“Be a Baby

“Got Milk!”

1 Peter 2:1-3

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1-3

Memory Verse: “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow…” 1 Peter 2:2

Lesson Focus: To hunger for God’s Word.

Activities and Crafts: Coloring page; Growing in God’s Family Cartoon; Worksheet on the Bible “A Library of Smaller Books.”

Introduction: Show a cute baby video from You Tube.


√ How many of you have a cute baby brother or baby sister?

√ What makes babies cute?

√ What makes babies annoying?

√ What would happen if when you where a baby you stayed that way?

Well today in our Bible lesson we are going to look at he book of Peter and see that we need to “be a baby!”

1 Peter 2:1

At the end of chapter one we where told that if we are born again (that means that we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior) that we obey the Word of God. It describes the Word of God in several ways:

1. Incorruptible (cannot be destroyed)

2. Abides forever (other things will fade away, but God Word is forever.)

Read 1 Peter 2:1:

Peter is saying that since we have the Word of God and since we are to obey it…there are some things that we are to do.

√ What does Peter tells us to do?

Get rid of

1. malice

2. deceit

3. hypocrisy

4. envy

5. evil speaking

(Teachers – write all of these words down on a piece of paper. As you talk about each one throw them down on the ground as a visual of getting rid of them.)

That is quite a list. √ Do you all know what all of those words mean? Let’s take a look at each one.

Malice: means to want to cause harm or injury to someone.

√ Have any of you ever had a “malice” desire in your heart?

I think that we all have. To have malice is also just to be mean. Meanness is not from God. This is a feeling that makes us mad at others and we want to see them get hurt. We don’t always have to do the hurting…some times we just wish they would get hurt.

Peter is saying that if we are obeying God’s Word that we have to lay all malice down. We have to get rid of it. (Throw down the word malice)

Deceit: means to change the truth for the purpose of “deceiving.” In other words you tell the truth to get you way.

√ Anything wrong with deceit?

√ Why is it so easy to do?

√ Why do we think that some lies are not so bad?

Peter is once again saying that if we are obeying God’s Word then we should get rid of deceit in our lives. (Throw down the word deceit.)

Hypocrisy: Some times I think that this is the worst one of all of these words. Hypocrisy means to be a fake. It actually means “an actor who wears a mask.” To say you are one thing but to act like something else. For example maybe you say that you are friends with someone…but you make fun of them to other people.

√Do you think that you are a friend? √ Or do you think that you are being a hypocrite?

Do you remember when Jesus was on earth He was always calling the Pharisees and the Sadducees hypocrites? He did not like that they said they loved God but their actions showed that they did not.

The problem with being a hypocrite is that we many times cannot see it in our selves but we can easily see it in others.

Peter is telling us that we are to lay down (throw down the word hypocrisy) hypocrisy. As we obey the word of God it shows us when we are being fake. God Word shows us how to be real. God’s Word shows us how to be like Jesus.

Envy: Means to be jealous of something or someone. To want what they have. When we are jealous the Bible tells us that it is like a “stinky disease” that rots our bones. Proverbs 14:30 says, “A sound heart is life to the body, But envy is rottenness to the bones.” When we are envious or jealous of something it causes us to be sick on the inside. It is not good for us.

Peter tells us that we are to get rid of it (throw the word on the floor) and get it out of out lives.

Evil speaking: this means to speak words that cause others harm or to say bad things. It can mean to speak bad words or to gossip.

√ Do any of you ever say bad things? √ Why do we do it?

Peter is saying that the words that we say matter. A few weeks ago we had a lesson on “Taming the Tongue” from the book of James.

√ How many of you remember that lesson?

What we say shows who we are. Jesus told us that what we say shows what is going on in our hearts. (Matthew 15:18). Peter tells us to get rid of it (throw the word down on the ground.)

All of these things are not good for us. Wanting to cause someone harm; not telling the truth; being fake; being jealous; and saying bad words. All of these things have one thing in common…they hurt other people. We have to take an action to get rid of them. Just like throwing those words down on the ground…we have to make an effort to get rid of them. And Peter is going to tell us what we are suppose to do.

1 Peter 2:2:

We started out this lesson with showing you videos of cut babies. Babies are cute aren’t they?

Show the kids a baby bottle. Ask them √ Why do babies drink from a bottle? √ Why don’t babies eat meat and potatoes?

Basically babies drink milk because they are not ready for solid food. They do not have teeth and they are growing so quickly they need food every two to four hours to grown properly. The milk gives them all of the nutrition that they need.

In 1 Peter 2:2 Peter tells us that just like a newborn baby we are to grow by feeding on the Word of God. We are to take it in and grow as a Christian. We need Gods Word to grow as a Christian. If we are not getting the Word of God into our lives then we are not growing and staying a “baby Christian.” God’s Word is pure and it is all that we need to grow and be more like Jesus. God helps us with the power of the Holy Spirit to understand and to get what we need.

Peter tells us that we are to “desire” God’s Word. We are to want it. The word literally mean to “crave.” Just like you would crave to have pizza for lunch…we are to crave and be hungry for God’s Word. Just like a baby starts crying when it wants to be fed…we are to get hungry for God Word.

I know that when I miss a day reading God’s Word I actually long for it. I know that I need it every day and many times through the day and I know that it helps me to grow closer to God.

Other writers in the Bible tell us this:

Job 23:12 “I have treasure the words of His mouth, more than my necessary food.”

Jeremiah 15:16, “Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your Word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.”

1 Peter 2:3:

Peter reminds us that if we have come to know Jesus then we have “tasted” the kindness of God. God has shown us His grace by the death of Jesus on the cross. Psalm 34:8, tell us “O taste and see that the Lord is good.”

God is good…God has given us Jesus so that we can be saved. And when we realize the goodness of God we should long to grow spiritually through God’s Word.

Conclusion: We give babies what they need to grow. God’s Word is what will help you to grow spiritually. Ask God to give you a hunger for His Word. Ask God to help you understand it. Ask God to help you live it out.


1st-2nd Graders: Have the kids color their baby bottle. Tell them to take it home and with their parents look up these verses. When they look up the verses they are to talk about how that verse will help them grow as a Christian.

3rd-5th Graders: Hand out the sheet “Growing in God’s Family” and read the cartoon together. Hand out the sheet that talks about the Bible and explain what the Bible is about and how it is broken down.



John 3:16

Hebrews 12:1-2

Philippians 4:4

Ephesians 2:8

Galatians 5:25

2 Corinthians 3:5

Romans 8:16

Romans 8:14

Matthew 28:19-20


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