Week Beginning: Monday 20th April

Year 1 and Year 2 Home Learning Week Beginning: Monday 20th April‘DAILY MUST’Optional Tasks Oral/written activities which we recommend that your child completes dailyAdditional Outdoors Task Additional ICT Task Literacy: Read Write IncActivities: Speed Sounds and Green Words Daily practise of the sounds at speed and reading the ‘Green’ words using ‘Special Friends - Fred Talk - Read the Word’ strategy.Click on the YouTube link below to find daily lessons for the sounds and corresponding green words that your child is learning. Each lesson is only 10 minutes long - remember to only watch videos for the set of sounds that your child is learning – Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3: lesson videos to be shown this week: Set Mon 20th AprilTues 21st AprilWed22ndApril Thurs23rdApril Fri24th April 1ckubf2ouoyayeeigh3owaioaewireRed Words Daily practise of reading and spelling the ‘tricky’ words set for your child’s RWI colour group and then carry out a spelling test on these words on Friday. Remember that your child only has to learn the red words for their RWI colour group.Click on the link below to find the ‘Red’ word spellings to be learned this week: not practise writing your ‘Red Words’ outside by using chalk on the floor, paintbrushes with water on a wall or by using twigs or leaves to write the words?Red Words Spellings for Different Read Write Inc GroupsRed WordsActivity:Why not bring all your different reading skills together in order to read a book independently?Click on the link below to read a Read Write Inc eBook online (choose ‘Read Write Inc’ in the ‘Levels’ dropdown menu): Jones’ Maths SetActivity: Counting & MultiplicationCount in 2s, 5s and 10s to 100 and beyond. Test yourself to start from different numbers. Practise writing out and reciting the 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Try the 3x and 4x tables if you can!Activity:Multiplication skittlesUse skittles or plastic bottles with a weight or water in. Start with each skittle being worth 2 points, then try 5 points and 10 points. Play against a family member and total your score each time. Time yourself and play for 10 minutes – who is the winner?Activity:Multiplication Game Play J2 BlastSign into HWB – Click Just2easy – J2Blast – ttblast – Have a practice (choose your own level of multiplication questions)When you are ready, click ‘Go Live’ to play against other children in Wales - can you come first?ORNumeracy:Miss Davies’ Maths SetActivity:Rote CountingDaily practise of counting forwards to 100 and backwards from 20.Count in 2s, 5s and 10s to 100 (starting at different points if you can).Practise writing out and reciting the 2x tables.Activity:Number FormationWhy not practise forming your numbers using sticks or leaves? Create a number line to 10.ORUse chalks to create hopscotch on the floor. This will help you practise forming numbers to 10. Ask an adult to help you if you are unsure what it should look like. Play the game when it’s complete. Use your addition skills to work out how many more you need to jump.Activity:Adding GameTop MarksPlay Teddy Numbers and select which level you would like to complete.ORLogin to HWB - Click ‘JiT5’ – Click ‘Draw’ - Write a number line to 10/20 (why not try using the colour of the rainbow for each number)ORNumeracy:Mrs Pugsley’s Maths SetDaily practice counting forwards to 20 and backwards from 10.Practicing One less than:Sing/role play ‘5 little specked frogs’ using props or fingers (you could draw a frog on each of your fingers!). to the song: Five Little Speckled Frogs Five little speckled frogs, Sat on a speckled log, Eating some most delicious bugs. Yum Yum!One jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Then there were four speckled frogs. Glug Glug! Four little speckled frogs, Sat on a speckled log, Eating some most delicious bugs. Yum Yum! One jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Then there were three speckled frogs. Glug Glug! Three little speckled frogs, Sat on a speckled log, Eating some most delicious bugs. Yum Yum! One jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Then there were two speckled frogs. Glug Glug! Two little speckled frogs, Sat on a speckled log, Eating some most delicious bugs. Yum Yum! One jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Then there was one speckled frog. Glug Glug! One little speckled frog, Sat on a speckled log, Eating some most delicious bugs. Yum Yum! He jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Then there were no speckled frogs. Glug Glug!Key Questions to ask your child: What is one less than...? Are there fewer frogs now? Can you show me the same amount using objects of your choice? If I add one more how many would there be? If I add one less how many would there be? How many are there now? How can you check? Activity:Number hunt 1) Write numbers 1-5 on separate pieces of paper or directly onto a surface using chalk around the outside area of your home. Clap a number of times. Your child must recognize how many claps and run, skip, frog hop or jump to the corresponding number. If your child finds this easy increase the numbers to 10. 2) Show me the same amount using sticks, twigs or stones. Can you show me fewer than? more than the number? 3) Why not put the numbers in order from the smallest to the biggest? Activity:Sign into hwb – Just2easy -JIT – paint tab –Why not draw 5 little speckled frogs (or use the stamp tool) sitting on a log. Number them and add the correct number of ‘speckles’ to each frog (see my example in the homework section of hwb)Topic:Easter Numeracy - Create a graph on favourite chocolate eggsActivity: The Easter Bunny needs your help!! He wants to find out how many of each chocolate Easter egg he needs to make for next year, but he has a big problem … Nibbles, his most important worker, has gone missing and it was his job to collect the data and create lots of graphs to work out this information.Can you help the Easter bunny by collecting data and creating a graph of your family and friends favourite chocolate eggs? Instructions:1) Create an audio message/video asking your family and friends which chocolate Easter egg is their favourite. Give them a list of eggs to choose from (maximum 7). 2) Send the message to your family/friends (ask an adult if they can help you with this part): Mrs Jones’ group to ask 20 people, Miss Davies’ group to ask 12 people and Mrs Pugsely’s group to ask 7 people.3) Make a tally chart from the data you have collected, remembering to use the format for tally marks as shown - .4) Login to HWB using your personal username and password.5) Click on Just2easy – J2Data – Chart.6) Choose either a bar or block chart.7) Change the labels on your graph.8) List the names of the different eggs.9) Add the data you have gathered (in numerical form), to your chart.10) Give your graph a title and remember to press the save button!11) Interpret your findings by answering the questions below:a) What egg was the most popular?b) How many people chose the most popular egg?c) What egg was the least popular?d) How many people chose the least popular egg?e) What is the difference between the most popular and least popular eggs?f) How many people were asked their opinion altogether?g) Were any eggs chosen by the same number of people?h) What if four more people were asked and they all chose the least popular egg – how many people like that egg now? Would it still be the least popular egg? Why/ why not?You can record your answers either in written form and take a photo or as a video recording (both of which you can upload into ‘My Files’ on Jit), or by recording the answers straight onto ‘Jit Write’ (again remembering to press save!). Your teacher will pass on the data to the Easter Bunny so that he knows which eggs to make for Easter 2021. Thank you! ................

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