Class Outlines:

Mommy and Me

Class Outlines

Stoller Fit Beginner

This is a circuit class that keeps you moving with alternating intervals of cardio and strength training. You will warm up, stretch, walk, jog and interval train with strollers. Shaping your legs, butt, abs and arms all in 50 minutes! The class ends with a cool down stretch. So a towel or yoga mat would be ideal to bring. You will also want to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated. During this class you will warm up for 5 minutes. Interval walking for 30 to 35 minutes, then do stretching and ab work for 5 to 10 minutes. This walk to run class will prepare you for the second stroller fit intermediate session in August. It will be greatly enjoyed by mom and baby or toddler.

Stroller Fit Intermediate

For those of you who want a challenging workout, this class will definitely wake you up. Stroller fit for beginners focuses on getting your heart rate up, to improve your cardiovascular endurance and training. In 60 minutes you will warm up, stretch, power walk, jog and aerobicize with strollers. It will be an interval class, power walking for so many minutes and then jogging. We’ll use bands for upper and lower body conditioning to work those abs, butts, arms and legs. The class ends with a cool down stretch. So a towel or yoga mat would be ideal to bring, as well as a band. You will also want to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated. The babies and toddlers will enjoy the energy and movement this class brings.

Cardio Fit with Toddler

This class is very upbeat and energizing. You will learn how to have fun with your toddlers doing exercises that kids love to do. We will incorporate stretching techniques to warm up you and your little ones. Engage in some jumping jacks, knee bends, arm swirls or trunk rotations. Play games like duck-duck-goose, Fitness Simon says, jump rope, beach ball toss and hop-scotch. You’ll have fun relay racing with your youngster and mov’in and shak’in to the beat of the chicken dance or the monster mash. At the end of the session we will have a cool down period. With more stretching and cool down techniques. This class will help you and your little one understand the benefits of physical exercise and how much fun you can have doing it. Especially when it’s with each other.

Mom and Me Yoga/Pilates

What is Mom & Baby Yoga?

You did it! You have nurtured your baby through pregnancy and have given birth to a beautiful baby – congratulations! Mom & baby yoga classes provide an opportunity for you to regain strength and flexibility, to bond with your baby in an enjoyable activity and to make friends with other moms.

The focus of the class is on movements and breathing specifically tailored for new moms. The babies benefit from the bonding time with mom, baby massages and the stimulating environment of new baby friends!

Previous yoga experience is not necessary to fully benefit from the classes, and women who have practiced yoga before will find these classes are a great way to transition back to their pre-pregnancy practice.

Special attention is placed on developing core strength and stability – involving a particular emphasis on strengthening the back, abdomen and pelvic floor, as well as relieving tension in areas such as the neck, shoulders and back. The goal of Pilates is to strengthen and tighten muscles around the overstretched areas rather than working directly on them. The body and the mind must work together. You get in touch with how you feel. As you work together with your baby. This contact can stimulate the baby’s emotional, intellectual and motor growth. Showering your baby with a full range of visual, tactile, auditory and motor stimulation can accelerate the baby’s development.

What do I do with my baby during class?

Throughout the class, you will have the option to either involve your baby in the movements, to hold him or her, or to have your baby close to you on your blanket. Sometimes babies sleep all class, other times they may want to breastfeed or bottle feed, and other times they are happy to see and hear the other babies around them. Fussing and crying is also totally normal, the babies are welcomed just as they are, and truly are the bosses in this class!

You will also have the opportunity to learn and practice short baby massages and baby yoga routines that you can then bring home with you (- including one for ‘gas relief’!).

What is the class like?

Each mom and baby yoga class includes both flowing yoga movements and slow methodical exercises for strength and awareness. The classes are designed specifically to accommodate the effects of your recent pregnancy, and take into account reduced joint stability and core strength.

We place a lot of emphasis on safety and individualized attention; everyone is encouraged to move at their own pace, either more gently or more intensively. In this class you will have an opportunity for one-on-one consultation if the need arises.

The class is very informal and lively, and there is absolutely no pressure or expectation for your baby to “behave” in a certain way! Part of the yoga practice is truly welcoming the babies just as they are, learning to cultivate awareness and breathing instead of tension and worry.

Throughout the class, moms will stop to feed or soothe their babies and will then rejoin the movements when it is possible and comfortable to do so. Sometimes during class moms will chat, as your yoga instructor moves around the room offering individual attention to each mom and baby.

Friends and Community

It is so important to connect with other moms – to share in the journey of motherhood. It is easy to feel alone when you are at home, but in fact you are not - there is a whole community of mothers in Lethbridge experiencing the same kinds of joys and challenges that you are, who are just waiting to connect with other moms. Therefore, there is ample time provided before and after each class to linger, to meet old friends and make new ones, and to share the experiences and insights of raising a little one!

What will Mom & Baby Yoga do for me?

Mom and baby yoga classes at The Right Pace have many advantages and benefits, including:

* increasing over-all endurance, strength and well being

* reducing back tension and discomfort and improving posture

* building core strength and stability (including abdominals)

* learning yoga movements you can practice at home

* reducing anxiety and stress

* adopting coping techniques for when you feel overwhelmed

* making new friends with other moms and babies

* joining the network and community of Lethbridge families

* When can I start and how long can I continue?

It is a good idea to wait for about 4 - 6 weeks after the delivery of your baby before attending class. If you had a caesarian delivery this time should be extended to about 8-10 weeks, or until you receive the go-ahead from your doctor. There is absolutely no problem with joining the class after the session has begun (space permitting), the movements are simple and it is easy to catch on.

Once your baby begins to actively crawl and move about (usually by 8 months), it will become much more difficult for you to participate in the class.


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