304800200025429895199390HOUSING DIVISIONMulti-unit Residential Tax IncentiveNew Construction/Renovation/ConversionsPhase 1TAX ABATEMENT CERTIFICATIONNEW CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION 00HOUSING DIVISIONMulti-unit Residential Tax IncentiveNew Construction/Renovation/ConversionsPhase 1TAX ABATEMENT CERTIFICATIONNEW CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION Phase One: Preconstruction Conditional Approval for Tax Abatement for Three or more Units Phase One: Preconstruction Conditional Approval for Tax Abatement for Four or more Units Certification consist of a two-phase application process: Phase 1 (Pre-construction) and Phase 2 (Post Construction)Section 1 – Property Owner and Developer Information 56730903937000255524038100 -00 -Permanent Parcel Identification No.: Year Built: 563499014478000124714014478000Property Address: Zip Code:Year Built: 3123565157480$00$5673090-190500Current Market Value Total (Land and Improvements) # of Units: As indicated on Franklin County Auditor’s website. 570253020695500200533020637500A. Property Owner and Developer Information: Project Name (if applicable):Contact Name: 200555511444000Property Owner/Developer: 200555517080600 Mailing Address53695609144000193934891440 00 Phone Number: E-Mail Address:Section 2 – Property Information A. Community Reinvestment Areas (CRA):Your property must be located within one of two (2) Columbus CRA’s. (maps and additional information is available on our website: FORMCHECKBOX Easton Square Place CRA FORMCHECKBOX Jeffery Residential CRAINSTRUCTIONS:Please complete Pages 1-5 for Phase 1 and Pages 6-8 for Phase plete a separate application for each Parcel Identification Number. c.List Property Address as shown on Franklin County’s website or submit a copy of City of Columbus Certified House Number/Address Plat for address changes.d.Processing time may take up to 6 weeks to complete applications. PHASE 1ATTACHMENT A: Multi Unit(Copy as needed for each additional Parcel Identification Number)Preconstruction Conditional Approval for Tax Abatement190119020193000C. Property Information: (Property address applying for tax abatement) Property Owner Name:276796585090 -00 -57873909080500 Permanent Parcel Identification No.:Unit # 18535658318500578739010160000 Street Address/Zip Code: Year Built: Current Market Value Total (Land and Improvements) As indicated on Franklin County Auditor’s website. $ Section 3 – Improvements D. Construction & Occupancy Type (Required): 1. Type of Improvement: FORMCHECKBOX New Construction - (New Build without Existing Structure). FORMCHECKBOX Renovation - (Alter, Remodel, Restore, Improve Existing Structure or New Garage Build) FORMCHECKBOX Conversion from Non-residential to Residential – submit approved Residential variance w/Phase 2 app.2. Occupancy: FORMCHECKBOX Owner-occupied FORMCHECKBOX Rental FORMCHECKBOX Conversion of Rental to Owner E. Construction Estimates: 1. New Construction 396061510694800Estimated total cost of New Construction: $ orRenovation: 39593556413500Estimated total cost of Renovation: $ Written Descriptiona.Provide a (1) page narrative of improvements to include Scope of Work and the following information:1) Total Square Footage2) Number of 1, 2, 3, bedrooms3) Residential only common areas 4) Garages and number of Residential space 2939415192405 / / 00 / / Bid Estimate from contractor (Attach copy).Projected Completion Date: 32753634953000Building Permit Number (Attach copy) Submit the following Photos:Properties or vacant land on either side and directly across the street. (Attach copy)Front and rear photos of property to be renovated. (Attach copy)Pre-construction photos of interior projects. (Attach copy)Section 4 – Certification F. Applicant Certification for Phase One Preconstruction Application:Does Property Owner owe:Any delinquent taxes to the State of Ohio or a political subdivision of the State? Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX Any other moneys to the State or a political subdivision of the State that are past due, whether the amounts owed are being contested in a court of law or not? Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX If yes to either of the above, please provide on a separate sheet of paper details of each incident, including the date, location, amounts and case or identification numbers (Attach to Application).The applicant certifies that all information in this application and all information furnished in support of this application are true and complete to the best of the applicant’s knowledge and belief. Submission of this application expressly authorizes the City of Columbus to confirm statements contained within this application and to review applicable confidential records. As part of this application, the applicant authorizes the City of Columbus to request, directly to the City Division of Income Tax and/or the Ohio Department of Taxation, to release specific tax records to the City of Columbus, should issues of delinquent taxes arise.I declare under the penalties of falsification (ORC Section 9.66(C)(1) and 2931.13(D)(1)) that this application, including all accompanying documents and statements, has been examined by me, and to the best of my knowledge are true, correct, and complete._____________________________________________________ ______________________ Signature of Owner(s) of property as recorded Date_____________________________________________________Printed Name and TitlePlease mail or submit in-person pages 1-3 originals of this application to:Department of Development, Housing DivisionResidential Tax Incentive Program Attn: Michelle Castrogiovanni111 N. Front Street, 3rd FloorColumbus, OH 43215For further information regarding this program please call Tracey Davis at(614) 645-3219 or by e-mail at mrcastrogiovanni@ or visit our web site at: Note:1.DO NOT e-mail Applications. 2.Incomplete Applications will be delayed.3.Applicant agrees to supply additional information upon request.4.Property will be subject to annual exterior inspection during the abatement period.5.Contact Economic Development at (614) 645-8616 for Non-Residential Tax Incentives.00Please Note:1.DO NOT e-mail Applications. 2.Incomplete Applications will be delayed.3.Applicant agrees to supply additional information upon request.4.Property will be subject to annual exterior inspection during the abatement period.5.Contact Economic Development at (614) 645-8616 for Non-Residential Tax Incentives.[This page intentionally left blank]PHASE 2ATTACHMENT B: Multi Unit(Copy as needed for each additional Parcel Identification Number)Phase Two: Post Construction Certification for Tax Abatement for Three or more Units Instructions: plete and submit ATTACHMENT B for each Parcel Identification Number. b.Please complete section G through K (Pages 5-6) of this application. c.Processing time may take up to 6 weeks to complete applications. Incomplete applications will take longer to process.d.You will receive a letter regarding Final Approval or Denial of your application for tax abatement certification. e.Phase 2 Applications approved after July 1st should be reflected on the Second-Half Tax Bill.G. Neighborhood Investment Districts (NID’s) or Community Reinvestment Areas (CRA’s):Your property must be located within one of 13 Columbus NID’s or CRA’s. (maps and additional information is available on our website: FORMCHECKBOX Brewer’s Yard FORMCHECKBOX Linden NID (formerly Area A: Linden) FORMCHECKBOX Easton Square Place CRA FORMCHECKBOX Livingston and James CRA FORMCHECKBOX Fifth by Northwest CRA FORMCHECKBOX Milo-Grogan CRA FORMCHECKBOX Franklinton: Area G FORMCHECKBOX Near East NID (formerly Area B: North of Broad, Oak Street CRA, and Area E: South of Main) FORMCHECKBOX Gibbard CRA (Exp. 12/15) FORMCHECKBOX North Central NID FORMCHECKBOX Hilltop: Area D FORMCHECKBOX Short North CRA FORMCHECKBOX Humko CRA FORMCHECKBOX Southside NID (formerly Area C: South Side) FORMCHECKBOX Jeffery Residential CRA FORMCHECKBOX Weinland Park: Area FH. Occupancy Type: Check one FORMCHECKBOX Owner-occupied FORMCHECKBOX Rental FORMCHECKBOX Conversion of Rental to OwnerI. Property Owner Information: 15963906604000Property Owner:159639010985500Developer: 1263015657225 00 1596390132080 00 578739012890500Street AddressZip Code: City, State, Zip Code4745990105410 00 Phone Number:Email Address 159639067945 -00 -Permanent Parcel No.: 796290146685 00 Address: Zip Code: Unit #J. Final Construction Information:New Construction – (New Build Improvement without existing structure). If applying for New Construction, please complete this section, and submit the following:32537401651000Total actual cost of new construction $ 403478936449000Submit a copy of the executed Construction Agreement/Contract with a licensed contractor who must registered with the City of Columbus.5478780209550/ /00/ /4030980209550/ /00/ /Closed Building Permit Number (Attach copy) Issuance Date of Building Permit 4030980226695/ /00/ /FINAL Certificate of Occupancy (Attach copy) Completion Date Proof of ownership, such as HUD-1 or Franklin County Auditor Summary (Attach copy)Photos of Front and Back of exterior property. Renovation: - (Alter, Remodel, Restore, Improve existing structure or New Garage Build) If applying for Renovation, please complete and submit the following:27870152667000Total actual cost of Renovation $ Include with the application documentation to support total cost of Renovation: (Attach copy) Three acceptable examples are:Notarized Affidavit of final draw payments of the construction contract and a description of the work completed.Notarized List to include general categories of the work completed, the date the work was completed, and each category’s expense. A labor cost for your own work can also be included.AIA Application and Certificate for Payment Document G702324421571120000Submit a copy of the executed Construction Agreement/Contract from a licensed contractor who must be registered with the City of Columbus. Property owners operating in the role of Contractor must present a copy of the City of Columbus Licensing & Registration in lieu of Construction Agreement/Contract.2783205246380/ /00/ /Building Permit Number (Attach copy) 4608195160020/ /00/ /Issuance Date of Building Permit Certificate of Occupancy (Attach copy) Completion Date: A separate Certificate of Occupancy is required if the improvement included an addition, alteration or if the property was vacant prior to construction. Contact Building and Zoning Services at (614) 645-7433 to obtain a copy or for more information.Proof of ownership, such as HUD-1 or Franklin County Auditor Summary (Attach copy) Photos of Front and Back of property and completed projected (Attach copy) Section 4 – Certification K. Applicant Certification for Phase Two Certification Application:The applicant certifies that all information in this application and all information furnished in support of this application are true and complete to the best of the applicant’s knowledge and belief. Submission of this application expressly authorizes the City of Columbus to confirm statements contained within this application and to review applicable confidential records. As part of this application, the applicant authorizes the City of Columbus to request, directly to the City Division of Income Tax and/or the Ohio Department of Taxation, to release specific tax records to the City of Columbus, should issues of delinquent taxes arise.I declare under the penalties of falsification (ORC Section 9.66(C)(1) and 2931.13(D)(1)) that this application, including all accompanying documents and statements, has been examined by me, and to the best of my knowledge are true, correct, and complete._____________________________________________________ ______________________ Signature of Owner(s) of property as recorded Date_____________________________________________________ Printed Name and TitlePlease mail or submit in-person pages 4-6 originals of this application to:Department of Development, Housing DivisionResidential Tax Incentive ProgramAttn: Michelle Castrogiovanni111 N. Front Street, 3rd FloorColumbus, OH 43215For further information regarding this program please call Michelle Castrogiovanni at(614) 645-3219 or by e-mail at mrcastrogiovanni@ or visit our web site at: Note:1.DO NOT e-mail Applications. 2.Incomplete Applications will be delayed.3.Applicant agrees to supply additional information upon request.4.Property will be subject to annual exterior inspection during the abatement period.5.Contact Economic Development at (614) 645-8616 for Non-Residential Tax Incentives.00Please Note:1.DO NOT e-mail Applications. 2.Incomplete Applications will be delayed.3.Applicant agrees to supply additional information upon request.4.Property will be subject to annual exterior inspection during the abatement period.5.Contact Economic Development at (614) 645-8616 for Non-Residential Tax Incentives. ................

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