
-91595-4306000FRUIT FLOWERS *****WINNER*******Step 1: select fruits that you are going to need depending on the season: PineapplesGrapesKiwisStrawberriesBananasPeaches…Step 2: cut the top of two pineapples and empty the inside.Step 3: cut the pineapple core in a flower shape and add in the middle another fruit in the shape of a ball to cover the central hole in the flower. Step 4: take a stick (8-10 cm long) and put grapes and other fruits along. Finally add it to the flower (step 3). Step 5: the rest of the selected fruit must be cut in little squares and bring it into one pineapple skin. Step 6: finally, pour melted chocolate into the other pineapple skin to use it as a ‘fondue’. Enjoy your meal!! CHEESE, HAM AND DATE PIEIngredients: 2 sheets of puff- pastry, 6 slices of cooked ham, 8 slices of sandwich cheese, 30 pitted dates and 1 egg.Preparation: 1st Set the oven to 180? 2nd Spread a sheet of puff pastry on baking paper on a baking tray.3rd Spread the ham on the sheet of puff-pastry4th Spread the cheese on the ham5th Place dates on the cheese6th Put on top another sheet of pastry7th Join the two edges of the sheets to seal8th Beat the egg and brush the whole pie9th With a knife open a hole in the center of the pie to allow steam to escape and prick with a fork in several areas10th Put in the oven for 30 minutes at 180? until pastry is golden brownLet cool and it?s ready to eat.ARGENTINIAN COLD MEATIngredients: a court of gap of veal about 1,500 kgs, 2 well beaten eggs, 6 hard-boiled eggs, 4 carrots, 1red pepper, lemon juice, salt, pepper, ground red pepper, 2lts.of vegetable broth and threadPreparation: extend the meat on the table and to take the fat from it. Place on the fat side and put lemon juice, salt, pepper and ground red pepper. Then, place 6 hard-boiled eggs in line and roll the meat. Put the carrots and red pepper. Use the thread to tie the meat tightly and press for at least 3 hours. Boil it in the vegetable broth for 30 minutes. Cool and serve cold with potato salad. ANCHOVIES UNDER FUR COATIngredients: 75grms of anchovies, 3eggs, 3potatoes, 3carrots, 3 beets, 1 onion,mayonnaise and salt.Preparation:1???? Cook separately the potatoes, carrots and beets. Leave to cool. Peel.2???? Cook the eggs, cool them and peel them.3 ??? Cut the fillets of anchovies in small pieces.4???? Peel the onion and slice it very fine.5???? Set aside one of the hard boiled eggs to decorate6??? Grate separately the potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs.7??? Extend the ingredients in layers.????????????????????????????? 1st .layer: potatoes, salt, mayonnaise.????????????????????????????? 2nd layer: anchovies, onion and mayonnaise.????????????????????????????? 3th layer: eggs and mayonnaise.??????????????????????????????4th layer : carrots and mayonnaise.????????????????????????????? 5th layer: beets and mayonnaise.8??? Decorate with? the?grated egg yolk.9??? Leave to cool in the fridge for 5 hours. Serve cold. CHRISTMAS TREE OF NOUGAT AND BLACK CHOCOLATEIngredients: 500 ml. of mounting liquid milk , 500 ml. of whole milk, 1 tablet of soft nougat, 1 tablet of fondant chocolate, 2 packets of curd.ElaborationTO MAKE THE PART OF SOFT NOUGATPut half of the milk in a bowl, the half of mounting liquid milk, the soft nougat tablet ( it is recommended to use good quality that is not full of oil) and a packet of curd. Beat with mixer for two or three minutes and then heat the resulting mass at medium heat for five minutes. Pour the mixture into a mold.TO MAKE THE PART OF FONDANT CHOCOLATEPut the chocolate in a bowl water bath with a little margarine and stir until it melts. Then add the other half of the milk, the other half of mounting liquid milk and a packet of curd. Keep stirring all together over medium heat for five or six minutes. Then pour the mixture of chocolate on the nougat on the mixture very slowly. Cool completely at room temperature and then keep it in the fridge so that it sets well, at least four hours. Once unmolded, we can decorate it with chocolate sprinkles.BROWNIESIngredients: 4 eggs, 175 grams of chocolate with at least 60% cocoa, 125 grams of flour, 200 grams of butter, 250 grams icing sugar, 75 grams of walnuts, salt.PREPARATION:Preheat the oven to 170?C. Melt the chocolate in the microwave (water bath).Mix with butter and once we get a homogeneous and well mixed paste, add the icing sugar, eggs, flour and a pinch of salt, with chopped walnuts. Stir everything well and finally pour into a brownie mold and put it in the oven.Bake for about 25 minutes and check that they are cooked inside before removing from oven. Let cool completely and cut into squares or rectangles. Enjoy!TUNA AND VEGETABLE PIE Ingredients: Flour, water, tuna, green and red pepper, onion, fried tomato and boiled egg.LITTLE MIKESIngredients: puff pastry, 100 g of sugar, 500 g of milk, 50 g of corn flour, 3 eggs 1 spoonful of vanilla sugarPreparation: Preheat the oven to to 180?. Put all the ingredients into your thermomix except for puff pastry and programme 7 minutes, 90?, velocity 4. Put the mixture in the refrigerator for one hour. Cut your puff pastry in squares and put it in the oven for around 15 minutes. Fill the puff pastry with cream and sprinkle with powdered sugar. CHEESE BREAD ******WINNER*****Ingredients: Galician bread, Emmental cheese and Flor de Esgueva cheese, onions, egg, garlic, and oil. SUSHI ROLLSIngredients: salmon, tuna, Nori seaweed, sushi rice, wasabi, ginger, soy sauce, cucumber and avocado. You also need a rolling mat.Preparation: Wash the rice in cold water. Cook in a pan for about 20 minutes and let it cool. In the meantime, cut the fish, cucumber and avocado in large pieces. Place a nori wrap on a bamboo rolling mat and spread the rice in the middle. Put the avocado, cucumber and salmon or tuna on top. Wrap everything together using the rolling mat. Cut the roll in pieces of about 2.5 centimeters. Put a little ginger and wasabi on top of the pieces and dip in soy sauce. Enjoy!CHOCOLATE CAKE (by Miriam Jiménez)Ingredients:A bar of chocolate “NESTLE POSTRES (250g)”250 g of butter6 eggs200 g of sugar1 spoonful of flourA bit of leaveningSteps:Heat oven.Place the chocolate and the butter in a saucepan and heat over low heat until melted.Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Mix the six egg yolks with the sugar.To the saucepan with the melted chocolate and butter, add the egg yolks with the sugar and the egg whites. Cook slowly for a few minutes so that all the ingredients integrate very well. Separate a cup of this mixture and add the flour and the leavening to the remaining mixture. Stir constantly so that it integrates very well. Flour the mould so that the cake doesn’t stick. Pour the mixture there.Place the mould in the oven at 180?.Cover the cake with the remaining mixture in the cup.Enjoy it!Christmas chocolates ( by Amanda García)Ingredients250 gr. shredded coconut1/2 can of condensed milkChocolateButterHow to make it?Place in a bowl condensed milk and gradually be adding the grated coconut. Stir constantly so that it integrates very well.Once you get a thick mixture, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for an hour or so.Once the crust is hardened, remove from the fridge. Take small portions, and with your hands form the balls.Meanwhile, in a saucepan place the butter and chocolate. Heat over low heat until melted. Stir nonstop, until fully melted. Pass one by one coconut balls until they are completely dipped in chocolate. Let cool on a rack for a few minutes. Before the chocolate is fully hardened, sprinkle the balls with grated coconut, with grated chocolate, with colored dragées, or chopped nuts.APPLE PUDDING (by Sara Barquilla)Ingredients:- Four eggs.- Three apples.- Two glasses of milk.- A packet of “soletilla” sponge cakes.- Liquid caramel.Steps:1. Blend the sponge cakes, the eggs and the milk.2. Beat the mixture. 3. Add the fruit (in this case, the apples) and beat again a little.4. In a pan, put the liquid caramel and then the dough.5. Bake it in a bain-marie for about half an hour.6. Eat when cold.It's delicious!!!CRISP WHITE CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES (by María Gómez Girón)3385820195580INGREDIENTS:? 200 gr. white chocolate.? 50 ml. Cream.? 40 gr. butter or margarine.? 30 gr. biscuits or cookies.? 1 lime (or lemon oil).PREPARATION:In a saucepan, heat the cream and butter or margarine until it melts, but not boiling. Remove from stove, add the chopped chocolate and stir to mix and smooth.Crush the crackers or biscuits by hand or in a blender. Add the zest of a lemon (or something less, as prefer more or less sweet).Add the biscuits to the mixture, stir well. Leave an hour in the fridge so that you can manipulate.Line a tray with baking paper. Remove the dough and make small balls with the help of hands or spoons, leaving them in the tray.Sprinkle truffles with decoration we prefer. Put to the fridge again until serving time.ROLLED CHICKEN BREASTS (by María Gómez Girón)3396615170180INGREDIENTS: 600 gr. of chopped chicken breasts.100 gr. of chopped ham.A slice of bread soaked in milk.50 gr. of shredded cheese.An egg.Salt.Pepper.Some grated nutmeg.Oil and breadcrumbs for mold.PREPARATION:Mix the chicken breast and diced ham with beaten egg, the bread soaked in milk and drained, grated cheese. Knead, mix and let sit for a half hour.Grease the mold of plum -cake crumbs small oil and fill with preparation and cover with foil. Cook in a water bath in the oven at 200? for 45-50 minutes.PUMPKIN PIE ( by Juan Cuesta)INGREDIENTS200 gr. pumpkin?200 gr. flavour?200 gr. sugar?100 ml olive oil?? 3 ? eggs?? ?1 teaspoon (5 gr.) baker's yeast (or baking powder)??1/2 teaspoon salt??1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon??1/4 teaspoon ground ginger?STEPS- Grate the pumpkin and mix it with olive oil. Add 100 gr. of sugar, 3 egg yolks, baker's yeast (or baking powder), salt, cinnamon and ginger.?- Beat 3 egg whites with 100 gr. of sugar and mix with previous mixture.?- Add flavour and stir constantly so that it integrates very well.- Fill a large baking bowl with the mixture and bake in the oven for 55 min at 170 degrees.?- Let cool at room temperature and cut into slices.?QUESADA (EASY AND QUICK CAKE WITHOUT CHEESE)INGREDIENTSFour eggs150 g unsalted butter150 g all purpose 200 g granulated sugar1/2 l of milk1 yogurtPreheat oven 180°Butter and line a cake mold.Put all ingredients in the blender and mix until smooth.Tip into the mold and then bake for 30-35 mins or until golden and a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean.Let the cake cool completely before eating. ................

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