Rube Goldberg Project - Rubric

Physics: Rube Goldberg Project


The purpose of the Rube Goldberg project is to reinforce the ideas of potential and kinetic energy and energy transfers. The design of the project must work in theory and students must be able to identify areas of potential and kinetic energy.

Due Dates:

The completed project will be due on Monday, Jan. 27th.

The “blue print” will be due one week before the actually project. This assignment will be due on Friday Jan. 24th.

What is a Rube Goldberg Device?

A Rube Goldberg contraption – an elaborate set of arms, wheels, gears, handles, cups, and rods, put in motion by balls, canary cages, pails, boots, bathtubs, paddles, and live animals – takes a simple task and makes it extraordinarily complicated. The contraption is named after a cartoonist, Rueben Goldberg, who was famous for drawing these crazy contraptions in the early and mid 1900’s. The humor of his drawings was that the machines were overly complicated and actually make the task much more difficult to accomplish. (Sometimes like technology today!) Today, the term “Rube Goldberg” is sometimes used to mean any overly complicated way of doing something. It is actually an adjective in the dictionary! It was even used in the classic board game in which a Rube Goldberg style mousetrap is built and operated.


| |Criteria |Pts Recvd |

|Section 1 |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 | |

|“Blue Print” Drawing |No drawing. |Does not show entire |Complete, with portions|Complete, easy to |Complete, easy to | |

| | |project, or incomplete.|that are difficult to |understand, |understand, | |

| | | |understand. |well-labeled. |well-labeled, | |

| | | | | |organized, typed. | |

|# Steps |Less than 7 |7-8 steps |9-10 steps |11-12 steps |13-15 steps | |

|Steps well labeled on |No labels |Steps labeled. |Steps labeled |Steps labeled |Steps labeled | |

|drawing/photo with step | | |correctly. |correctly in |correctly in sequence,| |

|number, and type of machine | | | |sequence. |and correct type of | |

|involved. | | | | |machine. | |

| |

| |Criteria |Pts Recvd |

|Section 2 |0 |1 |2 |3 | |

|Apparatus is physically in |No apparatus. |Apparatus is in the |Apparatus is in the |Apparatus is in the room, does not fall | |

|the room and holds together.| |room. |room, and does not fall|apart, and appears to be well-constructed. | |

| | | |apart. | | |

|Apparatus is on a solid |No platform. |Apparatus is on a |Apparatus is on a solid|Apparatus is on a solid platform of good | |

|platform of some sort. | |platform. |platform. |construction. | |

|Project fits through the |Project does not fit | | |Project fits through the door. | |

|classroom door. |through the door. | | | | |

|Apparatus does not create a |Project creates a mess. | | |Project does not create a mess. | |

|mess. | | | | | |

|Apparatus does not launch, |Apparatus launches, | | |Apparatus does not launch, shoot, or | |

|shoot, or catapult anything |shoots, or catapults | | |catapult anything against people, the wall | |

|against people, the wall or |anything against people, | | |or the ceiling. | |

|the ceiling. |the wall or the ceiling. | | | | |

| |

| |Criteria |Pts Recvd |

|Section 3 |0 |1 |2 |3 | |

|Apparatus works |Apparatus does not work. |Apparatus works after |Apparatus works after 2|Apparatus works on the first or second | |

| | |more than 2 trials. |trials. |trial. | |

|Correct identification of |Incorrect identification |Correct identification |Correct identification |Correct identification of 80%-100% of the | |

|the simple machines in the |of the simple machines in |of 50% of the simple |of 75% of the simple |simple machines in the project | |

|project. |the project. |machines in the |machines in the project| | |

| | |project. | | | |

|No simple machine is used |More than 3 simple |More than 2 simple |1 simple machine is |No simple machine is used more than 5 | |

|more than 5 times. |machines are used more |machines are used more |used more than 5 times.|times. | |

| |than 5 times. |than 5 times. | | | |

|At least 4 different simple |Only 1 simple machine type|2 different simple |3 different simple |4-6 different simple machine types are | |

|machine types are used. |used. |machine types are used.|machine types are used.|used. | |

| | |

| |_______/31 = |


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