A Passover Haggadah

For Fun Family SedersBy Julie Rana Sponsored by Heart healthy acai juices and diet shakes38290503357245A Passover HaggadahGetting Ready:(Prepare a Passover seder plate, or a nice plate if you don’t have a seder plate, with a roasted lamb or chicken bone, roasted egg, orange, charosis, lettuce, parsley and horseradish sauce.)Seder means order. You say certain prayers in a certain order as you go through your Passover meal. Haggadah means "the telling". A Haggadah is a book with blessings, prayers and songs in it for the seder. The seder often starts at sundown on the first night of Passover, but you can have a seder any night of Passover.The house is typically cleaned before the seder, and bread, or items with yeast, are often removed. The festival table is adorned with a seder plate, like the one above, flowers, a nice tablecloth, two candlesticks with sabbath candles, and the best china, silverware and glasses the family owns, or fancy paper plates. Everyone should have a Haggadah, or a set of prayers and songs in front of them. On the table should be a cup for Elijah, or wine glass, filled with wine, an empty wine glass and small pitcher of water for Miriam, extra salt water, extra horseradish sauce, extra charosis, and parsley. There should be a plate with three matzah on it covered with a fancy cloth or napkin. You can break the middle matzah and hide it ahead of time, if you wish. Have wine, water, sparkling cider, soda or juice for drinking during the seder, and have matches ready for lighting the candles. If you have children, have crayons available to use with the coloring pages. Don’t forget pillows for chairs if people want them, and toys, money or prizes for the kids once they find the hidden matzah after dinner. Setting the Table:In setting the plates, I often have three plates stacked on top of each other. The first is a small plate for use during the seder for the ceremonial foods. The second is for salad or gefilte fish for the first course of the dinner. The third plate is for the meal. I also have soup bowls set on the side for matzah ball soup. Don’t forget to have dessert plates and coffee cups on the side ready for after dinner.The Seder CeremonyStart your seder here by reading below what the Passover symbols mean. Have someone lift each item as you mention it. You can take turns reading the story of Passover and the blessings. Read aloud:Passover is the eternal story of belief in one God, and of the triumph of hope over suffering. It is about the human passion for freedom and justice. The seder tells us of the Exodus from Egypt over 3,000 years ago. By celebrating this holiday, we obey the command to teach the story of the Passover to our children. We pray for a better world, and remember people who are in need. Tonight, we say to the the poor, "Let those who are hungry, come and eat."On the Passover Table, there are items that symbolize certain things:1) A roasted bone reminds us of the lamb that was brought to the Temple in Jerusalem as an offering to God in ancient times during the Passover festival.2) Horseradish roots and bitter herbs remind us of the bitterness of slavery.3) Charosis - a mixture of finely chopped apples, nuts and raisins, with wine, reminds us of the clay used to make bricks by slaves in Egypt.4) Parsley and green vegetables of spring are dipped in salt water to remind us of the tears shed by the slaves, and the bitterness of slavery.5) A roasted egg reminds us of the sacrifice brought to the Temple in Jerusalem, and that Passover happens during the spring when new life and new beginnings bring hope.6) A cup is filled with wine for Elijah whom we hope will come soon to announce when all people will be free.7) We drink four cups of wine or juice tonight to remind us of God's power and of God's promises to us.8) Miriam was the sister of Moses. She protected Moses, and told him that he was Jewish. Miriam's Cup reminds us of her wisdom and inspiration as we dedicate ourselves to helping the world.9) The orange is a symbol that we are all equal in God's eyes.10) The Matzah reminds us of the bread that was baked in a rush to leave Egypt. They left in a hurry so it did not have time to rise. Three Matzah are placed on the seder table to remind us of three types of people; those not yet free, those that don't care about the freedom of others, and those who are free who help others to become free. Other people say the three Matzah represent the priests of the ancient Temple, the servants of the Temple and the congregation of Israel.At this point, if you have not done so earlier, break the middle matzah in half. Wrap one half in a napkin and hide it for the children to find after dinner.A Lady Of The House Lights The Passover Candles:Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam asher kid'shanu b'mitsvotav v'tsivanu l'hadlik ner shel Yom Tov. We praise you God, Ruler of the Universe, who makes us holy with commandments, and has instructed us to kindle the festival lights.Prayer for Miriam: According to tradition, God gave Miriam a portable well as a reward for her wisdom and caring. In the years of wandering in the desert, Miriam’s well accompanied the Israelites. It is said that Miriam’s well is still with us. She is here to provide healing, inspiration, and wisdom. She and her waters sustain us as we await Elijah.Baruh atah adonay eloheynu meleh ha’olamshehakol nihyeh bidvaro.Praise are you, Eternal One our God, sovereign of all worlds, who creates all things.Everyone pours a bit of the water into Miriam’s Cup, or you can select your daughter to represent everyone at the seder to pour the water into Miriam’s Cup so as to encourage her to continue the seder tradition when she has her own family.First Cup of Wine or JuiceA man of the house leads in saying:This first cup of wine reminds us of God's promise to freeus from slavery.Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha-olam,borei p'ri hagafen.We praise you God for creating fruit that grows on the vine. (Drink the wine or juice.)We say a prayer of thanks together for tonight’s seder.Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, shehecheyanu, v'kiymanu, vhigi-anu, laz'man hazeh. Thank you God for enabling us to reach this season.Some families wash or wipe their hands at this point. It is a symbol that we are servants of God. No blessing is recited. Reform Jews often do not do this.Blessing for the KarpasDip parsley or greens in salt water to remember thetears of slavery. Before eating recite:Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha-olam, borei p'ri ha-adama.We praise you, God, for creating food that grows fromthe earth.Eat the karpas.Passover has become the great symbol of liberation and hope. It is a time when servant and master, and when rich and poor, are reminded that all are equal in God's eyes. It is also a time to celebrate the earth's creation, the wonder of rebirth and renewal during spring. Let us say together theSong of Solomon:For, lo, the winter is past,The rain is over and gone,The flowers appear on the earth,The time of singing has come,The voice of the turtle is heard in our land,The fig-tree putteth forth her green figs,And the vines in blossom give forth their fragrance.The Four QuestionsThese are recited by the youngest child at the table who can read:Why on this night do we eat only matzah? Why on this night do we eat bitter herbs? Why on this night do we dip greens in salt water and dipmaror in charosis?Why on this night do we lean with pillows on our chairs?A parent or an adult responds to the child:This night is different to remind us that we were once slaves in Egypt and that God helped us to be free. We lean on this night because we relax as free people. In every generation, it is still the duty of each person to consider that God delivered them out of slavery, and to try to be the best individual that he or she can be. This night is also different because we once worshipped many idols, but now we worship only one God.Let’s remember the story of Passover Long ago the Jewish people lived in Egypt and were slaves. They had to work very hard and build cities for the Pharaoh. It was a terrible time. A baby was born. His sister, Miriam, was afraid that he would be hurt, so she placed the infant in a basket in the water, near a place where he would be found. An Egyptian princess, the Pharaoh's daughter, saw the baby and adopted him. The princess named the baby Moses. When Moses was grown, he ran away from Egypt. One day, God appeared to Moses in a burning bush. God told Moses to return to Egypt, and tell the Pharaoh to let the Jewish people go. The Hebrews wanted to be free Moses explained, but Pharaoh would not listen. So God sent ten plagues to convince Pharaoh of God's mighty power.The Hebrew SlavesIt is the custom to pour a drop of wine on your plate as you say each plague.The Ten PlaguesBlood-All the water in Egypt turned to blood; Frogs-They hopped everywhere; Lice – This made everyone scratch their skin; Wild Beasts – They galloped, roared and slithered; Diseases – People and animals were very sick from diseases with no cures; Boils – People were screaming in pain from boils on their skin; Hail – The ice smashed crops and broke everything; Locusts – They ate all the greenery and turned the land to dust; Darkness – Day turned to pitch black; Death of the First Born – The oldest child in every Egyptian family died.During the tenth plague, the Hebrews were told to put lamb’s blood on their doorposts so they would be passed over and spared. That is why we call this day Passover. But Pharaoh's first born son died, and in his sorrow, Pharaoh let the Hebrews go free.Moses thought that Pharaoh would change his mind so he told the Hebrew people to pack quickly. There was no time to bake bread and for it to rise. The Hebrews went into the desert. Pharaoh did change his mind, and his army gave chase. When the Hebrews came to the Red Sea, it looked like there was no escape. Then in a miracle, God parted the waters, and they were able to cross over safely on dry land. After that the waters of the Red Sea closed, and Pharaoh’s army was trapped. The Israelites were finally free!The Ten CommandmentsThe purpose of the Exodus was not just to let the Jewish people go free, but to make them a holy nation. As the Hebrews wandered in the desert, God called Moses to Mt. Sinai, and gave him the Ten Commandments. At Sinai, the Jewish people agreed "to do and to listen" to the words of the Torah. Let us say the Ten Commandments together now:1. I, the Lord, am your God who led you out of the land of Egypt to be your God.2. You shall have no other Gods besides me.3. You shall not invoke the name of the Lord in vain.4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.5. Honor your father and your mother.6. You shall not murder.7. You shall not commit adultery.8. You shall not steal.9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house or anything that is your neighbor's.Dayenu!We say the prayer of a grateful people. Who is like you, O God? You are the Eternal One! We shout Dayenu because each one of God's wonders would have been enough, but the Lord did so much, that we are grateful for everything.God took us out of Egypt with an outstretched arm, and with signs and wonders. Dayenu!God punished the Egyptians and destroyed their idols. Dayenu!He divided the sea, and led us across on dry land. Dayenu!He fed us with Manna, and gave us Shabbat. Dayenu!He brought us to Mount Sinai and gave us the Torah. Dayenu!He brought us to the land of Israel, and built us the temple. Dayenu!For all these, alone and together, we are grateful. Thank you, God. Dayeinu! Dayeinu!(Sing the song Dayeinu at this point, if you wish.)The Second Cup of Wine or JuiceThis second cup of wine reminds us of redemption. It also reminds us that God does not want us to make slaves of other people. Say:Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha-olam, borei p'ri hagafen. We praise you God for creating fruit that grows on the vine.Sing Let My People Go!When Israel was in Egypt land, Let my People Go!Oppressed so hard they could not stand, Let My People Go!Go Down, Moses, Way down to Egypt Land,Tell Old Pharaoh, Let my People Go!Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said, Let My People Go!If not I'll smite your people dead, Let My People Go!Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt land,Tell Old Pharaoh, Let My People Go!As Israel stood by the water side, Let My People Go!By God's command it did divide, Let My People Go!Go down, Moses, Way down to Egypt Land,Tell Old Pharaoh, Let my People Go!Blessing Over The MatzahMatzah is the bread of poverty and affliction which our ancestors ate in Egypt. We say to the poor to have hope. We say to all who are hungry to come and eat. Passover is a time to dedicate ourselves to help those who are suffering.Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam hamotsi lechem min ha-arets. We praise you God for bread.Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam asher kid'sahnu b'mitsvotav v'tsivanu al achilat matzah.We praise you God for the commandment to eat matzah.(You may break the matzah and eat it.)Take some matzah, horseradish, called maror, and charosis, and make a sandwich with them. Before eating recite:Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam asher kid'shanu b'mitsvotav v'tsivanu al achilat maror.We praise you God for the commandment to eat maror. (This is called the Hillel sandwich. Feel free to eat it now.)The Passover SymbolsThe famous rabbis of long ago said that whomever has not considered the symbols of Passover; the lamb bone, the matzah and the maror or bitter herbs, has not had a complete Passover celebration. The roasted bone, symbol of the Temple sacrifice, recalls the time when the homes of the Israelites were passed over. The matzah reminds us that the Hebrews had to leave Egypt so quickly that the bread did not have time to rise, and the maror reminds us of the bitterness of slavery. We have considered all three of these important Passover symbols so now we may eat!Dinner Is Served!You may eat gefilte fish served over lettuce, matzah ball soup, and dinner at this point. Typical meals at Passover include beef brisket, roasted chicken or lamb.If needed for more space, clear the seder plate from the table. After dinner, children can play by looking for the hidden piece of matzah, called the Afikoman, wrapped in a napkin. Once found, they present the Afikoman to get a prize. Serve coffee or tea, macaroons, candy, fruit, etc.After Dinner Prayers(Read aloud)We thank God for the food we have eaten and for special times. We thank God for rainbows and flowers and for the wonders of spring.Third Cup of Wine or Juice:The third cup of wine reminds us that God reaches out to us. Let us say the blessing:Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha-olam,borei p'ri hagafen. We praise you God for creating fruit that grows on the vine.We Welcome ElijahOpen the outside door for Elijah and say the following:Someday, the prophet Elijah will return to earth and lead the way for an age of peace and freedom. As it is written, "he shall turn the hearts of the parents to the children, and the hearts of the children to the parents before the coming of the great and mighty Day of God."Elijah is a friend of the poor and a champion of social justice.Legend says that he visits each year on Passover. We leave a cup of wine for Elijah on our seder table and invite him to join us. Lift Elijah’s Cup and say: Enter Elijah! In You We Rejoice!If you wish sing, “In Elijah We Rejoice”:Eliyahu hanavi, Eliyahu hatishbi.Eiliyahu, Eliyahu, Eliyahu hagi ladi.BimhayraV'yamaynuYavo eilaynuIm Mashiach ben DavidIm Mashiach ben DavidEliyahu hanavi, Eliyahu hatishbi.Eiliyahu, Eliyahu, Eliyahu hagi ladi.Close the outside door.We RememberLet us remember and never forget the victims of the Romans, of the Inquisition, of the violence over the centuries against our people in the pogroms, the six million who fell to an evil tyrant, and the victims of terrorism. Let us remember those who gave the world an eternal example of courage; the heroes at Masada, the heroes in the resistance and in the concentration camps, those who gave their lives to protect us, and those who still fight for us today.We thank God for delivering us from danger because not only in ancient times, but in every generation, evil people have tried to hurt us. We are therefore bound to thank, praise, glorify, honor and revere God who brought blessings and protection, for our ancestors, and for us. Am Yisrael Chai; the Jewish people live! Praise God!The Fourth Cup of Wine or JuiceThe fourth cup of wine reminds us that God chose us and loves us. Let us say the blessing:Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha-olam,borei p’ri hagafen.We praise you God for creating fruit that grows on the vine.We Pray For PeaceThe Torah teaches us that thou shall not hate thy brother in thy heart, and thou shall love they neighbor as thyself.Read together.The Prophets teach us that:Out of Zion, shall go forth the Torah,And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.They shall beat their swords into plowshares,and their spears into pruning hooks.Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,Neither shall they learn war any more.But they shall sit every man under his vine and fig tree,And none shall make them afraid,For the mouth of the Lord of Lords has spoken.Concluding PrayersOur Seder is ending. Dear God, we hope our prayers have been acceptable to you. Please, O God, have compassion on us. Bring peace and freedom to all people. For Thou, O Eternal, are good and loving to all.Praise God! Halleluyah! Next year in Jerusalem! Next year, may all be free!L'shana HaBa-ah B'YerushalayimPassover SongsNew Version – Let My People Go(Words by Sally Heckelman)Sing to the tune of, “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”The Jews were busy building citiesAll the live long day,The Jews were busy building citiesAnd they did it Pharaoh’s way,Moses tried to get them out of EgyptHe said, “Let my People Go!”But, stubborn Pharaoh wouldn’t listen,He kept on saying, “No!”Let my people go–No!Let my people go–No!Please let my people go, go, go!Let my people go–No!Let my people go–No!Please let my people go!Chad Gadya(One Small Goat)Start slow and end fast.One small goatChad gadya, Chad GadyaPapa bought for two zuzimChad gadya, Chad gadya!A hungry catAte up the goatThat papa bought for two zuzimChad Gadya! Chad Gadya!Then came a dogAnd bit the catThat ate the goatThat papa bought for two zuzimChad Gadya, Chad Gadya!Then came a stickand beat the dogthat bit the catthat ate the goatthat papa bought for two zuzimChad Gadya, Chad Gadya!Then came a fireand burnt the stickthat beat the dogthat bit the catthat ate the goatthat papa bought for two zuzimChad Gadya, Chad Gadya!Then water cameand quenched the firethat burnt the stickthat beat the dogthat bit the catthat ate the goatthat papa bought for two zuzimChad Gadya! Chad Gadya!Then came an oxand drank the waterthat quenched the firethat burnt the stickthat beat the dogthat bit the catthat ate the goatthat papa bought for two zuzimChad Gadya, Chad Gadya!The butcher cameand slew the oxthat drank the waterthat quenched the firethat burnt the stickthat beat the dogthat bit the catthat ate the goatthat papa bought for two zuzimChad Gaya! Chad Gadya!Then came Deathand took the butcherthat slew the oxthat drank the waterthat quenched the firethat burnt the stickthat beat the dogthat bit the catthat ate the goatthat father bought for two zuzimChad Gadya! Chad Gadya!(Faster)EternityDissolves the DeathThat took the butcherthat slew the oxthat drank the waterthat quenched the firethat burnt the stickthat beat the dogthat bit the catthat ate the goatthat papa bought for two zuzimChad Gadya! Chad Gadya!Chad Gadya! Chad Gadya!What is the meaning of Chad Gad Ya? The lamb or goat was an idol in ancient Egypt which worshipped many Gods. Now we worship one God. The goat did not survive in this story. Therefore, the lesson of Chad Gad Ya is that God is one, God lives, God reigns supreme and God is our protector. Chad Gad Ya is often the last song sung at a Seder.Go Tell It On The MountainGo tell it on the mountain,over the hills and everywhere.Go tell it on the mountain,Let my people go!Who are the people dressed in white?Let my people go, go, go!Must be the children of the Israelites,Let my people go!Go tell it on the mountain,over the hills and everywhere.Go tell it on the mountain,Let my people go!Who are the people dressed in red?Let my people go, go, go!Must be the people that Moses led,Let my people go!Go tell it on the mountain,over the hills and everywhere.Go tell it on the mountain,Let my people go!Eli Eli – My God, My God(Words spoken by King David in the Book of Psalms. The modern melody of Eli Eli was written by Hana Szenez who was captured, tortured and killed in World War II trying to save the Jews of Hungry who were about to be deported to the Auschwitz death camp.)O Lord, My God,I pray that these things never end,the sand and the sea,the rush of the waters,the crash of the heavens,the prayer of the heart,the sand and the sea,the rush of the waters,the crash of the heavens,the prayer of the heart.Burke, VA – Rana Family BackyardDayenu (traditional)Ilu hotzi, hotzianuHotzianu miMitzrayim (2x) Dayenu. Chorus: Day, day, yenu (3x) Dayenu dayenu. Ilu natan natan lanuNatan lanu et haShabbat (2x) Dayenu. Chorus:Day, day, yenu (3x) Dayenu dayenu. Ilu natan natan lanuNatan lanu et haTorah (2x) Dayenu. Chorus:Day, day, yenu (3x) Dayenu dayenu.The Four Questions (traditional)Mah nishtahnah haLailah hazehMi kol ha lailot (2x) Sheh b'chol halailotanu ochlinchametz u'matzh (2x) HaLailah hazeh (2x) kulo matzah. (repeat last two lines) Sheh b'chol haLailotanu ochlinShe'ar yirakot (2x) HaLailah hazeh (2x) Maror. (repeat last two lines) Sheh b'chol haLailotein anu matbilinAfilu pa'am ehad (2x) HaLailah hazeh (2x) Sh'tei f'amim. (repeat last two lines) Sheh b'chol haLailotAnu oclinBein yoshvinu'vein m'subin (2x) HaLailah hazeh (2x) Kulanu m'subin. (repeat last two lines)The Building Song (Shirley Cohen)Bang, bang, bang Hold your hammer low Bang, bang, bang Give a heavy blow For it’s work, work, work Every day and every night, For it’s work, work, work When it's dark and when it's light. Dig, dig, dig Get your shovel deep Dig, dig, dig There's no time for sleep For its work, work, work Every day and every night For it’s work, work, work When it's dark and when it's light.Who knows one??I know one.?One is HaShem (3x)?In the heavens and the earth.?Who know two??I know two.?Two are the luchot that Moshe brought?And one is HaShem (3x)?In the heavens and the earth.?Who knows three??I know three.?Three are the fathers?And two...?Who knows four??I know four.?Four are the mothers?And...?Who knows five??I know five.?Five are the books of the Torah?And...?Who knows six??I know six.?Six are the books of MishnahAnd...?Who knows seven??I know seven.?Seven are the days of the week?And...?Who knows eight??I know eight.?Eight are the days 'til the brisAnd...?Who knows nine??I know nine.?Nine are the months until a baby's born?And...?Who knows ten??I know ten.?Ten are the asarah dibrayah?And...?Who knows eleven??I know eleven.?Eleven are the stars in Joseph's dream?And...?Who knows twelve??I know twelve.?Twelve are tribes of Yisrael?And..?Who knows thirteen??I know thirteen?Thirteen are the attributes of G-d?And...Passover RecipesMaking the Charosis:3 Apples, peeled, cored, chopped well3/4 teas. ground cinnamon or to taste3 or 4 Tablespoons of either Kosher Red Wine or Grape Juice2 teas. sugar or honey? Cup Pecans or Walnuts, chopped wellRaisins, optional, chopped wellMix all ingredients in a bowl and pour into a nice serving dish.A double batch will be needed for a large Seder. Put in frig until ready to serve. I typically make this a day before the Seder. (Whole Foods often sells excellent Charosis too if you are in a rush.)iCousin Roberta’s Brisket(From Roberta Seidman)1 to 2 lb beef brisket or roastSauce:Lipton’s Onion Soup Mix – 1 pkg dry mix.1 Cup Ketchup1 Cup Applesauce1/2 Cup Orange Juice? Cup Sherry2 Tablespoons Red Wine - optionalCombine sauce in large bowl, and mix. Select a nice cut of brisket or roast enough to serve six people. Preheat oven to 375. Brown the roast. Put in pan and pour sauce over brisket. Cover with foil and let cook untouched for 2 to 3 hours in the oven. Turn down heat to 350 if top starts to burn. Check roast and cook further until done, which might be 30 minutes longer, to an hour depending on the size of the roast. Add 1/2 to 1 cup water if sauce cooks down too much. Slice and serve.Another way to cook this is to put the brisket in a slow cooker. Pour insauce and let cook on high setting for at least 6 hours. This is a huge, huge Passover hit. I cook two briskets and a double batch of sauce for a Seder.A tip is to make this a day before the Seder and then heat before dinner.Grandpa’s Lamb ChopsFrom Grandpa Ed Goldenthal of Michigan4 lamb shoulder chops2 med. onions, thinly sliced1 clove garlic, minced1 Cup Celery, sliced1 Cup water1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce1 Cup KetchupCombine all ingredients except for chops in saucepan and simmer for 5 minutes. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.Brown chops in oil and place in small baking dish in one layer. Pour sauce over chops. Cover and bake for 2hours. Serves 4 people.This is a family favorite, and easy to make forspecial holidays or Passover.Grandpa’s Fried MatzahFrom Grandpa Ed Goldenthal of Michigan3 Matzahs2 Eggs-beaten1 teas Salt1/8 teas Cinnamon ground1/8 teas Baking powderchopped pecans-optionalVeg. Oil for fryingBreak matzahs into small pieces in large bowl and add boilingwater to cover and soften. Cool, mix in beaten eggs,cinnamon, salt and baking powder. Add pecans if desired.Spoon into frying pan with hot oil completely covering bottomof pan. Fry on both sides until brown and crisp. Avoid cookingon too high heat. Turn heat down after preparation of firstbatches. Serves 4 to 6. Serve with honey or syrup.(What do you do with all the left over matzah? You make fried matzah for breakfast. This is always a big hit whenGrandpa makes this at family reunions.)Homemade Horseradish SauceThis is traditional horseradish sauce if you want to trymaking your own. This will knock your socks off.Add more sugar if it’s too strong.? lb. Horseradish root, peeled and cut into chunks? Cup cider vinegar3 Tablespoons white wine3 Tablespoons sugar-more if desired.2 slices from a small beet-optionalMix everything in a blender or food processor until minced. If you wish, add a couple of slices of fresh beet in the food processor to soften the taste a little, and to turn the sauce red. Put in frig until ready to serve.Homemade Matzah Ball SoupMatzah Ball Soup:9 Cups chicken broth2 onions, chopped4 carrots, sliced4 stalks celery, chopped? red pepper, chopped3 mushrooms, sliced1 teas. salt5 sprigs parsley5 sprigs dillIn Dutch oven or large pot, combine all ingredients exceptparsley and dill. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Tie parsley and dill together with thread and add to soup. Cover and simmer another 30 minutes. Remove parsley and dill. Add Matzah Balls and simmer another 5 minutes. Some people strain the soup and leave just the matzah balls and broth, but I love all the vegetables so I don’t do that. This is always a favorite at theRana Family Seder table. Serves 8.Matzah Balls:3 egg whites-beaten until slightly stiff1 egg yolk1 teas. onion powder? teas. salt? teas. white or black pepper? cup to 1 cup matzah meal2 Tablespoons club soda-more if needed.Beat egg whites until stiff, but not dry. Fold in the egg yolk and seasonings and mix. Gently mix in matzah meal and club soda until dough is well blended. Chill for 30 minutes. Boil a pot of water and with damp hands, shape the dough into small balls about 1 inch in size. Drop into boiling water. Cover pot and cook over medium heat for about 45 minutes. Transfer to soup.Makes 12 matzah balls.Easy Matzah Ball SoupPreparing for a Seder is very time consuming.So I typically take the easy way out in making Matzah Ball Soup and everyone loves it. They can’t even tell it is not homemade. I first chop up an onion and sauté it in a large Dutch soup pan for a few minutes. I start with two jars of Matzah Ball Soup from the grocery store and pour them in the soup pan. I add in an extra jar of Matzah balls (drained). I pour in a can of Campbell’s chicken broth and three cups of water. I heat the soup up and continue stirring. I add ? teaspoon dried thyme and a dash of dried dill, or a bit more for a large batch. Sprinkle in some grated carrots, and some chopped celery and heat through. Add salt and pepper, but only if needed. Sprinkle in a little parsley. For variety, you can add some chopped, cooked roasted chicken, if you have it, but it is not necessary. Typically I let this simmer on low on the stove during the Seder so it is hot by the time dinner is served. I serve the soup after the gefilte fish.Passover Coloring PagesPhoto from our 2011 Seder. Happy Passover!I hope you will pass on the tradition.Contact me Julie@ if you have questions on how to prepare a Passover Seder.This Haggadah was adapted in July of 2011 by Julie Rana from many other wonderful Haggadahs and rewritten. It should not be made available for sale or resale. Just have fun using it, and please hand it down through the generations.You can help poor children in Brazil when you buy healthy juices and drinks at . You can also find heart healthy acai juices and great tasting chocolate and vanilla acai diet shakes at . ................

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