How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay in 16 Easy Steps

How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay in 16 Easy Steps

Problem: you’ve been assigned a problem-solution paper. Solution: this handy, 16-step guide will help you successfully tackle the assignment. You may even change the world—or at least your own backyard.

1) Take a mental walk around the community. A good problem-solution paper addresses a problem that is worth pursuing and can be solved practically.

2) Develop a proposal. The first person you’ll need to convince of your topic is yourself. Take these four steps to get the ball rolling:

* Develop a rationale for your selection: why it matters, why it’s a problem, and why it can be solved.

* Define your initial understanding: clarify what you know about the problem and what you think you know about potential solutions.

* Determine what you need to learn: develop questions to help you begin your research or writing.

* Design a research plan: poke around your library and/or online databases, and figure out what information is out there.

3) Get early feedback.  Solicit opinions from others in the know, ask for their response to both your take on the topic and your plans for gathering information. 

4) Don’t jump to conclusions—any.  In our rush to judgment, we often miss key details that would help us make better decisions. The same goes for a problem-solution paper: those who establish their solution first and remain steadfast to it tend to demonstrate a limited understanding of both the problem and logical solution; in other words, they don’t do well on the assignment. It’s okay to brainstorm some initial ideas, but set them aside until later: the most informed decisions come when you’re well-informed. Wait until you’ve researched the topic and fully defined the problem before finalizing your call for action. 

5) Research, research, research. No matter how much you already know about your topic, there will likely be plenty out there that you don’t, and perhaps this source may even have helpful statistical information. Read as much as you can about your topic, starting with broad discussions on your topic Some key sources are those materials that describe how your problem is/was dealt with in other communities. You can use this information as a comparison tool or to inform your solution. 

6) Research some more—but creatively. For local issues, you can do your own independent research. This probably will not apply in your case this time.

7) Map, plan, or outline your essay first. Know where your paper needs to go before you begin. Problem-solution papers have a lot of components and thus need to follow a tight structure: you address the problem, you establish middle ground between all concerned parties, and you present your vision for how to solve the problem. Review steps 8 through 10 before beginning to write, and then organize your notes and data around the components discussed below.  

8) When you’re ready to begin writing, start with the problem section first. It’s the easiest and most logical place to start, and it should be the component of the paper on which you have the most information. Take the following steps to define the progression of your “problem” paragraph(s): 

* Define the nature of the problem.

* Establish its existence by explaining what has caused or led to the problem

* Explain the extent of the problem.

* Explain its effects and why it is an issue that needs to be solved.

* Finally, warn readers about future effects if no solution is offered. Apply prior experiences from other communities to this section.

9) Your middle section must establish common ground. You’ve addressed the problem, sure, but before anyone will accept your solution, you need to show why this problem affects the average reader and you need to show you've taken the concerns of others to heart. To do so, you’ll need to explain how others view the topic and the concerns of those people when it comes to trying to solve it. Address opposing arguments, and anticipate your audience’s questions and concerns. Establish criteria for a good solution that will appease everyone involved. 

10) Before you propose your solution, address other alternatives first. Show you’ve put some thought into your solution by acknowledging and critiquing other possible solutions to your topic. Explain your reasons for rejecting them. Your goal: make your solution appear to be the best solution. 

11) Propose a plan of action. Make sure it’s clear to your readers not only what the potential solution is, but also how it might be implemented. Clearly describe your solution so that your audience can imagine what it will be like. Address the potential arguments your opposition might have to your solution and create a counter argument. Let your audience know why they would be satisfied with your approach. 

12) Conclude with a call to action. Encourage your audience to accept your views and join the cause. Use projection: show your audience the positive results of your solution and you could possibly include the negative effect of not adopting the solution. Ask them to take simple steps to bring about the change you desire. Help them continue the fight.

13) Write your thesis last. A strange idea, but theses for problem-solution papers are pretty straightforward; wait until you’ve clearly established your ideas before putting them into a single sentence. Your thesis statement, by the way, should identify both problem and the solution. For example, “Schools should require uniforms in order to minimize gang violence.”

14) Revision advice #1: Use visualization whenever possible. Detailed descriptions evoke strong emotions and help your audience “see” the problem. You can create hypothetical scenarios that scare or encourage your audience. Make the problem and solution come alive. 

15) Revision advice #2: Make your audience care about your ideas. As you read over your paper, ask yourself, “Am I making my audience care about my problem. Show them why your ideas matter. 

16) Publish—or perish. Go public with what you’ve learned! A problem-solution paper is just that—a paper—unless those people affected by the problem are made aware of what you know. Talk to your instructor about expressing your knowledge in a new form: a documentary, a pamphlet, or a new club.

Problem-Solution Paper ACC10

Native Americans, especially those on reservations, suffer many problems that we, as a Midwest Middle Class culture, could only imagine. Your job is to research the problems that exist for Native Americans, find one that you believe is worthy of extensive research, gather information on that problem, and determine a possible or probable solution to the problem.

Form: you will be writing a brief research paper, which should be at least 3 pages, typed, double-spaced and include a bibliography page which will include at least 5 valid sources.

While you are in the research process, you will be making entries on the wiki. Each of you must make 3 entries, and if you need more, then you should add more than the 3 minimum. You will either put your entry on the “Problem” page if your article is about a problem the Native Americans face, or you will put your entry on the “Solution” page if it is about a solution that has been suggested or one that has worked in some community.

Your entry will be labeled with a title, short and similar to a bibliography entry. Write a bibliographic entry for it, include the URL and write a brief one or two sentence summary about the article, like this:

Poverty among the Native Americans:

Rodgers, Tom. "Native American Poverty: A Challenge Too Often Ignored." Spotlight on Poverty. 2009. Web. 15 Sept. 2009. .

This article, by a member of the Blackfoot Tribe who advocates of behalf of Native Americans, is about the extreme poverty suffered by a majority of Native American tribes—mostly as a result of lack of opportunity,

Your paper will be MLA style.

Due dates:

Thurs Jan 12 By beginning of the hour, you need to know your problem

Thurs Jan 12--Minimum of 3 entries on WIKI by end of the day

Fri Jan 13------Outside reading book one-pager

Tues Jan 17 –RD typed due—also typed bibliography due

Thurs Jan 18 –Typed Second Rough Draft due


Your name _______________________________ hour _________



Problem is clear, supported by valid information, relevant details

Topic is narrow enough and manageable.

Support is strong, credible, with valid resources of support

Solution is also clear, well-researched


An inviting lead draws reader in

Satisfying conclusion leaves reader with sense of closure

Transition and flow are practically seamless


Writing is compelling and engaging

Commitment to topic is strong, shows author’s passion for topic

WORD CHOICE…………………………………………………………………..5

Vocabulary is powerful and engaging

Word choice is natural, original, not overdone

Use lively words, precise nouns

SENTENCE FLUENCY:………………………………………………………....5

Sentences have flow, rhythm, and cadence

Sentences are well built with strong, varied structure

Sentence sense is strong, contributes to meaning


Uses standard writing conventions effectively to enhance readability;

Errors are few and only minor editing is needed

This includes spelling, capitalization, grammar, etc


MLA style, entire paper is typed, double spaced


BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………….. 15

5 entries (minimum) typed, MLA style, alphabetical order

ENTRIES ON WIKI (min of 3, 5 pts each) 15


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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