Simple Games for Kids

Simple Games for Kids

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Ring Around the Rosie

Catch (or rolling back & forth) with a soft ball

Marching Band – use pots and spoons (drums) or frying pans (guitar), blow horns etc. & march around the house

Simon Says

Red Light, Green Light

I Spy


Thumb wrestle

Pat-A-Cake (for babies & toddlers)

Peek-a-boo (babies)

Alligator Swamp

Can your child rescue the beanbag frog without stepping on any of the alligators? Set up the game by giving her a bucket of socks or fabric scraps to toss around the room; these are the alligators. Now throw a beanbag into the middle and see if she can get to it, pick it up, and wend her way back, all without disturbing one of the pretend reptiles. For a more advanced challenge, ask her to hop there and back on one foot. When you're done playing, make a game of the clean-up too: challenge her to gather all of the socks before you count to 10.

Variation: Leaping Lily Pads On a carpeted floor, have your toddler hop from one sock to the next, like a frog, to snatch up the beanbag dragonfly.

Crazy Jump

Mark a starting line, then race each other in a crazy pose you choose. Here are some wacky ideas to get you started:

1. The Flamingo: hop to the line and launch yourself on one foot.

2. The Yahoo: kick your legs to one side and tap your heels together as you soar.

3. Helicopter: spin your body around 360 degrees as you fly in midair.

4. Alligator: crawl using only your arms while lying on your belly.

5. Crab: crawl belly-up.

6. Use your imagination to imitate anything else you can think of!


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