Silverwing Novel Study – Comprehension Questions

SilverwingBy Kenneth OppelSilverwing Novel Study – Comprehension QuestionsCategory4321Support for Topic(Content)Relevant, telling quality details give the reader important information that goes beyond the obvious and predictable.Supporting details and information are relevant, but one key issue or portion of the storyline is unsupported.Supporting details and information are relevant, but several key issues or portions of the storyline are unsupported.Supporting details and information are typically unclear or not related to the topic.ConventionsCapitalization, punctuation, spellingWriter makes no convention errors, so the paper is exceptionally easy to read.Writer makes 1-2 convention errors.Writer makes 3-4 convention errors.Writer makes several convention errors.NeatnessPaper is neatly written or typed.Part 1: Chapters 1-7 (Shade – Into the City) What is meant by the sentence; “Shade still couldn’t see with his eyes – but he could see it with his ears.”?Using a timeline, describe five points in the history of the Silverwing colony.Describe how Shade felt upon realizing he wasn’t with the colony.Describe, in detail, how Marina received her band.There is a sense of prejudice in the novel Silverwing. Define prejudice and discuss how it appears in the novel.Part 2: Chapters 8-14 (Goth – Escape) Using a T-chart, compare and contrast Goth and Shade.Describe what has develop in the animal world since Shade peeked at the sun.Discuss your predictions for how and/or if Shade will find his father.How is Marina’s interest in humans shown in the book? Why do you believe she feels this way?Describe Goth’s plans for Shade’s Silverwing colony.Part 3: Chapters 15-23 (Winter- Hibernaculum) Describe the feelings Shade has upon meeting the other banded bats and their news of Nocturna’s Promise.Describe how Shade and Marina escaped the tunnel of the rats.Discuss why you think Romulus and Remus are a part of the novel Silverwing.Describe how you felt when you realized Goth was still alive.Discuss your opinion of the book in five sentences. How would you rate this book - poor, interesting, good, great, excellent? Would you recommend this book to other readers? ................

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