3034030-152400 20294605715Cover Information Sheet*The cover should reflect the content of the book, but it must also serve as a selling tool. Covers appear not only on the actual book, but also in ads and direct mail pieces, often in black and white, and reproduced at a small size. Collage designs rarely work; the cover cannot possibly tell the whole story of your book. Images that are too complex or too literal rarely work either. The design must “read” well in many different presentations, so simple and/or easy to grasp is best. *You are responsible for finding appropriate art for the cover of your book and for securing permission for its use if necessary. *You are responsible for covering the cost of the art (if any), but the Press will hire a freelance designer or use an in-house designer to situate the art in a design. *The resolution of the image must be at least 300DPI and supplied as a TIFF or JPEG file as if it would be reproduced at 7x10 size (most books are smaller, but obtaining a larger image allows for greater flexibility). *The art you choose is subject to Press approval—please do not pay in advance. Please clear the image you’re considering with your Editor first. *The Press will need a credit line for the art and, if permission is required, a copy of that permission. We need to know if we may crop, bleed, or overprint type on the image. We need to be able to use the art in promotion and publicity in ads, catalogs, and posted online.*If your book is being published simultaneously in hardcover and paperback, please keep in mind that the hardback run is primarily for the library market. These books do not have a jacket because libraries generally just throw them away.*While we strive to incorporate author/editor suggestions, the Press will make the final decision on the design. 1. Author Name (as you want it to appear on the cover): _______________________________________2. Title/Subtitle (final--as it should be on the cover): _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Please include a short summary of your book’s argument. Feel free to copy and paste the short description you wrote for your Author Questionnaire into this form. 4.If you have an image in mind for your book, send it first to the editor you are working with, who will share it with marketing and with the design and production department. It is a good idea to send more than one choice. Do not leave this decision until the last minute. Please list your intended options here. If you are choosing an image from a stock photo agency or site, please include the image number as well as a description of the image. If the image is from elsewhere, please include a link to the image or other location information. Feel free to send in a low-res copy of the image(s) with this form. 5. If you do not have a specific image in mind, please list any concepts you have for design inspiration here. Without a specific image, the Press will endeavor to translate your concept into a marketable cover, but please keep in mind that with only a concept to work from, your final cover won’t be exactly what you envisioned. We strive for the best possible cover working within the constraints of budget, time, and resources but there are limits to our resources.6. Are there any colors that you particularly like or colors/styles we should avoid?7. What are 5-10 descriptive words that evoke the mood/feel of your book? Don’t overthink this—free associate! 8. Please list any other information/requests that you would like to pass along to the design department. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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