Mathematics 2131 3 - York University


Course Name: Linear Optimization

Instructor: Professor D. Tanny

Office Hours: N610 Ross, Thurs., 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. or by appointment

Tel./email: (416) 736-2100 x22588 (Please start the Subject line “Math 3171F19”.)

Section Website:

Prerequisites: SC/MATH 1021, or SC/MATH 1025, or SC/MATH 2221

Course Credit Exclusions: SC/MATH 2751, SC/MATH 3170, AP/ECON 3120, AP/ADMS 3331,

AP/ADMS 3351, GL/MATH 3660

Course Text: Operations Research (Fourth Edition), by Wayne L. Winston (Broooks/Cole). It is available in the York bookstore. Lecture notes will also contain much additional material some of which may be found in Operations Research, An Introduction,(9th ed.) by Hamdy Taha (Prentice Hall)

Student Solutions Manual for Operations Research (4th ed.), by Wayne L. Winston (Brooks/Cole)

Material from course text:1

Ch. 1 − 2 All

Ch. 3 All except omit sections 3.7, 3.12

Ch.4 All except section 4.15. While you may be asked to use section 4.17 in an assignment problem, you will not be tested on it in an examination

Ch. 5 5.1,5.2 omit sections 5.3,5.4

Ch. 6 6.1, 6.2,6.3,6.5,6.6,6.7omit p.319-321, 6.9, 6.10,6.11

1The syllabus is subject to change and will be updated at the end of the term. Please watch the website.

Lectures: Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Ross S205.

You are responsible for all material provided in lectures. Some topics are covered only partially in the text or not at all. Regular attendance at lectures is highly recommended.

There will be no lectures on the following dates: Tues., October 1, 2019; 2019; and Tues., October 22, 2019.

Evaluation: Assignments(best 4* of 6*) 30%

Class Test I Tues., October 8, 2019 25%

Class Test II Tues., November 5, 2019 25%

Class Test III Tues., December 3, 2019 20%


All exams are closed book, closed notes.


1. Assignment will be posted on the course website It is your responsibility to frequently check the website for assignments (and other posted material).

2. Each assignment is worth 10 points. An assignment handed in by the due date receives a 1/2 point bonus. Assignments will be accepted during the grace period (specified for each assignment which may be up to 2 days beyond the due date) but no bonus will be given. After the grace period, no late assignments will be accepted.

3. There will not be any make-up assignments. If for valid medical reasons you are unable to submit at least 4 assignments, the percentage of your grade allotted to assignments will be reduced proportionately, and the difference will be allotted in a fair manner determined by me alone.

4. All work submitted must be your own. See the websites listed on page 3 for more information on academic honesty.

5. There is a mandatory computer (LINDO) assignment. You must show competency with LINDO in order to get a grade in the course.

Other policies:

1. There will not be any make-up tests for missed tests. If for valid medical reasons you are unable to attend a class test, then that portion of your grade will be determined from your other exams. You are required to provide me with a statement, signed by you, indicating (i) the nature of the illness and (ii) when the illness began and when you recovered. Your statement must also state that you did not write any other tests or examinations, or hand in any assignments or projects during the period of your illness.

2. If you miss more than one class test, even for medical reasons, I suggest you drop the course.

3. All tests are closed book. You are permitted to use a basic calculator (+–, mult. divide, memory). The calculator must not have any other built in functions. Also, it must not have text memory or wireless capabilities (e.g. Bluetooth). You may not use a notebook computer. Palm Pilots, iPhone, Blackberry or similar devices may NOT be used nor may they be in your possession during the examination.

4. No communication between students is permitted while the exam is being written. All cellular phones and other wireless devices must be turned off and out of reach. This includes Apple Watches, Fitbit, and all other communicating watches. No items, not even pens or pencils, may be shared during a test or examination.

5. You are expected to write the class tests in ink. Questions answered in pencil will be graded as a courtesy, but a request for re-grading those questions may be refused at our sole discretion without explanation. Whatever is not clearly written, whether written ink or pencil, may not be marked.

6. You must present your York photo ID and sign-in during all examinations.

7. You are responsible for familiarizing yourself with York University's policies and regulations. Failure to know or understand these regulations is not an acceptable excuse. These policies and regulations are available on the York website. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence.

8. The course website is You are expected to visit the website frequently and be aware of anything posted on it. Corrections may be made so check the yellow Message Box.

9. For students with disabilities requiring accommodation: The following is an important link to a document which you should read: York Senate Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities. Please see me within the first TWO WEEKS of class with your letter from CDS. You may see me during my office hour or make an appointment or arrange for CDS to send me the letter.

Some Advice:

1. Attend lectures and tutorials. It is not enough to read the web handouts and the text, even if you are doing all the assigned and extra problems.

2. Keep up with the material. You will fail to understand the lectures if you have not prepared yourself after the previous lecture. Some lectures may seem easy because I use a "building block" method of teaching. Trust me. If you do not fully understand the "easy" blocks" you will not understand the blocks built on them.

3. Do not wait until just prior to an exam to get help. This is the busiest time.

You are very welcome to come see me during my office hours or make an appointment by email.

4. Math/Stat Lab S525 Ross x88862 is another good place to get help. As soon as I am given the operating times for the Fall term 2010, I will update this information in this Course Outline.

York University has policies on ethics, academic integrity, religious observance, harassment conflicts, etc. These policies form a part of the Student Code of Conduct which you are expected to know and observe as a member of the York community.

York University Senate Policy on Academic Honesty may be found at:

To help you understand the issues of academic integrity, information may be found at:

We have been asked to include the following WARNING in out Course Outline re Academic Integrity:

Numerous students in Faculty of Science courses have been charged with academic misconduct when materials they uploaded to third party repository sites (e.g. Course Hero, One Class, etc.) were taken and used by unknown students in later offerings of the course. The Faculty’s Committee on Examinations and Academic Standards (CEAS) found in these cases that the burden of proof in a charge of aiding and abetting had been met, since the uploading students had been found in all cases to be wilfully blind to the reasonable likelihood of supporting plagiarism in this manner. Accordingly, to avoid this risk, students are urged not to upload their work to these sites. Whenever a student submits work obtained through Course Hero or One Class, the submitting student will be charged with plagiarism and the uploading student will be charged with aiding and abetting.

Note also that exams, tests, and other assignments are the copyrighted works of the professor assigning them, whether copyright is overtly claimed or not (i.e. whether the © is used or not). Scanning these documents constitutes copying, which is a breach of Canadian copyright law, and the breach is aggravated when scans are shared or uploaded to third party repository sites.

updated August 23, 2019.

This document will be revised as more information becomes available.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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