If you have missed any of the handouts, they are all included below. Study hard and GOOD LUCK!

INDEX (You can click or ctrl-click on the section you want to look at in the “INDEX”. Then you will jump to that section.)



















MODALS Y/N (Should, Could, Would) 43



1) MAKE SURE (DO NOT MISS) the Dongseo written test on Monday, December 14. It's 20% of your grade.

2) The grades for each student will be in the “Final Grades…”file soon. If you don't see your homework grade, BRING IT TO ME ASAP! See my office times below.

Afew homework papers don't have a name on them. If you're missing homeowork, come see if these are yours.

If you see a problem in your grade, please bring the homework and talk to me ASAP: 010-7999-8644 or bbissell7@

Best wishes to you and I hope that this class has been useful for your future :),

Bryan Bissell

OFFICE TIMES (See me at building 8, 4th floor, the English department)

Monday (December 14), 12:30pm-1:50pm, 3:00-3:45pm

Wednesday (December 16) 1:30pm-3:30pm

Wednesday (December 16) AT THE Dongsuh Language School (right below the former soccer field): 5-7pm

Friday (December 17): ~1-3:30pm

If you need me to come at another time, just call me.


Here are some tips on what to study for the Final Test. The example questions below are NOT the only ones I will ask. I will FOR SURE ask others. But, these are some examples of the type of questions I will ask.

1) Know the midterm test questions and answers. A few questions will come from there.

2) Know all the material from New E-Ways, Chapter 10-12. I will ask you some interview questions from those chapters and you may need to do a conversation with a partner on topics from those chapters.

3) Know how to translate the Present Perfect Info type sentences (below). I will give you some Korean sentences. You will need to translate them into English.

(class #211) Wednesdays and Fridays, 3pm, room 2509)

4) Be able to write answers to questions about the “Pay it Forward” movie and project like this:

**What impressed you most about the movie “Pay it Forward” and why?

**Explain what you did in your Pay it Forward project. Why did you do that?

**Tell about your experience in doing the project. What did you learn?

(class #221 Tuesdays, 10am and Thursdays, 9am, room 4602-5)

4) Know the story on goal setting from John Goddard and how to answer questions about it and a write short essay about it.

EXAMPLE SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (there may be OTHER questions as well)

**Why did John want to do all those adventures? (2 reasons)

**What did John say was important in accomplishing the adventures?

5) Know the “Lessons to learn from ‘A Walk to Remember’” and how to write short answers about questions like this:

EXAMPLE QUESTIONS (there may be other questions besides these on the test):

**What are some things you can do or places you can go to find a good girlfriend or boyfriend?

**What are 3 important ways you should improve yourself so you can be a better boyfriend or girlfriend?

**Why is it important to marry someone with similar beliefs, morals, values, etc?

**How does putting God 1st help relationships become stronger?


|Q Word |Q VERB |

| |읍니까? |


DR. JOHN GODDARD is one of the world’s most famous explorers and adventurers. His philosophy from the age of 15 has been: "To dare is to do, to fear is to fail."

One day when he was 15 years old, he was bored. It was raining outside and there was nothing to do. Suddenly, he got an idea. He could write down a list of things he wanted to do in his life. He could write a list of life goals. He wrote for a long time. When he was done, he had written down 127 goals that he wanted to accomplish in his life. Some of them were easy and some were hard. Now he is over 70 years old and he has accomplished over 109 of these goals as well as over 400 other goals.

Here are some of the goals that John wrote down as a teenager (you can see the whole list on internet at ).

John Goddard's Life List (The “*” means the goal has been achieved)


1. * Nile River

2. * Amazon River


9. * The Congo

10. * New Guinea

13. * The Sudan (nearly buried alive in a sandstorm)

14. * Australia


21. Mt. Everest

25. * Mt. Kilimanjaro

26. * Mt. Ararat, Turkey

30. * The Matterhorn


37.*Work in medicine and exploration

38. Visit every country in the world (only 30 more to visit)

40. * Learn to fly a plane


54. North and South Poles

55. * Great Wall of China

58. * The Galapagos Islands

60. * The Taj Mahal


68. * Lake Victoria

69. * Lake Superior


73. * Become an Eagle Scout

74. * Dive in a submarine

77. * Ride an elephant, camel, ostrich and bronco

80. * Play flute and violin

84. * Go on a church mission

85. * Follow the John Muir trail


89. * Learn jujitsu

90. * Teach a college course

93. Appear in a Tarzan movie

94. Own a horse, chimpanzee, cheetah, ocelot, and coyote (yet to own a chimp or cheetah)

96. * Build own telescope

101. * Run mile in 5 minutes

102. * Weigh 175 pounds stripped (still does)

103. * Perform 200 sit-ups and 20 pull-ups

104. * Learn French, Spanish and Arabic

110. * Read the Bible from cover to cover


111.* Read works from Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle, Dickens, Thoreau, Rousseau, Conrad, Hemingway, Twain, Tolstoy, Longfellow, Keats, Bacon.

114. * Compose music

116. * Watch fire-walking ceremony (In Bali and Surinam)

118. * Light a match with .22 rifle

121. * Become a member of the Explorer's Club and the Adventure's Club

125. Visit the moon ("Someday, if God wills")

126. * Marry and have children (has five children)

127. * Live to see the 21st century

John didn't want his life to be just one of chance. He thought about what he wanted to experience very early in his life and wrote them down as goals. This helped him focus on what he wanted to accomplish and his life shows the power of setting goals for your life.

John has lived with and studied 260 cultures and tribes (head hunters, pygmies, hippies and others), He has climbed 12 of the world’s highest mountains, conducted 14 major expeditions, gone down 15 of the world’s most treacherous rivers including the Amazon and Nile (he was the first man to explore the whole Nile river). He has visited 120 countries. He has run a five minute mile. He has parachuted from planes. He has read the whole Bible and the encyclopedia cover to cover and many other books. He has followed the travels of Marco Polo through all of the Middle East, Asia and China. He has visited the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal in India, and climbed the Matterhorn (during a blizzard when even other professional climbers wouldn’t climb).

He was attacked by hippos and crocodiles. He has survived plane crashes and earthquakes. He was bitten by a diamondback rattlesnake and lived! He has faced death 38 times.

He has explored the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Red Sea, and more. He has flown 47 different kinds of airplanes. He set a civilian air-speed record of 1,500 miles an hour (2413.5 km/hr) and another record for flying to an altitude of 63,000 feet (19202.4 meters).

Goddard did not do these adventures just for excitement. The adventures were done to help add to our understanding of the world. He says, "Digging out the facts is the real challenge. The adventure is exciting and enjoyable--but secondary."

When asked what adventure was the most enjoyable and exciting, John said, “Oh, that's easy. It has to be my family -- my wife and five children."

Would you like to have a life of adventure like John did? It is possible. John says, "If you really know what you want out of life, it's amazing how opportunities will come to enable you to carry them out." He says that most people don’t accomplish very much because they don’t have clear goals.

The experiences and principles of people like John can help you too to live a useful and adventurous life!

PROJECT: Putting it into Practice!

John also says that to have balance in our lives, you should make goals in these areas:


PHYSICAL: Follow good health principles so you have energy and ability to accomplish your goals.

EMOTIONAL: Reduce negative emotions. Be social, helpful and active in your community.

SPIRITUAL: Strengthen yourself spiritually every week and LIVE what you learn from God and nature.

2) RELATIONSHIPS: Build skills to make better and more positive relationships with people.

3) EDUCATION: Learn knowledge and skills from school and regularly from books, good media, friends, etc.

4) CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: Meet and experience people from different backgrounds and cultures.

5) FINANCIAL SECURITY: Be disciplined and delay gratification. Reduce and get rid of debt. Invest wisely.

There are others as well: romance, travel, service, entertainment, the arts, etc. Let’s start by writing down your goals in some of these areas! Spend some time thinking about this and then write down at least 25 goals. Make sure to use some “want to” sentences, some future tense sentences and several present perfect sentences.

SPORTS/HEALTH: I want to win a basketball championship. I have decided to jog 1 mile a day.

SPIRITUAL: I will read the Bible regularly. I will volunteer to help poor people for 1 year. I have determined to be honest about my mistakes and apologize quickly even when it’s hard.

RELATIONSHIPS: I want to marry an Eskimo, rub noses and have 12 children^_^!!! I have decided to be positive and encouraging. I have determined that I will be an incredible husband/wife.

EDUCATION: I want to study astronomy. I will learn how DNA works. I have chosen 50 cultures to study and learn about.

ADVENTURE: I will sky dive off a waterfall. I have decided to sail in a yacht around the world.

CAREER/FINANCIAL: I will be a doctor. I have planned to own a home in the country. I have decided that I will win a horse race.

SHARE: Every student stands up and tells the class 5-10 of your goals.


John Goddard writes in his book that setting goals has been “immensely rewarding” and “a daily blueprint for reaching toward an even more meaningful life and a higher level of happiness, growth and success.” How do you achieve your goals? In his book “The Survivor” (p. 243), John shared his method for achieving his goals.

1. WRITE THE GOALS DOWN: Making clear goals and visualizing yourself achieving them.

2. CREATE A PLAN: Write out the details that are necessary to achieve the goals you have made.

3. PREPARATION: Get the training and gather the materials or whatever you need to accomplish the goal.

4. PERSISTING & ACTION: Never Give up! If you have done 1-3, then it’s time to act and do it!

Choose 3 of the 25 goals that you wrote down. Think about goals of people you know about and how they achieved them. Then write your goals in these 3 areas (and try to include 1-2 pictures of your goal or dream) and make sure to use ~5-10 PRESENT PERFECT sentences in it:

• DREAM: How did you get this dream? (Where did the inspiration come from?) What’s your dream in detail?

• RESOURCES NEEDED: What specific things do you need to learn or to get to reach that goal? What things have you finished already (use present perfect for these sentences. Some examples are underlined.)?

• COMMITMENT: What will you do this week, this month, this year toward reaching that dream?


I have often dreamed about doing sky diving. Many people have wanted to fly like the birds and there are many ways to do this. If you’re in an airplane, you are flying, but you can’t feel the wind in your fast and you can’t feel how fast you are flying. It’s not the same to me. I want to feel all of the sky and wind. I want to feel like I’m flying. I want to be safe, but have the feeling of danger and excitement. So, I think sky diving will be a very exciting thing to do.


I will need to earn money for sky diving lessons and renting the airplane and parachute. I have saved $400 already, but I need $200 more dollars. I will need to learn about sky diving techniques and flying suits and parachutes. I have found a place where I can take sky diving classes. I am sure I will have many questions to ask, so I will need to find people who have done sky diving to help prepare me to do it myself.


How will I accomplish this? I will watch sky diving movies to get some basic ideas. I will get a part time job and I will take a class in sky diving as soon as I save enough money. Before that time, I will surf the internet at sky diving sites. If there are any sky diving websites I will join their e-mail lists and chats. In that way I can meet people who can answer my questions and give me useful ideas about sky diving. I will call information to find sky diving schools or clubs where I can learn about sky diving. I plan to sky dive before I am 35 years old.


I read stories about Mother Theresa, Albert Schweitzer and many other doctors who did good work for people in poor countries. Albert Schweitzer was very smart and could have been a rich doctor in England. But, he chose to live in African for 30 years and saved many lives there. He also wrote several articles against nuclear weapons and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952. His story really inspired me and so I want to do something similar. I think that if I work to help poor people, it will be very interesting to see how they are living. I will see their problems and their culture and what they do for fun. I will also feel that I have lived a useful life if I can help people like Schweitzer did.


I will need to go to medical school. I think I will specialize in pediatrics (children’s medicine). I have always wanted to help children a lot. Medical school is expensive so I will need a lot of money. My parents can help pay some, but I will need to get a job and make some money. I have found a part time job that will pay $500 a month. I have also taken courses in biology and physiology.

I will also need to learn about the body very well. So, I have found some medical textbooks about the about the body. I have also found internet sites that teach many things about the body. I will study those, videos and talk to friends who are doctors.


I will start working toward this dream by buying some books about doctors who helped people and reading them. I will also buy some books about the body and learn some of the basics of how it works. When I get to high school, I will volunteer to work in a hospital or at a country clinic for one summer. I will study my science classes very hard and if I meet doctors, I will talk to them and ask many questions and ask them their advice. I will look for internet sites and places where I can take classes about medical things.

I will also look agencies or places that need doctors to work in needy countries. Through these places and their contacts I can find many opportunities to help save lives. In these and other ways, I will work toward my dream of becoming a doctor and helping people be healthier and happier.

EXAMPLE 3: DREAM--LIVING IN FRANCE (well done homework by a DSU student, with improvements by Bryan Bissell)

I have liked art since I was young. One day, I saw France on the television. What I saw the sight of Paris in France, it was so elegant and it made me think, “That’s my style!” As I’ve grown up, I have become interesting in learning French because it sounds soft and graceful too. Also, I have searched for information which is concerned with France. What I really admire about the French lifestyle is their “tolerance”. Most of the French do not force their opinions on other people. They persuade other people with demonstrations if they want to convince someone. Therefore, as soon as I get the opportunity, I have decided to live for a few years in France and enjoy that lifestyle.


I might need gigantic assets and certificates to live in France. I still have not saved any money, but I have studied French since 2008. (In my high school time, it was too difficult to study it because I had to prepare for the Korean SAT.) I will take a French test, Niveau DELF B2, in September in this year. I have found a place for studying French. I will go to L’Alliance Francais du Busan starting this month. I will save money to pay the expenses starting this month with a scholarship from E-zine (the English magazine of Dongseo University).


I already have books for studying for the French test. However, the problem is that there is not enough time to study French, so I have decided to study it in my free time between classes at school. I will join festivals or seminars in L’Alliance Francais du Busan in order to experience French culture. I will study French in various ways such as French movies, French books, and so on. By the time I graduate from university, I will get a certificate in French, the Niveau DALF C2 and TCF, and I will save money to support myself in France as soon as possible by working in internships or by doing holiday work in France until I can get a permanent job there.


The movie “A Walk To Remember” is a touching & sad love story & it has several good lessons for us to think about in dating:

1) LOOK FOR TRUE LOVE: 2 times in the movie, characters read from the Bible love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7/고린도전서 13:4-7. The qualities of true love here are crucial in having a love that gets deeper and stronger and more passionate over the years. Look for these qualities in your partner and try to become like this yourself.

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

4 사랑은 오래 참습니다. 사랑은 친절합니다. 사랑은 시기하지 않습니다. 사랑은 자랑하지 않습니다. 사랑은 교만하지 않습니다. 5사랑은 무례히 행동하지 않습니다. 사랑은 자기 유익을 구하지 않습니다. 사랑은 쉽게 성내지 않습니다. 사랑은 원한을 품지 않습니다. 6사랑은 불의를 기뻐하지 않고 진리와 함께 기뻐합니다. 7사랑은 모든 것을 덮어 주며, 모든 것을 믿으며, 모든 것을 소망하며, 모든 것을 견뎌 냅니다.

2) MAKE GOD #1 IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP: People who really put God first in their lives are much better marriage partners. This is NOT just going to church. A person who puts God first, really LIVES and FOLLOWS the relationships truths in the Bible (some are in #1 above). They will be patient, humble and kind. They will not be rude, proud or self seeking. They will sacrifice for you and they won’t reject your needs. They will admit their mistakes and try to change things that bother you because they love God AND you. They will look for ways to help you achieve your goals. They will never give up on you. These principles of God with God’s power in your life help relationships become MUCH stronger. ~50% of marriages end in divorce. But, if a man and woman go to church often, get married in a church, pray and read the Bible together, only 1 out of 1,105 of those marriages end in divorce.

3) MARRY SOMEONE WITH SIMILAR BELIEFS: It’s VERY important that you marry someone who believes the same way that you do or has similar morals and philosophy. Your beliefs affect your money choices. They affect how you spend your time. They determine the goals that you have. They affect what you teach your children and so much more. If your beliefs are not the same, there will be many arguments and a much higher chance for divorce. So, be sure to marry someone with very similar beliefs in moral/religious areas.

4) IMPROVE YOURSELF: Before you can date someone you need to become an interesting dating partner. How?

A) BECOME INTERESTING: To be an interesting and surprising person, you need to focus on improving abilities, knowledge and relationship skills. That means you need to read, listen a lot and talk to other people. Read in many IMPORTANT topics (not just comic books). Be informed about world events, issues, inventions, etc. Join a club. Join a church (or change to a new church) and go on church youth trips. Try out for a drama or musical group. Go to English cafes. Go to a new institute and learn a new skill. Try new sports games (great place to meet guys). Learn poetry.

B) BE INVOLVED IN LIFE: Jamie and Landon fall in love while in drama club together. In real life, this is often how people fall in love (many actors and actresses fell in love while making movies). So, don’t stay at home all the time. Get involved in many activities. Travel around your city, country and abroad when possible. Be active in student politics (or real politics). Join human rights campaigns. Do service activities. Help out at orphanages, hospitals, nursing homes. There are many things you can do. But, try many activities and try to say YES to most new activities and outings. You might meet the love of your life (.

C) TRIAL/ERROR: If you make a mistake, don’t repeat it. If you find something that works well, remember it and use it.

D) IMPROVE YOUR LOOKS: They say that you don’t get a 2nd chance to make a good first impression. Your mind is most important for sure. But, the fact is that many people will not want to know more about you if you look messy, dirty, lazy, disorganized, boring, etc. Your looks give people a hint about your character. So, think about how you can improve your appearance. Ask some friends to be honest with you. Try out a new hairstyle or new fashion styles. Become attractive and unique.

5) LOOK AT CHARACTER AND POTENTIAL: Sometimes it’s easy to look just on the surface and miss a great girl or guy. Some guys just looked at the old sweater Jamie wore and didn’t look any deeper. They lost out on dating a girl who was actually beautiful on the outside AND the inside. Looks can change and improve quite easily and there are more important things than good looks. Jamie looks at Landon & sees something special about him even though he has some bad qualities. She tells him, “You can be anything”. She believes he has potential & can do anything. Look at people deeply. Look at their potential, not just at their present. Believe in them.

6) EMOTIONAL INTIMACY: Another very important thing is your “chemistry”. Do you two have an emotional connection? Can you talk about things together easily? Can you be honest and open with the other person? Do you listen well to others? Don’t always be talking about yourself. Having deep, heart to heart communication is critical for good relationships. It’s very critical to be able to talk about your concerns and problems honestly and openly. Make this a priority.

7) MEET NEW PEOPLE: The principal tells Landon that he needs to find new friends. If you don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend, don’t just wait for Prince Charming/Cinderella to fall into your lap. Try out some new activities that will help you meet new people. When you meet them, ask questions about their interests, their life experiences, etc. Share your own interesting stories, your passions, your difficulties, your successes, etc. Learn more about other people at every chance you have.

8) ASK OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS: Don’t just ask questions that people can answer with “yes” or “no”. Ask questions starting with “Why” and “How” & other WH questions. Be curious & ask questions that help you know the other person better.

9) MEMORIZE SOME JOKES: If you hear funny stories or funny stories happen to you, write them down and don’t forget them. If you know 5-10 really good jokes or funny stories, you will appear a lot more humorous to others.

10) MAKE EACH OTHER BETTER PEOPLE: Jamie inspires Landon to do better in school, to try harder, to have big dreams. Try to find someone who inspires you and someone who helps to make you a better person. Also, be a person who inspires the other person to dream and become a better person and improve their lives.

11) SERVICE/HELPING PARTNER TOWARDS GOALS: Landon helps Jamie to achieve several of her goals. This really helps their relationship to grow a lot. Do your best to help the person you love reach their goals. Look for ways to serve them and bring joy into their lives. If you find someone who will sacrifice for you, that’s a really great partner to have.

12) GIVE MEANINGFUL GIFTS: Landon hears about Jamie’s life goals. He helps her be in 2 places at once. He buys a tattoo for her. He buys & builds a telescope for her. He marries her in the church of her dreams. Listen to your partner’s interests and goals. Watch their reactions carefully. Remember the things that they like or that they want to do. Then buy those gifts or do the activities that they are really interested in. This will really touch them and be memorable. These are the best kinds of gifts.


Here are some tips on what to study for the Final Test. The example questions below are NOT the only ones I will ask. I will FOR SURE ask others. But, these are some examples of the type of questions I will ask.

1. Know the midterm test questions and answers. A few questions will come from there.

2. Know all the material from the E-ACTION book, Chapter 10-12.

3. Know how to translate the 2nd Conditional type sentences (included below). I will give you some Korean sentences. You will need to translate them into English.

4. Know the story on goal setting from John Goddard and how to answer questions about it and a write short essay about it.

EXAMPLE SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (there may be OTHER questions as well)

**Why did John want to do all those adventures? (2 reasons)

**What did John say was important in accomplishing the adventures?

**What are 4 of the 7 steps to achieve your dreams and why are they important to follow.

5. Know the “Lessons to learn from ‘A Walk to Remember’” and how to answer questions about it and a write short essay about it.

EXAMPLE QUESTIONS (there may be other questions besides these on the test):

**What are some things you can do or places you can go to find a good girlfriend or boyfriend?

**What are 3 important ways you should improve yourself so you can be a better boyfriend or girlfriend?

**Why is it important to marry someone with similar beliefs, morals, values, etc?

**How does putting God 1st help relationships be stronger?



|If you got burned in a fire, |would you consider cosmetic surgery? |

|Would your brother be a mad scientist or a helpful one |if he were a scientist? |


|If you could forget one memory, |what would it be? |

|If you could replace one thing in your house, |what would you replace? |

|Which friend or relative would you want to operate on you |if you had a disease? |


Practice conversation with the questions below. Follow the above examples for asking and answering questions.

|RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |RELATIONSHIPS-LIFESTYLE (family, romance, friends, habits, feelings, etc.) |

|If your brother were not human, what would he exist as? |.만약 당신 남동생이 인간이 아니라면,그는 무엇으로 존재하겠습니까? |

|**If you could change something in your childhood or youth, what would you |만약 당신의 어린시절이나 청년기때의 어떤 것을 바꿀수 있다면 당신은 무엇을 바꿀것입니 |

|change? |까? |

|If you could avoid one problem you’ve had in your life, what would it be? |만약 당신은 당신인생에서 가졌던 문제하나를 피할 수 있다면, 그것은 무엇입니까? |

|**If you had to reveal one secret, what would it be? |만약 당신이 비밀하나를 폭로해야한다면,그것은 무엇입니까? |

|**If you could suffer instead of a family member, how much would you be |만약 당신이 가족 대신 고통을 받게된다면,당신은 얼마나 많은 고통을 기꺼이 받겠습니까? |

|willing to suffer? |만약 당신이 한가지 기억을 잊어버릴 수 있다면, 그것은 무엇입니까? |

|**If you could forget one memory, what would it be? |만약 당신이 술집에 있는데 어떤 사람이, 당신에게 낯선사람의 뺨에 키스를 한다면 50달러 |

|**If you were in a bar and a person offered you $50 to kiss a complete |를 주겠다는 제안을 한다면,당신은 그렇게 하겠습니까?왜? 왜 아니죠? |

|stranger on the cheek without saying anything first, would you do it? Why |만약 당신이 당신집의 한가지 물건을 교체할 수 있다면,무엇을 교체할것입니까? |

|or why not? | |

|**If you could replace one thing in your house, what would you replace? | |

|If you were an orphan, would you want to contact your birth mother? Why/why | |

|not? |LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, improvements, etc.) |

| |만약 당신 의사가 당신이 1년만 살수 있다고 말한다면,당신의 인생을 어떻게 바꾸고 싶습 |

|LEARNING (school, wisdom, abilities, health-food, culture, improvements, |니까? |

|nature, environment, etc.) |만약 당신이 질병이 있다면,어떤 친구나 친척이 당신에게 영향을 주기를 원합니까? |

|**If your doctor told you that you had one year to live, how would you |만약 당신이 교사라면,어떤 과목을 가르칠 것입니까? |

|change your life? |만약 당신 동생이 과학자라면,그는 미친 과학자 또는 유용한 과학자입니까? |

|**If you had a disease, which friend or relative would you want to operate |만약 당신이 한가지 질병이 있다면,그것은 무엇입니까? |

|on you? |만약 당신 주변에 헌혈 캠페인이 있다면,당신은 헌혈하겠습니까? |

|If you were a teacher, which subject would you teach? |만약 사람들이 엄지손가락이 없다면 생활이 어떻게 달라졌겠습니까? |

|**If your brother were a scientist, would he be a mad scientist or a helpful|만약 당신이 산사람이든 죽은사람이든 어떤사람의 연설을 듣게 된다면 어떤 연설을 듣겠습 |

|one? |니까? |

|If you had to get one disease, what would it be? |만약 당신이 이세상의 한가지 질병을 치료할 수 있다면 그것은 어떤것입니까? |

|**If there were a campaign to give blood near you, would you donate blood? |만약 당신이 화상을 입었다면,당신은 성형수술을 고려하겠습니까? |

|**How would life be different if people didn’t** have thumbs? |만약 당신이 과학적인 도전을 연구한다면 무엇에 관한 답을 발견하고 싶습니까? |

|**If you could listen to a speech by any person living or dead, what speech |만약 당신생활의 한 부분을 자동화적으로 향상시키고 싶다면,무엇을 향상시키고 싶습니까? |

|would you listen to? |만약 당신의 여동생/남동생이 책을 출판할 수 있다면,그 책은무엇에 관한 것입니까? |

|**If you could treat and cure one disease in the world, what would it be? |만약 당신이 무엇인가를 디자인 한다면,무엇을 디자인 하고 싶습니까? |

|**If you got burned in a fire, would you consider cosmetic surgery? |만약 할수 만 있다면,당신은 전공을 무엇으로 바꿀것입니까? |

|**What would you like to discover the answer for if you could research one |만약 시간이 있다면 중간고사 시험에 대비하여 좀 더 공부하지 않을 것입니까? |

|scientific challenge? |만약 당신의 신체가 손상을 입게 되어야 한다면, 신체의 어떤 부분을 선택하겠습니까? |

|**If you could improve one area of your life automatically, what would you | |

|improve? | |

|If your sister/brother could publish a book, what would it be about? | |

|If you designed something, what would you like to design? | |

|**If you could, what would you change your major to? | |

|**Wouldn’t** you study more for the mid-term test if you had the time? |FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrate, parties, travel, |

|**If you had to be disfigured, what body part would you choose to be |etc.) |

|disfigured? |만약 당신은 1년동안 무료비행기 표가 있다면 어디를 갈것입니까? |

|If you could choose again, would you learn English or a different language? |만약 당신이 뽑혔다면 어떤 게임프로에 나가고 싶습니까? |

|If you were ugly, what would you do? |만약 당신 부모님이 시합에 참가한다면,어떤 종류의 시합이겠습니까? |

|Where would you go if you were in pain? |만약 당신이 노래를 녹음하게 된다면 어떤 노래를 녹음할 것입니까? |

|What would you do if you didn’t have enough money to pay tuition? |만약 당신이 세상 어느곳이든 갈 수 있다면 어디로 날아가겠습니까? |

| |만약 당신이 역사의 어느나라 왕/여왕이 될수 있다면 언제 어느나라를 선택하겠습니까? |

| | |

|FUN-ENTERTAINMENT (media-music, sports, humor, trivia, celebrate, parties, | |

|travel, etc.) | |

|**Where would you go if you won free flights for a year? |POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, responsibility, |

|**What gameshow would you like to be on if you were accepted? |goals, info, appearance, etc.) |

|If your parents entered a competition, what kind of competition would it be?|만약 당신 어머니가 천만원의 복권에 당첨된다면 당신은 무엇을 하겠습니까? |

|**What song would you record if you could record a song? |만약 이세상의 모든 사람들이 똑같은 월급을 받게된다면, 삶이 어떻게 |

|**Where would you fly if you could go anywhere in the world. |달라지겠습니까?당신은 그런 세상에서 살고싶습니까? 왜죠? 왜 아니죠? |

|**If you could be a king/queen of any country in history, when and which |만약 당신이 4명의 사람-산 사람이든 죽은사람이든- 을 저녁식사에 초대한다면 누구를 |

|country would you choose? |초대할 것입니까? 왜? |

|If you were able attend any concert in the world, which one would you go to?|만약 큰 태풍이 당신이 사는 도시를 덮쳤다면 경제가 황폐해졌겠습니까? |

| |만약 어떤사람이 당신이 인도에서 영원히 산다면 백만달러를 주겠다고 제안한다면,당신은 |

|POWER (money, energy, politics, influence, tech, shopping, business, |그렇게 하겠습니까? 왜죠? 왜 아니죠? |

|responsibility, goals, info, appearance, etc.) |누군가가 당신에게 2주동안 다 써야한다는 조건으로 20만 달러를 준다면 당신은 그 돈으로 |

|**What would you do if your mother won ten million dollars in the lottery? |무엇을 하겠습니까?(보관되어질 수 있는 어떠한 물건을 살 수도 없고 돈을 기부할 수 없다 |

|**How would life be different if everyone in the world received the same |는 것이 두번째 조건이라면?) |

|salary? Would you like to live in a world like that? Why or why not? |만약 당신일 중 하나의 의무를 없앨 수 있다면 그것은 무엇이 되겠습니까? |

|**If you could invite any four people--living or dead--to dinner, who would |만약 당신 사업이 사업에 대해 조언을 해주는 판매 권위자를 한명 가질 수 있다면 누구를 |

|you invite and why? |뽑겠습니까? |

|**Would your city’s economy be ruined if a major hurricane hit it? | |

|**If somebody offered you a million dollars to live in India permanently, | |

|would you do it? Why or why not? | |

|Imagine someone gave you $200,000 on the condition that you had to spend it | |

|all in two weeks, what would you do with the money? (What if a second | |

|condition said that you could not buy anything that could be kept and that | |

|you could not donate the money?) |WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, nation, truth, philosophy, dreams, character, |

|**If you could eliminate one duty from your work, what would it be? |ethics, etc.) |

|**If your business could have one marketing guru to advise it, who would you|만약 우리가 모든 사람들이 똑같은 인종과 종교를 가지고 있고 똑같은 언어로 말을 하는 |

|choose? |세상에 살고 있다면 삶은 어떻게 달라지겠습니까? |

|If you could be royalty, would you be happy? |만약 당신이 세상에 대해 한가지를 증명할 수 있다면 그것은 무엇이겠습니까? |

|If you could do anything, what would you do? |만약 당신이 유명해진다면, 사람들은 무엇을 위해 당신을 존경하겠습니까? |

|If you won the lottery, what would you buy first? |만약 당신이 당신이 속한 종교의 회원이 될 수 없다면 ,어떤 종교가 그다음으로 가장 좋겠 |

|What would you do if a friend didn’t** pay back a debt? |습니까? |

|What would you do if you lost your passport? |만약 당신이 신앙심이 깊은 사람과 만난다면,인생의 복잡성과 초자연적인 사건을 어떻게 |

| |설명할 것입니까? |

|WORLDVIEW-EXPERIENCES (religion, nation, truth, philosophy, dreams, |*** |

|character, ethics, etc.) |만약 당신의 남자친구 혹은 여자친구가 원한다면 성적으로 당신을 만지는 것을 허락하겠습 |

|**How would life be different if we lived in a world where everyone was the |니까? |

|same race and religion and spoke the same language? |만약 당신이 대통령이 된다면 어떤 법을 제정하겠습니까? |

|**If you were able to prove one thing to the world, what would it be? |만약 당신이 정치인이 된다면, 당신이 거부하는 한가지 일은 무엇입니까? |

|**If you became famous, what would people respect you for? |만약 당신이 많은 돈을 번다면, 무엇이 당신으로 하여금 개인적인 이익을 위해 사람들에게 |

|**If you could not be a member of the religion you are in now, which |뇌물을 주기위해 돈을 사용하는 것을 금지하겠습니까? |

|religion would be the next best? |만약 당신이 이세상의 모든 사람을가르칠 수 있다면 당신은 그들에게 무엇을 가르칠 |

|** (for atheists/agnostics) If you met a religious person, how would** you |것입니까? |

|explain the complexity of life and supernatural events? How could you prove |만약 당신 친구가 누군가를 괴롭힌다면,그녀/그는 누구를 선택하겠습니까? |

|that life can develop by chance? | |

|**(for the religious) If you met an atheist, how could prove that God | |

|exists? | |

|**Would you allow your boyfriend or girlfriend to touch you sexually if | |

|he/she wanted to? | |

|**If you became president, what laws would you enact? | |

|**If you had to be a politician what is one thing you would refuse to do? | |

|**If you had a lot of money, what would prevent you from using it to bribe | |

|people for personal benefit? | |

|**If you could teach everyone in the world one thing, what would you teach | |

|them? | |

|**If your friend could make someone suffer, who would she/he choose? | |

|How would you do things differently if you could live your life over again? | |

|If you could design an ideal religion, what doctrines/beliefs would you | |

|choose? | |

|How would you react if some stranger suddenly hit you in the face? | |

|How would you spend your money if the world were to end tomorrow? | |


DR. JOHN GODDARD is one of the world’s most famous explorers and adventurers. His philosophy from the age of 15 has been: "To dare is to do, to fear is to fail."

One day when he was 15 years old, he was bored. It was raining outside and there was nothing to do. Suddenly, he got an idea. He could write down a list of things he wanted to do in his life. He could write a list of life goals. He wrote for a long time. When he was done, he had written down 127 goals that he wanted to accomplish in his life. Some of them were easy and some were hard. Now he is over 70 years old and he has accomplished over 109 of these goals as well as over 400 other goals.

Here are some of the goals that John wrote down as a teenager (you can see the whole list on internet at ).

John Goddard's Life List (The “*” means the goal has been achieved)


1. * Nile River

2. * Amazon River


9. * The Congo

10. * New Guinea

13. * The Sudan (nearly buried alive in a sandstorm)

14. * Australia


21. Mt. Everest

25. * Mt. Kilimanjaro

26. * Mt. Ararat, Turkey

30. * The Matterhorn


37.*Work in medicine and exploration

38. Visit every country in the world (only 30 more to visit)

40. * Learn to fly a plane


54. North and South Poles

55. * Great Wall of China

58. * The Galapagos Islands

60. * The Taj Mahal


68. * Lake Victoria

69. * Lake Superior


73. * Become an Eagle Scout

74. * Dive in a submarine

77. * Ride an elephant, camel, ostrich and bronco

80. * Play flute and violin

84. * Go on a church mission

85. * Follow the John Muir trail


89. * Learn jujitsu

90. * Teach a college course

93. Appear in a Tarzan movie

94. Own a horse, chimpanzee, cheetah, ocelot, and coyote (yet to own a chimp or cheetah)

96. * Build own telescope

101. * Run mile in 5 minutes

102. * Weigh 175 pounds stripped (still does)

103. * Perform 200 sit-ups and 20 pull-ups

104. * Learn French, Spanish and Arabic

110. * Read the Bible from cover to cover


111.* Read works from Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle, Dickens, Thoreau, Rousseau, Conrad, Hemingway, Twain, Tolstoy, Longfellow, Keats, Bacon.

114. * Compose music

116. * Watch fire-walking ceremony (In Bali and Surinam)

118. * Light a match with .22 rifle

121. * Become a member of the Explorer's Club and the Adventure's Club

125. Visit the moon ("Someday, if God wills")

126. * Marry and have children (has five children)

127. * Live to see the 21st century

John didn't want his life to be just one of chance. He thought about what he wanted to experience very early in his life and wrote them down as goals. This helped him focus on what he wanted to accomplish and his life shows the power of setting goals for your life.

John has lived with and studied 260 cultures and tribes (head hunters, pygmies, hippies and others), He has climbed 12 of the world’s highest mountains, conducted 14 major expeditions, gone down 15 of the world’s most treacherous rivers including the Amazon and Nile (he was the first man to explore the whole Nile river). He has visited 120 countries. He has run a five minute mile. He has parachuted from planes. He has read the whole Bible and the encyclopedia cover to cover and many other books. He has followed the travels of Marco Polo through all of the Middle East, Asia and China. He has visited the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal in India, and climbed the Matterhorn (during a blizzard when even other professional climbers wouldn’t climb).

He was attacked by hippos and crocodiles. He has survived plane crashes and earthquakes. He was bitten by a diamondback rattlesnake and lived! He has faced death 38 times.

He has explored the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Red Sea, and more. He has flown 47 different kinds of airplanes. He set a civilian air-speed record of 1,500 miles an hour (2413.5 km/hr) and another record for flying to an altitude of 63,000 feet (19202.4 meters).

Goddard did not do these adventures just for excitement. The adventures were done to help add to our understanding of the world. He says, "Digging out the facts is the real challenge. The adventure is exciting and enjoyable--but secondary."

When asked what adventure was the most enjoyable and exciting, John said, “Oh, that's easy. It has to be my family -- my wife and five children."

Would you like to have a life of adventure like John did? It is possible. John says, "If you really know what you want out of life, it's amazing how opportunities will come to enable you to carry them out." He says that most people don’t accomplish very much because they don’t have clear goals.

The experiences and principles of people like John can help you too to live a useful and adventurous life!

PROJECT: Putting it into Practice!

John also says that to have balance in our lives, you should make goals in these areas:


PHYSICAL: Follow good health principles so you have energy and ability to accomplish your goals.

EMOTIONAL: Reduce negative emotions. Be social, helpful and active in your community.

SPIRITUAL: Strengthen yourself spiritually every week and LIVE what you learn from God and nature.

2) RELATIONSHIPS: Build skills to make better and more positive relationships with people.

3) EDUCATION: Learn knowledge and skills from school and regularly from books, good media, friends, etc.

4) CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: Meet and experience people from different backgrounds and cultures.

5) FINANCIAL SECURITY: Be disciplined and delay gratification. Reduce and get rid of debt. Invest wisely.

There are others as well: romance, travel, service, entertainment, the arts, etc. Let’s start by writing down your goals in some of these areas! Spend some time thinking about this and then write down at least 25 goals. Make sure to use some “want to” sentences, some future tense sentences and several present perfect sentences.

SPORTS/HEALTH: I want to win a basketball championship. I have decided to jog 1 mile a day.

SPIRITUAL: I will read the Bible regularly. I will volunteer to help poor people for 1 year. I have determined to be honest about my mistakes and apologize quickly even when it’s hard.

RELATIONSHIPS: I want to marry an Eskimo, rub noses and have 12 children^_^!!! I have decided to be positive and encouraging. I have determined that I will be an incredible husband/wife.

EDUCATION: I want to study astronomy. I will learn how DNA works. I have chosen 50 cultures to study and learn about.

ADVENTURE: I will sky dive off a waterfall. I have decided to sail in a yacht around the world.

CAREER/FINANCIAL: I will be a doctor. I have planned to own a home in the country. I have decided that I will win a horse race.

SHARE: Every student stands up and tells the class 5-10 of your goals.


John Goddard writes in his book that setting goals has been “immensely rewarding” and “a daily blueprint for reaching toward an even more meaningful life and a higher level of happiness, growth and success.” How do you achieve your goals? In his book “The Survivor” (p. 243), John shared his method for achieving his goals.

5. WRITE THE GOALS DOWN: Making clear goals and visualizing yourself achieving them.

6. CREATE A PLAN: Write out the details that are necessary to achieve the goals you have made.

7. PREPARATION: Get the training and gather the materials or whatever you need to accomplish the goal.

8. PERSISTING & ACTION: Never Give up! If you have done 1-3, then it’s time to act and do it!

Choose 3 of the 25 goals that you wrote down. Think about goals of people you know about and how they achieved them. Then write your goals in these 3 areas (and try to include 1-2 pictures of your goal or dream) and make sure to use ~5-10 PRESENT PERFECT sentences in it:

• DREAM: How did you get this dream? (Where did the inspiration come from?) What’s your dream in detail?

• RESOURCES NEEDED: What specific things do you need to learn or to get to reach that goal? What things have you finished already (use present perfect for these sentences. Some examples are underlined.)?

• COMMITMENT: What will you do this week, this month, this year toward reaching that dream?


I have often dreamed about doing sky diving. Many people have wanted to fly like the birds and there are many ways to do this. If you’re in an airplane, you are flying, but you can’t feel the wind in your fast and you can’t feel how fast you are flying. It’s not the same to me. I want to feel all of the sky and wind. I want to feel like I’m flying. I want to be safe, but have the feeling of danger and excitement. So, I think sky diving will be a very exciting thing to do.


I will need to earn money for sky diving lessons and renting the airplane and parachute. I have saved $400 already, but I need $200 more dollars. I will need to learn about sky diving techniques and flying suits and parachutes. I have found a place where I can take sky diving classes. I am sure I will have many questions to ask, so I will need to find people who have done sky diving to help prepare me to do it myself.


How will I accomplish this? I will watch sky diving movies to get some basic ideas. I will get a part time job and I will take a class in sky diving as soon as I save enough money. Before that time, I will surf the internet at sky diving sites. If there are any sky diving websites I will join their e-mail lists and chats. In that way I can meet people who can answer my questions and give me useful ideas about sky diving. I will call information to find sky diving schools or clubs where I can learn about sky diving. I plan to sky dive before I am 35 years old.


I read stories about Mother Theresa, Albert Schweitzer and many other doctors who did good work for people in poor countries. Albert Schweitzer was very smart and could have been a rich doctor in England. But, he chose to live in African for 30 years and saved many lives there. He also wrote several articles against nuclear weapons and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952. His story really inspired me and so I want to do something similar. I think that if I work to help poor people, it will be very interesting to see how they are living. I will see their problems and their culture and what they do for fun. I will also feel that I have lived a useful life if I can help people like Schweitzer did.


I will need to go to medical school. I think I will specialize in pediatrics (children’s medicine). I have always wanted to help children a lot. Medical school is expensive so I will need a lot of money. My parents can help pay some, but I will need to get a job and make some money. I have found a part time job that will pay $500 a month. I have also taken courses in biology and physiology.

I will also need to learn about the body very well. So, I have found some medical textbooks about the about the body. I have also found internet sites that teach many things about the body. I will study those, videos and talk to friends who are doctors.


I will start working toward this dream by buying some books about doctors who helped people and reading them. I will also buy some books about the body and learn some of the basics of how it works. When I get to high school, I will volunteer to work in a hospital or at a country clinic for one summer. I will study my science classes very hard and if I meet doctors, I will talk to them and ask many questions and ask them their advice. I will look for internet sites and places where I can take classes about medical things.

I will also look agencies or places that need doctors to work in needy countries. Through these places and their contacts I can find many opportunities to help save lives. In these and other ways, I will work toward my dream of becoming a doctor and helping people be healthier and happier.

EXAMPLE 3: DREAM--LIVING IN FRANCE (well done homework by a DSU student, with improvements by Bryan Bissell)

I have liked art since I was young. One day, I saw France on the television. What I saw the sight of Paris in France, it was so elegant and it made me think, “That’s my style!” As I’ve grown up, I have become interesting in learning French because it sounds soft and graceful too. Also, I have searched for information which is concerned with France. What I really admire about the French lifestyle is their “tolerance”. Most of the French do not force their opinions on other people. They persuade other people with demonstrations if they want to convince someone. Therefore, as soon as I get the opportunity, I have decided to live for a few years in France and enjoy that lifestyle.


I might need gigantic assets and certificates to live in France. I still have not saved any money, but I have studied French since 2008. (In my high school time, it was too difficult to study it because I had to prepare for the Korean SAT.) I will take a French test, Niveau DELF B2, in September in this year. I have found a place for studying French. I will go to L’Alliance Francais du Busan starting this month. I will save money to pay the expenses starting this month with a scholarship from E-zine (the English magazine of Dongseo University).


I already have books for studying for the French test. However, the problem is that there is not enough time to study French, so I have decided to study it in my free time between classes at school. I will join festivals or seminars in L’Alliance Francais du Busan in order to experience French culture. I will study French in various ways such as French movies, French books, and so on. By the time I graduate from university, I will get a certificate in French, the Niveau DALF C2 and TCF, and I will save money to support myself in France as soon as possible by working in internships or by doing holiday work in France until I can get a permanent job there.


The movie “A Walk To Remember” is a touching & sad love story & it has several good lessons for us to think about in dating:

1) LOOK FOR TRUE LOVE: 2 times in the movie, characters read from the Bible love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7/고린도전서 13:4-7. The qualities of true love here are crucial in having a love that gets deeper and stronger and more passionate over the years. Look for these qualities in your partner and try to become like this yourself.

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

4 사랑은 오래 참습니다. 사랑은 친절합니다. 사랑은 시기하지 않습니다. 사랑은 자랑하지 않습니다. 사랑은 교만하지 않습니다. 5사랑은 무례히 행동하지 않습니다. 사랑은 자기 유익을 구하지 않습니다. 사랑은 쉽게 성내지 않습니다. 사랑은 원한을 품지 않습니다. 6사랑은 불의를 기뻐하지 않고 진리와 함께 기뻐합니다. 7사랑은 모든 것을 덮어 주며, 모든 것을 믿으며, 모든 것을 소망하며, 모든 것을 견뎌 냅니다.

2) MAKE GOD #1 IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP: People who really put God first in their lives are much better marriage partners. This is NOT just going to church. A person who puts God first, really LIVES and FOLLOWS the relationships truths in the Bible (some are in #1 above). They will be patient, humble and kind. They will not be rude, proud or self seeking. They will sacrifice for you and they won’t reject your needs. They will admit their mistakes and try to change things that bother you because they love God AND you. They will look for ways to help you achieve your goals. They will never give up on you. These principles of God with God’s power in your life help relationships become MUCH stronger. ~50% of marriages end in divorce. But, if a man and woman go to church often, get married in a church, pray and read the Bible together, only 1 out of 1,105 of those marriages end in divorce.

3) MARRY SOMEONE WITH SIMILAR BELIEFS: It’s VERY important that you marry someone who believes the same way that you do or has similar morals and philosophy. Your beliefs affect your money choices. They affect how you spend your time. They determine the goals that you have. They affect what you teach your children and so much more. If your beliefs are not the same, there will be many arguments and a much higher chance for divorce. So, be sure to marry someone with very similar beliefs in moral/religious areas.

4) IMPROVE YOURSELF: Before you can date someone you need to become an interesting dating partner. How?

A) BECOME INTERESTING: To be an interesting and surprising person, you need to focus on improving abilities, knowledge and relationship skills. That means you need to read, listen a lot and talk to other people. Read in many IMPORTANT topics (not just comic books). Be informed about world events, issues, inventions, etc. Join a club. Join a church (or change to a new church) and go on church youth trips. Try out for a drama or musical group. Go to English cafes. Go to a new institute and learn a new skill. Try new sports games (great place to meet guys). Learn poetry.

B) BE INVOLVED IN LIFE: Jamie and Landon fall in love while in drama club together. In real life, this is often how people fall in love (many actors and actresses fell in love while making movies). So, don’t stay at home all the time. Get involved in many activities. Travel around your city, country and abroad when possible. Be active in student politics (or real politics). Join human rights campaigns. Do service activities. Help out at orphanages, hospitals, nursing homes. There are many things you can do. But, try many activities and try to say YES to most new activities and outings. You might meet the love of your life (.

C) TRIAL/ERROR: If you make a mistake, don’t repeat it. If you find something that works well, remember it and use it.

D) IMPROVE YOUR LOOKS: They say that you don’t get a 2nd chance to make a good first impression. Your mind is most important for sure. But, the fact is that many people will not want to know more about you if you look messy, dirty, lazy, disorganized, boring, etc. Your looks give people a hint about your character. So, think about how you can improve your appearance. Ask some friends to be honest with you. Try out a new hairstyle or new fashion styles. Become attractive and unique.

5) LOOK AT CHARACTER AND POTENTIAL: Sometimes it’s easy to look just on the surface and miss a great girl or guy. Some guys just looked at the old sweater Jamie wore and didn’t look any deeper. They lost out on dating a girl who was actually beautiful on the outside AND the inside. Looks can change and improve quite easily and there are more important things than good looks. Jamie looks at Landon & sees something special about him even though he has some bad qualities. She tells him, “You can be anything”. She believes he has potential & can do anything. Look at people deeply. Look at their potential, not just at their present. Believe in them.

6) EMOTIONAL INTIMACY: Another very important thing is your “chemistry”. Do you two have an emotional connection? Can you talk about things together easily? Can you be honest and open with the other person? Do you listen well to others? Don’t always be talking about yourself. Having deep, heart to heart communication is critical for good relationships. It’s very critical to be able to talk about your concerns and problems honestly and openly. Make this a priority.

7) MEET NEW PEOPLE: The principal tells Landon that he needs to find new friends. If you don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend, don’t just wait for Prince Charming/Cinderella to fall into your lap. Try out some new activities that will help you meet new people. When you meet them, ask questions about their interests, their life experiences, etc. Share your own interesting stories, your passions, your difficulties, your successes, etc. Learn more about other people at every chance you have.

8) ASK OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS: Don’t just ask questions that people can answer with “yes” or “no”. Ask questions starting with “Why” and “How” & other WH questions. Be curious & ask questions that help you know the other person better.

9) MEMORIZE SOME JOKES: If you hear funny stories or funny stories happen to you, write them down and don’t forget them. If you know 5-10 really good jokes or funny stories, you will appear a lot more humorous to others.

10) MAKE EACH OTHER BETTER PEOPLE: Jamie inspires Landon to do better in school, to try harder, to have big dreams. Try to find someone who inspires you and someone who helps to make you a better person. Also, be a person who inspires the other person to dream and become a better person and improve their lives.

11) SERVICE/HELPING PARTNER TOWARDS GOALS: Landon helps Jamie to achieve several of her goals. This really helps their relationship to grow a lot. Do your best to help the person you love reach their goals. Look for ways to serve them and bring joy into their lives. If you find someone who will sacrifice for you, that’s a really great partner to have.

12) GIVE MEANINGFUL GIFTS: Landon hears about Jamie’s life goals. He helps her be in 2 places at once. He buys a tattoo for her. He buys & builds a telescope for her. He marries her in the church of her dreams. Listen to your partner’s interests and goals. Watch their reactions carefully. Remember the things that they like or that they want to do. Then buy those gifts or do the activities that they are really interested in. This will really touch them and be memorable. These are the best kinds of gifts.


Here are some tips on what to study for the Final Test. The example questions below are NOT the only ones I will ask. I will FOR SURE ask others. But, these are some examples of the type of questions I will ask.

1) Know the material from the midterm test. A few questions will come from there.

2) Know the material in the textbook chapters 6 (esp. the difference between will and going to), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

3) Know the handout on prepositions and how to use them as in the exercises I gave you. (Preposition paper answers are below)

4) Know the story on goal setting from John Goddard and how to answer questions about it and a write short essay about it.

EXAMPLE SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (there may be OTHER questions as well)

**Why did John want to do all those adventures? (2 reasons)

**What did John say was important in accomplishing the adventures?

**What are 4 of the 7 steps to achieve your dreams and why are they important to follow?

5) Know the health handout and how to answer questions about it and write a short essay about that topic. EXAMPLE SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (there may be OTHER questions as well)

**Why is health important for us (physically, mentally, socially, spiritually)?

**Were you sick when you were a child? What sicknesses did you have?

**What things do you do to keep yourself healthy? What causes you to become sick?

**What do you think is the most serious health problem in Korea?

**What are 3 kinds of health goals that are important and what goals do you have in these areas? What are you doing to make progress in these areas?

**What are 4 ways that can add 14 years to your life?

**How much money can you save per year if you follow good health habits?

**What are 2 reasons you should eat breakfast every morning? OR What are 2 reasons you should sleep at least 7-8 hours a night?


**What are 10 benefits of good health? Explain why they are important and cite some research supporting this.

**What are 3 major ways that alcohol damages lives? List some specific examples and statistics

**Cigarette companies paid big money to people because of cancer. Do you think other food companies (ice cream, hamburger, pizza, fast food, etc.) should be responsible for the health problems they cause? Why or why not?

**List the 4 reasons to be vegetarian. Include at least 2-3 statistics and 1-2 thoughts from famous people about being vegetarian.


1. Usually for rooms, buildings, regular fields (not sports fields), forests and gardens (including front yards and backyards): "in"

My mother is in the kitchen. My friends are in the living room. My sister is in her bedroom. My father is in his office. Her students are in the library. They are working in a field. My friends are talking in the garden. They are talking in the front yard. They are talking in the backyard. He is walking with his girlfriend in a forest.

2. Bigger than a room but smaller than a village or neighborhood: "at"

Her son is at school. My father is at work. My friends are at the beach. They are at the seaside. My boyfriend is at home. My cousin studies at that university. My sister works at that company. They are at the station now (The readers know which station). They are at a station now (the readers don't know which station).

3. We use "in" for areas, villages, towns, cities, countries and the world. And also for parks.

Mr. Kim is in Gaya Dong (a neighborhood). My girlfriend is in Gosung-up (a town). My father is in Busan (a city). My family is in Gyung-sahng-nahm-do (a state/a province). The new English professor is in Korea (a country). They live in a country area (어떤시골에서). They live in a rural area (어떤시골에서). This is the tallest building in the world. They are in a park now.

4. Some exceptions to the above rules: "on" for islands, farms, floors(층), Earth and the coast

He lives on an island (pronunciation:아일런드). They live on a farm. My friends are on Jeju Island now. He lives on the tenth floor. This is the largest lake on Earth. Busan is on the coast. (We always use "the" with "coast".)

5. Tables and Desks.

My family is at the table. Their food is on the table. He is studying at his desk now. His books are on his desk. His dog is under his desk.

6. On and Above

1. The lights are on the ceiling. That fly is walking on the ceiling.

2. The picture is on the wall. The mirror is on the wall.

3. The box is on the floor.

4. The ball is on the box.

5. The ball is above the box.

6. They are on an island.

7. It is on TV now. 그 프로그램은 지금 TV에서 나온다.

7. Fields: "on" for sports fields etcetera (etc.등등), "in" for regular(보통) fields, parks and gardens (including front yard and backyard뒷들).

1 We play soccer on a playing field every Saturday.

2 They play soccer on a sports field every Sunday morning.

3 He plays tennis on a tennis court behind his apartment building every Sunday afternoon.

4 They play basketball on a basketball court every Saturday afternoon.

5 He is standing in a field now.

6 They are in a park now.

7 He is in the garden. She is in the front yard. They are in the backyard.

8. Mountains

1 They live in the mountains. ("in the mountains" means in an area where there are a lot of mountains. It is an expression where we always use "the".)

2 They live on a mountain. (The professor/the readers don't know which mountain you are talking about.)

3 They live on the mountain. (The professor/the readers know which mountain you are talking about.)

4 They are walking on a mountain now. (The readers don't know which mountain.)

5 They are walking in the mountains now. (Even though the readers don't know which mountain area, you have to write "the" because it is a customary expression 관습적인 표현.)

6 He climbed a mountain on Sunday (the readers don't know which mountain. It is the first mention). He climbed up the mountain (now the readers know the mountain. It is the second mention) from 9:00 to 10:00. Then he climbed down the mountain (already mentioned) from 10:00 to 11:00.

9. Around the house

1. They are at home. They are in their apartment.

2. She is in her bedroom.

3. They are in the garden. He is in the front yard. She is in the backyard.

4. He is on the veranda. She is on the balcony.

5. She is in the kitchen. They are in the living room. He is in the bathroom.

10. Usually no prepositions with here, there, upstairs, downstairs and downtown.

1. He is here. He came here.

2. She is there. She went there.

3. She is upstairs. She went upstairs.

4. They are downtown. They went downtown.

11. Arrive/Reach/Get and Leaving

(참고): arrive in 지방/도시/지역/나라; arrive at 건물/작은 장소

1 He arrived in Korea. He arrived in Busan. He arrived in Kaya Dong.

2 He arrived at school. He arrived at work. He arrived at his office.

3 No prepositions for home, here, there, or downtown.

He arrived home. He arrived at his home. He arrived at his place.

He arrived at Dongeui University. He arrived at the beach.

He arrived here. He arrived there. He arrived downtown.

4 He got to Korea. He got to Busan. He got to Kaya Dong.

He got to school. He got to work. He got to his office.

5 He got home. He got to his home. He got to his place.

He got here. He got there. He got downtown.

6 He reached Korea. He reached Busan. He reached his office.

7 He left Pusan for Seoul. 그는 서울을 향해 부산을 떠났다.

Supplementary Section 5: Times and prepositions(See page 81 for the exercises)No prepositions

A No prepositions with this, next, or last.

1. I am going to do it this morning/this afternoon/this evening/tonight.

2. I'm going to do it this week/this month/this year/next week/next month/next year.

3. I did it last week/last month/last year.

4. I did it last vacation.

5. I will do it next vacation.

B No prepositions with today, tonight, tomorrow, or yesterday

6. I'm going to do it tomorrow/tomorrow morning/tomorrow afternoon/tomorrow evening/tomorrow night.

7. I did it yesterday/yesterday morning/yesterday afternoon/yesterday evening/yesterday night or last night.

8. They did it today.

9. He is going to do it tonight.

C No prepositions with every.

10. I do it every day/every morning/every afternoon/every evening/every night/every Sunday.

11. We do it every week/every month/every year.

Common misunderstandings

1. WRONG: I did it today morning. -3 (I did it this morning.)

2. WRONG: I did it today afternoon. -3 (I did it this afternoon.)

3. WRONG: I did it today evening. -3 (I did it this evening.)

4. WRONG: I will do it today night. -3 (I did it tonight.)

5. WRONG: I did it last morning. -3 (I did it yesterday morning.)

6. WRONG: I did it last afternoon. -3 (I did it yesterday afternoon.)

7. WRONG: I did it last evening. -3 (I did it yesterday evening.)

8. WRONG: I will do it next morning/afternoon/evening. -3 (I will do it tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening)

At (time)

1. He did it at 8:00.

2. She did it at noon / at midday. (12:00 in the daytime)

3. They did it at midnight (12:00 at night)

In the morning/afternoon/evening

1. I always do it in the morning.

2. They always do it in the afternoon.

3. She always does it in the evening.

4. I did it yesterday morning.

5. I did it this morning.

6. I'm going to do it tomorrow morning.

7. I did it on Sunday morning.

8. They did it on Saturday night.

9. We did it on Friday afternoon.

Day and Night

1. They always do it in the daytime.

2. We always do it at night.

On (day)

1. I did it on the first/on the second/on the third/on the fifth/on the 10th

2. I did it on the 21st/on the 22nd/on the 23rd/on the 25th.

3. I did it on Oct. 1st/on Oct. 1. I did on Oct. 20th/on Oct. 20.

4. I did it on my birthday/on Christmas Day/on Korean Thanksgiving Day/on Lunar New Year's Day.

5. I did it on Sunday.

6. I did it on Saturday morning.

7. I did it on Friday afternoon.

8. I did it on Sunday night.

In (month/season/year/decade/century)

1. They did it in July.

2. They did it in July, 1999.

3. They did it in summer.

4. They did it in the summer of 1999.

5. They did it in 2001.

6. They did it in the 1920s/in the 1990s.

7. They will do it in the first decade (2001 to 2010) of the 21st century.

8. They did it in the 20th century.

9. They did it in their vacation. She did it in her vacation.

10. They did it in the / their(소유격) winter vacation.

11.They are going to do it in the / their summer vacation.


Place Prepositions -- Exercise 1

Instructions: Write "in" or "at" in the blanks.

1 He lives IN Suhmyun.

2 He is AT work now. 직장에 있다

3 They are AT/IN school now.

4 He will be IN her bedroom soon.

5 She lives IN the States. 미국에서

6 They are AT home.

7 She is IN Kwangju.

8 I am IN the bathroom now.

9 They are IN/AT church.

10 They work IN/AT a government office.

11 She is AT the beach.

12 He is hiking IN a country area now. 어떤 시골에서

13 He is hiking IN the country. 시골에서

14 She lives IN a large country town. 큰 마을에서

15 The TV is IN the living room.

16 She is waiting for him AT Busan Station.

17 They are having a vacation IN Gahngwondo. 강원도에서

18 She was IN the kitchen a few minutes ago.

19 He studies AT Busan National University.

20 My father is IN the garden.

21 They are AT a park now.

22 She is cooking AT home now.

23 He was AT her place yesterday. 그녀의 집에 있었다.

Place Prepositions -- Exercise 2

Instructions: Write "in" "on" "at" or nothing in the blanks.

1 They are AT/ON an island now. 섬에 있다.

2 They live ON/AT the coast. 해안에서 살다.

3 The picture was high (on/above) a wall (on/above) his head.

4 They are sitting AT the table.

5 He works XX downtown. 시내에서

6 He is working ON a farm. 농장에서

7The light is (on/above/in) the ceiling.

8 The light is hanging (on/above) the desk.

9 They live ON the 4th floor. 4층에서

10 They live XX there.

11 My books are (on/above) the desk.

12 The news is ON TV now.

13 She is working AT her desk.

14 They are having a vacation IN Jejudo.

15 It will be ON TV at 7:00.

16 He is walking ON a mountain.

17 He is walking IN the mountainS.

18 He is walking IN a forest.

19 They are standing IN a field now. 들판에서/밭에서

20 They are playing ON a sports field now. 운동장에서

21 They are playing tennis ON/AT a tennis court.

22 The program is ON TV now.

23 That fly is (on/above) the ceiling.

24 We play soccer ON a sports field every Saturday. 운동장에서

25 He was working IN a field. 들판에서/밭에서

26 She lives XX here.

Place Prepositions -- Exercise 3

Instructions: Write "in" "at" "to" "for" or nothing in the blanks (빈칸에서) .

1 She is going to arrive IN Korea tomorrow.

2 He reached XX Dongeui University 10 minutes ago.

3 He arrived AT Dongeui University 10 minutes ago.

4 He got TO Dongeui University 10 minutes ago.

5 He is going to get XX home in one hour.

6 I got XX downtown (시내) at 5 o'clock yesterday.

7 They arrived IN Busan 3 hours ago.

8 They reached XX Busan 3 hours ago.

9 They got TO Busan 3 hours ago.

10 They are going to leave Busan FOR Seoul tomorrow. 서울을 향해 부산을 떠날 것이다.

11 He always gets TO work at 9:00.

12 They arrived AT school two hours ago.

13 They got TO school two hours ago.

14 They are going to leave FOR/XX???????? school in six hours. 학교를 떠날 것이다

15 He is going to get XX here soon.

16 He is going to arrive XX here soon.

17 They arrived IN the U.S. six months ago.

18 They got TO the U.S. six months ago.

19 We are going to leave FOR/XX?????????? Dongeui University in two hours. 동의를 떠날 것이다

20 They left Seoul FOR Japan yesterday. 일본을 향해 서울을 떠났다

21 He got XX home at 10:00 last night.

22 He arrived XX home at 10:00 last night.

Time Prepositions -- Exercise 1: this/next/last/today/yesterday/tomorrow/every

Instructions: Choose one right word in the parentheses ( ).

1 They are going to do it (last/next/tomorrow) afternoon.

2 He did it (last/next/ yesterday) weekend.

3 She did it (last/next/yesterday) year.

4 She did it (last/next/ yesterday) morning.

5 They did it (last/next/yesterday) evening.

6 We did it (last/next/yesterday) month.

7 She did it (last/next/yesterday) week.

8 They did it (last/next/yesterday) afternoon.

9 He does it XX every night.

10 He does it XX every day.

11 She did it (today/this) morning.

12 He did it (today/this) afternoon.

13 He is going to do it (today/this) evening.

14 He is going to do it (today/this/to-) night.

15 They are going to do it (last/next/tomorrow) weekend.

16 She is going to do it (last/next/tomorrow) year.

17 She is going to do it (last/next/ tomorrow) morning.

18 They are going to do it (last/next/tomorrow) evening.

19 We are going to do it (last/next/tomorrow) month.

20 She is going to do it (last/next/tomorrow) week.

Time Prepositions -- Exercise 2: in/on/no preposition

Instructions: Choose one right word in the parentheses ( ) or write "in" or "on" or nothing in the blanks.

Don’t forget this: You will need to write “the” sometimes.

1 He is going to do it (this/today) evening.

2 He always goes to church ON Sunday.

3 He does it XX every day.

4 She did it (this/today) morning.

5 They think he was born ON Christmas Day.

6 I went to Seoul XX last year.

7 They took the exam ON THE 4th.

8 We are going to do it (tomorrow/next) afternoon.

9 Let's see a movie XX next weekend.

10 We have been there two times XX this week.

11 He was born ON Oct. third, 1984.

12 This was very popular IN THE 1990s.

13 They do it XX every week.

14 I'm going to go to the U.S. XX next year.

15 We are going to do it XX next month.

16 Our family got together ON/FOR Korean Thanksgiving Day.

17 It happened IN THE 19th-century.

18 We went to Masan (last/yesterday) morning.

19 We first came here ON March second.

20 He came to Dongeui University IN 1986.

21 He did it XX last vacation.

22 He did it IN THE/DURING THE winter vacation.

23 He did it ON/IN/DURING his vacation.

24 I am going to have a party ON my birthday.

25 They will come here ON THE 30th.

26 I have studied for five hours XX today.

27They went to Thailand IN THE/THIS/LAST winter.

28 They went to Thailand XX last winter.

29 We had a great time together XX last weekend.

30 He went there IN February this year.

31 She did it XX last February.

32 Let's do it XX next vacation.

33 Let's do it IN THE summer vacation.

34 Let's do it ON our vacation.

35 He was born IN 1984.

36 I'm going to do that assignment ON Saturday.

37 Let's go to Guam IN THE summer.

38 Let's go to Guam XX next summer.

39 He'll get a job IN 2005.

40 He'll get a job XX next year.

41 He'll get a job IN January, 2005.

42 He'll start working there ON January 3rd.

43 They did it (yesterday/last) morning.

44 We had a party ON Lunar New Year's Day.

45 I'm going to do it IN December this year.

46 I'm going to do it XX next December.

Time Prepositions -- Exercise 3: night/day/morning/afternoon/evening/time

Don’t forget this: You will need to write “the” sometimes.

1 I like to study AT night. 밤에

2 He is going to go to the hospital XX/ON Monday morning.

3 She always goes to bed AT 11:00 evening. 저녁 11시에

4 They always do it IN THE morning. 아침에

5 We usually do it IN THE daytime. 낮에

6 I go to bed AT 12:00 every night. 밤마다

7 They did it AT 8:00 yesterday.

8 He did it ON Sunday morning.

9 He always gets up AT 7:00 IN THE morning. 아침 7시에

10 We are going to do it ON Friday afternoon.

11 Which do you like more XX studying IN THE daytime (낮에) or studying AT night (밤에).

12 She often does it AT night. 밤에

13 They are going to do it ON Friday night.

14 We did it AT midday XX yesterday. 어제 낮12시에

15 I get up AT 6:00 XX every morning.


DR. JOHN GODDARD is one of the world’s most famous explorers and adventurers. His philosophy from the age of 15 has been: "To dare is to do, to fear is to fail."

One day when he was 15 years old, he was bored. It was raining outside and there was nothing to do. Suddenly, he got an idea. He could write down a list of things he wanted to do in his life. He could write a list of life goals. He wrote for a long time. When he was done, he had written down 127 goals that he wanted to accomplish in his life. Some of them were easy and some were hard. Now he is over 70 years old and he has accomplished over 109 of these goals as well as over 400 other goals.

Here are some of the goals that John wrote down as a teenager (you can see the whole list on internet at ).

John Goddard's Life List (The “*” means the goal has been achieved)


1. * Nile River

2. * Amazon River


9. * The Congo

10. * New Guinea

13. * The Sudan (nearly buried alive in a sandstorm)

14. * Australia


21. Mt. Everest

25. * Mt. Kilimanjaro

26. * Mt. Ararat, Turkey

30. * The Matterhorn


37.*Work in medicine and exploration

38. Visit every country in the world (only 30 more to visit)

40. * Learn to fly a plane


54. North and South Poles

55. * Great Wall of China

58. * The Galapagos Islands

60. * The Taj Mahal


68. * Lake Victoria

69. * Lake Superior


73. * Become an Eagle Scout

74. * Dive in a submarine

77. * Ride an elephant, camel, ostrich and bronco

80. * Play flute and violin

84. * Go on a church mission

85. * Follow the John Muir trail


89. * Learn jujitsu

90. * Teach a college course

93. Appear in a Tarzan movie

94. Own a horse, chimpanzee, cheetah, ocelot, and coyote (yet to own a chimp or cheetah)

96. * Build own telescope

101. * Run mile in 5 minutes

102. * Weigh 175 pounds stripped (still does)

103. * Perform 200 sit-ups and 20 pull-ups

104. * Learn French, Spanish and Arabic

110. * Read the Bible from cover to cover


111.* Read works from Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle, Dickens, Thoreau, Rousseau, Conrad, Hemingway, Twain, Tolstoy, Longfellow, Keats, Bacon.

114. * Compose music

116. * Watch fire-walking ceremony (In Bali and Surinam)

118. * Light a match with .22 rifle

121. * Become a member of the Explorer's Club and the Adventure's Club

125. Visit the moon ("Someday, if God wills")

126. * Marry and have children (has five children)

127. * Live to see the 21st century

John didn't want his life to be just one of chance. He thought about what he wanted to experience very early in his life and wrote them down as goals. This helped him focus on what he wanted to accomplish and his life shows the power of setting goals for your life.

John has lived with and studied 260 cultures and tribes (head hunters, pygmies, hippies and others), He has climbed 12 of the world’s highest mountains, conducted 14 major expeditions, gone down 15 of the world’s most treacherous rivers including the Amazon and Nile (he was the first man to explore the whole Nile river). He has visited 120 countries. He has run a five minute mile. He has parachuted from planes. He has read the whole Bible and the encyclopedia cover to cover and many other books. He has followed the travels of Marco Polo through all of the Middle East, Asia and China. He has visited the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal in India, and climbed the Matterhorn (during a blizzard when even other professional climbers wouldn’t climb).

He was attacked by hippos and crocodiles. He has survived plane crashes and earthquakes. He was bitten by a diamondback rattlesnake and lived! He has faced death 38 times.

He has explored the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Red Sea, and more. He has flown 47 different kinds of airplanes. He set a civilian air-speed record of 1,500 miles an hour (2413.5 km/hr) and another record for flying to an altitude of 63,000 feet (19202.4 meters).

Goddard did not do these adventures just for excitement. The adventures were done to help add to our understanding of the world. He says, "Digging out the facts is the real challenge. The adventure is exciting and enjoyable--but secondary."

When asked what adventure was the most enjoyable and exciting, John said, “Oh, that's easy. It has to be my family -- my wife and five children."

Would you like to have a life of adventure like John did? It is possible. John says, "If you really know what you want out of life, it's amazing how opportunities will come to enable you to carry them out." He says that most people don’t accomplish very much because they don’t have clear goals.

The experiences and principles of people like John can help you too to live a useful and adventurous life!


1. Who are some other people who have reached amazing goals? What was their goal and how did they reach it? What can we learn from their lives?

2. Who are some famous adventurers or explorers in your country?

3. What goals of John Goddard are most amazing to you? Why do you think he was able to accomplish so much in his life?

4. Who do you know that is very ambitious? What do they want to do? Do you think they will reach their goal? Why or why not?

5. Which of these goals would you like to do? Which are too dangerous or scary for you? Why?

6. Have you ever faced death like he has? Tell the experience.

7. What do you think are the best kind of goals? What are foolish goals?

8. Here are some quotes on success and goals and dreams. What do you think is true or important about them? Can you think of any experiences that show these quotes are true?

** “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” Helen Keller

** “Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice.” William Jennings Bryan

** “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” Dale Carnegie

** “All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night…wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.” - Lawrence of Arabia

9. What are the most important lessons from this story and these quotes in your opinion?


LISTEN: Listen to the story “Why Get Rich” from the teacher (in the teacher’s notes) and after the story, answer these questions in a sentence.

1. Where was the American businessman taking a vacation?

2. What did the fisherman do in his free time?

3. What are 2 things the American business man suggests to him?

4. How much time would he have to spend to become a millionaire?

5. After he became a millionaire, how would his life style change?

6. Why was the Mexican not interested in the American businessman’s idea?

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present Perfect

Write down 5 questions in the present perfect tense. Use new words from the story.

EXAMPLES: Have you survived an accident? Has your teacher experienced any other cultures? What places have you explored with your girlfriend/boyfriend? What has your mother/father accomplished?






PROJECT: Putting it into Practice!

John also says that to have balance in our lives, you should make goals in these areas:


PHYSICAL: Follow good health principles so you have energy and ability to accomplish your goals.

EMOTIONAL: Reduce negative emotions. Be social, helpful and active in your community.

SPIRITUAL: Strengthen yourself spiritually every week and LIVE what you learn from God and nature.

2) RELATIONSHIPS: Build skills to make better and more positive relationships with people.

3) EDUCATION: Learn knowledge and skills from school and regularly from books, good media, friends, etc.

4) CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: Meet and experience people from different backgrounds and cultures.

5) FINANCIAL SECURITY: Be disciplined and delay gratification. Reduce and get rid of debt. Invest wisely.

There are others as well: romance, travel, service, entertainment, the arts, etc. Let’s start by writing down your goals in some of these areas! Spend some time thinking about this and then write down at least 25 goals. Make sure to use some “want to” sentences, some future tense sentences and several present perfect sentences.

SPORTS/HEALTH: I want to win a basketball championship. I have decided to jog 1 mile a day.

SPIRITUAL: I will read the Bible regularly. I will volunteer to help poor people for 1 year. I have determined to be honest about my mistakes and apologize quickly even when it’s hard.

RELATIONSHIPS: I want to marry an Eskimo, rub noses and have 12 children^_^!!! I have decided to be positive and encouraging. I have determined that I will be an incredible husband/wife.

EDUCATION: I want to study astronomy. I will learn how DNA works. I have chosen 50 cultures to study and learn about.

ADVENTURE: I will sky dive off a waterfall. I have decided to sail in a yacht around the world.

CAREER/FINANCIAL: I will be a doctor. I have planned to own a home in the country. I have decided that I will win a horse race.

SHARE: Every student stands up and tells the class 5-10 of your goals.


John Goddard writes in his book that setting goals has been “immensely rewarding” and “a daily blueprint for reaching toward an even more meaningful life and a higher level of happiness, growth and success.” How do you achieve your goals? In his book “The Survivor” (p. 243), John shared his method for achieving his goals.

1. WRITE THE GOALS DOWN: Making clear goals and visualizing yourself achieving them.

2. CREATE A PLAN: Write out the details that are necessary to achieve the goals you have made.

3. PREPARATION: Get the training and gather the materials or whatever you need to accomplish the goal.

4. PERSISTING & ACTION: Never Give up! If you have done 1-3, then it’s time to act and do it!

"Mark McCormack reported in his Success Secrets newsletter that 83% of Harvard School graduates had no goals 10 years after graduation; 14% had goals, but not in writing. The remaining three percent had written goals—and were earning 10 times as much as the group with no goals. Even the 14% whose goals were not in writing were earning three times as much as those graduates who had no goals at all."


Here are some other important principles that will help you in achieving your dreams: 

1. AIM HIGH: One proverb says, “Shoot for the stars. At least you’ll reach the moon.” Make high goals. They will challenge you and motivate you. You will always achieve more if you have high goals.

2. SATISFACTION: Make sure the goal you are working for is something you really want and will be satisfied with. H. Jackson Brown said, “Success is getting what you want.  Happiness is liking what you get.” Don’t make the mistake of wasting your life on a goal that you won’t enjoy. Many people choose goals of money, fame, education, fast cars, etc. But, when they achieve these goals, they are often disappointed. Many people believe that if they have just a few more things that they will be happy. But, satisfaction comes from relationships with people and with God and from service. This is why material goals are almost always unsatisfying. Make sure your goals improve your relationships with people and help them live better.

Albert Schweitzer wrote “The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” Remember that as you choose your goals.

3. WRITE SPECIFIC DREAMS & VISUALIZE: Be specific in your dreams. Don’t just write “A new home". Write specifics like "A 4,000 square foot ranch house with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths and a view of the mountain on 200 acres of land.” This will help make it concrete in your mind.

Dream about your goals and imagine yourself reaching the goal. Put your written goals in a place where you can see them often. This will help you focus on them frequently and achieve them.

In 1953 researchers asked graduating class of Yale University if they had written goals. 3% of the graduates practiced goal setting and had clearly defined written goals. In 1973 the researchers found the same students and asked them about their financial status. The 3% who had written goals were worth more than all the other 97% combined. This is only in the financial area, but it shows clearly that clear and written goals will help you reach your goals and be a success.

4. LEARN SKILLS: Many dreams will require that you learn new skills. These may be learned in school, but many are learned in other places. You can learn by:

--GETTING IDEAS: From school, teachers, books, internet, libraries and other places, learn about how other people succeeded in areas similar to your dreams. Record useful ideas you find. Bill Gates and many famous people are voracious readers because reading is a source of ideas. Also, learn the principles that will help you succeed (see books like “The 7 habits of highly effective people”).

--VOLUNTEER/PRACTICE: Volunteer to help in places with similar work at home, church, school, businesses, etc. If can get paid for it, great! But, if not, volunteer to help out for a while.

Bill Gates liked computers and began programming at 13 years old.

Steven Spielberg wanted to be a movie director, so he volunteered in a movie studio in his free time and learned many tricks there. He started making home movies when he was 12 years old.

Florence Nightingale started taking care of sick animals when she was a young girl. Many famous people started learning and volunteering when they were very young, so start now!

5. BREAK IT INTO STEPS: A big dream may look impossible. But, if you break it down into small pieces, it’s much easier. Achieve many small steps and you achieve the big dream.

6. COMMITMENT/PERSEVERANCE/CONSISTENT: Make sure you keep your goals in a place that you can easily see and remember them. Do something toward these goals every day and every week. Perseverance and being consistent are more important than talent, education or genius.

”All successful men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.”  -Brian Tracy (M. Jordan said that other guys had more talent. But, he practiced constantly and so succeeded.)

7. PARTNER WISELY: If you need help, be very careful who you choose as a partner. Make sure your goals are clear and understood and make sure that your partners are passionate about them. If your partners are not passionate, at critical times, they may not be willing to commit money and time to your dreams and you will fail. If your goals are different, you either need to change goals or change partners.  Publilius Syrus said, “Where there is unity there is always victory.”



John Goddard writes in his book that setting goals has been “immensely rewarding” and “a daily blueprint for reaching toward an even more meaningful life and a higher level of happiness, growth and success.” How do you achieve your goals? In his book “The Survivor” (p. 243), John shared his method for achieving his goals.

9. WRITE THE GOALS DOWN: Making clear goals and visualizing yourself achieving them.

10. CREATE A PLAN: Write out the details that are necessary to achieve the goals you have made.

11. PREPARATION: Get the training and gather the materials or whatever you need to accomplish the goal.

12. PERSISTING & ACTION: Never Give up! If you have done 1-3, then it’s time to act and do it!

Choose 3 of the 25 goals that you wrote down. Think about goals of people you know about and how they achieved them. Then write your goals in these 3 areas (and try to include 1-2 pictures of your goal or dream) and make sure to use ~5-10 PRESENT PERFECT sentences in it:

• DREAM: How did you get this dream? (Where did the inspiration come from?) What’s your dream in detail?

• RESOURCES NEEDED: What specific things do you need to learn or to get to reach that goal? What things have you finished already (use present perfect for these sentences. Some examples are underlined.)?

• COMMITMENT: What will you do this week, this month, this year toward reaching that dream?


I have often dreamed about doing sky diving. Many people have wanted to fly like the birds and there are many ways to do this. If you’re in an airplane, you are flying, but you can’t feel the wind in your fast and you can’t feel how fast you are flying. It’s not the same to me. I want to feel all of the sky and wind. I want to feel like I’m flying. I want to be safe, but have the feeling of danger and excitement. So, I think sky diving will be a very exciting thing to do.


I will need to earn money for sky diving lessons and renting the airplane and parachute. I have saved $400 already, but I need $200 more dollars. I will need to learn about sky diving techniques and flying suits and parachutes. I have found a place where I can take sky diving classes. I am sure I will have many questions to ask, so I will need to find people who have done sky diving to help prepare me to do it myself.


How will I accomplish this? I will watch sky diving movies to get some basic ideas. I will get a part time job and I will take a class in sky diving as soon as I save enough money. Before that time, I will surf the internet at sky diving sites. If there are any sky diving websites I will join their e-mail lists and chats. In that way I can meet people who can answer my questions and give me useful ideas about sky diving. I will call information to find sky diving schools or clubs where I can learn about sky diving. I plan to sky dive before I am 35 years old.


I read stories about Mother Theresa, Albert Schweitzer and many other doctors who did good work for people in poor countries. Albert Schweitzer was very smart and could have been a rich doctor in England. But, he chose to live in African for 30 years and saved many lives there. He also wrote several articles against nuclear weapons and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952. His story really inspired me and so I want to do something similar. I think that if I work to help poor people, it will be very interesting to see how they are living. I will see their problems and their culture and what they do for fun. I will also feel that I have lived a useful life if I can help people like Schweitzer did.


I will need to go to medical school. I think I will specialize in pediatrics (children’s medicine). I have always wanted to help children a lot. Medical school is expensive so I will need a lot of money. My parents can help pay some, but I will need to get a job and make some money. I have found a part time job that will pay $500 a month. I have also taken courses in biology and physiology.

I will also need to learn about the body very well. So, I have found some medical textbooks about the about the body. I have also found internet sites that teach many things about the body. I will study those, videos and talk to friends who are doctors.


I will start working toward this dream by buying some books about doctors who helped people and reading them. I will also buy some books about the body and learn some of the basics of how it works. When I get to high school, I will volunteer to work in a hospital or at a country clinic for one summer. I will study my science classes very hard and if I meet doctors, I will talk to them and ask many questions and ask them their advice. I will look for internet sites and places where I can take classes about medical things.

I will also look agencies or places that need doctors to work in needy countries. Through these places and their contacts I can find many opportunities to help save lives. In these and other ways, I will work toward my dream of becoming a doctor and helping people be healthier and happier.

EXAMPLE 3: DREAM--LIVING IN FRANCE (well done homework by a DSU student, with improvements by Bryan Bissell)

I have liked art since I was young. One day, I saw France on the television. What I saw the sight of Paris in France, it was so elegant and it made me think, “That’s my style!” As I’ve grown up, I have become interesting in learning French because it sounds soft and graceful too. Also, I have searched for information which is concerned with France. What I really admire about the French lifestyle is their “tolerance”. Most of the French do not force their opinions on other people. They persuade other people with demonstrations if they want to convince someone. Therefore, as soon as I get the opportunity, I have decided to live for a few years in France and enjoy that lifestyle.


I might need gigantic assets and certificates to live in France. I still have not saved any money, but I have studied French since 2008. (In my high school time, it was too difficult to study it because I had to prepare for the Korean SAT.) I will take a French test, Niveau DELF B2, in September in this year. I have found a place for studying French. I will go to L’Alliance Francais du Busan starting this month. I will save money to pay the expenses starting this month with a scholarship from E-zine (the English magazine of Dongseo University).


I already have books for studying for the French test. However, the problem is that there is not enough time to study French, so I have decided to study it in my free time between classes at school. I will join festivals or seminars in L’Alliance Francais du Busan in order to experience French culture. I will study French in various ways such as French movies, French books, and so on. By the time I graduate from university, I will get a certificate in French, the Niveau DALF C2 and TCF, and I will save money to support myself in France as soon as possible by working in internships or by doing holiday work in France until I can get a permanent job there.


STORY: For 30 years, Marcus and his wife had saved their money carefully for their dream vacation. They were planning to take an amazing trip around the world to see the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel tower and many others. They were looking forward to it with great anticipation. But, suddenly their dreams broke into pieces. Just a few weeks before his retirement, Marcus woke up with a sudden pain in his chest. An ambulance rushed him to the hospital. There he had to have triple bypass surgery. The surgery saved his life, but it wiped out all their families savings and he had to return to work with no hope of ever going on their dream vacation. What a tragedy! If only he had stopped smoking or exercises more or something. Now he sincerely wished that he had paid attention to the health principles that he had known.

Health. It’s something that we so often take for granted. We don’t realize how important it is until it’s gone. But, to understand a little of it’s importance talk to people who are close to dying. Queen Elizabeth said for example, “All my possessions for one moment of time”. Ask a person who is dying of cancer. Ask the parents of a child dying of leukemia. They you will begin to understand the importance of health. But, it is so much more than just living a long life. Health drastically affects life in many areas. In Marcus’ case, his bad health ruined his careful financial planning of 30 years (CNN reported in 2006 that bad health costs the average person $2,200 per year). Here are some of the other benefits that follow good health habits:


1. Adds many years to your life.

2. Helps you look more beautiful/handsome and younger.

3. Reduces aggression, crime and anger

4. Greatly reduces pollution/helps the environment

5. Helps solve the hunger problems in the world.

6. Helps you save money

7. Prevents many dangerous diseases.

8. Greatly reduces sicknesses (headaches, earaches, flu, stomachache, etc.),

9. Improves sexual enjoyment

10. Aids spiritual insight

11. It’s not cruel to animals.

12. Improves your attitude and helps avoid depression.

13. Helps reduce accidents.

14. Improves relationships.

15. Helps you lose weight easily.

16. Reduces pimples/acne.

17. Gives you higher energy.

18. Gives you better sleep.

19. Increases intelligence and grades by improving memory, etc.

20. Helps you think more clearly and make better decisions.

21. Give good health, mind and appearance to our babies/children.

22. Helps avoid mental diseases in children especially.

Health has an incredible range of effects on us. Some people think that you can’t change your health, but there is an enormous amount that you CAN do to give yourself good health and experience the above benefits and more. How do we know? Scientists compared the health of twins who had the same genes in the “Danish Twin Study”. They found that about 25 percent of how long we live is influenced by our genes. But, seventy-five percent, or the lion’s share, is determined by our lifestyle-something we choose.

So, Your Health is ~75%+ due to YOUR LIFESTYLE CHOICES!!

(referenced from National Geographic Magazine and )

The above 22 health benefits and more all come from these 10 ways to stay healthy: 1) Don’t smoke 2) Drink little or no alcohol and milk 3) Exercise & stay at a good weight 4) Eat breakfast 5) Be vegetarian or vegan 6) Get enough sleep & 7) Avoid seafood 8) Avoid milk 9) Avoid sugar& 10) Have faith in God.

Just changing a few habits can make a big difference. This report just came out from PLoS Medicine, news release, Jan. 7, 2008

“Researchers at the University of Cambridge and the Medical Research Council looked at 20,000 men and women, aged 45-79, who filled out a questionnaire about the four health behaviors…. People with four healthy lifestyle behaviors -- not smoking, physical activity, moderate alcohol consumption, and eating five servings of fruit or vegetables a day -- live an average of 14 years longer than people with none of those behaviors”.

It’s not just for our own health. It’s good for the planet too! For example, just one health habit, being vegetarian, can stop hunger, save the environment, add ~10 years to your life and stop cruelty to animals! Paul McCartney explains, "If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That's the single most important thing you could do. It's staggering when you think about it. Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty."

LIFE SPAN: How old are you? 25, 50, 60? That’s your real age. But, you also have a health age. Your health age is the age of your body. You may be 25 years old, but your body is similar to a 35 year old person. Or you can be 70 and your body can be similar to a 50 year old. 50 would be your health age. Obviously, lower health ages are much better! Dr. Breslow, a professor from UCLA, did a study on 7,000 people for 9 years. He found out that if people followed 6-7 of these health habits, they would live 11.5 years longer on average (To find your health age, find your age and circle how many habits you follow. Then add (+) or subtract (-) the listed number from your real age. This is the age of your body.) What are the questions? Here they are:

|1. Air |□ I do not smoke |WEIGHT TABLE |

|2. Liquid |□ I seldom or never have more than four alcoholic drinks per sitting. |Height (Inches) |Overweight Limit |

| | | |(Pounds) |

|3. Nutrition |□ I eat a substantial breakfast every day. | |Men |Women |

|4. Exercise |□ I take long walks or engage in sports, swimming, gardening or other physical activity at least|60 | |130 |

| |three times a week. |61 | |133 |

| | |62 | |136 |

|5. Rest |□ I regularly have seven or eight hours of sleep. |63 | |139 |

|6. Temperance |□ I seldom or never eat between meals. |64 |156 |144 |

|7. Moderation |□ I weigh less than 20% above my desired weight. (See table.) |65 |160 |149 |

|Total Number of Health Habits I Practice ____ (Number of true statements) |66 |164 |155 |

| |67 |169 |160 |

|# OF HABITS FOLLOWED |0-2 habits |

|I went to a concert last night. The concert was boring. |나는 어제 밤 한 콘서트에 갔다. 그 (언급된) 콘서트는 지루했다. |

|I went to the concert last night. |나는 어제 밤 그 (상대방이 아는) 콘서트에 갔다. |

|I met a friend on Sunday. My friend wanted to see a movie. My friend likes |나는 일요일에 한 친구를 만났다. 내 친구가 영화 하나를 보기 원했다. 내 친구는 영화 |

|movieS very much. |보기를 매우 좋아한다. |

|I met some friends on Sunday. My friends wanted to attend a music concert. My |나는 일요일에 몇몇 친구들을 만났다. 내 친구들은 한 음악회에 가기 원했다. 내 |

|friends like music concertS very much. |친구들은 음악회를 매우 좋아한다. |

|We met in the library. |우리는 그 도서관에서 만났다. |

|We met in a library. |우리는 한 도서관에서 만났다. |

|I saw a cat. Then a dog saw the cat. The dog chased the cat. The cat ran to a |나는 한 고양이를 보았다. 그때 한 개가 그 고양이를 보았다. 그 개가 그 고양이를 |

|tree and climbed the tree. The dog ran to the tree and barked at the cat. A man |쫓았다. 그 고양이가 한 나무로 달려가서 그 나무에 올라갔다. 그 개가 그 나무로 달려 |

|came along to the dog. The man took the dog away. |가서 그 고양이를 보고 짖었다. 한 남자가 그 개에게 왔다. 그 남자가 그 개를 데리고 |

| |갔다. |

|When there is only one and everybody knows this— |유일한 것이고 모두가 아는 것들일 경우 |

|in the world, on the ground, in the sky, | |

|the sea, the ocean, the moon, the sun, |세상에서, 땅에서, 하늘에서, |

|the stars (all of the stars), |바다, 대양, 달, 태양, |

| |별들 (모든 별들), |

|the leader of a team, |한 팀의 지도자, |

|the president of a club, the top of a mountain, |클럽의 회장, 산 정상, |

|the roof of a house, the president of a country, |집의 지붕, 한 나라의 대통령, |

|the government of a country, the director of a movie, |한 나라의 정부, 한 영화의 감독 |

|the floor of a room, the ceiling of a room, | |

|the teacher of a class |한 방의 바닥, 한 방의 천장, |

| |한 반의 선생 |

|We went for a picnic in the suburbs (X: wrong) of Pusan. We went for a picnic on | |

|the outskirts of Pusan. |우리는 부산의 변두리에서 소풍갔다. |

|“(in) the suburbs” 서양도시에 있는데 동양도시에 없다. The suburbs는 도시중심 (많은| |

|아파트 과 작고 낡은집 있는 지방) 과 변두리 사이에 있는 지방 이다. 거기서 중류층 | |

|과 상류층의 좋은 집들이 많다. | |

|in the country / in the countryside | |

|In a rural area / in a country area | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |시골에서 |

| |어떤 시골에서 |

|19.”the” can mean “all” | |

|The trains in Seoul |서울에 있는 모든 기차 |

|The buses in Busan |부산에 있는 모든 버스 |

|The universities in Korea |한국에 있는 모든 대학교 |

|The students at that university |저 대학교에 있는 모든 학생 |

|The students in a class |어떤 반에 있는 모든 학생 |

20. When you want to write the name of an area, town, city, province or country and you don’t know if you should use “the” or not, DON’T use “the”!!! Usually place names don’t have “the”.

I went to the (X: wrong) Seoul. I went to Seoul.

I came to the (X: wrong) Dongeui University. I came to Dongeui University.

He came to the (X: wrong) Korea. He came to Korea.

21). Exceptions(제외): The United States, the Philippines, the Netherlands, the Soviet Union,

the United Kingdom.

22) Don’t use “the” with these kind of places: Lotte Department Store, Hae oon dae Beach,

Yong du sahn Park, Seoul International Airport, Busan Station, Mount Jiri, Jeju Island,

Dongeui University, Ga-ya Dong, Busan, Seoul, Gyung-sahng-nahm-do, Korea, Australia.

23). Use “the” with these kinds of things: The Nahkdong River, The Lotte Hotel, The Busan Ilbo (newspaper), The Sydney Harbor Bridge, The University of Michigan.

24). Expressions concerning place where "the" is almost always used: in the mountains (a mountainous area) , on the coast, at the beach, in the kitchen, in the living room, in the dining room, in the bathroom, in the toilet, in the garden, and on the verandah.


1. Give me an apple.

2. Read a book.

3. Go home. Go to the house. Go to your house. (Go to the homes)

4. They drank (some) juice.

5. He hit a boy.

6. Read the book(s).

7. Give me a banana. Give me (some) bananas.

8. She kissed a man.

9. She drove the two cars.

10. He hit the boy.

11. Read (some) books.

12. She kissed the man.

13. He drank the milk.

14. He hit the boys.

15. I met my cousins on Sunday. My cousins wanted to go to a concert. My cousins like concerts very much.


17. She kissed the men.

18. Go to the homes/houses.

19. I read the book.

20. He hit (some) boys.

21. Read the books.

22. He looked at the sea for a long time.

23. I read (some) books.

24. She kissed (some) men.

25. Drive the car.

26. I saw a play yesterday. That was fun/funny.

27. Give me (some) bananas.

28. We are students.

29. I ate the 20 strawberries.

30. He drank (some) milk.

31. I read a book.

32. I read a book last month. The book was interesting.

33. I met my cousin on Saturday. My friend wanted to watch a movie. My friend likes to watch movies very much.

34. She met five men.

35. We went to a concert last night.

36. They are nurses.

37. She met the two men.

38. I read the books.

39. She drove 4 cars.

40. He is a bad professor.

41. They drank the juice.

42. She ate ten grapes.

43. He lives in the country.

44. I’m a smart student.

45. The moon tonight (or “this night”) was big.

46. I met some of my friends last week. They wanted to ride/take a train. My friends really like riding/taking trains very much.

47. They are doctors.

48. He met some of his friends.

49. He met all (of) his friends.

50. She saw some chickens. At that time, an old woman/grandma saw the chickens. The old woman ran after (or “chased”) the chickens. The chickens ran to a/one box and (the chickens) entered the box. The old woman picked up the box (picked the box up). She started taking the box (or “She started going with the box”). The owner of the chickens saw the old woman. The owner of the chickens saw the old woman (the old woman owner of the chickens saw something.). The owner ran after the old woman (or chased the old woman (away)). Then/Next, a dog tried to bite the old woman.

MODALS Y/N (Should, Could, Would)



The movie “A Walk To Remember” is a touching & sad love story & it has several good lessons for us to think about in dating:

13) LOOK FOR TRUE LOVE: 2 times in the movie, characters read from the Bible love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7/고린도전서 13:4-7. The qualities of true love here are crucial in having a love that gets deeper and stronger and more passionate over the years. Look for these qualities in your partner and try to become like this yourself.

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

4 사랑은 오래 참습니다. 사랑은 친절합니다. 사랑은 시기하지 않습니다. 사랑은 자랑하지 않습니다. 사랑은 교만하지 않습니다. 5사랑은 무례히 행동하지 않습니다. 사랑은 자기 유익을 구하지 않습니다. 사랑은 쉽게 성내지 않습니다. 사랑은 원한을 품지 않습니다. 6사랑은 불의를 기뻐하지 않고 진리와 함께 기뻐합니다. 7사랑은 모든 것을 덮어 주며, 모든 것을 믿으며, 모든 것을 소망하며, 모든 것을 견뎌 냅니다.

14) MAKE GOD #1 IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP: People who really put God first in their lives are much better marriage partners. This is NOT just going to church. A person who puts God first, really LIVES and FOLLOWS the relationships truths in the Bible (some are in #1 above). They will be patient, humble and kind. They will not be rude, proud or self seeking. They will sacrifice for you and they won’t reject your needs. They will admit their mistakes and try to change things that bother you because they love God AND you. They will look for ways to help you achieve your goals. They will never give up on you. These principles of God with God’s power in your life help relationships become MUCH stronger. ~50% of marriages end in divorce. But, if a man and woman go to church often, get married in a church, pray and read the Bible together, only 1 out of 1,105 of those marriages end in divorce.

15) MARRY SOMEONE WITH SIMILAR BELIEFS: It’s VERY important that you marry someone who believes the same way that you do or has similar morals and philosophy. Your beliefs affect your money choices. They affect how you spend your time. They determine the goals that you have. They affect what you teach your children and so much more. If your beliefs are not the same, there will be many arguments and a much higher chance for divorce. So, be sure to marry someone with very similar beliefs in moral/religious areas.

16) IMPROVE YOURSELF: Before you can date someone you need to become an interesting dating partner. How?

A) BECOME INTERESTING: To be an interesting and surprising person, you need to focus on improving abilities, knowledge and relationship skills. That means you need to read, listen a lot and talk to other people. Read in many IMPORTANT topics (not just comic books). Be informed about world events, issues, inventions, etc. Join a club. Join a church (or change to a new church) and go on church youth trips. Try out for a drama or musical group. Go to English cafes. Go to a new institute and learn a new skill. Try new sports games (great place to meet guys). Learn poetry.

B) BE INVOLVED IN LIFE: Jamie and Landon fall in love while in drama club together. In real life, this is often how people fall in love (many actors and actresses fell in love while making movies). So, don’t stay at home all the time. Get involved in many activities. Travel around your city, country and abroad when possible. Be active in student politics (or real politics). Join human rights campaigns. Do service activities. Help out at orphanages, hospitals, nursing homes. There are many things you can do. But, try many activities and try to say YES to most new activities and outings. You might meet the love of your life (.

C) TRIAL/ERROR: If you make a mistake, don’t repeat it. If you find something that works well, remember it and use it.

D) IMPROVE YOUR LOOKS: They say that you don’t get a 2nd chance to make a good first impression. Your mind is most important for sure. But, the fact is that many people will not want to know more about you if you look messy, dirty, lazy, disorganized, boring, etc. Your looks give people a hint about your character. So, think about how you can improve your appearance. Ask some friends to be honest with you. Try out a new hairstyle or new fashion styles. Become attractive and unique.

17) LOOK AT CHARACTER AND POTENTIAL: Sometimes it’s easy to look just on the surface and miss a great girl or guy. Some guys just looked at the old sweater Jamie wore and didn’t look any deeper. They lost out on dating a girl who was actually beautiful on the outside AND the inside. Looks can change and improve quite easily and there are more important things than good looks. Jamie looks at Landon & sees something special about him even though he has some bad qualities. She tells him, “You can be anything”. She believes he has potential & can do anything. Look at people deeply. Look at their potential, not just at their present. Believe in them.

18) EMOTIONAL INTIMACY: Another very important thing is your “chemistry”. Do you two have an emotional connection? Can you talk about things together easily? Can you be honest and open with the other person? Do you listen well to others? Don’t always be talking about yourself. Having deep, heart to heart communication is critical for good relationships. It’s very critical to be able to talk about your concerns and problems honestly and openly. Make this a priority.

19) MEET NEW PEOPLE: The principal tells Landon that he needs to find new friends. If you don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend, don’t just wait for Prince Charming/Cinderella to fall into your lap. Try out some new activities that will help you meet new people. When you meet them, ask questions about their interests, their life experiences, etc. Share your own interesting stories, your passions, your difficulties, your successes, etc. Learn more about other people at every chance you have.

20) ASK OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS: Don’t just ask questions that people can answer with “yes” or “no”. Ask questions starting with “Why” and “How” & other WH questions. Be curious & ask questions that help you know the other person better.

21) MEMORIZE SOME JOKES: If you hear funny stories or funny stories happen to you, write them down and don’t forget them. If you know 5-10 really good jokes or funny stories, you will appear a lot more humorous to others.

22) MAKE EACH OTHER BETTER PEOPLE: Jamie inspires Landon to do better in school, to try harder, to have big dreams. Try to find someone who inspires you and someone who helps to make you a better person. Also, be a person who inspires the other person to dream and become a better person and improve their lives.

23) SERVICE/HELPING PARTNER TOWARDS GOALS: Landon helps Jamie to achieve several of her goals. This really helps their relationship to grow a lot. Do your best to help the person you love reach their goals. Look for ways to serve them and bring joy into their lives. If you find someone who will sacrifice for you, that’s a really great partner to have.

24) GIVE MEANINGFUL GIFTS: Landon hears about Jamie’s life goals. He helps her be in 2 places at once. He buys a tattoo for her. He buys & builds a telescope for her. He marries her in the church of her dreams. Listen to your partner’s interests and goals. Watch their reactions carefully. Remember the things that they like or that they want to do. Then buy those gifts or do the activities that they are really interested in. This will really touch them and be memorable. These are the best kinds of gifts.



Playwright George Bernard Shaw first tried to become a vegetarian at age 25. Shaw's doctors warned him that the diet would kill him. When he was old and in good health, he was asked why he didn't go back and show them what good vegetarianism had done him. He replied, "I would, but they all passed away years ago."



← “Nearly 1.4 million Americans are disabled, then killed prematurely each year by heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases that have been linked conclusively with consumption of animal products.”U.S. National Center for Health Statistics

← “The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined.” Neal Barnard, M.D. President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

← “A Vegetarian Diet can prevent 90-97% of heart disease.” JAMA, 1961

← “All new infectious diseases of human beings to emerge in the past 20 years have had an animal source.” Lancet, 24 January 2004, 363(9405):257

← “Meat-based illnesses cost the U.S. tens of billions of dollars in additional health care costs, and even more in lost productivity and the depletion of the Earth’s natural capital.”

← “By far the most surprising fact…was that Seventh Day Adventists outlived their fellow Americans by about 10 years. What are they doing? Quite simply, they have a religion that reinforces positive health behaviors.” David McClain (SDAs don’t smoke, drink alcohol, are often vegetarian and worship every Sabbath in church) from video “Quest for Longevity”, National Geographic Magazine,


"I'm 23 now, and I've grown into this woman. I feel sexy and more mature. I wanted these inside changes to be reflected in both my look and music. I am a vegan now, and it was a conscious decision. I studied a lot about African culture and health and the best way to take care of the body. I really wanted to be healthy. At first I was just trying to challenge myself; I thought it was a phase and that I would grow out of it, but it wasn't. I found out a lot about the body and what [hormones] they put in meat. My taste buds started changing, and I didn't crave [meat and dairy products] anymore." ()


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