St Therese’s RC Primary School

St Therese’s Catholic Primary School

(Diocese of Menevia)

‘Be Joyful, Learn and keep the Faith’

Dear Parents/ Carers,

With all the concerns over the Coronavirus outbreak and how this might impact your child’s learning, we are offering some ideas to continue their education during any potential school closures.

We also appreciate that keeping children engaged in their learning whilst at home is not going to be easy and so we have prepared content for your child that can be completed both independently and with adult support.

Please see our school website

for access to all home learning


On each class page we have

included learning grids for

suggested activities and a

maths pack for each year

group from Classroom Secrets.

Please use these in addition to the

‘Daily do’s’ listed opposite.

Many thanks for all your support,

Foundation Phase teachers

St Therese’s RC Primary School




Daily do’s for all children:

• Read every day. Ask questions about what might happen next.

• Maths Seeds

• Reading Eggs

• Encourage outdoor activities.

• Partake in daily supermover activities

• Encourage addition and subtraction through using practical resources and objects.

• Access Espresso resources. Foundation = Nursery / Reception

Key Stage 1= Years 1/2

Username: student13437

Password: school

A suggested daily timetable

|Before 9am |Wake up |Breakfast, get dressed, teeth, |

| | |make your bed. |

|9-10am |Morning walk |Family walk |

|10-11am |Academic time |Homework grid |

|11-12 |Creative time |Painting, drawing, music, lego, |

| | |crafting |

|12 |Lunch | |

|12.30-1pm |Chore time |Wipe all surfaces, hoover, tidy |

| | |bedrooms |

|1.30-2.30pm |Quiet time |Reading, puzzles. |

|2.30-4pm |Academic time |Maths activities |

|4-5pm |Fresh air |Play outside, scooters, bike |

|5-6pm |Tea time | |

|6-8pm |Free TV time |TV and shower time |

|8pm |Bedtime | |

|9pm |Bedtime | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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