September 2010

Coming Home?

Active duty troops pulling out of Iraq – they are coming home!

College students accumulating piles of dirty laundry – they will be coming home!

A young couple has their first child – they can’t wait to come home!

A church celebrates Homecoming Sunday – members of Christ’s Body coming home!

Coming home is always a good thing. We all long for home-cooking, to sleep in our own beds, and to laugh with our family and friends.

But every now and then, while coming home is still good – it can be difficult. Coming home may force us to confront truths about ourselves which are easier to deny. Coming home may re-kindle relationships which both bless and complicate our lives. Coming home is always a hearty helping of “emotional gumbo” that often combines comfort and joy - with a spicy sprinkle of conflict.

This is even more true when the “coming home” we’re speaking of is our coming home to God.

God designed us with a restless, wandering heart. As one author put it – we are “wild at heart.” This is not a “design flaw” that drives our constant desire for self satisfaction. This is a “design feature” which draws us into a life-long search for not only that which is good – but that which is God.

Sure, all of us, at times, have confused the two – we chase after the good life instead of the God life. But this desire to seek – this desire for better – this search for joy – is nothing less than our desire to come home - to the God who made us and to the life we were created for.

The heart of the Christian faith is this: in Jesus Christ, God has provided us a path home.

This fall, Bethlehem UMC will be offering a unique opportunity for you to experience a renewal of your heart for Jesus and your walk with God. Beginning in September, we will start a 6-week series of small groups (we call “root groups”) which will reflect upon the deep spiritual insights of Timothy Keller’s small book, The Prodigal God. During this 6 weeks our worship will focus on the same scriptural basis of this study – Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32).

I pray that for all of us - this will be a season “that times of refreshing may come from the Lord…” (Acts 3:19). And don’t be surprised if we hear of lives that are changing and faith that is renewed and great joy that is celebrated – that’s what happens every time we come home to God!





Dear Church Members,

I am excited to announce that we’re going to create a new pictorial directory of our church family. The directory will help us connect names with faces. It will be an ideal outreach tool and will capture the history of our church congregation.

Please participate! All I ask is that you have your picture taken by the professional photographer and meet with a portrait consultant at the church. For the next several weeks, we will be making appointments at the church. You can also schedule your appointment online at . Please sign up as soon as possible to get the best appointment to fit your schedule.

• Every participating family/household that selects a pose for the directory will receive a free church directory and a complimentary 8x10 portrait.

• You will only need to come to the church once for photography and for portrait viewing.

• The program is available at no cost to the church budget.

• You will have the opportunity to purchase portraits and frames on the same day of photography. All portraits come with a 100% unconditional guarantee. 

• Whether you decide to dress formally or casually, you will want to make the most of this opportunity.

Please volunteer! We can always use help in running the sign-up tables, checking people in for appointments, or calling for appointment reminders. It will take a group effort to make this a reality and I ask for your support by volunteering just a little of your time.

The scheduled dates for photography and portrait viewing are Oct. 5 – 9, 2010.

If you have questions, please contact the church office at 704-764-3602.

We look forward to seeing everyone in the directory. Our new pictorial directory just won’t be complete without you!



On August 2, Caitlin and I traveled to the far (and I do mean far!) side of North Carolina to the town of Hayesville to meet with the students from the Caravan that visited Bethlehem July 4-8. They were staying at the Hinton Rural Life Center, which is a United Methodist facility on a beautiful lake in western NC, participating in various mission projects locally before departing the US. We were with them their last night there, and it was very interesting, since we were the first group of families that they had stayed with. Some opinions had changed, having had a month to explore NC, but some impressions still held true. They listed our church as one of the top three they had visited, and when I asked why, it was the people that they mentioned. I remember bringing the two young ladies staying with us to the covered dish supper that BUMC sponsored the last night they were here. I had cautioned them that lots of people were on vacation, and it was a mid-week function, with not a lot of notice. As we topped the hill just before the church, Marija exclaimed "Oh, look at all the cars! So many people have come to see us!" They loved the home cooked food, the hospitality of the host families, and visiting JAARS and the King's Kitchen. So, thank you on their behalf, for all the folks who fed, sheltered, and prayed for their visit. They remember us fondly, and I really hope and pray they make good on their intentions to visit us again. The whole experience was a real blessing to our family. Judy Swords

Dear Bethlehem Family and Friends,

Thank you for your prayers, concern and support during my recent heart health issues. I am feeling great and back at work. Your prayers made a difference.

Thanks, Jonathan Couick

Thank you so much for the many kindnesses shown to me during and after my recent surgery. Your prayers, phone calls and cards meant more than you will ever know.

Love, Les Parr



Join us as we learn about Jesus and His love for us!

Jesus Junction: Sundays at 10 am.

New classes begin Sunday, September 12. Kids and parents, watch for post cards coming soon with class and room assignments. We have classes for Nursery – 5th grade students with wonderful teachers and great curriculum to teach our children about Jesus and his love for them. We still are in need of two more Sunday morning teachers. See Meg Harkins (704-843-1869) to volunteer to help with this ministry.

The Children will NOT have Jesus Junction on Sunday, Aug. 29th . We are planning a special ALL KIDS GATHERING on Sunday, Sept. 5 and our Sunday morning Jesus Junction will begin Sept. 12 at 10 am. Looking forward to seeing ALL OUR CHILDREN at Jesus Junction!

Shining Stars & Club 54: GREAT NEWS! Shining Stars and Club 54 will begin again Sept. 12th with a new time. They will meet each Sunday afternoon from 4 – 5:30 pm. Children from age 3 – 3rd grade will be enjoying Bible stories, games, music and snacks at Shining Stars. Students in the 4th and 5th grades will have their own pre-teen excitement in Club 54. Come join these groups for a wonderful time of learning and growing together.THEME NIGHT: SEPT. 19 IS WACKY HAT NIGHT! Come to Shining Stars and Club 54 in your craziest, wackiest, funniest hat!

Hello Everyone!

        Welcome to another year of PRESCHOOL! We are so excited to start the 2010-11 school year.    We have lots of exciting things coming up this fall at preschool.  We are starting our year with our Little Caesars Pizza sale!  Our church always helps support our preschool and our preschool scholarship fund by ordering pizza, cookie dough and pies from preschoolers.  Please see Ashley, Tammy Belk or Kristi Tyson if you need an order form.

     Our Preschool Consignment Sale is Friday, Sept 10th 6-8 and Saturday, Sept 11th 8am-12pm.  Call Ashley if you need any information or a Consignors packet.

      Stop by and see us at Preschool! Loving Jesus and children, Ashley


September 12 - Fall Youth Kickoff starting at our new time of 5:30 PM. We'll enjoy our usual Sunday night time of fellowship, study, worship and games for middle school and high school youth. Remember youth will now be from 5:30-7:30 PM on Sunday nights.

September 19 - Youth trip to the Couick’s lake house. We will leave the church at 10 AM (after the 8:30 AM worship service) and head down to Lake Wateree. Bring bathing suit (and change of clothes if necessary), towel, and a bag lunch. Drinks and hot dogs/hamburgers for dinner will be provided. We'll be back at the church at 7:30 PM.

September 26 - Youth 5:30-7:30 PM

Middle School Girls Bible Study - led by Kristi Tyson and Wendy Kiser. Starts Wednesday, September 15 at 7:00 PM at the church. For all girls in 6th-8th Grade. Will meet every Wednesday for 7 weeks.



Save the date!!!!!!!!!!! September 25, 2010------- A Day to worship, A Day to thank God for choosing us to be Disciples-------- A Day of fellowship--------- A Day of sharing testimonies-------- A Day of special music, and plenty of good food! Also our DS, Rev. Amy Coles, will be there to share a message with us.

Date-September 25, 2010

Time- 10:30 until 1:30

Place – Pleasant Grove Camp Ground

Cane Creek Triathlon

Volunteer Opportunity

Each year, AIM members volunteer our time to help with this event in order to raise money for the Athletes in Ministry organization.  Because of our gracious volunteers, the event organizers donate $20 per volunteer to AIM so we can continue  with our goal…”Empowering Hope”!

You will see us on the water in kayaks to assist participants, and at aid stations along the bike and run route.  You will also see us at the finish line removing timing chips, and many will rise early to wave our “magic wands” (sharpie markers) while doing body marking.

This is a fun and easy fundraising event for AIM and would love to have you join us on the morning of Saturday, September 18th.  If you would like to be a volunteer, please contact Leann Broome at 704-242-0360 or lmb0828@

BOOK SALE: We appreciate all the support for our church library but wanted you to know that we are not able to accept any more books at this time. We are updating the library for the future. The books that are no longer needed from our church library are now on sale. Those which were given in honor or memory WILL NOT be removed. There is a table in the narthex with books on it for you to look through and purchase for .25 cents each. The money from this sale will go to the Bethlehem Preschool.

Thank You,

The Library Committee

Nursery Volunteers:

8:30 am

9/5: Beverly Liles and Jacque Tanner

9/12: Brandy Helms and Haley Britton

9/19: Meg and Maddie Harkins

9/26: Dana Broome and Carey Mosley

11:00 am

9/5: Jacque Tanner

9/12: Brooke Griffin

9/19: Lisa Laton and Amanda Baker

9/26: Leslie Kiser

USHERS for September: Natalie & Brooke Griffin, Wendy and Zoe Kiser

GREETERS for September: Libby Kiser and Grace Goldy


9/5: Jesse Couick 9/19: McKenna Griffin

9/12: Jordan Strickland 9/26: Jonny Couick

“the orchard” October INFORMATION DUE ON OR BEFORE:

Sept. 19

REMEMBER: To Reserve the Fellowship Hall & Family Life Center call the church office. If you have a reunion or event upcoming, be sure to call the office and make sure it is on the calendar.

ADVERTISING :If your group or organization would like to announce a church event in the local newspapers, please have all information turned in to Leann Broome the week before it needs to run.

INFORMATION FOR THE CHURCH BULLETIN: Turn in to church office by Wednesday.


SCREEN: Turn in to church office by Thursday

BUS & SOFTBALL FIELD RESERVATIONS: Call the church office.

SCHOOL HAS STARTED!! With the beginning of school, can only mean school supplies are needed! In order to help our local schools with needed supplies please bring the following items to church on Sunday, Sept. 19. Thank you for your support of our students and teachers!

Kleenex Paper Towels GermX (Hand sanitizer)

Disinfectant Wipes Crayons Notebook paper

Pencils Erasers(block/pencil toppers)

1 Subject notebooks/wide rule 1-Pocket Folders

1 inch (3 ring) binders

PRAY FOR a few of our dedicated members who will attend the WNCC UMW Conference at Lake Junaluska on Sept. 10 – 12.

UMW UNIT MEETING: Sept. 19 at 3 pm. The Helping Hands Circle will have our program and refreshment will be served by the Witness and Service Morning Circle.


Helping Hands: Monday, Sept. 13 at 7 pm

Witness & Service Morning: Tuesday, Sept. 14 at 10 am

Willing Workers Tues. Sept. 14 at 4 pm

New Beginning: Wed. Sept. 8 at 7 pm

Care and Share Circle: Sun. Sept. 19 following Unit meeting

The Busy Bees Circle: Thurs. Sept. 9 at 7:30 pm

Sept. Church Responsibilities: Willing Workers

Witness and Service Morning Circle Fall Bulb Sale. See any circle member during the month of September to order your fall bulbs from Flower Power. They will be taking orders until September 15.

A Note to our ladies who are not in a circle: All women are invited to check through their gently used jewelry which you no longer use and see if perhaps you would like to donate it to be sold at this years UMW Bazaar on Oct. 16. If you are interested, please call Grace Goldy at 704-764-5958 for complete details.

The Helping Hands Circle will be hosting a Bridal Shower for Evelyn Arrington, bride-elect of Sammy Tyson, on Friday September 10, 2010 at 7pm. The couple has registered at Belk, Target, and Bed, Bath & Beyond.  They will be living in Texas, so it has been suggested that the majority of the gifts be in the form of Gift Cards in order to save on the shipping charges to mail the presents to Texas.

The wedding date is November 6, 2010 and will be held in Dallas Texas where Sammy has been living and attending Seminary.  He understands that many will not be able to come to Texas for the ceremony, but he wants to have an  "after the marriage"  celebration here at Bethlehem. He wants to share his joy and introduce his wonderful new bride.  We will let you know the date as soon as we confirm it.

BRIDAL SHOWER:  All the ladies of the church are invited to a bridal shower honoring Caroline Klinger, bride-elect of Mark Starnes (son of Clarence and Phala Starnes) on Friday, October 1 from 7:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. The colors they will be using in their home are olive/sage green, brown and red.  Their gift registry locations will be announced in the church bulletin soon.  Members of the Busy Bees Circle of UMW are hosting the shower.


October 16!!

Raffle tickets are on sale now for a lovely hand made quilt made by Loma Tyson and Audrey Tyson. These ladies have worked long, loving hours to make this quilt which will fit a full bed or make a lovely wall hanging. See any UMW member to purchase a ticket(s) to be in the drawing at the bazaar.

Fall is just around the corner and that means that the UMW Fall Bazaar will be here before we know it.  It's time to start preordering those delicious casseroles and deserts.  The preorder form is included in this newsletter.  Please copy and share it with all of your friends and family and don't forget to invite them to the Bazaar on October 16 at the church where they will find baked goods, beautifully crafted items, canned goods and much, much more!



|Casserole/Dessert Order Form |

|Theh hhe UMW invites you to order Casseroles and Desserts prior to the Bazaar. These items will be available for pick up at the church after each service on |

|Sunday morning October 10 in the Family Life Center. Please complete this form and turn in to Karen Totaro, Betty Couick, Mary Alice Wilson or any UMW member |

|by September 19. If you have any questions, please call Karen Totaro at 704-764-2134. |

|All casserole are available in 8 X 8 pans and include warming instructions. These casseroles and cakes are of the highest quality and are absolutely |

|delicious! If you are unable to pick up your order on October 10, please contact Karen Totaro at 704-764-2134 to make alternative arrangements. |

| |

|Casseroles will also be available at the Bazaar on October 16, but pre-ordering will help expedite the orders. |

| |

|We appreciate your support. All money raised goes to UMW Mission Projects. |

Please come to the Bazaar at the church on October 16!

|CASSEROLES |How many |Cost Each |TOTAL |

|Chicken Pot Pie | |$10.00 | |

|Chicken and Broccoli | |$10.00 | |

|Chicken Casserole | |$10.00 | |

|Lasagna | |$10.00 | |

|Baked Spaghetti | |$10.00 | |

|Chicken and Dressing | |$10.00 | |

|Chicken Tetrazzini | |$10.00 | |

|Sausage Cheese Breakfast Casserole | |$10.00 | |

|Sweet Potato Casserole with Topping | |$10.00 | |


|Coconut Cake | |$25.00 | |

|Sour Cream Pound Cake | |$20.00 | |

|Pumpkin Roll | |$15.00 | |

|Sweet Potato Pie | |$8.00 | |

|Pecan Pie | |$10.00 | |

|Total |$ |

| | |

|Name: |

|Phone: |

|Total # Items Ordered: |

|Amount Paid: |

Finance Report through the week of August 15, 2010 

|Needed each week |$6,249 |

|Average Weekly Received past 33 Weeks |$5,895 |

|Budget Needed past 33 weeks |$206,217 |

|Budget Received past 33 weeks |$194,533 |

|Ahead / (Behind) budget past 33 weeks |$(11,684) |

|Operating Fund Balance as of 8-20-10 |$(1,754.73) |

Building Fund/Roof Repair Fund: In Memory Of:

Harrison Cook By:

Arlin & Irene Mosley Ajean Broome

Howard Phillips By: Genny Courtney

Shelia Payne By: Ajean Broome

Opa Lee McBride By: Arlin and Irene Mosley

Building Fund/Roof Repair Fund: In Honor Of:

The Busy Bee Circle, Care and Share Circle and those who cooked for the Bethlehem UMW By: Glenda Cook Pitman

Building Fund: In Memory Of:

Harrison Cook By:

Jane McWhorter Eugene and Mary Anne Starnes

Cemetery Fund: In Memory Of:

Lorene McWhorter Starnes By: Billy and Trina Tyson

Chancel Choir Fund: In Memory Of:

Howard Phillips By: Betty and O’Neil Starnes

Harrison Cook By: Betty and O’Neil Starnes

Chancel Choir Fund: In Honor Of:

Harold and Chloe Phillips Mildred Cook

Edna Moser Gene and Sue Brantley

Jonathan, Sonja, Jonny and Jesse Couick

By: Betty and O’Neil Starnes

Preschool Scholarship Fund: In Honor Of:

Terry Richardson By: The Charles Wesley S.S. Class

Our Special Members at Bethlehem

Ira Lee Starnes (DOB 9-13)

Autumn Care Nursing Home

311 W. Phifer St.

Marshville, NC 28103

Virginia Starnes (DOB 6/13)

Brian Center Room 106

204 Old 74.Hwy E

Monroe, 28112

Phone: 704-282-0097

Geneva H. Hilton

(DOB 7/8)

Monroe Square

918 Fitzgerald St.

Monroe, NC 28112

Mildred Cox (DOB 12/11)

7414 Olive Branch Rd.

Marshville, NC 28103


Creola Starnes (DOB 5/13)

6417 Lancaster Hwy

Waxhaw, NC 28173

Allen & Christine Moser

(DOB: Allen: 9/25; Christine: 12/9)

5605 Lancaster Hwy

Monroe, NC 28112

Helen Robinson (DOB 6/29)

Rehabilitation & Nursing Center of Monroe

1212 E. Sunset Dr.

Monroe NC 28112

Macie Carter (DOB 3/22)

Monroe Square

918 Fitzgerald St.

Monroe, NC 28112

Lura Starnes (DOB 5/29)

Brian Center

204 Old 74.Hwy E

Monroe, 28112

Gertrude Starnes (DOB 2/5)

c/o Johnnie Everhardt

11201 North Hampton Dr.

Charlotte, NC 28227-8990

Phone: 704-545-6846

Henry and Grace Tyson

(DOB: Henry: 1/7; Grace 7/13)

5505 Cane Creek Rd.

Waxhaw, NC 28173

(Grace is currently at Jesse Helms)

Helen Faires (DOB: 9/27)

1118 Crestbrook Dr.

Charlotte NC 28221

Edna Moser (DOB: 3/23)

5618 Lancaster Hwy.

Monroe, NC 28112

1. Kathy Medlin

M/M Sheldon Medlin

Carol Frazier

Tori Tsitouris

2. M/M David Gay

3. Justina Dawkins

5. Angie Norwood

M/M David Piddock

8. Anne Britton

Stuart Britton

Amy Mosley

Dana Broome

Graham Thompson

M/M Donald Tyson

9. Margaret Hill

Edith Broome

Carolyn Porter

Linda Ducombs

Dillon Durham

10. Kim Helms

12. Caleb Hutson

Haley Britton

13. Keith Plyler

Ira Lee Starnes

Marjorie Melton

Mary Anne Starnes

M/M Tim Prince

M/M Jim Swords

14. Nathan Blackmon

Chris Baucom

M/M Jerry Hill

15. William Strickland

M/M Warren Lathan

16. Jeremy Gilliard

Janice Palomba

Carter Blackmon

Caroline Blackmon

Troy Hinson

17. Michael Conner

Caleb Brown

M/M Nat Hunter

18. Lisa Laton

20. Libby Kiser

21. Debbie Belk

Kim Walkup

22. Jason Eubank

23. Dee Jarvis

Shawn Palomba

24. Allen Moser

Gene Brantley, Sr.

Donna Fleming

M/M Nolan Starnes

25. Jennifer Hinson

26. Brad Hartis

Justin McWhorter

Zack Tyson

M/M Eric Tsitouris

27. Sue Brantley

Helen Faires

29. Shelby Eubank

30. Glenn Kiser

M/M Jeremy Liles








Contact Information

5300 Nesbit Road, Waxhaw, NC 28173

Phone: 704-764-3602 Fax: 704-764-9020

Howard’s Mobile 704-681-2722


Pastor: Rev. Howard Fleming howard@

Admin. Assistant: Ella Barefoot ella@

Preschool Director: Ashley Blackmon ashley@

Contemporary Worship Leader: Shane Tracy shane@

Church Office Hours: M – Th. 9 am – 5 pm; Fri. 9 am - noon

United Methodist Women


THE BEST YEARS GROUP: On Tuesday, September 28,2010 our Best Years Group will be going to the Agriculture Center 3220-D Presson Rd. Monroe, NC to attend the Council on Aging’ s annual meeting. Registration is at 9:30 am and the program begins at 10 am with lunch to follow. . Reservations are Required. Let Carolyn Starnes (704-843-2843) know before Sept. 21, 2010 if you plan to attend. They will drive their own cars. PLEASE NOTE DATE OF MEETING CHANGE




September 23 – 26, 2010

We are asking EVERYONE to make cookies for the prison ministry.

Bring the cookies packed (1 dozen per ziplock bag) to the church by Sept. 19 or you may take them to Frontier anytime through Sept. 21.

Thank you for your support of Kairos!


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