests Mr. Greene can rely solely on his "intent" to return to House District 45. This interpretation also disregards the overriding language of the definition that residence depends on "actual habitation." Finally, it ignores the provision that when absent, a person "shall not gain or lose residence" by reason of service in the military. In essence then, the statute first requires establishment of residence at time of departure, and then, an establishment of intent to return.

A basic rule of statutory construction, familiar to all the attorneys in this House is that a statute will not be interpreted to render any language superfluous. Under Mr. Greene's approach, "current habitation" has no application. Mr. Greene's interpretation ignores this most basic method for construing our laws. It would be extremely ironic for this body to ignore statutory rules of construction designed to show deference to the will of the legislature and ensure the courts do not exceed their authority and rewrite the laws rather than interpret them. This House, like a court, has no authority to in effect, rewrite the statute through this case.

The difficulty here is that Mr. Greene appears to have had no "current habitation" when he left Laramie for his military training. It is undisputed, however, his last address at the time of his departure for training was in House District 13. Either this address was his "current habitation" for purposes of the statute, as suggested by the AG's opinion, or he had no "current habitation." Either way we cannot revise the statute to fit the facts of Mr. Greene's unique circumstances. Mr. Greene made the choice to relinquish his residence, not find a new one, and place his possessions in storage—rather than in a residence. While it may seem harsh to suggest Mr. Greene had to maintain a home in Laramie during his deployment to meet the residency requirement for running for office, it is the result demanded by the statute.

Mr. Greene's interpretation would allow any potential candidate to leave the state for whatever purpose—education, military, temporary federal appointment—and return to any legislative district and argue an intent to return to establish residency. For example, assume someone moved to Washington, DC for a couple of years to work for one of our Congressional leaders and to save money, did not maintain a Wyoming physical residence, but always planned to return home one day to run for office. Under the interpretation proposed by Mr. Greene, such an individual could come back and run anywhere in the county they left and perhaps, anywhere in the state. This result is bad for public policy and would lead to chaos in our elections. We cannot, as a body, authorize an interpretation that has the potential to cause all sorts of mischief in our electoral process.

Note: Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 referenced in Attachment "A" are on file in the Legislative Service Office.

The House reconvened at 2:00 p.m.


JANUARY 17, 2011


Present: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds Eklund, Esquibel, Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Patton, Peasley, Pedersen, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer Dn., Zwonitzer Dv.

Excused: Representative (s) Goggles

Present 59 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

Majority Floor Leader Lubnau moved that the House Rules and the Joint Rules previously adopted as the Temporary Rules of the House of Representatives of the 61st Legislature be adopted, together with any amendments approved by the House, as the Permanent Rules of the House of Representatives of the 61st Legislature.

Speaker Buchanan: You have heard the motion. Before voting on the motion to adopt the Temporary Rules as the Permanent Rules, the House will first consider any proposed amendments to the Temporary Rules. Amendments to the Temporary Rules require a majority vote for adoption.


Create Joint Rule 22 to read:


22-1(a)  The Speaker or President, as appropriate, shall receive written, signed complaints from any person concerning misconduct involving legislative duties by a member of the House or Senate including, but not limited to, an alleged violation of the rules of the House or Senate and the provisions of applicable law. Upon receipt, a copy of the complaint shall be provided to the member against whom the complaint is filed.

(i)  Misconduct involving legislative duties is defined as violation of Article 3 of the Wyoming Constitution; the Ethics and Disclosure Act, W.S. 9-13-101, et seq; any of the Wyoming Conflict of Interest Statutes; violence or disorderly conduct during legislative meetings, sessions, or during the performance of legislative duties; or bribes or offers of bribes;

(ii)  An investigation instituted for political purposes and not connected with intended legislation or with any of the matters upon which a house should act is not a proper legislative proceeding and is beyond the authority of the house or legislature.

(b)  The presiding officer, after consultation with the majority and minority floor leaders, may summarily dismiss any complaint which on its face appears to be frivolous or submitted for any improper purpose. Notice of summary dismissal will be provided to the complainant.

(c)  Except as provided in subsection (b) of this rule, whenever a complaint is received pursuant to this rule, the presiding officer shall forward the complaint to the appropriate subcommittee of Management Council to determine whether there is probable cause to institute a formal investigation of the allegation. The subcommittee shall consist of those members of Management Council who serve in the same house as the member against whom the complaint is filed. The subcommittee's review shall be subject to the following:

(i)  The test for determining the existence of probable cause is whether a factual situation is sufficient to warrant a reasonably prudent person, informed of legislative procedures and duties, to believe that a violation or other misconduct has occurred;

(ii)  The Council subcommittee shall notify the member against whom the complaint was brought and shall provide the person with a copy of the complaint. The member complained against may submit a written answer to the subcommittee. The subcommittee shall have the discretion to determine what additional evidence, if any, is presented during the course of its review;

(iii)  Unless specifically invited, neither the complainant nor the member against whom the complaint has been filed shall have the right to attend or present evidence at any meeting of the Council subcommittee regarding probable cause;

(iv)  The review by the Council subcommittee shall be conducted in executive session and no record of the hearing will be kept. All records, findings and proceedings of the review shall be confidential;

(v)  No determination of the Council subcommittee concerning probable cause is appealable by any person;

(vi)  If the Council subcommittee determines that the complaint alleges criminal activity, the subcommittee may recommend that further proceedings under this rule be held in abeyance pending completion of any criminal investigation;

(vii)  A finding of probable cause shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the Council members serving on the subcommittee;

(viii)  If the Council subcommittee does not find probable cause for a formal investigation, the file will be closed and the complainant and member will be so advised;

(ix)  If the Council subcommittee finds probable cause exists, the complaint shall be referred for formal investigation in accordance with this rule.

(d)  Upon a finding of probable cause under subsection (c) of this rule, a special committee shall be appointed to formally investigate the complaint. If the Legislature is not in session, the select committee shall be appointed by the Management Council subcommittee that conducted the probable cause review. If the Legislature is in session the select committee shall be appointed by the presiding officer of the appropriate house.

(e)  A special committee investigating a complaint against a senator shall consist of 5 senators and a special committee investigating a complaint against a representative shall consist of 9 members of the House of Representatives. Committee appointments shall be apportioned as nearly as possible to reflect the percentage of the elected members of the majority and minority parties of the appropriate house. The appointing authority shall designate the chairman of the committee.

(f)  Proceedings of the special committee shall be subject to the following:

(i)  All meetings of the committee will be open to the public;

(ii)  The member against whom the complaint is filed and the complainant shall be entitled to appear, present evidence, cross-examine witnesses and be represented by counsel;

(iii)  In proceedings before the committee, irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded and no recommendation shall be made unless supported by the type of evidence commonly relied upon by a reasonably prudent person, informed of legislative procedures and duties, in the conduct of their serious affairs;

(iv)  The chairman of the committee shall have the power to administer oaths and to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents relevant to the complaint, as authorized by W.S. 28-1-107 through 28-1-112. Any testimony made at any committee hearing which purports to establish matters of fact shall be made under oath.

(g)  The committee may dismiss the complaint if a majority determines that the complaint is not substantiated or does not substantiate an ethical violation without requiring further action by the appropriate house. If not dismissed, the committee shall make recommendations to the appropriate house based upon the investigations conducted and hearings held pursuant to this rule. The committee may recommend dismissal of the complaint, reprimand, censure, expulsion or other discipline it deems appropriate. The appropriate house may dismiss the complaint, expel, censure, reprimand or otherwise discipline the member as it deems appropriate. Expulsion of a member shall require the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members, as provided by Article III Section 12 of the Constitution. Reprimand or censure of a member shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the elected members.

(h)  If the legislature is not in session, the recommendation of the special committee shall be acted upon by the appropriate house during the next following special or regular session.

(j)  If the written signed complaint concerns misconduct of the presiding officer, then the duties of the presiding officer in this rule shall be the duties of the Senate Vice-President or the House Speaker pro tem as applicable.


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas B, Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Shepperson, Stubson, Throne, Vranish and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Byrd, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Greene, Kasperik, Madden, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Teeters, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 40 Nays 19 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflict 0

Representative Lubnau moved to adopt the Temporary House Rules, as amended JR0001, as the permanent House Rules for the 61st Legislative session.

Speaker Buchanan: Being no further amendments, the questions is, shall the Temporary House Rules and Joint Rules, as amended, be adopted as the Permanent Rules of the House of Representatives of the 61st Legislature. A majority vote is required for the adoption of the motion.


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas B, Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn., Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflict 0

Speaker Buchanan: By your vote, you have adopted the Temporary House Rules and Joint Rules, as amended, to be the Permanent Rules of the House of Representatives of the 61st Legislature.


JANUARY 17, 2011


Representative Illoway moved adoption of the report of the Select Committee on Election Contest to reject the Election Contest relating to House District 45 and thereby determine that Matthias Greene is qualified to serve as the Representative for House District 45.

Pursuant to Joint Rule 15, Speaker Buchanan opened the motion for debate. Note: An electronic recording of the debate on the motion is on file in the Legislative Service Office.

Following debate, Speaker Buchanan announced the motion is to reject the Election Contest relating to the election of Matthias Greene in House District 45. He explained that an aye vote is a vote to reject the Election Contest and to determine that Matthias Greene is qualified to serve as the Representative for House District 45. A no vote is a vote to sustain the Election Contest and to determine that Matthias Greene is not qualified to serve as the Representative for House District 45. Pursuant to Joint Rule 15, the vote required is a majority of the members present.


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pedersen, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Stubson, Teeters, Vranish and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Botten, Byrd, Buchanan, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Illoway, Roscoe, Steward, Throne, Zwonitzer Dn. and Zwonitzer Dv.

Excused: Representative (s) Goggles and Greene

Ayes 42 Nays 16 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

Speaker Buchanan announced that a majority had voted to reject the Election Contest relating to the election of Matthias Greene in House District 45. It is therefore the determination of the House of Representatives that Matthias Greene is qualified to serve as the Representative for House District 45. Speaker Buchanan stated that pursuant to Joint Rule 15 the action of the House will be reported to the Governor and the Secretary of State.

Speaker Buchanan requested the following explanation of his vote be entered in the Journal:

"Pursuant to HR 13-6, I would like to explain my vote on the Election Contest. First, a bona fide analysis of the contest should not involve one's military service, although it is certainly an admirable trait and I honor that service. However, as a veteran myself, I feel consideration of this factor has no place in my decision, aside from military status allowing maintenance of residence while absent.

Second, a bona fide analysis of the contest should not involve one's political party. Although I am not a member of the contestant's party, I feel that the integrity of our constitution, our laws and our legislature rises above status, affiliation and personal feelings.

Third, a bona fide analysis of the contest should not involve the personalities involved. I have no doubt that the man sworn in to this body is more than worthy of the task and I recognize that there have been warranted criticisms of his predecessor.

Fourth, although I certainly respect the votes of all cast in that election, the will of the people cannot stand alone without the force of law behind it unless we wish to re-define our republic and our democracy.

My vote and my decision was based solely on the facts as presented by the committee and the law, as I understand it, applied to those facts.

My analysis is such that I believe an actual residence or habitation had to be established in House District 45, and then in absence, the individual has the intention of returning. I have no doubt in my mind that there was intent to return, but I could not come to find in my own mind that there was ever a residence established, per statute, in House District 45. The individual certainly maintained his Wyoming residency while deployed, but was not in my analysis a resident under the Election Code in House District 45.

This was my analysis, and I voted my honest and sincere belief, with out regard to irrelevant matters and without judging an opinion or vote contrary to mine."

|H.B. No. 0001 |General government appropriations-2. |

Sponsored By: Joint Appropriations Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to supplemental appropriations for the operation of state government; increasing or decreasing certain amounts; adjusting the number of authorized positions; modifying prior appropriations; making additional appropriations; making certain appropriations subject to the terms and conditions specified; and providing for an effective date.

2/3/2011 Bill Number Assigned

2/3/2011 H Received for Introduction

2/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to COW

2/14/2011 H Passed CoW



Budget(s): Section 045. Department of Transportation

(Airport Improvements)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 24-line 1 After "committee" insert ", the select committee on air transportation".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ILLOWAY




(Wildlife Trust Account)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 20-line 15 Under GENERAL FUND decrease amount by "1,500,000".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. KROEKER



Budget(s): Section 048. Department of Health

(Rural & Frontier Health)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 25-line 9 After "1." insert ", 16."; Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "300,000".

Page 30-After 16 Insert:

"16. The increased general fund appropriation provided with this footnote shall be expended only for the Wyoming physician and dentist loan repayment program authorized by W.S. 9-2-118.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LUBNAU



Budget(s): Section 048. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH

(Division on Aging)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 26-line 17 Under GENERAL FUND decrease amount by "500,000".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. KROEKER




(Public Television)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 32-line 21 Delete all new language and reinsert all stricken language.

Page 32-line 22 Delete entirely.

Page 33-lines 18 through 25 Delete entirely.

Page 34-lines 1 through 13 Delete entirely.

Page 34-After line 13 Delete the Illoway, et al., second reading amendment (HB001H2007/AE) to this line.

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. KROEKER



Budget(s): 057. Community College Commission

(Public Television)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 34-after line 13 Insert:

"(v)  Funds appropriated pursuant to this footnote shall be continuously appropriated pursuant to the terms of this footnote until June 30, 2016, at which time all unexpended, unobligated funds not transferred to the matching funds account shall revert to the general fund.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ILLOWAY, GINGERY, MILLER



Budget(s): Section 066. Wyoming Tourism Board

(Wyoming Tourism Board)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 34-line 19 Under GENERAL FUND decrease amount by "450,000".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. KROEKER



Budget(s): Section 067. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING

(State Aid)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 35-line 9 After "4." Insert ", 5.".

Page 37-After line 2 insert:

"5.  On or before December 1, 2011, the university shall report to the joint appropriations interim committee on university programs and student services which assist or support student academic success, together with recommendations for improvement of student year-to-year retention and completion of degree programs. The report shall provide the committee with a comprehensive review of existing programs and services, an evaluation of program effectiveness and recommended measures required to improve student retention and degree completion.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. STEWARD



Budget(s): Section 346. AML FUNDING - II

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 65-line 2 Delete "projects" insert "project".

Page 65-line 6 Delete ";" insert ".".

Page 65-lines 8 through 10 Delete entirely.

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ILLOWAY



Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 83-line 1 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:


Section 351.

(a)  The department of transportation shall prepare and certify a report to the state treasurer of tax credits redeemed under W.S. 39-17-109(d) in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. The report shall be completed not later than June 1, 2012. The state treasurer shall distribute an amount equal to the tax credits redeemed under W.S. 39-17-109(d), as reported by the department, in the manner provided in W.S. 39-17-111(d). To the extent the appropriation in this section is less than the amount of the credits redeemed, the funds distributed shall be reduced pro rata.

(b)  There is appropriated from the general fund to the state treasurer three million dollars ($3,000,000.00), or as much thereof as may be necessary, for the purposes of this section. Any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2012.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MADDEN, GOGGLES, MILLER, SEMLEK


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Brechtel, Burkhart, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Quarberg, Steward, Teeters and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Buchanan

Ayes 35 Nays 24 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0



Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 83-line 1 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:


Section 351.

(a)  There is appropriated two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) from the general fund to the department of health. This appropriation shall be for the period ending June 30, 2012. This appropriation shall only be expended for the purpose of funding grants under this section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose and any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2012.

(b)  The department of health shall, by rule and regulation, administer a grant program to fund technologies at critical access or rural hospitals, as defined in W.S. 35-1-1002(a)(ii), to meet requirements to become meaningful users of electronic health records under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The department shall base criteria for grants under this section on the needs of hospitals to provide care and services and the needs of hospitals to meet the federal directive to convert to electronic health records. No single grant under the program shall exceed four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.00).".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BONNER, HUNT, LUBNAU, SEMLEK


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Throne, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Brechtel, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Harshman, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Shepperson, Stubson, Teeters, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Buchanan

Ayes 37 Nays 22 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0



Budget(s): Section 048. Department of Health

(Developmental Disabilities)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 26-line 10 After "Disabilities" insert "16."; Under FEDERAL FUND increase amount by "2,246,135".

Page 26-line 11 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "2,246,135".

Page 30-After line 16 Insert:

"16. Of this general fund appropriation, two million two hundred forty-six thousand one hundred thirty-five dollars ($2,246,135.00), and of this federal fund appropriation, two million two hundred forty-six thousand one hundred thirty-five dollars ($2,246,135.00) shall only be expended in the 600 series to fund a four percent (4%) increase in service rates of the home and community-based waivers administered by the developmental disabilities division for the period beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012. This appropriation shall be in addition to any other amounts appropriated for home and community-based waiver programs and an amount equal to twice this appropriation shall be included in the department's 2013-2014 standard budget request.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. DAVISON, BOTTEN, CRAFT, ESQUIBEL, K.



Budget(s): Section 001. Office of the Governor


* * * * * * * * * *

Page 6-line 8 After "7." insert ", 8."; Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "10,000".

Page 8-After line 17 Insert:

"8. Of this general fund appropriation, ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) shall only be used for purchasing chinaware and flatware for the governor's residence.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McOmie, Miller, Nicholas, B., Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Teeters, Throne, Vranish and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Davison, Gingery, Jaggi, Kroeker, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Peasley, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Stubson and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Patton and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 44 Nays 14 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0



Budget(s): Section 039. Wildlife/Natural Res Trust

(Wildlife Trust Account)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 20-line 15 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "1,250,000".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BYRD



Budget(s): Section 040. Game and Fish Commission

(Aquatic Invasive Species)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 21-line 7 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "504,971".

Page 21-line 16 Increase Full Time positions by "4".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BROWN, DAVISON, MCOMIE




* * * * * * * * * *

Page 55-line 2 After "330" insert ", 335(a)(intro), (b)(intro), (c)(intro), (d)(intro) and (e)(intro)".

Page 58-After line 9 Insert:


Section 335.

(a)  From funds within the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund reserve account which, except for section 301 of this act, would be deposited to the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund pursuant to W.S. 9-4-719(b) on June 30, 2010, there is appropriated twenty million dollars ($20,000,000.00) and from the general fund there is appropriated sixty-seven million four hundred fifty-six thousand five hundred sixty dollars ($67,456,560.00) to be distributed in two (2) equal payments as provided in subsections (b) through (e) of this section. Additionally, for fiscal year 2012 only, from the general fund there is appropriated ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00) which shall be distributed in the manner provided in subsections (b) through (e) of this section, except that the entire distribution of these additional general funds shall occur on August 15, 2011. The appropriations in this section shall be to the office of state lands and investments to be allocated pursuant to the following and as further provided in this section:


(b)  Funds appropriated in paragraph (a)(i) of this section are to be distributed to cities and towns in two (2) equal distributions on August 15, 2010 and on August 15,2011, except the additional general funds specified in the introductory subsection (a) of this section shall be distributed in a single distribution on August 15, 2011, subject to the following:


(c)  Funds appropriated in paragraph (a)(ii) of this section are to be distributed to counties in two (2) equal distributions on August 15, 2010 and on August 15, 2011, except the additional general funds specified in the introductory subsection (a) of this section shall be distributed in a single distribution on August 15, 2011. From these distributions each county shall receive the following:


(d)  Funds appropriated in paragraph (a)(iii) of this section are to be distributed to eligible cities and towns in two (2) equal distributions on August 15, 2010 and on August 15, 2011, except the additional general funds specified in the introductory subsection (a) of this section shall be distributed in a single distribution on August 15, 2011, subject to the following:


(e)  Funds appropriated in paragraph (a)(iv) of this section are to be distributed to eligible counties in two (2) equal distributions on August 15, 2010 and on August 15, 2011 , except the additional general funds specified in the introductory subsection (a) of this section shall be distributed in a single distribution on August 15, 2011. The office of state lands and investments shall calculate the amounts to be distributed to eligible counties as determined by this subsection as follows:

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MADDEN, BUCHANAN, STUBSON, THRONE


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Peasley, Roscoe and Wallis

Ayes 56 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0



Budget(s): Section 60. Office of State Lands and Investments


* * * * * * * * *

Page 6-line 1 After "057," insert "060,".

Page 34-after line 13 Insert:




Operations 1., 2.    17,269,515    47,672,580    1,640,000 S1   

      17,319,515    1,172,229 S5   

            2,550,811 SR    70,305,135

Forestry      8,251,196    856,923    2,226,000 SR    11,334,119

County Emergency Suppression           350,000 AG   

            2,230,000 SR    2,580,000

Fire     4,033,149    4,176,380       8,209,529

Mineral Royalty Grants           33,400,000 S4    33,400,000

Federal Forestry Grants        6,150,000       6,150,000

Transportation Enterprise Fund           2,000,000 AG    2,000,000

TOTALS     29,553,860    58,855,883    45,569,040      133,978,783



Full Time  108

Part Time  4

TOTAL  112

1.  Any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining in the state lands trust preservation account at the end of the 2009-2010 biennium shall not revert and are hereby reappropriated and shall be expended for the purpose of funding projects that will preserve the value or revenue generating capacity of state trust lands or mineral assets approved by the board of land commissioners pursuant to its rules. This footnote is effective immediately.

2.  Of this general fund appropriation, fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) shall only be expended to construct a partition fence around the perimeter of Ranch A. No expenditure shall be made for these purposes unless one-half (1/2) of the costs are borne by owners of adjacent lands as provided for in W.S. 11-28-106. Notwithstanding W.S. 9-2-1008, 9-2-1012(e) and 9-4-207(a), unexpended and unobligated funds appropriated with this footnote shall not lapse on June 30, 2012, but shall revert to the general fund on June 30, 2014.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. SEMLEK


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brown, Buchanan, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Harvey, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Brechtel, Burkhart, Edmonds, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 36 Nays 24 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0



Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 83-line 1 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:


Section 351.

Notwithstanding W.S. 9-2-1011 and 9-2-1012, for the development of the 2013-2014 budget, the joint appropriations interim committee shall select two (2) state agencies and require those agencies to submit a zero-based budget. The committee shall notify the agencies selected, the governor's office and the department of administration and information not later than May 1, 2011. The agencies, the department of administration and information and the governor's office shall consult with the committee regarding the format required for zero-based budgeting under this section. For purposes of this section, "zero-based budget" means a budget that is presented without regard to any previous level of services or personnel during any preceding biennium.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. JAGGI, QUARBERG



Budget(s): Section 002. Secretary of State

* * * * * * * * *

Page 6-line 1 Delete "002,".

Page 9-lines 2 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 10-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely.

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. QUARBERG, KROEKER



Budget(s): Section 001. Office of the Governor


* * * * * * * * * *

Page 6-line 8 After "7." insert ", 8.".

Page 6-line 9 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "1,000,000".

Page 8-After line 17 Insert:

"8. Of this general fund appropriation, one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) shall only be expended for purposes of grants to rural fire districts impacted by mineral exploration and production in southeast Wyoming. Any rural fire district impacted may submit to the board of county commissioners of the county in which it is located a request for grant funds. The applicable boards of county commissioners may review the requests and submit to the governor's office an application for the award of a grant if the board finds the grant will support the purchase of supplies or equipment necessary to the standard operation of the rural fire district to mitigate the impacts of mineral exploration and production. No grant funds shall be used for any major equipment purchase. The governor's office shall establish a time period or periods for grant applications and for awarding grants to impacted rural fire districts. In awarding grants the governor's office shall consider the impact of development and local and other resources available to the impacted rural fire districts, and shall give priority consideration to those rural fire districts lacking resources to address impacts. Grants under this footnote shall be limited to not more than four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.00) awarded in any individual county.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. TEETERS


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Greear, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Roscoe, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Botten, Gingery, Goggles, Harshman, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Patton, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson and Steward

Ayes 40 Nays 20 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0




(State Aid)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 32-line 12 After "Aid" insert "4.".

Page 34-After line 13 insert:

"4.  Of this general fund appropriation and for the period commencing on the effective date of this footnote through June 30, 2012, not more than forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000.00) shall be expended by the Wyoming community college commission to oversee and monitor the implementation of the minimum educational standards required under the post secondary education enrollment options program pursuant to W.S. 21-2-201. Working with high schools, community colleges and boards of cooperative educational services, the commission shall not later than January 1, 2012, report to the joint education interim committee on compliance with the requirements of W.S. 21-20-201, together with an analysis and reporting of revenues and expenditures under this program.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. CRAFT, CONNOLLY, KRONE



Budget(s): 057. Community College Commission

(CWC Health & Science Center)

(NWCCD Big West Academic Center)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 52-after line 18 Insert:

"CWC Health & Science Center"; Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "6,550,000"; Under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "11,500,000PR";

"NWCCD Big West Academic Center"; Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "7,500,000"; Under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "7,500,000PR".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MILLER, GOGGLES, MCOMIE, PATTON


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Shepperson, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Davison, Edmonds, Gay, Harshman, Jaggi, Kroeker, Peasley, Semlek, Steward and Teeters

Ayes 47 Nays 13 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0



Budget(s): Section 003. State Auditor

(State Employee Compensation)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 10-line 9 After "3." insert ", 5."; under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "3,131,455".

Page 11-After line 25 Insert:

"5. Of this general fund appropriation, three million one hundred thirty-one thousand four hundred fifty-five dollars ($3,131,455.00) shall only be used for cost of living increases not to exceed one percent (1%) for executive branch state employees, excluding employees of the University of Wyoming. For state executive branch agency employers whose salaries are paid from nongeneral fund sources there is appropriated from those accounts and funds amounts necessary to provide a cost of living increase equal to the amount provided by this footnote.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ZWONITZER, DN.



Budget(s): Section 051. Livestock Board


* * * * * * * * * *

Page 31-line 4 After "Administration" insert "3.".

Page 32-After line 6 Insert:

"3. As part of any computerization effort by the board, the board shall include efforts to process and issue G-forms electronically and efforts to maintain a database to allow timely tracking and monitoring of G-forms at the Cheyenne office.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. WALLIS





(A&I Safeway Bldg.-Level I and II Design)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 49-line 8 After "Design" insert "8.".

Page 52-After line 5 Insert:

"8. Prior to the completion of the Level II design for the Safeway building site, the state building commission shall hold public hearings and receive public comment pursuant to W.S. 9-5-107(f), 9-5-108(b)(ii), and chapter IV of the rules and regulations of the state building commission.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. THRONE, BYRD



Budget(s): Section 003. STATE AUDITOR

(State Employee Compensation)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 10-line 9 After "State Employee Compensation" insert "5."; under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "1,566,000".

Page 11-after line 25 Insert:

"5. Of this general fund appropriation, one million five hundred sixty-six thousand dollars ($1,566,000.00) shall be expended for one (1) time performance-based awards for executive branch employees during fiscal year 2012, not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) per employee. Performance-based awards granted under this section shall be limited to executive branch employees who exceed their job performance expectations and shall be based on a rigorous performance evaluation process developed by the human resources division of the department of administration and information and approved by the director of the department and the governor. Performance-based awards granted under this footnote shall be approved by the director or other agency head of the employee's agency.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. GOGGLES, CRAFT



(Technical corrections)

Section Under Consideration: Section 003. State Auditor

(Employee Insurance)

Other Budget(s) Affected: Section 048. Department of Health

(Community & Public Health)

(Health Care Financing)




Section 346. [AML FUNDING - II]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Page 11-line 18 After "executive" insert ", legislative and judicial".

Page 25-line 11 Delete "Public" insert "Family".

Page 25-line 16 Delete "580,852,259" insert "580,852,259".

Page 52-line 10 Strike "32,000,000PR" insert "16,000,000PR".

Page 68-line 13 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)"; delete ":" insert

"the city of Laramie has vacated that portion of Lewis street between tenth and fourteenth streets.".

Page 68-lines 15 through 20 Delete entirely.

Page 69-line 4 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)".

Page 69-line 7 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER



Budget(s): Section 066. WYOMING TOURISM BOARD

(Wyoming Tourism Board)

* * * * * * * * * *

Delete the Kroeker second reading amendment (HB001H2008/A) entirely.

Page 34-line 18 After "Board" insert "1.".

Page 35-After line 4 Insert:

"1. Of this general fund appropriation, one million three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,350,000.00) shall only be expended to maximize marketing efforts in markets in which the tourism board has an established advertising presence.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER




* * * * * * * * * *

Page 55-line 2 After "300," insert "301,".

Page 56-After line 3 Insert:

"Section 301.

(a)  Notwithstanding W.S. 9-4-719(b) no funds within the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund reserve account shall be credited to the permanent mineral trust fund until June 30, 2012.

(b)  Notwithstanding W.S. 9-4-719(f) no funds within the common school permanent fund reserve account shall be credited to the common school account within the permanent land fund until June 30, 2012.

(c)  Notwithstanding W.S. 9-4-719(k) no funds within the higher education endowment reserve account shall be credited to the excellence in higher education endowment fund created by W.S. 9-4-204(u)(vi) until June 30, 2012.

(d)  Notwithstanding W.S. 21-16-1302(b) no funds within the  Hathaway student scholarship reserve account shall be credited to the  Hathaway student scholarship endowment fund created by W.S. 9-4-204(u)(vii) until June 30, 2012.

(e)  This section is effective immediately.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER




Section 006. Administration and Information

(A&I State Bldg. Comm. Contingency)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 49-line 4 After "5." insert ", 8."; Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "1,000,000".

Page 52-After line 5 Insert:

"8. Of this general fund appropriation, one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) shall only be expended for acquisition of lands for a new governor's mansion. The department of administration and information, construction management division shall consult with a committee consisting of the first lady, two (2) senators appointed by the president of the senate and two (2) representatives appointed by the speaker of the house prior to recommending expenditure of funds appropriated under this footnote.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER




(Corrections Operations)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 39-line 7 Strike "during fiscal year 2011".

Page 39-line 11 Strike "exception" insert "standard"; strike "year 2012" insert "years 2013 and 2014".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER



Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 83-line 1 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:


Section 351.

(a)  There is created a governor's mansion challenge account. The account shall be used to receive gifts to the state which by the terms of the gift are to be used for the design and construction of a new governor's mansion. To the extent funds are available from this appropriation the state treasurer shall match gift amounts deposited to the account.

(b)  There is appropriated two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000.00) from the general fund to the state treasurer's office to be deposited to the account as provided in this section.

(c)  The state treasurer shall invest funds within the account and earnings from account investments shall accrue to the account.

(d) Notwithstanding W.S. 9-2-1008, 9-2-1012(e) or 9-4-207, neither the appropriation under this section nor funds within the account shall lapse or revert until directed by the legislature.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. NICHOLAS, B., BROWN, HARVEY, STUBSON




(Community and Public Health)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 25-line 14 Under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "20,000TT".

Page 30-line 3 Delete "forty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($42,500.00)" insert "sixty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($62,500.00)".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ESQUIBEL, K., BYRD

2/15/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading



Budget(s): 346.  AML Funding - II

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 65-after line 10 Insert and renumber:

"(iii)  Fifty million dollars ($50,000,000.00) to the department of administration and information for the Michael B. Enzi science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) undergraduate teaching laboratory to be located on the University of Wyoming campus in Laramie as designated by the board of trustees of the university. The department of administration and information shall:

(A)  Be the primary fiscal and contracting agent for the laboratory;

(B)  Design and construct the laboratory to meet the programmatic needs specified by the University of Wyoming and to be consistent with campus construction standards, including landscaping; and

(C)  Work in cooperation with and seek input from the University of Wyoming throughout the planning, design and construction process.".

Page 65-lines 17 and 18 Delete and renumber.

Page 66-line 1 Delete "(ii)" insert "(i)".

Page 66-line 5 Delete "(iii)" insert "(ii)".

Page 67-line 5 Delete "(d)(iii)(B)" insert "(d)(ii)(B)".

Page 67-line 19 Delete ", (ii) and (iii)" insert "and (ii)".

Page 68-line 1 After "subject to" insert "paragraph (c)(iii) and".

Page 68-line 6 Delete "(d)(i)" insert "(c)(iii)".

Page 68-line 8 Delete "(d)(ii)" insert "(d)(i)".

Page 68-line 10 Delete "(d)(iii)" insert "(d)(ii)".

Page 68-line 13 Delete including the Berger second reading Amendment (HB0001H2032/A) to this line and further amend as follows: insert "building specified in paragraph (c)(iii) of this section shall commence until after the city of Laramie has resolved to vacate Lewis street between ninth and fourteenth streets, subject to the following:

(i)  The city may, if necessary, reserve easements for access and utilities;

(ii)  The university shall offer to acquire all real property in Laramie located on Lewis street between tenth and fourteenth streets;

(iii)  The university shall develop, in consultation with the city of Laramie, a plan for the vacated Lewis street to allow for access for transit buses and vehicles including for special events, for access for emergency and utility vehicles and for continued access to any remaining privately owned parcels;

(iv)  The city may vacate Lewis street in stages to accommodate community needs;

(v)  The university shall develop a plan to incorporate consistent landscaping for the growth of the campus to the north of Lewis street; and

(vi)  The university shall report to the joint appropriations interim committee not later than December 1, 2011 regarding the status of any offers to affected real property owners, the vacation of Lewis street under this subsection and the landscaping and access plans required under this subsection.".

Page 69-line 4 Delete the Berger second reading Amendment (HB0001H2032/A) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "(c)(i)" insert "(c)(iii)".

Page 69-line 7 Delete the Berger second reading Amendment (HB0001H2032/A) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "(c)(i)" insert "(c)(iii)".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BROWN



Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 83-line 1 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:


Section 351.

There is appropriated seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00) from the general fund to the state treasurer to be expended only as provided in W.S. 36-4-112 as if the funds were federal funds received under that section.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BYRD



Budget(s): Section 067. University of Wyoming

(State Aid)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 37-After line 2 In the Steward second reading amendment (HB0001H2009/A) to this line, after "joint appropriations interim committee" insert "and the joint education interim committee"; after "shall provide the" delete "committee" insert "committees". MCOMIE, PATTON, TEETERS




Section 006. Administration and Information

(Military Dept. Vet Cemetery Road/Bridge)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 49-line 21 After "Bridge" insert "8.".

Page 52-After line 5 Insert:

"8. No funds from this appropriation shall be expended until a memorandum of agreement has been executed between the town of Evansville and the Wyoming military department specifying access to the roadway, required signage and responsibility for maintenance and repairs.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HARSHMAN, MADDEN



Budget(s): Section 048. Department of Health

(Health Care Financing)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 25-line 15 Strike "5.,".

Page 27-lines 22 through 24 Strike entirely.

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LUBNAU, BUCHANAN




Budget(s): 057. Community College Commission

(CWC Health & Science Center)

(NWCCD Big West Academic Center)

* * * * * * * * * *

Delete the Miller, et al., second reading amendment (HB0001H2026/A) entirely. Further amend as follows:

Page 52-line 15 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "7,500,000"; Under OTHER FUNDS decrease amount by "7,500,000PR".

Page 52-after line 18 Insert:

"CWC Health & Science Center"; Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "6,550,000"; Under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "11,500,000PR".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MILLER, BERGER



Budget(s): Section 002. Secretary of State


* * * * * * * * * *

Page 9-line 5 After "3." insert ", 4.".

Page 10-After line 2 Insert:

"4. By February 1, 2012, the secretary of state shall reconstruct the Wyoming campaign finance information system database to create a user-friendly interface based on feedback from users during the 2010 campaign season.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MADDEN, PETERSEN



Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 83-line 1 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:


Section 351.

(a)  The office of the attorney general shall review current Wyoming Statues 36-12-101 through 36-12-109 and report by October 1, 2011, to the joint minerals, business and economic development interim committee, the joint agriculture, state and public lands and water resources interim committee, and the joint judiciary interim committee:

(i)  The status of the management plan required pursuant to W.S. 36-12-102;

(ii)  The legal feasibility of fully implementing W.S. 36-12-101 through 36-12-109.

(b)  Any committee receiving the report may prepare for introduction in the 2012 budget session legislation the committee determines appropriate to modify the provisions of W.S. 36-12-101 through 36-12-109.". KROEKER, QUARBERG, ZWONITZER, DV.



Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 83-line 1 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:


Section 351.

(a)  There is created a government continuity task force consisting of the following members:

(i)  Two (2) senators appointed by the president of the senate;

(ii)  Two (2) representatives appointed by the speaker of the house;

(iii)  The director of the department of homeland security or his designee;

(iv)  The attorney general or his designee;

(v)  The adjutant general or his designee;

(vi)  The director of the department of agriculture or his designee; and

(vii)  The director of the oil and gas conservation commission or his designee.

(b)  The task force shall study potential impacts on Wyoming of, and preparation of the government and the people of Wyoming for, a potential disruption of the United States federal government including, but not limited to:

(i)  Potential effects of the rapid decline of the United States dollar and the ability to quickly provide an alternative currency;

(ii)  Potential effects of a situation in which the federal government has no effective power or authority over the people of the United States;

(iii)  Potential effects of a constitutional crisis;

(iv)  Coordination between the governor's office, Wyoming national guard and any federal military in Wyoming;

(v)  Potential effects of a disruption in food distribution;

(vi)  Potential effects of a disruption in energy distribution.

(c)  The task force shall submit a report and recommendations with respect to the issues specified in subsection (b) of this section to the governor and the legislature by December 1, 2011.

(d)  Members of the task force who are legislators shall be paid salary, per diem and mileage as provided in W.S. 28-5-101 for their official duties as members of the task force. Members of the task force who are state employees shall not be paid any additional salary for their official duties as members of the task force. The legislative service office shall staff the task force.

(e)  There is appropriated from the general fund fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) to the legislative service office for purposes of this section and payment of salary, per diem and mileage for legislative task force members.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MILLER, JAGGI, QUARBERG, SHEPPERSON



Budget(s): Section 205. EDUCATION-SCHOOL FINANCE

(School Foundation Program)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 45-line 4 After "Pgm" insert ", 4.".

Page 47-Before line 2 Insert:

"4. Effective school year 2011-2012, interest, capital gains and any other earnings on funds held by a district during school year 2010-2011, excluding interest earnings on the separate major building and facility repair and replacement account established under W.S. 21-15-109, shall be deemed state revenues and shall be considered when determining the amount to be distributed to each district under W.S. 21-13-311.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. McOMIE, TEETERS



Budget(s): Section 343. [DATA CENTER RECRUITMENT]

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 61-lines 1 through 18 Delete entirely.

Page 62-lines 1 through 17 Delete entirely.

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. QUARBERG



Budget(s): 048. Department of Health

(Health Care Financing)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 25-line 16 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "15,000,000"; Under FEDERAL FUND increase amount by "15,000,000".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER, HARVEY




Budget(s): 006. Administration and Information

(Dept. of Corr. WWC Parent Child Program)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 50-line 14 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "1,159,641".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. THRONE, WALLIS



Budget(s): 048.  Department of Health

(Developmental Disabilities)

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 26-line 10 After "Disabilities" insert "16."; Under FEDERAL FUND increase amount by "1,123,068".

Page 26-line 11 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "1,123,068".

Page 30-after line 16 Insert:

"16.  Of this general fund appropriation, one million one hundred twenty-three thousand sixty-eight dollars ($1,123,068.00), and of this federal fund appropriation, one million one hundred twenty-three thousand sixty-eight dollars ($1,123,068.00) shall only be expended in the 600 series to fund a two percent (2%) increase in service rates of the home and community-based waivers administered by the developmental disabilities division for the period beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012. This appropriation shall be in addition to any other amounts appropriated for home and community-based waiver programs and an amount equal to twice this appropriation shall be included in the agency's 2013-2014 standard budget request.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. CRAFT, BOTTEN



Budget(s): Section 020. Dept. of Environmental Quality

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 18-line 15 Increase Full Time positions by "2".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. THRONE, MILLER



Section Under Consideration:


(Health Care Financing)

Other Budget(s) Affected:


* * * * * * * * * *

Page 25-line 16 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "25,000,000"; Under FEDERAL FUND increase amount by "25,000,000".

Page 56-lines 5 Strike "CONTINGENCY APPROPRIATIONS" insert "PLAN".

Page 56-lines 9 through 19 Strike and delete entirely.

Page 57-line 1 Delete "(b)".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER



Section Under Consideration: [CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION]


(CC Student Union/UWCC Building)

Other Budget(s) Affected: [CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION]


(UW/Casper College Joint Facility)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Page 52-line 10 After "Building" insert "4.".

Page 53-after line 7 Insert:

"4. The total cost of construction of the joint facility, including the university's contribution of funding shall not exceed thirty-two million dollars ($32,000,000.00).".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER



Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections

* * * * * * * * * *

Page 83-After line 1 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary:


Section 351.

There is appropriated fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00) from the budget reserve account to the municipal solid waste landfill account, which is hereby created. Amounts from the account shall only be expended for the remediation of high priority municipal solid waste landfill sites based on a priority list developed by the department of environmental quality and approved by the legislature. Remaining balances in this account shall not revert until further action of the legislature. The governor shall include additional funding of not less than fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00) per year for this account for ongoing remediation efforts in his 2013-2014 budget recommendations.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary.  LOCKHART, BERGER


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Eklund, Gay, Greene, Jaggi, Kroeker, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Quarberg, Shepperson and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 45 Nays 14 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0



Budget(s): Section 205. EDUCATION-SCHOOL FINANCE

(School Foundation Program)

* * * * * * * * * *

Delete the McOmie, et al. third reading amendment (HB0001H3011/A). Further amend as follows:

Page 45-line 4 After "Pgm" insert ", 4.".

Page 47-Before line 2 Insert:

"4. Effective school year 2011-2012, interest, capital gains and any other earnings attributable to funds subsequently recaptured pursuant to W.S. 21-13-102(b), which are held by a district during school year 2010-2011, excluding interest earnings on the separate major building and facility repair and replacement account established under W.S. 21-15-109, shall be deemed state revenues and shall be considered when determining the amount to be distributed to each district under W.S. 21-13-311.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Pederson, Shepperson, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Botten, Byrd, Campbell, Craft, Freeman, Goggles, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Patton, Peasley, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Vranish and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Petersen

Ayes 33 Nays 25 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Childers, Edmonds, Gay, Jaggi, Kroeker, Miller, Peasley and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 50 Nays 9 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/18/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S02

2/22/2011 Pursuant to Joint Rule 14-1 Sent to JCC01

2/22/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson, Von Flatern

2/22/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Berger, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Steward, Wallis

2/25/2011 See Mirror Bill SF0001

|H.B. No. 0002 |Wyoming health insurance pool-sunset. |

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to health insurance; extending sunset date for Wyoming Health Insurance Pool Act; and providing for an effective date.

11/18/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/18/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/8/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Passed CoW

2/11/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/14/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0011

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0011

2/15/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0011

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0011

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0056 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0003 |Liquor license transfers. |

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to alcohol; imposing and clarifying restrictions on liquor licensees failing to pay state sales tax; and providing for an effective date.

11/18/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/18/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe and Shepperson

Excused: Representative(s) Stubson

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 19 Delete "July 1, 2011" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/3/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Conflicts: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/3/2011 S Placed on General File

2/8/2011 S Passed CoW

2/9/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/10/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Perkins

Conflicts: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 28 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/10/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0001

2/11/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0001

2/11/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0001

2/15/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0001

2/24/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0005 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0004 |Department of insurance-background checks. |

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to insurance; providing for background checks for insurance providers, adjusters and insurance consultants; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

11/18/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/18/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Nays: Representative(s) Kroeker

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Edmonds, Gay, Harvey, Hunt, Kroeker, Miller, Peasley, Quarberg and Shepperson

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 46 Nays 10 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/8/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Passed CoW

2/11/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/14/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0012

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0012

2/15/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0012

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0012

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0055 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0005 |University revenue bond supplemental coverage. |

Sponsored By: Select Committee on Capital Financing and Investments

AN ACT relating to the University of Wyoming; establishing a program to provide supplemental coverage for repayment of revenue bonds; providing for pledges of revenues and payment of bonds; specifying conditions and other provisions for operation of the program; and providing for an effective date.

11/18/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H02

1/25/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Esquibel, K., Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Edmonds and Harshman

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File

1/26/2011 H Passed CoW

1/27/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 55 Nays 1 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S02

2/11/2011 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 14 After "bonds." insert "In no case shall the board approve supplemental coverage for bonds if the sale of the bonds would reduce the ratio of university pledged revenue that is available for debt servicing to the cost of interest and principal payments to a level of less than two and five tenths (2.5) to one (1).". NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/22/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Greear, Kasperik and Pederson

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0037

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0037

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0037

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0037

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0123 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0006 |Packaging, labeling and advertising of honey-repeal. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to agriculture; repealing provisions regulating packaging, labeling and advertising of honey; and providing for an effective date.

11/18/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

1/25/2011 H05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/9/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Nays: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 0 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0007 |Wyoming Veterinary Medical Practice Act-2. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to veterinarians; amending definitions relating to the practice of veterinary medicine; increasing board member salaries;

11/18/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

2/2/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 3 After ";" insert "eliminating the function of secretary-treasurer of the board of veterinary medicine; providing for a license renewal grace period; providing for a late fee;".

Page 1-line 11 After "33-30-204(e)" insert "and (g) through (k), 33-30-206(b), 33-30-207(c)"; after "33-30-211" insert "(a), (b) and".

Page 3-After line 16 Insert:

"(g)  At the annual meeting the board shall organize by electing from its membership a president and vice-president and such other officers as may be prescribed by rules. Officers of the board shall serve for terms of one (1) year and until successors are elected, without limitation on the number of terms an officer may serve. The president shall serve as chairman at the board meetings, except that in his absence the vice-president shall serve as chairman. The state veterinarian shall be ex officio member of the board and serve as secretary-treasurer of the board and shall receive no compensation for any duties imposed upon him by the board, except that he is entitled to the normal travel expenses allowed to state employees.

(h)  The duties of the secretary-treasurer board shall include but not be limited to carrying on the correspondence of the board, keeping keep permanent accounts and records of all receipts and disbursements by the board and minutes of all board proceedings, including the disposition of all applications for licenses, and keeping keep a register of all persons currently licensed by the board. The secretary-treasurer board shall, as required by W.S. 9-2-1014, report to the governor and the Wyoming Veterinary Medical Association as to the transactions of the board. In all court actions or proceedings pertaining to this act, a transcript of any record or any part thereof, which is certified to be a true copy by the secretary-treasurer board, shall be entitled to admission in evidence.

(j)  All board records shall be open to public inspection during regular office hours of the secretary-treasurer board; except, information received by the board through inspection and investigations involving the question of licensure shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed except as may be judicially required.

(k)  All money shall be received and collected as provided by law. The state treasurer shall credit the money to a separate account. All expenses of the board and all expenses incurred in connection with the administration of this act shall be paid from the account by requisition signed by the secretary-treasurer of the board in a manner provided by law for payment of other state expenses. The account shall be a continuing account and shall not be subject to reversion to the state's general fund.

33-30-206.  Application for license; fee; determination of qualifications.

(b)  If the board determines that the applicant possesses the proper qualifications, it shall admit the applicant to the next examination, or if the applicant is eligible for a license without examination under W.S. 33-30-208, the board may forthwith grant him a license. If an applicant is found not qualified to take the examination or does not qualify for a license without examination, the secretary-treasurer of the board shall immediately notify the applicant in writing of such finding and the grounds therefor. A licensee whose license is revoked or an applicant found unqualified shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing to be conducted in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act. Any applicant who is found not qualified shall be allowed the return of his application fee.

33-30-207.  Examinations generally.

(c)  After each examination the secretary-treasurer board shall notify each examinee of the result of his examination, and the board shall issue licenses to the persons successfully completing the examination. The secretary-treasurer board shall record the new licenses and issue certificates of registration to the new licensees. Any person failing an examination shall be admitted to any subsequent examination on payment of the application fee.

Page 3-After line 20 Insert:

(a)  All licenses shall expire annually on December 31 of each year and shall be renewed by registration with the board and payment of the registration renewal fee established and published by the board. On December 1 of each year, the secretary-treasurer board shall mail a notice to each licensed veterinarian that his license will expire on December 31 and provide him with a form for reregistration. The secretary-treasurer board shall issue annual certificates of registration to all persons registering under this act.

(b)  Any person who shall practice veterinary medicine after the expiration of his license and wilfully or by neglect fail to renew such license shall be practicing in violation of this act.; provided that, The board may, by rule establish a grace period for license renewal not to exceed sixty (60) days and establish a late fee for license renewal which shall not exceed the annual renewal fee. At the discretion of the board, any person not practicing in the state may renew an expired license within five (5) years of the date of its expiration by making written application for renewal and paying the current renewal fee plus a late fee and all delinquent renewal fees. After five (5) years have elapsed since the date of the expiration, a license may not be renewed, but the holder must make application for a new license.". SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 3-After line 16 In the standing committee amendment (HB007HS001/A) to this line, in W.S. 33-30-204(k) inserted by that amendment after the stricken "secretary-treasurer of" insert "a person designated by". SEMLEK

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/11/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/17/2011 S Passed CoW

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 28 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0034

2/22/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0034

2/23/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0034

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0034

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0097 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0008 |Wyoming Traditional Food Act. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to food; creating the Wyoming Traditional Food Act; exempting certain activities involving the preparation, service, consumption and storage of food from licensure, permitting, certification, inspection, packaging and labeling; providing definitions; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

11/18/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

1/18/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 20 After "dinners" insert ", charitable dinners and charitable cook-offs".

Page 3–line 22 After "." insert "Nothing in this article shall preclude an agency from providing assistance, consultation or inspection, when requested by the traditional event or activity organizer.". SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN

1/20/2011 H Passed CoW

1/21/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/24/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Absent: Representative(s) Hunt

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/2/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Geis and Hicks

Nays: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 3-ine 16 Before "Notwithstanding" insert "(a)".

Page 3-line 22 After "activity." insert "Any city or town may provide for licensure, permitting, certification, inspection, packaging or labeling pertaining to the preparation, serving, use, consumption or storage of foods at a traditional event or activity upon the adoption of an ordinance for that purpose.".

Page 3-line 22 After "preclude" insert ":


Page 3-line 24 After "organizer" delete "." insert ";".

Page 3-after line 24 Insert:

"(ii) An agency from providing assistance or consultation to any city or town within the municipal boundaries of the city or town pursuant to a written agreement with the city or town.". BEBOUT


Page 5-line 21 After "Section 3." delete balance of line and insert "This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". GEIS

2/17/2011 S Passed CoW

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Esquibel, F., Johnson, Ross and Rothfuss

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 23 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/23/2011 H Did Not Concur


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Kasperik, Lockhart and Pederson

Absent: Representative(s) Miller

Ayes 0 Nays 55 Excused 4 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Semlek, Moniz, Wallis

2/23/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Geis, Driskill, Rothfuss

2/28/2011 H Adopted HB0008JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 S Adopted HB0008JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Geis, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Landen, Meier, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Johnson, Martin, Nicholas, P., Ross and Rothfuss

Ayes 21 Nays 9 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Adopt the following Senate amendments:


Delete the following Senate amendments:



3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0079

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0079

3/1/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0079

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0079

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0153 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0009 |Department of insurance-licensure revisions. |

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to insurance; providing for notification to the insurance commissioner by licensees using assumed names; amending various licensing fees; providing for reinstatement penalty for failure to report continuing education; providing for licensing of rental car agents renting motorcycles; expanding licensing exemption for persons selling travel insurance; eliminating licensing of insurance marketers and service representatives; providing for home state designation by adjusters residing in states without licensure requirements; providing for adjuster continuing education requirements to be met in the adjuster's home state; and providing for an effective date.

11/22/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/18/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/8/2011 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 8-line 10 Delete "resident"; after "state" insert "in which the adjuster maintains his principal place of residency or principal place of business". CASE, CHAIRMAN

2/11/2011 S Passed CoW

2/14/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/15/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/16/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Childers and Davison

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0023

2/16/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0023

2/16/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0023

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0023

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0060 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0010 |Insurance fraud prevention. |

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to insurance; providing for reporting of unfair trade practices and insurance fraud; providing immunity from civil liability for furnishing information relating to insurance fraud and unfair trade practices; and providing for an effective date.

11/22/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/18/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd and Patton

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0011 |Wyoming Food Freedom Act. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to agriculture; creating the Wyoming Food Freedom Act; exempting certain sales from licensure, certification and inspection; providing definitions; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

11/22/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Davison, Eklund, Hunt and Loucks

Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0012 |Irrigation districts-change of place of use. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to water; defining historic use of irrigation water; providing for the transfer of irrigation water to other lands when lands within an irrigation district are taken out of agricultural production, as specified; extending the time to petition for the change of place of use; and providing for an effective date.

11/22/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Eklund, Hunt and Loucks

Nays: Representative(s) Campbell, Davison, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0013 |Hathaway success curriculum-2. |

Sponsored By: Joint Education Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to education; modifying the requirements of the Hathaway success curriculum as specified; and providing for an effective date.

11/23/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/13/2011 H04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Burkhart

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/13/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 7 After "(v)" insert "and by creating a new paragraph (vi),";

Page 1-line 8 After "(v)" insert "and by creating a new paragraph (vi)"; delete "and (ii)" insert ", (ii) and by creating a new paragraph (iii)".

Page 2-lines 1 through 12 Delete all new language and reinsert all stricken language.

Page 2-line 12 Strike "." insert "; and".

Page 2-line 13 Delete entirely.

Page 2-after line 13 Insert: "(vi) One (1) of the following:"

Page 2-line 15 Delete "(B)" insert "(A)".

Page 2-line 20 Delete "(C)" insert "(B)".

Page 3-lines 7 through 13 Delete all new language and reinsert all stricken language.

Page 3-line 14 Delete "or" insert "and".

Page 3-after line 14 Insert: "(vi) One (1) of the following:"

Page 3-line 16 Delete "(B)" insert "(A)".

Page 3-line 21 Delete "(C)" insert "(B)".

Page 4-line 15 Delete "or" insert "and".

Page 4-after line 15 Insert: "(iii) One (1) of the following:".

Page 4-line 17 Delete "(B)" insert "(A)".

Page 4-line 21 Delete "(C)" insert "(B)". CONNOLLY


Delete the Connolly committee of the whole amendment (HB0013HW001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 1 Delete "modifying the requirements" insert "specifying applicability".

Page 1-line 2 Delete "as specified".

Page 1-line 7 Delete "(v),".

Page 1-line 8 Delete ", (v)"; delete "and (ii)".

Page 2-lines 1 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 3-lines 7 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 4-lines 9 through 22 Delete entirely. HARSHMAN

1/14/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 2-line 23 Delete "." insert "; or".

Page 2-After line 23 insert:

"(D)  Humanities – two (2) years of instruction in humanities, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12), excluding those subjects qualifying as social science under paragraph (b)(iv) of this section, or as a foreign language under subparagraph (b)(v)(A); or

(E)  Health and safety – two (2) years of instruction in health and safety courses such as nutrition, physical health and other similar courses, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12); or

(F)  Applied technology – two (2) years of instruction in applied technology such as computer application, media or radio technology and other specific applied technology, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12); or

(G)  Physical education – two (2) years of instruction in physical education, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12).".

Page 3-line 24 Delete "." insert "; or".

Page 3-After line 24 insert:

"(D)  Humanities – two (2) years of instruction in humanities, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12), excluding those subjects qualifying as social science under paragraph (d)(iv) of this section, or as a foreign language under subparagraph (d)(v)(A); or

(E)  Health and safety – two (2) years of instruction in health and safety courses such as nutrition, physical health and other similar courses, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12); or

(F)  Applied technology – two (2) years of instruction in applied technology such as computer application, media or radio technology and other specific applied technology, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12); or

(G)  Physical education – two (2) years of instruction in physical education, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12).".

Page 4-line 22 Delete "." insert "; or".

Page 4-After line 22 insert:

"(D)  The humanities common core of knowledge requirement under W.S. 21-9-101(b)(i)(H); or

(E)  The health and safety common core of knowledge requirement under W.S. 21-9-101(b)(i)(G); or

(F)  The applied technology common core of knowledge requirement under W.S. 21-9-101(b)(i)(M); or

(G)  The physical education common core of knowledge requirement under W.S. 21-9-101(b)(i)(F).". MADDEN

1/17/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Delete the Madden second reading amendment (HB0013H2001/A) entirely. MCOMIE

1/18/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Burkhart, Edmonds, Gay, Harshman, Patton, Peasley and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 52 Nays 7 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/10/2011 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Coe, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 After "specified;" insert "specifying application;".

Page 1-line 7 After "(v)," insert "by creating a new paragraph (vi),".

Page 1-line 8 After "(v)" insert ", by creating a new paragraph (vi)"; delete second "and" insert ","; after "(ii)" insert "and by creating a new paragraph (iii)".

Page 2-line 1 After "(v)" delete balance of line.

Page 2-line 3 Delete "(A)".

Page 2-line 12 Reinsert stricken "paragraph" insert ";".

Page 2-line 13 Delete and insert:

"(vi)  Effective school year 2013-2014 and each school year thereafter, one (1) of the following:".

Page 2-line 15 Delete "(B)" insert "(A)".

Page 2-line 20 Delete "(C)" insert "(B)".

Page 3-line 7 After "(v)" delete balance of line; insert "Except as provided in paragraph (vi) of this subsection,".

Page 3-line 9 Delete "(A)".

Page 3-line 14 Delete "or".

Page 3-lines 16 through 24 Delete and insert:

"(vi)  Effective school year 2013-2014 and each school year thereafter, and in lieu of paragraph (v) of this subsection, one (1) of the following:

(A)  Foreign language - two (2) sequenced years of the same foreign language which need not be taken consecutively, at least one (1) of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12). Two (2) sequenced years of instruction in the native language of the Eastern Shoshone or the Northern Arapaho, or two (2) sequenced years of instruction in American sign language, either of which need not be taken consecutively but at least one (1) year of which is taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12), may be taken in fulfillment of this paragraph; or

(B)  Fine and performing arts – two (2) years of instruction in fine and performing arts, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12); or

(C)  Career–vocational education – two (2) years of instruction in career-vocational education, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12).".

Page 4-line 9 After "(ii)" insert "Except as provided in paragraph (iii) of this subsection,".

Page 4-line 10 Delete ":".

Page 4-line 12 Delete "(A)".

Page 4-line 15 Delete "or".

Page 4-lines 17 through 23 Delete and insert:

"(iii)  Effective school year 2013-2014 and each school year thereafter, and in lieu of paragraph (ii) of this subsection, instruction in one (1) of the following:

(A)  Foreign language - two (2) sequenced years of the same foreign language which need not be taken consecutively, at least one (1) of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12). Two (2) sequenced years of instruction in the native language of the Eastern Shoshone or the Northern Arapaho, or two (2) sequenced years of instruction in American sign language, either of which need not be taken consecutively but at least one (1) year of which is taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12), may be taken in fulfillment of this paragraph; or

(B)  Fine and performing arts – two (2) years of instruction in fine and performing arts, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12); or

(C)  Career–vocational education – two (2) years of instruction in career-vocational education, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12).". COE, CHAIRMAN

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 1-line 2 After ";" and after the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0013SS001/A) to this line, insert "clarifying success curriculum waivers;".

Page 1-line 8 In the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0013SS001/A) to this line, after "and by creating a new paragraph (iii)" insert "and (f)(ii)".

Page 5-before line 1 insert:

"(f)  The courses set forth as success curricula requirements under this article shall be aligned with the student content and performance standards established pursuant to W.S. 21-2-304(a)(iii). The department shall by rule and regulation:

(ii)  Establish exceptions as necessary due to good cause to specific coursework within the success curriculum specified under this article for students attending or graduating from an eligible high school or a home-based educational program. The department shall waive any requirement for success curriculum coursework if, upon receipt of written certification by the superintendent of a district, that any required coursework was not made available by that district to a student; and". SCHIFFER, ROTHFUSS, COE

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 5-Before line 1 In the Schiffer Second Reading Amendment (HB0013S2001/AE) to this line, in paragraph (f)(ii) after "district," delete "that". COE


Page 1-line 2 Before "and providing" insert "requiring a report;".

Page 5-before line 1 In the Schiffer Second reading Amendment (HB0013S2001/A) to this line after "to a student" insert ". Not later than September 1 of each year, the department shall report to the joint education interim committee any waiver granted under this section for the immediately preceding school year". VON FLATERN

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Scott

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/22/2011 H Did Not Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Brown, Byrd, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Goggles, Illoway, Krone, Patton, Petroff, Roscoe and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Kasperik and Pederson

Ayes 14 Nays 43 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Teeters, Blake, McOmie

2/23/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Coe, Barnard, Rothfuss

2/28/2011 H Did Not Adopt HB0013JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Bonner, Byrd, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Goggles, Greear, Kasperik, Krone, Loucks, Petroff, Roscoe, Stubson, Throne and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 17 Nays 42 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Pursuant to Joint Rule 2-4, the House recedes from it non-concurrence and adopts the following Senate amendments:






3/1/2011 H Appointed JCC02 Members

Representative(s) Teeters, McOmie, Zwonitzer, Dv.

3/2/2011 S Appointed JCC02 Members

Senator(s) Coe, Barnard, Rothfuss

3/3/2011 H Adopted HB0013JC02


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Freeman, Peasley and Throne

Excused: Representative(s) Berger, Greear and Pederson

Ayes 54 Nays 3 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/3/2011 S Adopted HB0013JC02


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Barnard, Dockstader, Meier, Perkins and Peterson

Excused: Senator(s) Geis

Ayes 24 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:





Further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 1 Delete "modifying" insert "extending".

Page 1-line 2 Delete "as specified".

Page 1-line 7 Delete "(v),".

Page 1-line 8 Delete ", (v)"; delete "and (ii)".

Page 2-lines 1 through 24 Delete.

Page 3-lines 7 through 24 Delete.

Page 4-lines 9 through 23 Delete.


3/3/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0101

3/3/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0101

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0101

3/10/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0101

3/10/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0199 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0014 |Internet-based vehicle manufacturers and sellers. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway

AN ACT relating to the sale of vehicles by internet-based companies; specifying the principal place of business for internet-based companies selling vehicles; specifying the established place of business for specified manufacturers; requiring web site information for manufacturing and dealership licenses; providing for new licenses when web site addresses are changed; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

11/23/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/17/2011 H Postponed Until July 1, 2011 in Accordance With HR 4-3


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0015 |Weed and pest control. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to weed and pest control; modifying definitions; providing for emergency declarations; providing for district boards to buy and sell property and equipment; repealing provision establishing inspectors as district supervisors; modifying cost sharing with landowners; increasing the amount on surety bonds; requiring reports to the district board; increasing the criminal penalty amount; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

11/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

1/18/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 8 Delete "providing for liens for cost of".

Page 1–line 9 Delete "abatement;".

Page 2–line 4 Delete "11-5-109(a),".

Page 11-lines 4 through 21 Delete entirely.

Page 12–line 19 Delete entirely.

Page 12–line 21 Delete "3" insert "2". SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN


Page 12–line 17 Before "shall" insert ", other than W.S. 11-5-109,". ZWONITZER, DN.

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 15 Delete "(v),".

Page 3-lines 20 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 4-lines 1 through 5 Delete entirely.

Page 4-line 9 Delete "or".

Page 4-line 10 Delete "indirect"; strike "effect" insert "ability".

Page 4-line 17 Delete "or indirect"; strike "effect" insert "ability". QUARBERG, SHEPPERSON, TEETERS

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brown, Buchanan, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Brechtel, Burkhart, Edmonds, Gay, Kroeker, Lubnau, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Quarberg, Shepperson and Teeters

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 44 Nays 13 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/2/2011 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 5-line 3 Delete "whose" insert "which is on the designated list due to its".

Page 5-line 7 Delete "are" insert "being".

Page 5-line 8 Delete "determined to be".

Page 5-line 9 Delete "due to any of" insert "because the plant species:".

Page 5-line 10 Delete.

Page 5-line 24 Delete and renumber.

Page 6-line 4 Delete "that is determined to be" insert "which is on the designated list due to its being".

Page 6-line 5 Reinsert stricken "the".

Page 6-line 6 Delete "due to any of the" insert "because the plant species:".

Page 6-line 7 Delete.

Page 6-line 9 Delete "Its demonstrated" insert "Has demonstrated the".

Page 6-line 21 Delete and renumber.

Page 10-line 6 After "for" insert "designated or declared noxious". GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/8/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 5-line 3 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0015SS001/AE) to this line; delete new language and insert "weed" means plant species having".

Page 5-line 7 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0015SS001/AE) to this line; delete "are" insert "determined to be detrimental to the health or general welfare of the state based upon the following:".

Page 5-lines 8 through 10 Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0015SS001/AE) to these lines.

Page 6-line 4 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0015SS001/AE) to this line.

Page 6-line 5 Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0015SS001/AE) to this line and insert "detrimental to the health or general welfare of the state;".

Page 6-lines 6 and 7 Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0015SS001/AE) to these lines and insert "based upon the following:".

Page 11-line 19 Strike "violating any provision of this act" insert "failing to comply with a quarantine under W.S. 11-5-116 or to submit to an inspection under W.S. 11-5-118".

Page 11-line 22 Delete "other than W.S. 11-5-109,". HICKS

2/9/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 13 Delete "11-1-103,".

Page 2-lines 5 through 19 Delete.

Page 11-lines 19 through 23 Delete including the Hicks Second Reading Amendment (HB0015S2001/A) to these lines and insert:

"Any person violating any provision of this act is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) in addition to fines provided for in W.S. 11-5-109(e).". ROTHFUSS

2/10/2011 S Laid Back Without Prejudice


Page 11-line 17 After "penalty" insert "; civil penalties; limitations; necessary proof".

Page 11-line 19 In the Rothfuss Third Reading Amendment (HB0015S3001/AE) to this line, before "Any" insert "(a)".

Page 11-after line 23 Insert:

"(b)  In any proceeding to impose any fine or penalty for any failure to perform a remedial requirement ordered by a district board for control of a weed or pest in any infested area, the district board shall have the burden of proving:

(i)  That the proposed remedial action would control the target weed or pest;

(ii)  That the remedial action would be a cost effective action and would be more cost effective than any alternative action proposed or adopted by the landowner; and

(iii)  That the weed or pest to be controlled was at risk of spreading to the land of others in the area.". SCOTT, MEIER

2/11/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/14/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Greear, Miller, Peasley, Quarberg and Shepperson

Excused: Representative(s) Freeman

Ayes 53 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0016

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0016

2/15/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0016

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0016

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0037 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0016 |Wyoming beef council-fee collections. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to Wyoming beef council; modifying beef checkoff fee collections and reimbursement; and providing for an effective date.

11/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

1/25/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Davison, Eklund, Loucks and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Campbell, Hunt, Moniz and Semlek

Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 1 Delete "and fifty" insert "($1.00)".

Page 2-line 2 Delete "cents ($1.50)". SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN


Page 1–line 2 After ";" insert "providing for a referendum; providing for rulemaking;".

Page 1–line 7 Delete "and (c)" insert ", by creating new subsections (c) and (d) and by renumbering (c) as (e)".

Page 1-line 11 After "fee;" insert "referendum;".

Page 2–After line 10 Insert:

"(c)  Upon receiving a request from the council, the department of agriculture shall conduct a referendum regarding an increase in fees under subsection (b) of this section. The referendum shall include all the producers owning cattle who have had an inspection for a change of ownership in the preceding calendar year. The referendum shall be approved by a majority of the producers voting prior to the board collecting any fee under subsection (b) of this section.

(d)  The department of agriculture may adopt rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of subsection (c) of this section.".

Page 2–line 12 Strike "(c)" insert "(e)". ZWONITZER, DN


Page 2-line 19 After "account" insert "." and strike balance of line.

Page 2-line 20 Strike entirely. SEMLEK

1/27/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Botten, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gay, Greene, Moniz and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Goggles and Harshman

Ayes 8 Nays 49 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0017 |Raw milk. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to dairy marketing; generally prohibiting retail sale and distribution of raw milk; specifying requirements for sales and distribution of raw milk; requiring warning statements; requiring registration of farms or dairies selling raw milk; providing for sampling of raw milk; making conforming amendments; providing for rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.

11/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Loucks and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Moniz and Semlek

Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0018 |Quarantine of animals. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the quarantine of animals; providing for testing, vaccination and quarantine of diseased animals; providing for testing, vaccination, quarantine and sale of animals imported into Wyoming; repealing requirements for the dipping and spraying of animals; providing for a penalty; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

11/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

1/14/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 4-line 18 After "." insert "The state veterinarian shall only sell the livestock after all other remedies have been exhausted.".

Page 5-line 4 Delete "animal" insert "livestock".

Page 5-line 7 After "by" insert "the governor or".

Page 5-line 10 Delete "Failure to obey an" insert "An". SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN

1/17/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 5-line 2 Delete "himself or order".

Page 5-line 3 Delete "another to". SEMLEK, MONIZ, QUARBERG

1/18/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/19/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/2/2011 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 3-line 16 Before "infected" insert "imported in violation of the board's import rules,". GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/8/2011 S Passed CoW

2/9/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/10/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/11/2011 H Did Not Concur


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Greear and Shepperson

Ayes 0 Nays 56 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Geis, Emerich, Rothfuss

2/11/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Semlek, Eklund, Zwonitzer, Dn.

2/18/2011 H Adopted HB0018JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Gay

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Adopted HB0018JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:


Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:

Page 3-line 16 After "disease" insert "or imported in violation of W.S. 11-19-111 or any rules promulgated thereunder".


2/22/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0031

2/22/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0031

2/23/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0031

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0031

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0096 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0019 |Assignment of retired circuit court judges. |

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to circuit court judges; providing that retired circuit court judges may be assigned to hear cases as specified; providing for compensation of retired circuit court judges as specified; specifying that an assignment of a retired circuit court judge shall not affect his retirement benefits during the assignment; and providing for an effective date.

11/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/13/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/13/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 6 Delete "A" insert "During any period of assignment, a". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/14/2011 H Passed CoW

1/17/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/18/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/2/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Placed on General File

2/8/2011 S Passed CoW

2/9/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/10/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0002

2/11/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0002

2/11/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0002

2/15/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0002

2/15/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0011 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0020 |Medicaid-reimbursement of services. |

Sponsored By: Select Committee on Developmental/Intellectual Programs

AN ACT relating to Medicaid; authorizing payment to relatives of persons with developmental disabilities or acquired brain injuries as specified; amending a definition; creating a definition; and providing for an effective date.

11/30/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/17/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt and Miller

Nays: Representative(s) Peasley

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 12 Delete "family member" insert "relative". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN

1/18/2011 H Passed CoW

1/19/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/20/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Gay, Goggles and Roscoe

Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/14/2011 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 9 After "services" insert "through a corporation, including a limited liability corporation, which corporation the relative may own,".

Page 2-line 14 After "services" insert "through a corporation, including a limited liability corporation, which corporation the relative may own,". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/17/2011 S Passed CoW

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Perkins and Schiffer

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 26 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/23/2011 H Did Not Concur


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Kasperik, Lockhart and Pederson

Ayes 0 Nays 56 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Harvey, Gingery, Shepperson

2/23/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Scott, Nutting, Perkins

2/28/2011 H Adopted HB0020JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Peasley and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Absent: Representative(s) Patton

Ayes 55 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 S Adopted HB0020JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:


Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:

Page 2-line 9 After "services" insert "through a corporation or a limited liability company, which corporation or limited liability company the relative may own,".

Page 2-line 14 After "services" insert "through a corporation or a limited liability company, which corporation or limited liability company the relative may own,".


3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0091

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0091

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0091

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0091

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0164 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0021 |Battery against a family member. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Barbuto, Buchanan, Cannady, Craft, Davison and Throne and Senator(s) Hastert

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; removing time restrictions relating to second and subsequent convictions for simple battery against a family member as specified; amending penalties for subsequent convictions; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/17/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Nicholas, B. and Peasley

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/18/2011 H Passed CoW

1/19/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/20/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Miller and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Gay and Goggles

Ayes 55 Nays 3 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/16/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F. and Perkins

Excused: Senator(s) Hicks

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0022 |Phased in fuel tax increase. |

Sponsored By: Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to fuel tax; increasing the gasoline and diesel fuel taxation rate as specified; directing the distribution of fuel tax revenues; and providing for an effective date.

12/2/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

1/19/2011 H08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Botten, Cannady, Petersen, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Bonner, McKim and Quarberg

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2011 H Placed on General File

1/19/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/19/2011 H Rereferred to General File

2/2/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Botten, Brown, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Madden, Patton, Petersen, Roscoe and Semlek

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petroff, Quarberg, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 13 Nays 47 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0023 |Sex offender registration amendments. |

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to sex offender registration and notification; amending the information sex offenders are required to provide; requiring specified juveniles to register as sex offenders; amending the information that shall be provided to the public; amending the registration requirements for specified offenses; conforming provisions; requiring offenders convicted but not yet sentenced to register as sex offenders; requiring notice by an offender who will travel out of the country as specified; eliminating language that may permit an offender who has not registered as required to avoid sanctions after a specified time; clarifying conditions under which an offender may petition a court to be relieved of registration requirements; amending and creating definitions; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/17/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Nicholas, B. and Peasley

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/17/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/25/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Esquibel, K., Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Edmonds and Harshman

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 3 Delete "requiring specified juveniles to".

Page 1-line 4 Delete "register as sex offenders;".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "amending and".

Page 2-line 2 Delete "(iii) and".

Page 2-line 6 Delete "(intro),".

Page 2-lines 16 through 21 Delete entirely.

Page 7-line 2 Delete all new language.

Page 8-line 8 Delete "between"; delete "and" insert "through".

Page 8-line 9 Delete "sixteen (16)" insert "fifteen (15)".

Page 9-line 20 Delete "under" insert "less than".

Page 9-line 22 Delete "under" insert "less than".

Page 12-lines 15 and 16 Delete all new language. BROWN, CHAIRMAN


Page 7-line 3 Delete "6-4-201(a)(iii)"; strike the second ",". STUBSON, PEDERSEN

1/26/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 3 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0023HS001/A) to this line.

Page 1-line 4 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0023HS001/A) to this line.

Page 1-line 14 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0023HS001/A) to this line.

Page 2-line 2 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0023HS001/A) to this line.

Page 2-line 6 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0023HS001/A) to this line.

Page 2-lines 16 through 21 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0023HS001/A) to these lines; further amend as follows:

Page 2-line 19 Delete "(g) and" insert "(j)".

Page 2-line 20 Delete "(h)".

Page 12-lines 15 and 16 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0023HS001/A) to these lines. GINGERY


Page 6-lines 23 and 24 Strike entirely.

Page 7-line 1 Strike entirely.

Page 7-line 2 Strike the line through "W.S.". NICHOLAS

1/27/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 13-line 19 After "7-19-302(g)" insert "or adjudicated as a delinquent for offenses specified in W.S. 7-19-302(j),". THRONE, GINGERY

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 55 Nays 1 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/14/2011 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 S Placed on General File

2/14/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/23/2011 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 12-line 16 After "exception of" insert "internet identifiers, telephone numbers and". PERKINS, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 15 After ";" insert "providing an appropriation;".

Page 16-before line 2 Insert and renumber:

"Section 2. There is appropriated from the general fund to the Wyoming attorney general sixty-six thousand dollars ($66,000.00). This appropriation shall be expended only for the purpose of implementing the requirements of this act. Any amount of this appropriation expended for information technology or telecommunications personnel, hardware or software or contractual services for information technology, shall not be expended until the chief information officer has approved the expenditure. Upon request for an expenditure, the chief information officer shall review the request and determine if a less expensive alternative to effectively accomplish the need is available and, if so, shall only approve the request for the lesser amount. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose and any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law. This appropriation shall not be included in the attorney general's annual 2013-2014 standard biennial budget request.".

Page 16-line 2 Delete "2" insert "3". NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 8 After "offenders;" insert "requiring payment of a monitoring fee as specified;".

Page 3-line 15 After "verification" insert "; monitoring fees".

Page 11-after line 23 Insert:

"(r)  There is hereby created the sex offender registration account within the division. Beginning July 1, 2011 each person required to be registered pursuant to this act shall pay to the division a fee of ninety dollars ($90.00) on July 1 and January 1 of each year to be deposited into the account for the costs of monitoring pursuant to this act. The division may expend funds within the account for the purpose of implementing the requirements of this act.". MEIER

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 2-line 5 After "(iv)" insert "and by creating a new paragraph (v)".

Page 5-line 6 After "who" insert ", except as provided by paragraph (v) of this subsection,".

Page 5-line 24 After "who" insert ", except as provided by paragraph (v) of this subsection,".

Page 6-after line 6 Insert and renumber:

"(v)  Offenders convicted of an offense subjecting them to registration, whose registration requirement was added by the 2011 amendments to this act and who are sentenced after July 1, 2001 shall register as required by paragraph (iii) or (iv) of this subsection as appropriate.". SCOTT

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 8 After "offenders;" insert "requiring payment of a monitoring fee as specified;".

Page 2-line 6 Delete "and (q)" insert "through (r)".

Page 3-line 15 After "verification" insert "; monitoring fees".

Page 11-after line 23 Insert:

"(r)  There is hereby created the sex offender registration account within the division. Each person required to be registered pursuant to this act on or after July 1, 2011 shall pay to the division a monitoring fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) upon initial registration under this act. On or after July 1, 2011, an additional monitoring fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid each time an offender is required to register a new address under subsection (e) or (f) of this section. Fees received under this section shall be deposited in the account. The division may expend funds within the account for the purpose of implementing the requirements of this act.". MEIER

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Meier, Rothfuss and Scott

Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Received for Concurrence

3/1/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Greear and Miller

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Absent: Representative(s) Nicholas, B. and Peasley

Ayes 54 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 2 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0092

3/2/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0092

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0092

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0092

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0179 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0024 |Voting rights. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Cannady, Connolly, Patton, Throne and Wallis and Senator(s) Case

AN ACT relating to voting rights; repealing the time period required before restoration of voting rights to certain convicted felons; making conforming amendment; and providing for an effective date.

12/13/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/18/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Krone and Peasley

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 1 Delete "repealing the time period"; insert "providing for restoration of voting rights to persons convicted of non-violent felonies as specified;".

Page 1-line 2 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 3 Delete "convicted felons;".

Page 1-line 8 Delete "(i) and (ii)" insert "(intro), by creating paragraphs (iv) through (vii) and by creating subsections (e) through (g)".

Page 1-line 13 After "felonies" delete ";" insert ".".

Page 1-line 14 Delete entirely.

Page 2-line 2 After "felonies" strike balance of the line.

Page 2-line 3 Strike "related course of events".

Page 2-line 3 After "may" strike balance of the line.

Page 2-line 4 Strike entirely.

Page 2-line 5 Strike "person's" insert "have his"; after "6-10-106" strike remainder of the line and insert "restored if:".

Page 2-lines 6 through 10 Strike entirely.

Page 2-lines 12 through 19 Delete entirely and insert:

(iv)  He has completed the terms of a suspended or deferred sentence imposed by a court;

(v)  He was unconditionally discharged from a correctional facility under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections or was conditionally discharged from a correctional facility under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections and has completed all conditions of probation or parole;

(vi)  He was unconditionally discharged from a correctional facility under the jurisdiction of a federal corrections agency or was conditionally discharged from a correctional facility under the jurisdiction of a federal corrections agency and has completed all conditions of probation or parole; or

(vii)  He has received a pardon from the governor.

(e)  When a person has completed the terms of a suspended or deferred sentence imposed by a court for a non-violent felony conviction, the clerk of court shall notify the secretary of state.  The secretary of state shall notify all county clerks that the person is eligible for registration.

(f)  A person who has served the entirety of a sentence imposed for a non-violent felony conviction, including a term of probation or parole shall be issued a certificate of completion by the department of corrections.  Upon issuance, the department of corrections shall inform the person that the person is entitled to register to vote.  The certificate of completion shall state that the person's voting rights are restored.

(g)  When the corrections department issues a person a certificate of completion under subsection (f) of this section, the department of corrections shall notify the secretary of state that the person is entitled to register to vote and file the certificate of completion with the clerk of the sentencing court.  The secretary of state shall notify all county clerks that the person is eligible for registration.  Additionally, the secretary of state shall accept the following documents as proof that a person has served the entirety of the sentence for a felony conviction and is eligible for registration:

(i)  A court order from a court of this state, another state or the federal government, which shows on its face that the person has completed the entirety of the sentence; or

(ii)  A certificate of completion from another state or the federal government; and

(iii)  A certificate from the division of criminal investigation showing that the person has never been convicted of a violent felony and has no unserved violent felony sentences pending. The division of criminal investigation shall establish a procedure for persons to apply for such certificates.".

Page 2-line 21 Delete "7-13-105(b)(iii)" insert "7-13-105(b)(i) through (iii) and (c)". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Byrd, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Greene, Loucks, Lubnau, Nicholas, B., Patton, Roscoe, Stubson, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Absent: Representative(s) Harshman

Ayes 21 Nays 37 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0025 |Eminent domain-wind energy collector systems. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brown and Steward

AN ACT relating to condemnation; limiting the exercise of the power of condemnation for the erection, placement or expansion of collector systems associated with commercial facilities generating electricity from wind; repealing an existing moratorium; and providing for an effective date.

12/13/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/2/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Greear, Kasperik, Moniz and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd, Lockhart, Roscoe, Stubson and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0026 |Data processing center-sales/use tax exemption. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Brown, Buchanan, Byrd, Patton, Pedersen and Throne and Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Emerich, Jennings, Martin and Ross

AN ACT relating to sales and use taxes; providing an exemption from sales and use taxes for computer software of data processing services centers as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/14/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0027 |School year-required contact hours. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery, McOmie and Steward and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to education; modifying the minimum school year contact hours as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/14/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/17/2011 H04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Krone, Loucks and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Freeman, Kroeker and Madden

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/18/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/19/2011 H Rereferred to General File


Page 1-above line 1 In the catch title, delete "days" insert "hours".

Page 1-line 2 After "year" insert "contact hours".

Page 2-lines 1 and 2 Reinsert all stricken language and delete all new language.

Page 2-line 4 After "board" insert "below the minimum specified by W.S. 21-4-301".

Page 2-line 14 Strike "Each" insert "Unless an alternative schedule has been approved by the state board, each".

Page 2-line 16 Reinsert all stricken language and delete all new language.

Page 2-line 17 Delete all new language; after "days" insert "with minimum number of contact hours of one thousand one hundred thirty-one (1,131) total hours for high school students, one thousand eighty (1,080) total hours for middle and junior high school students and nine hundred twenty-six (926) total hours for elementary students,"; after "year" insert "." and strike the remainder of the line.

Page 2-line 18 Strike the line through "board." BURKHART

1/21/2011 H Passed CoW

1/24/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/25/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, B., Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Botten, Connolly, Craft, Freeman, Greear, Hunt, Jaggi, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Peasley, Semlek, Vranish and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Goggles

Ayes 40 Nays 18 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/16/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard

Nays: Senator(s) Coe, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Ayes 1 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0028 |Child protection shelter care and initial hearings. |

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to children; amending provisions of the Child Protection Act relating to shelter care hearings and initial hearings; adding definitions; eliminating the opportunity to admit or deny allegations at a shelter care hearing unless an initial hearing is held in conjunction with a shelter care hearing; clarifying time to demand a jury trial; and providing for an effective date.

12/14/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/14/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2011 H Placed on General File

1/14/2011 H Passed CoW

1/17/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 7-line 22 After "true." insert "If the allegations are admitted, the court shall make the appropriate adjudication and may proceed immediately to a disposition of the case, provided the court has the predisposition report and multidisciplinary team recommendations, in accordance with the provisions of W.S. 14-3-429, except that a commissioner acting in the absence or incapacity of the judge may take testimony to establish a factual basis and accept an admission and perform all other requirements of the initial hearing but shall not proceed to disposition.". NICHOLAS, GINGERY

1/18/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Kroeker, Loucks, Miller and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 50 Nays 9 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/14/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 S Placed on General File

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0027

2/18/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0027

2/22/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0027

2/24/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0027

2/24/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0079 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0029 |DUI-elimination of right to refuse test. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Barbuto and Senator(s) Johnson

AN ACT relating to driving under the influence; eliminating the driver's right to refuse to undergo a test to determine the alcohol or controlled substance concentration in his body as specified; providing for issuance of a remotely communicated search warrant; conforming provisions; restricting use of test results as specified; repealing conflicting provisions; and providing for an effective date.

12/14/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/18/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Krone and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Greene, Nicholas, B. and Peasley

Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File

1/18/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/19/2011 H Rereferred to General File


Page 14-line 12 Delete ", 31-7-305(a)(v)"; after "31-7-307(c)(i)" delete ",".

Page 14-line 13 Delete the line through "(m)". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2011 H Passed CoW

1/25/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/26/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Freeman, Gingery, Harshman, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Vranish and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Gay, Greear, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Kroeker, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Teeters, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 35 Nays 23 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/7/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Nays: Senator(s) Burns

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 4 After "specified;" insert "providing for issuance of a remotely communicated search warrant;".

Page 1-line 11 After "(c)," insert "(d)(intro),".

Page 1-line 13 After "(e)" insert ", (f)".

Page 3-After line 18 Insert:

"(d)  If a person under arrest refuses upon the request of a peace officer to submit to a chemical test designated by the agency employing the peace officer as provided in subsection (a) of this section, none shall be given except in cases where serious bodily injury or death has resulted or, if exigent circumstances do not exist, upon issuance of a search warrant. The peace officer shall submit his signed statement to the department. The statement submitted by the officer shall contain: A test of the agency's choice may be administered upon issuance of a warrant, including a remotely communicated search warrant, when reasonable under the circumstances and as provided in this subsection. A remotely communicated search warrant may be issued upon sworn or affirmed testimony of the peace officer who is not in the physical presence of a judicial officer, provided the judicial officer is satisfied that probable cause exists for the issuance of the warrant. All communication between the judicial officer and the peace officer or prosecuting attorney requesting the warrant may be remotely transmitted by voice, image, text or any combination thereof, or by other means. The testimony and content of the warrant shall be recorded by writing or mechanical, magnetic, electronic, photographic storage or by other means. Upon approval, the judicial officer may direct a peace officer or the prosecuting attorney requesting a warrant from a remote location to sign the judicial officer's name on a warrant at a remote location. A remotely communicated search warrant shall be valid only for purposes specified in this subsection.".

Page 9-line 3 After "section." insert "A chemical test designated by the agency employing the peace officer may also be administered to a person who refuses to take a test upon issuance of a search warrant, including a remotely communicated search warrant, as provided in W.S. 31-6-102(d). A remotely communicated search warrant shall be valid only for purposes specified in this subsection.".

Page 12-line 16 After "section." insert "A chemical test designated by the agency employing the peace officer may also be administered to a person who refuses to take a test upon issuance of a search warrant, including a remotely communicated search warrant, as provided in W.S. 31-6-102(d). A remotely communicated search warrant shall be valid only for purposes specified in this subsection.".

Page 12-After line 16 Insert:

(f)  If the person refuses testing or submits to is administered a test which discloses an alcohol concentration of four one-hundredths of one percent (0.04%) or more by weight of alcohol in the person's blood the peace officer shall submit a signed statement to the department. The statement submitted by the officer shall contain:

Page 14-line 10 After "(d)" insert "(i) and (ii)". JOHNSON


Page 3-after line 18 In the Johnson Committee of the Whole Amendment to this line (HB0029SW001/AE) in subsection (d) delete ", if exigent circumstances do not exist,". PERKINS

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 3-after line 18 In the Johnson Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0029SW001/AE) to this line, in subsection (d), after "combination thereof, or by other means" insert "and shall be recorded". BURNS


Page 1-line 4 After "provisions;" insert "restricting use of test results as specified;".

Page 1-line 12 Before "(b)(ii)" insert "(a) by creating a new paragraph (iii),".

Page 8-after line 3 Insert:

"(a)  If arrested for an offense as defined by W.S. 31-5-234:

(iii)  The test or tests results shall only be used for the purposes of determining the chemical concentration as provided by this section and shall not be used for any other purpose.". BURNS


Page 3-after line 18 In the Johnson Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0029SW001/AE) to this line, in subsection (d), after "specified in this subsection." insert "As a condition of the warrant being requested, an officer shall record through video and audio means all circumstances which led to the probable cause necessitating the motorist to be stopped including the specific traffic violation and shall also record by video and audio means any contact and field sobriety tests administered by the officer prior to the request of the search warrant. All information shall be available to the judge to aid in determination of the necessity of a search warrant.". MEIER


Delete the Johnson Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0029SW001/AE), the Perkins Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0029SW002/AE), the Burns Third Reading Amendment (HB0029S3001/AE), the Burns Third Reading Amendment (HB0029S3002/AE) and the Meier Third Reading Amendment (HB0029S3003/AE) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 1 Delete "eliminating" insert "increasing penalties for a driver's refusal to submit to chemical testing as specified;".

Page 1-lines 2 through 4 Delete.

Page 1-line 5 Delete "conflicting provisions;".

Page 1-line 10 After "W.S." delete balance of line and insert "31-6-107(a)(i), (ii)(intro) and by creating a new paragraph (iv) is amended to read:

Page 1-lines 11 through 14 Delete.

Page 1-after line 14 Insert:

"31-6-107.  Penalty for refusal to submit to chemical testing.

(a)  Upon receipt of the statement provided for under W.S. 31-6-102(d), the department, subject to review as provided in this act, shall suspend the person's Wyoming driver's license or his privilege to operate a motor vehicle in this state as follows:

(i)  Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (ii) of this subsection, the period of suspension shall be six (6) months one (1) year;

(ii)  The period of suspension shall be one (1) year and six (6) months two (2) years, if:

(iv)  The period of suspension shall be four (4) years, eight (8) years, sixteen (16) years and thirty-two (32) years respectively for a third, fourth, fifth or sixth or subsequent refusal to submit to chemical testing.".

Pages 2 through 13 Delete.

Page 14-lines 1 through 12 Delete and renumber.

Page 14-line 14 Delete "3" insert "2". MEIER


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Burns, Case, Driskill, Geis, Hicks, Landen, Meier, Nutting and Rothfuss

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Martin, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 10 Nays 20 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 S Laid Back Pursuant to SR 10-4(a)


Page 1-line 10 After "(C)" insert "and by creating a new paragraph (iii)".

Page 3-after line 11 Insert and renumber:

"(iii)  The results from the test or tests under this act shall only be used for the purposes of determining the chemical concentration as provided by this section and shall not be used for any other purpose.". BURNS


Page 1-line 4 After "provisions;" insert "amending penalty provisions;".

Page 1-line 10 After "W.S." insert "31-5-233(e),".

Page 1-after line 14 Insert and renumber:

"31-5-233.  Driving or having control of vehicle while under influence of intoxicating liquor or controlled substances; penalties.

(e)  Except as otherwise provided, a person convicted of violating this section shall be ordered to or shall receive a substance abuse assessment conducted by a substance abuse provider certified by the department of health pursuant to W.S. 9-2-2701(c) at or before sentencing. The cost of the substance abuse assessment shall be assessed to and paid by the offender. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection or subsection (h) or (m) of this section, a person convicted of violating this section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), or both. Alternatively, for a first offense, the court may impose a one (1) year suspension of the person's driver's license in addition to any suspension imposed under subsection (f) of this section, and shall not be considered part of the records as a conviction of this section for purposes other than implementation of provisions of this act for purposes of second or subsequent offenses, and shall not be part of a record which is accessible by anyone other than Wyoming courts or law enforcement. On a second offense resulting in a conviction within ten (10) years after a conviction for a violation of this section or other law prohibiting driving while under the influence, he shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than seven (7) days nor more than six (6) months, he shall be ordered to or shall receive a substance abuse assessment conducted by a substance abuse provider certified by the department of health pursuant to W.S. 9-2-2701(c) before sentencing and shall not be eligible for probation or suspension of sentence or release on any other basis until he has served at least seven (7) days in jail. In addition, the person may be fined not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) nor more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). On a third offense resulting in a conviction within ten (10) years after a conviction for a violation of this section or other law prohibiting driving while under the influence, he shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than thirty (30) days nor more than six (6) months, shall receive a substance abuse assessment pursuant to W.S. 7-13-1302 and shall not be eligible for probation or suspension of sentence or release on any other basis until he has served at least thirty (30) days in jail except that the court shall consider the substance abuse assessment and may order the person to undergo outpatient alcohol or substance abuse treatment during any mandatory period of incarceration. The minimum period of imprisonment for a third violation shall be mandatory, but the court, having considered the substance abuse assessment and the availability of public and private resources, may suspend up to fifteen (15) days of the mandatory period of imprisonment if, subsequent to the date of the current violation, the offender completes an inpatient treatment program approved by the court. In addition, the person may be fined not less than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) nor more than three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). The judge may suspend part or all of the discretionary portion of an imprisonment sentence under this subsection and place the defendant on probation on condition that the defendant pursues and completes an alcohol education or treatment program as prescribed by the judge. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the term of probation imposed by a judge under this section may exceed the maximum term of imprisonment established for the offense under this subsection provided the term of probation together with any extension thereof, shall not exceed three (3) years for up to and including a third conviction. On a fourth offense resulting in a conviction or subsequent conviction within ten (10) years for a violation of this section or other law prohibiting driving while under the influence, he shall be guilty of a felony and fined not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), punished by imprisonment for not more than two (2) years, or both.". MEIER

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Martin, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Bebout, Burns, Case, Emerich, Geis, Landen, Meier, Nicholas, P., Rothfuss and Schiffer

Ayes 20 Nays 10 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Received for Concurrence

3/1/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Goggles, Greear, Hunt, Loucks, Lubnau, McOmie, Miller, Patton, Peasley, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Absent: Representative(s) Nicholas, B.

Ayes 40 Nays 18 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0093

3/2/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0093

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0093

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0093

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0178 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0030 |Execution of judgment liens. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Senator(s) Perkins

AN ACT relating to judgment liens; providing for appraisal by a qualified appraiser; providing for payment of costs of appraisal; and providing for an effective date.

12/14/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/18/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 After "appraiser;" delete balance of line.

Page 1-line 3 Delete "appraisal;".

Page 1-line 7 Delete "and 1-17-316(a) are" insert "is".

Page 2-line 3 Reinsert all stricken language.

Page 2-line 4 Reinsert all stricken language; after "persons" insert "or".

Page 2-lines 8 through 10 Delete all new language.

Page 2-lines 12 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 3-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely. BROWN, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 2 After "appraiser;" insert "providing for payment of fees;".

Page 1-line 7 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0030HS001/A) to this line; delete "1-17-316(a)" insert "1-17-341".

Page 2-After line 10 Insert:

"1-17-341. Appraiser's fees.

Each appraiser of person appraising real estate under W.S. 1-17-301 through 1-17-345, other than qualified appraisers, shall receive three dollars ($3.00) per day and one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per half day for his services, to be collected on the execution. Qualified appraisers so acting shall receive a reasonable fee to be collected on the execution.".

Page 3-line 4 Delete entirely.

Page 3-line 6 Delete "Section 3" insert "Section 2". BROWN

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/7/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Excused: Senator(s) Burns

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Placed on General File

2/9/2011 S Passed CoW

2/10/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/11/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0006

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0006

2/14/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0006

2/17/2011 Governor Signed HEA No.0006

2/17/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0016 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0031 |Pari-mutuel regulation. |

Sponsored By: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the pari-mutuel commission; providing for licensing of out-of-state simulcasting facilities; providing for source market fees; providing for distribution of fees; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

12/17/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06

1/17/2011 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Nays: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/17/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/19/2011 H Rereferred to General File


Page 2-line 4 Delete "or accepted" insert ", accepted or distributed,".

Page 2-line 10 Delete "who" insert "that".

Page 2-line 11 Delete "who" insert "that". McOMIE, CHAIRMAN

1/21/2011 H Passed CoW

1/24/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/25/2011 H Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Greear, Greene, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, McOmie, Moniz, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Shepperson, Stubson, Throne, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Teeters, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Goggles

Ayes 29 Nays 29 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Reconsidered


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Gingery, Greear, Greene, Hunt, Kasperik, Krone, Loucks, Madden, McOmie, Nicholas, B., Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Shepperson, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Peasley, Quarberg, Semlek, Steward and Teeters

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 36 Nays 22 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Gingery, Greear, Greene, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Loucks, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Shepperson, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Harshman, Harvey, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Patton, Peasley, Quarberg, Semlek, Steward and Teeters

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 36 Nays 22 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S06

2/3/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill and Esquibel, F.

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Placed on General File

2/8/2011 S Passed CoW

2/9/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/10/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0003

2/11/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0003

2/11/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0003

2/15/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0003

2/15/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0006 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0032 |State archives-appropriation. |

Sponsored By: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to state archives; providing an appropriation for shelving and expanded storage; and providing for an effective date.

12/17/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06

1/14/2011 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Excused: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2011 H Placed on General File

1/14/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/26/2011 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0033 |Exceeding speed limit while passing. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) McOmie, Gay, Craft, Roscoe, Teeters, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dn.

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; authorizing drivers to exceed posted speed limits in order to pass vehicles traveling under the posted speed limit; specifying additional restrictions and application; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

1/19/2011 H08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Quarberg and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Petersen and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2011 H Placed on General File

1/20/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 2-line 12 Delete "full".

Page 2-line 13 Delete "to exceeding" insert "as if".

Page 2-line 14 Delete "by the actual speed of the vehicle" insert "were ten (10) miles per hour higher". TEETERS

1/21/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/24/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Absent: Representative(s) Hunt

Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/1/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Senator(s) Nutting

Nays: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen and Schiffer

Ayes 1 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0034 |Sales and use tax distributions. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) McOmie, Bonner, Davison, Gay, Gingery, Illoway, Lubnau and Throne and Senator(s) Coe, Cooper, Jennings and Martin

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; modifying distribution of sales and use taxes as specified; repealing obsolete provisions; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/21/2011 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Miller, Semlek and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Madden and Petersen

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 After "specified;" insert "specifying restriction of additional distributions for fiscal year 2012;".

Page 5-After line 8 Insert:

"Section 2.

(a)  For fiscal year 2012, the additional distributions of funds to counties, cities and towns resulting from this act shall be subject to and administered in accordance with the following:

(i)  The state treasurer shall determine the amount of money distributed to each city and town on August 15, 2011, pursuant to 2010 Wyoming Session Laws, chapter 39, section 335(b), and to each county pursuant to 2010 Wyoming Session Laws, chapter 39, section 335(c);

(ii)  The state treasurer shall distribute the additional amount of funds resulting from the amendments to W.S. 39-15-111 and 39-16-111 in section 1 of this act to a county, city or town only after the additional amount exceeds the amount determined under paragraph (i) of this subsection for each county, city or town, and only those excess amounts shall be distributed.

(iii)  Funds not distributed to counties, cities and towns due to application of this section shall be deposited to the general fund.".

Renumber as necessary. CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/27/2011 H02 Recommended Do Not Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

2/1/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Freeman, Gay, Goggles, Greear, Illoway, Krone, Loucks, McOmie, Miller, Patton, Petroff, Stubson and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Cannady, Childers, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Edmonds

Ayes 22 Nays 37 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0035 |Health Care Choice and Protection Act. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Davison, Edmonds, Gay, Jaggi, Kroeker, Peasley, Quarberg, Semlek and Teeters and Senator(s) Jennings, Meier and Nutting

AN ACT relating to a Health Care Choice and Protection Act; establishing the Health Care Choice and Protection Act; authorizing the attorney general to defend specified actions and prescribing optional legal remedies; providing legislative findings and declarations; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/24/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Gay, Gingery, Greene, Hunt and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Harvey and Miller

Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 4-lines 7 through 17 Delete entirely and renumber as necessary.

Page 4-line 20 Delete "legislature" insert "legislators".

Page 7-line 13 Delete "Enforcement" insert "Declaration of invalidity; enforcement".

Page 7-After line 14 Insert:

"(a)  The Wyoming legislature declares that the federal laws known as the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," Public Law 111-148, and the "Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010," Public Law 111-152, are not authorized by the constitution of the United States and violate its meaning, intent and principles as given by the ratifiers, and are hereby declared to be invalid in the state, shall not be recognized by this state, are specifically rejected by this state and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state."

Page 7-line 16 Delete "(a)" insert "(b)"; delete "official, agent, employee or".

Page 7-line 20 Delete "this article" insert "subsection (a) of this section".

Page 7-line 21 Delete "felony" insert "misdemeanor"; delete "five thousand" insert "two thousand dollars ($2,000.00)".

Page 7-line 22 Delete "dollars ($5,000.00)"; delete "in the county jail".

Page 7-line 23 Delete "two (2) years" insert "one (1) year".

Page 8-line 1 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)".

Page 8-line 6 Delete "this article" insert "subsection (a) of this section".

Page 8-line 7 Delete "felony" insert "misdemeanor"; delete "five" insert "one (1) year".

Page 8-line 8 Delete "(5) years"; after "than" delete balance of the line and insert "two thousand dollars ($2,000.00)".

Page 8-line 9 Delete "($5,000.00)".

Page 8-line 14 Delete "shall" insert "may".

Page 8-lines 20 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 9-lines 1 through 4 Delete entirely.

Page 9-line 6 Delete "(c)" insert "(b)".

Page 9-line 19 After "(a)" delete balance of the line.

Page 9-line 20 Delete entirely.

Page 9-line 21 Delete the line through "every" insert "Every". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 12 Delete "6-5-406" insert "6-5-407".

Page 3-line 22 Delete "6-5-406" insert "6-5-407".

Page 4-line 5 Delete "6-5-406" insert "6-5-407".

Page 7-After line 11 Insert:

"6-5-404. Declaration of invalidity.

The Wyoming legislature declares that the federal laws known as the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," Public Law 111-148, and the "Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010," Public Law 111-152, are not authorized by the constitution of the United States and violate its meaning, intent and principles as given by the ratifiers, and are hereby declared to be invalid in the state, shall not be recognized by this state, are specifically rejected by this state and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.".

Page 7-line 13 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0035HS001/A) to this line; delete "6-5-404" insert "6-5-405".

Page 7-After line 14 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0035HS001/A) to this line.

Page 7-line 16 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0035HS001/A) to this line; delete "(a)"; delete "official, agent, employee or".

Page 7-line 20 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0035HS001/A) to this line; delete "this article" insert "W.S. 6-5-404".

Page 8-lines 1 through 9 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0035HS001/A) to these lines.

Page 8-line 11 Delete "6-5-405" insert "6-5-406".

Page 9-line 17 Delete "6-5-406" insert "6-5-407".

Renumber as necessary. QUARBERG, BRECHTEL

1/28/2011 H Passed CoW


Delete the Quarberg et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB0035HW001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-lines 3 and 4 Delete entirely.

Page 7-After line 11 Insert:

"6-5-404. Declaration of invalidity.

The Wyoming legislature declares that the federal laws known as the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," Public Law 111-148, and the "Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010," Public Law 111-152, are not authorized by the constitution of the United States and violate its meaning, intent and principles as given by the ratifiers, and are hereby declared to be invalid in the state, shall not be recognized by this state, are specifically rejected by this state and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.".

Page 7-lines 13 through 23 Delete entirely including the standing amendment (HB0035HS001/A) to these lines.

Page 8-lines 1 through 9 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0035HS001/A) to these lines. BRECHTEL


Delete the Quarberg et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB0035HW001/A) entirely.

Delete the Brechtel second reading amendment (HB0035H2001/A) entirely.

Further amend as follows:

Page 1-lines 3 and 4 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 12 Delete "6-5-406" insert "6-5-405".

Page 3-line 22 Delete "6-5-406" insert "6-5-405".

Page 4-line 5 Delete "6-5-406" insert "6-5-405".

Page 7-lines 13 through 23 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0035HS001/A) to these.

Page 8-lines 1 through 9 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0035HS001/A) to these lines.

Page 8-line 11 Delete "6-5-405" insert "6-5-404".

Page 9-line 17 Delete "6-5-406" insert "6-5-405". BROWN, GREENE, STEWARD

1/31/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 12 Delete the Brown et al. second reading amendment (HB0035H2002/A) to this line; delete "6-5-401 through 6-5-406" insert "35-30-101 through 35-30-105".

Page 1-line 15 Delete "ARTICLE 4" insert "CHAPTER 30".

Page 2-line 3 Delete "6-5-401" insert "35-30-101".

Page 2-line 12 Delete "6-5-402" insert "35-30-102".

Page 3-line 21 Delete "6-5-401 through" insert "35-30-101 through 35-30-105.".

Page 3-line 22 Delete entirely including the Brown et al. second reading amendment (HB0035H2002/A) to this line.

Page 4-line 1 Delete "6-5-403" insert "35-30-103".

Page 4-line 2 After "authority" insert "; declaration of invalidity".

Page 4-line 5 Delete the Brown et al. second reading amendment (HB0035H2002/A) to this line; delete "6-5-401 through 6-5-406" insert "35-30-101 through 35-30-105".

Page 7-After line 11 Insert:

"(b)  The Wyoming legislature declares that the federal laws known as the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," Public Law 111-148, and the "Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010," Public Law 111-152, are not authorized by the constitution of the United States and violate its meaning, intent and principles as given by the ratifiers, and are hereby declared to be invalid in the state, shall not be recognized by this state, are specifically rejected by this state and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.".

Page 8-line 11 Delete the Brown et al. second reading amendment (HB0035H2002/A) to this line; delete "6-5-405" insert "35-30-104".

Page 9-line 17 Delete the Brown et al. second reading amendment (HB0035H2002/A) to this line; delete "6-5-406" insert "35-30-105". BRECHTEL

2/1/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Vranish and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Petroff, Roscoe, Stubson, Throne, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Byrd and Edmonds

Ayes 44 Nays 14 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0036 |Cancer Control Act amendments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Bonner, Botten, Childers, Goggles and Pedersen and Senator(s) Dockstader, Landen, Martin, Nutting and Peterson

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Cancer Control Act; authorizing follow-up colorectal cancer screening tests when medically indicated; clarifying eligibility language; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/27/2011 H10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 3 After "language;" insert "specifying payment amount for follow-up screening tests;".

Page 1-line 8 After "(d)" insert "and (e)".

Page 2-after line 12 Insert:

"(e)  For colonoscopies other than follow-up screening tests, the department shall provide vouchers to eligible persons for reimbursement for a colonoscopy at the rate paid under the Wyoming Medical Assistance and Services Act for colonoscopies, including polyp removal. For follow-up screening tests, the voucher shall be for reimbursement of fifty percent (50%) of that rate. The person receiving a voucher under this subsection shall pay all other costs of the colonoscopy. When the funds appropriated for this program are expended, the department shall cease issuing vouchers under this section.". MADDEN

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Stubson, Throne, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Edmonds, Gay, Kroeker, Madden, Miller, Peasley, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 46 Nays 14 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/3/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/17/2011 S10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting and Schiffer

Nays: Senator(s) Scott

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Landen, Martin, Nutting, Peterson, Rothfuss and Schiffer

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Driskill, Geis, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Meier, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Ross, Scot and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 15 Nays 14 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nutting, Peterson, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Coe, Geis, Hines, Jennings, Meier, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Ross and Scott

Ayes 19 Nays 11 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0049

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0049

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0049

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0049

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0106 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0037 |State archives-storage study. |

Sponsored By: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to state archives; providing an appropriation for study of best practices methodology for document retention and storage; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06

1/14/2011 H06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Jaggi, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Nays: Representative(s) McKim

Excused: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2011 H Placed on General File

1/14/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/26/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File

1/28/2011 H Passed CoW

1/31/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/1/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Gay, Jaggi, Kroeker, McKim, Miller, Peasley and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Byrd and Edmonds

Ayes 51 Nays 7 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/1/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S06

2/3/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill and Esquibel, F.

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Placed on General File

2/4/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/11/2011 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-after line 6 Insert and renumber:

"Section 2.  The department of state parks and cultural resources shall coordinate with the state chief information officer to jointly develop the uniform standard of electronic record keeping for all state records. A phased approach for implementing the state's electronic records management system will be planned, documented and approved by the chief information officer prior to the expenditure of funds. All state agencies shall participate under this section. Agencies shall participate through existing committees or the department and chief information officer can jointly establish a separate committee for the purposes of electronic record management system coordination. The chief information officer shall review and update promulgated rules 6560 through 6565 on electronic records to support the implementation of the state's electronic records management system as needed.". NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/22/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Gay, Patton, Peasley and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Greear, Kasperik and Pederson

Ayes 52 Nays 4 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0038

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0038

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0038

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0038

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0116 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0038 |State archives-new building. |

Sponsored By: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to administration of government; providing for development of requests for proposals for the design, plan and construction of an archives and museum storage facility; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

1/14/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Nays: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Excused: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 0 Nays 8 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0039 |Health litigation fund. |

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the administration of government and national health care reform; providing for a fund to litigate issues relating to federal health care enactments and their implementation; specifying uses of the fund; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/25/2011 H10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Gay, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft and Gingery

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File

1/25/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/27/2011 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 5-line 13 Delete "two million" insert "five hundred thousand".

Page 5-line 14 Delete "($2,000,000.00)" insert "($500,000.00)". BERGER, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 2-lines 5 and 6 Delete entirely and insert:

"(b)  Funds in the account shall be used for litigation costs directly incurred in litigation authorized under this section.".

Page 3-lines 5 through 9 Delete entirely and renumber as necessary. THRONE


Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0039HS001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 5-line 13 Delete "two million dollars".

Page 5-line 14 Delete "(2,000,000.00)" insert "two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00)". THRONE

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles and Throne

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 50 Nays 9 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/11/2011 S10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Nutting and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Martin and Schiffer

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/11/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/16/2011 S02 Recommended Do Not Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Nicholas, P. and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Meier and Peterson

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Dockstader, Hicks, Jennings, Landen, Meier, Nutting, Peterson, Ross and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hines, Johnson, Martin, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 10 Nays 19 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0040 |Compensation for persons exonerated based on DNA. |

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; authorizing compensation for persons exonerated based on DNA testing; specifying conditions, requirements and limitations on authorized compensation; conforming provisions; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/13/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/13/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 19 After "day" insert "while actually".

Page 3-line 20 Delete "not more than".

Page 4-line 9 After "subsection." insert "The estate shall not be eligible for compensation unless it complies with all provisions and requirements of this section which would have applied to the movant.".

Page 4-line 18 After "pending" insert ", has obtained a judgment or has settled an action or claim". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/14/2011 H Passed CoW

1/17/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/18/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Davison, Edmonds, Gay, Kroeker, Miller, Peasley and Petersen

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 51 Nays 8 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/9/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F. and Hicks

Nays: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Placed on General File

2/9/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/15/2011 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 3 after ";" insert "and".

Page 2-line 7 Delete "; and" insert ".".

Page 2-lines 9 through 13 Delete.

Page 3-line 1 After "The" insert "state risk manager of the".

Page 3-line 10 Delete "department" insert "state risk manager".

Page 3-line 21 Delete "treasurer" insert "self insurance account".

Page 4-line 2 After "discounted" delete ",".

Page 5-line 4 After "entered" insert "or any related arrest, prosecution or imprisonment".

Page 5-line 16 After "entered" insert "or any related arrest, prosecution or imprisonment".

Page 5-line 19 After "waiver" insert "in a form satisfactory to the attorney general".

Page 6-line 12 Delete "department of" insert "state self insurance account".

Page 6-line 13 Delete "administration and information". NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Burns, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hines, Landen, Martin, Nutting, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Barnard, Bebout, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Hicks, Jennings, Johnson, Meier, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Peterson, Ross and Schiffer

Ayes 12 Nays 18 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0041 |Driving within a single lane. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery, Brown, Cannady and McOmie and Senator(s) Christensen

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; modifying requirements for driving within a single lane on two lane roads; creating definitions in the uniform act regulating traffic on highways; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

1/24/2011 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Petersen, Quarberg and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Vranish

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 7 After "W.S." insert "31-5-102(a) by creating a new paragraph (lxiv) and"; delete "(i) is" insert "are".

Page 1-After line 7 Insert:

"31-5-102.  Definitions.

(a)  Except as otherwise provided, as used in this act:

(lxiv)  "Fog line" means the line that delineates between the travel way and the shoulder.".

Page 2-line 1 Reinsert all stricken language.

Page 2-line 2 Reinsert all stricken language; after "lane" strike the remainder of the line and insert ". As used in this paragraph, "as nearly as practicable" means that a vehicle may move slightly across the fog line or lane marker when adverse conditions exist, including but not limited to high winds, sharp curves, or objects in the roadway;".

Page 2-line 3 Before "moved" insert "(ii) A vehicle shall not be"; strike the first "the" insert "a".

Page 2-after line 4 Insert:

"(ii)(iii)  Upon a roadway which is divided into three (3) lanes and provides for two-way movement of traffic, a vehicle shall not be driven in the center lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle traveling in the same direction when the center lane is clear of traffic within a safe distance, or in preparation for making or completing a left turn or where the center lane is at the time allocated exclusively to traffic moving in the direction the vehicle is proceeding and the allocation is designated by official traffic-control devices;

(iii)(iv)  Official traffic-control devices may be erected directing specified traffic to use a designated lane or designating those lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction regardless of the center of the roadway and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of every such device;

(iv)(v)  Official traffic-control devices may be installed prohibiting the changing of lanes on sections of roadways and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of every such device." QUARBERG, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 2 After "roads;" insert "creating definitions in the uniform act regulating traffic on highways;".

Page 1-line 7 In the standing committee amendment (HB0041HS001/A) to this line delete "a new paragraph (lxiv)" insert "new paragraphs (lxiv) and (lxv)".

Page 1-After line 7 In the standing committee amendment (HB0041HS001/A) to these lines delete "shoulder." insert "shoulder;

(lx)  "Travel way" means the portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of the shoulders.". GINGERY

1/25/2011 H Passed CoW

1/26/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/27/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Childers, Davison, Gay, McOmie, Peasley, Teeters and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 51 Nays 8 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08

2/15/2011 S08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen and Nutting

Nays: Senator(s) Schiffer

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0042 |Coroner record confidentiality. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Senator(s) Case

AN ACT relating to coroners; providing confidentiality for toxicology reports, photographs, video recordings or audio recordings of the scene of the death or made in the course of a postmortem examination or autopsy by a coroner; providing exceptions; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

12/22/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/19/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B. and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Throne

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1–line 15 After "body" insert "and completing his investigation".

Page 2–line 3 Delete "amount" insert "description".

Page 2–line 15 After "spouse," delete balance of line.

Page 2–line 16 Delete "spouse, the"; after "surviving" delete balance of line and insert "parent".

Page 2–line 17 Delete "spouse or parent,"; after "child" insert "or a legal guardian".

Page 3–line 10 After "agency," insert "a board licensing health care professionals under title 33 of the Wyoming statutes, the division responsible for administering the Wyoming Workers' Compensation Act, the division responsible for administering the Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Act,".

Page 3–line 11 After "proceedings" insert "with legitimate interest in the death".

Page 4–line 6 After "proceeding" insert ", or proceeding before a state of Wyoming board issuing health care professional licenses under title 33 of the Wyoming statutes,".

Page 4–line 17 After "organizations" insert "or for training purposes".

Page 5–line 18 Delete "right to".

Page 6–line 13 After "deceased" insert "or legal guardian of the children of the deceased".

Page 7–line 24 After "verdicts" insert "and written dockets". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/20/2011 H Passed CoW

1/21/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 4-line 12 Delete "a pathologist or forensic".

Page 4-line 13 Delete "scientist" insert "an appropriate expert". STUBSON


Page 2-line 9 Delete "and" insert ","; after "(g)" insert "and (o)".

Page 7-after line 11 Insert:

"(o)  In the event that the coroner, or the coroner's designee, determines that a person's death was caused by an infectious disease, biological toxin or any other cause which may constitute a public health emergency as defined in W.S. 35-4-115(a)(i), the coroner shall release to the state health officer or his designee all information and records required under W.S. 35-4-107. If the state health official or his designee determines upon an examination of the results of the autopsy and the toxicology report that a public health emergency may in fact exist, he shall release the appropriate information to the general public as provided by department of health rules and regulations.". SEMLEK, BONNER

1/24/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Edmonds

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/15/2011 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2–line 4 After "death," insert "including relevant toxicological factors,".

Page 2-line 19 After "child" insert ", personal representative, legal representative,".

Page 3-line 14 After "Act," insert "the state occupational epidemiologist, the department and".

Page 3-line 16 After "Act," insert "the office of the inspector of mines,".

Page 4–line 10 After "section." delete balance of the line.

Page 4-lines 11 through 15 Delete.

Page 6-line 20 After "guardian" insert ", personal representative or legal representative". CASE, CHAIRMAN

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Dockstader

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Received for Concurrence

3/1/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Gay and McKim

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 56 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0087

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0087

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0087

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0087

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0144 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0043 |Workers' compensation appeals. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Brown, Gingery, Lubnau, Peasley, Stubson and Throne and Senator(s) Nutting and Scott

AN ACT relating to workers' compensation; providing for review of district court judgments entered upon review of worker's compensation contested cases by writ of certiorari to the supreme court; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.

12/22/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone and Nicholas, B.

Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0044 |Annuity premium tax repeal. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery, McKim, Quarberg and Teeters and Senator(s) Bebout

AN ACT relating to annuity premium taxes; repealing the annuity premium tax; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

12/27/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/17/2011 H03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Childers, Miller, Petersen and Semlek

Nays: Representative(s) Campbell, Madden and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/18/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/19/2011 H Rereferred to General File

1/21/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Botten, Brechtel, Byrd, Childers, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Hunt, Illoway, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Peasley, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Teeters, Throne and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Freeman, Greear, Harvey, Jaggi, Kasperik, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Roscoe, Stubson, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Berger, Davison, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Goggles, Harshman, Pederson, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 24 Nays 27 Excused 9 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0045 |Agricultural property taxation. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Campbell and Senator(s) Christensen

AN ACT relating to taxation; providing a definition of marketing of agricultural products for purposes of taxation of agricultural land; including grazing of horses used in outfitting and dude ranch operations for such purposes as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/27/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Campbell

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Childers, Madden, Miller, Petersen, Semlek and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 1 Nays 7 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0046 |Campaign funds-personal use. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Stubson, Barbuto, Blikre, Pedersen and Throne and Senator(s) Landen and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to campaign funds; providing restrictions on use of campaign funds; providing for disposal of campaign funds after terms of office; providing for penalties; and providing for an effective date.

12/28/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/21/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3–line 19 Delete "501(c)(3)" insert "501(c)".

Page 3–line 22 Delete "the state" insert "a".

Page 3–line 23 Delete "a Wyoming community". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN


Page 4-line 17 After "received" insert "after July 1, 2011". BUCHANAN

1/25/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blikre, Bonner, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Connolly, Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Madden, Miller, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Roscoe, Stubson and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gay, Harvey, Hunt, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Goggles

Ayes 24 Nays 34 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0047 |State parks-user fee program. |

Sponsored By: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to state parks; providing for user fees to be collected at the time of vehicle registrations; providing for a waiver of the additional fee; providing for rulemaking; providing for distribution and use of additional fee; eliminating collection of daily use fees at state parks, historic sites, state recreation areas and state archeological sites for Wyoming residents; and providing for an effective date.

12/28/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

1/26/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner and Connolly

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Davison, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0048 |Placement of wind energy facilities. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cannady, Blake, Harshman, Moniz and Zwonitzer, Dv.

AN ACT relating to wind energy siting; prohibiting the placement of wind energy facilities and equipment as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/28/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0049 |Primary care support program. |

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to public health; creating the primary care support program; authorizing grants as specified; providing for a local match as specified; requiring reports; providing appropriations; providing a repeal date; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/17/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Greene, Harvey, Hunt and Miller

Nays: Representative(s) Gingery and Peasley

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/17/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/25/2011 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen and Steward

Nays: Representative(s) Wallis

Ayes 6 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File


That Substitute No. 1 for HB0049 DO Pass. HARVEY, CHAIRMAN


Page 3-line 5 After "($1,000,000.00)" insert "of state funds".

Page 3-line 9 After "the" insert "state funds".

Page 5-line 1 After "appropriated" delete balance of the line; insert "three million dollars ($3,000,000.00)".

Page 5-line 2 Delete "($10,000,000.00)".

Page 5-line 14 After "appropriated" delete balance of the line; insert "one hundred ten thousand dollars ($110,000.00)".

Page 5-line 15 Delete the line through "($200,000.00)".

Page 6-line 1 After "2012." delete balance of the line.

Page 6-line 2 Delete entirely. BERGER, CHAIRMAN

1/27/2011 H Passed CoW

1/28/2011 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3

1/31/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/1/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Gay, Gingery, Kroeker, Loucks, Peasley, Quarberg, Shepperson, Teeters and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Byrd and Edmonds

Ayes 47 Nays 11 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/10/2011 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/16/2011 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 1 Delete "the primary care" insert "a process for facilitating capital construction and start up costs for community health centers and rural health clinics;".

Page 1-line 2 Delete "support program;".

Page 1-line 11 After "9-2-127." delete balance of line and insert "Community health centers and rural health clinics; process for grants facilitating capital construction and start up costs;".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "the Wyoming primary care support" insert "a process for grants facilitating capital construction and start up costs of community health centers and rural health clinics. The process shall be".

Page 1-line 15 Delete "program".

Page 2-line 23 After "or" insert "initiate new"; delete "provided or".

Page 3-line 2 After "criteria" insert ". The grants shall be used for capital and start up expenses only and shall not be used for ongoing operating expenses".

Page 3-line 15 Delete "and".

Page 3-line 19 Delete "." insert "; and".

Page 3-after line 19 Insert:

"(vi)  Grants shall be awarded only if the applicant can demonstrate an operating plan that integrates health care services within the entire service community to promote accessibility and quality of care. The plan shall provide for integration enhancement through the use of the Medicare and Medicaid electronic health records program, the small rural hospital improvement program and other similar programs.".

Page 5-line 13 After "act" delete "." and insert "until July 1, 2017, when any unexpended monies shall revert as provided by law.". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN


Page 5-line 13 After "act." insert "There is authorized an additional two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) for the primary care support account in the department of health standard budget request for the 2013-2014 biennium.". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN


Page 5-line 2 Delete "three million dollars" insert "one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)".

Page 5-line 3 Delete "($3,000,000.00)".

Page 5-line 13 Delete the First Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0049SS001/AE) to this line. NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Page 2-after line 18 Insert and renumber:

"(i)  Before submission to the department, and following public notice and a hearing, the application shall be approved by the board of county commissioners for the county in which the community health center or rural health clinic is located or proposed to be located;". MEIER


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Dockstader, Hines, Nicholas, P. and Rothfuss

Conflicts: Senator(s) Ross

Ayes 23 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/24/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/25/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Byrd, Connolly, Davison, Esquibel, K., Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe and Throne

Excused: Representative(s) Gay and Pederson

Ayes 49 Nays 9 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0065

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0065

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0065

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0065

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0135 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0050 |Health insurance exchanges. |

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the administration of government and the 2010 federal health care reform; providing for a study of whether the state should establish and operate a Wyoming health insurance exchange or participate in a regional exchange; creating a steering committee; requiring a report and specifying report requirements; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/18/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Craft, Greene, Harvey, Miller and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Gay, Gingery and Hunt

Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File

1/18/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/25/2011 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen and Steward

Nays: Representative(s) Edmonds and Wallis

Ayes 5 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 13 Delete "reconnaissance".

Page 2-line 10 Delete "a study oversight" insert "the Wyoming health benefit exchange".

Page 2-line 19 Delete "decide to".

Page 2-line 20 Delete "to".

Page 3-line 12 Delete "whether" insert "how".

Page 3-line 19 After "Consider" delete balance of the line and insert "options being considered by".

Page 3-line 20 Delete "Massachusetts and".

Page 4-line 2 Before "full" delete "the" insert "a"; after "services" delete balance of line.

Page 5-line 7 Delete "or interim". MILLER, VICE-CHAIRMAN


Page 5-line 11 After "appropriated" delete balance of the line; insert "one hundred forty-five thousand dollars ($145,000.00)".

Page 5-line 12 Delete "($5,000.00)". BERGER, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 5 After "exchange;" insert "creating a steering committee;".

Page 1-line 6 Delete "an appropriation" insert "appropriations".

Page 1-line 13 Delete "governor" insert "steering committee created under subsection (b) of this section".

Page 2-lines 10 and 11 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0050HS001/A) to these lines; insert:

"(c)  There is created the Wyoming Health Insurance Exchange Steering Committee. The committee shall consist of:

(i)  Two (2) senators appointed by the president of the senate, one (1) of which shall serve as co-chairman of the committee;

(ii)  Two (2) representatives appointed by the speaker of the house, one (1) of which shall serve as co-chairman of the committee;

(iii)  Two (2) representatives from the business community in the state appointed by the governor;

(iv)  Two (2) representatives from domestic insurance companies appointed by the governor;

(v)  One (1) insurance producer appointed by the governor;

(vi)  One (1) medical provider appointed by the governor;

(vii)  One (1) person representing hospitals in the state appointed by the governor;

(viii)  One (1) person representing Wyoming consumers appointed by the governor;

(ix)  At least five (5) members from affected state agencies and the governor's office appointed by the governor.".

Page 2-line 13 Delete "oversight task force" insert "Wyoming health insurance exchange steering committee".

Page 6-After line 2 Insert:

"(h)  The legislative members of the committee shall receive salary and reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties on the committee as provided in W.S. 28-5-101. There is appropriated ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) from the general fund to the legislative service office for the salary, per diem and travel for the legislative members of the steering committee. Any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2012.". GINGERY

1/25/2011 H Passed CoW

1/26/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/27/2011 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3


Page 4-lines 10 through 19 Delete entirely and renumber as necessary. CONNOLLY

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Edmonds, Kroeker, McKim, Peasley, Quarberg and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 48 Nays 8 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/10/2011 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/16/2011 S02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Hastert

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 7 Delete "appropriations" insert "an appropriation".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)".

Page 2-line 9 After "exchanges." insert "The insurance department shall administer the federal grant, subject to direction from the task force and the steering committee.".

Page 2-lines 11 through 13 Delete and insert:

"(c)  There are created the Wyoming health benefit exchange task force and the Wyoming health insurance exchange steering committee. The task force shall become the steering committee on October 1, 2011. The committee and the task force shall consist of:".

Page 2-line 17 After "committee" insert "and the task force".

Page 2-line 21 After "committee" insert "and the task force".

Page 3-line 19 After "governor." insert "The governor shall appoint two (2) co-chairmen for the task force and the steering committee;".

Page 3-after line 19 Insert and renumber:

"(x)  Two (2) at large members appointed by the governor if the governor chooses to do so.".

Page 5-lines 15 through 24 Delete and renumber.

Page 6-lines 6 through 10 Delete and renumber.

Page 6-lines 16 through 24 Delete and renumber.

Page 7-lines 1 through 7 Delete. SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/17/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 1-line 5 After "committee" insert "and task force".

Page 1-line 13 After "committee" insert "and task force".

Page 3-line 22 After "committee" insert "and task force".

Page 7-line 9 After "committee" insert "and task force".

Page 7-line 12 After "committee" insert "and task force"; after "28-5-101." insert "Section 2.".

Page 7-line 16 After "committee" insert "and task force".

Page 8-line 1 Delete "2" insert "3". SCOTT

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Jennings

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 27 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/23/2011 H Did Not Concur


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Kasperik, Lockhart and Pederson

Ayes 0 Nays 56 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Gingery, Edmonds, Harvey

2/23/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Scott, Jennings, Nutting

3/1/2011 H Adopted HB0050JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Edmonds, Gay, Kroeker, Peasley and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Absent: Representative(s) Nicholas, B.

Ayes 53 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 S Did Not Adopt HB0050JC01


Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 0 Nays 30 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:



Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:

Page 1-line 7 Delete "appropriations" insert "an appropriation".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)".

Page 5-line 13 After "repealed;" insert "and".

Page 5-lines 15 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 6-line 3 Delete ";" insert ".".

Page 6-lines 4 through 10 Delete entirely.

Page 6-lines 16 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 7-lines 1 through 7 Delete entirely.

Renumber as necessary.


3/2/2011 S Appointed JCC02 Members

Senator(s) Scott, Jennings, Nutting

3/3/2011 H Appointed JCC02 Members

Representative(s) Harvey, Edmonds, Gingery

3/3/2011 H Adopted HB0050JC02


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Edmonds, Gay, Kroeker, Peasley and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Berger, Greear, Illoway, Miller and Pederson

Ayes 49 Nays 6 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/3/2011 S Adopted HB0050JC02


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Jennings and Perkins

Excused: Senator(s) Geis

Ayes 26 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:



Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:

Page 1-line 7 Delete "appropriations" insert "an appropriation".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)".

Page 3-line 19 After "governor." insert "The governor shall appoint two (2) co-chairmen for the steering committee.".

Page 5-line 13 After "repealed;" insert "and".

Page 5-lines 15 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 6-line 3 Delete ";" insert ".".

Page 6-lines 4 through 10 Delete entirely.

Page 6-lines 16 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 7-lines 1 through 7 Delete entirely.

Renumber as necessary.


3/3/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0102

3/3/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0102

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0102

3/10/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0102

3/10/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0195 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0051 |Industrial and energy development protection. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wallis and Burkhart and Senator(s) Driskill and Jennings

AN ACT relating to industrial and energy development; imposing restrictions on the filing of civil actions as specified; requiring a surety bond of the party filing a court action as specified; providing for distribution of the surety bond proceeds as specified; imposing restrictions on administrative appeals as specified; providing damages as specified; providing definitions; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0052 |Charter school restriction. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wallis, Edmonds and Teeters and Senator(s) Nutting

AN ACT relating to education; repealing and modifying restrictions relating to the establishment of a charter school; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/25/2011 H04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File

1/26/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 1 After "repealing" insert "and modifying"; delete "upon" insert "relating to".

Page 1-after line 5 Insert:

"Section 1. W.S. 21-3-303(e) is amended to read:

21-3-303. Charter school prohibitions.

(e)  For applications filed on and after July 1, 2007, a charter application shall not be considered from any person, group or organization that has previously filed a charter application within a twelve (12) six (6) month period and the application was subsequently denied. Computation of the twelve (12) six (6) month period under this subsection shall begin on the date the denied application was filed with the district board.".

Page 1-line 7 After "21-3-303" insert "(a)".

Renumber as necessary. HARSHMAN

1/27/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Delete the Harshman second reading amendment (HB0052H2001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 2 After "school" insert "as specified".

Page 1-line 7 After "21-3-303" insert "(a) through (c) and (e)". KROEKER

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Byrd, Greear, McKim, McOmie and Patton

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 50 Nays 6 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/4/2011 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Coe, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0053 |Wyoming lottery for education. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wallis, Byrd, Craft, Pedersen and Shepperson and Senator(s) Schiffer

AN ACT relating to lotteries; creating the Wyoming lottery corporation; providing for membership of the board; providing legislative declarations; providing definitions; providing powers and duties; providing for rules and regulations; providing for use of proceeds for educational and other purposes; providing limitations on retailers; providing for criminal offenses and penalties; providing for pari-mutuel permits; amending a definition; providing for background checks; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/21/2011 H Rereferred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/2/2011 H Postponed Until July 1, 2011 in Accordance with HR 4-3


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0054 |Hobby firearm dealers. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Cannady, Jaggi, Lubnau and Quarberg and Senator(s) Case and Meier

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing a sales and use tax exemption for occasional sales of firearms as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0055 |Executive orders. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wallis, Davison and Shepperson and Senator(s) Case and Jennings

AN ACT relating to administration of government; providing a process for issuance of executive orders and proclamations of the governor; specifying requirements for executive orders and proclamations; applying the provisions of the Wyoming Regulatory Takings Act to executive orders and proclamations; declaring previously issued executive orders and proclamations void; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0056 |Plaintiffs in wrongful death actions. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Greear and Lubnau

AN ACT relating to civil procedure; amending and clarifying who may initiate a wrongful death action and who may benefit from such action; specifying procedures for establishing potential beneficiaries in wrongful death actions; providing for applicability of the act; and providing for an effective date.

12/30/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 0 Nays 9 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0057 |Feral livestock. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to feral livestock; amending a definition; providing for the owner of feral livestock to pay the costs and expenses of feral livestock; providing a penalty; providing a conforming amendment; repealing one definition of livestock; and providing for an effective date.

12/30/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

1/13/2011 H05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/13/2011 H Placed on General File

1/14/2011 H Passed CoW

1/17/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/18/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/2/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 10 After "11-48-102" insert "(a) and".

Page 2-after line 22 Insert:

"(a)  Before any livestock can be declared feral, a reasonable attempt shall be made by the director or the state veterinarian to locate and identify the owner of the livestock and to notify the owner to take possession of the livestock. If the owner repeatedly refuses to take possession of the livestock, he shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (g) of this section.". SCHIFFER

2/8/2011 S Passed CoW

2/9/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/10/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/11/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Greear and Shepperson

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0010

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0010

2/14/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0010

2/17/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0010

2/17/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0021 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0058 |Animals running at large. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to animals running at large; expanding authority of county commissioners to declare livestock and feral livestock a public nuisance; and providing for an effective date.

12/30/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

1/13/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/13/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 1 Delete "and".

Page 2-line 2 Delete "(iv)".

Page 2-line 9 After "has" insert "repeatedly".

Page 2-line 11 After "large" insert "in areas where they are not authorized by law including by lease or permit". SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 3 After "nuisance;" insert "modifying definitions;".

Page 1-line 8 Delete "is" insert "and 11-6-302(a)(vi) are".

Page 1-After line 8 Insert:

"11-6-302. Definitions.

(a)  As used in this article:

(vi)  "Livestock" means horses, mules, cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, guard animals, yaks or any other animal maintained under domestication. Bison are considered livestock unless otherwise designated by the Wyoming livestock board and the Wyoming game and fish commission;". ZWONITZER, DN.

1/14/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Kasperik, Krone, Loucks, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Semlek, Stubson, Throne and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Childers, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Goggles, Lockhart and Wallis

Ayes 23 Nays 33 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0059 |Renewable resources electricity-tax exemption. |

Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; extending the sales and use tax exemption for sales of equipment used to generate electricity from renewable resources with a rating capacity of not more than twenty-five (25) kilowatts; and providing for an effective date.

12/30/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

1/14/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Petersen and Semlek

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Madden, Miller and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 2 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0060 |Taxation of oil and gas field services. |

Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for the imposition of sales tax on services and tangible personal property used within an oil or gas well site as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/30/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/14/2011 H03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Madden, Miller, Petersen, Semlek and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2011 H Placed on General File

1/14/2011 H Passed CoW

1/17/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/18/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/1/2011 S03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Emerich, Hines and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 S Placed on General File

2/8/2011 S Passed CoW

2/9/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/10/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0004

2/11/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0004

2/11/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0004

2/15/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0004

2/15/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0004 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0061 |Omnibus water bill-planning. |

Sponsored By: Select Water Committee

AN ACT relating to water development projects; authorizing specified Level I and Level II studies and providing appropriations; requiring reports; providing for reversion of unexpended funds; authorizing unobligated funds to be used to complete other designated project studies under certain conditions; and providing for an effective date.

1/3/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

1/20/2011 H05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 H Placed on General File

1/20/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/26/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File

1/28/2011 H Passed CoW

1/31/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/1/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Byrd and Edmonds

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/1/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/4/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Placed on General File

2/8/2011 S Passed CoW

2/9/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/10/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0005

2/11/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0005

2/11/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0005

2/15/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0005

2/15/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0001 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0062 |Wyoming Controlled Substances Act-amendments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Senator(s) Perkins and Ross

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act; conforming punctuation and spelling in the act to terminology in federal law; adding and deleting substances in the various schedules of the act as specified; amending registration requirements as specified; amending methamphetamine precursor sales restrictions to match federal requirements; authorizing a person to sign a consent for a third party to receive prescription tracking reports; specifying applicability of new registration requirements; and providing for an effective date.

1/3/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/19/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Peasley

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 9 Delete "35-7-1059(g)(i)" insert "35-7-1059(g)(intro), (i) and".

Page 2-line 10 Delete "and (h)" insert ", (h) and (p)".

Page 12-line 10 Strike "nonliquid".

Page 12-line 11 After "drugs" strike balance of line.

Page 12-line 12 Strike line through "ingredient".

Page 12-line 16 Delete "a daily amount of".

Page 12-line 17 After "grams" insert "per calendar day".

Page 12-line 23 Delete "Sales not to exceed" insert "No person shall obtain more than".

Page 13-after line 22 Insert:

"(p)  For purposes of this section, "methamphetamine precursor drug" means nonliquid any product that contains ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine or liquid products with ephedrine or pseudoephedrine as the sole active ingredient and may be marketed or distributed lawfully in the United States under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act as a nonprescription drug.". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/20/2011 H Passed CoW

1/21/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 7 Delete "specifying penalties;".

Page 12-line 13 Strike "to" insert "as follows".

Page 12-line 15 Strike "Sales".

Page 12-lines 16 and 17 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0062HS001/A) to these lines; delete all new language and strike all existing language and insert "No person shall obtain more than a total of three and six tenths (3.6) grams per calendar day, regardless of the number of".

Page 12-line 18 After "transactions" insert ",".

Page 12-After line 21 Insert:

"(ii)  All sales in blister packs, each blister containing shall contain not more than two (2) dosage units or, when the use of blister packs is not technically feasible, sales shall be in unit dose packets or pouches;.".

Page 13-line 7 Strike "as described in".

Page 13-line 8 Strike "subsection (g) of this section" insert "of a product containing methamphetamine precursor drugs.". BROWN

1/24/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Connolly, Gay and Loucks

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 55 Nays 4 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/4/2011 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 15 Delete "and (xxxvi)" insert "through (xlii)".

Page 4-line 4 Delete "." insert ";".

Page 4-after line 4 Insert:

" (xxxvii)  3,4-Methylenedioxymethcathinone(other names: Methylone);

(xxxviii)  3,4–Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV);

(xxxix)  4–Methylmethcathinone (other names Mephedrone);

(xl)  3–Methoxymethcathinone;

(xli)  3–Fluoromethcathinone;

(xlii)  4–Fluoromethcathinone.".

Page 12-line 23 and 24 Delete.

Page 13-lines 1 and 2 Delete. PERKINS, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 15 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0062SS001/A) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "and (xxxvi)" insert "through "(xli)".

Page 3-lines 9 through 23 Delete and renumber including in the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0062SS001/A) .

Page 4-lines 1 and 2 Delete and renumber. ESQUIBEL, ROSS

2/11/2011 S Passed CoW

2/14/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/15/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/16/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Gay

Excused: Representative(s) Childers and Davison

Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0024

2/16/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0024

2/16/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0024

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0024

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0045 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0063 |Subdivisions-water study. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Madden and Senator(s) Bebout and Case

AN ACT relating to subdivisions; providing for submission of report of study results involving water rights and plans for resolution of water rights conflicts as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/25/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 1 Reinsert stricken "mitigation".

Page 3-line 2 Delete "resolution".

Page 3-line 5 Delete "subsequently"; delete "by a more".

Page 3-line 6 Delete line through "analysis".

Page 3-line 21 Reinsert stricken "mitigation"

Page 3-line 22 Delete "resolution".

Page 4-line 1 Delete "subsequently"; delete "by a more".

Page 4-line 2 Delete line through "analysis". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/26/2011 H Passed CoW

1/27/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 2-line 9 After "study" insert "results".

Page 2-line 14 Delete new language.

Page 3-line 11 Delete new language. MADDEN

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/10/2011 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 20 After "will" insert "likely".

Page 3-line 2 After "will" insert "likely".

Page 3-line 14 After "will" insert "likely".

Page 3-line 20 After "will" insert "likely". CASE, CHAIRMAN

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/22/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Greear, Kasperik and Pederson

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0039

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0039

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0039

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0039

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0101 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0064 |Property disclosure statement. |

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to property disclosure statements; providing for notification in transfers involving property adjacent to vacant land; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison

Ayes 0 Nays 8 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0065 |Marital counseling. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan, Brechtel and Petersen and Senator(s) Dockstader and Ross

AN ACT relating to marriage; requiring premarital counseling before a couple may obtain a marriage license as specified; providing a waiting period before issuance of a marriage license for parties who fail to complete premarital counseling as specified; requiring marital counseling before a married couple may obtain a divorce decree as specified; providing a waiting period before issuance of a divorce decree for parties who fail to complete court ordered marital counseling as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

1/28/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Gingery, Harvey, Miller and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Greene and Hunt

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0066 |Water development projects-funding. |

Sponsored By: Select Water Committee

AN ACT relating to water development; providing for the funding of specified water projects; creating an account; specifying use of the account; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

1/20/2011 H05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 H Placed on General File

1/25/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/27/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/9/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Placed on General File

2/11/2011 S Passed CoW

2/14/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/15/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0018

2/15/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0018

2/16/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0018

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0018

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0035 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0067 |Circuit court magistrates-elimination. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery

AN ACT relating to circuit courts; eliminating full-time circuit court magistrates as specified; repealing and amending provisions relating to full-time circuit court magistrates; authorizing currently appointed full-time magistrates to complete their terms of appointment; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 0 Nays 9 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0068 |Violent felony definition expansion. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan, Barbuto, Gay, Gingery, Lubnau and Throne and Senator(s) Hastert, Martin and Ross

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; expanding the definition of violent felony; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/20/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 7 Delete ", 6-8-102".

Page 2-line 2 Delete all new language.

Page 2-line 3 Delete "or" insert ", 6-5-204(c) or 6-2-508(b)".

Page 2-line 4 Delete all new language.

Page 2-lines 6 through 15 Delete entirely.

Page 3-line 1 Delete ", terroristic threat,".

Page 3-line 2 Delete "or 6-5-204(b)" insert ", 6-5-204(c) or 6-2-508(b)". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/21/2011 H Passed CoW

1/24/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/25/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Goggles

Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/2/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Placed on General File

2/9/2011 S Laid Back Without Prejudice


Page 2-line 3 After "6-2-315(a)(ii)" delete ", 6-3-111, 6-5-204(c) or 6-2-508(b)" and insert ", 6-2-106(b), 6-2-302(a)(i) or (ii), 6-2-303(a)(i) or (vii), 6-2-501(f), 6-2-508(b) or (e), 6-3-111, 6-5-204(b) or (c), 6-5-207, 6-5-209 or 6-8-101".

Page 2-line 13 Delete "6-3-111," and insert "6-2-314(a)(i), 6-2-315(a)(ii), 6-2-106(b), 6-2-302(a)(i) or (ii), 6-2-303(a)(i) or (vii), 6-2-501(f), 6-2-508(b) or (e), 6-3-111, 6-5-204(b) or (c), 6-5-207, 6-5-209 or 6-8-101".

Page 2-line 14 Delete "6-5-204(c) or 6-2-508(b)". PERKINS

2/9/2011 S Passed CoW

2/10/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/11/2011 S Laid Back Without Prejudice

2/14/2011 S Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Jennings, Johnson, Martin, Meier, Nutting, Perkins, Rothfuss and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Hines, Landen, Nicholas, P., Peterson, Ross, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 13 Nays 17 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0069 |Prescriptions for marihuana invalid. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan, Gingery, Lubnau, Petersen, Stubson and Throne and Senator(s) Dockstader and Ross

AN ACT relating to controlled substances; prohibiting prescriptions for and dispensing of marihuana; providing that prescriptions for marihuana are not valid; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/20/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1 line 1 After "substances;" insert "prohibiting prescriptions for and dispensing of marihuana;".

Page 2-line 2 Delete all new language; after "act." insert "With the exception of dronabinol as listed in W.S. 35-7-1018(h), and notwithstanding any other provision of this act, no practitioner shall dispense or prescribe marihuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, or synthetic equivalents of marihuana or tetrahydrocannabinol and no prescription or practitioner's order for marihuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, or synthetic equivalents of marihuana or tetrahydrocannabinol shall be valid.".

Page 2-lines 3 through 5 Delete all new language. BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/21/2011 H Passed CoW

1/24/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/25/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly and Loucks

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Goggles

Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/8/2011 S Rereferred to S06

2/10/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill and Esquibel, F.

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Hastert and Rothfuss

Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0028

2/18/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0028

2/22/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0028

2/24/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0028

2/24/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0066 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0070 |Eminent domain-wind energy facilities & collector systems-2. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brown

AN ACT relating to condemnation; limiting the exercise of the power of condemnation for commercial facilities generating electricity from wind and for associated collector systems; providing compensation standards for condemned property as specified; requiring proof of compliance; repealing an existing moratorium; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0071 |Seat belts-evidence in civil actions. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Stubson, Berger, Brown, Illoway and Roscoe and Senator(s) Case and Dockstader

AN ACT relating to the regulation of traffic on highways and civil actions; allowing a person's failure to wear a safety belt to be admissible evidence in civil actions; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Greene, Krone and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Cannady, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0072 |Teacher merit pay. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Madden and Teeters and Senator(s) Coe and Landen

AN ACT relating to education; creating a special committee to develop recommendations regarding a teacher merit pay plan; requiring a report; providing appropriations; providing for contingent repeal of the committee and transfer of the committee's functions; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/17/2011 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 3 Delete "program" insert "plan".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "may" insert "shall".

Page 2-line 1 After "staff" insert ", representatives of school district boards and teachers".

Page 2-line 5 Delete "any" insert "the".

Page 2-after line 15 Insert: "(ii) Whether a merit pay plan should be implemented;"

Page 2-line 17 Delete "(ii)" insert "(iii)".

Page 2-line 23 Delete "(iii)" insert "(iv)". TEETERS, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 4 After "report;" insert "providing an appropriation;".

Page 1-lines 14 and 15 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0072HS001/AC) to these lines.

Page 2-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0072HS001/AC) to these lines; insert:

"(b)  The state superintendent shall form a special committee which shall include school district administrators and staff, representatives of school district boards, teachers and two (2) legislative members, in the development of recommendations under this section. The legislative members shall be a senator appointed by the president of the senate and a representative appointed by the speaker of the house. The legislative members shall receive salary and reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties on the committee as provided in W.S. 28-5-101.".

Page 3-after line 5 Insert:

"Section 2. There is appropriated five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) from the general fund to the legislative service office for the salary, per diem and travel for the legislative members of the special committee. Any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2012.".

Page 3-line 7 Delete "Section 2." insert "Section 3." TEETERS, MADDEN

1/18/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 1 Delete "the state superintendent of public".

Page 1-line 2 Delete entirely; insert "education; creating a special committee to develop".

Page 1-line 10 After "(a)" delete balance of the line.

Page 1-line 11 Delete "shall" insert "There is created a committee to".

Page 1-lines 14 and 15 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0072HS001/AC) and the Teeters, et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB0072HW001/A) to these lines.

Page 2-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0072HS001/AC) and the Teeters, et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB0072HW001/A) to these lines.

Page 2-After line 2 Insert:

"(b)  The committee shall consist of two (2) senators appointed by the president of the senate, two (2) representatives appointed by the speaker of the house, one (1) member of a school board, one (1) school administrator and one (1) teacher. The nonlegislative members shall be appointed by the governor. The legislative members shall receive salary and reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties on the commission, as provided in W.S. 28-5-101.".

Page 2-line 5 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0072HS001/AC) to this line; delete the line through "special" insert "the".

Page 3-line 2 Delete "state superintendent" insert "committee".

Page 3-after line 5 In the Teeters, et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB0072HW001/A), in section 2 created by that amendment delete "five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)" insert "ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00)". HARSHMAN

1/19/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 2-After line 2 In the Harshman second reading amendment (HB0072H2001/A) to this line delete "commission" insert "committee"; After "28-5-101." insert "The committee shall be staffed by the legislative service office.". HARSHMAN


Delete the Harshman third reading amendment (HB0072H3001/A) entirely.

Page 1-line 4 Before "and" insert "providing for contingent repeal of the committee and transfer of the committee's functions;".

Page 2-After line 2 Delete the Harshman second reading amendment (HB0072H2001/A) to this line; insert:

"(b)  The committee shall consist of the senate education committee chairman, one (1) additional senator appointed by the president of the senate, the house education committee chairman, one (1) additional representative appointed by the speaker of the house, one (1) member of a school board, one (1) school administrator and one (1) teacher. The nonlegislative members shall be appointed by the governor. The legislative members shall receive salary and reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties on the committee, as provided in W.S. 28-5-101. The committee shall be staffed by the legislative service office.".

Page 3-Before line 7 Insert:

"Section 3.

(a)  If 2011 Senate File 70 is enacted into law:

(i)  The committee created by this act shall not be formed and the duties of the committee shall be assumed by the select committee on education accountability established by Senate File 70;

(ii)  The select committee may seek advice from the advisory committee created by Senate File 70 as it determines appropriate in carrying out its duties under this act;

(iii)  The appropriation in section 2 of this act may be expended for salaries, per diem and travel of the select committee members in the performance of their duties.".

Renumber as necessary. TEETERS


Delete the Harshman third reading amendment (HB0072H3001/A) entirely.

Page 1-line 4 In the Teeters, et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB0072HW001/A) to this line delete "an appropriation" insert "appropriations".

Page 2-After line 2 In the Teeters third reading amendment (HB0072H3002/A) to this line: After "school administrator" insert ", one (1) parent".

Page 2-After line 24 Insert:

"(e)  The committee may, with the approval of management council, contract with private sector consultants with expertise in human resource optimization, the use of merit based compensation and the establishment of objective evaluation systems to drive excellence to assist the committee with developing recommendations under this section.".

Page 3-line 2 Delete "(e)" insert "(f)".

Page 3-after line 5 Delete the Teeters, et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB0072HW001/A) to this line; delete the Harshman second reading amendment (HB0072H2001/A) to this line; insert:

"Section 2.

(a)  There is appropriated fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) from the school foundation account to the legislative service office to contract with private sector consultants as provided in subsection 1(e) of this act.

(b)  There is appropriated ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) from the general fund to the legislative service office for the salary, per diem and travel for the legislative members of the special committee.

(c)  Any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from these appropriations shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2012.".

Page 3-Before line 7 In the Teeters third reading amendment (HB0072H3002/A) to this line, delete paragraph (iii) and insert:

"(iii)  The appropriation in subsection 2(b) of this act may be expended for salaries, per diem and travel of the select committee members in the performance of their duties;

(iv)  The appropriation in subsection 2(a) of this act may be expended by the select committee to contract with private sector consultants as provided in subsection 1(e) of this act.". WALLIS


Page 2-After line 2 In the Teeters third reading amendment (HB0072H3002/A) to this line: delete "governor" insert "state superintendent of public instruction". KROEKER

1/20/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd, Madden and Patton

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 56 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/9/2011 S04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Nays: Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/15/2011 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Meier

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0073 |Dental services freedom bill. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Pedersen, Edmonds, Teeters and Wallis and Senator(s) Ross

AN ACT relating to insurance; prohibiting fee schedules in health and dental insurance policies for noncovered services as specified; providing a definition; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/20/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Absent: Representative(s) Barbuto

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-lines 14 through 16 Delete entirely and insert:

"(a)  No person or entity contracting with dentists to provide coverage or reimbursement for dental services may require a dentist to provide services at a fee set by the contract, a policy or a certificate unless the services are covered services by the terms of the contract, policy or certificate."

Page 2-lines 1 through 4 Delete entirely. HARVEY, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-lines 14 through 16 In the standing committee amendment (HB0073HS001/A) to these lines: delete "may" insert "shall". PEDERSEN, HARVEY

1/24/2011 H Passed CoW

1/25/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/26/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/18/2011 S10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting and Schiffer

Nays: Senator(s) Scott

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Scott

Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0048

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0048

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0048

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0048

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0107 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0074 |Validity of marriages. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Petersen, Brechtel, Buchanan, Gay, Hunt, Kroeker, Lubnau, Quarberg and Teeters and Senator(s) Geis, Hicks and Nutting

AN ACT relating to marriage; providing that marriages other than of a male and a female person are void; providing that marriages between more than two parties are void;

1/6/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/18/2011 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly and Freeman

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 4 Delete "state or"; strike "country" insert "jurisdiction".

Page 3-line 2 Delete "July 1, 2011" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". TEETERS, CHAIRMAN

1/20/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 5 Delete "legal union" insert "civil union or marriage".

Page 2-line 21 After "domestic" strike balance of the line and insert "civil union or marriage".

Page 2-line 22 Delete "otherwise,". GINGERY


Page 2-line 1 Delete "Foreign marriages." insert "Out of state marriages.".

Page 2-line 3 Before "All" insert "(a)"; strike "by the laws of the".

Page 2-line 4 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0074HS001/A) to this line; delete "state or"; strike "country" insert "under the authority of the foreign nation".

Page 2-after line 6 Insert:

"(b)  All marriage contracts which are valid under the authority of a state, commonwealth, territory, district or possession of the United States are valid in this state provided that such marriage contracts are between a male and a female person." GINGERY


Page 1-line 2 Delete "providing that".

Page 1-line 3 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 6 After "person" delete balance of the line.

Page 1-line 7 Delete line through "contract".

Page 1-line 13 Delete line through "(v)" and insert "a new paragraph (iv)".

Page 2-line 15 Delete "person; or" insert "person.".

Page 2-lines 17 and 18 Delete entirely.

Page 2-line 23 After "person" insert "." and delete balance of the line.

Page 2-line 24 Delete entirely. ZWONITZER, DN.

1/21/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Delete the Gingery second reading amendment (HB0074H2001/A).

Further amend as follows:

Page 1-lines 4 through 6 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 7 Delete the line through "contract;" insert "providing that marriages and domestic civil unions which would be void if contracted in Wyoming shall not be given effect in Wyoming;".

Page 2-lines 20 through 24 Delete entirely; insert:

"(h)  A party to a domestic civil union or marriage which would be void under subsection (a) of this section if contracted as a marriage in Wyoming, shall not be entitled to the legal obligations, responsibilities, protections or benefits afforded or recognized by the law of Wyoming to married persons and spouses, whether they derive from statute, administrative rule, policy, common law or any other source of civil or criminal law.". LUBNAU

1/24/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Miller, Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Stubson and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Bonner, Brown, Byrd, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greene, Illoway, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 32 Nays 27 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/4/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Geis and Hicks

Nays: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Placed on General File

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 1-line 6 After "Wyoming;" insert "providing for informational signage as specified; providing an appropriation;".

Page 3-after line 8 Insert and renumber:

"Section 2.  There is appropriated two hundred thousand dollars from the general fund to the department of transportation. This appropriation shall be for the period beginning with the effective date of this act and ending June 30, 2012. This appropriation shall only be expended for the purpose of erecting informational signs at the entrance to Wyoming along all major highways and in all airports, stating, "Warning: your marriage or civil union may be void or voidable in Wyoming. Proceed with extreme caution." Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose and any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2012. This appropriation shall not be included in the department's 2013-2014 standard biennial budget request.".

Page 3-line 10 Delete "2" insert "3". CASE


Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 0 Nays 30 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Page 1-line 1 After "marriage;" delete balance of line.

Page 1-line 2 Delete.

Page 1-line 3 Delete through "void;".

Page 1-line 4 Delete "and domestic civil unions".

Page 1-line 10 After "20-1-111" delete balance of line.

Page 1-line 11 Delete.

Page 1-line 12 Delete "subsection (h) are" insert "is".

Page 2-lines 13 through 23 Delete.

Page 3-lines 1 through 8 Delete. MEIER, PERKINS

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-lines 4 and 5 Delete including the Meier Second Reading Amendment (HB0074S2002/AE) to these lines and insert "that Wyoming recognizes as valid marriage contracts entered into in foreign jurisdictions between a man and a woman;".

Page 1-line 6 Delete "Wyoming;". MEIER


Delete the Meier Second Reading Amendment (HB0074S2002/AE) and the Meier Third Reading Amendment (HB0074S3001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 3 After "providing" insert "for validity and recognition of domestic and other legal civil unions other than marriage;".

Page 1-lines 4 and 5 Delete.

Page 1-line 6 Delete "Wyoming;".

Page 1-line 10 After "20-1-111" delete balance of line.

Page 1-line 11 Delete.

Page 1-line 12 Delete "subsection (h) are" insert "is".

Page 1-line 14 After "marriages" insert "; other legal civil unions".

Page 2-After line 11 Insert:

"(c)  A party to a domestic or other legal civil union other than marriage, lawfully entered into in Wyoming or another state, commonwealth, territory, district or possession of the United States or a foreign nation, shall be entitled to the legal obligations, responsibilities, protections and benefits afforded or recognized by the laws of Wyoming to married persons and spouses.".

Page 2-lines 13 through 23 Delete.

Page 3-lines 1 through 8 Delete. DRISKILL, ROTHFUSS


Delete the Meier Second Reading Amendment (HB0074S2002/AE), the Meier Third Reading Amendment (HB0074S3001/AE) and the Driskill Third Reading Amendment (HB0074S3002/AE) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 3 After "providing" insert "for access to the state's courts for purposes of disputes arising out of domestic and other legal civil unions entered into in foreign jurisdictions;".

Page 1-lines 4 and 5 Delete.

Page 1-line 6 Delete "Wyoming;".

Page 1-line 10 After "20-1-111" delete balance of line.

Page 1-line 11 Delete.

Page 1-line 12 Delete "subsection (h) are" insert "is".

Page 1-line 14 After "marriages" insert "; other legal civil unions".

Page 2-After line 11 Insert:

"(c)  Parties to a domestic or other legal civil union lawfully entered into in another state, commonwealth, territory, district or possession of the United States or a foreign nation, which are not recognized as a marriage under the laws of Wyoming, shall be entitled to access to the courts of the state for the purposes or resolving disputes that arise out of their domestic or other legal civil union.".

Page 2-lines 13 through 23 Delete.

Page 3-lines 1 through 8 Delete. DRISKILL, ROTHFUSS, NICHOLAS

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Cooper, Dockstader, Geis, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Meier, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson and Ross

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Martin, Nicholas, P., Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 16 Nays 14 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/22/2011 H Did Not Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Esquibel, K., Goggles, Madden, Patton and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Kasperik and Pederson

Ayes 7 Nays 50 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Edmonds, Kroeker, Roscoe

2/23/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Hicks, Esquibel, F., Nutting

3/2/2011 H Adopted HB0074JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Miller, Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Stubson and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Bonner, Brown, Byrd, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Illoway, Kasperik, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 31 Nays 28 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 S Did Not Adopt HB0074JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Cooper, Dockstader, Geis, Hicks, Jennings, Johnson, Meier, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson and Ross

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hines, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 14 Nays 16 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:




Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:

Page 1-line 1 Delete "marriages other" insert "marriage contracts which are valid in the jurisdiction in which they are contracted are valid in Wyoming provided such marriage contracts are between a male and a female person;".

Page 1-lines 2 through 5 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 6 Delete "Wyoming;".

Page 1-line 10 After "20-1-111" delete the balance of the line.

Page 1-line 11 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 12 Delete "subsection (h) are" insert "is".

Page 2-lines 13 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 3-lines 1 through 8 Delete entirely.


3/3/2011 H Indefinitely Postponed

|H.B. No. 0075 |Victim notification amendments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Brown, Buchanan, Connolly, Davison, Gingery, Lubnau, Petersen and Throne and Senator(s) Anderson, Esquibel, F., Ross and Rothfuss

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; modifying provisions requiring medical examinations for sexually transmitted diseases of persons accused of a sex offense and crimes involving an exchange of bodily fluid; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/19/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2011 H Placed on General File

1/24/2011 H Passed CoW

1/25/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/26/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/7/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Excused: Senator(s) Burns

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Placed on General File

2/9/2011 S Passed CoW

2/10/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/11/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0007

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0007

2/14/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0007

2/17/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0007

2/17/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0017 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0076 |Game and fish-turkey pioneer licenses. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Barbuto, Brown, Childers, Freeman, Harvey, Jaggi, Patton, Petersen and Shepperson and Senator(s) Driskill, Geis and Hicks

AN ACT relating to game and fish; providing for reduced price turkey licenses as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06

1/17/2011 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Davison, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 2 Strike "or" insert ","; after "antelope" insert "or wild turkey".

Page 2-line 3 Delete all new language. McOMIE, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 56 Nays 1 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S06

2/1/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Dockstader, Driskill and Esquibel, F.

Excused: Senator(s) Christensen

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Passed CoW

2/11/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/14/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Bebout, Case, Coe, Dockstader, Johnson, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0013

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0013

2/15/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0013

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0013

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0028 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0077 |Disabled veteran's license plate-handicapped parking. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Botten, Byrd, McOmie and Moniz and Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Johnson, Meier and Nutting

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; authorizing persons who have been issued disabled veteran's license plates to park in handicapped parking spaces as specified; conforming provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/15/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten and Cannady

Nays: Representative(s) McKim, Petersen, Quarberg, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0078 |Railroad quiet zones. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan

AN ACT relating to railroads and public highway crossings; providing for the transportation commission to administer a program for the establishment of railroad quiet zones in the vicinity of grade crossings in populated areas as specified; creating a subaccount within the highway fund; providing for a matching grant program; requiring a report; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/7/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction; No Further Action Prior to CoW Cutoff

|H.B. No. 0079 |Establishment of private roads. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan, Botten and Brown

AN ACT relating to establishment of private roads; requiring notice of proposed alternative routes; amending time periods; and providing for an effective date.

1/7/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/20/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 5 Delete "twenty (20)" insert "forty-five (45)".

Page 2-line 6 After "notice" insert "by certified mail with return receipt requested,". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/21/2011 H Passed CoW

1/24/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 2-line 12 Delete "forty-five (45)" insert "eighty-five 85".

Page 2-line 18 After "scheduled" strike balance of the line; insert "not sooner than one hundred forty-five (145) days after the filing of the application with the board.".

Page 2-lines 19 and 20 Strike entirely.

Page 3-line 10 Strike "sixty (60)" insert "forty-five (45)".

Page 3-line 17 Strike "sixty (60)" insert "forty-five (45)". BROWN

1/25/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Goggles

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/7/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Excused: Senator(s) Burns

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 21 After "days" insert "nor later than one hundred eighty (180) days". COOPER

2/11/2011 S Passed CoW

2/14/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/15/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0019

2/15/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0019

2/16/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0019

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0019

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0046 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0080 |Service of process in family violence and stalking cases. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Davison, Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Craft, Harvey, Jaggi, Lubnau, McKim, Quarberg, Throne and Wallis and Senator(s) Cooper, Dockstader and Peterson

AN ACT relating to service of process; requiring in-state and out-of-state service of specified documents in family violence and stalking cases; and providing for an effective date.

1/7/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/20/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 H Placed on General File

1/21/2011 H Passed CoW

1/24/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/25/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Goggles.

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/14/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 S Placed on General File

2/17/2011 S Passed CoW

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0035

2/22/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0035

2/23/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0035

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0035

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0108 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0081 |Vacant land. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv., Davison and Vranish and Senator(s) Ross

AN ACT relating to property; defining vacant land for purposes of property disclosures; and providing for an effective date.

1/7/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/21/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe and Stubson

Nays: Representative(s) Illoway, Jaggi and Shepperson

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 15 Delete "permanently".

Page 1-line 16 Delete "affixed to the land". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2011 H Passed CoW

1/25/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/26/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Eklund, Hunt, Lubnau, Peasley and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 52 Nays 6 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/10/2011 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 15 Delete "and".

Page 2-line 2 Delete "." insert "; and".

Page 2-after line 2 Insert:

"(iii)  Less than one hundred sixty (160) acres.". CASE, CHAIRMAN

2/17/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 2-after line 2 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0081SS001/AE) to this line and insert:

"(iii)  Less than one hundred forty (140) acres.". MEIER

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/23/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Kasperik, Lockhart and Pederson

Ayes 54 Nays 2 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0046

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0046

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0046

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0046

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0124 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0082 |Unfair employment practices. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Byrd and Connolly and Senator(s) Hastert

AN ACT relating to fair employment practices; providing that discriminatory and unfair employment practices include retaliatory acts as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/21/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Peasley

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 H Placed on General File

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Loucks, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Stubson, Teeters and Vranish

Ayes 30 Nays 30 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0083 |Veterans' property tax exemption. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Byrd, Botten and Vranish and Senator(s) Burns

AN ACT relating to property taxes; extending property and vehicle tax exemptions for veterans to full time active duty military personnel; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

1/26/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Madden, Miller, Petersen and Semlek

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 1 Nays 7 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0084 |Severance tax distributions. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Steward and Krone and Senator(s) Case and Cooper

AN ACT relating to severance tax distributions; increasing the total amount of severance taxes distributed under an existing statutory formula; reducing the state general fund portion of existing distribution and redistributing those monies to local governmental entities receiving funds under the existing formula; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Campbell, Miller, Semlek and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Childers, Madden and Petersen

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 4 Nays 4 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0085 |Teacher suspensions. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) McKim, Davison, Jaggi, McOmie and Teeters and Senator(s) Dockstader

AN ACT relating to teacher contracts; revising the process for suspension of teachers; requiring an investigation as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/27/2011 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File


That Substitute No. 1 for HB0085 DO Pass. TEETERS, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd and Miller

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/3/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0086 |Compulsory school attendance. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Kroeker and Teeters and Senator(s) Dockstader

AN ACT relating to compulsory school attendance; clarifying application of parental consent to child's withdrawal from school attendance; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/17/2011 H04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/18/2011 H Passed CoW

1/19/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/20/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Gay and Goggles

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/4/2011 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Coe, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0087 |Obsolete laws-general revisions. |

Sponsored By: Management Council

AN ACT relating to the general revision of laws; amending archaic and obsolete provisions; correcting and updating references; conforming provisions to previous enactments; repealing provisions held to be unconstitutional; repealing fully executed and otherwise archaic or obsolete provisions; amending the duties of the legislative service office by authorizing deletion of obsolete date references from compiled laws; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H12

1/17/2011 H12 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Connolly, Craft, Gingery, Illoway, Lubnau, Patton, Quarberg, Shepperson, Stubson and Throne

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 12 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S12

2/17/2011 S12 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Hastert, Martin, Nicholas, P. and Ross

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0060

2/25/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0060

2/25/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0060

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0060

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0129 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0088 |Guides and outfitters. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) McOmie and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to the guides and outfitters and the Wyoming board of outfitters; providing definitions relating to guide and outfitting services; clarifying the board's authority to investigate and issue citations; expanding the board's authority to take disciplinary action against licensees; requiring complainants to cooperate with the board; specifying additional requirements relating to guide and outfitting services; revising penalties; providing for the loss of hunting privileges; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/21/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-lines 17 through 20 Delete entirely and renumber as necessary.

Page 2-line 23 Delete "of any".

Page 3-line 1 Delete "kind".

Page 3-line 2 After "animal" insert "except as provided in W.S. 23-2-401(c)".

Page 3-line 6 Strike "or remuneration" insert "for the purpose of financial gain in order".

Page 5-line 1 Delete "pursue,".

Page 5-line 2 Delete "pursue,".

Page 5-line 24 After "." Insert "This subsection shall not apply to landowners as defined in W.S. 23-2-406(a)(iii)(B).". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2011 H Passed CoW

1/25/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/26/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Quarberg and Stubson

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/8/2011 S Rereferred to S06

2/10/2011 S06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill and Esquibel, F.

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 3 After "services;" delete balance of line.

Page 1-line 4 Delete "members;".

Page 1-line 15 Delete "23-2-408(b),".

Page 4-line 1 Before "business" insert "outfitting".

Page 4-line 2 Before "business" insert "outfitting".

Page 5-line 8 After "packing services" insert "for the purpose of taking any big or trophy game animal".

Page 5-lines 19 through 24 Delete.

Page 6-lines 1 through 8 Delete. BURNS, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 9 After "services;" insert "revising penalties;".

Page 1-line 14 After "W.S." insert "23-2-401(b),"

Page 2-line 2 After "23-2-417" delete "(b)".

Page 2-after line 2 Insert:

"23-2-401.  Guides required; exceptions; issuance of resident guide license.

(b)  Any resident possessing a valid resident big or trophy game animal license may apply for and receive a resident guide license. The resident guide license shall be issued without charge or bond by the commission, any district supervisor or resident game warden upon receipt of an affidavit from the resident stating the names and addresses of the nonresident hunters to be guided, the game to be hunted, the area to be hunted, and that the resident has not received nor will accept directly or indirectly any direct financial compensation for his services as a guide. A resident guide shall not guide more than two (2) nonresident hunters in any calendar year on any national forest, wilderness area, national game refuge, or national park, except as provided in W.S. 23-2-401, nor shall he accept any compensation or gratuity for his services. The name and license number of the nonresident hunter shall be placed on the back of the resident guide license and stamped or signed by the issuer.".

Page 2-line 20 Delete "(c)" insert "(b) and (c)".

Page 8-after line 16 Insert:

"(a)  Any person violating any provision of this act is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, or both five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).". HICKS

2/17/2011 S Passed CoW

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 28 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/23/2011 H Did Not Concur


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Kasperik, Lockhart and Pederson

Ayes 0 Nays 56 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) McOmie, Childers, Stubson

2/23/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Coe, Hicks, Martin

3/1/2011 H Adopted HB0088JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Shepperson, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Harvey, Lubnau, Peasley, Quarberg, Semlek and Steward

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Absent: Representative(s) Nicholas, B.

Ayes 52 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 S Adopted HB0088JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Adopt the following Senate amendments:


Delete the following Senate amendments:


Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:

Page 1-line 9 After "services;" insert "revising penalties;".

Page 1-line 14 After "W.S." insert "23-2-401(b),".

Page 2-line 2 After "23-2-417" delete "(b)".

Page 2-after line 2 Insert:

"23-2-401.  Guides required; exceptions; issuance of resident guide license.

(b)  Any resident possessing a valid resident big or trophy game animal license may apply for and receive a resident guide license. The resident guide license shall be issued without charge or bond by the commission, any district supervisor or resident game warden upon receipt of an affidavit from the resident stating the names and addresses of the nonresident hunters to be guided, the game to be hunted, the area to be hunted, and that the resident has not received nor will accept directly or indirectly any compensation for his services as a guide. A resident guide shall not guide more than two (2) nonresident hunters in any calendar year on any national forest, wilderness area, national game refuge, or national park, except as provided in W.S. 23-2-401, nor shall he accept any compensation or gratuity for his services. An exchange of guide services shall not be considered compensation for the purposes of this section. The name and license number of the nonresident hunter shall be placed on the back of the resident guide license and stamped or signed by the issuer.

Page 2-line 20 Delete "(c)" insert "(b) and (c)".

Page 5-line 17 Delete "(a)(iii)(B)" insert "(a)(iv)(B)".

Page 8-after line 16 Insert:

"(a)  Any person violating any provision of this act is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, or both five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).".


3/2/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0099

3/3/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0099

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0099

3/10/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0099

3/10/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0186 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0089 |Safe transportation of Wyoming workers act. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Blake, Burkhart and Cannady and Senator(s) Barnard and Hastert

AN ACT relating to transportation; establishing requirements for contract carriers transporting employees as specified; requiring insurance as specified; providing penalties; granting rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/24/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0090 |Vehicle restoration. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Byrd and Childers and Senator(s) Rothfuss

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; amending provisions for issuance of a title to a vehicle which requires restoration as specified; providing rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

2/2/2011 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Petersen, Quarberg, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 14 After "restore" insert "or return to service".

Page 2-line 1 After "certified" delete ",". QUARBERG, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 3 After "specified;" insert "providing rule making authority;".

Page 1-line 14 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0090HS001/A) to this line.

Page 2-line 14 After "issued." insert "Notwithstanding the other requirements of this subsection, a vehicle shall only be eligible to be titled under this subsection if, on the date the applicant purchased the vehicle it was not operational and could not have been rendered operational without substantial repairs to one (1) or more of the vehicle's mechanical systems. The department shall define the term "substantial repairs" by rule and regulation.". BYRD

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/9/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08

2/17/2011 S08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen, Nutting and Schiffer

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0080

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0080

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0080

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0080

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0172 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0091 |Torrington prison-wind powered electric service. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Byrd and Senator(s) Esquibel, F. and Meier

AN ACT relating to the use of wind-powered electricity at state facilities; requiring Level I and Level II studies by the state building commission; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0092 |Impersonation through electronic means. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau, Blikre, Jaggi and Kasperik and Senator(s) Ross

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; creating a crime for impersonation through electronic means as specified; providing penalties; providing definitions; authorizing civil relief for damages; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/27/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Barbuto

Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 1 Delete "for purposes" insert ", including, but not limited to spoofing,".

Page 2-line 2 Delete the line through "person".

Page 2-line 14 Delete "." insert ";".

Page 2-After line 14 Insert:

"(iii)  "Spoofing" means falsifying the name and phone number appearing on caller identification systems.". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Gay, Hunt and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Childers and Lockhart

Ayes 54 Nays 4 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/4/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/23/2011 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 2 After "spoofing" insert "and causes or attempts to cause harm".

Page 2-line 16 Delete "and" insert "or". PERKINS, CHAIRMAN

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 14 Delete "Notwithstanding any other provision of law,". MEIER


Page 1-line 4 After "damages;" insert "providing an exception;".

Page 2-after line 23 Insert and renumber:

"(d)  This section shall not apply if the impersonation was performed for the purpose of professional entertainment.". MEIER

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Rothfuss

Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Received for Concurrence

3/1/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Peasley and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Absent: Representative(s) Nicholas, B.

Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No.0094

3/2/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0094

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0094

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0094

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0180 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0093 |School unification student count deletion. |

Sponsored By: Select Committee On Tribal Relations

AN ACT relating to the creation of unified school districts; eliminating the pupil enrollment requirement for nonunified school districts; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/27/2011 H Rereferred to H06

1/31/2011 H06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Davison, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File

2/2/2011 H Passed CoW

2/3/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/4/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Kroeker, Peasley, Quarberg and Stubson

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Gay and Miller

Ayes 52 Nays 5 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/9/2011 S Rereferred to S09

2/11/2011 S09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Jennings and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0094 |Illegal immigration. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Childers, Davison, Jaggi, Kroeker, Petersen, Quarberg and Shepperson and Senator(s) Driskill and Hicks

AN ACT relating to immigration; establishing an offense for failure to carry an alien registration document; establishing offenses for unlawful hiring and unlawful employment; establishing an offense for unlawful transporting of aliens; providing for the determination and communication of immigration status; prohibiting employment of unauthorized aliens; requiring employers to participate in the e-verify program; authorizing warrantless arrests for offenses that make a person removable from the United States; providing penalties; providing for severability of provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0095 |Involuntary commitment examiners. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harvey, Craft, Petersen and Shepperson and Senator(s) Landen and Scott

AN ACT relating to hospitalization of mentally ill persons; amending the definition of examiner for purposes of emergency detention; providing that an emergency detention hearing may be waived as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/21/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 H Placed on General File

1/24/2011 H Passed CoW

1/25/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/26/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/9/2011 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 3 Delete and insert "emergency detention; providing that an emergency detention hearing may be waived as specified;".

Page 1-line 4 Delete.

Page 1-line 5 Delete line through "circumstances;".

Page 1-line 10 Delete "25-10-110(f)" insert "25-10-109(h)".

Page 2-after line 10 Insert:

"25-10-109. Emergency detention.

(h)  When a person is detained in emergency detention and an application for involuntary hospitalization is filed, the court shall appoint an attorney to represent the detained person unless he has his own attorney, and the court shall conduct a hearing within seventy-two (72) hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, of the initial detention to determine whether continued detention is required pending involuntary hospitalization proceedings. Notice of the preliminary hearing shall be given to the detained person and his attorney. The court may delay the hearing only at the request of the detained person or his parent, guardian or his attorney. An emergency detention hearing may be waived at the request of the detained person or the detained person's attorney, except in cases where a licensed physician's assistant was the only examiner for the emergency detention. If an emergency detention hearing has been waived, the court may immediately conduct the involuntary hospitalization hearing.".

Page 2-lines 12 through 24 Delete. PERKINS, CHAIRMAN

2/11/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 2-after line 10 In the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0095SS001/A) to this line after "involuntary hospitalization hearing" insert ", provided that a licensed physician's assistant shall not be the examiner for an involuntary hospitalization hearing". SCHIFFER

2/14/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/15/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Dockstader, Emerich, Jennings, Meier, Nicholas, P., Ross and Schiffer

Ayes 22 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/16/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Nicholas, B. and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Childers and Davison

Ayes 55 Nays 3 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0025

2/16/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0025

2/16/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0025

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0025

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0054 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0096 |Motor vehicles passing bicycles. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Stubson and Roscoe and Senator(s) Perkins

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing requirements for motor vehicles overtaking and passing bicycles as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

1/21/2011 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Petersen and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Quarberg and Vranish

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 7 After "creating" delete "a".

Page 1-line 8 Delete "subsection (b)" insert "subsections (b) and (c)".

Page 1-line 15 Delete "subsection (b)" insert "subsections (b) and (c)".

Page 2-after line 7 Insert:

"(c)  When the roadway is of insufficient width to allow a safe passing movement under subsection (b) of this section, the driver of a motor vehicle shall reduce speed and pass the bicyclist with care.". QUARBERG, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2011 H Passed CoW

1/25/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/26/2011 H Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brown, Byrd, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Krone, Madden, McKim, Pederson, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Greear, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Loucks, Lubnau, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Teeters and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 30 Nays 28 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0097 |Public school financial transparency. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Childers, Madden, Pedersen and Teeters and Senator(s) Coe, Jennings and Landen

AN ACT relating to schools; providing for the establishment of a uniform website database to disclose to the public financial activities of public schools as specified; providing an appropriation; authorizing additional positions; and providing for effective dates.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0098 |Bar and grill liquor licenses. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Stubson, Illoway, Lubnau, Patton, Shepperson and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Martin, Scott and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to bar and grill liquor licenses; increasing the number of licenses available; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/18/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Excused: Representative(s) Jaggi

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2011 H Placed on General File

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 56 Nays 1 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/3/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Conflicts: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/3/2011 S Placed on General File

2/9/2011 S Passed CoW

2/10/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/11/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Bebout, Cooper, Dockstader, Geis and Meier

Excused: Senator(s) Barnard

Conflicts: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 23 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/11/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0008

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0008

2/14/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0008

2/17/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0008

2/17/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0022 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0099 |Substance abuse treatment funding awards. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Senator(s) Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to the treatment of substance abuse; restructuring specified programs authorized by the 2005 methamphetamine initiative; specifying the manner in which the department of health shall determine substance abuse funding awards; repealing certain noncodified provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/27/2011 H10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Childers and Lockhart

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/3/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/14/2011 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 2 Delete "and awarded"; after "health" insert "and awarded by the substance abuse and violent crimes advisory board". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/17/2011 S Passed CoW

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Driskill and Schiffer

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 26 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0036

2/22/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0036

2/23/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0036

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0036

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0114 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0100 |Game & fish-land acquisition. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Shepperson, Brechtel, Connolly, McKim, Quarberg and Teeters and Senator(s) Coe, Meier and Schiffer

AN ACT relating to game and fish; prohibiting the acquisition of lands by the game and fish commission through adverse possession or proscriptive easement; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06

1/17/2011 H06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Davison, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/18/2011 H Passed CoW

1/19/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/20/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Brown, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Gay and Goggles

Ayes 54 Nays 4 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S06

2/1/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Dockstader and Driskill

Nays: Senator(s) Esquibel, F.

Excused: Senator(s) Christensen

Ayes 3 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 S Placed on General File

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 1-line 3 After "easement" insert "as specified;".

Page 1-line 8 Delete "(a)(iii)(intro)" insert "(b) by creating a new paragraph (iii)".

Page 1-lines 13 through 16 Delete and insert:

"(b)  Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section:

(iii)  The commission shall not assert any claim based upon adverse possession or a prescriptive easement as a basis to acquire any interest in real property. Provided, however, that the commission may assert a claim of adverse possession or prescriptive easement as a basis for construing, correcting, interpreting or perfecting a written grant of an interest in real property.".

Page 2-lines 1 through 3 Delete. NICHOLAS, SCHIFFER

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Jennings and Rothfuss

Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/25/2011 H Did Not Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Childers

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Gay, Greear, Pederson and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 1 Nays 55 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Shepperson, Blake, Greear

2/25/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Jennings

3/1/2011 H Adopted HB0100JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brown and Gingery

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Absent: Representative(s) Nicholas, B.

Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 S Adopted HB0100JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:


Further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 3 After "easement" insert "as specified".

Page 1-line 8 Delete "(a)(iii)(intro)" insert "(b) by creating a new paragraph (iii)".

Page 1-lines 13 through 16 Delete and insert:

"(b)  Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section:

(iii)  The commission shall not assert any claim based upon adverse possession or a prescriptive easement as a basis to acquire any interest in real property. Provided, however, that the commission may assert a claim of adverse possession or prescriptive easement as a basis for correcting or interpreting a defect in a written grant of an interest in real property.".

Page 2-lines 1 through 3 Delete.


3/2/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0100

3/3/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0100

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0100

3/10/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0100

3/10/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0197 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0101 |Vicious animals-interference with game wardens. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Moniz, Brown, Cannady and McOmie and Senator(s) Dockstader and Driskill

AN ACT relating to game and fish; creating an offense of owning a dog which attacks a game and fish law enforcement officer; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06

1/20/2011 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Davison, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 9 Delete "warden" insert "and fish law enforcement officer".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "warden" insert "and fish law enforcement officer".

Page 1-line 15 Delete "officers'" insert "officer's".

Page 2-lines 5 through 7 Delete entirely and insert "any animal that attacks in a vicious manner or that bites.". MCOMIE, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 1 Delete "providing criminal".

Page 1-line 2 Delete entirely; insert "creating an offense of owning a dog which attacks a game and fish law enforcement officer; providing penalties;".

Page 1-line 3 Delete "specified;".

Page 1-line 10 Delete "animals" insert "dogs".

Page 1-lines 12 through 15 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0101HS001/A) to these lines and insert:

"(a)  An owner of a dog that bites or otherwise attacks in a vicious manner a game and fish law enforcement officer, who is discharging his duties on public lands, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable as provided in this section. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the dog was attempting to protect livestock at the time of the attack."

Page 2-lines 1 through 7 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0101HS001/A) to these lines.

Page 2-line 9 Delete "(c)" insert "(b)". BOTTEN

1/21/2011 H Passed CoW


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Eklund, Gingery, Greene, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Petroff, Semlek, Shepperson, Throne, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Craft, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harvey, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Stubson, Teeters and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Berger, Davison, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Goggles, Harshman, Pederson, Steward and Wallis

Absent: Representative(s) Childers

Ayes 26 Nays 24 Excused 9 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

1/24/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/25/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Kroeker, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Peasley, Pederson, Quarberg, Roscoe, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Goggles

Ayes 38 Nays 20 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S06

2/3/2011 S06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Driskill and Esquibel, F.

Nays: Senator(s) Burns and Christensen

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 Delete "owning" insert "failing to control"; delete "law enforcement" insert "employee;".

Page 1-line 3 Delete "officer;".

Page 1-line 10 Delete "law" insert "employee;".

Page 1-line 11 Delete "enforcement officer;".

Page 1-line 13 Delete "An owner of" insert "A person who fails to control".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "law enforcement" insert "employee,".

Page 1-line 15 Delete "officer,". BURNS, CHAIRMAN


Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0101SS001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 1 Delete "of" insert "for"

Page 1-line 2 Delete "owning" insert "failing to control".

Page 1-line 13 Delete "An owner of a dog" insert "A person who fails to control a dog which he owns". DOCKSTADER

2/10/2011 S Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Burns, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F. and Nutting

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Emerich, Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout and Perkins

Ayes 6 Nays 21 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0102 |State common school trust land management account. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Blake, Davison, Loucks and Moniz and Senator(s) Geis

AN ACT relating to state common school trust land revenues; funding the management of state common school trust lands from state common school trust land revenues as specified; creating an account; providing for a continuous appropriation; providing for reports; providing for a sunset; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

1/21/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Connolly and Petroff

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Davison, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie and Shepperson

Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0103 |WICHE-repayment program. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) McKim, Connolly, Freeman, Jaggi and McOmie and Senator(s) Dockstader, Jennings and Landen

AN ACT relating to the Western Regional Higher Education Compact; imposing a repayment provision on specified students; defining the requirements of the loan or service repayment program; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/28/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 19 After "student" insert "first".

Page 2-line 21 Delete "whereby the student" insert "subject to the following:".

Page 2-line 22 Delete entirely.

Page 3-line 1 After "(A)" insert "The student agrees to: (I)".

Page 3-line 9 Delete "(B)" insert "(II)".

Page 4-line 2 Delete ";" insert ".".

Page 4-line 4 Delete "(C)" insert "(B)".

Page 4-line 13 Delete "(D)" insert "(C)".

Page 4-line 20 Delete "(E)" insert "(D)". GINGERY, DEPUTY VICE CHAIRMAN


Page 3-line 15 Delete "if".

Page 3-line 16 Delete the line through "that" insert "when".

Page 3-line 18 After "program" insert "as determined by the commission".

Page 3-line 20 After "program" insert "as determined by the commission". STUBSON

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/4/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/17/2011 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Nutting and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Martin and Schiffer

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 17 After "podiatry" insert ", occupational therapy, physical therapy, optometry, physician assistant programs".

Page 2-line 20 Delete "2012" insert "2013-2014".

Page 2-line 21 Delete "2013".

Page 3-line 3 Delete "medical"; after "Wyoming" insert "in the field in which he was educated".

Page 3-line 17 Delete "medical" insert "the professional school".

Page 3-line 18 Delete.

Page 3-line 19 Delete "dental school".

Page 4-line 15 After "osteopathic" insert ", occupational therapy, physical therapy, optometry, physician assistant".

Page 4-lines 21 through 24 Delete and insert:

"(D)  The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to the field of veterinary medicine.". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Schiffer

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Received for Concurrence

3/2/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Gay, Miller and Teeters

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 55 Nays 4 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0095

3/3/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0095

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0095

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0095

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0181 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0104 |Property tax sales-highest bidder. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv., Blake, Goggles, Kasperik and Madden and Senator(s) Christensen

AN ACT relating to property taxes; requiring real property tax sales to be made to the highest bidder; specifying the amount to be paid to redeem; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0105 |Temporary military duty-child custody and visitation. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Throne, Davison, Gay, Petersen and Stubson and Senator(s) Hastert, Landen, Perkins and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to child custody and visitation; providing definitions; limiting the modification of custody and visitation for specified military personnel; specifying factors considered in the modification of custody and visitation; permitting the assignment of visitation rights as specified; providing for expedited hearings; providing for electronic evidence; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/20/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 5-line 1 Delete "shall" insert "may".

Page 8-line 5 Delete "service members" insert "parents".

Page 8-line 23 Delete "service member" insert "parent".

Page 9-line 3 Delete "service member" insert "parent".

Page 9-line 6 Delete "service member" insert "parent".

Page 9-line 7 Delete "service member" insert "parent".


1/21/2011 H Passed CoW

1/24/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/25/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Goggles

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/2/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Passed CoW

2/11/2011 S Laid Back Without Prejudice


Page 3-lines 1 through 13 Delete and insert:

"(iii)  In issuing any temporary custody or visitation order under this section, the court shall consider whether the temporary order should automatically terminate.".

Page 4-line 6 Delete "delegate" insert ", upon motion of the member, order that".

Page 4-line 8 Delete "to" insert "may be exercised by".

Page 4-line 10 Delete "delegating visitation rights" insert "the alternate visitation".

Page 7-line 6 Delete "usually" insert "of more than forty-five (45)".

Page 7-line 7 Delete through "(180)". ROSS

2/14/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 4-line 6 In the Ross Second Reading Amendment (HB0105S2001/AE) to this line, before "member" insert "service".

Page 7-line 6 Delete the Ross Second Reading Amendment (HB0105S2001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: Delete "usually" insert "of more than forty-five (45) days but".

Page 7-line 7 Delete the Ross Second Reading Amendment (HB0105S2001/AE) to this line. HASTERT

2/15/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Johnson

Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/16/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Childers and Davison

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0026

2/16/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0026

2/16/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0026

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0026

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0036 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0106 |Departments of employment and workforce services-merger. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Throne, Byrd, Harvey and Shepperson and Senator(s) Bebout, Martin and Rothfuss

AN ACT relating to government reorganization; providing for the merger of the programs and functions of the department of employment and the department of workforce services; specifying that the remaining department shall be known as the department of workforce services; requiring reports; and providing for effective dates.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/25/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 1 Delete "providing for".

Page 1-line 2 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 3 Delete "services;".

Page 1-line 5 After "services;" insert "specifying that the remaining department shall be known as the department of workforce services;".

Page 2-line 5 Delete "employment and".

Page 2-line 8 Delete "employment and".

Page 2-line 19 Delete "employment and".

Page 2-line 20 After "services." delete balance of the line.

Page 2-lines 21 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 3-line 9 Delete "employment and".

Page 3-line 21 Delete "employment and".

Page 4-line 1 Delete "employment and". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN

1/26/2011 H Passed CoW

1/27/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 S Received for Introduction; No Further Action Prior to CoW Cutoff

|H.B. No. 0107 |Municipal court jury trials. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Botten, Krone and Loucks and Senator(s) Ross

AN ACT relating to jury trials in municipal court; repealing the unconditional denial of a jury trial in municipal court; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/27/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/16/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F. and Perkins

Excused: Senator(s) Hicks

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 S Placed on General File

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Ross, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Nutting, Peterson and Rothfuss

Ayes 17 Nays 13 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Page 1-line 11 Strike "for violations of city".

Page 1-line 12 Strike "ordinances".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "right" insert "restriction".

Page 1-line 15 After "trial" delete balance of line and insert ". To obtain a jury trial under this section, the person shall request a jury trial at the time of arraignment.".

Page 1-line 16 Delete.

Page 2-lines 1 through 7 Delete all new language and strike all existing language. JENNINGS

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Rothfuss and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Ross, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/28/2011 H Did Not Concur


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 0 Nays 59 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Brown, Botten, Throne

3/1/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Perkins, Jennings, Ross

3/3/2011 H Indefinitely Postponed

|H.B. No. 0108 |Collection agencies. |

Sponsored By: Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to collection agencies; providing for consumer and creditor protection in collection transactions; providing for reimbursement to consumers and creditors as required; transferring the collection agency program from the collection agency board to the Wyoming department of audit, banking division as specified; modifying requirements of the program; providing for fees, penalties and generally revising provisions regulating collection agencies and debt collections; modifying the function of the collection agency board; transferring funds; repealing existing provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/14/2011 H09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe and Stubson

Nays: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 6–lines 22 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 7–lines 1 through 3 Delete entirely.

Page 7–line 5 Delete "(xxiii)" insert "(xxii)".

Page 7–line 8 Delete "(xxiv)" insert "(xxiii)".

Page 8–line 3 Delete "resident".

Page 8–line 19 Delete "resident".

Page 20–line 18 Delete ";" insert ".".

Page 20–lines 20 through 24 Delete entirely. STUBSON, GREEAR, MONIZ, ROSCOE

1/17/2011 H Passed CoW

1/18/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 4 After "required;" delete balance of the line.

Page 1-lines 5 and 6 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 7 Before "program" insert "collection agency".

Page 1-line 10 Delete "transferring".

Page 1-line 11 Delete "funds;".

Page 3-lines 11 and 12 Delete entirely and renumber as necessary.

Page 5-lines 23 and 25 Delete entirely and renumber as necessary.

Page 7-line 5 Delete the Stubson et al. committee of the whole amendment (HB0108HW001/A) to this line.

Page 7-line 8 Delete the Stubson et al. committee of the whole amendment (HB0108HW001/A) to this line.

Page 7-line 12 Delete "duties;".

Page 7-line 17 Delete "three (3)" insert "five (5)".

Page 8-line 2 Delete "One (1) member" insert "Two (2) members"; delete "is an" insert "are".

Page 8-line 3 Delete "officer, partner, owner" insert "officers, partners, owners"; delete "manager" insert "managers".

Page 8-line 6 Delete "One (1) member" insert "Two (2) members"; delete "is a" insert "are".

Page 8-line 7 Delete "member" insert "members"; delete "is" insert "are".

Page 8-line 8 Delete "is" insert "are".

Page 8-line 9 Delete "has been a user" insert "have been users".

Page 8-line 18 Delete "officer" insert "officers".

Page 8-line 19 Delete "partner, owner" insert "partners, owners"; delete "manager" insert "managers".

Page 8-line 22 Delete "member" insert "members".

Page 8-line 23 Delete "a user" insert "users".

Page 9-lines 19 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 10-lines 1 through 9 Delete entirely.

Page 10-line 11 Delete "commissioner" insert "the board".

Page 10-line 13 After "(a)" delete balance of the line.

Page 10-line 14 Delete entirely and insert "The board".

Page 11-line 2 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 11-line 23 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 12-line 5 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 12-line 13 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 13-line 4 Delete "." insert ";".

Page 13-After line 4 Insert:

"(xii)  Hire any experts necessary and proper to assist the board in its duties under this act.".

Page 14-line 23 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 14-line 24 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 15-line 12 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 15-line 15 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 15-line 16 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 18-line 14 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 18-line 17 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 18-line 18 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 18-line 19 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 18-line 24 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 19-line 2 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 19-line 6 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 20-line 17 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 21-line 2 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 21-line 4 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 21-line 8 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 21-line 14 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 21-line 20 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 22-line 4 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 22-line 6 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 22-line 14 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 23-line 9 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 23-line 16 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 24-line 1 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 24-line 6 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 24-line 19 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 25-line 1 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 25-line 3 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 25-line 5 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 25-line 19 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 25-line 24 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 26-line 2 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 26-line 9 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 26-line 14 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 27-line 8 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 27-line 12 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 27-line 16 Delete "division" insert "board".

Page 28-line 13 Delete "banking commissioner" insert "board".

Page 29-line 13 Delete "banking commissioner" insert "board".

Page 29-line 14 Delete "banking" insert "board".

Page 29-line 15 Delete "commissioner".

Page 29-line 21 Delete "banking" insert "board".

Page 29-line 22 Delete "commissioner".

Page 29-line 23 Delete "banking commissioner" insert "board".

Page 30-line 4 Delete "banking" insert "board".

Page 30-line 5 Delete "commissioner".

Page 30-line 6 Delete "banking commissioner" insert "board".

Page 30-line 12 Delete "banking commissioner" insert "board".

Page 30-line 16 Delete "banking commissioner" insert "board".

Page 30-line 20 Delete "banking commissioner" insert "board".

Page 30-line 21 Delete "banking" insert "board".

Page 30-line 22 Delete "commissioner".

Page 31-line 3 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 31-line 4 Delete "he" insert "it".

Page 31-line 8 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 31-line 13 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 31-line 19 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 31-line 21 Delete "commissioner" insert "board"; delete "his" insert "its".

Page 31-line 23 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 32-line 2 Delete "his" insert "its".

Page 32-line 5 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 32-line 6 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 32-line 16 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 32-line 22 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 33-line 9 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 33-line 19 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 34-line 8 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 35-line 18 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 35-line 23 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 36-line 5 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 36-line 10 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 36-line 17 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 38-line 6 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 39-line 7 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 39-line 8 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 39-line 17 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 39-line 23 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 41-line 10 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 41-line 14 Delete "he" insert "the board".

Page 41-line 18 Delete "commissioner" insert "board"; delete "his" insert "its".

Page 41-line 22 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 42-line 3 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 42-line 8 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 42-line 12 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 42-line 14 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 42-line 21 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 43-line 17 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 44-line 13 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 44-line 19 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 45-line 7 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 46-line 13 Delete "commissioner" insert "board".

Page 46-lines 21 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 47-lines 2 through 22 Delete entirely.

Page 48-lines 1 through 11 Delete entirely. ZWONITZER, DV.


Page 5–line 7 After "purposes" insert "and taking any affirmative action to collect the debts". STUBSON

1/19/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s)  Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Buchanan, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Burkhart, Childers, Davison, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Petersen, Quarberg, Shepperson, Throne and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 35 Nays 24 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S09

2/7/2011 S09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper and Jennings

Nays: Senator(s) Rothfuss

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0109 |Wyoming infrastructure authority. |

Sponsored By: Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming infrastructure authority; providing for the Wyoming infrastructure authority to submit budget requests; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/17/2011 H09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S09

1/31/2011 S09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Jennings and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 3 Delete "public" insert "internal". COOPER

2/9/2011 S Passed CoW


Delete the Cooper Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0109SW001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 15 Delete "The budget".

Page 1-line 16 Delete.

Page 2-lines 1 through 3 Delete and insert: "Any appropriation to the authority shall be used only for financial support for purely administrative purposes.". BEBOUT, COOPER

2/10/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/11/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Schiffer

Excused: Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 27 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/15/2011 H Did Not Concur


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 0 Nays 60 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Lockhart, Moniz, Stubson

2/15/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Bebout, Cooper, Schiffer

2/18/2011 H Adopted HB0109JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Gay

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Adopted HB0109JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:



Further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 15 Delete "The budget".

Page 1-line 16 Delete.

Page 2-lines 1 through 3 Delete and insert: "Any appropriation to the authority shall be used only for financial support for purely administrative purposes, which shall include planning and research.".


2/22/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0032

2/22/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0032

2/23/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0032

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0032

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0119 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0110 |Successor Corporation Asbestos-Related Liability Act-2. |

Sponsored By: Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to civil actions; providing limitations on liability for asbestos claims against successor corporations; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/17/2011 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 3 After "corporations;" insert "providing for applicability;".

Page 5-line 9 Delete "which".

Page 5-lines 10 and 11 Delete entirely.

Page 5-line 12 Delete "by the transferor".

Page 10-line 5 After "July 1, 2011." delete balance of the line.

Page 10-lines 6 through 10 Delete entirely. LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 56 Nays 1 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S09

2/7/2011 S09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper and Jennings

Nays: Senator(s) Rothfuss

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 3-line 5 Delete "January 1, 1972" insert "May 13, 1968". COOPER, ROSS

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Barnard, Burns, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Nicholas, P., Ross and Rothfuss

Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/22/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Kasperik and Pederson

Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0040

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0040

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0040

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0040

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0117 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0111 |Public works and contracts-2. |

Sponsored By: Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to public works and contracts; amending definitions; modifying limitations on subcontracting; granting rulemaking authority; requiring investigations; providing for penalties and modifying penalty amounts; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/19/2011 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3–line 8 Delete "and".

Page 3–line 16 After "state" delete ";" insert "for one (1) year or more prior to bidding upon the contract or responding to a request for proposal; and".

Page 4-line 1 Before "Office" insert "Principal".

Page 6–line 18 Delete "officers" insert "officer". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 11 Delete "a new subparagraph (J)" insert "new subparagraphs (J) and (K)".

Page 3-After line 22 Insert:

"(K)  A business entity which qualifies as a resident pursuant to this paragraph shall not lose that residency solely due to a conversion under the provisions of W.S. 17-26-101 or other reorganization as a different business entity.". LUBNAU

1/20/2011 H Passed CoW

1/21/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/24/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Absent: Representative(s) Hunt

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S09

1/31/2011 S09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Jennings and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 4-line 8 Delete ""Principal" insert ""Principal". BEBOUT

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/22/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Nicholas, B.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Greear, Kasperik and Pederson

Ayes 55 Nays 1 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0041

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0041

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0041

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0041

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0082 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0112 |Mining permits. |

Sponsored By: Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to environmental quality; providing for notification of permit revisions; establishing time limits on mine permit application or revision reviews; limiting requests for additional information on mine permits applications or revisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/19/2011 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1–line 1 After ";" insert "providing for notification of permit revisions;".

Page 1–line 9 After "W.S." insert "35-11-402(a)(x) and"; delete "and (p) is" insert ", and by creating new subsections (q) and (r) are".

Page 1–After line 10 Insert:

"35-11-402.  Establishment of standards.

(a)  The council shall, upon recommendation by the advisory board through the administrator and the director, establish rules and regulations pursuant to the following reclamation standards for the affected areas, including but not limited to:

(x)  Rules and regulations for the criteria for review and information and public notice requirements for permit revisions. The administrator shall notify the operator within ninety (90) days of receipt of the application if the application is complete and if public notice is required. A permit may be revised without public notice or hearing for revisions, including incidental boundary revisions to the area covered by the permit, if these do not propose significant alterations in the reclamation plan. Subject to applicable standards, any permit, except for surface coal mining permits, may be revised, in the permitted area, by identifying proposed alterations to the mining or reclamation plan in the annual report or addendum thereto, or by obtaining prior approval from the director, at the operator's discretion;".

Page 1–line 16 Delete all new language; reinsert stricken "the".

Page 2–lines 1 through 4 Delete all new language.

Page 2–line 9 Delete "or".

Page 2–line 10 Delete "request for revision of an existing permit".

Page 2–lines 13 through 19 Delete all new language.

Page 2–line 22 Delete ", the request for revision".

Page 2–line 23 Delete "of an existing permit".

Page 6–line 3 Delete "or revision".

Page 6–After line 17 Insert:

"(q)  Permit revisions submitted with an annual report shall be considered using revision requirements and review time frames and shall be approved separately from the annual report.

(r)  If the administrator fails to respond to the applicant within ninety (90) days, the request for revision of an existing permit shall be deemed complete.". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

1/21/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 9 Delete "and (p)".

Page 6-lines 2 through 17 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0112HS001/A) to these lines. THRONE

1/25/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Goggles

Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0113 |Wyoming pipeline authority. |

Sponsored By: Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming pipeline authority; providing for the Wyoming pipeline authority to submit budget requests; eliminating obsolete dates; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/17/2011 H09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S09

1/31/2011 S09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Jennings and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 9 Delete "public" insert "internal". JENNINGS

2/9/2011 S Passed CoW


Delete the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0113SW001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 2-line 5 Delete "The budget".

Page 2-lines 6 through 9 Delete and insert: "Any appropriation to the authority shall be used only for financial support for purely administrative purposes.". BEBOUT, COOPER

2/10/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/11/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Schiffer

Excused: Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 27 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/15/2011 H Did Not Concur


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 0 Nays 60 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Lockhart, Moniz, Stubson

2/15/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Bebout, Jennings, Schiffer

2/18/2011 H Adopted HB0113JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison and Gay

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Adopted HB0113JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:



Further amend as follows:

Page 2-line 5 Delete "The budget".

Page 2-lines 6 through 9 Delete and insert: "Any appropriation to the authority shall be used only for financial support for purely administrative purposes, which shall include planning and research.".


2/22/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0033

2/22/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0033

2/23/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0033

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0033

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0120 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0114 |Insurance premiums-failure to pay. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Patton and Roscoe and Senator(s) Case, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hines, Martin and Scott

AN ACT relating to insurance; providing for notification of nonpayment of life or disability insurance premiums; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/26/2011 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 6 After "beneficiary" insert ", electronically or in writing,".

Page 2-line 20 After "beneficiary" insert ", electronically or in writing,". STUBSON, VICE-CHAIRMAN

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Greear and Kroeker

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/3/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/8/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Placed on General File

2/11/2011 S Passed CoW

2/14/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/15/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0020

2/15/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0020

2/16/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0020

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0020

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0029 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0115 |Charter schools-application. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Teeters and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to charter schools; requiring charter school applications and renewal applications to be uniform statewide; imposing duties upon the state superintendent; and providing for effective dates.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/25/2011 H04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File

1/26/2011 H Passed CoW

1/27/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 55 Nays 1 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/4/2011 S04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Coe, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Placed on General File

2/9/2011 S Passed CoW

2/10/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/11/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Excused: Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 28 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0009

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0009

2/14/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0009

2/17/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0009

2/17/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0014 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0116 |Elementary foreign language instruction. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Teeters

AN ACT relating to educational programs for public schools; eliminating foreign language instruction as a component of the required state educational program; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0117 |Data processing services centers-tax exemptions. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Byrd, Lubnau, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pedersen and Throne and Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Emerich, Martin, Nicholas, P. and Ross

AN ACT relating to sales and use taxes; modifying the requirements for an exemption from sales and use taxes for computer software of data processing services centers; providing for additional sales and use tax exemptions for data processing services centers; specifying requirements for the exemptions; requiring reports; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/19/2011 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Madden, Miller, Petersen, Semlek and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-lines 11 through 14 Delete entirely.

Page 3-line 16 Delete "(IV)" insert "(III)".

Page 3-line 17 Delete ", (II) and" insert "and (II)".

Page 3-line 18 Delete "(III)".

Page 4-line 17 Delete "or (III)".

Page 4-line 21 Delete "The".

Page 4-lines 22 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 6-After line 8 Insert:

"(IV)  For the purpose of claiming the exemptions in subdivisions (I) and (II) of this subparagraph, for data centers where more than one (1) entity occupies the facility but offer data services as a single entity, the purchaser shall demonstrate that all the requirements of subdivision (III) are met in the aggregate by the entities occupying the facility regardless of multiple ownerships of equipment and buildings.".

Page 10-After line 11 Insert:

"(IV)  For the purpose of claiming the exemptions in subdivisions (I) and (II) of this subparagraph, for data centers where more than one (1) entity occupies the facility but offer data services as a single entity, the purchaser shall demonstrate that all the requirements of subdivision (III) are met in the aggregate by the entities occupying the facility regardless of multiple ownerships of equipment and buildings.". CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN

1/20/2011 H Passed CoW

1/21/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/24/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Shepperson, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Gay, McOmie, Peasley, Semlek, Steward and Teeters

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Absent: Representative(s) Hunt

Ayes 52 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/8/2011 S03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Emerich, Hines and Perkins

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 6 After "exemptions;" insert "providing for repeal of the exemptions as specified;".

Page 10-after line 20 Insert and renumber:

"Section 2.  W.S. 39-15-105(a)(vii)(S) and 39-16-105(a)(viii)(H) are repealed five (5) years after the date on which the data processing service center commences operations. The repeal of the exemptions as provided in this section shall not be effective if the governor and the joint revenue interim committee certify to the legislature that the recipient of the tax exemption has demonstrated that it has provided the benefits projected in the Wyoming business council analysis dated February 9, 2010.". SCHIFFER

2/9/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 1-line 6 After "exemptions;" insert "providing for payment and refund of the taxes as specified; requiring reports;".

Page 1-line 10 After "39-15-105(a)(viii)(S)" delete "and" insert ", 39-15-107(b) by creating a new paragraph (xi), 39-15-109(c) by creating a new paragraph (iii),".

Page 1-line 11 Before "are" insert ", 39-16-107(b) by creating a new paragraph (viii) and 39-15-109(c) by creating a new paragraph (ii)".

Page 6-after line 9 Insert and renumber:

"39-15-107. Compliance; collection procedures.

(b)  Payment. The following shall apply:

(xi)  For the sales tax exemption granted under W.S. 39-15-105(a)(viii)(S), any qualifying purchase made shall be subject to the sales tax which shall be paid as provided by this section, subject to the refund provisions of W.S. 39-15-109(c)(iii). Upon payment of the tax, the department of revenue shall transfer the tax to the state treasurer who shall deposit the tax into the "data processing services excise tax account" which is hereby created. The amounts within the account shall accrue interest at an annual rate of four percent (4%).

39-15-109. Taxpayer remedies.

(c)  Refunds. The following shall apply:

(iii)  Each data processing services center qualifying for the sales tax exemption granted under W.S. 39-15-105(a)(viii)(S) shall be entitled to a full refund of all sales taxes paid plus any accrued interest as provided by W.S. 39-15-107(b)(xi). A refund under this paragraph shall be paid every fifth year of continuous operation of the center in this state from the account created by W.S. 39-15-107(b)(xi).".

Page 10-after line 20 Insert and renumber:

"39-16-107. Compliance; collection procedures.

(b)  Payment. The following shall apply:

(viii)  For the use tax exemption granted under W.S. 39-16-105(a)(viii)(H), any qualifying purchase made shall be subject to the use tax which shall be paid as provided by this section, subject to the refund provisions of W.S. 39-16-109(c)(ii). Upon payment of the tax, the department of revenue shall transfer the tax to the state treasurer who shall deposit the tax into the "data processing services excise tax account" created by W.S. 39-15-107(b)(xi). The amounts within the account shall accrue interest at an annual rate of four percent (4%).

39-16-109. Taxpayer remedies.

(c)  Refunds. The following shall apply:

(ii)  Each data processing services center qualifying for the use tax exemption granted under W.S. 39-16-105(a)(viii)(H) shall be entitled to a full refund of all use taxes paid plus any accrued interest as provided by W.S. 39-16-107(b)(viii). A refund under this paragraph shall be paid every fifth year of continuous operation of the center in this state from the account referenced in W.S. 39-16-107(b)(viii).".

Page 11-before line 1 Insert and renumber:

"Section 2.

(a)  The Wyoming business council shall report to the joint revenue interim committee and the governor on or before December 1 every fifth year that the exemption provided by W.S. 39-15-105(a)(viii)(S) and 39-16-105(a)(viii)(H) is in effect. If requested by the department of revenue, any person utilizing the exemption shall report to the department the amount of excise tax exempted, and the number of jobs created or impacted by the utilization of the exemption. The report shall evaluate the cumulative effects of the exemption that is in effect from initiation of the exemption and shall include:

(i)  A history of employment in terms of numbers of employees, full-time and part-time employees and rates of turnover classified by the 2007 edition of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, as amended, manufacturing section 31 – 33 from information collected by the department of employment;

(ii)  A history of employment in terms of numbers of employees, full-time and part-time employees and rates of turnover;

(iii)  A comprehensive history of taxes paid to the state of Wyoming, including any property taxes paid.". SCHIFFER

2/10/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 6 After "exemptions;" insert "requiring reports;".

Page 11-before line 1 Insert and renumber:

"Section 2.

(a)  If requested by the department of revenue, any person utilizing the exemption shall report to the department annually the amount of excise tax exempted under W.S. 39-15-105(a)(viii)(S) and 39-16-105(a)(viii)(H). The department shall report the total dollars under this exemption to the Wyoming business council. The council shall report to the joint minerals, business and economic development interim committee and the joint revenue interim committee on or before December 1 every four (4) years on the total amount of taxes exempted, the number of jobs created or impacted by the utilization of the exemption. The report shall evaluate the cumulative effects of the exemption that is in effect from initiation of the exemption and shall include:

(i)  A history of employment in terms of numbers of employees, full-time and part-time employees and rates of turnover classified by the 2007 edition of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, as amended, data processing section 518210 from information collected by the department of employment;

(ii)  A history of employment in terms of numbers of employees, full-time and part-time employees and rates of turnover;

(iii)  A comprehensive history of taxes paid to the state of Wyoming, including any property taxes paid.". SCHIFFER, NICHOLAS

2/11/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Geis, Hicks, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 24 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/14/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Freeman

Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0017

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0017

2/15/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0017

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0017

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0048 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0118 |Abortion-available information for decision. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brechtel, Davison, Eklund, Gingery, Jaggi, McKim and Peasley and Senator(s) Dockstader, Jennings, Meier and Nutting

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring physicians to provide patients with specified information before certain nonemergency abortion procedures; providing definitions and amending a definition; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/12/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/13/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/24/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto and Craft

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 3 After "procedures;" insert "providing for documentation;"

Page 4-after line 4 Insert:

"(c)  If disclosures are required pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the physician shall obtain a signed statement from the pregnant woman acknowledging that the pregnant woman was provided the information specified in subsection (a) of this section. The signed statement shall be placed in the pregnant woman's medical file and shall be treated as a confidential medical document under all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.".

Page 4-line 6 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN

1/25/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, McKim, Miller, Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Greear, Hunt, Kasperik, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petroff, Roscoe, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Childers, Davison, Goggles, Illoway and Lockhart

Ayes 23 Nays 32 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0119 |Public records and meetings-court proceedings. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edmonds, Blake, Bonner, Buchanan, Gingery, Patton, Teeters and Wallis and Senator(s) Dockstader and Martin

AN ACT relating to public records and public meetings; providing for court review of actions relating to proceedings concerning public records and meetings at the earliest practical time; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/8/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Greene and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Cannady, Krone, Nicholas, B. and Peasley

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0120 |Public meetings. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edmonds, Blake, Buchanan, Gingery, Patton and Teeters and Senator(s) Dockstader and Martin

AN ACT relating to public meetings; providing notice requirements for special meetings; providing for audio recording of executive sessions; providing for proceedings to review executive sessions; providing for notice of executive sessions; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/25/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Krone and Nicholas, B.

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 Delete "providing for audio".

Page 1-line 3 Delete "recording of executive sessions;".

Page 1-line 9 Delete "16-4-405(b) and (c)" insert "16-4-405(b), (c) and by creating a new subsection (d).".

Page 2-lines 9 through 13 Delete all new language.

Page 2-line 16 Delete "or recording".

Page 2-line 20 Delete "or recording".

Page 2-line 21 Delete "or".

Page 2-line 22 Delete "recording".

Page 3-line 1 Delete "or".

Page 3-line 2 Delete "recording".

Page 3-After line 14 Insert:

"(d)  In-camera review under this section shall not limit, waive or abrogate the scope or nature of the attorney-client privilege.". BROWN, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 16 Delete "twenty-four (24)" insert "twelve (12)". GINGERY

1/27/2011 H Passed CoW


Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0120HS001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 9 Delete "16-4-405(b) and (c)" insert "16-4-405(b), (c) and by creating new subsections (d) and (e)".

Page 2-line 9 After "(b)" insert "Except as provided in subsections (d) and (e) of this section,".

Page 3-line 14 After "." insert "Any announcement under this subsection need not specify the topic of litigation if the executive session is convened for purposes of paragraph (a)(iii) of this section.".

Page 3-After line 14 Insert:

"(d)  In-camera review under this section shall not limit, waive or abrogate the scope or nature of the attorney-client privilege.

(e)  Audio recording shall not be required under this section of communications protected under W.S. 1-12-101. The electronic recording of the executive session shall reflect that no further record or electronic recording was kept of the discussion based on the opinion of the attorney representing the governing body that the discussion constituted a privileged communication.". LUBNAU

1/28/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/31/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd and Peasley

Ayes 58 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/9/2011 S Rereferred to S06

2/15/2011 S06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill and Esquibel, F.

Nays: Senator(s) Burns

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 21 After "record" insert ", the governing body or both". BURNS, CHAIRMAN

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 4-line 9 Delete "July 1, 2011" insert "July 1, 2012". COOPER

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 10 Delete "and (e)" insert "through (f)".

Page 2-line 10 Delete "and (e)" insert "through (f)".

Page 2-line 18 After "order." delete balance of line.

Page 2-lines 19 through 24 Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0120SS001/AE) to these lines.

Page 3-lines 1 through 6 Delete.

Page 4-after line 7 Insert:

"(f)  A person may seek access to the minutes or recordings of a city council, board of county commissioners or school district board executive session by filing a petition with the district court wherein the record is found. The petition shall request an order directing the custodian of the record, the governing body or both, to produce the record for court inspection. If the court finds good cause and, after an in-camera review of the minutes or recording, that the governing body engaged in substantial discussion of any matter not enumerated in this section, or that the body took action as defined in W.S. 16-4-402(a), the portion of the minutes or recording that reflects the substantial discussion or action shall be open for public inspection. Any minutes or recording opened for public inspection pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to redaction of matters enumerated in this section.". MEIER

2/28/2011 S Lay back failed 11-19;


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Dockstader, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Landen, Martin, Meier, Perkins, Peterson, Ross and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Ayes 11 Nays 19 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Reconsider failed 13-17;


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Christensen, Cooper, Dockstader, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Meier, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Coe, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Ayes 13 Nays 17 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Christensen, Cooper, Dockstader, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Martin, Meier, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Coe, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Nicholas, P., Rothfuss and Schiffer

Ayes 14 Nays 16 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0121 |Public records. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edmonds, Blake, Bonner, Buchanan, Patton, Teeters and Wallis and Senator(s) Dockstader and Martin

AN ACT relating to public records; setting reasonable time for production of public records; clarifying reasonable fees for duplication of public records; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/25/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Greene, Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Cannady, Krone and Nicholas, B.

Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 8 Delete "a".

Page 1-line 9 Delete "subsection (e)" insert "subsections (e) and (f)".

Page 2-line 18 Delete "agreed" insert ": (i) Agreed"; after "parties" delete "." insert "; or".

Page 2-after line 18 Insert:

"(ii)  The request is voluminous; or

(iii)  Fulfilling the request would impair the agency's ability to discharge its duties.

(f)  The custodian shall notify the person requesting the records within seven (7) working days of the reason why the request cannot be fulfilled within the time period specified in subsection (e) of this section, and when the custodian will provide the records.".

Page 3-line 11 After "record" delete the balance of the line and insert ".".

Page 3-line 12 Delete the line through "duplication.".

Page 3-line 14 Delete "or" insert ","; after the second "data" insert ", or redact information". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/27/2011 H Passed CoW

1/28/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 3-line 14 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0121HS001/A) to this line. EDMONDS

1/31/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Byrd, Davison, Greear, McKim and Stubson

Ayes 54 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/9/2011 S Rereferred to S06

2/17/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Dockstader and Esquibel, F.

Nays: Senator(s) Burns and Driskill

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File

2/24/2011 S Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Cooper, Dockstader, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Martin, Perkins, Peterson, Ross and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Coe, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Landen, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Scott

Excused: Senator(s) Johnson

Ayes 10 Nays 19 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0122 |No duty to retreat. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Quarberg, Buchanan, Edmonds, Gingery, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lubnau, Peasley, Petersen, Semlek, Teeters and Vranish and Senator(s) Driskill, Hicks and Jennings

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; allowing for the use of physical or deadly force and providing there is no duty to retreat under specified circumstances; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/26/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Nicholas B and Throne

Absent: Representative(s) Krone

Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 13 After "is" delete balance of the line.

Page 1-line 14 Delete the line through "attacked". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/27/2011 H Passed CoW

1/28/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/31/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas B, Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly, Hunt and McKim

Ayes 57 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/18/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns

Nays: Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F. and Perkins

Excused: Senator(s) Hicks

Ayes 1 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0123 |Circuit court surety bonds-repeal. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Throne, Barbuto and Buchanan and Senator(s) Perkins

AN ACT relating to circuit courts; repealing bond provisions applicable to circuit court judges and magistrates; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/27/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/9/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Placed on General File

2/11/2011 S Passed CoW

2/14/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/15/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Meier

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0021

2/15/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0021

2/16/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0021

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0021

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0057 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0124 |National guard-emergency deployment professional licensing. |

Sponsored By: Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the military; exempting certain licensure requirements during active state duty as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

1/21/2011 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Cannady, McKim, Petersen, Quarberg, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 4 Delete "July 1, 2011" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". QUARBERG, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 1 After "exempting" insert "certain".

Page 1-line 7 Delete "a new subsection" insert "new subsections".

Page 1-line 8 After "(d)" insert "and (e)".

Page 1-lines 13 through 16 Delete entirely and insert:

"(d)  Any member of the Wyoming national guard who possesses a license or credentials to practice a trade or profession in another jurisdiction may perform that trade or professional service in Wyoming without first being licensed or otherwise possessing credentials under any Wyoming licensure laws during those times that he is serving in the Wyoming national guard in a state active service status.

(e)  Any member of the Wyoming national guard who has been trained and qualified in a particular occupational specialty may perform assigned duties within the member's occupational specialty while he is serving in the Wyoming national guard in a state active service status without first being licensed or otherwise possessing credentials under any Wyoming licensure laws.".

Page 2-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely. BOTTEN, BLAKE, QUARBERG, ZWONITZER, DV.

1/26/2011 H Passed CoW

1/27/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08

2/3/2011 S08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen, Nutting and Schiffer

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-lines 6 though 12 Delete and insert:

"(e)  Any requirement for a license to practice any professional, mechanical or other skill does not apply to a member of the Wyoming national guard in active state service who practices a professional, teaching, training, mechanical or other skill while performing duties in active state service.". SCHIFFER, CHAIRMAN

2/11/2011 S Passed CoW

2/14/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/15/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/16/2011 H Did Not Concur


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Childers and Davison

Ayes 0 Nays 58 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Schiffer, Case, Landen

2/16/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Quarberg, Botten, McKim

2/22/2011 H Adopted HB0124JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Greear, Harshman, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Craft, Davison, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Miller, Peasley and Pederson

Ayes 49 Nays 0 Excused 11 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 S Adopted HB0124JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 28 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:


Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:

Page 1-line 7 Delete "new subsections" insert "a new subsection".

Page 1-line 8 Delete "and (e)".

Page 1-lines 13 through 16 Delete entirely.

Page 2-lines 1 through 12 Delete entirely and insert:

"(d)  Any member of the Wyoming national guard who possesses a license or credentials to practice a trade or profession in another jurisdiction, or who meets the requirements of the Wyoming national guard for the practice of any professional, mechanical, teaching, training or other skill, may perform that practice, skill, trade or profession without first being licensed or otherwise possessing credentials under any Wyoming licensure laws during those times that he is serving in the Wyoming national guard in a state active service status.".


2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0042

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0042

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0042

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0042

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0094 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0125 |Cooperative utilities-rate regulation. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers, Bonner and Krone and Senator(s) Coe and Geis

AN ACT relating to public utilities; extending time for notification of vote on exemption of cooperative utilities from rate regulation; amending notification procedures; amending number of votes required; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction; No Further Action Prior to CoW Cutoff

|H.B. No. 0126 |Irrigation districts-large expenditures. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers, Bonner and Krone and Senator(s) Coe and Geis

AN ACT relating to irrigation districts; providing a ceiling on the minimum annual assessment irrigation districts may impose; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0127 |School finance recalibration. |

Sponsored By: Select Committee on School Finance

AN ACT relating to school finance; implementing 2010 recalibration modifications to the Wyoming education resource block grant model; eliminating superfluous and fully executed provisions; modifying the early reading program; clarifying reimbursable expenditures;

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/24/2011 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2011 H Placed on General File

1/24/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/26/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 9 After ";" insert "providing an appropriation; authorizing positions;"; delete "an"; delete "date" insert "dates".

Page 2-line 1 Delete "and" insert ","; after "(xvii)" insert "and (c)".

Page 9-line 17 Reinsert stricken "eighty-five percent (85%) of".

Page 10-line 3 Delete "one hundred percent (100%)" insert "eighty-five percent (85%)".

Page 10-line 5 After "." insert "At a minimum, the improvement plan shall outline the district's general strategy for increasing reading proficiency for the next school year and shall specifically address the student-teacher ratio, the use of certified tutors and the use of instructional facilitators in kindergarten through grade three (3) in all schools within the district.".

Page 10-line 19 After "law" insert ","; strike "and" insert "on file with the secretary of state and".

Page 11-After line 7 insert:

"(c)  The secretary of state shall maintain and make available for public inspection in a hardcopy or electronic format, as applicable, or both, during regular business hours, The education resource block grant model as defined under paragraph (a)(xiv) of this section and as included in "Attachment A" referenced in paragraph (a)(xvii) of this section, and "Attachment B" referenced in paragraph (a)(xviii) of this section, as each are enacted into law, and including any technical correction which may be implemented by rule and regulation of the state superintendent and under W.S. 21-2-202(e), shall be filed with the secretary of state. pursuant to W.S. 21-2-202(e).".

Page 13-line 12 Strike "and" insert ","; reinsert stricken "on file with the".

Page 13-line 13 Reinsert stricken "secretary of state" insert "and".

Page 23-line 13 Delete "and (c)".

Page 24-line 12 After "4." Insert:

"(a)  For the period commencing upon the effective date of this section and ending June 30, 2012, three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($350,000.00) is appropriated from the public school foundation program account to the department of education to carry out duties imposed upon the state superintendent under W.S. 21-2-202(a)(xxxii), as amended by section 1 of this act. In addition, the state superintendent is authorized an additional two (2) full-time positions, together with position support costs, originally funded as at-will positions under 2010 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 39, Section 334(f)(i). These full-time positions and the amounts appropriated under this subsection shall be expended only for implementation of W.S. 21-2-202(a)(xxxii), as amended under section 1 of this act.

Page 25-line 1 After "5." Insert "(a)  Except as provided under subsection (b) of this section,".

Page 25-After line 1 insert:

"(b)  Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, section 4 of this act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.".

Page 30-line 41 After "." insert "Any building without allowable gross square footage for purposes of major maintenance computations under W.S. 21-15-109 shall use the actual educational gross square footage as approved by the school facilities commission.".

Page 31-line 23 After "Utilities:" delete balance of line and insert "Actual 2009-2010 expenditures by district. For additional school buildings added to district building inventories after 2009-2010, 100% of 2009-2010 district average utility expenditures per gross square foot for district school buildings multiplied by the additional authorized educational square footage.".

Page 31-lines 24 and 25 Delete.

Page 31-line 36 Delete "147" insert "243".  TEETERS, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 5 After "clarifying" insert "and modifying".

Page 2-line 3 After "21-13-320" insert "(b)(intro) and".

Page 18-After line 14 insert:

"(b)  There shall be an amount computed for each school district equal to the assigned percentage of the base price amount for bus purchase and lease payment expenditures made by the district during the previous school year pursuant to subsection (g) of this section, one hundred percent (100%) of the amount actually expended by the district during the previous school year under subsection (c) of this section, and ninety percent (90%) of the amount actually expended by the district during the previous school year for:". STUBSON


Page 1-line 5 After "program;" insert "providing for student enrichment instruction;".

Page 1-After line 12 insert and renumber:

"Section 1.  W.S. 21-13-336 is created to read:

21-13-336.  Supplemental financial assistance for student enrichment instruction.

(a)  The supplemental financial assistance program for student enrichment instruction is established to augment resources within the education resource block grant model for provision of student enrichment instruction provided during summer sessions beyond the required school year under W.S. 21-13-307(a)(ii) or occurring on days other than regular school days as specified in W.S. 21-13-334(c). The program shall also be limited to programs complying with program requirements and criteria established by rule and regulation of the department. The department may provide technical assistance to districts in supplemental assistance application under this section and in program development and implementation, focusing on program curriculum, instruction, assessment and accountability.

(b)  Each year, any school district may apply to the department of education for supplemental assistance under this section on or before April 15. Application shall be on a form and in a manner prescribed by the department and at minimum, shall include:

(i)  A description of program content including enrichment learning strategies to be employed;

(ii)  Evidence that proposed enrichment learning strategies included in the instructional program are research-based;

(iii)  Documentation of the use of any national sources for discovering, establishing and implementing research-based instructional practices;

(iv)  A plan for evaluating participating student progress and analyzing the effectiveness of the enrichment instruction program.

(c)  On or before May 15 of each year, application review by the department shall be completed and selected districts shall be notified of any estimated assistance allocation to be made available to the district for the applicable school session. Supplemental assistance allocations shall be determined from among all applications filed with the department based upon the extent to which the applicant district program complies with the following criteria:

(i)  Research-based, quality instructional opportunities provided for students to meet or exceed state and local academic program standards through academic enrichment supporting student learning and development, which reinforce and complement regular academic programs;

(ii)  Linkage of program components to academic standards;

(iii)  Learning opportunities and activities available under the program are clearly distinguishable and different from district programs offered during the regular school day or during the regular school year;

(iv)  Evaluation instruments and processes to be implemented and established for determining program effectiveness.

(d)  Financial assistance to each district selected under subsection (c) of this section shall be made by the department from amounts appropriated by the legislature to the foundation program account for purposes of the program established by this section and shall be in addition to and not considered in determining the school foundation program amount under W.S. 21-13-309. District expenditure of amounts distributed under this section shall be solely for district enrichment instruction in accordance with program documentation submitted by the district under subsection (b) of this section. Assistance shall be available to recipient districts during the school session for which application is made, and shall be distributed periodically by the department on a payment schedule established by the department and the recipient district as necessary to reimburse the district for incurred program costs, provided the total amount reimbursed to that district does not exceed the total amount established by the department as that district's portion of the total legislative appropriation for the applicable school session.

(e)  Each recipient district shall report to the department of education on expenditures of amounts distributed under this section together with additional information required by the department on enrichment strategies employed by the district, the impact of the program on student performance and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the enrichment strategies employed by the recipient district, as follows:

(i)  On or before October 1 following the summer session for each recipient district that received funding under this section for a summer program beyond the required school year under W.S. 21-13-307(a)(ii); or

(ii)  On or before May 1 of the school year for which supplemental assistance is received for each recipient district that received funding under this section for a program occurring on days other than regular school days as specified in W.S. 21-13-334(c); and

(iii)  If the recipient district received prior student enrichment assistance from the department, the report shall include an analysis and evaluation of program impact on student performance and enrichment strategies over the combined period of time the district operated the program using state funds specific to this program.

(f)  The department shall annually compile the information reported by districts under this subsection and submit the compilation to the joint education interim committee together with information reported pursuant to W.S. 21-13-309(u).".

Page 23-After line 14 insert and renumber:

"Section 4.  For the period beginning on the effective date of section 1 of this act and ending June 30, 2012, four hundred fifty thousand dollars ($450,000.00) is appropriated from the public school foundation program account to the department of education to be expended as necessary to implement W.S. 21-13-336 as created by section 1 of this act.".

Page 25-line 1 Delete standing committee amendment (HB0127HS001/A) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "Section 5." insert "Section 7. (a)Except as provided by subsection (b) of this section,".

Page 25-After line 1 Delete standing committee amendment (HB0127HS001/A) to this line and insert:

"(b)  Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, sections 1, 4 and 6 of this act are effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". LUBNAU


Page 1-line 5 After "expenditures;" insert "establishing a grant program to supplement funds available to school district for school resource officers;".

Page 1–line 9 In the standing committee amendment (HB0127HS001/A) to this line delete "an appropriation" insert "appropriations".

Page 24-After line 23 Insert and renumber:

"Section 5.

(a)  For the period beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012, five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) is appropriated from the school foundation program account to the department of education to distribute grants to school districts to supplement available funds for the employment and support of school resource officers within the district. Grants to districts shall be in accordance with this section, and shall supplement costs to districts for the provision of school-based law enforcement officers and other school-based security or safety professionals for the protection and safety of students, faculty and staff attending or employed within the schools of the district.

(b)  Application shall be submitted by a district on a form, in a manner and within an established time frame developed by rule and regulation of the department of education, subject to grant eligibility criteria as prescribed by department rule and regulation which at minimum, shall:

(i)  Require employment by the applicant district of a school resource officer in the school year prior to application;

(ii)  Require the district to file its safety and security plan with the department, identifying how the district would deploy grant funds and describing the impact of the program on school operations;

(iii)  Restrict expenditure of grant amounts to costs of employing school resource officers and shall not permit expenditure for safety and security equipment and other related capital outlays;

(iv)  Require the district to report any federal funds available to the applicant district for the costs of employing school resource officers within its schools.

(c)  The department shall establish a method to prioritize applications received from districts under this section, and shall determine the grant award amount for each applicant based upon the safety and security program implemented by the district, the use of program criteria and training recommended by the national association of resource officers and other criteria as may be established by the department. Grants awarded to any district shall be distributed by the department in sufficient time for use by the district during school year 2011-2012, and shall:

(i)  Supplement district safety and security programs;

(ii)  Not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for any one (1) district;

(iii)  Be in addition to and shall not be considered in determining the school foundation program amount under the education resource block grant model pursuant to W.S. 21-13-309;

(iv)  Not duplicate any federal funds available to the district for school resource officers;

(v)  Require each recipient district to report to the department of education on expenditures of grants awarded under this section, together with additional information required by the department, in sufficient time to comply with subsection (d) of this section.

(d)  On or before November 1, 2011, the department shall compile the information reported by districts under this subsection and report the compilation to the joint education interim committee. Based upon this compilation and upon data substantiating the use of school resource officers as part of school safety and security programs, the department shall also provide recommendations to the committee on continuation of the program, and if the recommendation is for program continuation, provide recommendations on future program structure and funding.".

Page 25-line 1 In the Lubnau committee of the whole amendment (HB0127HW002/AC) to this line delete "Section 7" insert "Section 8". CRAFT, CONNOLLY, KRONE

1/27/2011 H Passed CoW


Delete the Stubson Committee of the Whole amendment (HB0127HW001/A). Further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 5 After "clarifying" insert "and modifying".

Page 2-line 3 After "21-13-320" insert "(b) and".

Page 18-After line 14 insert:

"(b)  There shall be an amount computed for each school district equal to the assigned percentage of the base price amount for bus purchase and lease payment expenditures made by the district during the previous school year pursuant to subsection (g) of this section, one hundred percent (100%) of the amount actually expended by the district during the previous school year under subsection (c) of this section and for the following amounts:

(i)  One hundred percent (100%) of the amount actually expended by the district during the immediately preceding school year for the maintenance and operation of transportation routes for transporting school children to and from school; and

(ii)  Ninety percent (90%) of the amount actually expended by the district during the immediately preceding school year for the transportation of students to and from student activities authorized by department of education rules. For the purpose of this paragraph, student activities means athletic and nonathletic activities sanctioned by the Wyoming high school activities association and school sponsored athletic and nonathletic activities in grades preceding high school which directly correspond to those high school activities sanctioned by the Wyoming high school activities association. No reimbursement shall be made for transportation expenses for student activities for expenses for transportation in excess of one hundred fifty (150) miles from the Wyoming border into another state.". HARSHMAN

1/28/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 5 After "program;" insert "modifying the required minimum school year as specified;".

Page 1-line 9 In the House Standing Committee amendment (HB0127HS001/A) to this line, delete "an appropriation" insert "appropriations".

Page 1-line 15 After "," insert "21-2-304(b)(viii),".

Page 1-line 17 After "21-3-401," insert "21-4-301,".

Page 2-line 1 After "(xvii)," insert "21-13-307(a)(ii)(intro),".

Page 6-After line 24 insert:

"21-2-304.  Duties of the state board of education.

(b)  In addition to subsection (a) of this section and any other duties assigned to it by law, the state board shall:

(viii)  Approve or disapprove alternative scheduling for school districts requesting to operate for fewer than one hundred seventy-five (175) one hundred ninety (190) days in any school year, but no schedule shall be approved which reduces the pupil-teacher contact time defined by the state board;".

Page 10-After line 5 insert:

"21-4-301.  Schools to be free and accessible to all children; minimum school year.

Except as otherwise provided by law, the public schools of each school district in the state shall at all times be equally free and accessible to all children resident therein of five (5) years of age as of September 15 of the applicable school year and under the age of twenty-one (21), subject to regulations of the board of trustees. Each school district shall operate its schools and its classes for a minimum of one hundred seventy-five (175) one hundred ninety (190) days each school year unless an alternative schedule has been approved by the state board. Prior to submission of a proposed alternative schedule to the state board, the board of trustees shall hold at least two (2) advertised public meetings within the district, at which the board shall present the proposed alternative schedule and respond to public questions and comments. Any school district operating under an alternative schedule shall annually evaluate the effectiveness of that schedule in meeting the educational goals and purposes for which the schedule was adopted.".

Page 11-Before line 9 insert:

"21-13-307.  Eligibility to share in distribution of money from foundation account; mandatory financial reporting.

(a)  Each district which meets the following requirements is eligible to share in the distribution of funds from the foundation account:

(ii)  Operated all schools for a term of at least one hundred eighty-five (185) one hundred ninety-eight (198) days or the number of days or equivalent hours authorized under an alternative schedule approved by the state board during the previous school year. If the school term of any school in a district was less than one hundred eighty-five (185) one hundred ninety-eight (198) days or less than the total number of days authorized under an alternative schedule approved by the state board, the amount allotted per average daily membership (ADM) under W.S. 21-13-309 for the school shall be in proportion to the length of the term the school actually operated, unless caused by closures of schools:".

Page 24-After line 23 insert:

"(c)  For the period beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012, up to forty million dollars ($40,000,000.00) is appropriated from the school foundation program account to be expended solely for the costs of extending the minimum school year as required under section 1 of this act for school year 2011-2012.". HARSHMAN


Page 29-line 13 After ":" delete balance of line and insert "$291.90/ADM.".

Page 29-lines 14 through 27 Delete. HARSHMAN


Page 31-lines 34 through 46 Delete entirely including the Standing Committee Amendment (HB0127HS001/A) to line 36, and insert: "For all schools with 49 or fewer ADM within a district comprised solely of schools with 49 or fewer ADM and in lieu of all other staff resources, resource with 1 assistant principal position plus 1.5 teacher positions for every 7 students for all staff;". HARSHMAN


Delete the Stubson Committee of the Whole amendment (HB0127HW001/A).

Delete the Harshman Second Reading Amendment (HB0127H2001/A). HARSHMAN


Delete the Stubson Committee of the Whole amendment (HB0127HW001/A)

Delete the Harshman Second Reading amendment (HB0127H2001/A). Further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 5 After "clarifying" insert "and modifying".

Page 2-line 3 After "21-13-320" insert "(b)(intro), by creating a new paragraph (iii) and".

Page 18-After line 14 insert:

"(b)  There shall be an amount computed for each school district equal to the assigned percentage of the base price amount for bus purchase and lease payment expenditures made by the district during the previous school year pursuant to subsection (g) of this section, one hundred percent (100%) of the amount actually expended by the district during the previous school year under subsection (c) of this section and except as provided under paragraph (iii) of this subsection, for:

(iii)  Effective school year 2011-2012 and each school year thereafter, expenditures of amounts reimbursed under paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this subsection shall be considered in future computations of amounts reimbursed as follows:

(A)  If for any school year a district actually expends less than the amount reimbursed for that school year, the amount reimbursed for the immediately succeeding school year shall be based upon the amount reimbursed for that school year regardless of expenditures;

(B)  If for any school year a district actually expends more than the amount reimbursed for that school year, the amount reimbursed for the immediately succeeding school year shall be reduced by an amount equal to one-half (1/2) of the difference between the amount actually expended for that school year and the amount reimbursed for that school year.". KROEKER


Page 1-line 5 After "expenditures;" insert "imposing specified student-teacher ratios;".

Page 2-line 1 Before "21-13-309" insert "21-13-307(a) by creating a new paragraph (iv),".

Page 11-Before line 9 insert:

"21-13-307.  Eligibility to share in distribution of money from foundation account; mandatory financial reporting.

(a)  Each district which meets the following requirements is eligible to share in the distribution of funds from the foundation account:

(iv)  The district shall provide evidence to the state superintendent that the district maintains a student-teacher ratio of not greater than sixteen (16) to one (1) for all classes in kindergarten through grade three (3) in the district. The requirement of this paragraph may be waived on an annual basis by the state board if the district has petitioned for and the state board has approved the waiver. Waivers under this paragraph shall be limited to extraordinary circumstances related to school facility capacity or for other reasons related to the delivery of the education program to students.". TEETERS


Page 1-line 5 Before "establishing" insert "prohibiting specified district expenditures;".

Page 2-line 3 After "(u)," insert "21-13-311 by creating a new subsection (c),".

Page 18-After line 9 insert:

"21-13-311.  Determination of amount to be distributed to each district from foundation account; undistributed balance; prohibition on expenditures.

(c)  Effective school year 2011-2012 and each school year thereafter, no foundation program funds distributed under subsection (a) of this section shall be expended by any district for conducting random drug testing of students within the district without prior approval of the student's parents.". TEETERS


Page 1-line 5 After "expenditures;" and after the Teeters Third Reading Amendment (HB0127H3006/A) to this line, insert "imposing requirements on use of tutors;".

Page 2-line 1 In the Teeters Third Reading Amendment (HB0127H3006/A) to this line, after "(iv)" insert "and by creating a new subsection (c),".

Page 11-before line 9 and after the Teeters Third Reading Amendment (HB0127H3006/A) to this line, insert:

"21-13-307.  Eligibility to share in distribution of money from foundation account; mandatory financial reporting.

(c)  Effective for school year 2011-2012 and each school year thereafter, in addition to subsection (a) of this section and for purposes of eligibility to receive foundation program funds, each district shall provide evidence to the state superintendent that the district, from amounts resourced to the district through the education resource block grant model for at-risk student populations identified under W.S. 21-13-309(m)(v)(A), has expended at-risk funds for use of certified tutors in accordance with strategies embedded within the model for addressing the needs of students not performing at proficient levels. Upon petition by a district, the state superintendent may waive the requirements of this subsection based upon the inability to employ certified staff for this purpose or other reasons substantiated by the district.". HARSHMAN


Delete the Harshman Third Reading Amendment (HB0127H3002/A). Further amend as follows:

Page 29-line 17 Delete "$24.29/ADM" insert "$24.05/ADM".

Page 29-line 19 Delete "799.01/ADM" insert "$791.02/ADM".

Page 29-line 20 Delete "$206.44/ADM" insert "$204.38/ADM".

Page 29-line 23 Delete "$2,059.69/ADM" insert "$2,039.09/ADM".

Page 29-line 24 Delete "$607.15/ADM" insert "$601.08/ADM".

Page 29-line 27 Delete "$291.90/ADM" insert "$288.98/ADM". BROWN, STEWARD

1/31/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Buchanan, Connolly, Davison, Hunt, Lubnau, McKim and Peasley

Ayes 53 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/7/2011 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Coe, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Placed on General File

2/8/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/15/2011 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 8 After "(intro)," insert "(ii),".

Page 9-line 19 After "progress" insert "of each of its schools".

Page 10-line 6 Delete "district" insert "school".

Page 12-line 17 Delete "a" insert "an average".

Page 12-line 19 After "for" insert "the aggregate of".

Page 21-After line 7 insert:

"(ii)  The transportation of students to and from student activities authorized by department of education rules. For the purpose of this paragraph, student activities means athletic and nonathletic activities sanctioned by the Wyoming high school activities association and school sponsored athletic and nonathletic activities in grades preceding high school which directly correspond to those high school activities sanctioned by the Wyoming high school activities association. No reimbursement shall be made for transportation expenses for student activities for expenses for transportation in excess of one hundred fifty (150) miles from the Wyoming border into another state;. and". COE, CHAIRMAN


Page 3-line 23 After "(xxxii)" delete balance of line and insert "In consultation with the office of the chief information officer and through a single repository, establish criteria and guidelines for the collection, storage, management and reporting of data related to teacher certification and the administration of the school finance system.".

Page 3-line 24 Delete.

Page 4-lines 1 through 3 Delete.

Page 7-line 11 Delete "rules and regulations of" insert "criteria and guidelines established by".

Page 28-line 9 After "." delete balance of line, insert and renumber:

"(b)  In addition to subsection (a) of this section and for purposes of implementing W.S. 21-2-202(a)(xxxii), as amended under section 1 of this act, in multiple phases, the state superintendent is authorized:

(i)  For the period commencing on the effective date of this section and ending June 30, 2012, one (1) at-will position to be funded from amounts appropriated to the Wyoming professional teaching standards board from within the special reserve fund account under 2010 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 39;

(ii)  For the period commencing July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012, and from within existing department funds, the continuation of one (1) of the two (2) at-will positions originally funded under 2010 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 39, Section 334(f)(i).".

Page 28-lines 10 through 17 Delete.

Page 28-line 19 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)". NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 5 Delete "and modifying".

Page 2-line 8 Delete including the First Senate standing Committee Amendment (HB0127SS001/AE) to this line and insert: "21-13-320(f),".

Page 2-line 9 Delete "(f),".

Page 20-lines 23 and 24 Delete.

Page 21-lines 1 through 24 Delete including the First Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0127SS001/AE) to these lines.

Page 22-lines 1 through 3 Delete. VON FLATERN


Page 20-line 16 After "parents" insert "or without a drug testing policy established and approved by the school district board". VON FLATERN


Page 13-line 1 After "capacity" insert ", demonstration of positive student achievement". NICHOLAS


Page 1-line 6 After "expenditures;" insert "modifying foundation account payment and recapture schedules and advance payments as specified;".

Page 2-line 4 After "(c)," insert "21-13-102(b),".

Page 2-line 7 After "(d"," insert "21-13-313(c) and (g),".

Page 12-after line 6 insert:

"21-13-102.  Maximum rate of school district tax; recapture of excess.

(b)  Except as otherwise provided by law, on January 15, March 15 and May 15 of each year, in equal payments of twenty-five percent (25%) fifty percent (50%) and the balance to be paid on June 15, each school district shall rebate to the department of education as of the amount by which the revenue from the sources provided by W.S. 21-13-310 exceeds the foundation program costs determined under W.S. 21-13-309, shall be rebated to the department of education by each school district subject to this subsection. The balance of this amount shall be rebated to the department on or before June 15 of each year. The amount to be rebated shall be estimated to the districts on or before August 15 and as subsequently certified to the districts on or before March 1 of the current fiscal year under subsection (e) of this section, to be credited to the public school foundation program account defined in W.S. 21-13-101(a)(ix).".

Page 20-after line 16 insert:

"21-13-313.  Distribution of funds from foundation account; property tax and cash reserve adjustment; regulations.

(c)  One-third (1/3) Fifteen percent (15%) of each district's entitlement shall be paid to the district on August 15 of each year. and subject to any adjustment under subsections (d) and (e) of this section, ten percent (10%) of each district's entitlement shall be paid on or about the fifteenth day of October and February, each month through April of each year. The final payment for the balance of the entitlements each district's entitlement shall be distributed in equal payments on or before May 15 of each year. If, after March 1 and before April 1, the state superintendent determines that the entitlement to be paid to a district for that school year is not accurate, the state superintendent shall make additional adjust payments to or require payments from that district as necessary to correct the inaccuracy as soon as practicable. Except as provided under W.S. 21-2-202(e), after March 31 of any school year, the state superintendent shall not adjust any district's entitlement or fiscal information used to compute a district's entitlement for that school year, and the entitlement or fiscal information shall only be adjusted thereafter in accordance with audit review pursuant to W.S. 9-1-513.

(g)  In addition to subsections (b) and (c) of this section, the state superintendent shall for any district subject to W.S. 21-13-102(b) as determined by the department for any school year submitting application to the department on or before July 15 demonstrating a financial burden and need pursuant to department criteria, provide payments from the school foundation program account in an amount equal not to exceed one-third (1/3) of the foundation program amount computed for that district for that school year in accordance with W.S. 21-13-309. The computed amount shall be paid to each eligible applicant district on August 15 based upon tentative computations under W.S. 21-13-309, for which the department may use fiscal information available from foundation program computations for the previous school year in the manner provided under subsection (b) of this section. Any eligible applicant district receiving a payment under this subsection shall repay the foundation program account by on or before June 15 of that school year, together with interest at a rate equal to the rate specified under W.S. 21-13-316(a).". NICHOLAS, COE, ROTHFUSS

2/18/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 12-line 17 Delete "maintains" insert "has maintained".

Page 12-line 20 After "district" insert "in the preceding school year".

Page 12-lines 21 through 24 Delete and insert: "waived by the state board for extraordinary circumstances related to school facility capacity, demonstration of positive student achievement or for other reasons related to the delivery of the education program to students. The department shall compute the student-teacher ratio and report it to each district and the board not later than March 1 of each year. To obtain a waiver under this paragraph, a school district shall apply to the state board not later than March 15 of each year. The application shall be based on the student-teacher ratio reported by the department of education, together with any other information required by the state board. The state board shall approve or deny an application for a waiver under this paragraph not later than April 10 of that year. A waiver approved under this paragraph shall be effective for the school year immediately following the application and approval.".

Page 13-lines 1 and 2 Delete including the First Nicholas Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0127SW005/AE) to these lines. VON FLATERN


Page 9-line 9 Delete "or group".

Page 9-line 11 After "program" insert ", which may include a group reading plan". SCOTT


Page 1-line 6 Delete "imposing" insert "requiring a plan for".

Page 2-line 4 Delete "21-3-307(a) by creating".

Page 2-line 5 Delete "a new paragraph (iv),".

Page 12-lines 8 through 24 Delete including the First Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0127SS001/AE) and the Von Flatern Second Reading Amendment (HB0127S2001/AE) to these lines.

Page 13-lines 1 and 2 Delete including the First Nicholas Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0127SW005/AE) to these lines.

Page 29-after line 6 Insert and renumber:

"Section 5.

(a)  Each district shall provide to the state department of education, the joint education interim committee and the joint appropriations committee, no later than October 1st, 2011, a report which includes the following information:

(i)  A plan using existing resources to provide, beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, a student-teacher ratio no greater than sixteen (16) to one (1) for all classes in kindergarten through grade three (3);

(ii)  A basis for any exceptions that would be required for any reason should the legislature mandate the student-teacher ratio specified in subsection (a) of this section; and

(iii)  A showing that student performance would not be affected by any class configuration not meeting the student-teacher ratio specified in subsection (a) of this section.".

Page 29-line 8 Delete "5" insert "6". NICHOLAS

2/22/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 12-After line 6 Delete the Nicholas Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0127SW006/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: insert:

"21-13-102.  Maximum rate of school district tax; recapture of excess; equalization of permissive levies.

(b)  Except as otherwise provided by law, On January 15, March 15 and May 15 of each school year:

(i)  in equal payments of twenty-five percent (25%) and the balance to be paid on June 15, each school district shall rebate to the department of education the amount by which the revenue A school district whose revenues from the sources provided by W.S. 21-13-310 exceeds exceed the foundation program costs determined under W.S. 21-13-309 by more than three hundred percent (300%), as estimated to the districts on or before August 15 and as subsequently certified to the districts on or before March 1 of the current fiscal year under subsection (e) of this section, to shall rebate fifty percent (50%) of the excess revenues to the department of education. The balance of the excess revenues shall be rebated to the department on or before June 15 of that school year;

(ii)   A school district whose revenues specified under W.S. 21-13-310 for any school year exceed the foundation program costs determined under W.S. 21-13-309 by three hundred percent (300%) or less, as estimated and certified under subsection (e) of this section, shall rebate forty percent (40%) of the excess revenues to the department by January 15 of the applicable school year. The balance of the excess revenues shall be rebated to the department on or before June 15 of the applicable school year;

(iii)  Amounts rebated under paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this subsection shall be credited to the public school foundation program account defined in W.S. 21-13-101(a)(ix).".

Page 20-After line 16 Delete the Nicholas Committee of the Whole amendment (HB0127SW006/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: insert:

"21-13-313.  Distribution of funds from foundation account; property tax and cash reserve adjustment; regulations.

(c)  One-third (1/3) Fifteen percent (15%) of each district's entitlement shall be paid to the district on or before August 15 of each year. and subject to any adjustment under subsections (d) and (e) of this section, ten percent (10%) of each district's entitlement shall be paid on or about the fifteenth day of October and February, each month through April of each year. The final payment for the balance of the entitlements each district's entitlement shall be distributed on or before May 15 of each year. If, after March 1 and before April 1, the state superintendent determines that the entitlement to be paid to a district for that school year is not accurate, the state superintendent shall make additional adjust payments to or require payments from that district as necessary to correct the inaccuracy as soon as practicable. Except as provided under W.S. 21-2-202(e), after March 31 of any school year, the state superintendent shall not adjust any district's entitlement or fiscal information used to compute a district's entitlement for that school year, and the entitlement or fiscal information shall only be adjusted thereafter in accordance with audit review pursuant to W.S. 9-1-513.

(g)  In addition to subsections (b) and (c) of this section, the state superintendent shall, for any district subject to W.S. 21-13-102(b) as determined by the department for any school year, or for any district not subject to W.S. 21-13-102(b) whose entitlement amount determined under W.S. 21-13-311(a) for any school year is equal to or less than twenty percent (20%) of the foundation program amount computed under W.S. 21-13-309(p), and upon demonstration by the district of financial need as documented by cash flow analysis, provide payments from the school foundation program account in an amount equal not to one-third (1/3) exceed one-fifth (1/5) of the foundation program amount computed for that district for that school year in accordance with W.S. 21-13-309. The computed amount shall be paid to each eligible district on August 15 or before September 15 based upon tentative computations under W.S. 21-13-309, for which the department may use fiscal information available from foundation program computations for the previous school year in the manner provided under subsection (b) of this section. Any district receiving a payment under this subsection shall repay and repaying the foundation program account by June 15 December 15 of that school year shall not be assessed interest. After December 15, the district shall be assessed interest at a rate equal to the rate specified by W.S. 21-13-316(a) until the payment is repaid in full. In no event shall an advance payment under this subsection extend beyond and remain unpaid by any district, including interest, on and after June 15 of that school year.".

Page 27-line 1 After "2." insert "(a)".

Page 27-After line 3 insert:

"(b)  2011 Senate File 0001, Section 205, Footnotes 4 and 5, are repealed.".

Page 29-After line 6 After the Nicholas Second Reading Amendment (HB0127S2003/AE) to this line, insert and renumber:

"Section 6.  

(a)  Each school district subject to W.S. 21-13-102(b) for school year 2011-2012, shall on or before July 31, 2012, report the following information to members of the joint education interim committee and to the joint appropriations interim committee:

(i)  A cash flow analysis, detailing district monthly expenditures and revenues during the reporting period;

(ii)  Monthly cash balances for each month during the 2011-2012 school year;

(iii)  Amounts borrowed by the district during the reporting period necessary to cover district expenditures;

(iv)  Earnings on excess revenues during the reporting period.". VON FLATERN, NICHOLAS

2/23/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Meier

Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/24/2011 H Did Not Concur


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart and Pederson

Ayes 0 Nays 58 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Coe, Meier, Von Flatern

2/24/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) Teeters, Harshman, McKim

3/1/2011 H Adopted HB0127JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Greear, Krone, Miller, Patton, Peasley and Petroff

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Absent: Representative(s) Nicholas, B.

Ayes 52 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 S Adopted HB0127JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Schiffer

Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Adopt the following Senate amendments:




Delete the following Senate amendments:








Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:

Page 1-line 6 After "expenditures;" insert "modifying foundation account payment and recapture schedules and advance payments as specified;".

Page 2-line 4 After "(c)," insert "21-13-102(b),".

Page 2-line 7 After "(d)," insert "21-13-313(c) and (g),".

Page 9-line 19 After "progress" insert "of each of its schools".

Page 10-line 6 Delete "district" insert "school".

Page 12-After line 6 insert:

"21-13-102.  Maximum rate of school district tax; recapture of excess; equalization of permissive levies.

(b)  Except as otherwise provided by law, on January 15, March 15 and May 15 of For each school year:

(i)  in equal payments of twenty-five percent (25%) and the balance to be paid on June 15, each school district shall rebate to the department of education the amount by which the revenue A school district whose revenues from the sources provided by W.S. 21-13-310 exceeds exceed the foundation program costs determined under W.S. 21-13-309 by more than three hundred percent (300%), as estimated to the districts on or before August 15 and as subsequently certified to the districts on or before March 1 of the current fiscal year under subsection (e) of this section, to shall rebate fifty percent (50%) of the excess revenues to the department of education by January 15 of the applicable school year. The balance of the excess revenues shall be rebated to the department on or before June 15 of that school year;

(ii)  A school district whose revenues specified under W.S. 21-13-310 for any school year exceed the foundation program costs determined under W.S. 21-13-309 by three hundred percent (300%) or less, as estimated and certified under subsection (e) of this section, shall rebate forty percent (40%) of the excess revenues to the department by January 15 of the applicable school year. The balance of the excess revenues shall be rebated to the department on or before June 15 of the applicable school year;

(iii)  Amounts rebated under paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this subsection shall be credited to the public school foundation program account defined in W.S. 21-13-101(a)(ix).".

Page 12-line 17 Delete "maintains a" insert "has maintained an average".

Page 12-line 19 After "for" insert "the aggregate of".

Page 12-line 20 After "district" insert "in the preceding school year".

Page 12-lines 21 through 24 Delete and insert:

"waived by the department of education for any district that demonstrates insufficient school facility capacity, positive school performance, positive student achievement or for other reasons related to the delivery of the education program to students. This paragraph shall not apply to charter schools established under W.S. 21-3-301 through 21-3-314. The department shall compute the student-teacher ratio and report it to each district not later than March 1 of each year. To obtain a waiver under this paragraph, a school district shall apply to the department not later than March 15 of each year. The application shall be based on the student-teacher ratio reported by the department of education, together with any other information required by the department. The department shall approve or deny an application for a waiver under this paragraph not later than April 10 of that year. A waiver approved under this paragraph shall be effective for the school year immediately following the application and approval.".

Page 13-lines 1 and 2 Delete.

Page 20-After line 16 insert:

"21-13-313.  Distribution of funds from foundation account; property tax and cash reserve adjustment; regulations.

(c)  One-third (1/3) Fifteen percent (15%) of each district's entitlement shall be paid to the district on or before August 15 of each year. and subject to any adjustment under subsections (d) and (e) of this section, ten percent (10%) of each district's entitlement shall be paid on or about the fifteenth day of October and February, each month through April of each year. The final payment for the balance of the entitlements each district's entitlement shall be distributed on or before May 15 of each year. If, after March 1 and before April 1, the state superintendent determines that the entitlement to be paid to a district for that school year is not accurate, the state superintendent shall make additional adjust payments to or require payments from that district as necessary to correct the inaccuracy as soon as practicable. Except as provided under W.S. 21-2-202(e), after March 31 of any school year, the state superintendent shall not adjust any district's entitlement or fiscal information used to compute a district's entitlement for that school year, and the entitlement or fiscal information shall only be adjusted thereafter in accordance with audit review pursuant to W.S. 9-1-513.

(g)  In addition to subsections (b) and (c) of this section, the state superintendent shall, for any district subject to W.S. 21-13-102(b) as determined by the department for any school year, or for any district not subject to W.S. 21-13-102(b) whose entitlement amount determined under W.S. 21-13-311(a) for any school year is equal to or less than twenty percent (20%) of the foundation program amount computed under W.S. 21-13-309(p), and upon demonstration by the district of financial need as documented by cash flow analysis, provide payments from the school foundation program account in an amount equal not to one-third (1/3) exceed one-fifth (1/5) of the foundation program amount computed for that district for that school year in accordance with W.S. 21-13-309. The computed amount shall be paid to each eligible district on August 15 or before September 1 based upon tentative computations under W.S. 21-13-309, for which the department may use fiscal information available from foundation program computations for the previous school year in the manner provided under subsection (b) of this section. Any district receiving a payment under this subsection shall repay and repaying the foundation program account by June 15 December 15 of that school year shall not be assessed interest. After December 15, the district shall be assessed interest at a rate equal to the rate specified by W.S. 21-13-316(a) until the payment is repaid in full. In no event shall an advance payment under this subsection extend beyond and remain unpaid by any district, including interest, on and after June 15 of that school year.".

Page 22-line 12 Before "." insert "of any member employee's salary".

Page 24-line 10 Before "." insert "of any member employee's salary".

Page 27-line 1 After "2." insert "(a)".

Page 27-After line 3 insert:

"(b)  2011 Senate File 0001, Section 205, Footnote 4 is repealed.".

Page 29-After line 6 Insert:

"Section 5.

(a)  Each school district subject to W.S. 21-13-102(b) for school year 2010-2011, shall on or before July 31, 2011, report the information specified under this section to the department of education. The department shall compile the information and by August 31, 2011, submit the compilation to the legislative service office for distribution to members of the joint education interim committee and the joint appropriations interim committee. Information to be reported by applicable school districts under this section includes the following:

(i)  A cash flow analysis, detailing district monthly expenditures and revenues during the reporting period;

(ii)  Monthly cash balances for each month during the 2010-2011 school year;

(iii)  Amounts borrowed by the district during the reporting period necessary to cover district expenditures;

(iv)  Earnings on excess revenues during the reporting period.".

Page 29-line 8 Delete "5." insert "6.".

Page 29-line 14 Delete "section 4" insert "sections 4 and 5"; delete "is" insert "are".


3/2/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0098

3/3/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0098

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0098

3/10/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0098

3/10/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0185 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0128 |Ethanol tax credit. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv. and Roscoe and Senator(s) Geis

AN ACT relating to taxation; reducing the gasoline tax credit on producers of ethanol; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Madden and Miller

Nays: Representative(s) Campbell, Childers, Petersen, Semlek and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 3 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0129 |Nuclear energy production study. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Brechtel, Byrd, Craft, Lockhart and Roscoe and Senator(s) Bebout, Cooper, Martin and Rothfuss

AN ACT relating to nuclear energy; providing for a study of nuclear energy production; creating a task force; requiring a report; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/26/2011 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File

1/26/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/27/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Steward

Ayes 6 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 23 Delete "in the 2012 budget session". STUBSON, VICE-CHAIRMAN


Page 2-line 18 Delete "to encourage" insert "for".

Page 2-line 19 Delete "," insert "and the".

Page 2-line 20 After "use" insert "and availability"; delete "and private and".

Page 2-line 21 Delete the line through "partnerships".

Page 2-after line 24 Insert and renumber:

"(iii)  State regulatory provisions that protect the health and safety of the citizens of Wyoming and protect the natural resources of Wyoming, including, but not limited to, water and air;".

Page 3-line 4 Before "Storage" insert "Nuclear waste".

Page 3-line 5 Delete "storage" insert "nuclear waste storage and transportation".

Page 3-line 11 Delete "encouraging" insert "analyzing". STEWARD

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Connolly and Gingery

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart

Ayes 56 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/4/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S09

2/7/2011 S09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Jennings and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Placed on General File

2/8/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/11/2011 S02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 12 After "office." insert "The University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources shall serve in an advisory capacity to the task force and shall provide technical and other relevant information as requested.".

Page 3-line 11 Delete "developing" insert "identifying information and conducting appropriate research necessary to facilitate uranium and". ROTHFUSS

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 24 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/25/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Gay and Pederson

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0066

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0066

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0066

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0066

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0148 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0130 |Pregnancy testing of livestock. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Shepperson, Petersen, Teeters and Wallis and Senator(s) Scott

AN ACT relating to agriculture; providing an exception to licensure requirements for performing pregnancy testing on livestock; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz and Semlek

Ayes 1 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0131 |Tip sharing. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Stubson, Brown, Gingery and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Christensen, Coe, Jennings and Perkins

AN ACT relating to labor and employment; requiring employees to share tips and gratuities as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/27/2011 H Rereferred to H09

1/31/2011 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 1 Delete "requiring" insert "authorizing employers to require".

Page 1-line 15 Reinsert all stricken language.

Page 1-line 16 Reinsert stricken "employer"; after reinserted "employer" insert ",". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

2/2/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Byrd, Childers, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Botten, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Goggles, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Madden, Patton, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Throne, Vranish and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Buchanan and Lubnau

Ayes 27 Nays 31 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0132 |Federal education funds-study. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman and Teeters and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to federal education funds; requiring an investigation of state impact of nonacceptance of such funds; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0133 |Special limited fishing permits. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers, Bonner and Krone and Senator(s) Coe, Cooper and Dockstader

AN ACT relating to game and fish; providing for issuance of special limited fishing permits by accredited schools as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06

1/24/2011 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Davison, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 5 Delete "under the age of eighteen (18) years".

Page 2-line 8 Delete "and hours". MCOMIE, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 2-line 7 Delete "during".

Page 2-line 8 Delete "normal school days". KROEKER

1/25/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/26/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S06

2/3/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill and Esquibel, F.

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Passed CoW

2/11/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/14/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0014

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0014

2/15/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0014

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0014

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0043 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0134 |Statute of limitations for criminal offenses. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Vranish, Byrd and Madden and Senator(s) Driskill

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; providing a statute of limitations on criminal actions as specified; providing exceptions; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/8/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 0 Nays 9 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0135 |State lands-improvements-2. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Greear, Moniz and Semlek and Senator(s) Bebout and Geis

AN ACT relating to state lands; providing for registration of improvements as specified; providing for compensation for registered improvements; providing for rules and regulations; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

2/1/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1–line 3 Delete "providing for a fee;".

Page 3-line 16 After "register" insert "all".

Page 3-line 17 After "made" insert "prior to June 30, 2010, with or".

Page 3-line 19 After "improvements" delete balance of the line.

Page 3-lines 20 through 22 Delete entirely.

Page 3-line 23 Delete the line through "and".

Page 4-line 1 Delete the line through "($2,000.00)".

Page 4-line 3 Delete "registered" insert "eligible for registration"; delete "The" insert "Registrations under the provisions of this subsection shall be made not later than June 30, 2014.".

Page 4-lines 4 through 6 Delete entirely.

Page 4-line 7 Delete "regulation.". SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/11/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Meier and Perkins

Conflicts: Senator(s) Driskill and Scott

Ayes 25 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 2

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0050

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0050

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0050

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0050

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0118 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0136 |Appointments to county commissioner vacancy. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Craft, Freeman and Jaggi and Senator(s) Cooper, Hastert and Martin

AN ACT relating to vacancies in office; requiring written notice for county commissioner vacancies as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/21/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 19 Delete "fifteen (15)" insert "twenty (20)".

Page 2-line 22 Delete "publication of the" insert "application deadline".

Page 2-line 23 Delete the line through "office". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2011 H Passed CoW

1/25/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/26/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/10/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA Mo. 0051

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0051

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0051

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0051

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0115 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0137 |Private transfer fee obligations. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Shepperson and Brown and Senator(s) Perkins

AN ACT relating to real property; prohibiting the creation of private transfer fee obligations; requiring disclosure and recording of existing private transfer fee obligations; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/24/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 Delete "certain" insert "disclosure and recording of".

Page 1-line 3 Delete the line through "to".

Page 5-lines 2 through 9 Delete entirely.

Page 5-line 11 Delete "(J)" insert "(H)".

Page 8-line 2 After "obligation" insert "that is of record".

Page 9-line 15 Delete "Notice requirements for" insert "Recording of".

Page 9-line 16 After "obligations" insert "; jurisdiction; affidavit of payment".

Page 9-line 19 After "record" delete "," and insert "the document evidencing the obligation in the office of the clerk for each county in which the real property is located"; delete "July" insert "December".

Page 9-line 20 After "2011" delete balance of the line and insert ".".

Page 9-lines 21 through 24 Delete entirely and insert:

"(b)  No court in the state of Wyoming shall have jurisdiction to enforce a private transfer fee obligation which is not recorded as provided in subsection (a) of this section.

(c)  Filing of an affidavit by a grantor with the clerk for each county in which the real property is located stating that payment in full of any private transfer fee obligation was sent by certified mail to the payee at the address listed in the document recorded under subsection (a) of this section is prima facie evidence of satisfaction of the obligation.".

Page 10-lines 2 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 11-lines 1 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 12-lines 1 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 13-lines 1 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 14-lines 1 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 15-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely. ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/25/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 5–lines 2 through 9 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0137HS001/A) to these lines and insert:

"(H)  Any fee, charge, assessment dues, contribution or other amount imposed by a declaration or covenant encumbering an improvement and payable to a county, municipality or improvement and service district for a public purpose that has a nexus to the improvement that is subject to the declaration or covenant;".

Page 5-line 11 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0137HS001/A) to this line. GINGERY

1/26/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/27/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Campbell, Gay, Gingery and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 54 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/17/2011 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Johnson, Martin and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Hines

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0138 |Public funds-time deposit open accounts interest rate. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Madden and Senator(s) Case

AN ACT relating to public funds; specifying that the state board of deposits shall set a minimum interest rate to be paid on time deposit, open accounts of state funds; requiring surety bonds to be sufficient to cover agreed upon rate; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/24/2011 H03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Childers, Madden, Miller, Petersen and Semlek

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2011 H Placed on General File

1/25/2011 H Passed CoW

1/26/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/27/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/4/2011 S03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Emerich and Hines

Nays: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Placed on General File

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0061

2/25/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0061

2/25/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0061

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0061

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0125 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0139 |Wyoming Veterans Memorial Highway. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Bonner, Blikre, Botten, Childers, Greear, Krone and Petersen and Senator(s) Coe and Peterson

AN ACT relating to highways, designating the "Wyoming Veterans Memorial Highway" as specified; requiring signage; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

1/28/2011 H08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Petersen, Quarberg and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 H Placed on General File

1/28/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/31/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/3/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08

2/8/2011 S08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen, Nutting and Schiffer

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Placed on General File

2/8/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/11/2011 S02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0052

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0052

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0052

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0052

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0089 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0140 |Governmental immunity–public transportation. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Roscoe, Byrd, Gingery, Illoway, Petroff and Throne and Senator(s) Christensen, Dockstader, Esquibel, F. and Nutting

AN ACT relating to governmental claims; extending the Wyoming Governmental Claims Act to governmental entities in other states and who operate public transportation programs in Wyoming under specified conditions; expanding intergovernmental cooperation laws to include agreements concerning governmental immunity or limitations of liability and public transportation programs; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/27/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Gay, Kroeker, Miller, Peasley and Shepperson

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 53 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/9/2011 S Rereferred to S06

2/17/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Dockstader and Esquibel, F.

Nays: Senator(s) Burns and Driskill

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0141 |Governmental immunity-waiver for hospital employees. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Connolly and Gingery and Senator(s) Hastert

AN ACT relating to governmental immunity; providing a waiver of governmental immunity for damages caused by a violation of whistleblower statutes for medical facilities; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/27/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Krone and Peasley

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harvey, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Teeters, Vranish and Wallis

Ayes 33 Nays 27 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/23/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Nays: Senator(s) Christensen

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 S Placed on General File

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Johnson, Martin, Nutting, Perkins, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Case, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Landen, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Scott

Ayes 13 Nays 17 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0142 |Discrimination. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Connolly, Bonner, Childers, Petroff, Shepperson, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Burns and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to discrimination; prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/25/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Nicholas, B. and Peasley

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File

1/31/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Bonner, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Illoway, Kasperik, McOmie, Petroff, Roscoe, Shepperson, Steward, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Cannady, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Stubson, Teeters and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart and Pederson

Ayes 25 Nays 33 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0143 |Manufacturing tax exemption. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Blikre, Lubnau, Petersen and Wallis and Senator(s) Martin

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; extending the sales and use tax exemption for manufacturing equipment as specified; amending related reporting requirements; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/21/2011 H03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Miller, Petersen and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Madden and Semlek

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 H Placed on General File

1/24/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 2-line 5 Delete "2016" insert "2017".

Page 3-line 3 Before "North" insert "2007 edition of the".

Page 3-line 17 Delete "2016" insert "2017".

Page 4-line 13 Before "North" insert "2007 edition of the". BURKHART, MILLER, VRANISH

1/25/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 2-line 5 Delete the Burkhart, et al. second reading amendment (HB0143H2001/A) to this line; delete "2016" insert "2013".

Page 3-line 17 Delete the Burkhart, et al. second reading amendment (HB0143H2001/A) to this line; delete "2016" insert "2013". ROSCOE

1/26/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Roscoe

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/4/2011 S03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Emerich, Hines and Perkins

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 3-line 3 After "edition" insert ", as amended,".

Page 4-line 13 After "edition" insert ", as amended,". HINES, CHAIRMAN

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Dockstader and Schiffer

Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/22/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Greear, Kasperik and Pederson

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0043

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0043

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0043

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0043

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0083 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0144 |School district bonds. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Craft, Freeman, Loucks and Throne and Senator(s) Hastert and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to public funds; removing the time limitation for the guarantee program for school district bonds; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

2/1/2011 04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 19 Delete "July 1, 2011" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". TEETERS, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/9/2011 S Rereferred to S09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0145 |Vehicle registration-timing. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Goggles, Krone, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Nicholas, B., Petersen, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv. and Senator(s) Barnard, Cooper and Johnson

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle registration; amending the time for registration of a motor vehicle upon transfer of ownership; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/26/2011 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Madden, Petersen and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Childers, Miller and Semlek

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 2 Delete "July 1, 2011" insert "January 1, 2012". CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN


Page 2-line 6 Delete "sixty (60)" insert "sixty-five (65)".

Page 2-line 10 Delete "sixty (60)" insert "sixty-five (65)".

Page 2-line 14 Delete "sixty (60)" insert "sixty-five (65)".

Page 2-line 17 Delete "sixty (60)" insert "sixty-five (65)".

Page 2-line 20 Delete "sixty (60)" insert "sixty-five (65)".

Page 2-line 22 Delete "sixty (60)" insert "sixty-five (65)". PETERSEN, JAGGI, VRANISH

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Greear and Semlek

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/3/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0146 |Vehicle sales and use tax. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, K., Goggles, Krone, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Nicholas, B., Petersen, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv. and Senator(s) Barnard, Cooper and Johnson

AN ACT relating to vehicle sales and use tax; amending the time for payment of sales and use tax for certain sales of vehicles; conforming interest and fee provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/26/2011 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Madden, Petersen and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Childers, Miller and Semlek

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 11 Delete "July 1, 2011" insert "January 1, 2012". CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN


Page 2-line 2 Delete "sixty (60)" insert "sixty-five (65)".

Page 2-line 4 Delete "sixty (60)" insert "sixty-five (65)".

Page 2-line 12 Delete "sixtieth" insert "sixty-fifth".

Page 2-line 19 Delete "sixtieth" insert "sixty-fifth".

Page 2-line 20 Delete "seventieth" insert "seventy-fifth".

Page 2-line 23 Delete "seventieth" insert "seventy-fifth".

Page 3-line 8 Delete "sixty (60)" insert "sixty-five (65)". PETERSEN, JAGGI, VRANISH

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Greear, Semlek and Stubson

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 56 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/3/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0147 |Excise tax-vendor compensation. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv. and Senator(s) Peterson

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for a credit to vendors or direct payers for the collection and payment of sales and use taxes; specifying the source of the funding of the credit; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/17/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/28/2011 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Madden, Miller, Petersen and Semlek

Nays: Representative(s) Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 After "vendors" insert "or direct payers".

Page 2-line 1 After "vendor" insert "or direct payer".

Page 2-line 5 After "vendor" insert "or direct payer".

Page 2-line 13 Delete "two" insert "one".

Page 2-line 14 Delete "($2,500.00)" insert "($1,500.00)"; after "vendor" insert "or direct payer".

Page 3-line 13 After "vendor" insert "or direct payer".

Page 3-line 17 After "vendor" insert "or direct payer".

Page 4-line 1 Delete "two" insert "one"; delete "($2,500.00)" insert "($1,500.00)".

Page-4 line 2 After "vendor" insert "or direct payer". CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN


Page 2-line 7 Delete "fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00)" insert "six thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($6,250.00)".

Page 2-line 9 Delete "fifty" insert "six thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($6,250.00)".

Page 2-line 10 Delete the line through "($50,000.00)".

Page 2-line 13 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0147HS001/A) to this line; after "exceed" delete balance of the line and insert "one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)".

Page 2-line 14 In the standing committee amendment (HB0147HS001/A) to this line delete "($1,500)".

Page 3-line 19 Delete "fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00)" insert "six thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($6,250.00)".

Page 3-line 21 Delete "fifty" insert "six thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($6,250.00)".

Page 3-line 22 Delete the line through "($50,000.00)".

Page 4-line 1 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0147HS001/A) to this line; delete "two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00)" insert "one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)". MADDEN

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Lubnau, McOmie, Miller, Teeters and Vranish

Ayes 54 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/4/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/16/2011 S03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Emerich and Perkins

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Hines

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 5-line 1 Delete "July 1, 2011" insert "January 1, 2012". HINES, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 4 After "credit;" insert "providing an appropriation;".

Page 4-after line 23 Insert and renumber:

"Section 2. There is appropriated one hundred sixty thousand dollars ($160,000.00) from the general fund to the department of revenue. This appropriation shall be for the period beginning with the effective date of this section and ending June 30, 2012. This appropriation shall be expended only for the purpose of implementing the tax credit provided by this act. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this appropriation shall not be transferred or expended for any other purpose and any unexpended, unobligated funds remaining from this appropriation shall revert as provided by law on June 30, 2012. This appropriation shall not be included in the department of revenues' 2013-2014 standard biennial budget request.".

Page 5-line 1 Delete "2." insert "3. (a) Section 1 of".

Page 5-after line 1 Insert:

"(b)  Section 2 of this act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". PETERSON

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 2-line 8 After "taxes." delete balance of line.

Page 2-line 9 Delete through "($6,250.00),".

Page 2-line 11 After "due" delete balance of line.

Page 2-line 12 Delete.

Page 2-line 13 Delete through "due".

Page 2-line 15 Delete "one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)" insert "two hundred forty-five dollars ($245.00)".

Page 3-line 22 After "taxes." delete balance of line.

Page 3-line 23 Delete through "($6,250.00),".

Page 4-line 1 After "due" delete balance of line.

Page 4-line 2 Delete.

Page 4-line 3 Delete through "due".

Page 4-line 5 Delete "one thousand dollars" insert "two hundred forty-five dollars ($245.00)".

Page 4-line 6 Delete "($1,000.00)". MEIER, NICHOLAS


Page 1-line 3 Delete "and use".

Page 1-line 10 After "(xi)" delete "," insert "and"; after "39-15-111(b)(i)" delete balance of line.

Page 1-line 11 Delete through "39-16-111(b)(i)".

Page 2-line 14 Delete "and W.S. 39-16-107(b)(viii)".

Page 3-lines 12 through 24 Delete.

Page 4-lines 1 through 23 Delete. MEIER


Delete the First Meier Second Reading Amendment (HB0147S2001/AE) and the Second Meier Second Reading Amendment (HB0147S2002/AE) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 2-lines 8 through 13 Delete and insert: "taxes. For the first six thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($6,250.00) of tax due, the credit is equal to one and ninety-five hundredths percent (1.95%) of the amount of tax due. For any tax due in excess of six thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($6,250.00), the credit for that additional amount shall be one percent (1%) of that amount, provided that the total credit".

Page 2-line 15 Delete "one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)" insert "five hundred dollars ($500.00)".

Page 3-lines 22 through 24 Delete and insert: "reporting of taxes. For the first six thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($6,250.00) of tax due, the credit is equal to one and ninety-five hundredths percent (1.95%) of the amount of tax due. For any tax due in excess of six thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($6,250.00), the credit for that additional amount shall be one percent (1%) of that amount, provided that".

Page 4-lines 1 through 3 Delete.

Page 4-line 5 Delete "one thousand dollars" insert "five hundred dollars ($500.00)".

Page 4-line 6 Delete "($1,000.00)". BEBOUT


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hicks, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Perkins, Peterson and Schiffer

Nays: Senator(s) Barnard, Burns, Case, Dockstader, Driskill, Hastert, Hines, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Conflicts: Senator(s) Ross

Ayes 15 Nays 14 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 3 After "taxes;" insert "providing an exception;".

Page 2-line 2 After "(xi)" insert "Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph,".

Page 2-line 15 Delete the Bebout Second Reading Amendment (HB0147S2003/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)" insert "four hundred dollars ($400.00)".

Page 2-line 20 After "39-15-111(b)(i)." insert "No credit shall be allowed under this paragraph for any month if the total credit as determined under this paragraph would exceed four hundred dollars ($400.00) in any month.".

Page 3-line 16 After "(viii)" insert "Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph,".

Page 4-line 5 Delete the Bebout Second Reading Amendment (HB0147S2003/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "one thousand dollars" insert "four hundred dollars ($400.00)".

Page 4-line 10 After "39-16-111(b)(i)." insert "No credit shall be allowed under this paragraph for any month if the total credit as determined under this paragraph would exceed four hundred dollars ($400.00) in any month.". MEIER

3/1/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hicks, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Schiffer and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Hastert, Hines, Nicholas, P., Rothfuss and Von Flatern

Conflicts: Senator(s) Ross

Ayes 23 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

3/1/2011 H Received for Concurrence

3/2/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Gay, Hunt, Lubnau and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 53 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0096

3/3/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0096

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0096

3/10/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0096

3/10/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0183 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0148 |Assisted suicide ban. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Harshman and Peasley and Senator(s) Peterson

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; creating the crime of assisting suicide; providing a penalty; providing exceptions; limiting health care directives; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0149 |Marriage-definition. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Connolly, Childers, Petroff and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Rothfuss

AN ACT relating to marriage; defining marriage as a contract between two natural persons; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0150 |Civil unions. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Connolly, Childers, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to domestic relations; establishing civil unions and related rights and responsibilities; specifying limits on civil unions; requiring licenses; defining persons who can solemnize civil unions and perform ceremonies; requiring the issuance of certificates; defining offenses and penalties; providing for the recognition of foreign civil unions; establishing the presumed legitimacy of children of civil unions; amending paternity presumptions; providing for dissolution or affirmation of civil unions; defining the applicability of other law; amending bigamy statutes; prohibiting multiple civil unions; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/8/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Greene and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Cannady, Krone, Nicholas, B. and Peasley

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0151 |Hydro-power development. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Semlek, Blake, Quarberg and Roscoe and Senator(s) Cooper, Driskill, Geis, Hines, Martin and Meier

AN ACT relating to the state loan and investment board; authorizing loans for hydro-power development to municipalities, irrigation districts and special districts as specified; providing for rulemaking; specifying terms and procedures; conforming existing loan program provisions accordingly; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

2/1/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 4 After "procedures;" insert "conforming existing loan program provisions accordingly;".

Page 2-After line 18 Insert:

"Section 2. W.S. 11—34-101(a)(iv) and 11-34-202(e) are amended to read:

11-34-101.  Definitions.

(a)  As used in this act:

(iv)  "This act" means W.S. 11-34-101 through 11-34-305 11-34-306.

11-34-202. Revenue to be credited to an account; use thereof; disposition of excess.

(e)  Revenue and proceeds received by the board for deposit in the loss reserve account pursuant to W.S. 11-34-118, 11-34-120(h), 11-34-121, 11-34-123(a), and 11-34-302(e) and 11-34-306 shall be transmitted to the state treasurer for deposit to the credit of the loss reserve account. These funds shall be used for the purposes specified in subsection (f) of this section and W.S. 11-34-126 and to pay the administrative and legal expenses of the board in making collections and foreclosing mortgages. If at the end of any fiscal year the amount accumulated in the loss reserve account exceeds five percent (5%) of the total amount of permanent funds of the state invested in farm and irrigation loans, the amount in excess of the five percent (5%) shall be transferred and credited to the general fund.".

Page 2-line 20 Delete "Section 2" insert "Section 3". SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN


Page 2-After line 18 Before the standing committee amendment (HB0151HS001/A) to this line insert:

"(e)  The board shall require such security for each loan issued under this act as it deems adequate to secure the loan.". SEMLEK

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 4 After "specified;" insert "providing for rulemaking;".

Page 2-line 1 After "development" insert "as provided by rule and regulation". SEMLEK

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/11/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Rothfuss and Schiffer

Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0053

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0053

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0053

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0053

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0109 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0152 |Very rare or uncommon area designations. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Semlek, Davison, Lockhart, Miller, Moniz, Quarberg, Shepperson and Teeters and Senator(s) Bebout, Cooper, Driskill and Geis

AN ACT relating to the Environmental Quality Act; eliminating the authority of the environmental quality council to designate lands as "very rare" or "uncommon"; retaining previous designations as specified; retaining the authority to remove previous designations of lands as "very rare" or "uncommon"; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

1/27/2011 H05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz and Semlek

Nays: Representative(s) Blake and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

1/28/2011 H Passed CoW

1/31/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-lines 4 and 5 Delete.

Page 1-line 6 Delete "rare" or "uncommon"" insert "providing for previous designations of lands as "very rare" or "uncommon" to be maintained".

Page 3-line 3 Delete "but the" insert ". Any designation of lands as very rare or uncommon made pursuant to this paragraph prior to July 1, 2011 shall continue in existence.".

Page 3-lines 4 through 11 Delete entirely.

Page 3-line 13 Delete "Section 3" insert "Section 2". ZWONITZER, DN., BLAKE

2/1/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Nicholas, B., Petroff, Roscoe, Throne and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Byrd and Edmonds

Ayes 45 Nays 13 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/1/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/4/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 4 Delete "retaining the".

Page 1-line 5 Delete.

Page 1-line 6 Delete through ""uncommon";".

Page 3-line 3 After "2011" insert "." and delete balance of line.

Page 3-lines 4 and 5 Delete.

Page 3-line 10 After "effect" insert "." and delete balance of line.

Page 3-line 11 Delete. CASE


Page 1-line 12 Delete "35-1-112" insert "35-11-112". BEBOUT

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 1-line 6 After ";" insert "requiring legislative approval;".

Page 3-line 3 Delete ", but the" insert "without the approval of the Wyoming legislature. The".

Page 3-line 5 Delete and insert "but any removal shall be effective only after approval by the Wyoming legislature;". ROTHFUSS


Page 1-line 6 After ";" insert "requiring legislative approval;".

Page 3-line 5 After "date" insert "upon approval by the Wyoming legislature". ROTHFUSS

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 3 After "designate" insert "private".

Page 1-lines 4 and 5 Delete.

Page 1-lines 6 Delete "rare" or "uncommon";".

Page 2-line 21 After "scenic value." strike balance of line and insert "In no event shall privately owned lands be newly designated as very rare or uncommon on or after July 1, 2011;".

Page 2-lines 22 through 24 Strike.

Page 3-lines 1 through 5 Delete new language and strike existing language.

Page 3-lines 7 through 11 Delete and renumber. HASTERT, CASE, ROTHFUSS

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Ross, Rothfuss and Schiffer

Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/25/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Gay, Greear and Pederson

Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0069

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0069

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0069

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0069

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0140 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0153 |Agricultural gas tax refund program. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Semlek, Blikre, Madden, Moniz, Petersen and Teeters and Senator(s) Schiffer

AN ACT relating to fuel tax; providing for a gasoline tax refund for certain gasoline purchased and used for agricultural purposes as specified; providing procedures; amending related provisions; repealing conflicting provision; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/31/2011 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Goggles, Madden, Miller, Petersen, Semlek and Vranish

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 18 Delete "on the farm".

Page 4-line 2 After "the" insert "bulk".

Page 4-line 3 After "." insert "The department shall establish by rule a form or specify the format for the refund under this subsection.". CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/4/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/10/2011 S03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Emerich, Hines and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 4-line 4 Delete "specify the format for"; insert "the format for applying for". HINES, CHAIRMAN


Page 3-line 17 After "(vi)" insert "Except as otherwise provided by this paragraph,".

Page 3-line 19 After "refund of" insert "seventy percent (70%) of".

Page 4-line 3 After "taxes paid." insert "Any person adequately demonstrating to the department that he used the gasoline for off-road agricultural purposes shall be entitled to a refund of the total amount of license taxes imposed.". HINES

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Rothfuss

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/22/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Greear, Kasperik and Pederson

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0044

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0044

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0044

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0044

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0099 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0154 |Multiple special handicapped license plates. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harvey and Quarberg and Senator(s) Geis, Landen and Peterson

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle registration; providing for the issuance of multiple special handicapped license plates for each vehicle or motorcycle registered in the name of an eligible applicant; repealing a conflicting provision; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/18/2011 H Rereferred to H08

1/26/2011 H08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Quarberg, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Petersen

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File

1/28/2011 H Passed CoW

1/31/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/1/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Byrd and Edmonds

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/1/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/14/2011 S10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 S Placed on General File

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Christensen, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nutting, Peterson, Schiffer and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Burns, Case, Coe, Emerich, Hicks, Hines, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Ross, Rothfuss and Von Flatern

Ayes 17 Nays 13 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0062

2/25/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0062

2/25/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0062

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0062

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0111 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0155 |Student assessment-amendments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau, Harshman and Teeters and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to student assessment; modifying statewide student assessment requirements; specifying assessment components and incorporating statewide criteria ensuring uniform measurement; delegating assessment responsibilities and granting rulemaking authority; expanding district authority in establishing local assessment systems; specifying implementation and requiring reporting; providing an appropriation; and providing for effective dates.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/27/2011 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

1/27/2011 H Rereferred to H02

1/31/2011 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 5 After ";" insert "expanding district authority in establishing local assessment systems;".

Page 1-line 11 After "21-2-304(a)" insert "(iv)(intro) and".

Page 2-After line 23 insert:

"(iv)  Establish, in consultation with local school districts, requirements for students to earn a high school diploma as measured by each district's body of evidence assessment system prescribed by rule and regulation of the state board or other system of local assessments established by the district and required under W.S. 21-3-110(a)(xxiv). A high school diploma shall provide for one (1) of the following endorsements which shall be stated on the transcript of each student:".

Page 3-line 5 Delete "," insert "and"; delete "and writing".

Page 5-line 4 After "system" insert "or other system of local assessments as established by the district,".

Page 5-line 12 After "," delete balance of line.

Page 5-line 13 Delete "designed to measure" insert "a measurement of". TEETERS, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 6 After ";" insert "providing an appropriation;".

Page 6-After line 7 insert and renumber:

"Section 3.  For the period beginning upon the effective date of this section and ending June 30, 2012, up to two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) is appropriated from the school foundation program account to the department of education as necessary to carry out this act. This appropriation shall not be included in the department's 2013-2014 standard biennial budget request.".

Page 6-line 15 Delete "section 2" insert "sections 2 and 3"; delete "is" insert "are". BERGER, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 11 In the Standing Committee Amendment (HB0155HS001/AC) to this line, before "and" insert ", (vi)(B)".

Page 3-Before line 1 insert:

(vi)  Effective school year 2005-2006 and each school year thereafter, through the state superintendent and in consultation and coordination with local school districts, by rule and regulation establish a statewide accountability system providing annual accountability determinations for all schools and school districts imposing a range of educational consequences resulting from accountability determinations whereby:

(B)  Annual accountability determinations within the system are made for each school based upon adequate yearly progress measures defined by the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, as may be subsequently amended, and the school's progress in improving student achievement as measured by adequate yearly progress data and by data from the district's body of evidence assessment system, or by data from another system of local assessments established by the district, required under W.S. 21-3-110(a)(xxiv) and from other related sources which improve the reliability of accountability determinations as prescribed by rule and regulation of the board;". JAGGI

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd and Harvey

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart

Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/4/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/16/2011 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Coe, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0156 |Grand Teton National Park-transfer of state lands. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Petroff, Gingery and Roscoe and Senator(s) Christensen and Dockstader

AN ACT relating to state lands; directing that the interest in certain state lands be transferred to the United States Department of the Interior; providing terms for the transfer; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

2/1/2011 H05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Semlek

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File

2/2/2011 H Passed CoW

2/3/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/4/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Edmonds, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, Peasley, Quarberg, Semlek, Teeters, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Gay and Miller

Ayes 46 Nays 11 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/9/2011 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 3-line 1 Delete "Board of Land Commissioners" insert "board of land commissioners".

Page 3-after line 5 Insert:

"(d)  The board of land commissioners shall execute and deliver to the Department of the Interior, in a form reasonably acceptable to the Department, a document or form of deed conveying title to the parcels described in subsection (a) of this section only upon payment of the agreed amount for each parcel.". GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/10/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 2-line 23 After "sale" delete balance of line and insert "pursuant to the terms of the Agreement for the Conveyance of Lands and Interests in Lands Between the State of Wyoming Board of Land Commissioners and the United States of America at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, dated December 16, 2010. The parcels shall be sold for the approved cash value as determined by the board of land commissioners but not less than the cash values stated in section 2, "Phased Acquisition" of the Agreement.".

Page 2-line 24 Delete.

Page 3-line 1 Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0156SS001/A) to this line.

Page 3-before line 6 Insert and renumber:

"Section 2. The board of land commissioners may explore alternatives for payment other than cash, including acquisition of mineral rights, an increase in federal mineral royalties paid to the State of Wyoming and land exchanges for the lands conveyed. Any alternative method of payment, other than cash, shall require legislative approval.

Section 3. The authorization of the board of land commissioners to convey the parcels pursuant to section 1 of this act shall expire on January 5, 2016.". BEBOUT, NICHOLAS


Delete the Bebout Second Reading Amendment (HB0156S2001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 2 Delete "to the United States" insert "as specified;".

Page 1-line 3 Delete through "Interior;".

Page 1-line 13 After "Park" delete balance of line and insert "as provided in subsection (b) of this section:".

Page 1-line 14 Delete.

Page 2-line 23 After "be" delete balance of line and insert "conducted by the board of land commissioners under this subsection. Upon the United States Department of the Interior making funds available for the purchase of the parcels specified in subsection (a) of this section for not less than the amounts specified in subsection (c) of this section, the board of land commissioners shall open a thirty (30) day closed bidding process. Bids under the closed bidding process shall only be valid if the bids are higher than the amount made available by the United States Department of the Interior and the bidder places the full amount of the bid in escrow pending the results of the sale under this section. At the close of the thirty (30) day period, the board of land commissioners shall accept the highest bid for each parcel, provided that the United States Department of the Interior shall have the option to purchase any parcel for an amount which exceeds the highest bid received under the closed bidding process.".

Page 2-line 24 Delete.

Page 3-line 1 Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0156SS001/A) to this line.

Page 3-after line 1 Insert and renumber:

"(c)  The parcels described under subsection (a) of this section shall not be transferred for less than the following:

(i)  Two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for the parcel described under subsection (a)(i) of this section;

(ii)  Sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000.00) for the parcel described under subsection (a)(ii) of this section;

(iii)  Forty-five million dollars ($45,000,000.00) for the parcel described under subsection (a)(iii) of this section; and

(iv)  Forty-six million dollars ($46,000,000.00) for the parcel described under subsection (a)(iv) of this section.".

Page 3-after line 5 In the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0156SS001/A) to this line delete "(d)" insert "(e)"; delete "Department of the Interior" insert "purchaser of each parcel". MEIER, DRISKILL


Ayes: Senator(s) Driskill, Jennings, Meier, Nutting, Peterson

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 5 Nays 24 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/14/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Jennings and Peterson

Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/15/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Edmonds, McOmie, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Quarberg

Ayes 54 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0022

2/15/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0022

2/16/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0022

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0022

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0051 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0157 |Abolition of worthier title doctrine. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brown, Connolly, Gingery, Greene and Krone

AN ACT relating to property conveyances; abolishing the doctrine of worthier title; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/25/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File

1/26/2011 H Passed CoW

1/27/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 54 Nays 2 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/11/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Excused: Senator(s) Burns

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Dockstader, Jennings and Meier

Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0029

2/18/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0029

2/22/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0029

2/24/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0029

2/24/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0077 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0158 |Rule against perpetuities. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brown, Gingery and Krone

AN ACT relating to property; providing that only interests in real property must vest as specified; providing that trusts holding property other than interests in real property shall continue as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/25/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Nicholas, B. and Peasley

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File

1/26/2011 H Passed CoW

1/27/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 54 Nays 2 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/11/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 1-line 4 After "specified;" insert "specifying time limits for trust provisions regarding the management and sale of real property and mineral interests;".

Page 3-line 24 Delete "(a) and (c)" insert "(a), (c) and (e)".

Page 4-after line 3 Insert:

"(e)  No trust shall contain restrictions on the sale or specific management of real property, including mineral interests, which are in effect for longer than twenty-one (21) years after the life of the youngest trust beneficiary. This prohibition applies whether the real property is owned directly or through another entity. A trust may contain general durable restrictions or guidelines as to the degree of prudence or risk taking to be used in the management of real property or mineral interests.". SCOTT

2/17/2011 S Laid Back Pursuant to SR 10-4(a)


Delete Scott Second Reading Amendment (HB0158S2001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 4-line 1 Delete and insert: "shall not include a mineral interest or an". NICHOLAS

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Meier, Perkins, Peterson, Ross and Scott

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 9 Nays 20 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0159 |Uniform Trust Code amendments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brown, Gingery and Krone

AN ACT relating to the Uniform Trust Code; providing for attachment of property in a trust by creditors or assignees of a holder of a power of appointment as specified; amending when a creditor or assignee of a trust beneficiary may reach or attach the interest of the beneficiary in a trust; providing that a married person who created a trust for his spouse shall not be treated as a settlor of the trust as of and after the death of his or her spouse; providing that a trust instrument may not be deemed revocable because of the settlor's receipt each year of income or principal from a grantor retained annuity trust or grantor retained unitrust as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/25/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 8 Delete "upon" insert "as of and after".

Page 4-line 12 Delete "upon" insert "as of and after". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/26/2011 H Passed CoW

1/27/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/28/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Gay, Goggles and Lockhart

Ayes 55 Nays 1 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/11/2011 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 4-line 2 Delete "direct" insert "directly". PERKINS

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Dockstader, Jennings and Meier

Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/22/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Kasperik and Pederson

Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0045

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0045

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0045

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0045

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0126 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0160 |Management audit committee subpoena power. |

Sponsored By: Management Audit Committee

AN ACT relating to legislative oversight; authorizing the chairman and vice-chairman of the management audit committee to issue subpoenas as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/27/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

1/28/2011 H Passed CoW

1/31/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/1/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Byrd and Edmonds

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/1/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/8/2011 S Rereferred to S06

2/10/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill and Esquibel, F.

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File

2/16/2011 S Passed CoW

2/17/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/18/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0030

2/18/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0030

2/22/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0030

2/24/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0030

2/24/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0075 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0161 |Interstate compact on students of military families. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway and Senator(s) Hastert and Johnson

AN ACT relating to education; providing for an interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children; facilitating enrollment and placement of children of military families; providing for involvement in an interstate commission; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/17/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/18/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

2/1/2011 H04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/14/2011 S04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Excused: Senator(s) Coe

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 48-After line 5 Insert:

(c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this compact, the State of Wyoming does not waive sovereign immunity by entering into this compact and specifically retains all immunities and defenses available pursuant to W.S. 1-39-104(a) and all other applicable law. In no event shall any provision of this compact be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity.

(d)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this compact, any action taken against the State of Wyoming as defined by W.S. 1-39-101(a)(vi), a governmental entity as defined by W.S. 1-39-103(a)(i) or a public employee as defined by W.S. 1-39-103(a)(iv) shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Wyoming Governmental Claims Act as provided in W.S. 1-39-101 through 1-39-121. In no event shall any provision of this compact be construed as a waiver of the provisions of the Governmental Claims Act. HASTERT

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 S Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 1 Nays 29 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0162 |OSHA rule review. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Burkhart and Senator(s) Nutting

AN ACT relating to the office of occupational health and safety; providing that the office shall review its rules and regulations as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/27/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 13 After "by" delete balance of the line; insert "July 1, 2012 and every five (5) years thereafter".

Page 2-line 14 Delete the line through "year". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Craft, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, McOmie, Moniz, Peasley, Petroff, Roscoe, Stubson, Teeters and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Byrd, Childers, Connolly, Davison, Eklund, Gay, Goggles, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 29 Nays 31 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0163 |Water produced from geologic sequestration. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Steward, Lockhart, Lubnau and Semlek

AN ACT relating to water; requiring water produced from geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide in saline aquifers to be for a beneficial use as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

2/3/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Hunt, Moniz and Semlek

Nays: Representative(s) Davison, Eklund, Loucks and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 12 Delete "and shall seek" insert ", and to require that person to obtain". SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 8 Delete "41-3-101 and".

Page 1-lines 11 through 16 Delete entirely.

Page 2-lines 1 through 20 Delete entirely. LOCKHART

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Vranish and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, Miller, Peasley, Quarberg, Teeters, Throne, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 43 Nays 16 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/10/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/18/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Senator(s) Driskill and Hicks

Nays: Senator(s) Bebout, Emerich and Geis

Ayes 2 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0164 |Sexual assault victim advocate. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Davison, Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Campbell, Connolly, Freeman, Harvey, Jaggi, Krone, McKim, Nicholas, B., Petroff, Roscoe, Throne and Vranish and Senator(s) Cooper, Dockstader, Jennings and Meier

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishment; providing for the presence of a victim's advocate at the time of questioning of sexual assault victims; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/8/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene and Krone

Excused: Representative(s) Nicholas, B.

Ayes 3 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0165 |Insurance-coverage of inherited disorders. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Craft, Krone and Teeters

AN ACT relating to insurance; requiring coverage of inherited enzymatic disorders; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

1/28/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto and Craft

Nays: Representative(s) Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0166 |School districts-teacher evaluations. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Burkhart, Kroeker, Krone, Madden and Teeters and Senator(s) Barnard, Burns, Coe and Landen

AN ACT relating to school districts; specifying frequency of teacher evaluations performed by school districts during each school year; allowing use of video equipment as a component of performance evaluation subject to criteria of the state board of education; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0167 |Castle doctrine modifications. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Quarberg, Illoway, Jaggi, Miller and Teeters and Senator(s) Driskill and Jennings

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; modifying presumption related to self defense and defense of another; providing definitions related to self defense and defense of another; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/27/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto and Greene

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 10 Delete "occupied".

Page 2-line 12 After "including" insert ", but not limited to,". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/3/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/23/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 S Placed on General File

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0070

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0070

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0070

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0070

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0142 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0168 |School district reorganization. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman

AN ACT relating to school district organization; providing for the countywide organization of districts as specified; establishing county committees for this purpose; imposing a consolidation planning process and reporting requirements; specifying reorganization implementation and time of implementation; imposing duties upon the state committee; requiring reporting to legislature for plan execution; modifying transitional funding accordingly; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0169 |Sales tax on food-local option. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Greear, Petroff and Wallis and Senator(s) Burns

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; authorizing local governments to impose a sales and use tax on food for domestic consumption as specified; providing for distribution, specifying conditions; amending related provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0170 |Conservation easements-notification. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Childers, Gay, Lockhart, Madden and Peasley and Senator(s) Bebout

AN ACT relating to conservation easements; requiring notification to mineral estate owners of potential conservation easements; providing for nullification of conservation easements for failure to notify; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/8/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0171 |Corner crossings at intersecting public and private lands. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Gay and McOmie and Senator(s) Burns

AN ACT relating to public lands; specifying conditions under which crossing from one parcel of public land to another parcel of public land does not constitute trespass; subjecting ownership of airspace above lands and waters to such crossings; providing that the crossing does not violate other specified Wyoming statutes; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/8/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 0 Nays 9 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0172 |Department of health fiscal oversight. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Barbuto, Craft, Gingery, Miller, Petroff and Steward and Senator(s) Peterson, Schiffer and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to administration of the government; creating the position within the governor's office of chief financial officer for the department of health; specifying duties; authorizing restriction of department expenditures as specified; providing for contingent reports; transferring a corresponding position and funds from the department of health; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

2/1/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gingery, Greene, Hunt and Miller

Nays: Representative(s) Gay, Harvey and Peasley

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File

2/1/2011 H Rereferred to H02

2/2/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0173 |Public nuisance-yaks. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Blake, Brown, Davison, Eklund, Gingery and Semlek

AN ACT relating to public nuisances; defining animals to include yaks for county animal control purposes; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0174 |Designated transfer of state lands. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) McOmie, Gingery and Miller and Senator(s) Bebout

AN ACT relating to state lands; directing the sale of the surface estate interest in certain state lands to the transportation commission of Wyoming; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

2/1/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 Delete "to the" insert "as specified; providing that the;".

Page 1-line 3 After "Wyoming" insert "may submit bids on the property as specified".

Page 1-line 12 After "land" delete "to" insert "at auction conducted according to W.S. 36-9-101 through 36-9-120:".

Page 1-line 13 Delete entirely.

Page 3-line 13 Delete "sale at an" insert "public auction at an amount at least equal to the".

Page 3-line 15 After "commissioners" insert "." and delete balance of the line.

Page 3-after line 15 Insert:

"(c)  The transportation commission of Wyoming is authorized to submit bids at auction to acquire the property described in subsection (a) of this section at an amount greater than the appraised value.".

Page 3-line 17 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)".

Page 3-line 21 Delete entirely and insert "purchaser.".

Page 3-line 23 Delete line through "Wyoming will" insert "(e)  The purchaser shall".

Page 4-line 2 After "transfer" insert "." and delete balance of the line.

Page 4-after line 2 Insert:

"(f)  In determining the terms of the sale of the property specified in subsection (a) of this section, the board of land commissioners shall consult with the administrator of the life resource center to ensure that any future use of the property is compatible with the mission and purpose of the life resource center. These restrictions on use shall be listed in the advertisement for the property and shall be a permanent restriction on the deed. The administrator shall accommodate temporary uses, such as grazing, if possible.".

Page 4-line 4 through 7 Delete entirely. SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Steward, Stubson, Throne and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Edmonds, Gay, Kroeker, Loucks, Peasley, Semlek, Teeters, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 47 Nays 12 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/11/2011 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Driskill, Emerich and Hicks

Nays: Senator(s) Geis

Excused: Senator(s) Bebout

Ayes 3 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 Delete "to the" insert "as specified; providing that the".

Page 1-line 3 After "Wyoming" insert "may submit bids on the property as specified".

Page 1-line 12 After "land" delete "to" insert "at auction conducted according to W.S. 36-9-101 through 36-9-120:".

Page 1-line 13 Delete.

Page 3-line 13 Delete "sale at an" insert "public auction at an amount at least equal to the".

Page 3-line 15 After "commissioners" insert "." and delete balance of the line.

Page 3-after line 15 Insert and renumber:

"(c)  The transportation commission of Wyoming is authorized to submit bids at auction to acquire the property described in subsection (a) of this section at an amount greater than the appraised value.".

Page 3-line 17 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)".

Page 3-line 21 Delete and insert "purchaser.".

Page 3-line 23 Delete and insert "(e)  The purchaser shall be".

Page 4-line 2 After "transfer" insert "." and delete balance of line.

Page 4-lines 4 through 7 Delete, insert and renumber:

"(f)  In determining the terms of the sale of the property specified in subsection (a) of this section, the board of land commissioners shall consult with the administrator of the life resource center to ensure that any future use of the property is compatible with the mission and purpose of the life resource center. These restrictions on use shall be listed in the advertisement for the property and shall be a permanent restriction on the deed. The administrator shall accommodate temporary uses, such as grazing, if possible.". GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Jennings, Landen, Perkins and Schiffer

Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/28/2011 H Did Not Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 2 Nays 57 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 S Appointed JCC01 Members

Senator(s) Bebout, Geis, Landen

2/28/2011 H Appointed JCC01 Members

Representative(s) McOmie, Gingery, Loucks

3/2/2011 H Adopted HB0174JC01


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 S Did Not Adopt HB0174JC01


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Geis, Hicks, Johnson, Peterson and Ross

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hines, Jennings, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 13 Nays 17 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


Delete the following Senate amendments:


Further amend as follows:

Page 3-line 12 After "(b)" insert "The office of state lands and investments shall appraise the property described in subsection (a) of this section at a value reflecting the property's highest best use."

Page 3-line 13 Delete "an" insert "the"; after "with" insert "any other".


3/3/2011 H Indefinitely Postponed

|H.B. No. 0175 |Property tax-assessed value. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Patton, Berger, Bonner, Botten and Roscoe and Senator(s) Bebout

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing a limitation on the assessed valuation of certain property for ad valorem taxation as specified; providing applicability; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Madden and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Goggles, Miller, Petersen and Semlek

Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0176 |Nuclear energy as carbon free renewable energy. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Burkhart, Gingery, Harshman, Petroff and Roscoe

AN ACT relating to sales and use taxes; exempting from sales and use taxes the sale or purchase of equipment used to generate electricity from nuclear energy; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/28/2011 H09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd, Roscoe and Stubson

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 H Placed on General File

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Botten, Byrd, Connolly, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Greear, Madden, Roscoe, Steward, Stubson and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart

Ayes 46 Nays 13 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/3/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S09

2/7/2011 S09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Jennings and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 6 Delete "and" insert "or".

Page 2-line 7 Delete "and" insert "or".

Page 3-line 10 Delete "and" insert "or".

Page 3-line 11 Delete "and" insert "or". BEBOUT, CHAIRMAN

2/11/2011 S Passed CoW

2/14/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/15/2011 S Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Hicks, Jennings, Johnson, Meier, Nutting, Peterson, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Barnard, Burns, Case, Christensen, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hines, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Ross and Schiffer

Ayes 14 Nays 16 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0177 |Vietnam and veterans welcome home and thank you day. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Jaggi, Blikre, Brown, Buchanan, Greear, Greene, Lockhart, Petersen and Vranish and Senator(s) Barnard, Christensen, Cooper, Hines, Jennings and Nutting

AN ACT relating to state holidays and observances; making findings with respect to the veterans of the Vietnam War and other wars; providing for a Wyoming Veterans Welcome Home Day; specifying the effect of the day of recognition; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

1/28/2011 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Petersen, Quarberg, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 6-line 5 Delete "the boards of all"; delete "conduct".

Page 6-line 6 Delete "proper exercises in observation of" insert "observe". QUARBERG

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/2/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/3/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08

2/8/2011 S08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Landen and Nutting

Nays: Senator(s) Johnson and Schiffer

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Passed CoW

2/11/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/14/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Ross and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Driskill, Johnson, Landen, Perkins, Peterson, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Ayes 22 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0015

2/14/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0015

2/15/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0015

2/18/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0015

2/18/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0025 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0178 |Vaults, crypts and mausoleums-perpetual trust funds. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Craft, Illoway and Shepperson and Senator(s) Coe, Johnson and Martin

AN ACT relating to cemeteries and burials; providing an exemption to requirements for perpetual trust funds for cells, vaults, crypts, mausoleums and columbariums as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/27/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 16 After "facility" insert "and is perpetually cared for". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas B, Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Eklund, Gay, Miller, Peasley and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart

Ayes 53 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/4/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/17/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson and Martin

Nays: Senator(s) Scott

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Landen, Martin, Nicholas P, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Johnson, Meier and Scott

Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0081

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0081

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0081

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0081

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0151 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0179 |Energy improvement program. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Petroff, Gingery, Miller, Roscoe and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Christensen

AN ACT relating to local improvements; authorizing the adoption of an energy improvement program by a local government as specified; providing for financing; providing procedures; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/31/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Nays: Representative(s) Kroeker

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File

2/2/2011 H Passed CoW

2/3/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/4/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Shepperson, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Brechtel, Davison, Edmonds, Greear, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Peasley, Quarberg, Semlek, Steward, Teeters and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Gay and Miller

Ayes 40 Nays 17 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/17/2011 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 15 Delete "multi-county".

Page 3-line 13 Delete "multi-county".

Page 3-line 14 Delete "power" insert "powers". CASE, CHAIRMAN

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Bebout and Case

Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/28/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Peasley and Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 56 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0071

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0071

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0071

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0071

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0152 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0180 |Liquor licenses-cultural event permit. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Petroff, Illoway and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Christensen

AN ACT relating to liquor licenses; creating a cultural event permit; providing restrictions on cultural event permits; providing for a fee; providing for rules and regulations; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0181 |Wage rates-penalties. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Connolly, Davison, Greene, McKim and Throne and Senator(s) Hastert

AN ACT relating to minimum wages; providing for confidential investigations by the department of employment; providing penalties for failure to pay tipped employees as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/1/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Greene and Harvey

Nays: Representative(s) Gay, Gingery, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0182 |Student assessment measures. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Throne, Miller and Teeters and Senator(s) Peterson, Rothfuss and Schiffer

AN ACT relating to education; modifying the statewide assessment as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/27/2011 H04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

1/28/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 2-line 11 Delete "the federal".

Page 2-line 12 Delete "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Section 1111" insert "20 U.S.C. 6311".

Page 3-line 22 Delete "the federal No".

Page 3-line 23 Delete "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Section 1111" insert "20 U.S.C. 6311". THRONE

1/31/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/1/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Patton and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Byrd and Edmonds

Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/16/2011 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Coe, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0183 |Driving under the influence amendments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery

AN ACT relating to driving under the influence; creating a crime for failure to submit or complete a chemical test as specified; creating a crime of aggravated driving under the influence; amending penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0184 |Minimum wage statutes repeal. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery, Brechtel, Peasley, Pedersen, Stubson and Zwonitzer, Dn. and Senator(s) Case and Scott

AN ACT relating to labor and employment; repealing provisions for a state minimum wage; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

2/4/2011 H10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Gay

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto and Byrd

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/9/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/11/2011 S10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Schiffer

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0185 |Fuel tax-LUST funding. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv.

AN ACT relating to fuel taxes; increasing fuel license tax; increasing mineral severance tax distributions to leaking underground storage tank program; increasing limits to leaking underground storage tank program accounts; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0186 |Wyoming lottery. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv., Illoway, McOmie, Petroff, Throne and Zwonitzer, Dn.

AN ACT relating to lotteries; creating the Wyoming lottery corporation; providing for membership of the board; providing legislative declarations; providing definitions; providing powers and duties; providing for rules and regulations; providing for use of proceeds; providing limitations on retailers; providing for criminal offenses and penalties; providing for background checks; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/28/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Nays: Representative(s) Jaggi and Kroeker

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 4-line 6 Delete ", but".

Page 4-line 7 Delete "not limited to".

Page 5-line 10 Delete "," insert "or".

Page 5-line 11 After "9-16-111(b)" delete balance of the line and insert ";".

Page 5-line 12 Delete entirely.

Page 5-lines 14 and 15 Delete entirely and renumber as necessary.

Page 8-line 4 After "treasurer" delete balance of the line.

Page 8-line 5 Delete the line through "corporation".

Page 8-line 9 After "corporation" delete balance of the line and insert ".".

Page 8-line 10 Delete entirely.

Page 9-line 17 Delete "lottery procurements" insert "procurement contracts".

Page 15-After line 7 Insert:

"(b)  The reference manual of authority for the conduct of all meetings, including "order of business" shall be "Revised Roberts Rules of Order".".

Page 15-line 9 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)".

Page 15-line 22 Delete "," insert "shall include".

Page 15-line 23 Delete the line through "to,".

Page 18-line 4 After "the" insert "bylaws,".

Page 22-line 6 After "each" insert "state fiscal".

Page 27-line 12 After "felony" insert ".".

Page 27-lines 13 and 14 Delete entirely.

Page 31-line 7 Delete "not less than".

Page 33-lines 13 through 19 Delete entirely.

Page 33-line 21 Delete "(c)" insert "(b)".

Page 34-line 4 Delete "(d)" insert "(c)".

Page 35-line 17 After "another." delete balance of the line.

Page 35-lines 18 through 20 Delete entirely.

Page 39-lines 13 through 16 Delete entirely.

Page 39-line 17 Delete the line through "game.".

Page 41-line 3 After "proceeds." delete balance of the line.

Page 41-lines 4 through 7 Delete entirely.

Page 41-line 8 Delete the line through "addition,".

Page 51-line 18 After "or" insert "CPA qualified".

Page 51-line 19 After "or" insert "CPA qualified".

Page 51-line 21 After "or" insert "CPA qualified".

Page 51-line 24 After "or" insert "CPA qualified".

Page 52-line 8 After "or" insert "CPA qualified". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2011 H Passed CoW

2/1/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 21-line 21 Delete "forty-five".

Page 21-line 22 Delete "percent (45%)" insert "seventy-five percent (75%)". KROEKER

2/2/2011 H Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Blikre, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Goggles, Greene, Hunt, Illoway, Lubnau, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Pederson, Petroff, Shepperson, Steward, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Bonner, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Stubson, Teeters and Vranish

Ayes 27 Nays 33 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0187 |Administrative subpoenas. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Vranish, Krone and Quarberg

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; providing for issuance of administrative subpoenas upon request of a peace officer; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/31/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Nicholas, B.

Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 12 Delete "relating to" insert "of".

Page 2-line 13 Before "locating" insert "or in any investigation relating to".

Page 3-line 15 After "investigation" insert "provided that the witness retains rights under subsection (b) of this section to challenge the subpoena".

Page 3-After line 15 Insert:

"(f)  A subpoena under this section shall describe the objects required to be produced and shall prescribe a return date within a reasonable period of time within which the objects can be assembled and made available.

(g)  If no case or proceeding arises from the production of records or other documentation pursuant to this section within a reasonable time after those records or documentation are produced, the attorney general or district attorney shall either destroy the records and documentation or return them to the person who produced them.".

Page 3-line 17 Delete "(f)" insert "(h)". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

2/2/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Gingery, Greene, Illoway, Jaggi, Krone, Moniz, Peasley, Petroff, Quarberg, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Connolly, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Goggles, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Kroeker, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Throne

Ayes 22 Nays 37 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0188 |Gambling-definitions-2. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers, Brown and McOmie and Senator(s) Burns and Driskill

AN ACT relating to gambling; providing a definition of bona fide social relationships; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/27/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe and Shepperson

Nays: Representative(s) Jaggi and Stubson

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Hunt, Illoway, Kroeker, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Pederson, Shepperson, Steward, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Brechtel, Burkhart, Davison, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Stubson and Teeters

Excused: Representative(s) Buchanan, Edmonds, Harvey and Throne

Ayes 29 Nays 27 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Brown, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Greear, Illoway, Kroeker, Lockhart, Madden, McOmie, Petroff, Shepperson, Steward, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Stubson, Teeters and Vranish

Ayes 22 Nays 38 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0189 |Foreclosure and redemption revisions. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Stubson and Senator(s) Ross

An act relating to real property; specifying conditions under which a foreclosure sale can be rescinded by a seller; specifying damages in the event of recession; amending redemption periods for agricultural land; amending manner in which distinct lots or tracts are sold; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

2/1/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 21 Delete "voided" insert "rescinded".

Page 4-line 10 After "issued" insert ", or as otherwise agreed to by the mortgagor and mortgagee". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

2/2/2011 H Passed CoW

2/3/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/4/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Gay and Miller

Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/23/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 S Placed on General File

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0082

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0082

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0082

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0082

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0173 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0190 |Electronic fine submittal. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv. and Gingery

AN ACT relating to the courts; providing for the electronic submittal of fees, fines, bonds and penalties to a circuit court as specified; allowing for the creation of an internet based electronic transaction system as specified; providing that the supreme court may reduce fines, bonds and penalties if submitted electronically; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

2/1/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/18/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Placed on General File

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 1-line 5 Delete.

Page 1-line 6 Delete through "electronically;".

Page 1-line 14 After "penalties" insert "." delete balance of line.

Page 1-line 15 Delete.

Page 2-lines 14 through 20 Delete and renumber. PERKINS, NICHOLAS, MEIER

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Dockstader

Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Received for Concurrence

3/1/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0088

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0088

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0088

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0088

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0175 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0191 |Wind power taxation. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Stubson, Byrd, Illoway and Wallis and Senator(s) Coe, Perkins and Peterson

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing amendments to the tax upon the production of electricity from wind resources as specified; providing for imposition, taxation rate, exemptions and distribution as specified; repealing prior exemption; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

2/3/2011 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Childers, Goggles, Petersen and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Campbell, Miller and Semlek

Excused: Representative(s) Madden

Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 11 Delete "created" insert "amended".

Page 4-line 16 Strike "Sixty percent (60%)" insert "Eighty percent (80%)".

Page 5-line 3 After "fund" delete ";" insert "as follows:

(I)  For the period beginning January 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2017, or until the account balance reaches the amount of fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00), the proceeds shall be deposited into the impact assistance account which is hereby created;

(II)  After the conditions set forth in subdivision (I) of this paragraph are met, then the proceeds shall be deposited into the state general fund.

(B)  One percent (1%) shall be distributed in equal shares to each county;".

Page 5-line 5 Delete "(B)" insert "(C)".

Page 5-line 6 After "county" insert "or counties in which the wind generation facility is located".

Page 5-line 19 Strike "Forty percent (40%)" insert "Twenty percent (20%)".

Page 5-line 20 Strike "state general fund" insert "impact assistance account".

Page 5-lines 22 through 24 Delete and renumber.

Page 6-lines 1 through 19 Delete entirely and insert:

"(b)  If an industrial facility as defined by W.S. 35-12-102(a)(vii)(E) or (F) is constructed, any affected county or municipality within the impacted area shall be eligible to receive impact assistance payments from the impact assistance account created under subdivision (a)(i)(A)(I) of this section. The impact assistance payments shall be in lieu of any assistance available under W.S. 39-15-111(c) or 39-16-111(d).".

Page 6-line 20 Delete "section.".

Page 6-line 21 Delete "not to exceed" insert "equal to".

Page 6-line 22 After "facility" insert "as determined by the industrial siting council".

Page 6-line 23 After "account." delete balance of the line.

Page 6-line 24 Delete entirely.

Page 7-line 1 Delete "39-16-111(c)." insert "The impact assistance payments shall be distributed to the county treasurer and the county treasurer shall distribute to the county and to the cities and towns therein based on a ratio established by the industrial siting council during a public hearing held in accordance with W.S. 35-12-110. The industrial siting council shall review the distribution ratio for construction projects on a regular basis and make appropriate adjustments. A governing body which is primarily affected by the facility, or any person issued a permit pursuant to W.S. 35-12-106, may petition the industrial siting council for review and adjustment of the distribution ratio upon a showing of good cause.".

Page 7-lines 7 through 17 Delete entirely. CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN


Page 2-line 15 Reinsert stricken "one dollar ($1.00)"; delete "three".

Page 2-line 16 Delete new language.

Page 3-line 13 After "2027" delete balance of the line and insert "and subsequent calendar years.".

Page 3-lines 15 through 17 Delete entirely. PEDERSEN, TEETERS

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 4 Delete "imposition,".

Page 1-line 5 After "specified;" insert "providing conforming amendments;".

Page 1-line 10 Delete "39-22-103" insert "39-15-111(c), 39-16-111(d)".

Page 1-line 14 Delete entirely.

Page 2-lines 1 through 11 Delete entirely and insert:

"39-15-111. Distribution.

(c)  If any person commences after the effective date of this act to construct an industrial facility, as that term is defined in W.S. 35-12-102, under a permit issued pursuant to W.S. 35-12-106, or if the federal or state government commences to construct any project within this state with an estimated construction cost as specified in the definition of industrial facility in W.S. 35-12-102 the state treasurer shall thereafter pay to the county treasurer and the county treasurer will distribute to the county, cities and towns of that county in which the industrial facility or project is located, impact assistance payments from the monies available under paragraph (b)(i) of this section. Each payment to the county treasurer shall be equal to the excess of each monthly payment made under paragraph (b)(iii) of this section during the period of construction over the base period amount and shall continue during the period of construction except that in the case of an industrial facility or a federal or state government project which is expected to continue in phases for an indefinite period of time, the state treasurer shall discontinue payments under this section and establish a new base period when construction of any phase has ceased or been substantially completed for twelve (12) consecutive months. The impact assistance payments shall be distributed to the county treasurer and the county treasurer will distribute to the county and to the cities and towns therein based on a ratio established by the industrial siting council during a public hearing held in accordance with W.S. 35-12-110. The industrial siting council shall review the distribution ratio for construction projects on a regular basis and make appropriate adjustments. A governing body which is primarily affected by the facility, or any person issued a permit pursuant to W.S. 35-12-106, may petition the industrial siting council for review and adjustment of the distribution ratio upon a showing of good cause. The impact assistance payment shall be in addition to all other distributions under this section, but no impact assistance payment shall be made for any period in which the county or counties are not imposing at least a one percent (1%) tax authorized by W.S. 39-15-204(a)(i) and 39-16-204(a)(i) or at least a total of a two percent (2%) sales tax authorized under W.S. 39-15-204(a)(i), (iii) and (vi) and at least a total of a two percent (2%) use tax authorized under W.S. 39-16-204(a)(i), (ii) and (v). Any county, city or town receiving any payment from the impact assistance account created under W.S. 39-22-111(a)(iii) shall not receive payments under this subsection for the same facility. For purposes of this subsection, the industrial facility or federal or state government project will be deemed to be located in the county in which a majority of the construction costs will be expended, provided that upon a request from the county commissioners of any adjoining county to the industrial siting council, the council may determine that the social and economic impacts from construction of the industrial facility or federal or state government project upon the adjoining county are significant and establish the ratio of impacts between the counties and certify that ratio to the state treasurer who will thereafter distribute the impact assistance payment to the counties pursuant to that ratio.

39-16-111. Distribution.

(d)  If any person commences after the effective date of this act to construct an industrial facility, as that term is defined in W.S. 35-12-102, under a permit issued pursuant to W.S. 35-12-106, or if the federal or state government commences to construct any project within this state with an estimated construction cost as specified in the definition of industrial facility in W.S. 35-12-102 the state treasurer shall thereafter pay to the county treasurer and the county treasurer will distribute to the county, cities and towns of that county in which the industrial facility or project is located, impact assistance payments from the monies available under paragraph (b)(i) of this section. Each payment to the county treasurer shall be equal to the excess of each monthly payment made under paragraph (b)(iii) of this section during the period of construction over the base period amount and shall continue during the period of construction except that in the case of an industrial facility or a federal or state government project which is expected to continue in phases for an indefinite period of time, the state treasurer shall discontinue payments under this section and establish a new base period when construction of any phase has ceased or been substantially completed for twelve (12) consecutive months. The impact assistance payments shall be distributed to the county treasurer and the county treasurer will distribute to the county and to the cities and towns therein based on a ratio established by the industrial siting council during a public hearing held in accordance with W.S. 35-12-110. The impact assistance payment shall be in addition to all other distributions under this section, but no impact assistance payment shall be made for any period in which the county or counties are not imposing at least a one percent (1%) tax authorized by W.S. 39-15-204(a)(i) and 39-16-204(a)(i) or at least a total of a two percent (2%) sales tax authorized under W.S. 39-15-204(a)(i), (iii) and (vi) and at least a total of a two percent (2%) use tax authorized under W.S. 39-16-204(a)(i), (ii) and (v). Any county, city or town receiving any payment from the impact assistance account created under W.S. 39-22-111(a)(iii) shall not receive payments under this subsection for the same facility. For purposes of this subsection, the industrial facility or federal or state government project will be deemed to be located in the county in which a majority of the construction costs will be expended, provided that upon a request from the county commissioners of an adjoining county to the industrial siting council, the council may determine that the social and economic impacts from construction of the industrial facility or federal or state government project upon the adjoining county are significant and establish the ratio of impacts between the counties and certify that ratio to the state treasurer who will thereafter distribute the impact assistance payment to the counties pursuant to that ratio.".

Page 2-line 15 After "(a)" insert "Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,".

Page 4-lines 12 through 24 Delete entirely, including the standing committee amendment (HB0191HS001/A) to these lines, and insert:

"(a)  The proceeds from the tax imposed by this chapter shall be transferred to the state treasurer to be distributed in the same manner as excise taxes and as follows:

(iii)  Credit sixty-nine percent (69%) as follows:

(A)  or the period beginning January 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2017, or until the account balance reaches the amount of fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00), eighty percent (80%) of the proceeds under this paragraph shall be deposited in the impact assistance account which is hereby created and twenty percent (20%) of the proceeds under this paragraph shall be deposited in the general fund;

(B)  After the conditions set forth in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph are met, then fifteen percent (15%) of the proceeds under this paragraph shall be deposited in the impact assistance account and eighty-five percent (85%) of the proceeds under this paragraph shall be deposited in the general fund.

(iv)  One percent (1%) shall be distributed in equal shares to each county; and

(v)  The remaining share shall be distributed to counties and within each county as follows:

(A)  To each county or counties in which the wind generation facility is located in the proportion that the population of the county situated outside the corporate limits of its cities and towns bears to the total population of the county including cities and towns, for deposit into the county's general fund;

(B)  To each city and town within the county in the proportion the population of the city or town bears to the population of the county for deposit into the city's or town's general fund.".

Page 5-lines 2 through 20 Delete entirely, including the standing committee amendment (HB0191HS001/A) to these lines.

Page 6-lines 1 through 19 In the standing committee amendment (HB0191HS001/A) to these lines, in subsection (b) created by that amendment, delete "subdivision (a)(i)(A)(I)" insert "subparagraph (a)(iii)(A)".

Page 7-line 1 In the standing committee amendment (HB0191HS001/A) to this line after "therein" insert "at times set by and".

Page 7-line 19 Delete "is" insert "and 39-22-111(a)(i) and (ii) are". STUBSON, DAVISON


Page 1-line 5 After "exemption;" insert "creating an impact assistance account; providing an appropriation and for a continuous appropriation;".

Page 4-lines 12 through 24 In the Stubson et al. second reading amendment (HB0191H2001/A) to these lines, delete subparagraphs (a)(iii)(A) and (B) created by that amendment and insert:

"(A)  Eighty percent (80%) of the proceeds under this paragraph shall be deposited to the legislative stabilization reserve account and twenty percent (20%) shall be deposited to the general fund until the amount deposited to the legislative stabilization reserve account pursuant to this subparagraph equals fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00); thereafter

(B)  Fifteen percent (15%) of the proceeds under this paragraph shall be deposited to an impact assistance account which is hereby created, and eighty-five percent (85%) shall be deposited to the general fund. Funds in the impact assistance account shall be continuously appropriated for purposes specified in this section and shall not lapse.".

Page 6-lines 1 through 19 Delete the Stubson et al. second reading amendment (HB0191H2001/A) to these lines entirely; In the standing committee amendment (HB0191HS001/A) to these lines, in subsection (b) created by that amendment, delete "subdivision (a)(i)(A)(I)" insert "subparagraph (a)(iii)(B)".

Page 7-After line 19 Insert:

"Section 3. There is appropriated fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00) from the legislative stabilization reserve account to the impact assistance account created by this act.".

Renumber as necessary. STUBSON, CHILDERS, DAVISON

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 Reconsideration Pending; H Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Childers, Craft, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Greear, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petroff, Stubson, Throne, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Davison, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Jaggi, Kroeker, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Teeters, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 29 Nays 29 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 H Failed Reconsideration


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Bonner, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Childers, Eklund, Freeman, Greear, Harvey, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petroff, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blikre, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Campbell, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 27 Nays 32 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0192 |School finance-ELL programs. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Petroff

AN ACT relating to school finance; establishing supplemental financial assistance for schools serving large concentrations of students with limited English proficiency; delegating duties to the department of education; granting rulemaking authority; providing an appropriation; and providing for effective dates.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0193 |Nursing care facility assessment. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers, Buchanan and Pedersen and Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Hines and Meier

AN ACT relating to welfare; establishing the nursing care facility assessment as specified; establishing an account; providing definitions; providing regulatory authority; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

1/31/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 15 Delete "July 1" insert "October 1"; delete "June 30" insert "September 30".

Page 4-line 3 After "facilities" insert "that would exceed the amount that would be paid".

Page 5-line 24 Delete "both the".

Page 6-line 1 After "facilities" insert ", state government-owned facilities".

Page 6-line 2 After "department" insert "using the higher of the cost-based or prospective payment system approach". MILLER, VICE CHAIRMAN


Page 3-line 13 Delete "as defined".

Page 3-line 14 Delete entirely and insert "a facility providing nursing care, but does not include a facility solely providing assisted living care, a facility solely providing rehabilitative services or a facility solely providing a combination of assisted living care and rehabilitative services;". GINGERY


Page 8-line 4 After "services" insert "unless a later date is set by the department".

Page 10-line 17 Delete "where" insert "were".

Page 10-line 18 Delete "state".

Page 10-line 19 Delete "fiscal year" insert "annual cost report".

Page 11-line 7 After "assessment" insert "and quarterly adjustment payments".

Page 12-line 14 After "," insert "quarterly adjustment payments shall be discontinued and". PEDERSEN

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Quarberg

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/11/2011 S10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0054

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0054

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0054

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0054

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0105 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0194 |Next of kin-driver's license option. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Pedersen

AN ACT relating to driver's licenses; providing for a symbol on driver's licenses indicating that the designation of a person to contact in case of emergency is on file with the department; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

2/2/2011 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, Petersen, Quarberg, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) McKim

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 1 Delete "specifying the".

Page 1-line 2 Delete the line through "licenses" insert "providing for a symbol on driver's licenses indicating that the designation of a person to contact in case of emergency is on file with the department".

Page 2-line 3 After "department," delete balance of the line.

Page 2-line 4 Delete the line through "kin" insert "a symbol that the designation of a person".

Page 2-line 5 After "emergency" insert "is on file with the department".

Page 2-line 7 Delete "July 1, 2011" insert "January 1, 2012". QUARBERG, CHAIRMAN

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/9/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08

2/24/2011 S08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen, Nutting and Schiffer

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 S Placed on General File

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0083

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0083

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0083

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0083

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0168 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0195 |Motor vehicle registration fees. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Vranish, Craft, Davison, Freeman, Gay, Jaggi, Madden, Miller and Petersen and Senator(s) Barnard

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle registration; amending county registration fees; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/21/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/24/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/2/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Petersen and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Quarberg and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0196 |Dual credit access payments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Craft, Connolly, Freeman and McKim and Senator(s) Rothfuss

AN ACT relating to dual credit course instruction; providing payments from the school foundation account to cover student tuition, fees, textbooks and other instructional expenses for participation by post secondary institutions in dual credit courses offered through distance education; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/21/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/24/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0197 |Nuisance abatement. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Burkhart and Brown

AN ACT relating to cities and towns; providing for collection of abatement costs for nuisances as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/21/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/24/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/31/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Patton, Roscoe and Stubson

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Kroeker and Shepperson

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File

2/3/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Bonner, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Childers, Connolly, Esquibel, K., Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Patton, Petroff, Roscoe, Stubson, Throne, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Cannady, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Vranish and Wallis

Ayes 25 Nays 35 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0198 |Admissibility of evidence in sex offense cases. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Burkhart and Krone

AN ACT relating to civil and criminal procedure; specifying circumstances under which evidence of similar acts and offenses may be admitted in criminal and civil cases involving sexual assault and child molestation; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/21/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/24/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

2/3/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto and Nicholas, B.

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1–line 4 Delete "child molestation" insert "sexual abuse of a minor".

Page 1-line 13 Delete "child molestation" insert "sexual abuse of a minor".

Page 2-line 1 Delete "child molestation" insert "sexual abuse of a minor".

Page 2-line 3 Delete "child molestation is" insert "sexual abuse of a minor".

Page 2-line 4 Delete "admissible and".

Page 3-line 1 Delete "is admissible, and".

Page 4-line 9 Delete "child".

Page 4-line 10 Delete "molestation" insert "sexual abuse of a minor".

Page 4-line 13 Delete "child molestation" insert "sexual abuse of a minor".

Page 4-line 15 Delete "child molestation is admissible, and" insert "sexual abuse of a minor".

Page 5-line 8 After "section" delete ";" insert ""offense of sexual abuse of a minor" means:

(i)  Any act made criminal pursuant to W.S. 6-2-314 through 6-2-316;".

Page 5-lines 10 through 16 Delete entirely.

Page 5-line 18 Delete "(B)" insert "(ii)".

Page 5-line 20 Delete "assault" insert "abuse of a minor"; after "in" delete balance of line and insert "paragraph (i) of this subsection; or".

Page 5-lines 21 and 22 Delete entirely.

Page 6-line 1 Delete "(C)" insert "(iii)".

Page 6-line 2 After "in" delete balance of the line.

Page 6-line 3 Delete "paragraph" insert "paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this subsection". BROWN, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 4 After ";" insert "specifying procedure for introduction of evidence;".

Page 2-lines 7 through 13 Delete entirely and insert:

"(b)  In any case where a party intends to offer evidence under this section, the following procedure shall be used:

(i)  A written motion shall be made by the party to the court at least fifteen (15) days prior to scheduled start of the trial stating that the party has an offer of proof of the relevancy of evidence offered under this section;

(ii)  The written motion shall be accompanied by affidavits in which the offer of proof is stated;

(iii)  If the court finds the offer of proof sufficient, the court shall order a hearing in chambers, and at the hearing allow the parties to attend and be heard regarding the offer of proof made by the offering party and other pertinent evidence;

(iv)  At the conclusion of the hearing, if the court finds that the probative value of the evidence substantially outweighs the probability that its admission will create undue prejudice, the evidence shall be admissible pursuant to this section. The court may make an order stating what evidence may be introduced by the party, which order may include the nature of the questions to be permitted.".

Page 3-lines 4 through 11 Delete entirely and insert:

"(b)  In a case in which the prosecution intends to offer evidence under this section, the following procedure shall be used:

(i)  A written motion shall be made by the prosecution to the court at least fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled start of the trial stating that the prosecution has an offer of proof of the relevancy of evidence offered under this section;

(ii)  The written motion shall be accompanied by affidavits in which the offer of proof is stated;

(iii)  If the court finds the offer of proof sufficient, the court shall order a hearing in chambers, and at the hearing allow the defendant to attend and be heard regarding the offer of proof made by the prosecution and other pertinent evidence;

(iv)  At the conclusion of the hearing, if the court finds that the probative value of the evidence substantially outweighs the probability that its admission will create undue prejudice, the evidence shall be admissible pursuant to this section. The court may make an order stating what evidence may be introduced by the prosecution, which order may include the nature of the questions to be permitted.".

Page 4-lines 18 through 23 Delete entirely and insert:

"(b)  In a case in which the prosecution intends to offer evidence under this section, the following procedure shall be used:

(i)  A written motion shall be made by the prosecution to the court at least fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled start of the trial stating that the prosecution has an offer of proof of the relevancy of evidence offered under this section;

(ii)  The written motion shall be accompanied by affidavits in which the offer of proof is stated;

(iii)  If the court finds the offer of proof sufficient, the court shall order a hearing in chambers, and at the hearing allow the defendant to attend and be heard regarding the offer of proof made by the prosecution and other pertinent evidence;

(iv)  At the conclusion of the hearing, if the court finds that the probative value of the evidence substantially outweighs the probability that its admission will create undue prejudice, the evidence shall be admissible pursuant to this section. The court may make an order stating what evidence may be introduced by the prosecution, which order may include the nature of the questions to be permitted.". BURKHART

2/7/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Brown, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Jaggi, Krone, Loucks, Madden, McKim, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Teeters, Throne, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blikre, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Byrd, Connolly, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Goggles, Greear, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Kroeker, Lockhart, Lubnau, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 29 Nays 30 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0199 |Eminent domain-lands possessed by the federal government. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Kroeker, Brechtel, Davison, Edmonds, Gay, Jaggi, McKim, Miller and Quarberg and Senator(s) Dockstader, Hicks, Jennings and Nutting

AN ACT relating to eminent domain; authorizing the taking of specified property which is possessed by the federal government; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/21/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/8/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Cannady, Greene and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Krone, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0200 |Property tax exemption-improvement and service districts. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Senator(s) Christensen

AN ACT relating to property taxation; providing an exemption for improvement and service districts; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/21/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/24/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0201 |Health care qualifications and advertising. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Pedersen, Edmonds and Wallis and Senator(s) Emerich and Landen

AN ACT relating to consumer protection; requiring the disclosure of specified information in health care advertising; prohibiting deceptive or misleading information; providing definitions; requiring the display of specified information at medical practices; providing fines and penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/21/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/24/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/1/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Craft and Gay

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0202 |Railroads-fence repairs. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brown and Shepperson and Senator(s) Bebout

AN ACT relating to railroads; providing for fence repairs by landowners; limiting duties and liability as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/21/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

2/1/2011 H05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/11/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0072

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0072

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0072

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0072

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0159 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0203 |Child support-orders. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau and Craft and Senator(s) Perkins and Ross

AN ACT relating to domestic relations; amending provisions relating to the content of child support orders as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/21/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/24/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

2/2/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/18/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0055

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0055

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0055

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0055

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0121 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0204 |Patriotism in the classroom. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gay, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Quarberg, Shepperson and Teeters

AN ACT relating to public schools; requiring a flag to be displayed in each classroom as specified; requiring the pledge of allegiance to be recited as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/24/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/31/2011 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Kroeker, Krone and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly, Freeman and Madden

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 3 Delete "providing".

Page 1-line 4 Delete line through "action;".

Page 2-line 2 Delete "size".

Page 2-line 3 Delete "of the".

Page 2-line 3 After "flag" insert "shall be a standard size flag." and delete balance of line.

Page 2-line 4 Delete "feet by five (5) feet.".

Page 2-line 10 Delete "that" insert "who".

Page 2-line 11 After "allegiance" insert "." and delete balance of line.

Page 2-lines 12 through 17 Delete entirely. TEETERS, CHAIRMAN

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 2-line 5 After "banner" insert "containing a political message or connotation". ZWONITZER, DV

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd, Connolly, Goggles, Madden and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Harshman, Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 52 Nays 5 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/9/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/9/2011 S Rereferred to S09

2/11/2011 S09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper and Jennings

Nays: Senator(s) Rothfuss

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Hicks, Jennings, Landen, Meier, Nutting, Peterson and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Burns, Case, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hines, Johnson, Martin, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Ayes 14 Nays 16 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0205 |Electronic application process for board of nursing. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan, Craft, Esquibel, K., Harvey, Lockhart and Lubnau and Senator(s) Martin, Meier and Scott

AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; providing for an upgrade to the board of nursing's administrative and licensing systems; providing an appropriation; directing the expenditure of the appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/24/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/24/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/1/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Craft, Gingery, Harvey and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Gay, Greene, Hunt and Miller

Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0206 |Emergency response-incidents. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Throne, Byrd, Illoway and Nicholas, B. and Senator(s) Emerich and Esquibel, F.

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Emergency Response Act; including clandestine laboratory investigations in the definition of emergency responses; providing for representation on the state emergency response team; providing for declaration of contamination by emergency response teams as specified; providing for transfer of liability as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/24/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/31/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 22 Delete ", vehicle".

Page 3-line 24 Delete ", vehicle".

Page 5-line 3 After "transferee" insert "unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the transferor and transferee". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/22/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hines, Johnson and Martin

Nays: Senator(s) Case and Scott

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 S Placed on General File

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Bebout, Burns, Case, Dockstader, Hicks, Jennings, Perkins and Scott

Ayes 22 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0073

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0073

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0073

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0073

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0150 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0207 |Protection of activities in private vehicles. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Krone, Bonner, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Cannady, Childers, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Hunt, Kroeker, Loucks, Petroff, Quarberg and Vranish and Senator(s) Case, Coe and Jennings

AN ACT relating to employment; providing definitions; prohibiting certain persons from creating or enforcing a policy that prohibits the storage of firearms in a motor vehicle as specified; providing for a civil action; providing for remedies; providing exclusions; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/24/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/26/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

2/4/2011 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Cannady, McKim, Petersen, Quarberg and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Botten and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 14 After "(xv)" insert "that is not owned by a company or employer".

Page 2-After line 19 Insert:

"(iv)  "Person" means any private employer employing one (1) or more employees within Wyoming.".

Page 3-line 1 After "(a)" delete balance of the line.

Page 3-line 2 Delete "section,".

Page 3-lines 20 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 4-lines 2 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 6-line 10 Delete "may" insert "shall". QUARBERG, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 5 Delete "exclusions" insert "for applicability".

Page 2-After line 19 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0207HS001/A) to this line.

Page 3-lines 1 and 2 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0207HS001/A) to these lines.

Page 3-lines 20 through 24 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0207HS001/A) to these lines.

Page 3-line 24 Delete ":" insert "the person posts notice of the policy or rule on a sign at least twelve (12) inches by twelve (12) inches posted conspicuously at each entrance to the property.".

Page 6-line 17 Delete "Exemptions" insert "Applicability".

Page 6-lines 19 through 22 Delete entirely.

Page 7-lines 1 through 7 Delete entirely.

Page 7-line 9 Delete "(d)". KROEKER

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 3-line 5 Delete "individual" insert "employee".

Page 3-line 9 Delete "individual" insert "employee".

Page 3-line 22 Delete "individual" insert "employee".

Page 3-line 24 Delete the Kroeker committee of the whole amendment (HB0207HW001/A) to this line; delete ":" insert "the person notifies employees in writing of the policy or rule.".

Page 5-line 14 Delete "individual" insert "employee".

Page 5-line 20 Delete "individual" insert "employee". KROEKER, BURKHART

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Delete the Kroeker committee of the whole amendment (HB0207HW001/A) entirely.

Delete the Kroeker et al., second reading amendment (HB0207H2001/A) entirely. KRONE

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Cannady, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gay, Gingery, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Steward, Teeters, Vranish and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Botten, Byrd, Campbell, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Freeman, Goggles, Greene, Kasperik, Kroeker, Madden, McOmie, Nicholas, B., Patton, Roscoe, Semlek, Stubson, Throne, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 36 Nays 23 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/10/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/23/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Nays: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen, Nutting and Schiffer

Ayes 0 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0208 |Off-road vehicle registration-exemption. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Shepperson and Eklund and Senator(s) Driskill, Schiffer and Scott

AN ACT relating to off-road vehicles; exempting off-road vehicles operated for agricultural purposes from registration requirements; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/24/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

2/4/2011 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Petersen, Quarberg, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 1 Delete "amending a".

Page 1-line 2 Delete "definition;".

Page 1-line 8 Delete "31-1-101(a)(x) and".

Page 1-line 9 Delete "are" insert "is".

Page 1-lines 11 through 14 Delete entirely.

Page 2-lines 1 through 8 Delete entirely. QUARBERG, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/10/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08

2/17/2011 S08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen, Nutting and Schiffer

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0084

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0084

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0084

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0084

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0158 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0209 |Emergency medical review organizations. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Greene, Harvey and Lubnau and Senator(s) Coe and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; providing for a limitation of liability for emergency medical review organizations and the department of health as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/24/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/31/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe and Shepperson

Nays: Representative(s) Stubson

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 18 Delete "33-32-101 through 33-32-115" insert "33-36-101 through 33-36-115". GREENE, HARVEY

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 2-line 3 After "osteopathic" insert ", emergency medical".

Page 2-line 5 Delete new language. HARVEY, GREENE

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/22/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 S Placed on General File

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0085

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0085

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0085

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0085

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0138 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0210 |Landlord/tenant-return of deposits. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Greene, Connolly, Harvey, Illoway and Nicholas, B. and Senator(s) Hastert and Rothfuss

AN ACT relating to civil procedure; providing that an owner of residential rental property who unreasonably fails to return a rental deposit is liable for double the amount of the full deposit; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/24/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/31/2011 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Greear

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 16 After "recover" insert "court costs and".

Page 2-line 1 After "deposit" insert "." and strike "and court costs". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blikre, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Kroeker, Lockhart, Madden, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Pederson, Stubson, Throne, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Cannady, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Vranish and Wallis

Ayes 26 Nays 34 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0211 |County memorial hospital board members-removal. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Throne

AN ACT relating to county memorial hospitals; authorizing county commissioners to remove members of a hospital board of trustees; providing for the filling of vacancies on the board of trustees; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/24/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/31/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Shepperson and Stubson

Excused: Representative(s) Roscoe

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 2 After "duty" insert "after notice and public hearing by the board of county commissioners". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 2-line 2 After "trustees" insert "." and delete balance of the line. GINGERY, BROWN

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Delete the Gingery et al. second reading amendment (HB0211H2001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 2-line 2 After "for" insert "just cause without a public hearing." and delete balance of line. THRONE

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/22/2011 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 3 After "hearing" insert "unless the trustee requests a public hearing". CASE

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Received for Concurrence

3/1/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Greear, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Peasley, Quarberg, Semlek, Stubson and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 49 Nays 10 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0089

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0089

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0089

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0089

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0149 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0212 |Teacher tenure-3. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Teeters

AN ACT relating to education; removing continuing contract status from the Wyoming teacher employment law; modifying and repealing provisions accordingly; modifying hearing requirements; modifying and expanding reasons for suspension, dismissal and termination; specifying applicability; specifying legislative intent; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/25/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0213 |Medical liability-noneconomic damages. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gay, Brechtel, Krone, Semlek and Stubson and Senator(s) Jennings and Nutting

AN ACT relating to medical malpractice liability; creating the Wyoming excess liability account; specifying legislative findings and purposes; providing definitions; specifying requirements; specifying duties of the attorney general; providing for reports; providing for investment of monies from the account; authorizing corresponding modifications in medical malpractice liability insurance policies; providing for applicability; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/25/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

2/4/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Cannady and Greene

Excused: Representative(s) Brown

Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File

2/4/2011 H Rereferred to H02

2/7/2011 H02 Recommended Do Not Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0214 |Hathaway scholarship-college attendance. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan, Blake, Bonner, Craft, Harshman and Shepperson and Senator(s) Coe and Meier

AN ACT relating to education; limiting eligibility for Hathaway opportunity scholarships to attendance at a community college as specified; specifying applicability; modifying reporting requirements; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/25/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

1/31/2011 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Kroeker, Madden and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Freeman and Krone

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 3 After "applicability;" insert "modifying reporting requirements;".

Page 4-After line 6 Insert:

"Section 3.

(a)  Commencing with the 2016 report, the department of education shall include in its annual report under W.S. 21-16-1308(c):

(i)  An analysis of the effects of the provisions of this act on retention and persistence rates of Hathaway program participants;

(ii)  Recommendations regarding legislation to further the purposes of increasing retention and persistence rates for Hathaway program participants.".

Page 4-line 8 Delete "Section 3" insert "Section 4". TEETERS, CHAIRMAN

2/2/2011 H Passed CoW

2/3/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 9 Delete "subsection (g)" insert "subsections (g) and (h)"

Page 4-after line 2 Insert:

"(h)  Any student who meets the criteria under W.S. 21-16-1303 and is eligible to receive a Hathaway opportunity scholarship under paragraph (a)(i) or subsection (d) of this section shall be eligible to use that scholarship at the University of Wyoming as provided in this subsection. Once admitted to the University of Wyoming under this subsection, an eligible student shall not be required to enroll at the community college if he continues to meet all applicable requirements of this article. Any student who meets the criteria under W.S. 21-16-1303 and is eligible to receive a Hathaway opportunity scholarship under paragraph (a)(i) or subsection (d) of this section shall be eligible to use that scholarship at the University of Wyoming if:

(i)  The registrar of records at the community college in the closest geographic proximity to the eligible student's residence certifies that the eligible student is not able to enroll in two (2) or more prerequisite classes necessary for completion of his declared major because there are no seats available in the prerequisite classes offered at the community college during the subsequent semester;

(ii)  The eligible student is admitted to the University of Wyoming and enrolls in one (1) or more of the prerequisite classes he was unable to enroll in at the community college.". LUBNAU

2/4/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harvey, Illoway, Kasperik, Kroeker, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly, Davison, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Greear, Harshman, Hunt, Jaggi, Krone, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Peasley, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Gay and Miller

Ayes 42 Nays 15 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0215 |Department of health reorganization. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau, Harshman and Harvey and Senator(s) Scott

AN ACT relating to administration of government; providing for a study of the reorganization of the department of health; providing for a study of all programs which provide Medicaid services or determine Medicaid eligibility; providing for a reorganization plan; creating the position of state Medicaid agent within the department of health; providing for appointment of the state Medicaid agent by the governor as specified; providing for duties of the state Medicaid agent; providing for reports as specified; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/25/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

2/1/2011 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Craft, Gay, Greene, Harvey, Hunt and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Gingery and Miller

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File

2/1/2011 H Rereferred to H02

2/2/2011 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 4 After "position" delete balance of line and insert "of state Medicaid agent within the department of health; providing for appointment of the state Medicaid agent by the governor as specified;".

Page 1-lines 5 through 8 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 9 Delete "health;".

Page 1-lines 14 and 15 Delete entirely.

Page 2-lines 1 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 3-lines 1 through 21 Delete entirely.

Page 4-lines 1 through 21 Delete entirely.

Page 4-line 23 Delete "Section 2" insert "Section 1"; After "W.S." delete balance of line and insert "42-4-104 by creating a new subsection (e)".

Page 4-line 24 Delete "paragraph (xiv)".

Page 5-lines 2 through 17 Delete entirely and insert:

"42-4-104. Powers and duties of department of health; state Medicaid agent appointed by governor.

(e)  The chief administrator of the Medicaid program created pursuant to this chapter shall be the state Medicaid agent within the department of health, who shall be appointed by the governor, shall serve at the pleasure of the governor and may be removed by the governor as provided by W.S. 9-1-202.".

Page 5-line 19 Delete "Section 4" insert "Section 2".

Page 7-line 3 Delete "additional" insert "any".

Page 9-line 4 Delete "Section 5" insert "Section 3".

Page 10-line 1 Delete "Section 6" insert "Section 4". HARVEY, CHAIRMAN


Page 6-line 3 After "services" insert "and joint appropriations"; delete "committee" insert "committees".

Page 9-line 11 Delete "preparing" insert "retaining the services of an appropriate consultant to assist in the preparation of".

Page 9-line 12 After "." insert "(b)".

Page 9-lines 18 through 21 Delete entirely. BERGER, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 3 After "health;" insert "providing for a study of all programs which provide Medicaid services or determine Medicaid eligibility;".

Page 1-line 9 Before "providing" insert "providing for duties of the state Medicaid agent; providing for reports as specified;".

Page 5-lines 2 through 17 In the first standing committee amendment (HB0215HS001/A) to these lines, after "9-1-202." insert "The state Medicaid agent shall oversee and coordinate all programs which provide Medicaid services or determine Medicaid eligibility pursuant to W.S. 42-4-106 and chapter 2 of this title.".

Page 5-line 23 After "department" insert ", and all other programs providing Medicaid services or determining Medicaid eligibility,".

Page 6-line 5 Delete "committee shall" insert "committees shall jointly".

Page 6-line 7 Delete "joint".

Page 6-line 8 Delete entirely and insert "committees shall jointly".

Page 6-line 9 Delete "December 1, 2011" insert "November 1, 2011"; delete "its" insert "their".

Page 6-line 16 After "new" insert "integrated".

Page 6-line 18 After "health" insert "and other departments".

Page 6-line 19 Before "department" insert "integrated".

Page 7-after line 1 Insert:

"(i)  Prepare a timeline for implementation which contains specific measurable goals to be achieved by certain dates;".

Page 7-line 8 After "cost-effectiveness" insert ", cost containment and potential efficiencies of reorganization;" and delete balance of line.

Page 7-line 9 Delete entirely.

Page 7-line 22 After "new" insert "integrated".

Page 8-line 2 After "new" insert "integrated".

Page 8-line 5 After "new" insert "integrated".

Page 8-line 7 Delete "and"; insert ","; after "services" insert "and joint appropriations".

Page 8-line 8 Delete "committee" insert "committees".

Page 8-line 23 After "9-2-1707(a)(iii)" insert "." and delete balance of the line.

Page 8-line 24 Delete entirely.

Page 9-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely.


2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/18/2011 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Placed on General File

2/18/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/23/2011 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Meier

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 16 Delete "shall" insert "may".

Page 2-line 18 After "department" delete ",".

Page 2-line 20 Delete ", as specified in this".

Page 2-line 21 Delete "section".

Page 2-line 22 After "plan" delete ",".

Page 2-line 23 After "governor," insert "if it includes actions requiring changes in statutes,".

Page 3-line 1 Delete "October 15, 2011" inset "November 15, 2011, if it is to be considered at the 2012 budget session, or September 1, 2012, if it is to be considered at the 2013 general session,".

Page 3-line 2 After "public." delete balance of the line.

Page 3-lines 3 through 21 Delete.

Page 4-lines 1 through 23 Delete.

Page 5-lines 1 through 22 Delete.

Page 6-line 1 Delete "(e) The" insert "(b) Any"; after "plan" insert "proposing to create a new department".

Page 6-line 3 After "9-2-1707(a)(iii)" insert "except that the dates specified in this section shall govern, as appropriate".

Page 6-line 14 Delete "required" insert "authorized". SCOTT


Page 6-line 9 Delete "department of health" insert "office of the governor". NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Received for Concurrence

3/1/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Petersen

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0090

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0090

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0090

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0090

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0161 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0216 |Misdemeanors-maximum fine. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Connolly, Greene, Lubnau and Peasley and Senator(s) Esquibel, F.

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; increasing maximum penalty for misdemeanors as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/25/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

2/2/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Greene, Krone, Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Cannady and Nicholas, B.

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File

2/3/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Craft, Greene, Illoway, Lubnau, Peasley, Petroff, Roscoe, Throne, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Gay and Miller

Absent: Representative(s) Harshman

Ayes 14 Nays 43 Excused 2 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0217 |Production states agreement. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau and Senator(s) Bebout

AN ACT relating to the legislature; providing for legislative participation to develop an energy producing state agreement; specifying goals of the agreement; providing an appropriation and for a report; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/25/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

1/31/2011 H09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2011 H Placed on General File

1/31/2011 H Rereferred to H02

2/1/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Edmonds

Ayes 6 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 13 Delete "Protection" insert "Policy". LUBNAU

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S09

2/9/2011 S09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Jennings and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Placed on General File

2/9/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/14/2011 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 3-line 10 Delete "fifty thousand dollars" insert "twenty-four thousand five hundred dollars ($24,500.00)".

Page 3-line 11 Delete "($50,000.00)". NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN

2/17/2011 S Passed CoW

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/24/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Greear and McOmie

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart and Pederson

Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0058

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0058

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0058

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0058

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0092 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0218 |Civil recovery for criminal act-limitation. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Quarberg, Gingery, Krone, Peasley and Throne and Senator(s) Perkins and Ross

AN ACT relating to civil damages incurred during a criminal act; providing that a wrong-doer may not collect civil damages for any injuries he incurred as a result of the commission of a criminal act as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/25/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/8/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Greene, Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Krone and Nicholas, B.

Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0219 |Hathaway scholarship program-amendments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman and Senator(s) Landen

AN ACT relating to the Hathaway student scholarship program; delaying required provision of instruction and counseling on post secondary preparation until grade nine; accordingly delaying college readiness testing; specifying application; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/25/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/25/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

1/28/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Kroeker, Krone and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman and Madden

Absent: Representative(s) Loucks

Ayes 4 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0220 |Homestead exemption-county option. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Roscoe

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for an optional county homestead exemption as specified; providing applicability; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/25/2011 H Received for Introduction; No Further Action Prior to CoW Cutoff

1/26/2011 Withdrawn by Sponsor

|H.B. No. 0221 |Electricity production tax-distribution. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Roscoe, Petroff and Zwonitzer, Dv. and Senator(s) Case and Schiffer

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for the distribution of the tax upon production of electricity from wind resources; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/25/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/26/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Goggles, Petersen and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Madden, Miller and Semlek

Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0222 |Recreational considerations in public land exchanges. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Brechtel, Gay, Kroeker, Lockhart, Loucks and Stubson and Senator(s) Jennings

AN ACT relating to the sale and exchange of state lands; amending the findings necessary for the board of land commissioners to exchange state lands; providing that the board give particular consideration to recreational uses of state lands or exchange lands; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/4/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell and Loucks

Nays: Representative(s) Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0223 |Property disclosure statement-wind estate. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brown and Stubson

AN ACT relating to property; providing that the status of the wind estate shall be disclosed to a prospective buyer of land as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

2/1/2011 H05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/11/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Nays: Senator(s) Driskill

Excused: Senator(s) Bebout

Ayes 3 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0074

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0074

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0074

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0074

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0166 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0224 |Platted plots-requirement. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Illoway and Stubson

AN ACT relating to property; providing a definition of sale for prohibition on sale of nonplatted lands as specified; providing for enforcement; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

2/1/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 13 Delete "18-5-304(v)" insert "18-5-302(a)(v)". ILLOWAY

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/17/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0086

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0086

3/2/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0086

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0086

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0174 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0225 |Charter school appeal process-2. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wallis and Edmonds

AN ACT relating to charter schools; modifying the appeal process for charter school denials; repealing provisions for multiple appeals; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

2/3/2011 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 After "denials;" insert "repealing provisions for multiple appeals;".

Page 1-line 7 Delete "and (ii)".

Page 2-line 10 After "findings." insert "The findings shall be issued in writing and forwarded to the district board and charter applicant or appellant.".

Page 2-line 11 After "was" insert "not".

Page 2-line 13 After "shall" strike balance of the line.

Page 2-lines 14 and 15 Strike all existing language; delete all new language.

Page 2-lines 17 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 3-lines 1 through 5 Strike all existing language; delete all new language and insert "sustain the decision. If the state board determines the decision was contrary to those interests it shall:

(A)  Remand the decision to the district board with written instructions to approve the charter school or application as submitted; or

(B)  Approve the charter or application subject to modifications specified by the state board to cure deficiencies. The state board shall provide the charter school or applicant fifteen (15) days after the state board has entered its order to submit to the state board proposed modifications. If the state board finds the proposed modifications cure the deficiencies it shall remand the appeal to the district board with written instructions to approve the charter or application as modified. If the state board finds the proposed modifications do not cure the deficiencies it shall enter an order denying, refusing to renew or revoking the charter as applicable.".

Page 3-lines 7 through 16 Delete entirely and insert:

"Section 2. W.S. 21-3-310(b)(ii) through (iv) is repealed.".

Renumber as necessary. TEETERS, CHAIRMAN


Page 3-lines 1 through 5 In the standing committee amendment (HB0225HS001/A) to these lines, delete subparagraph (B) created by that amendment and insert:

"(B)  Approve the charter or application subject to modifications specified by the state board to cure deficiencies. The state board shall provide the charter school or applicant fifteen (15) days after the state board has entered its order to submit to the state board and the district board proposed modifications. The state board shall provide the district board fifteen (15) days after the charter school or applicant has submitted proposed modifications to comment thereon. If the state board finds the proposed modifications cure the deficiencies it shall remand the appeal to the district board with written instructions to approve the charter or application as modified. If the state board finds the proposed modifications do not cure the deficiencies it shall enter an order denying, refusing to renew or revoking the charter as applicable.". WALLIS, CONNOLLY

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Miller, Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Craft, Davison, Goggles, Greear, Harshman, Krone, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 34 Nays 24 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/9/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/14/2011 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Excused: Senator(s) Coe

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0226 |Raw agricultural commodity inspection exemptions. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wallis and Eklund

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; exempting raw agricultural commodities from health and safety inspections as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

2/3/2011 H05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks and Moniz

Nays: Representative(s) Blake, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File

2/4/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Quarberg, Shepperson, Stubson, Teeters and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Harshman, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lubnau, Moniz, Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Gay, Greear, Lockhart and Miller

Ayes 24 Nays 32 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0227 |Education-constitution instruction. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gay, Brechtel, Burkhart, Edmonds, Eklund, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Peasley and Quarberg

AN ACT relating to education; requiring school districts to provide instruction on the Wyoming and United States constitution as specified; modifying state board of education duties accordingly; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

2/1/2011 H Rereferred to H06

2/2/2011 H06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Davison, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/9/2011 S Rereferred to S09

2/11/2011 S09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper and Jennings

Nays: Senator(s) Rothfuss

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0228 |Food freedom act-2. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Eklund, Gay, Semlek, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

AN ACT relating to agriculture; creating the Wyoming Food Freedom Act; exempting certain sales from licensure, certification and inspection; providing definitions; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0229 |Penitentiary working environment-task force. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Burkhart and Senator(s) Hicks

AN ACT relating to corrections; providing for a study of working conditions at the Wyoming state penitentiary; creating a task force; requiring a report; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

1/28/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Nays: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Excused: Representative(s) Connolly and Davison

Ayes 0 Nays 7 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0230 |Eminent domain-wind energy collector systems-2. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brown, Blake, Edmonds, Greear, Kasperik, Miller, Moniz, Shepperson, Steward and Wallis

AN ACT relating to condemnation; extending the moratorium on the power of condemnation for the erection, placement or expansion of collector systems associated with commercial facilities generating electricity from wind; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05

2/1/2011 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Campbell, Davison, Eklund, Hunt, Loucks, Moniz, Semlek and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2–line 6 Delete "2012" insert "2013". SEMLEK, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 4 After ";" insert "amending applicability of the moratorium;".

Page 2-line 1 After "37-2-205" insert "or a commercial facility generating electricity from wind that sells its electricity to such a public utility". STUBSON

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Teeters, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brown, Gay, Lockhart, Stubson, Throne and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 53 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/11/2011 S05 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Driskill, Emerich, Geis and Hicks

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0063

2/25/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0063

2/25/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0063

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0063

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0086 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0231 |Post-dated checks. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Pedersen and Throne

AN ACT relating to the uniform consumer credit code; providing for notification of pay-day check cashing laws; providing for a limit on amount financed; modifying interest charges and maximum term; providing a penalty for a post-dated check cashier who violates this act as specified; allowing for suspension of a post-dated check casher's license; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/3/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Patton and Roscoe

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0232 |Workers' compensation impairment ratings. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Nicholas, B., Esquibel, K., Harvey and Throne and Senator(s) Perkins and Ross

AN ACT relating to workers' compensation; specifying the reference guide to be used for the rating of physical impairments; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/26/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

2/3/2011 H10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Greene, Harvey, Hunt and Miller

Nays: Representative(s) Gay and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Gingery

Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Kroeker, Madden, Miller, Peasley, Quarberg and Teeters

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 44 Nays 14 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/18/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Senator(s) Martin

Nays: Senator(s) Dockstader, Nutting, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 1 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0233 |Abandonment of mineral rights. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv. and Miller

AN ACT relating to unclaimed property; providing for abandonment of mineral rights as specified; providing for treatment of abandoned mineral rights as unclaimed property of the state; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/27/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0234 |Alcohol permits-catering permits. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Petroff and Roscoe and Senator(s) Christensen

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverage permits; providing an exemption to the limitation on catering permits; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/27/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/2/2011 Postponed Until July 1, 2011, in Accordance With HR 4-3


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0235 |Natural gas vehicles. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Roscoe, Burkhart and Miller and Senator(s) Case

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing that the department of transportation and the department of administration and information shall acquire through retrofit or purchase vehicles which operate on natural gas as specified; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/27/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

2/3/2011 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Cannady, McKim, Petersen and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Quarberg and Vranish

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File

2/3/2011 H Rereferred to H02

2/4/2011 H02 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen and Steward

Nays: Representative(s) Wallis

Ayes 6 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File


That Substitute No. 1 for HB0235 DO Pass. QUARBERG, CHAIRMAN


Page 1-line 3 After "specified;" insert "providing that the department of transportation shall retrofit vehicles to operate on natural gas as specified;".

Page 2-line 3 After "site" insert "and other vehicles if expressly authorized by the legislature".

Page 2-lines 5 through 8 Delete entirely.

Page 3-line 11 After "act." insert "The department of transportation is authorized to expend these funds to retrofit department of transportation vehicles and department of administration and information vehicles.".

Renumber as necessary. QUARBERG, ROSCOE

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Bonner, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Greene, Hunt, Jaggi, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Teeters, Vranish and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 33 Nays 26 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/10/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08

2/17/2011 S08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen and Schiffer

Nays: Senator(s) Nutting

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File

2/17/2011 S Rereferred to S02

2/18/2011 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Hastert, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson and Von Flatern

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 After "transportation" delete balance of line and insert "and the department of administration and information".

Page 1-line 3 Delete.

Page 1-line 4 Delete through "transportation".

Page 1-lines 12 through 14 Delete.

Page 2-lines 1 through 10 Delete.

Page 2-line 12 Delete "(b)".

Page 2-line 22 Delete "one million dollars" insert "two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00)".

Page 2-line 23 Delete "($1,000,000.00)".

Page 2-line 24 Delete "transportation" insert "administration and information"; delete "Any amount of".

Page 3-lines 1 through 13 Delete. NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 4 Delete "retrofit" insert "acquire through retrofit or purchase"; delete "to" insert "which".

Page 2-line 14 After "retrofit" insert "or acquire".

Page 2-line 15 Delete "to" insert "which".

Page 2-line 17 After "retrofitted" insert "or acquired". NUTTING


Page 2-line 22 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0235SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "one million dollars" insert "four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.00)". NUTTING


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Martin, Nutting, Perkins and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Burns, Case, Christensen, Cooper, Dockstader, Geis, Hines, Jennings, Landen, Meier, Nicholas, P., Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 12 Nays 18 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Jennings, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Hines and Johnson

Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/25/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Burkhart, Freeman, Loucks, McOmie, Miller, Peasley, Steward and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Gay and Pederson

Ayes 48 Nays 10 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0067

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0067

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0067

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0067

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0143 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0236 |Complimentary hunting licenses-persons with disabilities. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Peasley, Barbuto, Blake, Craft, Freeman and Roscoe and Senator(s) Meier

AN ACT relating to game and fish; eliminating fee for antelope licenses distributed to organizations dedicated to providing hunting opportunities to individuals with disabilities as specified; providing for recoupment of fees for those licenses; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/27/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/2/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Davison and Jaggi

Nays: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0237 |National guard educational assistance. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Greene, Blake, Brown and Moniz

AN ACT relating to combat veterans; expanding eligibility for educational benefits to combat veterans who were not Wyoming residents at the time of entering national military service as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/27/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

2/4/2011 H08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Cannady, Quarberg and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, McKim, Petersen and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0238 |Tattoo studios-blood donation certification. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn., Blake, Kasperik and Petroff and Senator(s) Martin

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; providing for voluntary certification of tattoo studios as specified; providing for rulemaking; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/27/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0239 |Child caring facilities-certification. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Quarberg

AN ACT relating to certification of child caring facilities; providing an exemption from certification; providing that certain exempt facilities may not receive funds appropriated by the state; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/27/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

2/1/2011 H Rereferred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/3/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Harvey, Miller and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene and Hunt

Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0240 |Workplace safety. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Blake and Throne and Senator(s) Hastert

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Act; providing for an increase in fines and civil penalties as specified; providing for periodic adjustment of civil penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/28/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0241 |School districts-assessments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman and Burkhart and Senator(s) Landen

AN ACT relating to student assessments; phasing out use of school district body of evidence systems for establishing high school graduation requirements; providing for further study and subsequent legislation; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/28/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

2/4/2011 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File


That Substitute No. 1 for HB0241 DO Pass. TEETERS, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/10/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/2/2011 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0242 |Insurance-surplus lines. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway and Senator(s) Case

AN ACT relating to insurance; providing for interstate cooperation in regulation of surplus lines; providing for computation of tax on surplus lines; providing definitions; repealing inconsistent provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/28/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

2/1/2011 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 6-line 24 After "commissioner" insert "unless more frequent reporting and payment is required by participation in a multistate compact, reciprocal agreement or clearinghouse pursuant to subsection (g) of this section". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

2/2/2011 H Passed CoW

2/3/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/4/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Gay and Miller

Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/17/2011 S07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0056

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0056

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0056

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0056

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0103 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0243 |Human remains-training of search and rescue dogs. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Krone, Bonner, Loucks, Petroff and Stubson and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to human remains; providing for use of human remains by persons certified to train search and rescue animals; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/28/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06

2/2/2011 H06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Connolly, Davison, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S06

2/17/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill and Esquibel, F.

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0064

2/25/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0064

2/25/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0064

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0064

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0093 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0244 |Unemployment insurance amendments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Connolly and Senator(s) Hastert

AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance; authorizing compensation for persons unemployed due to specified compelling family circumstances; removing limitations on benefits for persons unemployed because of a spouse's employment transfer; amending the period for which extended benefits are payable; providing an alternative base period for determination of benefits periods; providing a training extension benefit for certain permanently laid off workers; and providing for effective dates.

1/27/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/28/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

2/4/2011 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Greear, Moniz, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Kasperik, Lockhart and Stubson

Excused: Representative(s) Roscoe

Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File

2/4/2011 H Rereferred to H02

2/7/2011 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Harshman, Pedersen, Steward and Wallis

Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 1 Delete "authorizing".

Page 1-lines 2 through 4 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 5 Delete "employment transfer;".

Page 1-line 8 After ";" insert "requiring a report;".

Page 2-line 22 After "employment" delete balance of line.

Page 2-line 23 Delete the line through "employment".

Page 3-line 17 Delete ", 27-3-311(a)(i)(C) and (D)," insert "and".

Page 3-line 18 Delete "and".

Page 3-line 19 Delete entirely.

Page 3-line 20 Delete "through (xii)".

Page 5-lines 13 through 22 Delete entirely.

Page 6-lines 1 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 7-lines 2 through 24 Delete entirely.

Page 15-lines 1 through 22 Delete entirely.

Page 16-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely.

Page 16-After line 2 Insert:

"Section 3. The department of employment shall submit a report to the joint minerals, business and economic development interim committee by December 15, 2011 specifying the effects of this act on unemployment insurance programs.".

Page 16-line 4 Delete "3" insert "4". STUBSON, VICE-CHAIRMAN


Page 16-After line 2 Delete the first standing committee amendment (HB0244HS001/A) to this line and insert:

"Section 3. The department of employment shall submit a report to the joint minerals, business and economic development and joint appropriations interim committees by December 1, 2011 specifying the effects of this act on unemployment insurance programs.". BERGER, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Botten, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Krone, McOmie, Patton, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Throne, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Stubson, Teeters, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 25 Nays 34 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0245 |Cruelty to animals-2. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wallis

AN ACT relating to animal cruelty; providing for county commissioner declaration of animal cruelty as a public nuisance; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/28/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0246 |National guard-disposal of land. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Quarberg and Senator(s) Geis

AN ACT relating to the military department and the board of land commissioners; specifying the procedures for transferring property to another governmental entity; specifying procedures for the transfer of property where the military department is not the only title holder; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/28/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

2/4/2011 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Petersen, Quarberg and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 19 After "paragraph" insert "and W.S. 9-2-1016(b)(viii)". PETERSEN, VICE-CHAIRMAN

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/10/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08

2/15/2011 S08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen, Nutting and Schiffer

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 19 Delete "(iii)" insert "(viii)". SCHIFFER

2/17/2011 S Passed CoW

2/18/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/22/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Excused: Senator(s) Emerich

Ayes 28 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/23/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Kasperik, Lockhart and Pederson

Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0047

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0047

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0047

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0047

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0095 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0247 |Education accountability-2. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Teeters

AN ACT relating to public education; creating the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act and establishing a statewide education accountability system; establishing system components and student performance measures; imposing duties upon the state board of education and the state superintendent; prescribing consequences for school level student performance; establishing a legislative select committee to review and expand system components; imposing select committee reporting requirements and providing for an advisory committee comprised of public education representatives; prescribing staffing; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/28/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0248 |Unlawful protesting at a funeral-amendments. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Byrd, Brown and Childers and Senator(s) Driskill

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; providing criminal penalties for a protest directed at a funeral or memorial service as specified; increasing the buffer zone between a funeral or memorial service and a protest directed at a funeral or memorial service as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H08

2/4/2011 H08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blake, Bonner, Botten, Cannady, McKim, Petersen, Quarberg, Vranish and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Miller, Peasley and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 55 Nays 4 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/9/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S08

2/15/2011 S08 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Johnson, Landen, Nutting and Schiffer

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0057

2/24/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0057

2/24/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0057

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0057

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0080 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0249 |Acceptance of citation. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Nicholas, B. and Krone and Senator(s) Perkins

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; providing that acceptance of a citation by a person serves as a promise to appear in court as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

2/2/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Davison, Edmonds, Gay, Hunt, Kroeker, Miller and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 51 Nays 8 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/18/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Placed on General File

2/22/2011 S Passed CoW


Page 4-line 7 Delete "by accepting" insert "manifested by his refusal to accept". MEIER, PERKINS

2/23/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/24/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Burns, Christensen, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Bebout, Case, Coe, Geis, Jennings, Meier and Rothfuss

Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/25/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Peasley

Excused: Representative(s) Gay and Pederson

Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0068

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0068

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0068

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0068

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0167 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0250 |Outfitters and guides-waste of game meat. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Krone

AN ACT relating to outfitters and guides; requiring outfitters and guides to ensure compliance by clients with specified game and fish laws; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0251 |Abortion-ultrasound information. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brechtel, Edmonds, Eklund, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim and Peasley and Senator(s) Dockstader and Meier

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring physicians to provide patients with specified information before certain abortion procedures; providing a definition and amending a definition; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

2/4/2011 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly and Freeman

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 2-line 2 Delete ", orally and in person".

Page 2-line 3 Delete "active".

Page 2-line 4 After second "child" insert ".".

Page 2-lines 5 through 12 Delete entirely. TEETER, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 13 Delete ", at".

Page 1-line 14 Delete the line through "hours".

Page 1-line 15 After "performed" delete the balance of the line.

Page 1-line 16 Delete entirely.

Page 2-line 1 Delete "referring" insert "the".

Page 2-line 3 Delete "of" insert ".".

Page 2-line 4 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0251HS001/A) to this line.

Page 2-lines 17 and 18 Delete entirely.

Page 2-line 20 Delete entirely and insert "(i) Remove a nonviable fetus;".

Page 2-line 22 Delete "(iii)" insert "(ii)". MADDEN


Delete the Madden second reading amendment (HB0251H2001/A) entirely.

Delete the Throne second reading amendment (HB0251H2002/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 3 Delete "nonemergency".

Page 1-line 4 Delete "definitions" insert "a definition".

Page 1-lines 13 through 16 Delete entirely and insert:

"(a)  Prior to an abortion being performed, the physician or a qualified person assisting the physician shall:

(i)  Inform the pregnant woman of the medical and psychological risks of abortion;

(ii)  Inform the woman of the medical and psychological risks of alternatives to abortion, including the risks of pregnancy and childbirth;

(iii)  Inform the woman that she has a right to view an ultrasound;

(iv)  Direct the woman to available counseling and other resources; and

(v)  Discuss birth control options to prevent unintended pregnancy including availability, risks and efficacy.".

Page 2-lines 1 through 4 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0251HS001/A) to these lines.

Page 2-line 15 Delete "with the intent to".

Page 2-after line 15 Insert:

"(i)  To save the life or preserve the health of the mother;".

Page 2-lines 17 and 18 Delete entirely.

Page 2-line 20 Delete entirely and insert "(ii) To remove a nonviable fetus;".

Page 2-line 22 After "(iii)" insert "To"; delete "." insert ";".

Page 2-after line 22 Insert:

"(iv)  When the pregnancy is the result of:

(A)  Incest as defined by W.S. 6-4-402; or

(B)  Sexual assault as defined by W.S. 6-2-301 if the assault is reported to a law enforcement agency within five (5) days after the assault or within five (5) days after the time the victim is capable of reporting the assault.".

Page 3-line 10 Delete ":".

Page 3-lines 12 through 22 Delete entirely.

Page 4-line 1 Delete "(ii)".

Renumber as necessary. WALLIS


Delete the Madden second reading amendment (HB0251H2001/A) entirely.

Delete the Throne second reading amendment (HB0251H2002/A) entirely.

Delete the Wallis second reading amendment (HB0251H2003/A) entirely and further amend as follows:

Page 1-line 15 Delete "on an unborn child".

Page 2-line 3 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0251HS001/A) to this line. BRECHTEL

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-lines 13 through 16 In the Wallis second reading amendment (HB0251H2003/A) to these lines, in subsection (a) created by that amendment; delete "Prior" insert "At least twenty-four (24) hours prior".

Page 2-after line 15 In the Wallis second reading amendment (HB0251H2003/A) to this line after "mother;" insert:

"(ii)  To save the life or preserve the health of an unborn child;".

Renumber as necessary. WALLIS, EDMONDS, TEETERS

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s)  Blikre, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Stubson and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Byrd, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Patton, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 34 Nays 25 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/15/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S05

2/18/2011 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Geis and Hicks

Nays: Senator(s) Driskill and Emerich

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 3 After "certain" insert "nonemergency"; delete "a definition" insert "definitions".

Page 1-line 13 After "(a)" insert "Except in the case of medical emergency,".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "the" insert "a".

Page 1-line 15 After "person" delete the balance of the line and insert "shall inform the pregnant woman that she has a right to view an ultrasound of the unborn child and hear the heartbeat of the unborn child.".

Page 2-lines 1 through 16 Delete.

Page 2-lines 21 and 22 Delete and renumber.

Page 3-line 4 Delete and renumber.

Page 3-lines 8 through 16 Delete and renumber.

Page 3-line 19 After "physician" insert "or qualified person".

Page 4-line 4 After "section" insert ":" and delete balance of the line.

Page 4-lines 5 through 7 Delete entirely and insert:

"(i)  "Medical emergency" means a pregnant woman's condition which, on the basis of a physician's good faith clinical judgment:

(A)  So complicates her health that the immediate termination of her pregnancy is necessary to prevent her death; or

(B)  Creates a serious risk of causing her substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function.

(ii)  "Qualified person" means a licensed psychologist, clinical social worker, professional counselor, registered nurse or physician;

(iii)  "Unborn child" means a human embryo or fetus.".  GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/25/2011 S Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Cooper, Dockstader, Geis, Hicks, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Meier, Nutting, Perkins and Ross

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hines, Martin, Nicholas, P., Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Peterson

Ayes 14 Nays 15 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0252 |Review of state executive department positions. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harvey, Berger, Buchanan, Lubnau and Miller and Senator(s) Bebout, Nicholas, P. and Scott

AN ACT relating to administration of government; providing for a study of state executive department positions; providing for reports; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

2/3/2011 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 13 Delete "." insert ";".

Page 3-After line 13 Insert:

"(vi) The position based on the agency's organizational structure.". CRAFT, ACTING CHAIRMAN

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/9/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/17/2011 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 4-line 3 Delete "." insert ";".

Page 4-after line 3 Insert:

"(iii)  Consider any federal requirements for positions in programs that are partly federally funded.". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case

Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/28/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0075

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0075

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0075

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0075

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0162 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0253 |Wyoming Nurse Practice Act amendment. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Kasperik and Lubnau and Senator(s) Nutting

AN ACT relating to nursing; expanding the exemption from licensure for persons enrolled in nursing programs; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10

2/3/2011 H10 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Craft, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Miller and Peasley

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S10

2/14/2011 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader, Martin, Nutting, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 2-line 1 Delete "such" insert "the". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/28/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0076

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0076

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0076

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0076

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0169 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0254 |Property taxation-appeals. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Throne and Madden

AN ACT relating to property taxation; requiring specific findings and conclusions as to evidence presented in a taxpayer appeal; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

2/2/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 1 Delete "a".

Page 1-line 2 Delete "finding" insert "findings and conclusions".

Page 2-line 1 Delete "a specific finding" insert "specific findings and conclusions".

Page 2-line 12 Delete "a".

Page 2-line 13 Delete "finding" insert "findings and conclusions".

Page 2-line 15 Delete "July 1, 2011" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2011 H Passed CoW

2/4/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/7/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/8/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/10/2011 S03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Emerich, Hines and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 Assigned Number HEA No.0059

2/25/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0059

2/25/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0059

3/2/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0059

3/2/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0127 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0255 |Veteran's tax exemption. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Patton, Blikre, Botten, Byrd and Illoway and Senator(s) Burns and Schiffer

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; clarifying requirements to remain qualified for the veteran's property tax exemption; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

2/1/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2011 H Placed on General File

2/2/2011 H Passed CoW

2/3/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/4/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Gay and Miller

Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/7/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/10/2011 S03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Emerich, Hines and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-line 15 Delete "he" insert "the claimant".

Page 2-line 2 Delete "he" insert "the claimant". HINES, CHAIRMAN

2/23/2011 S Passed CoW

2/24/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/25/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2011 H Received for Concurrence

2/28/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0077

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0077

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0077

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0077

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0156 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0256 |Wyoming Safe Homes Act-2. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Craft, Barbuto, Connolly and Pedersen and Senator(s) Cooper and Hastert

AN ACT relating to domestic and sexual violence; creating a Wyoming Safe Homes Act as specified; authorizing a victim of domestic or sexual violence to terminate a lease as specified; providing an affirmative defense as specified; prohibiting eviction of victims of domestic or sexual violence as specified; providing definitions; prohibiting waiver of provisions of act by separate agreement; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

2/3/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Peasley

Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 4-line 12 Delete "." insert "; and".

Page 4-After line 12 Insert:

"(iii)  The domestic abuse or sexual violence occurred not more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of giving the written notice to the landlord, or if circumstances are such that the tenant could not reasonably give notice within that time period because of reasons related to the domestic abuse or sexual violence, including, but not limited to, hospitalization or seeking assistance for shelter or counseling, then as soon thereafter as practicable.". BROWN, CHAIRMAN


Page 4-line 22 After "of" insert "domestic abuse or".

Page 5-line 7 After "of the" insert "domestic abuse or".

Page 5-line 8 After "of the" insert "domestic abuse or".

Page 5-line 11 After "of" insert "domestic abuse or".

Page 5-line 13 After "of" insert "domestic abuse or".

Page 5-line 21 After "The" insert "domestic abuse or".

Page 6-line 1 After "to the" insert "domestic abuse or". CRAFT

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 6 Delete "prohibiting".

Page 1-line 7 Delete entirely.

Page 1-line 8 Delete the first "specified;".

Page 4-line 7 After "gave" insert "thirty (30) days".

Page 4-line 8 Delete "or within three (3) days of".

Page 5-line 4 After "gave" insert "thirty (30) days".

Page 5-line 5 Delete "or within three (3) days of".

Page 5-line 9 After "provided" delete balance of line and insert "medical, court or police evidence of domestic abuse or sexual violence".

Page 5-line 10 Delete the line through "evidence".

Page 5-line 11 Delete ":" insert "; and".

Page 5-lines 13 through 19 Delete entirely including the Craft committee of the whole amendment (HB0256HW001/A) to these lines.

Page 6-lines 6 through 14 Delete entirely.

Page 6-line 16 Delete "(d)" insert "(c)".

Page 7-line 8 After "change" insert ", at the tenant's expense,".

Page 7-line 15 After "by" delete balance of the line and insert "medical, court or police".

Page 7-line 16 Delete the line through "types of".

Page 7-line 17 Delete ":" insert ".".

Page 7-lines 19 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 8-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely.

Page 8-lines 11 through 23 Delete entirely.

Page 9-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely.

Page 9-line 4 Delete "(d)" insert "(c)".

Page 9-line 6 Delete "(a), (b) or (c)" insert "(a) or (b)"; after "section" insert "and payment of a reasonable lock changing fee".

Page 9-line 10 After "tenant" delete balance of the line.

Page 9-line 11 Delete entirely.

Page 9-line 12 Delete "changed,".

Page 9-line 15 Delete "(e)" insert "(d)".

Page 9-line 19 Delete "(f)" insert "(e)".

Page 10-line 20 Delete "; costs".

Page 10-line 22 Delete "(a)".

Page 11-line 3 After "locks." delete balance of the line.

Page 11-lines 4 through 24 Delete entirely.

Renumber as necessary. CRAFT, LUBNAU


Page 10-lines 10 through 18 Delete entirely.


2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Cannady, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Madden, McOmie, Pederson, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Brechtel, Buchanan, Campbell, Childers, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Greear, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Stubson, Teeters and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 33 Nays 26 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/11/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/22/2011 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F., Hicks and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2011 S Placed on General File


Page 1-lines 5 through 7 Delete and insert "prohibiting eviction of victims of domestic or sexual violence as specified;".

Page 1-line 14 Delete "1-21-1306" insert "1-21-1304".

Page 2-lines 20 through 23 Delete and renumber.

Page 3-lines 1 and 2 Delete.

Page 3-line 14 Delete "1-21-1306" insert "1-21-1304".

Page 4-line 5 After "premises" insert ", as demonstrated by medical, court or police evidence of domestic abuse or sexual violence".

Page 4-line 7 Delete "thirty (30)" insert "seven (7)".

Page 5-line 4 Delete "thirty (30)" insert "seven (7)".

Page 5-line 8 Delete "domestic abuse or".

Page 5-after line 23 Insert and renumber:

"(c)  A landlord may not terminate a tenancy based solely on the tenant's or applicant's or a household member's status as a victim of domestic abuse or sexual violence. This subsection does not prohibit adverse housing decisions based upon other lawful factors within the landlord's knowledge.".

Page 6-lines 13 through 23 Delete and renumber.

Page 7-lines 1 through 23 Delete.

Page 8-lines 1 through 24 Delete.

Page 9-lines 2 through 8 Delete and renumber.

Page 9-line 10 Delete "1-21-1306" insert "1-21-1304".

Page 9-lines 16 through 24 Delete and renumber.

Page 10-lines 1 through 22 Delete.

Page 11-line 1 Delete "3" insert "2". PERKINS, CHAIRMAN

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

3/1/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Bebout, Burns, Case, Driskill and Nicholas, P..

Ayes 25 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2011 H Received for Concurrence

3/2/2011 H Did Concur


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Petersen, Petroff, Steward, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Edmonds, Gay, Greear, Kroeker, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Patton, Peasley, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Stubson and Teeters

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson

Ayes 42 Nays 17 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0097

3/3/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0097

3/3/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0097

3/10/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0097

3/10/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0189 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0257 |Popular vote compact. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Throne and Zwonitzer, Dn.

AN ACT relating to authorizing the governor to enter into the interstate compact for the election of the president of the United States by national popular vote; requiring each member state to conduct a statewide popular election for president and vice president; providing procedures for presidential electors; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

2/2/2011 H Rereferred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0258 |Game & fish-pioneer licenses. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Barbuto

AN ACT relating to game and fish; providing for issuance of pioneer licenses based on collective years of residency; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0259 |Ethanol producer tax credit. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dv., Madden and Roscoe

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; limiting the ethanol tax credit as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

2/4/2011 H03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Goggles, Madden, Petersen, Semlek and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Miller

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 H Placed on General File

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Harvey

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/9/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/15/2011 S03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Emerich and Hines

Nays: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2011 S Placed on General File

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Meier, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Ross, Rothfuss, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Cooper, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Martin, Nutting, Peterson and Schiffer

Ayes 20 Nays 10 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Assigned Number HEA No. 0078

2/28/2011 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0078

2/28/2011 S President Signed HEA No. 0078

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEA No. 0078

3/3/2011 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0170 Session Laws of Wyoming 2011

|H.B. No. 0260 |Industrial siting-financial resources. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Stubson and Senator(s) Perkins

AN ACT relating to industrial siting; repealing requirements to provide financial assurances regarding construction, maintenance and operation; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H09

2/2/2011 H09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart, Moniz, Stubson and Zwonitzer, Dn.

Nays: Representative(s) Byrd, Roscoe and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 H Placed on General File

2/7/2011 H Passed CoW

2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish and Wallis

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Connolly, Madden, Roscoe, Steward, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 52 Nays 7 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/9/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S09

2/11/2011 S09 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Jennings and Rothfuss

Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File

2/25/2011 S Passed CoW

2/28/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 9 Delete "and 35-12-113(a)(iv)" insert ", 35-12-113(a)(iv) and 35-12-116(a)(ii) and (iii) and by creating a new paragraph (iv)".

Page 3-after line 21 Insert and renumber:

"35-12-116.  Revocation or suspension of permit.

(a)  A permit may be revoked or suspended for:

(ii)  Failure to comply with the terms or conditions of the permit after notice of the failure from the office and reasonable opportunity to correct the failure; or

(iii)  Violation of this chapter, the regulations issued pursuant to this chapter or orders of the council or office;. or

(iv)  Prior to construction of the facility authorized by a permit issued pursuant to this chapter, the occurrence of any of the following:

(A)  Dissolution or termination of the applicant's existence as a going business, appointment of a receiver for any part of the applicant's permitted project, any assignment for the benefit of creditors of the applicant, or the commencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy laws by or against the applicant;

(B)  Commencement of foreclosure, whether by judicial proceeding, self-help, repossession or any other method by any creditor of the applicant against any part of the applicant's permitted project;

(C)  The sale, transfer or other conveyance of more than fifty percent (50%) of the applicant's permitted project to any third party; or

(D)  The sale, transfer or other conveyance of more than 50% of the ownership interest in the applicant's permitted project.". CASE

3/1/2011 S Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Bebout, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Geis, Jennings, Landen, Martin, Meier, Perkins, Peterson, Rothfuss and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Burns, Case, Christensen, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Johnson, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Ross, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Ayes 13 Nays 17 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.B. No. 0261 |Ethanol credit-recoupment. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Madden, Blikre, Campbell, Goggles, McOmie, Miller, Petersen and Zwonitzer, Dv.

AN ACT relating to department of transportation; creating an ethanol tax credit recoupment program; providing for recoupment of fuel taxes lost due to statutorily designated ethanol tax credits; providing an appropriation; providing for reports; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0262 |Healthy workplace. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn.

AN ACT relating to labor and employment; providing for a civil action for unlawful employment practices as specified; establishing affirmative defenses; providing a statement of intent; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0263 |Wyoming task force on asset building for children. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn.

AN ACT relating to children; creating the Wyoming task force on asset building for children; creating a Wyoming asset building program account; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.B. No. 0264 |Hathaway scholarships-school notifications. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman

AN ACT relating to education; modifying requirements for written communications from schools to notify students of the Hathaway scholarship program; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04

2/3/2011 H04 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Freeman, Krone, Loucks and Teeters

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly, Kroeker and Madden

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File

2/4/2011 H Passed CoW

2/7/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/8/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Peasley, Petroff, Teeters and Vranish

Nays: Representative(s) Botten, Byrd, Campbell, Connolly, Edmonds, Freeman, Gay, Harvey, Kroeker, Madden, McKim, Miller, Patton, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Pederson and Shepperson

Ayes 35 Nays 23 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/9/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S04

2/11/2011 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Jennings, Landen and Rothfuss

Excused: Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.B. No. 0265 |Name changes-sealed. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Barbuto, Greene, Harvey, Petroff and Throne and Senator(s) Hastert

AN ACT relating to change of name proceedings in district court; allowing change of name proceedings and records to be nonpublic and sealed in certain cases; exempting such cases from residency requirements as specified; providing for documentation as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 403(c)

|H.B. No. 0266 |Student assessments-body of evidence. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Freeman, Craft, Harshman, McOmie and Teeters

AN ACT relating to student assessment; phasing out use of school district body of evidence systems for establishing high school graduation requirements; directing the department of education to review alternatives and report recommendations to the legislature; imposing duties on the legislature; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

3/1/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.J. No. 0001 |District court commissioners-authority. |

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to expand the authority of district court commissioners.

12/6/2010 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/11/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/14/2011 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B., Peasley and Throne

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 1-line 2 Delete "eliminate restrictions on" insert "expand".

Page 3-lines 1 through 10 Delete entirely and insert:

"The adoption of this amendment would expand the authority of district court commissioners. If the amendment is adopted, a district court commissioner could perform additional duties assigned by a district court judge, subject to any restrictions the legislature may impose by law.". BROWN, CHAIRMAN

1/14/2011 H Passed CoW

1/17/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/18/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Buchanan, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Stubson, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Edmonds, Gay, Greear, Hunt, Jaggi, Kroeker, Loucks, McOmie, Miller, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 44 Nays 15 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/16/2011 S01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Esquibel, F. and Perkins

Excused: Senator(s) Hicks

Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2011 S Placed on General File

2/24/2011 S Passed CoW

2/25/2011 S Passed 2nd Reading

2/28/2011 S Failed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Meier, Nicholas, P., Rothfuss and Schiffer

Ayes 19 Nays 11 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 S Reconsidered


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Landen, Martin, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, Case, Dockstader, Emerich, Geis, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Meier, Nicholas, P., Rothfuss, Schiffer and Scott

Ayes 17 Nays 13 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 S Reconsidered 17-13; Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hicks, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott and Von Flatern

Nays: Senator(s) Case, Dockstader, Emerich, Geis, Hines, Jennings, Meier, Nicholas, P., Rothfuss and Schiffer

Ayes 20 Nays 10 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 Assigned Number HEJR No. 0001

3/1/2011 H Speaker Signed HEJR No. 0001

3/1/2011 S President Signed HEJR No. 0001

3/3/2011 Governor Signed HEJR No. 0001

|H.J. No. 0002 |Resolution-U.S. constitution requiring a balanced budget. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Kroeker and Senator(s) Nutting

A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress submit to the states a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution requiring a balanced budget except in times of war or declared national emergency.

1/6/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/12/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

1/17/2011 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Campbell, Childers, Madden, Miller, Petersen, Semlek and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 3-line 8 After "Congress" insert ", legislative leadership of the other forty-nine (49) states". CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2011 H Passed CoW

1/20/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

1/21/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Craft, Freeman, Roscoe and Throne

Excused: Representative(s) Davison, Goggles and McKim

Ayes 49 Nays 8 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/27/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/4/2011 S03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Emerich and Hines

Nays: Senator(s) Perkins

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Dockstader, Meier and Nutting

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Nicholas, P., Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout and Perkins

Ayes 5 Nays 22 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.J. No. 0003 |Resolution to Congress and the United States Supreme Court. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers, Buchanan, Jaggi, Krone, McOmie and Shepperson and Senator(s) Case, Coe and Jennings

A JOINT RESOLUTION demanding Congress cease and desist from enacting mandates beyond the enumerated powers granted to the Congress by the United States Constitution; calling on Congress to amend the tenth amendment and the interstate commerce clause in article 1, section 8 of the United States Constitution so as to restrict the egregious encroachment on states' rights through federal legislation and federal court decisions; and demanding that the United States Supreme Court refrain from issuing decisions which impermissibly expand federal power or restrict individual rights.

1/12/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/13/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/14/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01

1/27/2011 H01 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Brown, Cannady, Greene, Krone and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2011 H Placed on General File

2/1/2011 H Passed CoW

2/2/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Gay, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Byrd, Connolly, Craft, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Roscoe and Throne

Excused: Representative(s) Lockhart

Ayes 49 Nays 10 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/10/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S03

2/17/2011 S03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Case and Hines

Nays: Senator(s) Emerich and Perkins

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.J. No. 0004 |Repeal of 17th amendment. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Edmonds, Harshman, Peasley and Shepperson

A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution repealing the seventeenth amendment to the United States Constitution.

1/17/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/18/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/19/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/8/2011 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Cannady and Peasley

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Brown, Greene, Krone, Nicholas, B. and Throne

Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.J. No. 0005 |County/city consolidation. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Petroff and Senator(s) Burns and Christensen

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to allow the legislature to provide for a procedure and laws governing unification of counties and municipalities; defining unified governments as counties for taxation and revenue purposes; providing legislative authority to further define powers and authority of unified governments; requiring a vote; and providing for continuance of debts and obligations.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H07

1/24/2011 H07 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Patton and Roscoe

Nays: Representative(s) Jaggi, Kroeker, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2011 H Placed on General File

1/25/2011 H Passed CoW


Page 1-line 6 Delete "and"; after "vote" insert "; and providing for continuance of debts and obligations".

Page 2-line 21 After "municipalities" insert "and a requirement that any existing debt or obligation of the municipalities and counties involved in a unification shall become a debt or obligation of the unified government".

Page 3-line 7 After "people" insert "and the debts and obligations of the unifying governments will become debts and obligations of the unified government". PETROFF


Page 2-line 15 Delete "and" insert "with". PETROFF

1/26/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading


Page 1-line 5 After "purposes" delete balance of the line.

Page 1-line 6 Delete "all other purposes;" insert "; providing legislative authority to further define powers and authority of unified governments;".

Page 2-line 17 Delete "and" insert ". The legislature shall provide by general laws applicable to all unified governments for the powers and authority of the same, which laws may determine application of provisions of this constitution governing counties and municipalities.".

Page 2-line 18 Delete the line through "purposes.".

Page 3-line 5 Delete "and" insert ". The legislature will further provide by law powers and authority of all unified governments.".

Page 3-line 6 Delete the line through "purposes.". STUBSON


Page 2-line 15 Delete "and" insert "with". GREEAR

1/27/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gingery, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Loucks, Madden, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Throne, Vranish, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Davison, Gay, Hunt, Jaggi, Lockhart, Lubnau, McKim, Miller, Peasley, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters and Wallis

Excused: Representative(s) Goggles

Ayes 41 Nays 18 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2011 S Received for Introduction

1/28/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S07

2/10/2011 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Case, Johnson, Martin and Scott

Nays: Senator(s) Hines

Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2011 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

|H.J. No. 0006 |Private property protection. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hunt, Eklund, Loucks and Shepperson and Senator(s) Driskill

A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress to refrain from enacting any laws which restrict private property rights in violation of the United States Constitution; calling on the Wyoming delegation to Congress to resist the enactment of all federal laws which impinge on property rights; calling on all elected officials in Wyoming to recognize and protect property rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Wyoming.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H06

1/26/2011 H06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Bonner, Botten, Davison, Jaggi, McKim, McOmie, Petroff and Shepperson

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly

Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2011 H Placed on General File


Page 4-after line 20 Insert:

"Section 3. That all elected officials of political subdivisions of the state of Wyoming strive to ensure that all agencies, departments and personnel under their control and direction respect and uphold private property rights in accordance with the United States Constitution, the Constitution of the State of Wyoming and the laws of the State of Wyoming.".

Page 4-line 22 Delete "Section 3" insert "Section 4".

Page 5-line 17 Delete "resolution." insert "resolution; and".

Page 5-after line 17 Insert:

"(iii)  To all elected officials of political subdivisions of the state of Wyoming with a request that they take all reasonable and necessary actions consistent with this resolution.". HUNT

1/28/2011 H Passed CoW

1/31/2011 H Passed 2nd Reading

2/1/2011 H Passed 3rd Reading


Ayes: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Craft, Davison, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays: Representative(s) Connolly

Excused: Representative(s) Byrd and Edmonds

Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2011 S Received for Introduction

2/2/2011 S Introduced and Referred to S06

2/8/2011 S06 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Dockstader and Driskill

Nays: Senator(s) Burns and Esquibel, F.

Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2011 S Placed on General File

2/10/2011 S Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Senator(s) Barnard, Case, Christensen, Dockstader, Driskill, Hicks, Jennings, Landen and Meier

Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Coe, Cooper, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hines, Johnson, Martin, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused: Senator(s) Anderson, Bebout and Perkins

Ayes 9 Nays 18 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.J. No. 0007 |Distribution of excess funds. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Buchanan, Davison, Gay, McOmie, Pedersen, Quarberg and Semlek

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to authorize the legislature to distribute to the citizens of this state surplus tax monies determined to be in excess of the amounts necessary for the support of current operations of government.

1/18/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/19/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/20/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H03

2/3/2011 H03 Recommended Do Pass


Ayes: Representative(s) Campbell, Goggles, Miller, Petersen and Semlek

Nays: Representative(s) Blikre, Childers and Vranish

Excused: Representative(s) Madden

Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2011 H Placed on General File

2/7/2011 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Davison, Greene, Jaggi, Kroeker, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Peasley, Pederson, Quarberg and Semlek

Nays: Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brown, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Kasperik, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Roscoe, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused: Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 13 Nays 46 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

|H.J. No. 0008 |Sharia law. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gay

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to require courts in this state to rely on federal and state laws when deciding cases and to forbid courts from considering international law or Sharia law when deciding cases.

1/19/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/20/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/21/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)

|H.J. No. 0009 |Health care freedom-4. |

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edmonds, Davison, Jaggi, Kroeker, McKim, Quarberg and Teeters

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution by creating a new section specifying that no law shall compel participation in any health care system by any person, employer or health care provider.

1/31/2011 Bill Number Assigned

1/31/2011 H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

2/28/2011 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(c)



MARCH 3, 2011

House Chamber


Present: Representative(s) Barbuto, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, Patton, Peasley, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer Dn., and Zwonitzer Dv

Excused: Representative(s) Berger, Greear, Pedersen, Roscoe and Shepperson

Present 55 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

Prayer by Representative Brechtel.

Majority Floor Leader Lubnau moved that a committee of two be appointed to inform the Governor that the House is ready to adjourn; and to escort His Excellency, the Governor, to the House. The motion is adopted.

Speaker Buchanan asked Representatives Semlek and Quarberg to please inform the Governor that the House of Representatives is ready to adjourn; please escort His Excellency , the Governor, Matthew H. Mead, to the House Chamber.

Speaker Buchanan asked the House to rise and come to order. The Sergeant at Arms announced that His Excellency, the Governor of Wyoming, Matthew H. Mead.

Speaker Buchanan welcomed Governor Mead to the House of Representatives.



In separate speeches to the Wyoming Senate and House of Representatives, Governor Matt Mead thanked lawmakers for leaving their homes and families to come to Cheyenne and work on behalf of the state.

Governor Mead said that with the Legislature they made a lot of progress in addressing core areas. Those included jobs and economic growth, technology, infrastructure, supporting communities, streamlining state government, education and seeking Wyoming solutions.

"I am pleased that you all tackled so many of those issues and did it so very well. I am pleased as we look at the bills that come down that I have signed that the State of Wyoming should rightfully be proud of its Legislature."

The highlights Governor Mead pointed to were the passage of bills enhancing the contractor preference law, the manufacturer's sales tax exemption, incentives for data centers and money to improve infrastructure. The Legislature appropriated $45 million for highway projects and $45 million for local governments.

"This is a way to further spur economic development and in part that is because 75% of that $45 million will go to capital projects. Such projects help lay the groundwork to attract new businesses and employers. We need to have the infrastructure in place that will bring in new businesses and help our companies grow."

Governor Mead also thanked the Legislature for the hard work on improving education. He said that the bills passed this year show Wyoming wants to have the best schools in the country and will not settle for poor performances.

Speaker Buchanan thanked Governor Mead on behalf of the members of the House of Representatives and asked Representative Semlek and Representative Quarberg to escort the Governor from the House Chamber.

Majority Floor Leader Lubnau moved that the bills currently pending before this body in the 61st Wyoming State Legislature, 2011 General Session, be indefinitely postponed. Minority Floor Leader Goggles seconded the motion.

Speaker Buchanan: "You have heard the motion; all those in favor say "Aye" opposed, "No". by your vote, the motion is adopted.

Majority Floor Leader Lubnau moved that that Senate be informed that House of Representatives of the 61st Wyoming State Legislature, General Session, is ready to adjourn. The motion is adopted.

Speaker Buchanan directed that House Chief Clerk, Patty Benskin, inform the Senate that the House of Representatives, General Session of the 61st Wyoming State Legislature, is ready to adjourn.

Majority Floor Leader Lubnau moved the following:

"1. That the House of Representatives, 61st Wyoming State Legislature, General Session, adjourn until a date and time which are determined jointly by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and by the President of the Senate for the purpose of calling the House and Senate back into session.

2. That if no such time is established before December 31, 2011, the House of Representatives, 61st Wyoming State Legislature, General Session, is adjourned sine die effective at 12:00 o'clock noon on that date and the Legislative Budget Session, 61st Wyoming State Legislature, shall convene on the 13th day of February, 2012, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m.

3. That the House of Representatives specifically concurs in any identical motion adopted by the Senate.

4. That if the Senate fails to concur in the action of the House of Representatives under paragraphs 1 through 3 of this motion, by adopting an identical motion applicable to the Senate, the House of Representatives, 61st Wyoming State Legislature, General Session is adjourned sine die."

Speaker Buchanan stated: "You have heard the motion; all those in favor say 'Aye,' opposed, 'No,' By your vote, the motion has passed the House.

We are now at that order of business, Reading, and Approval of the Journal.

Representative Kasperik reported from the Journal Committee that the Journal of March 3, 2011, has been read and recommends that it be approved. Representative Freeman seconded the motion. The report was adopted.

Speaker Buchanan stated, "There being no objection, the report is adopted."

Speaker Buchanan: "Subject to the conditions set forth in Majority Floor Leader Lubnau's motion, the House of Representatives of the 61st Wyoming State Legislature, General Session, is adjourned and shall again convene on the 13th day of February, 2012, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m."

Benediction was given by Representative Harshman.

The House is adjourned.

Patricia L. Benskin

House Chief Clerk






of the





|HD1 |R |Mark A. Semlek |8H |1307 D Road |

|Crook | | Rancher | | Moorcroft 82721 |

|Weston | | | | Phone: 756-9294 |

| | | | | |

|HD2 |R |Hans Hunt |1H |1347 Old Highway 85 |

|Niobrara | | Rancher | | Newcastle 82701 |

|Weston | | | | Phone: 746-8899 |

|Converse | | | | |

|Goshen | | | | |

| | | | | |

|HD3 |R |Frank Peasley |2H |P.O. Box 703 |

|Platte | | Attorney | | Douglas 82633 |

|SE Converse | | | | Phone: 358-4505 |

| | | | | |

|HD4 |R |Edward A. Buchanan |8H |P.O. Box 897 |

|Goshen | | Attorney | | Torrington 82240 |

| | | | | Phone: 532-2322 |

| | | | | |

|HD5 |R |Matt Teeters |5H |1585 Road 70 |

|Goshen | | Rancher | |Lingle 82223 |

|Platte | | | | Phone: 837-2359 |

| | | | | |

|HD6 |R |Richard Cannady |2H |P.O. Box 1597 |

|Converse | | Business Owner | | Glenrock 82637 |

| | | | | Phone: 436-9794 |

| | | | | |

|HD7 |R |Bryan Pedersen |4H |2572 Wind River Trail |

|Laramie | | Financial Consultant | | Cheyenne 82009 |

| | | | | Phone: 630-1618 |

| | | | | |

|HD8 |R |Bob Nicholas |1H |6225 Mountain View Dr. |

|Laramie | | Attorney | | Cheyenne 82009 |

| | | | | Phone: 514-3693 |

| | | | | |

|HD9 |R |David Zwonitzer |4H |4204 Del Range Blvd. |

|Laramie | | Auctioneer/Furniture Store Owner | | Cheyenne 82009 |

| | | | | Phone: 635-7247 |

|HD10 |R |John Eklund Jr. |1H |2918 U.S. Highway 85 |

|Laramie | | Farmer/Rancher | | Pine Bluffs 82009 |

| | | | | Phone: 246-3251 |

| | | | | |

|HD11 |D |Mary Throne |4H |720 E. 19th St. |

|Laramie | | Attorney | | Cheyenne 82001 |

| | | | | Phone: 637-7770 |

| | | | | |

|HD12 |R |Amy Edmonds |4H |P.O. Box 2904 |

|Laramie | | Medical Underwriter | | Cheyenne 82003 |

| | | | | Phone: 635-5139 |

| | | | | |

|HD13 |D |Cathy Connolly |2H |1321 Garfield |

|Albany | | College Professor | | Laramie 82070 |

| | | | | Phone: 745-9251 |

| | | | | |

|HD14 |R |Kermit Brown |6H |P.O. Box 817 |

|Albany | |Attorney | | Laramie 82073 |

| | | | | Phone: 745-7358 |

| | | | | |

|HD15 |R |Donald Burkhart |1H |P.O. Box 852 |

|Carbon | | Safety Engineer | | Rawlins 82301 |

| | | | | Phone: 324-6007 |

| | | | | |

|HD16 |R |Ruth Ann Petroff |1H |P.O. Box 2764 |

|Teton | | | | Jackson 83001 |

| | | | | Phone: 690-3392 |

| | | | | |

|HD17 |D |Bernadine Craft |4H |81209 Hilltop |

|Sweetwater | |Exec. Director Sweetwater BOCES | | Rock Springs 82901 |

| | | | | Phone: 382-5035 |

| | | | | |

|HD18 |R |Allen Jaggi |4H |P.O. Box 326 |

|Sweetwater | | Retired Educator | | Lyman 82937 |

|Uinta | | | | Phone: 786-2817 |

| | | | | |

|HD19 |R |Owen Petersen |10H |Box 590 |

|Uinta | | Retired/Military officer | | Mountain View 82939 |

| | | | | Phone: 782-6378 |

| | | | | |

|HD20 |R |Kathleen "Kathy" Davison |6H |P.O. Box 602 |

|Lincoln | | Retired County Commissioner | | Kemmerer 83101 |

|Sublette | | | | Phone: 877-6483 |

|Sweetwater | | | | |

|HD21 |R |Robert McKim |2H |10964 Hiway 238 |

|Lincoln | |Retired Small Business Owner | | Afton 83110 |

| | | | | Phone: 885-3733 |

| | | | | |

|HD22 |D |Jim Roscoe |2H |P.O. Box 1789 |

|Sublette | | General Contractor | | Wilson 83014 |

|Lincoln | | | | Phone: 733-5389 |

|Teton | | | | |

| | | | | |

|HD23 |R |Keith Gingery |6H |1175 Brangus Dr. |

|Teton | | Attorney | | Jackson 83001 |

|Fremont | | | | Phone: 734-5624 |

| | | | | |

|HD24 |R |Sam Krone |1H |P.O. Box 2481 |

|Park | | Dep. Park County Attorney | | Cody 82414 |

| | | | | Phone: 587-4530 |

| | | | | |

|HD25 |R |Dave Bonner |2H |506 Shoshone St. |

|Park | | Newspaper Publisher | | Powell, 82435 |

| | | | | Phone: 754-2037 |

| | | | | |

|HD26 |R |Elaine Harvey |8H |792 Garfield Ave. |

|Big Horn | | Substitute teacher/Self-employed | | Lovell 82431 |

|Park | | | | Phone: 548-7866 |

| | | | | |

|HD27 |D |Mike Greear |1H |1088 N. Ponderosa Ln. |

|Washakie | | Attorney | | Worland 82401 |

| | | | | Phone: 388-3399 |

| | | | | |

|HD28 |R |Lorraine Quarberg |6H |P.O. Box 1365 |

|Big Horn | | Farmer/Rancher | | Thermopolis 82443 |

|Hot Springs | | | | Phone: 864-2221 |

|Park | | | | |

| | | | | |

|HD29 |R |John Patton |6H |1623 Pond View Ct.. |

|Sheridan | | Retired Financial Advisor |6S | Sheridan 82801 |

| | | | | Phone: 672-2776 |

| | | | | |

|HD30 |R |John Botten |1H |P.O. Box 600. |

|Sheridan | | Attorney | | Sheridan 82801 |

| | | | | Phone: 674-7766 |

| | | | | |

|HD31 |R |Tom Lubnau |6H |4 Cherokee Circle |

|Campbell | | Attorney | | Gillette 82717 |

| | | | | Phone: 682-1313 |

|HD32 |R |Norine Kasperik |1H | 664 Par Drive |

|Campbell | | Ret. Director of Nursing | | Gillette 82718 |

| | | | | Phone: 257-7875 |

| | | | | |

|HD33 |D |W. Patrick Goggles |7H |505 Blue Sky Hwy. |

|Fremont | | Tribal Housing Exec. Dir. | |Ethete 82520 |

| | | | | Phone: 332-5318 |

| | | | | |

|HD34 |R |Rita Campbell |1H |4 Riggs Rd. |

|Fremont | | Rancher | | Shoshoni 82649 |

| | | | | Phone: 856-4725 |

| | | | | |

|HD35 |R |Kendell Kroeker |1H |P.O. Box 354. |

|Natrona | | Business Owner. | |Evansville 82631 |

| | | | | Phone: 266-9691 |

| | | | | |

|HD36 |D |Gerald Gay |5H |363 S. Socony Pl. |

|Natrona | | Engineer | |Casper, WY 82601 |

| | | | | Phone: 265-5187 |

| | | | | |

|HD37 |R |Steve Harshman |9H |P.O. Box 40136 |

|Natrona | | Teacher/Coach | | Casper 82604 |

| | | | | Phone: 262-8075 |

| | | | | |

|HD38 |R |Bob Brechtel |9H |3160 Cotton Creek |

|Natrona | | Site Operations Manager | | Casper 82604 |

| | | | | Phone: 237-3174 |

| | | | | |

|HD39 |D |Stan Blake |5H |460 W. Railroad Ave. |

|Sweetwater | | Railroad Conductor | | Green River 82935 |

| | | | | Phone: 875-3779 |

| | | | | |

|HD40 |R |Mike Madden |5H |63 Landon Rd. |

|Johnson | | Rancher/retired | | Buffalo 82834 |

|Sheridan | | | | Phone: 684-9356 |

| | | | | |

|HD41 |D |Ken Esquibel |5H |3121 Spruce Ct. |

|Laramie | | Railroad Engineer | | Cheyenne 82001 |

| | | | | Phone: 637-8753 |

| | | | | |

|HD42 |R |Pete Illoway |13H |839 Ridgeland St. |

|Laramie | | Economic Development Vice President | | Cheyenne 82009 |

| | | | | Phone: 635-2973 |

| | | | | |

|HD43 |R |Dan Zwonitzer |7H |521 Cottonwood Dr. |

|Laramie | |Auctioneer | | Cheyenne 82001 |

| | | | | Phone: 214-7826 |

|HD44 |D |James Byrd |3H |2515 Snyder Ave. |

|Laramie | | IT Engineer | | Cheyenne 82001 |

| | | | |Phone: 634-1746 |

|HD45 |R |Matt Greene |1H |115 E. Grand Ave. |

|Albany | |Law Student | | Laramie 82070 |

| | | | | Phone: 760-3859 |

| | | | | |

|HD46 |R |Glenn Moniz |3H |P.O. Box 784 |

|Albany | | Land Developer | | Laramie 82070 |

| | | | | Phone: 745-4711 |

| | | | | |

|HD47 |R |William "Jeb" Steward |5H |P.O. Box 21 |

|Carbon | | Self Employed | |Encampment 82325 |

|Albany | | | | Phone: 327-5116 |

| | | | | |

|HD48 |D |Joseph Barbuto |3H |P.O. Box 1198 |

|Sweetwater | | Prevention Specialist | | Rock Springs 82902 |

|SW Fremont | | | | Phone: 389-3590 |

| | | | | |

|HD49 |R |Clarence Vranish |1H |P.O. Box 2069 |

|Unita | | Computer Tech | | Evanston 82931 |

| | | | | Phone: 677-2020 |

| | | | | |

|HD50 |R |Pat Childers |15H |26 Equine Drive |

|Park | | Retired Engineer | | Cody 82414 |

| | | | | Phone: 587-5145 |

| | | | | |

|HD51 |R |Rosie Berger |9H |P.O. Box 275 |

|Sheridan | | Travel Agent/Event Coordinator | | Big Horn 82833 |

| | | | | Phone: 672-7600 |

| | | | | |

|HD52 |R |Sue Wallis |5H |1050A Bitter Creek Rd. |

|Campbell | |Rancher/Writer | | Recluse 82725 |

| | | | | Phone: 680-8515 |

| | | | | |

|HD53 |R |Gregg Blikre |3H |110 e. Hogeye Dr. |

|Campbell | | Banker | | Gillette 82716 |

| | | | | Phone: 682-5311 |

| | | | | |

|HD54 |R |Del McOmie |11H |680 Cliff St. |

|Fremont | | Retired WYDOT | | Lander 82520 |

| | | | | Phone: 332-4626 |

| | | | | |

|HD55 |R |David R. Miller |12H |131 Davis Ln. |

|Fremont | | Mineral Exploration/Geologist | | Riverton 82501 |

| | | | | Phone: 857-5789 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|HD56 |R |Timothy Stubson |4H |1645 S. Chestnut |

|Natrona | |Attorney | |Casper, WY 82601 |

| | | | |Phone 234-1881 |

| | | | | |

|HD57 |R |Thomas Lockhart |11H |770 East 12th. St. |

|Natrona | | Retired Executive/Pacific Power | | Casper 82601 |

| | | | | Phone: 472-4116 |

| | | | | |

|HD58 |R |Lisa Shepperson |5H |31800 WY Hwy 259 |

|Natrona | | Rancher | | Casper 82601 |

| | | | | Phone: 437-6291 |

| | | | | |

|HD59 |R |Carl "Bunky" Loucks |1H |1555 W. Coffman Ave. |

|Natrona | | Sales | | Casper 82604 |

| | | | | Phone: 237-6804 |

| | | | | |

|HD60 |D |John Freeman |1H |2340 N. Caroline Way |

|Sweetwater | | Teacher | | Green River 82935 |

| | | | | Phone: 875-7378 |





Kermit Brown, Chairman

Joseph Barbuto

Bob Brechtel

Richard Cannady

Matt Greene

Sam Krone

Bob Nicholas

Frank Peasley

Mary Throne


Rosie Berger, Chairman

Amy Edmonds

Ken Esquibel

Steve Harshman

Bryan Pedersen

Jeb Steward

Sue Wallis


Pat Childers, Chairman

Greg Blikre

Rita Campbell

Patrick Goggles

Mike Madden

David Miller

Mark Semlek

Clarence Vranish

Owen Petersen


Matt Teeters, Chairman

Bob Brechtel

Donald Burkhart

Kathy Connolly

John Freeman

Kendell Kroeker

Sam Krone

Carl Loucks

Michael Madden


Mark Semlek, Chairman

Stan Blake

Rita Campbell

Kathy Davison

John Eklund Jr.

Hans Hunt

Carl Loucks

Glenn Moniz

Dan Zwonitzer


Del MccOmie, Chairman

David Bonner

Jon Botten

Cathy Connolly

Allen Jaggi

Robert McKim

Ruth Ann Petroff

Lisa Shepperson

Kathy Davison


Pete Illoway, Chairman

Gregg Blikre

James Byrd

Allen Jaggi

Kendell Kroeker

John Patton

Jim Roscoe

Lisa Shepperson

Tim Stubson


Lorraine Quarberg, Chairman

Stan Blake

David Bonner

Jon Botten

Richard Cannady

Robert McKim

Owen Peterson

Clarence Vranish

Dave Zwonitzer


Tom Lockhart, Chairman

James Byrd

Mike Greear

Norine Kasperik

Glen Moniz

Jim Roscoe

Tim Stubson

Dan Zwonitzer

Dave Zwonitzer


|Catch Title |Sponsor |Bill No. |Enr. No. |Chp. No. |

|Energy impacted county roads program. |11LSO-0170 |SF0107 |SEA0094 |CH0191 |

|Agencies/Boards/Commissions and Departments Generally | | | | |

|Adult protective services. |11LSO-0360 |SF0089 |SEA0047 |CH0068 |

|Department of health reorganization. |11LSO-0376 |HB0215 |HEA0090 |CH0161 |

|Economic analysis. |11LSO-0044 |SF0009 |SEA0086 |CH0154 |

|Primary care support program. |11LSO-0259 |HB0049 |HEA0065 |CH0135 |

|Professional services procurement. |11LSO-0087 |SF0045 |SEA0059 |CH0112 |

|Review of state executive department positions. |11LSO-0404 |HB0252 |HEA0075 |CH0162 |

|School facilities commission-reorganization. |11LSO-0050 |SF0110 |SEA0007 |CH0002 |

|Substance abuse treatment funding awards. |11LSO-0143 |HB0099 |HEA0036 |CH0114 |

|Teacher accountability act. |11LSO-0566 |SF0146 |SEA0089 |CH0182 |

|Workforce services and employment reorganization. |11LSO-0482 |SF0120 |SEA0024 |CH0049 |

|Compensation and Benefits | | | | |

|Assignment of retired circuit court judges. |11LSO-0207 |HB0019 |HEA0002 |CH0011 |

|Review of state executive department positions. |11LSO-0404 |HB0252 |HEA0075 |CH0162 |

|Government reorganization | | | | |

|Department of health reorganization. |11LSO-0376 |HB0215 |HEA0090 |CH0161 |

|School facilities commission-reorganization. |11LSO-0050 |SF0110 |SEA0007 |CH0002 |

|Workforce services and employment reorganization. |11LSO-0482 |SF0120 |SEA0024 |CH0049 |

|Public Funds | | | | |

|Energy impacted county roads program. |11LSO-0170 |SF0107 |SEA0094 |CH0191 |

|Federal natural resource policy. |11LSO-0565 |SF0143 |SEA0072 |CH0141 |

|Hydro-power development. |11LSO-0375 |HB0151 |HEA0053 |CH0109 |

|Primary care support program. |11LSO-0259 |HB0049 |HEA0065 |CH0135 |

|Public funds-time deposit open accounts interest rate. |11LSO-0486 |HB0138 |HEA0061 |CH0125 |

|State investments. |11LSO-0230 |SF0024 |SEA0025 |CH0047 |

|State treasurer reports. |11LSO-0243 |SF0002 |SEA0001 |CH0010 |

|University of Wyoming-federal mineral royalties. |11LSO-0534 |SF0135 |SEA0032 |CH0040 |

|University revenue bond supplemental coverage. |11LSO-0095 |HB0005 |HEA0037 |CH0123 |

|State Officers | | | | |

|Health insurance exchanges. |11LSO-0157 |HB0050 |HEA0102 |CH0195 |

|Medicaid cost study. |11LSO-0155 |SF0102 |SEA0093 |CH0194 |

|Medicaid options study. |11LSO-0173 |SF0050 |SEA0092 |CH0193 |

|State treasurer reports. |11LSO-0243 |SF0002 |SEA0001 |CH0010 |

|State personnel system | | | | |

|Review of state executive department positions. |11LSO-0404 |HB0252 |HEA0075 |CH0162 |

|Wildlife and Natural Resource Funding Act | | | | |

|Large project funding. |11LSO-0344 |SF0062 |SEA0051 |CH0087 |

|Wildlife and natural resource trust account board. |11LSO-0338 |SF0048 |SEA0038 |CH0064 |

|Wyoming Economic Development Act | | | | |

|Film industry financial incentives program. |11LSO-0130 |SF0041 |SEA0008 |CH0013 |

|Workforce housing infrastructure funds-reversion. |11LSO-0111 |SF0075 |SEA0013 |CH0023 |

|Wyoming market research center. |11LSO-0112 |SF0074 |SEA0012 |CH0020 |

|Agriculture/Livestock/Other Animals | | | | |

|Agricultural gas tax refund program. |11LSO-0323 |HB0153 |HEA0044 |CH0099 |

|Hydro-power development. |11LSO-0375 |HB0151 |HEA0053 |CH0109 |

|Contagious and Infectious Diseases Among Livestock | | | | |

|Quarantine of animals. |11LSO-0150 |HB0018 |HEA0031 |CH0096 |

|Fences and Cattle Guards | | | | |

|Subdivision-perimeter partition fencing. |11LSO-0012 |SF0055 |SEA0055 |CH0102 |

|Feral Livestock | | | | |

|Feral livestock. |11LSO-0152 |HB0057 |HEA0010 |CH0021 |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Feral livestock. |11LSO-0152 |HB0057 |HEA0010 |CH0021 |

|Quarantine of animals. |11LSO-0150 |HB0018 |HEA0031 |CH0096 |

|Livestock Remedies | | | | |

|Animal remedies. |11LSO-0010 |SF0065 |SEA0052 |CH0098 |

|Livestock board and state veterinarian | | | | |

|Animal remedies. |11LSO-0010 |SF0065 |SEA0052 |CH0098 |

|Feral livestock. |11LSO-0152 |HB0057 |HEA0010 |CH0021 |

|Protection of livestock animals. |11LSO-0081 |SF0010 |SEA0054 |CH0100 |

|Quarantine of animals. |11LSO-0150 |HB0018 |HEA0031 |CH0096 |

|Offenses concerning livestock and other animals | | | | |

|Feral livestock. |11LSO-0152 |HB0057 |HEA0010 |CH0021 |

|Protection of livestock animals. |11LSO-0081 |SF0010 |SEA0054 |CH0100 |

|Pari-Mutuel Wagering | | | | |

|Pari-mutuel commission-amendments. |11LSO-0068 |SF0027 |SEA0016 |CH0033 |

|Pari-mutuel regulation. |11LSO-0067 |HB0031 |HEA0003 |CH0006 |

|Predatory Animals | | | | |

|Animal damage management board-reports. |11LSO-0008 |SF0006 |SEA0011 |CH0019 |

|Protection of Domestic Animals | | | | |

|Protection of livestock animals. |11LSO-0081 |SF0010 |SEA0054 |CH0100 |

|State Fair | | | | |

|100th state fair celebration. |11LSO-0253 |SF0057 |SEA0045 |CH0070 |

|State fair. |11LSO-0014 |SF0007 |SEA0043 |CH0072 |

|State Loan and Investment Board | | | | |

|Energy impacted county roads program. |11LSO-0170 |SF0107 |SEA0094 |CH0191 |

|Hydro-power development. |11LSO-0375 |HB0151 |HEA0053 |CH0109 |

|Weed and Pest Control | | | | |

|Weed and pest control. |11LSO-0040 |HB0015 |HEA0016 |CH0037 |

|Alcoholic Beverages | | | | |

|Local Licenses | | | | |

|Bar and grill liquor licenses. |11LSO-0268 |HB0098 |HEA0008 |CH0022 |

|Liquor license transfers. |11LSO-0218 |HB0003 |HEA0001 |CH0005 |

|Appropriations | | | | |

|100th state fair celebration. |11LSO-0253 |SF0057 |SEA0045 |CH0070 |

|Cruelty to animals. |11LSO-0421 |SF0100 |SEA0083 |CH0177 |

|Department of health reorganization. |11LSO-0376 |HB0215 |HEA0090 |CH0161 |

|Developmental disability services. |11LSO-0191 |SF0029 |SEA0073 |CH0163 |

|Dietetics licensure. |11LSO-0235 |SF0093 |SEA0074 |CH0139 |

|District court commissioners-authority. |11LSO-0164 |HJ0001 |HEJR0001 | |

|Economic analysis. |11LSO-0044 |SF0009 |SEA0086 |CH0154 |

|Education accountability. |11LSO-0180 |SF0070 |SEA0090 |CH0184 |

|Electronic fine submittal. |11LSO-0509 |HB0190 |HEA0088 |CH0175 |

|Energy impacted county roads program. |11LSO-0170 |SF0107 |SEA0094 |CH0191 |

|Federal natural resource policy. |11LSO-0565 |SF0143 |SEA0072 |CH0141 |

|General government appropriations. |11LSO-0598 |SF0001 |SEA0068 |CH0088 |

|Gillette Madison water project financing. |11LSO-0389 |SF0103 |SEA0036 |CH0061 |

|Health care pilot project amendments. |11LSO-0275 |SF0139 |SEA0084 |CH0134 |

|Health insurance exchanges. |11LSO-0157 |HB0050 |HEA0102 |CH0195 |

|Large project funding. |11LSO-0344 |SF0062 |SEA0051 |CH0087 |

|Long term services and support. |11LSO-0069 |SF0025 |SEA0091 |CH0188 |

|Medicaid cost study. |11LSO-0155 |SF0102 |SEA0093 |CH0194 |

|Medicaid options study. |11LSO-0173 |SF0050 |SEA0092 |CH0193 |

|Municipal solid waste landfills. |11LSO-0240 |SF0073 |SEA0058 |CH0110 |

|National guard-billeted soldiers fund. |11LSO-0462 |SF0112 |SEA0076 |CH0155 |

|Nuclear energy production study. |11LSO-0400 |HB0129 |HEA0066 |CH0148 |

|Omnibus water bill-construction. |11LSO-0295 |SF0081 |SEA0035 |CH0063 |

|Omnibus water bill-planning. |11LSO-0294 |HB0061 |HEA0005 |CH0001 |

|Primary care support program. |11LSO-0259 |HB0049 |HEA0065 |CH0135 |

|Production states agreement. |11LSO-0177 |HB0217 |HEA0058 |CH0092 |

|Review of state executive department positions. |11LSO-0404 |HB0252 |HEA0075 |CH0162 |

|School finance recalibration. |11LSO-0124 |HB0127 |HEA0098 |CH0185 |

|Spice drugs. |11LSO-0023 |SF0059 |SEA0085 |CH0137 |

|State archives-storage study. |11LSO-0133 |HB0037 |HEA0038 |CH0116 |

|State parks-acquisition of lands. |11LSO-0136 |SF0033 |SEA0065 |CH0090 |

|Substance abuse treatment funding awards. |11LSO-0143 |HB0099 |HEA0036 |CH0114 |

|Wildlife/livestock disease research partnership-funding. |11LSO-0352 |SF0091 |SEA0080 |CH0145 |

|Wyoming Veterans Memorial Highway. |11LSO-0417 |HB0139 |HEA0052 |CH0089 |

|Banks/Banking/Finance | | | | |

|Remote electronic terminals-fees-2. |11LSO-0513 |SF0108 |SEA0039 |CH0062 |

|Children | | | | |

|Child Care Facilities | | | | |

|CHINS-administrative change of placement. |11LSO-0048 |SF0011 |SEA0002 |CH0012 |

|Juveniles | | | | |

|CHINS-administrative change of placement. |11LSO-0048 |SF0011 |SEA0002 |CH0012 |

|Parents | | | | |

|Child custody orders-abandonment. |11LSO-0541 |SF0138 |SEA0061 |CH0131 |

|Protection | | | | |

|Child protection shelter care and initial hearings. |11LSO-0047 |HB0028 |HEA0027 |CH0079 |

|Cities and Towns | | | | |

|Energy improvement program. |11LSO-0107 |HB0179 |HEA0071 |CH0152 |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Energy improvement program. |11LSO-0107 |HB0179 |HEA0071 |CH0152 |

|City/County/State/Local Powers | | | | |

|County roads-speed limits and local authority to alter. |11LSO-0126 |SF0026 |SEA0022 |CH0032 |

|Public Property | | | | |

|Public works and contracts-2. |11LSO-0238 |HB0111 |HEA0041 |CH0082 |

|State funded construction projects/preference provisions. |11LSO-0562 |SF0144 |SEA0067 |CH0081 |

|Uniform Municipal Fiscal Procedures: Public Records/Documents | | | | |

|and Meetings | | | | |

|Coroner record confidentiality. |11LSO-0362 |HB0042 |HEA0087 |CH0144 |

|Guardianship and wards-sealed records. |11LSO-0358 |SF0067 |SEA0021 |CH0059 |

|Civil Procedure | | | | |

|Civil Actions | | | | |

|Court jurisdiction. |11LSO-0206 |SF0015 |SEA0087 |CH0196 |

|Liability for emergency equipment donations. |11LSO-0469 |SF0094 |SEA0037 |CH0065 |

|Recreation Safety Act-waiver on behalf of minors. |11LSO-0285 |SF0079 |SEA0066 |CH0091 |

|Successor Corporation Asbestos-Related Liability Act-2. |11LSO-0239 |HB0110 |HEA0040 |CH0117 |

|Eminent Domain | | | | |

|Eminent domain-wind energy collector systems-2. |11LSO-0571 |HB0230 |HEA0063 |CH0086 |

|Enforcement of Judgments | | | | |

|Execution of judgment liens. |11LSO-0343 |HB0030 |HEA0006 |CH0016 |

|Fees and costs | | | | |

|Service of process fees. |11LSO-0519 |SF0147 |SEA0062 |CH0132 |

|Procedure and actions | | | | |

|Wyoming Safe Homes Act-2. |11LSO-0588 |HB0256 |HEA0097 |CH0189 |

|Real property | | | | |

|Wyoming Safe Homes Act-2. |11LSO-0588 |HB0256 |HEA0097 |CH0189 |

|Sale and Redemption of Realty Sold Under Mortgage or Execution | | | | |

|Foreclosure and redemption revisions. |11LSO-0411 |HB0189 |HEA0082 |CH0173 |

|Counties | | | | |

|Economic analysis. |11LSO-0044 |SF0009 |SEA0086 |CH0154 |

|Energy impacted county roads program. |11LSO-0170 |SF0107 |SEA0094 |CH0191 |

|Federal natural resource policy. |11LSO-0565 |SF0143 |SEA0072 |CH0141 |

|Corporate powers and duties | | | | |

|County roads-speed limits and local authority to alter. |11LSO-0126 |SF0026 |SEA0022 |CH0032 |

|County Officers | | | | |

|Appointments to county commissioner vacancy. |11LSO-0479 |HB0136 |HEA0051 |CH0115 |

|Counties-election districts. |11LSO-0060 |SF0014 |SEA0040 |CH0078 |

|County officers removal from office. |11LSO-0300 |SF0077 |SEA0027 |CH0041 |

|Service of process fees. |11LSO-0519 |SF0147 |SEA0062 |CH0132 |

|Memorial Hospitals | | | | |

|County memorial hospital board members-removal. |11LSO-0214 |HB0211 |HEA0089 |CH0149 |

|Planning and Zoning | | | | |

|Subdivision-perimeter partition fencing. |11LSO-0012 |SF0055 |SEA0055 |CH0102 |

|Subdivisions-water study. |11LSO-0399 |HB0063 |HEA0039 |CH0101 |

|Courts | | | | |

|DUI-elimination of right to refuse test. |11LSO-0161 |HB0029 |HEA0093 |CH0178 |

|Electronic fine submittal. |11LSO-0509 |HB0190 |HEA0088 |CH0175 |

|Probation and parole-amendments. |11LSO-0078 |SF0017 |SEA0017 |CH0030 |

|Service of process in family violence and stalking cases. |11LSO-0361 |HB0080 |HEA0035 |CH0108 |

|Circuit Courts | | | | |

|Assignment of retired circuit court judges. |11LSO-0207 |HB0019 |HEA0002 |CH0011 |

|Circuit court surety bonds-repeal. |11LSO-0356 |HB0123 |HEA0021 |CH0057 |

|Court jurisdiction. |11LSO-0206 |SF0015 |SEA0087 |CH0196 |

|Electronic fine submittal. |11LSO-0509 |HB0190 |HEA0088 |CH0175 |

|District Court | | | | |

|CHINS-administrative change of placement. |11LSO-0048 |SF0011 |SEA0002 |CH0012 |

|Court jurisdiction. |11LSO-0206 |SF0015 |SEA0087 |CH0196 |

|District court commissioners-authority. |11LSO-0164 |HJ0001 |HEJR0001 | |

|In General | | | | |

|Guardianship and wards-sealed records. |11LSO-0358 |SF0067 |SEA0021 |CH0059 |

|Supreme Court | | | | |

|Assignment of retired circuit court judges. |11LSO-0207 |HB0019 |HEA0002 |CH0011 |

|Crimes and Offenses | | | | |

|Castle doctrine modifications. |11LSO-0115 |HB0167 |HEA0070 |CH0142 |

|Prescriptions for marihuana invalid. |11LSO-0325 |HB0069 |HEA0028 |CH0066 |

|Protection of livestock animals. |11LSO-0081 |SF0010 |SEA0054 |CH0100 |

|Wyoming Controlled Substances Act-amendments. |11LSO-0216 |HB0062 |HEA0024 |CH0045 |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Castle doctrine modifications. |11LSO-0115 |HB0167 |HEA0070 |CH0142 |

|Spice drugs. |11LSO-0023 |SF0059 |SEA0085 |CH0137 |

|State parks-temporary peace officers. |11LSO-0097 |SF0109 |SEA0081 |CH0160 |

|Offenses Against Morals/Decency and Family | | | | |

|Human remains-training of search and rescue dogs. |11LSO-0532 |HB0243 |HEA0064 |CH0093 |

|Offenses Against Property | | | | |

|Castle doctrine modifications. |11LSO-0115 |HB0167 |HEA0070 |CH0142 |

|Cruelty to animals. |11LSO-0421 |SF0100 |SEA0083 |CH0177 |

|Impersonation through electronic means. |11LSO-0213 |HB0092 |HEA0094 |CH0180 |

|Offenses Against Public Peace | | | | |

|Unlawful protesting at a funeral-amendments. |11LSO-0580 |HB0248 |HEA0057 |CH0080 |

|Offenses Against the Person | | | | |

|Castle doctrine modifications. |11LSO-0115 |HB0167 |HEA0070 |CH0142 |

|Sex offender registration amendments. |11LSO-0205 |HB0023 |HEA0092 |CH0179 |

|Strangulation of a household member. |11LSO-0525 |SF0132 |SEA0082 |CH0136 |

|Weapons | | | | |

|Concealed weapons. |11LSO-0024 |SF0047 |SEA0070 |CH0084 |

|Criminal Procedure | | | | |

|Acceptance of citation. |11LSO-0542 |HB0249 |HEA0068 |CH0167 |

|Electronic fine submittal. |11LSO-0509 |HB0190 |HEA0088 |CH0175 |

|County Coroners | | | | |

|Coroner record confidentiality. |11LSO-0362 |HB0042 |HEA0087 |CH0144 |

|Criminal History Records | | | | |

|Department of insurance-background checks. |11LSO-0056 |HB0004 |HEA0012 |CH0055 |

|Sex offender registration amendments. |11LSO-0205 |HB0023 |HEA0092 |CH0179 |

|Fugitives and Prevention of Crime | | | | |

|Service of process in family violence and stalking cases. |11LSO-0361 |HB0080 |HEA0035 |CH0108 |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Victim notification amendments. |11LSO-0228 |HB0075 |HEA0007 |CH0017 |

|Peace Officers | | | | |

|State parks-temporary peace officers. |11LSO-0097 |SF0109 |SEA0081 |CH0160 |

|Sentence and Imprisonment | | | | |

|Expungement of nonviolent felonies. |11LSO-0053 |SF0088 |SEA0046 |CH0069 |

|Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act Compliance. |11LSO-0117 |SF0018 |SEA0018 |CH0031 |

|Probation and parole-amendments. |11LSO-0078 |SF0017 |SEA0017 |CH0030 |

|Trial and Matters Incident Thereto | | | | |

|Service of process in family violence and stalking cases. |11LSO-0361 |HB0080 |HEA0035 |CH0108 |

|Defense Forces and Affairs | | | | |

|Administration | | | | |

|Military department-federally funded positions. |11LSO-0549 |SF0131 |SEA0077 |CH0157 |

|Title 19-veterans' commission duties. |11LSO-0185 |SF0043 |SEA0023 |CH0027 |

|Veterans | | | | |

|Choice license plates for disabled veterans. |11LSO-0186 |SF0042 |SEA0020 |CH0026 |

|Title 19-veterans' commission duties. |11LSO-0185 |SF0043 |SEA0023 |CH0027 |

|Veteran's tax exemption. |11LSO-0587 |HB0255 |HEA0077 |CH0156 |

|Vietnam and veterans welcome home and thank you day. |11LSO-0038 |HB0177 |HEA0015 |CH0025 |

|Wyoming National Guard | | | | |

|National guard-billeted soldiers fund. |11LSO-0462 |SF0112 |SEA0076 |CH0155 |

|National guard-disposal of land. |11LSO-0554 |HB0246 |HEA0047 |CH0095 |

|National guard-emergency deployment professional licensing. |11LSO-0464 |HB0124 |HEA0042 |CH0094 |

|Domestic Relations | | | | |

|Child custody | | | | |

|Child custody orders-abandonment. |11LSO-0541 |SF0138 |SEA0061 |CH0131 |

|Temporary military duty-child custody and visitation. |11LSO-0270 |HB0105 |HEA0026 |CH0036 |

|Child support enforcement | | | | |

|Child support-orders. |11LSO-0546 |HB0203 |HEA0055 |CH0121 |

|Economic Development | | | | |

|Data processing services centers-tax exemptions. |11LSO-0349 |HB0117 |HEA0017 |CH0048 |

|Ethanol producer tax credit. |11LSO-0595 |HB0259 |HEA0078 |CH0170 |

|Film industry financial incentives program. |11LSO-0130 |SF0041 |SEA0008 |CH0013 |

|Manufacturing tax exemption. |11LSO-0221 |HB0143 |HEA0043 |CH0083 |

|Nuclear energy production study. |11LSO-0400 |HB0129 |HEA0066 |CH0148 |

|Workforce housing infrastructure funds-reversion. |11LSO-0111 |SF0075 |SEA0013 |CH0023 |

|Wyoming market research center. |11LSO-0112 |SF0074 |SEA0012 |CH0020 |

|Education | | | | |

|Charter schools-application. |11LSO-0473 |HB0115 |HEA0009 |CH0014 |

|Education accountability. |11LSO-0180 |SF0070 |SEA0090 |CH0184 |

|Hathaway student scholarship program. |11LSO-0437 |SF0101 |SEA0063 |CH0085 |

|Hathaway success curriculum-2. |11LSO-0252 |HB0013 |HEA0101 |CH0199 |

|School facilities-adequacy assessment. |11LSO-0092 |SF0016 |SEA0044 |CH0071 |

|School facilities commission-reorganization. |11LSO-0050 |SF0110 |SEA0007 |CH0002 |

|School finance recalibration. |11LSO-0124 |HB0127 |HEA0098 |CH0185 |

|Seclusion and restraint in schools. |11LSO-0305 |SF0036 |SEA0041 |CH0067 |

|Capital Construction Projects | | | | |

|School facilities-adequacy assessment. |11LSO-0092 |SF0016 |SEA0044 |CH0071 |

|School facilities commission-reorganization. |11LSO-0050 |SF0110 |SEA0007 |CH0002 |

|Community Colleges | | | | |

|Hathaway student scholarship program. |11LSO-0437 |SF0101 |SEA0063 |CH0085 |

|Courses of study | | | | |

|Hathaway success curriculum-2. |11LSO-0252 |HB0013 |HEA0101 |CH0199 |

|Higher Education Generally | | | | |

|Hathaway student scholarship program. |11LSO-0437 |SF0101 |SEA0063 |CH0085 |

|Hathaway success curriculum-2. |11LSO-0252 |HB0013 |HEA0101 |CH0199 |

|State treasurer reports. |11LSO-0243 |SF0002 |SEA0001 |CH0010 |

|WICHE-repayment program. |11LSO-0430 |HB0103 |HEA0095 |CH0181 |

|Wyoming reclamation and restoration center. |11LSO-0353 |SF0117 |SEA0031 |CH0053 |

|Pupils | | | | |

|School athletics safety. |11LSO-0101 |SF0038 |SEA0097 |CH0190 |

|School Districts in General | | | | |

|Charter schools-application. |11LSO-0473 |HB0115 |HEA0009 |CH0014 |

|Education accountability. |11LSO-0180 |SF0070 |SEA0090 |CH0184 |

|Seclusion and restraint in schools. |11LSO-0305 |SF0036 |SEA0041 |CH0067 |

|Teacher accountability act. |11LSO-0566 |SF0146 |SEA0089 |CH0182 |

|School Finance | | | | |

|School finance recalibration. |11LSO-0124 |HB0127 |HEA0098 |CH0185 |

|Teachers and Employees | | | | |

|Teacher accountability act. |11LSO-0566 |SF0146 |SEA0089 |CH0182 |

|The Administration of the State System of Education at the State Level | | | | |

|Charter schools-application. |11LSO-0473 |HB0115 |HEA0009 |CH0014 |

|Education accountability. |11LSO-0180 |SF0070 |SEA0090 |CH0184 |

|School finance recalibration. |11LSO-0124 |HB0127 |HEA0098 |CH0185 |

|Seclusion and restraint in schools. |11LSO-0305 |SF0036 |SEA0041 |CH0067 |

|Teacher accountability act. |11LSO-0566 |SF0146 |SEA0089 |CH0182 |

|University of Wyoming | | | | |

|Hathaway student scholarship program. |11LSO-0437 |SF0101 |SEA0063 |CH0085 |

|Nuclear energy production study. |11LSO-0400 |HB0129 |HEA0066 |CH0148 |

|University revenue bond supplemental coverage. |11LSO-0095 |HB0005 |HEA0037 |CH0123 |

|Elderly and disabled | | | | |

|Adult protective services. |11LSO-0360 |SF0089 |SEA0047 |CH0068 |

|Elections | | | | |

|Counties-election districts. |11LSO-0060 |SF0014 |SEA0040 |CH0078 |

|Election code-revisions. |11LSO-0059 |SF0020 |SEA0015 |CH0038 |

|Absentee Voting | | | | |

|Election code-revisions. |11LSO-0059 |SF0020 |SEA0015 |CH0038 |

|Elections-military and overseas voters. |11LSO-0147 |SF0004 |SEA0009 |CH0015 |

|Ballots | | | | |

|Elections-military and overseas voters. |11LSO-0147 |SF0004 |SEA0009 |CH0015 |

|Campaign Practices | | | | |

|Campaign finance-organizations. |11LSO-0058 |SF0003 |SEA0048 |CH0074 |

|Canvass and Recount | | | | |

|Election code-revisions. |11LSO-0059 |SF0020 |SEA0015 |CH0038 |

|Mail ballot elections. |11LSO-0219 |SF0023 |SEA0049 |CH0076 |

|Municipal Elections | | | | |

|Election code-revisions. |11LSO-0059 |SF0020 |SEA0015 |CH0038 |

|Nominations | | | | |

|Election code-revisions. |11LSO-0059 |SF0020 |SEA0015 |CH0038 |

|Offenses and Penalties | | | | |

|Election code-revisions. |11LSO-0059 |SF0020 |SEA0015 |CH0038 |

|Polling Place Regulations After Polls Close | | | | |

|Election code-revisions. |11LSO-0059 |SF0020 |SEA0015 |CH0038 |

|Polling Place Regulations Before Polls Open | | | | |

|Election code-revisions. |11LSO-0059 |SF0020 |SEA0015 |CH0038 |

|Polling Place Regulations During Voting Hours | | | | |

|Election code-revisions. |11LSO-0059 |SF0020 |SEA0015 |CH0038 |

|Fiduciaries | | | | |

|Uniform Trust Code | | | | |

|Uniform Trust Code amendments. |11LSO-0465 |HB0159 |HEA0045 |CH0126 |

|Game and Fish | | | | |

|Acceptance of citation. |11LSO-0542 |HB0249 |HEA0068 |CH0167 |

|Guides and outfitters. |11LSO-0346 |HB0088 |HEA0099 |CH0186 |

|Administration | | | | |

|Game & fish-donation of hunting licenses. |11LSO-0308 |SF0063 |SEA0028 |CH0042 |

|Game & fish-land acquisition. |11LSO-0330 |HB0100 |HEA0100 |CH0197 |

|Enforcement penalties | | | | |

|Game and fish violations-penalties. |11LSO-0446 |SF0085 |SEA0088 |CH0187 |

|Licenses/Fees | | | | |

|Game & fish-donation of hunting licenses. |11LSO-0308 |SF0063 |SEA0028 |CH0042 |

|Game and fish-turkey pioneer licenses. |11LSO-0280 |HB0076 |HEA0013 |CH0028 |

|Guides and outfitters. |11LSO-0346 |HB0088 |HEA0099 |CH0186 |

|Special limited fishing permits. |11LSO-0246 |HB0133 |HEA0014 |CH0043 |

|Protection and Propagation of Fish | | | | |

|Aquatic invasive species-reciprocity. |11LSO-0070 |SF0039 |SEA0042 |CH0073 |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Legal Time and Holidays | | | | |

|Vietnam and veterans welcome home and thank you day. |11LSO-0038 |HB0177 |HEA0015 |CH0025 |

|Guardian and Ward | | | | |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Guardianship and wards-sealed records. |11LSO-0358 |SF0067 |SEA0021 |CH0059 |

|Health care | | | | |

|Dental services freedom bill. |11LSO-0319 |HB0073 |HEA0048 |CH0107 |

|Health care pilot project amendments. |11LSO-0275 |SF0139 |SEA0084 |CH0134 |

|Health insurance exchanges. |11LSO-0157 |HB0050 |HEA0102 |CH0195 |

|Medicaid cost study. |11LSO-0155 |SF0102 |SEA0093 |CH0194 |

|Medicaid options study. |11LSO-0173 |SF0050 |SEA0092 |CH0193 |

|Primary care support program. |11LSO-0259 |HB0049 |HEA0065 |CH0135 |

|Wyoming health insurance pool-sunset. |11LSO-0055 |HB0002 |HEA0011 |CH0056 |

|Highways | | | | |

|Establishment of Private Roads | | | | |

|Establishment of private roads. |11LSO-0258 |HB0079 |HEA0019 |CH0046 |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Wyoming Veterans Memorial Highway. |11LSO-0417 |HB0139 |HEA0052 |CH0089 |

|Institutions of the State | | | | |

|Hospitalization of Mentally Ill Persons | | | | |

|Involuntary commitment examiners. |11LSO-0109 |HB0095 |HEA0025 |CH0054 |

|Insurance Code | | | | |

|Wyoming health insurance pool-sunset. |11LSO-0055 |HB0002 |HEA0011 |CH0056 |

|Agencies and Adjusters | | | | |

|Department of insurance-background checks. |11LSO-0056 |HB0004 |HEA0012 |CH0055 |

|Department of insurance-licensure revisions. |11LSO-0057 |HB0009 |HEA0023 |CH0060 |

|Group and Blanket Disability Insurance | | | | |

|Health insurance definitions. |11LSO-0321 |SF0037 |SEA0069 |CH0165 |

|Insurance premiums-failure to pay. |11LSO-0281 |HB0114 |HEA0020 |CH0029 |

|Hospital or Medical Service Insurance and Prepaid Health Service | | | | |

|Plans | | | | |

|Dental services freedom bill. |11LSO-0319 |HB0073 |HEA0048 |CH0107 |

|Insurance premiums-failure to pay. |11LSO-0281 |HB0114 |HEA0020 |CH0029 |

|Kinds of Insurance/Limits of Risk/Reinsurance | | | | |

|Health insurance definitions. |11LSO-0321 |SF0037 |SEA0069 |CH0165 |

|Prepaid or prearranged funeral contracts | | | | |

|Vaults, crypts and mausoleums-perpetual trust funds. |11LSO-0510 |HB0178 |HEA0081 |CH0151 |

|Rental Car Insurance | | | | |

|Department of insurance-licensure revisions. |11LSO-0057 |HB0009 |HEA0023 |CH0060 |

|Scope of Code | | | | |

|Health insurance definitions. |11LSO-0321 |SF0037 |SEA0069 |CH0165 |

|Surplus Lines and Insurance Agent Examiners | | | | |

|Insurance-surplus lines. |11LSO-0581 |HB0242 |HEA0056 |CH0103 |

|Wyoming Health Insurance Pool Act | | | | |

|Health care pilot project amendments. |11LSO-0275 |SF0139 |SEA0084 |CH0134 |

|Wyoming health insurance pool-sunset. |11LSO-0055 |HB0002 |HEA0011 |CH0056 |

|Labor and Employment | | | | |

|Workforce services and employment reorganization. |11LSO-0482 |SF0120 |SEA0024 |CH0049 |

|Worker's Compensation | | | | |

|State parks-volunteers. |11LSO-0135 |SF0028 |SEA0004 |CH0007 |

|Legislature | | | | |

|Production states agreement. |11LSO-0177 |HB0217 |HEA0058 |CH0092 |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Legislative committee membership. |11LSO-0265 |SF0095 |SEA0095 |CH0198 |

|Management audit committee subpoena power. |11LSO-0183 |HB0160 |HEA0030 |CH0075 |

|Legislative Service Office | | | | |

|Management audit committee subpoena power. |11LSO-0183 |HB0160 |HEA0030 |CH0075 |

|Obsolete laws-general revisions. |11LSO-0033 |HB0087 |HEA0060 |CH0129 |

|Liens | | | | |

|Execution of judgment liens. |11LSO-0343 |HB0030 |HEA0006 |CH0016 |

|Liens. |11LSO-0563 |SF0134 |SEA0060 |CH0130 |

|Contractors or materialmen | | | | |

|Liens. |11LSO-0563 |SF0134 |SEA0060 |CH0130 |

|Forms | | | | |

|Liens. |11LSO-0563 |SF0134 |SEA0060 |CH0130 |

|Mines and Minerals | | | | |

|Oil and Gas | | | | |

|Oil and gas enhanced recovery-microbial conversion. |11LSO-0508 |SF0116 |SEA0034 |CH0050 |

|Motor Vehicles | | | | |

|Natural gas vehicles. |11LSO-0313 |HB0235 |HEA0067 |CH0143 |

|Abandoned vehicles | | | | |

|Abandoned vehicles-storage expenses. |11LSO-0555 |SF0128 |SEA0057 |CH0128 |

|Commercial driver's licenses | | | | |

|Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act Compliance. |11LSO-0117 |SF0018 |SEA0018 |CH0031 |

|Commercial Vehicles | | | | |

|Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act Compliance. |11LSO-0117 |SF0018 |SEA0018 |CH0031 |

|Overweight and oversize vehicle penalties. |11LSO-0277 |SF0124 |SEA0096 |CH0192 |

|Driver's Licenses | | | | |

|Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act Compliance. |11LSO-0117 |SF0018 |SEA0018 |CH0031 |

|Next of kin-driver's license option. |11LSO-0537 |HB0194 |HEA0083 |CH0168 |

|General offenses and penalties | | | | |

|Acceptance of citation. |11LSO-0542 |HB0249 |HEA0068 |CH0167 |

|DUI-child endangerment fines. |11LSO-0514 |SF0115 |SEA0053 |CH0122 |

|DUI-elimination of right to refuse test. |11LSO-0161 |HB0029 |HEA0093 |CH0178 |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Off-road vehicle definition. |11LSO-0140 |SF0031 |SEA0005 |CH0009 |

|Implied Consent to Chemical Testing | | | | |

|DUI-elimination of right to refuse test. |11LSO-0161 |HB0029 |HEA0093 |CH0178 |

|Regulation of Traffic on Highways | | | | |

|County roads-speed limits and local authority to alter. |11LSO-0126 |SF0026 |SEA0022 |CH0032 |

|DUI-child endangerment fines. |11LSO-0514 |SF0115 |SEA0053 |CH0122 |

|DUI-elimination of right to refuse test. |11LSO-0161 |HB0029 |HEA0093 |CH0178 |

|Ignition interlock devices. |11LSO-0310 |SF0137 |SEA0033 |CH0039 |

|Title and Registration | | | | |

|Choice license plates for disabled veterans. |11LSO-0186 |SF0042 |SEA0020 |CH0026 |

|Multiple special handicapped license plates. |11LSO-0445 |HB0154 |HEA0062 |CH0111 |

|Off-road vehicle definition. |11LSO-0140 |SF0031 |SEA0005 |CH0009 |

|Off-road vehicle registration-exemption. |11LSO-0504 |HB0208 |HEA0084 |CH0158 |

|State parks-trails. |11LSO-0139 |SF0032 |SEA0006 |CH0008 |

|Vehicle restoration. |11LSO-0428 |HB0090 |HEA0080 |CH0172 |

|Noncodified Statutes Water | | | | |

|Gillette Madison water project financing. |11LSO-0389 |SF0103 |SEA0036 |CH0061 |

|Omnibus water bill-construction. |11LSO-0295 |SF0081 |SEA0035 |CH0063 |

|Omnibus water bill-planning. |11LSO-0294 |HB0061 |HEA0005 |CH0001 |

|Water development projects-funding. |11LSO-0396 |HB0066 |HEA0018 |CH0035 |

|Authorization for Water Development Construction Projects | | | | |

|Gillette Madison water project financing. |11LSO-0389 |SF0103 |SEA0036 |CH0061 |

|Omnibus water bill-construction. |11LSO-0295 |SF0081 |SEA0035 |CH0063 |

|Omnibus water bill-planning. |11LSO-0294 |HB0061 |HEA0005 |CH0001 |

|Professions and Occupations | | | | |

|Guides and outfitters. |11LSO-0346 |HB0088 |HEA0099 |CH0186 |

|Dieticians | | | | |

|Dietetics licensure. |11LSO-0235 |SF0093 |SEA0074 |CH0139 |

|Nurses | | | | |

|Wyoming Nurse Practice Act amendment. |11LSO-0585 |HB0253 |HEA0076 |CH0169 |

|Wyoming Nurse Practice Act-amendments. |11LSO-0380 |SF0090 |SEA0079 |CH0171 |

|Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen | | | | |

|Real estate brokers and salesmen revisions-2. |11LSO-0496 |SF0119 |SEA0056 |CH0104 |

|Veterinarians | | | | |

|Wyoming Veterinary Medical Practice Act-2. |11LSO-0182 |HB0007 |HEA0034 |CH0097 |

|Property/Conveyances and Security Transactions | | | | |

|Notaries. |11LSO-0002 |SF0150 |SEA0050 |CH0113 |

|Wind energy property rights. |11LSO-0065 |SF0022 |SEA0003 |CH0003 |

|Conveyances Validated | | | | |

|Wind energy property rights. |11LSO-0065 |SF0022 |SEA0003 |CH0003 |

|Foreclosure of Mortgages and Power of Sale | | | | |

|Foreclosure and redemption revisions. |11LSO-0411 |HB0189 |HEA0082 |CH0173 |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Abolition of worthier title doctrine. |11LSO-0461 |HB0157 |HEA0029 |CH0077 |

|Property disclosure statement-wind estate. |11LSO-0570 |HB0223 |HEA0074 |CH0166 |

|Vacant land. |11LSO-0407 |HB0081 |HEA0046 |CH0124 |

|Wind energy property rights. |11LSO-0065 |SF0022 |SEA0003 |CH0003 |

|Marketable Titles | | | | |

|Foreclosure and redemption revisions. |11LSO-0411 |HB0189 |HEA0082 |CH0173 |

|Notarial Acts | | | | |

|Notaries. |11LSO-0002 |SF0150 |SEA0050 |CH0113 |

|Platting and Dedication | | | | |

|Platted plots-requirement. |11LSO-0545 |HB0224 |HEA0086 |CH0174 |

|Subdivisions-water study. |11LSO-0399 |HB0063 |HEA0039 |CH0101 |

|Public Health and Safety | | | | |

|Emergency medical review organizations. |11LSO-0547 |HB0209 |HEA0085 |CH0138 |

|Adult Protective Services | | | | |

|Adult protective services. |11LSO-0360 |SF0089 |SEA0047 |CH0068 |

|Anatomical Gifts | | | | |

|Human remains-training of search and rescue dogs. |11LSO-0532 |HB0243 |HEA0064 |CH0093 |

|Assemblage of people | | | | |

|Unlawful protesting at a funeral-amendments. |11LSO-0580 |HB0248 |HEA0057 |CH0080 |

|Cemeteries and Burials | | | | |

|Vaults, crypts and mausoleums-perpetual trust funds. |11LSO-0510 |HB0178 |HEA0081 |CH0151 |

|Controlled substances-drugs | | | | |

|Prescriptions for marihuana invalid. |11LSO-0325 |HB0069 |HEA0028 |CH0066 |

|Spice drugs. |11LSO-0023 |SF0059 |SEA0085 |CH0137 |

|Substance abuse treatment funding awards. |11LSO-0143 |HB0099 |HEA0036 |CH0114 |

|Wyoming Controlled Substances Act-amendments. |11LSO-0216 |HB0062 |HEA0024 |CH0045 |

|Domestic Violence Protection | | | | |

|Adult protective services. |11LSO-0360 |SF0089 |SEA0047 |CH0068 |

|Service of process in family violence and stalking cases. |11LSO-0361 |HB0080 |HEA0035 |CH0108 |

|Wyoming Safe Homes Act-2. |11LSO-0588 |HB0256 |HEA0097 |CH0189 |

|Environmental Quality | | | | |

|Municipal solid waste landfills. |11LSO-0240 |SF0073 |SEA0058 |CH0110 |

|Performance based evaluation and design. |11LSO-0410 |SF0121 |SEA0071 |CH0147 |

|Very rare or uncommon area designations. |11LSO-0367 |HB0152 |HEA0069 |CH0140 |

|Voluntary environmental audit report. |11LSO-0377 |SF0076 |SEA0014 |CH0024 |

|Wyoming reclamation and restoration center. |11LSO-0353 |SF0117 |SEA0031 |CH0053 |

|Fire Protection | | | | |

|Emergency response-incidents. |11LSO-0528 |HB0206 |HEA0073 |CH0150 |

|Food and Drugs | | | | |

|Animal remedies. |11LSO-0010 |SF0065 |SEA0052 |CH0098 |

|Prescriptions for marihuana invalid. |11LSO-0325 |HB0069 |HEA0028 |CH0066 |

|Spice drugs. |11LSO-0023 |SF0059 |SEA0085 |CH0137 |

|Substance abuse treatment funding awards. |11LSO-0143 |HB0099 |HEA0036 |CH0114 |

|Wyoming Controlled Substances Act-amendments. |11LSO-0216 |HB0062 |HEA0024 |CH0045 |

|Wyoming Traditional Food Act. |11LSO-0005 |HB0008 |HEA0079 |CH0153 |

|Health Regulations Generally | | | | |

|Human remains-training of search and rescue dogs. |11LSO-0532 |HB0243 |HEA0064 |CH0093 |

|Hospital and related facilities | | | | |

|County memorial hospital board members-removal. |11LSO-0214 |HB0211 |HEA0089 |CH0149 |

|Nursing care facility assessment. |11LSO-0515 |HB0193 |HEA0054 |CH0105 |

|Primary care support program. |11LSO-0259 |HB0049 |HEA0065 |CH0135 |

|Industrial Development and Siting | | | | |

|Landowner rights in wind energy development. |11LSO-0091 |SF0058 |SEA0078 |CH0146 |

|Wind energy property rights. |11LSO-0065 |SF0022 |SEA0003 |CH0003 |

|Professional Standard Review Organizations | | | | |

|Emergency medical review organizations. |11LSO-0547 |HB0209 |HEA0085 |CH0138 |

|Public Programs | | | | |

|Cancer Control Act amendments. |11LSO-0282 |HB0036 |HEA0049 |CH0106 |

|Health care pilot project amendments. |11LSO-0275 |SF0139 |SEA0084 |CH0134 |

|Long term services and support. |11LSO-0069 |SF0025 |SEA0091 |CH0188 |

|Primary care support program. |11LSO-0259 |HB0049 |HEA0065 |CH0135 |

|Public Lands | | | | |

|Board of Land Commissioners | | | | |

|Grand Teton National Park-transfer of state lands. |11LSO-0387 |HB0156 |HEA0022 |CH0051 |

|Director of the State Land and Farm Loan Office | | | | |

|Grand Teton National Park-transfer of state lands. |11LSO-0387 |HB0156 |HEA0022 |CH0051 |

|State lands-improvements-2. |11LSO-0480 |HB0135 |HEA0050 |CH0118 |

|Leasing Generally | | | | |

|State lands-improvements. |11LSO-0043 |SF0005 |SEA0010 |CH0018 |

|State parks and preserves | | | | |

|State parks-temporary peace officers. |11LSO-0097 |SF0109 |SEA0081 |CH0160 |

|State parks-trails. |11LSO-0139 |SF0032 |SEA0006 |CH0008 |

|Sale of state lands | | | | |

|Grand Teton National Park-transfer of state lands. |11LSO-0387 |HB0156 |HEA0022 |CH0051 |

|Public Utilities | | | | |

|Railroads | | | | |

|Railroads-fence repairs. |11LSO-0543 |HB0202 |HEA0072 |CH0159 |

|Rates/Interchange of Services and Safety | | | | |

|Natural gas storage. |11LSO-0425 |SF0092 |SEA0029 |CH0052 |

|Wyoming Natural Gas Pipeline Authority | | | | |

|Wyoming infrastructure authority. |11LSO-0019 |HB0109 |HEA0032 |CH0119 |

|Wyoming pipeline authority. |11LSO-0020 |HB0113 |HEA0033 |CH0120 |

|Resolutions | | | | |

|Bark beetle mitigation. |11LSO-0550 |SJ0007 |SEJR0004 | |

|District court commissioners-authority. |11LSO-0164 |HJ0001 |HEJR0001 | |

|Health care freedom. |11LSO-0026 |SJ0002 |SEJR0002 | |

|Resolution-environmental protection agency regulations. |11LSO-0442 |SJ0006 |SEJR0001 | |

|Right to hunt, fish and trap. |11LSO-0278 |SJ0001 |SEJR0003 | |

|Revisions | | | | |

|Obsolete laws-general revisions. |11LSO-0033 |HB0087 |HEA0060 |CH0129 |

|Revisor's bill. |11LSO-0032 |SF0069 |SEA0075 |CH0176 |

|State-Federal Issues | | | | |

|Bark beetle mitigation. |11LSO-0550 |SJ0007 |SEJR0004 | |

|Health insurance exchanges. |11LSO-0157 |HB0050 |HEA0102 |CH0195 |

|Medicaid cost study. |11LSO-0155 |SF0102 |SEA0093 |CH0194 |

|Production states agreement. |11LSO-0177 |HB0217 |HEA0058 |CH0092 |

|Resolution-environmental protection agency regulations. |11LSO-0442 |SJ0006 |SEJR0001 | |

|Taxation and Revenue | | | | |

|Agricultural gas tax refund program. |11LSO-0323 |HB0153 |HEA0044 |CH0099 |

|Ethanol producer tax credit. |11LSO-0595 |HB0259 |HEA0078 |CH0170 |

|Excise tax-vendor compensation. |11LSO-0227 |HB0147 |HEA0096 |CH0183 |

|Manufacturing tax exemption. |11LSO-0221 |HB0143 |HEA0043 |CH0083 |

|Sales tax on certain food items. |11LSO-0348 |SF0099 |SEA0030 |CH0034 |

|Taxation of oil and gas field services. |11LSO-0220 |HB0060 |HEA0004 |CH0004 |

|Veteran's tax exemption. |11LSO-0587 |HB0255 |HEA0077 |CH0156 |

|Ad Valorem Taxation | | | | |

|Property tax exemption for nonprofit museum. |11LSO-0039 |SF0021 |SEA0019 |CH0044 |

|Property taxation-appeals. |11LSO-0520 |HB0254 |HEA0059 |CH0127 |

|Veteran's tax exemption. |11LSO-0587 |HB0255 |HEA0077 |CH0156 |

|Administration | | | | |

|Property tax exemption for nonprofit museum. |11LSO-0039 |SF0021 |SEA0019 |CH0044 |

|Property taxation-appeals. |11LSO-0520 |HB0254 |HEA0059 |CH0127 |

|Veteran's tax exemption. |11LSO-0587 |HB0255 |HEA0077 |CH0156 |

|Fuel Tax | | | | |

|Agricultural gas tax refund program. |11LSO-0323 |HB0153 |HEA0044 |CH0099 |

|Ethanol producer tax credit. |11LSO-0595 |HB0259 |HEA0078 |CH0170 |

|Sales Tax | | | | |

|Data processing services centers-tax exemptions. |11LSO-0349 |HB0117 |HEA0017 |CH0048 |

|Excise tax-vendor compensation. |11LSO-0227 |HB0147 |HEA0096 |CH0183 |

|Manufacturing tax exemption. |11LSO-0221 |HB0143 |HEA0043 |CH0083 |

|Sales tax on certain food items. |11LSO-0348 |SF0099 |SEA0030 |CH0034 |

|Taxation of oil and gas field services. |11LSO-0220 |HB0060 |HEA0004 |CH0004 |

|Use Tax | | | | |

|Data processing services centers-tax exemptions. |11LSO-0349 |HB0117 |HEA0017 |CH0048 |

|Excise tax-vendor compensation. |11LSO-0227 |HB0147 |HEA0096 |CH0183 |

|Manufacturing tax exemption. |11LSO-0221 |HB0143 |HEA0043 |CH0083 |

|Sales tax on certain food items. |11LSO-0348 |SF0099 |SEA0030 |CH0034 |

|Trade and Commerce | | | | |

|Fair practices of equipment act amendment. |11LSO-0381 |SF0072 |SEA0064 |CH0133 |

|Consumer protection | | | | |

|Animal remedies. |11LSO-0010 |SF0065 |SEA0052 |CH0098 |

|Wyoming Farm Equipment Fair Dealership Act | | | | |

|Fair practices of equipment act amendment. |11LSO-0381 |SF0072 |SEA0064 |CH0133 |

|Uniform Acts | | | | |

|Notaries. |11LSO-0002 |SF0150 |SEA0050 |CH0113 |

|Uniform Trust Code amendments. |11LSO-0465 |HB0159 |HEA0045 |CH0126 |

|Water | | | | |

|Gillette Madison water project financing. |11LSO-0389 |SF0103 |SEA0036 |CH0061 |

|Omnibus water bill-construction. |11LSO-0295 |SF0081 |SEA0035 |CH0063 |

|Omnibus water bill-planning. |11LSO-0294 |HB0061 |HEA0005 |CH0001 |

|Water development projects-funding. |11LSO-0396 |HB0066 |HEA0018 |CH0035 |

|Planning and Development | | | | |

|Gillette Madison water project financing. |11LSO-0389 |SF0103 |SEA0036 |CH0061 |

|Hydro-power development. |11LSO-0375 |HB0151 |HEA0053 |CH0109 |

|Omnibus water bill-construction. |11LSO-0295 |SF0081 |SEA0035 |CH0063 |

|Omnibus water bill-planning. |11LSO-0294 |HB0061 |HEA0005 |CH0001 |

|Water development projects-funding. |11LSO-0396 |HB0066 |HEA0018 |CH0035 |

|Watercraft | | | | |

|Aquatic invasive species-reciprocity. |11LSO-0070 |SF0039 |SEA0042 |CH0073 |

|Water rights/administration and control | | | | |

|Subdivisions-water study. |11LSO-0399 |HB0063 |HEA0039 |CH0101 |

|Welfare | | | | |

|Nursing care facility assessment. |11LSO-0515 |HB0193 |HEA0054 |CH0105 |

|Long Term Care Choices Program | | | | |

|Long term services and support. |11LSO-0069 |SF0025 |SEA0091 |CH0188 |

|Medical Assistance and Services | | | | |

|Developmental disability services. |11LSO-0191 |SF0029 |SEA0073 |CH0163 |

|Medicaid cost study. |11LSO-0155 |SF0102 |SEA0093 |CH0194 |

|Medicaid options study. |11LSO-0173 |SF0050 |SEA0092 |CH0193 |

|Medicaid-reimbursement of services. |11LSO-0049 |HB0020 |HEA0091 |CH0164 |

|Wills/Estates/Probates | | | | |

|General Provisions | | | | |

|Summary probate-amendments. |11LSO-0359 |SF0068 |SEA0026 |CH0058 |

|Uniform Trust Code amendments. |11LSO-0465 |HB0159 |HEA0045 |CH0126 |

|Probate Court | | | | |

|Summary probate-amendments. |11LSO-0359 |SF0068 |SEA0026 |CH0058 |

|Wyoming Constitution | | | | |

|Declaration of rights | | | | |

|Health care freedom. |11LSO-0026 |SJ0002 |SEJR0002 | |

|Right to hunt, fish and trap. |11LSO-0278 |SJ0001 |SEJR0003 | |

|Judicial department | | | | |

|District court commissioners-authority. |11LSO-0164 |HJ0001 |HEJR0001 | |

|Education/State Institutions/Promotion of Health and Morals/Public buildings | | | | |

|Health care freedom. |11LSO-0026 |SJ0002 |SEJR0002 | |



March 11, 2011



| | | | | | | |

|HB0002 |CORPORATIONS |Wyoming health insurance pool-sunset. |HEA0011 |CH0056 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0003 |CORPORATIONS |Liquor license transfers. |HEA0001 |CH0005 |2/15/2011 |2/15/2011 |

|HB0004 |CORPORATIONS |Department of insurance-background checks. |HEA0012 |CH0055 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0005 |CAP FIN & INV |University revenue bond supplemental coverage. |HEA0037 |CH0123 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|HB0007 |AGRICULTURE |Wyoming Veterinary Medical Practice Act-2. |HEA0034 |CH0097 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|HB0008 |AGRICULTURE |Wyoming Traditional Food Act. |HEA0079 |CH0153 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|HB0009 |CORPORATIONS |Department of insurance-licensure revisions. |HEA0023 |CH0060 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0013 |EDUCATION |Hathaway success curriculum-2. |HEA0101 |CH0199 |3/10/2011 |3/10/2011 |

|HB0015 |AGRICULTURE |Weed and pest control. |HEA0016 |CH0037 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0018 |AGRICULTURE |Quarantine of animals. |HEA0031 |CH0096 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|HB0019 |JUDICIARY |Assignment of retired circuit court judges. |HEA0002 |CH0011 |2/15/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0020 |DEV/INTELEC |Medicaid-reimbursement of services. |HEA0091 |CH0164 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

| |PROGRAMS | | | | | |

|HB0023 |JUDICIARY |Sex offender registration amendments. |HEA0092 |CH0179 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0028 |JUDICIARY |Child protection shelter care and initial hearings. |HEA0027 |CH0079 |2/24/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0029 |GINGERY |DUI-elimination of right to refuse test. |HEA0093 |CH0178 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0030 |GINGERY |Execution of judgment liens. |HEA0006 |CH0016 |2/17/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0031 |TRAVEL |Pari-mutuel regulation. |HEA0003 |CH0006 |2/15/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0036 |ESQUIBEL, K. |Cancer Control Act amendments. |HEA0049 |CH0106 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0037 |TRAVEL |State archives-storage study. |HEA0038 |CH0116 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0042 |GINGERY |Coroner record confidentiality. |HEA0087 |CH0144 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0049 |LABOR |Primary care support program. |HEA0065 |CH0135 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0050 |LABOR |Health insurance exchanges. |HEA0102 |CH0195 |3/10/2011 |3/10/2011 |

|HB0057 |AGRICULTURE |Feral livestock. |HEA0010 |CH0021 |2/17/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0060 |REVENUE |Taxation of oil and gas field services. |HEA0004 |CH0004 |2/15/2011 |2/15/2011 |

|HB0061 |WATER |Omnibus water bill-planning. |HEA0005 |CH0001 |2/15/2011 |2/15/2011 |

|HB0062 |GINGERY |Wyoming Controlled Substances Act-amendments. |HEA0024 |CH0045 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0063 |MADDEN |Subdivisions-water study. |HEA0039 |CH0101 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0066 |WATER |Water development projects-funding. |HEA0018 |CH0035 |2/18/2011 |2/18/2011 |

|HB0069 |BUCHANAN |Prescriptions for marihuana invalid. |HEA0028 |CH0066 |2/24/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0073 |PEDERSEN |Dental services freedom bill. |HEA0048 |CH0107 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0075 |ESQUIBEL, K. |Victim notification amendments. |HEA0007 |CH0017 |2/17/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0076 |ESQUIBEL, K. |Game and fish-turkey pioneer licenses. |HEA0013 |CH0028 |2/18/2011 |1/1/2012 |

|HB0079 |BUCHANAN |Establishment of private roads. |HEA0019 |CH0046 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0080 |DAVISON |Service of process in family violence and stalking cases |HEA0035 |CH0108 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0081 |ZWONITZER, DV. |Vacant land. |HEA0046 |CH0124 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0087 |MGT COUNCIL |Obsolete laws-general revisions. |HEA0060 |CH0129 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0088 |MCOMIE |Guides and outfitters. |HEA0099 |CH0186 |3/10/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0090 |BYRD |Vehicle restoration. |HEA0080 |CH0172 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0092 |LUBNAU |Impersonation through electronic means. |HEA0094 |CH0180 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0095 |HARVEY |Involuntary commitment examiners. |HEA0025 |CH0054 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0098 |STUBSON |Bar and grill liquor licenses. |HEA0008 |CH0022 |2/17/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0099 |GINGERY |Substance abuse treatment funding awards. |HEA0036 |CH0114 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0100 |SHEPPERSON |Game & fish-land acquisition. |HEA0100 |CH0197 |3/10/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0103 |MCKIM |WICHE-repayment program. |HEA0095 |CH0181 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|HB0105 |THRONE |Temporary military duty-child custody and visitation |HEA0026 |CH0036 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0109 |MINERALS |Wyoming infrastructure authority. |HEA0032 |CH0119 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0110 |MINERALS |Successor Corporation Asbestos-Related Liability Act -2 |HEA0040 |CH0117 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0111 |MINERALS |Public works and contracts-2. |HEA0041 |CH0082 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0113 |MINERALS |Wyoming pipeline authority. |HEA0033 |CH0120 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0114 |ESQUIBEL, K. |Insurance premiums-failure to pay. |HEA0020 |CH0029 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0115 |TEETERS |Charter schools-application. |HEA0009 |CH0014 |2/17/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0117 |ILLOWAY |Data processing services centers-tax exemptions. |HEA0017 |CH0048 |2/18/2011 |2/18/2011 |

|HB0123 |THRONE |Circuit court surety bonds-repeal. |HEA0021 |CH0057 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0124 |TRANSPORTATION |National guard-emergency deployment professional licensing |HEA0042 |CH0094 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|HB0127 |SCH FINANCE |School finance recalibration. |HEA0098 |CH0185 |3/10/2011 |7/1/2011/Secs 4 & 5: 3/10/2011 |

|HB0129 |HARSHMAN |Nuclear energy production study. |HEA0066 |CH0148 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|HB0133 |CHILDERS |Special limited fishing permits. |HEA0014 |CH0043 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0135 |GREEAR |State lands-improvements-2. |HEA0050 |CH0118 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0136 |BARBUTO |Appointments to county commissioner vacancy. |HEA0051 |CH0115 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0138 |MADDEN |Public funds-time deposit open accounts interest rate |HEA0061 |CH0125 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0139 |BONNER |Wyoming Veterans Memorial Highway. |HEA0052 |CH0089 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|HB0143 |MILLER |Manufacturing tax exemption. |HEA0043 |CH0083 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0147 |ZWONITZER, DV. |Excise tax-vendor compensation. |HEA0096 |CH0192 |3/10/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0151 |SEMLEK |Hydro-power development. |HEA0053 |CH0109 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0152 |SEMLEK |Very rare or uncommon area designations. |HEA0069 |CH0140 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0153 |SEMLEK |Agricultural gas tax refund program. |HEA0044 |CH0099 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0154 |HARVEY |Multiple special handicapped license plates. |HEA0062 |CH0111 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0156 |PETROFF |Grand Teton National Park-transfer of state lands. |HEA0022 |CH0051 |2/18/2011 |2/18/2011 |

|HB0157 |BROWN |Abolition of worthier title doctrine. |HEA0029 |CH0077 |2/24/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0159 |BROWN |Uniform Trust Code amendments. |HEA0045 |CH0126 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0160 |MGT AUDIT |Management audit committee subpoena power. |HEA0030 |CH0075 |2/24/2011 |2/24/2011 |

|HB0167 |QUARBERG |Castle doctrine modifications. |HEA0070 |CH0142 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0177 |JAGGI |Vietnam and veterans welcome home and thank you day |HEA0015 |CH0025 |2/18/2011 |2/18/2011 |

|HB0178 |CRAFT |Vaults, crypts and mausoleums-perpetual trust funds |HEA0081 |CH0151 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|HB0179 |PETROFF |Energy improvement program. |HEA0071 |CH0152 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0189 |STUBSON |Foreclosure and redemption revisions. |HEA0082 |CH0173 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0190 |ZWONITZER, DV. |Electronic fine submittal. |HEA0088 |CH0175 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0193 |CHILDERS |Nursing care facility assessment. |HEA0054 |CH0105 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|HB0194 |PEDERSEN |Next of kin-driver's license option. |HEA0083 |CH0177 |3/3/2011 |1/1/2012 |

|HB0202 |BROWN |Railroads-fence repairs. |HEA0072 |CH0159 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0203 |LUBNAU |Child support-orders. |HEA0055 |CH0121 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0206 |THRONE |Emergency response-incidents. |HEA0073 |CH0150 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0208 |SHEPPERSON |Off-road vehicle registration-exemption. |HEA0084 |CH0158 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|HB0209 |GREENE |Emergency medical review organizations. |HEA0085 |CH0138 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|HB0211 |THRONE |County memorial hospital board members-removal. |HEA0089 |CH0149 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0215 |LUBNAU |Department of health reorganization. |HEA0090 |CH0161 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|HB0217 |LUBNAU |Production states agreement. |HEA0058 |CH0092 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|HB0223 |BROWN |Property disclosure statement-wind estate. |HEA0074 |CH0166 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0224 |MILLER |Platted plots-requirement. |HEA0086 |CH0174 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0230 |BROWN |Eminent domain-wind energy collector systems-2. |HEA0063 |CH0086 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|HB0235 |ROSCOE |Natural gas vehicles. |HEA0067 |CH0143 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0242 |ILLOWAY |Insurance-surplus lines. |HEA0056 |CH0103 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0243 |KRONE |Human remains-training of search and rescue dogs. |HEA0064 |CH0093 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|HB0246 |QUARBERG |National guard-disposal of land. |HEA0047 |CH0095 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0248 |BYRD |Unlawful protesting at a funeral-amendments. |HEA0057 |CH0080 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0249 |NICHOLAS, B. |Acceptance of citation. |HEA0068 |CH0167 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0252 |HARVEY |Review of state executive department positions. |HEA0075 |CH0162 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|HB0253 |KASPERIK |Wyoming Nurse Practice Act amendment. |HEA0076 |CH0169 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0254 |THRONE |Property taxation-appeals. |HEA0059 |CH0127 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|HB0255 |PATTON |Veteran's tax exemption. |HEA0077 |CH0156 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|HB0256 |CRAFT |Wyoming Safe Homes Act-2. |HEA0097 |CH0189 |3/10/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|HB0259 |ZWONITZER, DV. |Ethanol producer tax credit. |HEA0078 |CH0170 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|HJ0001 |JUDICIARY |District court commissioners-authority. |HEJR0001 |N/A |3/3/2011 | |

|SF0001 |APPROPRIATIONS |General government appropriations. |SEA0068 |CH0088 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 line item veto |

|SF0002 |CAP FIN & INV |State treasurer reports. |SEA0001 |CH0010 |2/15/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0003 |CORPORATIONS |Campaign finance-organizations. |SEA0048 |CH0074 |2/24/2011 |2/24/2011 |

|SF0004 |CORPORATIONS |Elections-military and overseas voters. |SEA0009 |CH0015 |2/17/2011 |2/17/2011 |

|SF0005 |AGRICULTURE |State lands-improvements. |SEA0010 |CH0018 |2/17/2011 |2/17/2011 |

|SF0006 |AGRICULTURE |Animal damage management board-reports. |SEA0011 |CH0019 |2/17/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0007 |AGRICULTURE |State fair. |SEA0043 |CH0072 |2/24/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0009 |AGRICULTURE |Economic analysis. |SEA0086 |CH0154 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|SF0010 |AGRICULTURE |Protection of livestock animals. |SEA0054 |CH0100 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0011 |JUDICIARY |CHINS-administrative change of placement. |SEA0002 |CH0012 |2/15/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0014 |CORPORATIONS |Counties-election districts. |SEA0040 |CH0078 |2/24/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0015 |JUDICIARY |Court jurisdiction. |SEA0087 |CH0196 |3/10/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0016 |CAP CON |School facilities-adequacy assessment. |SEA0044 |CH0071 |2/24/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0017 |JUDICIARY |Probation and parole-amendments. |SEA0017 |CH0030 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0018 |TRANSPORTATION |Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act Compliance. |SEA0018 |CH0031 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0020 |CORPORATIONS |Election code-revisions. |SEA0015 |CH0038 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0021 |GEIS |Property tax exemption for nonprofit museum. |SEA0019 |CH0044 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0022 |JUDICIARY |Wind energy property rights. |SEA0003 |CH0003 |2/15/2011 |4/1/2011 |

|SF0023 |CORPORATIONS |Mail ballot elections. |SEA0049 |CH0076 |2/24/2011 |2/24/2011 |

|SF0024 |MARTIN |State investments. |SEA0025 |CH0047 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0025 |MARTIN |Long term services and support. |SEA0091 |CH0188 |3/10/2011 |7/1/2011/Sec 3: 3/10/2011 |

|SF0026 |TRANSPORTATION |County roads-speed limits and local authority to alter |SEA0022 |CH0032 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0027 |TRAVEL |Pari-mutuel commission-amendments. |SEA0016 |CH0033 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0028 |TRAVEL |State parks-volunteers. |SEA0004 |CH0007 |2/15/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0029 |DEV/INTELEC PROGRAMS |Developmental disability services. |SEA0073 |CH0163 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|SF0031 |TRAVEL |Off-road vehicle definition. |SEA0005 |CH0009 |2/15/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0032 |TRAVEL |State parks-trails. |SEA0006 |CH0008 |2/15/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0033 |TRAVEL |State parks-acquisition of lands. |SEA0065 |CH0090 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|SF0036 |CASE |Seclusion and restraint in schools. |SEA0041 |CH0067 |2/24/2011 |2/24/2011 |

|SF0037 |EMERICH |Health insurance definitions. |SEA0069 |CH0165 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0038 |LANDEN |School athletics safety. |SEA0097 |CH0190 |3/10/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0039 |TRAVEL |Aquatic invasive species-reciprocity. |SEA0042 |CH0073 |2/24/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0041 |TRAVEL |Film industry financial incentives program. |SEA0008 |CH0013 |2/17/2011 |2/17/2011 |

|SF0042 |TRANSPORTATION |Choice license plates for disabled veterans. |SEA0020 |CH0026 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0043 |TRANSPORTATION |Title 19-veterans' commission duties. |SEA0023 |CH0027 |2/18/2011 |2/18/2011 |

|SF0045 |CASE |Professional services procurement. |SEA0059 |CH0112 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0047 |JENNINGS |Concealed weapons. |SEA0070 |CH0084 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0048 |NAT RES FUND |Wildlife and natural resource trust account board. |SEA0038 |CH0064 |2/22/2011 |2/22/2011 |

|SF0050 |LABOR |Medicaid options study. |SEA0092 |CH0193 |3/10/2011 |3/10/2011 |

|SF0055 |AGRICULTURE |Subdivision-perimeter partition fencing. |SEA0055 |CH0102 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0057 |ANDERSON |100th state fair celebration. |SEA0045 |CH0070 |2/24/2011 |2/24/2011 |

|SF0058 |ANDERSON |Landowner rights in wind energy development. |SEA0078 |CH0146 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0059 |ESQUIBEL, F. |Spice drugs. |SEA0085 |CH0137 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|SF0062 |NAT RES FUND |Large project funding. |SEA0051 |CH0087 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|SF0063 |CASE |Game & fish-donation of hunting licenses. |SEA0028 |CH0042 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0065 |AGRICULTURE |Animal remedies. |SEA0052 |CH0098 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0067 |ROSS |Guardianship and wards-sealed records. |SEA0021 |CH0059 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0068 |ROSS |Summary probate-amendments. |SEA0026 |CH0058 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0069 |MGT COUNCIL |Revisor's bill. |SEA0075 |CH0176 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|SF0070 |SCH FINANCE |Education accountability. |SEA0090 |CH0184 |3/10/2011 |3/10/2011/W.S. 21-2-304(v)(B)(E): 7/1/2012 |

|SF0072 |CHRISTENSEN |Fair practices of equipment act amendment. |SEA0064 |CH0133 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0073 |MINERALS |Municipal solid waste landfills. |SEA0058 |CH0110 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|SF0074 |MINERALS |Wyoming market research center. |SEA0012 |CH0020 |2/17/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0075 |MINERALS |Workforce housing infrastructure funds-reversion. |SEA0013 |CH0023 |2/17/2011 |2/17/2011 |

|SF0076 |MINERALS |Voluntary environmental audit report. |SEA0014 |CH0024 |2/17/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0077 |GEIS |County officers removal from office. |SEA0027 |CH0041 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0079 |CASE |Recreation Safety Act-waiver on behalf of minors. |SEA0066 |CH0091 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|SF0081 |WATER |Omnibus water bill-construction. |SEA0035 |CH0063 |2/22/2011 |2/22/2011 |

|SF0085 |BURNS |Game and fish violations-penalties. |SEA0088 |CH0187 |3/10/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0088 |BURNS |Expungement of nonviolent felonies. |SEA0046 |CH0069 |2/24/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0089 |ROSS |Adult protective services. |SEA0047 |CH0068 |2/24/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0090 |NUTTING |Wyoming Nurse Practice Act-amendments. |SEA0079 |CH0171 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0091 |HICKS |Wildlife/livestock disease research partnership-funding |SEA0080 |CH0145 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0092 |BEBOUT |Natural gas storage. |SEA0029 |CH0052 |2/18/2011 |2/18/2011 |

|SF0093 |MARTIN |Dietetics licensure. |SEA0074 |CH0139 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0094 |JOHNSON |Liability for emergency equipment donations. |SEA0037 |CH0065 |2/22/2011 |2/22/2011 |

|SF0095 |MEIER |Legislative committee membership. |SEA0095 |CH0198 |3/10/2011 |3/10/2011 |

|SF0099 |MARTIN |Sales tax on certain food items. |SEA0030 |CH0034 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0100 |GEIS |Cruelty to animals. |SEA0083 |CH0168 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|SF0101 |COE |Hathaway student scholarship program. |SEA0063 |CH0085 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0102 |LABOR |Medicaid cost study. |SEA0093 |CH0194 |3/10/2011 |3/10/2011 |

|SF0103 |HINES |Gillette Madison water project financing. |SEA0036 |CH0061 |2/22/2011 |2/22/2011 |

|SF0107 |MEIER |Energy impacted county roads program. |SEA0094 |CH0191 |3/10/2011 |3/10/2011 |

|SF0108 |BURNS |Remote electronic terminals-fees-2. |SEA0039 |CH0062 |2/22/2011 |2/22/2011 |

|SF0109 |MEIER |State parks-temporary peace officers. |SEA0081 |CH0160 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|SF0110 |APPROPRIATIONS |School facilities commission-reorganization. |SEA0007 |CH0002 |2/15/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0112 |TRANSPORTATION |National guard-billeted soldiers fund. |SEA0076 |CH0155 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|SF0115 |ROSS |DUI-child endangerment fines. |SEA0053 |CH0122 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0116 |JENNINGS |Oil and gas enhanced recovery-microbial conversion |SEA0034 |CH0050 |2/18/2011 |2/18/2011 |

|SF0117 |BEBOUT |Wyoming reclamation and restoration center. |SEA0031 |CH0053 |2/18/2011 |2/18/2011 |

|SF0119 |JOHNSON |Real estate brokers and salesmen revisions-2. |SEA0056 |CH0104 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0120 |BEBOUT |Workforce services and employment |SEA0024 |CH0049 |2/18/2011 |2/18/2011 |

|SF0121 |BEBOUT |Performance based evaluation and design. |SEA0071 |CH0147 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|SF0124 |ESQUIBEL, F. |Overweight and oversize vehicle penalties. |SEA0096 |CH0183 |3/10/2011 |7/1/2011/Sec 1: 1/1/2012 |

|SF0128 |HINES |Abandoned vehicles-storage expenses. |SEA0057 |CH0128 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0131 |SCHIFFER |Military department-federally funded positions. |SEA0077 |CH0157 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0132 |HASTERT |Strangulation of a household member. |SEA0082 |CH0136 |3/3/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0134 |PERKINS |Liens. |SEA0060 |CH0130 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0135 |NICHOLAS, P. |University of Wyoming-federal mineral royalties. |SEA0032 |CH0040 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0137 |PERKINS |Ignition interlock devices. |SEA0033 |CH0039 |2/18/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0138 |PERKINS |Child custody orders-abandonment. |SEA0061 |CH0131 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|SF0139 |SCOTT |Health care pilot project amendments. |SEA0084 |CH0134 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|SF0143 |BEBOUT |Federal natural resource policy. |SEA0072 |CH0141 |3/3/2011 |3/3/2011 |

|SF0144 |NICHOLAS, P. |State funded construction projects/preference provisions |SEA0067 |CH0081 |3/2/2011 |3/2/2011 |

|SF0146 |NICHOLAS, P. |Teacher accountability act. |SEA0089 |CH0182 |3/7/2011 |7/1/2012 |

|SF0147 |DOCKSTADER |Service of process fees. |SEA0062 |CH0132 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SF0150 |NICHOLAS, P. |Notaries. |SEA0050 |CH0113 |3/2/2011 |7/1/2011 |

|SJ0001 |HICKS |Right to hunt, fish and trap. |SEJR0003 |N/A |3/3/2011 | |

|SJ0002 |NUTTING |Health care freedom. |SEJR0002 |N/A |2/19/2011 | |

|SJ0006 |BEBOUT |Resolution-environmental protection agency regulations |SEJR0001 |N/A |2/18/2011 | |

|SJ0007 |DOCKSTADER |Bark beetle mitigation. |SEJR0004 |N/A |3/3/2011 | |


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