
 Article Contents Tutorial Video ScriptNow let's take a look at an article. The layout of kids’ articles has been revamped to include large stunning splash imagery to capture kids' attention right away. Click the blue triangle in the bottom right-hand corner to reveal the caption and photo credit and simply click it again if you want to hide it. Each article is organized using four tabs which you can see at the top: the Article view, Standards, Pictures, videos and more, and More Information.We'll check out the Article view first. In this view, each page is organized so that all the media- pictures, videos, audio, and maps- related to the article align in a column to the left of the main article text. This results in a clean and uncluttered display that is easy to read and understand. Articles feature a larger, more readable font which makes the pages more streamlined and less text heavy. As a result, the text hierarchy is clearer. Section headings have a unique style treatment to draw the reader through the content. The header also remains fixed at the top of the page as you scroll down so that you can access the article title, the Article view, Standards, Pictures, Videos, and more, More Information, as well as the Article Contents and the Tools icons- which we’ll look at a little bit later. You can double-click on any word in the article to bring up its definition in a pop-up window from the World Book Kids Dictionary. You can enter another search term here to look up a different word or you can just close out of the dictionary by clicking the X in the top right. The dictionary is also accessible from the feature container on the homepage.Let's keep going. Please note that at the very bottom of the article, Kids displays citation information in MLA, APA, and Harvard formats to make it easy for students to cite their sources. Also, depending on what products you have included in your subscription, you can also get to an article on the same topic in World Book Student, which is written at a little bit higher level, or you can get to the same article in EEH or Decouverte- our Spanish and French versions of Kids. Clicking this blue top arrow in the bottom right corner allows you to jump back up to the top of the article page without scrolling.Clicking this blue speaker button will enable the read aloud function. Students that want to hear the article read to them can click this button. As it reads, it will highlight the word that it is on in the text. “Plants are living things that”Let's view the other available tabs in this article. The Standards tab will take you directly to the state standards to which this particular article is aligned. It will be geolocated to your state, but you can change to any other state or national standards like Common Core or Next Generation standards.The Pictures, Videos, and More tab contains all the images and videos and maps from the article plus additional media from elsewhere on the site, allowing students to more deeply explore a given topic through engaging multimedia all in one place. You can also browse pictures, videos and maps from an icon on the furthest left hand side of the feature container on the homepage. Next up is the More Information tab. This tab holds links to related articles, games, activities, websites, science projects, and more. You can also find lesson plans, discussion questions, and content standards here as well.Article Contents live in this drop-down menu at the top right corner. You can click here to find Lexile measures and article sections. You can jump to any section in the article from here to speed up your research. Finally, Tools are accessible from this gear icon. This drop down menu allows you to save (download, save to Google Drive), share (via Google classroom or email), print, view citations, translate the text to over 100 languages, or adjust the read aloud settings (like the speed or the voice). ................

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