Pastor’s Page:

WELCOME BACK!!9:45 Sunday School for All Ages!Our Sunday School kickoff will begin on Sunday, September 8th, at 9:00 a.m. with the “Good Start Breakfast.” Everyone is invited and asked, if possible, to bring fruit or coffeecake to share – or just come!During the breakfast hour on the 8th, there will be Sunday School registration, Sunday School teacher introductions, and some group singing. This year’s classes will begin at 9:45 a.m. on the following Sunday, September 15th. Here is a list of this year’s classes:An “All-in-One” class for ages 4 to 12, using the curriculum “All Together Now”, which helps kids of multiple ages work together and learn as a team. Rotating teachers for this class, with two participating each week are: Sue Nielsen, Laura Mattice, Diane Dermody, Maureen Foran Mocete and Connie Myers-Kelly as resource/backup teacher. This class will be meeting in a room off the upstairs Sunday School hallway.Middle School/High School class for grades 7-12, informal discussion and some possible outside activities with teacher Mike Streissguth. This class meets downstairs in the “Youth Room”.Adult Classes for all ages:Christian Service Room class, starting the fall with a 6-week study of the UMW mission study book: “The Call: Living Sacramentally, Walking Justly”, helping to deepen spiritual identity, engagement in community and involvement in mission. Leadership: Rev. Patience Kisakye and shared by class members.Library class with study/discussion topic to be determined. Contacts: Connie Myers-Kelly and Linda Randall. (cont’d on page 2) p.1WELCOME BACK (cont’d from page 1)The excitement of teachers preparing, the possibility of seeing old and new friends, and the anticipating of learning new things about God and each other brings renewed energy to this church year. Our Bellevue Heights United Methodist Church first began as a Sunday School class. In the 1700s, John Wesley and his brother, Charles, met with others in small groups or classes as they found new ways to learn about their faith together, leading the way to a new movement called “Methodists”.We are part of a great tradition! Let’s learn and have fun together!For further information, please contact Linda Bergh (492-8507) or Rev. Patience Kisakye (297-1906).See you soon!Linda BerghChristian Education Coordinator++++++++++++VAN DUYN MINISTRYThe residents of Van Duyn Home & Hospital will be looking forward to our assistance in getting to and from their Sunday worship service on September 22nd from 1:00-3:00 p.m. If you can help out in this wonderful ministry of our church, please contact Diane Dermody or Laura Mattice. Thank you!++++++++++++SAVE THE DATE:Our annual fall Roast Beef Dinner will take place on Saturday, October 26th. Please let Jim Morgan know that you are willing to help in some capacity – setting up, cooking, serving, cleaning up and, of course, inviting your neighbors to dinner!p.2Members of Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin were our guests on Sunday, August 11th, for a worship service that was filled with music and dance. Their pastor, Rev. Martin Childs, preached a sermon entitled “The Best Is Yet to Come.” After the service, some walked around the reservoir while others visited in Fellowship Hall keeping the women who were preparing dinner company. Dottie Montgomey and her faithful crew planned, set up, cooked, served and cleaned up after a dinner that was filled with sounds of conversation and laughter. This group was a delight and one of the women said as she was leaving, “I wish we lived closer.”THANKS FROM TASTE OF SYRACUSE PICNIC COMMITTEEThank you to all who reached out to welcome the Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church youth on August 11th. Your contributions of time, food and money to host our visitors with a “Taste of Syracuse” picnic truly expressed our adopted UMC motto: “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors”. When we give God’s love to others, we receive it back a hundredfold.Our thanks, also, to local businesses – Price Chopper, Tops Friendly Markets and Terell’s Potato Chips - for their donations of gift cards. Their support of our church’s outreach mission speaks well of the importance of our presence in this area.Those who attended the event left with the awareness that sharing God’s love with others makes us truly rich in the best of ways. God gives us an opportunity to be faithful every day. Many thanks to Pilgrim Rest’s youth and their families for reminding us of this truth and for being our guests for this special event.Bev Large, Dottie Montgomery and Steve Mattice +++++++++++The Circle of Concern at Bellevue Heights meets on the first Tuesday of the month. We welcome women of all ages. September’s meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. at Jeanie Brown’s home, 114 Upland Road. You should bring designated kit items/Bazaar items. If you need a ride, please call Gloria Brunner at 492-3393. p.3 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS 00September brings new beginnings and this year will be no different as we have some staff changes to announce. As many of you may already know, long-time Teacher Sue Sprague left her position at the end of our Summer Program. We appreciate her many years of dedication to the children and families that we serve and wish her much happiness in this new chapter of her life.Co-Directors and Teachers Chris Johnson and Deb Coman decided to shift their roles after two years of Co-Directing as they also taught in the classroom daily. Chris is continuing as a 5 Day Teacher and Deb will remain in the Director position. While the past two years have been a wonderful experience and met the program needs, Chris and Deb are excited to reduce their roles in this way and focus on these different, yet equally important, roles for our families and children.These shifts created two Teacher openings and we started our summer with a hiring committee of Board members and staff. Thank you to Board members Nancy Lowery and Betty Johnson for their time, assistance and support throughout the process. We are happy to announce our new Teachers: Katie Hunter (previously a Jowonio Teaching Assistant at BHNS) and Kristen D’Agostino (a BHNS parent). Both Katie and Kristen bring a wealth of experience and talent. Katie’s shift created an opening for Jowonio and they have hired Christine Lenchert (former BHNS parent) to replace Katie as a Teaching Assistant. Christine has a great deal of experience and all three of these new hires embody our philosophy that children learn best through play.We are loving our last little bit of summer while we look forward to a wonderful new year as the children return to us on September 9th.p.4Christians in ActionSt. Paul’s Food PantryThe food items for September are soup, canned chili, canned fruits & vegetables and macaroni products. Let’s see how many of these items we can contribute to the food pantry during the month of September. And, as always, the pantry won’t turn away other donations!UMCOR KitsWe are still looking for school and health kits. Remember you can get the school bags from Diane Dermody. There is a display in the narthex that shows exactly what goes into each kit. These kits are so important at a time when natural disasters are occurring at an alarming rate. Families are stressed and unable to provide even the most basic health supplies so the health kits give each person a start. What child doesn’t want to go to school without the basic supplies? So let’s work together to put smiles on children’s faces across the globe.+++++++++++JUBILEE EVENTThe time has crept up on all of us with fall just around the corner. The Jubilee Committee wants you to mark your calendar for the evening of November 23rd for our celebration dinner. This will be a sit-down dinner catered by The Taste. The cost is $20 for adults and $15 for children over 10. There will be three entrees to choose from. (We apologize for not having that information for you at this time.) Dessert will be prepared by Neal Greacen, our neighborhood baker, who uses the church kitchen to make elegant wedding cakes. Music will be provided by the Ann Barnes Trio. Tickets will go on sale mid-October with reservations closing on November 10th. This will be an opportunity to sit down and be served without having to cook the dinner, worry about putting food away or doing the dishes. Let’s all celebrate 50 Years at 2112 South Geddes St. with an evening of food, friends, family and fun.p.5UNITED METHODIST WOMEN’S NEWSThe fall district meeting will be held on Saturday, September 21st, at 8:00 a.m. at the Onondaga Nation United Methodist Church. The speaker will be a nurse who is returning from mission work in Africa. Lunch costs $8.00. We are hoping for as wonderful a turnout from Bellevue Heights and Brown Memorial as we had at the last district meeting in the spring. For reservations, please call Mary Martini at 423-3015.Everyone is welcome to the September Bellevue-Westside U.M.W. dinner and program at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24th, in Fellowship Hall. Bring your table service and a dish to pass. Circle of Concern will be in charge of desserts and beverages. Our speaker will be Terry Toscano Shenfeld who will tell us about the University Hospital Foundation and the changes to their Community Hospital site. Hope to see you there. +++++++++++++++METROPOLITAN CHARITIES OF CENTRAL NEW YORKMetropolitan Charities, a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit corporation, is located in Central New York. Founded in 1996, this group heard and continues to hear the call to help in the creation of sustainable, nurturing and safe urban communities. We are working and centered in the Crossroads District. We believe that each of us is accountable in acting out our faith. If you are interested in helping, please check out our Facebook page or give us a call. If you are interested in helping out financially, please contact us.SPECIAL NOTE: If you are interested in helping out financially AND you are currently donating to the United Way, it is quite easy: Simply turn over the United Way card you fill out and write the name of Metropolitan Charities of Central New York as the recipient of your gift. We have been approved by the United Way. If you have any questions, please call Susan Ranous, President, at (315) 427-3668 or email us at sranousacctg@twcny..Bellevue Heights friends – If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact me – as I serve as Treasurer of this greatOrganization. Jeffrey Morey, 315 474 3516 or jmorey@twcny.p.6September BirthdaysHappy Birthday to you!!!365760-203835Please notify the office by phone or e-mail with additions or corrections.01Janet Hillery14Brian ShenfeldPeter MorganChristopher StreichScott CastleCraig MartinSusan LindEmily RobisonJennifer Mitton15Elizabeth Seagers02Janet Graham-White16David VosburyJennifer Graham-WhiteKaren PoulosJean Whitmore17Meghan O’ConnorWilliam Lombard, Jr.18Megan Dermody03Gordon Hershberger20Ann Toscano04Jenna Hunsberger22Franklin WaeldeWilliam SwiftNancy Gongloff05Katie Marie Anderson23Elizabeth GarmanMichael StreissguthLaura Mattice06Sophia Wojcik25Robert SleethWilma MancusoStephanie Ladd07Ashley Yoder26Melanie Flaherty James WoolnerRobert Withers 08Seamus KirstSharon Sauter09 Karen Hubby27Roseanne Nogash11 Elizabeth CorcoranSusan EvansPaul MonsourWilliam LewisJoel Townley28Margaret KanasolaSandra Schmidt29Barbara Spencer 13Michele IannelloJames Shope IIIPatrick Kellyp.7SVE Extra!Jazz Benefit ConcertAn hour of choral vocal jazz and solo standardsFeaturing ensemble singers and pianist Jerry ExlineDirection by Jeff WelcherSunday, September 15, 20132:00pmBellevue Heights United Methodist Church2112 South Geddes StreetSyracuse, New YorkFree will offering to benefit Syracuse VocalEnsemble’s 40th anniversary seasonThis program will also be presented on Tuesday evening, September 3rd, when SVE shares the stage with soloist Bruce Ward as part of the Hamilton Local Music Project. Program runs 7:00-9:00 pm in the Rathskeller room of the Colgate Inn in Hamilton, New York. Free admission. Dining available. Visit The Local Music Project Hamilton on Facebook for more information.p.8This is the final excerpt from The Onondaga Nation’s Vision For A Clean Onondaga Lake. My thanks to Carol Karins for providing this booklet to me for “filler.” If anyone else has something they would like to have used this way, please feel free to give it to me! I’m always looking for extra “stuff”. LindaThe CreatorOnondaga Lake is central to the Onondaga Nation’s aboriginal territory and is deeply sacred to the people of the Onondaga Nation. Beauty and tranquility are gifts of the Creator. The rhythms and cycles of a healthy lake allow the people living around it to reflect on the rhythms and cycles of their own lives. The Lake will take care of the community just as the community will take care of the Lake.We will continue to strive for innovation and creativity in cleaning up the Lake. Our creativity shows the Creator that we are learning what our responsibilities are. We don’t show responsibility by ignoring errors; we must be innovative. We will bring our best minds to correcting and restoring Onondaga Lake.We have now arrived at the place where we end our words. We invite all beings of creation to help us with our effort to clean up Onondaga Lake. We give thanks to all things of creation. Of all the things we have named, it was not our intention to leave anything out. If something was forgotten, we leave it to each individual to send such greetings and thanks our way. (As an aside: In case you have forgotten, the “things” included were The People, The Earth, The Waters, The Fish, The Plants, The Food Plants, The Animals, The Trees, The Birds, The Four Winds, The Thunderers, The Sun, Grandmother Moon, The Stars, The Enlightened Teachers and, now, The Creator.)Now that we have said this, we will bring forth together all of our best thoughts, knowledge and understanding to send to the Creator of all things for the beauty that surrounds us.On this we agree.p.9LECTIONARY READINGS FOR SEPTEMBER:Sept. 1 – Jeremiah 2:4-13; Psalm 81:1, 10-16; Hebrews 13:1-8; Luke 14:1, 7-14 Sept. 8 – Jeremiah 18:1-11; Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; Philemon 1-21; Luke 14:25-33Sept. 15 – Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28; Psalm 14; 1 Timothy 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-10Sept. 22 – Jeremiah 8:18-9:1; Psalm 79:1-9 or Psalm 4; 1 Timothy 2:1-7; Luke 16:1-13Sept. 29 – Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15; Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16; 1 Timothy 6:6-19; Luke 16:19-31COFFEE HOUR RESPONSIBILITIES:SeptemberEvangelismOctoberYouth GroupNovemberChristian EducationDecemberUnited Methodist WomenJanuaryTrusteesFebruaryStaff ParishMarchChristians in ActionAprilMayChoirJuneFinanceJuly/AugustCongregation Signups USHERS FOR SEPTEMBER:Head Usher – Jim HamiltonAnd Valerie Mattice, Michael Veley and Kate VeleyPLEASE TAKE NOTE:Sunday Worship returns to 11:00 a.m. on September 8th.Choir Rehearsals will begin on Thursday, September 12th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Choir mittee Chairs – Please remember to put your meeting dates on the calendar in the Narthex. Thank you.p.10DISTRICT FAMILY DAYOn Sunday, September 15th, Crossroads District is having a last hurrah for summer and a first YAY!!! for the first annual Family Day BBQ Picnic at Clay Trinity UMC, 8396 Morgan Road in Clay, to celebrate District Laity Ministry and to welcome Pastors new to the District. There will be music featuring Diamond Someday and a praise band. Bring a blanket and Frisbee and Crossroads District will provide the games, live music, BBQ chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and homemade desserts from 1 pm to 4 pm. Come whenever you can – we will grill until 2:30 and the music will play until someone pulls the plug!Kids are required to run around, drink as much soda from the Soda Wagon as humanly possible, and play with wild abandon! We want everyone in Clay to know how much fun we are having! And if it’s hot enough, Pastor Brad has offered some water balloons and Slip ‘N Slide, too.Our district laity organizations have volunteered to help – UMM is grilling, DCYM is doing carnival games and UMW is making homemade desserts! We all want to say a big “thank you” for two years of hosting annual conference and all that the laity do behind the scenes to show their love to God and their communities. Crossroads District is so blessed with so many gifted, faithful, hard-working servants of the Lord. So let’s celebrate our blessings!Questions? Volunteers? Bands? Contact Rebecca Lo Kohler, District Lay Leader, at kohler@ or 315-723-1643 if you have any questions or concerns.CHURCHES: Please call the District Office (315-422-2288) with a headcount by September 11th of about how many people from your church are coming, so we can buy enough food. Thanks.++++++++++++++++++“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew that if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind I’d still be in prison.” - Nelson Mandelap.11-474345282575 SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIESCongratulations to:Lisa & Marlon Woolner9/06/?Lisa & Ian Brown 9/06/97Elizabeth & Stephen Newman9/06/97Sue Ann & Tim Cowin 9/14/68Marilyn & Timothy McDermott9/14/85Linda & Jim Parton9/17/66Mary & Martin Graham9/25/93Please notify the church office, by e-mail (bellevueheights@) or by phone (315-475-0011) of any necessary changes.+++++++++++++++Men’s Fellowship BreakfastThe next Men’s Fellowship breakfast will be Wednesday Sept 18th. at 6:30 AM. Our speaker will be Dr. Robert Daly, a retired Professor of Bioethics and Psychiatry at Upstate Medical School. He will speak on Medical Ethics e.g., what your rights are as a patient, some on donor organs, when the doctor should pull the plug, etc. It will be a very interesting start to our 3rd year of fellowship breakfasts. As usual we will be meeting in the basement of the Civic Center. Hope to see you there.+++++++++++++++ATTENTION:Our Sunday worship services will return to the 11:00 hour on September 8th.p.12 ................

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