Putting God First: My Life - Clover Sites

Putting God First: My Life

Week 9: Share Jesus With Others

This includes:

Leader Preparation

Lesson Guide



Fishermen at the time this Bible story took place often used nets with weights around the edges. They would drop the nets onto the water, and the nets would sink over the fish. Then the fishermen would draw the net around the fish.

These particular fishermen had fished all night and caught nothing, but with Jesus’ help their nets were filled to overflowing. This certainly got their attention! So they left fishing for fish to fish for people.

Use this story to help your kids understand that without Jesus we’re nothing. But with him, our lives are filled with blessings we could never even imagine for ourselves, let alone orchestrate. Emphasize that sharing Jesus with others allows their lives to be filled with his love, too!


Share Jesus with others.


Luke 5:1-11


“Jesus replied to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!’ ” (Luke 5:10).


The short overview below is designed to help you prepare for your lesson.

Supplies You’ll Need: Putting God First: My Life (Year 1/Quarter 4) CD, LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 1) DVD, CD player, TV/DVD player, large plastic cups, plastic spoons, fish-shaped crackers, Bibles, “Gone Fishin’ ” handout, bar magnets, tape, paper clips, pens, paper, construction paper, and scissors

Before This Lesson

• Fill a large plastic cup with fish-shaped crackers for each Bible Crew of four kids.

• Print the “Gone Fishin’ ” handout. You’ll need one copy for each group of four kids.

• Assemble Bible Exploration Kits (one per four kids): one Bible, one copy of the “Gone Fishin’ ” handout, one large plastic cup, one plastic spoon, one bar magnet, at least 10 paper clips, tape, paper, construction paper, scissors, and pens.

• Review Luke 5:1-11.

• Cue "Into the Bible" (Track 1) on Putting God First: My Life (Year 1/Quarter 4) CD or (Quarter 4/Track 1) on the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 1) DVD.

• Huddle briefly with your volunteers beforehand. Answer any questions they have. Encourage them and pray.


We’ve provided you with a “Family Devotion” handout to send the Bible learning and faith discovery home. When kids and parents have faith discussions regularly, kids’ faith multiplies.

So we’ve given you two options:

• Print the “Family Devotion” handout and make enough copies for each child to take one home.

• Email the “Family Devotion” to families before or after the actual lesson.

Or why not do both? That way you’ll double the opportunities for parents to actually get the handout.

Putting God First: My Life

Week 9: Share Jesus With Others



Supplies: Putting God First: My Life (Year 1/Quarter 4) CD, LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 1) DVD, CD player, TV/DVD player, assembled Bible Exploration Kits, prepared cups of fish-shaped crackers

1. Play “Into the Bible” (Track 1) from the Putting God First: My Life (Year 1/Quarter 4) CD or (Quarter 4/Track 1) from the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 1) DVD, as kids arrive.

• “Into the Bible”

Makes me wanna jump!

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Makes me wanna sing! Hallelujah!

It’s the greatest book.

Come and take a look.

Makes me wanna shout!

Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout!

So that everyone will see

I’m getting into the Bible

And the Bible...is getting into me!

We’re discovering a brand-new world

As we dig a little deeper (deeper),

Finding out about who God is.

Open it up and see it (see it)!

There’s nothin’ like

God’s Word, and I get

So excited.

It makes me wanna,

Makes me,

Makes me wanna jump!

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Makes me wanna sing! Hallelujah!

It’s the greatest book.

Come and take a look.

Makes me wanna shout!

Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout!

So that everyone will see

I’m getting into the Bible

And the Bible...is getting into me!

“Into the Bible” by Jay Stocker. © 2006 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.

2. As kids arrive, have them form Bible Crews of four and share fish stories. These can be any stories that involve fish, such as fishing trips, kinds of fish they’ve eaten, or even fictional accounts of a fish named Bob!

3. When everyone has arrived, give each crew a Bible Exploration Kit. Have kids find the plastic spoons and cups in their kits and form a single-file line at one end of the room. Have them set the empty cups on the floor at the front of their lines. When they’ve formed their lines, place one cup with fish-shaped crackers per crew across the room opposite each crew.

Explain that at your signal, the first person in line will run across the room, scoop up one cracker on the spoon, run back, and deposit the cracker in the cup. Then the next person will do the same. Signal the start of the relay, and make sure each child has a chance to run at least once.

When everyone has run at least once, SAY: You all caught a bunch of fish! Let’s try it again a different way and see if you catch as many. Have crews return the fish crackers to their original cups. Play several more times, varying the ways kids cross the room. For example, you could have them skip, hop, twirl, and crawl.

4. After several rounds, start the “Stand Up Countdown” (Quarter 4/Countdown Track 1) on the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 1) DVD. Turn up the volume, and lead children in counting along. Collect the supplies, and SAY: I’m so glad to see you here today!


• Tell about a time you’ve gone fishing in real life.

• How was this game similar to or different from fishing in real life?

SAY: Today we’re going to learn about a very different way to fish. We’re going to fish Jesus style! This kind of fishing is a way we can share Jesus with others. Let’s find out more!


Supplies: assembled Bible Exploration Kits

1. Have crews form circles. SAY: The Bible tells us about an amazing fishing trip that Jesus’ first disciples went on. It’s in Luke 5:1-7. Have groups find the passage in their Bibles and read it together.

2. SAY: The disciples must’ve been surprised at the number of fish they caught. And they were probably even more amazed that Jesus had known they’d catch all those fish in that exact spot! But what happened next was the most amazing event of the day! Have kids read Luke 5:8-11. Then SAY: Our Key Verse for today comes right from this story. Ask a volunteer to read aloud Luke 5:10.


• What do you think Jesus means by “fishing for people”?

• Why do you or don’t you think Jesus wants you to “fish for people” too?

• How can the event we just read about help you be better about telling others about Jesus?

3. SAY: It’s important to share Jesus with others. That’s what fishing for people means. The disciples knew that believing in Jesus was the most important thing in the world. And they wanted to help others know Jesus, too. Jesus wants us to tell others about him. This next activity will help us do that! Direct kids to remove the “Gone Fishin’ ” handout from their Bible Exploration Kits. Have them use the supplies in their Bible Exploration Kits to follow the four numbered steps on the handout. Let groups try the experiment several times, making sure each person participates. Then let groups compare results. (WARNING: This activity uses magnets. Do not swallow magnets. Magnets can attract each other through opposing intestine walls, causing serious infection or even death. Seek immediate medical attention if magnets are swallowed or inhaled.)

4. Have kids answer these questions in their crews.


• What was easy or hard about adding paper clips to your hook?

• Why is it easy or hard for you to tell others about Jesus?

• If Jesus were sitting next to you as you told someone about him, how would that change how you feel? How would it change what you said?

5. Have kids complete the activity by following the directions in both boxes at the bottom of the handout. Have kids draw hooks on the paper in their kits, and direct them to write names of people they want to “catch” for Jesus on their hooks.

SAY: God wants us to share Jesus with others so more people can have a friendship with him. Did you ever think that the most important thing you could do is to spend every day fishing? But that’s what Jesus wants us to do—fish for people to believe in him!


Supplies: Putting God First: My Life (Year 1/Quarter 4) CD or LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 1) DVD, CD player or TV/DVD player

1. Ask a child to read Luke 5:11 aloud. Then SAY: The disciples dropped everything to follow Jesus and help other people believe in him. It’s a privilege to tell people about Jesus. Tell someone next to you the name of one person you’ll share Jesus with this week. Pause. Now let’s praise God to thank him for sending Jesus!

2. Set up the Putting God First: My Life (Year 1/Quarter 4) CD or the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 1) DVD. PLAY:

• “For the Glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31) (CD Track 7) (DVD Quarter 4/Track 7)


So whether you eat or drink,

Or whatever you do,

Do it all

For the glory of God.


Whether you eat or drink,

Or whatever you do,

Do it all

For the glory, the glory of God,

For the glory of God!

For the glory of God!

Spoke/sung: For the glory, for the glory of God.

For the glory, for the glory of God.

(Verse 1)

You could be a scientist;

You could be a soccer player.

It doesn’t matter, as long as

You do it all for the glory of God!

(Sing chorus.)

(Verse 2)

You could be a brother or sister;

You could be a best friend, too.

It doesn’t matter, as long as

You do it all for the glory of God!

(Sing chorus.)

Spoke/sung: For the glory, for the glory of God.

For the glory, for the glory of God.

“For the Glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31) by Jay Stocker. © 2005 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.

• “Living By the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25) (CD Track 5) (DVD Quarter 4/Track 5)

Since we are living, living by the Spirit,

Let us follow, follow the Spirit’s leading

In every part of our lives,

Yeah, in every part of our lives.

Since we are living, living by the Spirit,

Let us follow, follow the Spirit’s leading

In every part of our lives,

Yeah, in every part of our lives.

God has given us a path

To follow each and every day.

We will listen, and we will live it out;

Never doubt that God is leading.

Since we are living, living by the Spirit,

Let us follow, follow the Spirit’s leading

In every part of our lives,

Yeah, in every part of our lives.

Since we are living, living by the Spirit,

Let us follow, follow the Spirit’s leading

In every part of our lives,

Yeah, in every part of our lives.

God has given us a path

To follow each and every day.

We will listen, and we will live it out;

Never doubt that God is leading.

Since we are living, living by the Spirit,

Let us follow, follow the Spirit’s leading

In every part of our lives,

Yeah, in every part of our lives.

Since we are living, living by the Spirit,

Let us follow, follow the Spirit’s leading

In every part of our lives,

Yeah, in every part of our lives.

“Living by the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25) by Jay Stocker. © 2011 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.

• “God Is Listening” (CD Track 6) (DVD Quarter 4/Track 6)

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

God knows every word

Before you even say it.

He hears every prayer

Before you even pray it.

So let him hear you now;

Let him hear you shout!

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

God knows every word

Before you even say it.

He hears every prayer

Before you even pray it.

So let him hear you now;

Let him hear you shout!

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

God is listening.

“God Is Listening” by Jay Stocker. © 2011 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.


Supplies: assembled Bible Exploration Kits

1. Ask someone to read Luke 5:10 aloud. SAY: Let’s ask God to help us be the best “fishers for people” ever as we share Jesus with others! Have kids use the construction paper, scissors, and pens in their Bible Exploration Kits to draw and cut out paper fish. Encourage them to write on their fish one thing they’ll tell others about Jesus this week. For example, kids might write “He died for me” or “He loves everyone.”

2. After kids make two or three fish each, have Bible Crews sit in circles on the floor. Explain that you’ll start a prayer by SAYING: Thank you, God, for sending Jesus. Here’s what we’re going to tell people about him this week. Bible Crews will then continue the prayer by reading their fish and setting them down in the middle of their circles.

Start the prayer, and give groups time to read their fish. Then close the prayer by asking God to help everyone in the circle tell others about Jesus.

Encourage kids to take their fish home as reminders to share Jesus with others.


Supplies: none

SAY: Since today’s story was all about fishing, let’s pretend we’re fish as we swim around giving high fives with our fins.

Show kids how to place their arms and hands together in front of them and pretend to swim like fish, giving each other high fives as they leave.


Take A Dip

Supplies: bowl of fish-shaped crackers, pudding, blue food coloring, cups, spoons

Let kids enjoy a simple snack to remind them of the Bible story. Set a bowl of fish-shaped crackers in the center of a table. Tint pudding blue, and give each person a small cup of blue pudding. As kids take crackers from the bowl, have them name people they’ll tell about Jesus and tell what they’ll say.

Easy Nets

Supplies: paper plates, scissors, stapler, markers, paper

Let kids make “fishnets” to keep their paper fish in. Cut a paper plate in half, and staple it to another plate to form a pocket. Use markers to draw a net pattern on the half plate. Encourage kids to place paper fish in the net each time they tell someone about Jesus.

Hiding It in Your Heart

Supplies: jump-rope

Have kids read aloud together Luke 5:10. Then play this game to help them remember the verse. Have everyone stand on one side of the room, opposite you. SAY: I’m fishing for people to believe in Jesus! Then toss one end of a jump-rope to the person at one end of the kids’ line to catch. Then “reel” that person over to your side. Let that child toss the line and reel in the next child. Continue until everyone has been caught, then repeat the verse.

Create a Bible Dictionary

Supplies: paper, markers, dictionary, CD player, Putting God First: My Life (Year 1/Quarter 4) CD

Ask kids to create one or more pages, each with a new word, for a Bible dictionary. Have kids suggest words from today’s lesson—fishing for people and share are two suggestions. Have them write each word on a sheet of paper in fun letters, add a definition, list Scripture references, and make illustrations. Play “The Books of the Bible Song,” (Track 8) from the Putting God First: My Life (Year 1/Quarter 4) CD while kids work. Add each page to a three-ring binder, and watch the dictionary grow!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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