
Justin MachenJanel Spencer LevyWriting 10122 October 2018Are We All Doomed?The song “These Colours Don’t Run” by Architects is a song that talks about how America had so many good things going for it then they screwed it all up. This song also talks about how the greed of American Politicians affects the normal people in society and how they are being played and have no say in what happens to them. Architects is a British metalcore band that talks a lot about political and religious issues in their songs. The lead singer Sam Carter is an active member of the Sea Shepherds which stands up against whaling. Carter is very opinionated at concerts telling fans to get out and vote as well as what he thinks of the current political leaders in both the United States as well as England. Carter has stood up for fans at shows if they are being treated incorrectly by other fans or security. Architects is speaking to their fans and people of similar mind sets that believe that America could be so much better and had so much potential but we lost it all because of greed and the leadership we have. Some people believe that Architects has no authority to talk about this situation. For some this is correct but other people defend Architects by saying that they do have a right to talk about this subject matter because the have toured the United States. They have also had the defense that they can have an option because this affects them in England because the United States economy effects everyone. American political leaders also affect other places by how they represent themselves and the actions they take. This gives Architects some knowledge on the subject and the ability to talk about it. I believe that this argument is effective to younger people that also believe that America could be doing better and that our leaders have gone and ruined things for us. The argument is effective because in the video it uses images of people working in factories as well the busy streets of wall street with powerful lyrics.The song starts with the lyrics “These streets aren’t paved with gold, Don’t believe everything that you’re told”. This starts the song by going in and telling the audience that what we are led to believe by both the media and politicians is wrong. Most of the argument and claims come from the lyrics. Most of the arguments are opinion based because there is a lack of evidence in the lyrics or in interviews. The band is appealing to a sympathetic audience because they know their fans have a lot of the same beliefs as them. The title of the song also calls to question the saying that Americans have their nations colors in their blood. The band is saying this is not true even though they are not from the United States they are from England. The band also uses Logos and Pathos as major factors in their argument by using heavy images in the music video. In the music video you can see children and soldiers that have been injured and even died do to war and famine. They also show bodies in large piles all based off of war. The band also shows images of United States leaders and the stock market crash to portray how easy the stock market and our economy can crash. The band uses these images to get a gut reaction and get some shock value of the horrors of war and how the United States is affecting the world. This is a good strategy to get people to think about what most people do not want to think about but is an honest reality of the world we live in. This strategy is also flawed because it completely is shock based and has no factual evidence to help make their argument valid to more than just a symptomatic audience. Most people would say yes the United States did have this effect but so many other countries have started wars the we aren’t the only ones to start wars for profit. This is a valid argument if they have facts it beats the argument of the video. The song also uses loaded words to get a reaction out of you. In one set of lyrics it says “I'm struggling to find any poetry in this someone beat me to the line "ignorance is bliss" so I guess I'll just say it how it is you had it all, you fucking pigs”. As well as the lyrics “Lifetime slave living in a suburban grave”. These lyrics both use loaded words like “you fucking pigs” and “slave” to show that if you don’t go against it then you are a part of the problem. This is used as shock and when Carter screams the lyrics “you fucking pig” it then goes into a break down and shows chaos in the video that go with his screams. This is not a good thing to have in your argument because it can make people either really agree with what you are trying to say and agree that the United States have created a lot of problems. On the other hand, this is also a bad part of the argument because most people if they don’t agree with what is being said it could be seen as disrespectful and an insult that would push people away from the argument and may even offend the listener. This is the risk that the band had to make if they wanted to maybe divide audiences but this could also be seen as the band going directly for a sympathetic audience. The band is known for applying to a sympathetic audience because of how loyal the fan base is for this band. When the guitar and writer of this song Tom passed away of cancer the fan base would always be there to help and support the band. In an interview with Tom before he died about the lyrics of this song he said “America is a driving force behind a lot of the bad things in the world [and that] their corporations and businesses are fried and they’ve gone and destroyed other places in the world. And England is complicit to everything America does.” This song was played around the time of elections with the message to get out and vote. The band is very much appealing to their fan base to get them angry about the world or the current state of the world. This song uses a lot of shock value to appeal to both Logos and Pathos. I am personally a fan of this band and this was the first song I ever listened to by them. This song to me gets the point across that the United States has caused problems in other places. I think the song was very significant because it is one of their most popular songs that brings in new fans. This song also does give talking points on either side. This song is speaking to fans of the band and people who believe the same things as the band so in that way it is effective, but to a wider audience their isn’t enough evidence to bring people to agree with this argument. ................

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