Dayton High School Speech Rubric - Bowman at Brooks

Dayton High School Speech Rubric (6-8 Minutes)

Informative Speech

|Criteria and Weight |Unsatisfactory |Proficient |Advanced |

| |Below performance standards 0-60% |Acceptable Criteria |Demonstrates exceptional performance 90-100% |

| | |61-89% | |

|Structure and Organization / 30% | |In addition to Proficient criteria: |

|Introduction |No formal introduction, or |Includes two of the following: |Clever attention-getting introduction and |

| |introduction had no clear thesis |Clever attention-getting introduction and|statement of thesis with |

| |statement. No preview of topics to |statement of thesis and |stated 3 or 4 main topics. |

| |be discussed. |state 3 or 4 main topics | |

| | | |Must have transition. |

|Main Ideas |Main ideas were not separated into |Main ideas were separated into logical |Ideas connected by original transitions, logical |

| |logical progression. |progression. |throughout; creative pattern. |

|Supporting Materials |Important ideas were not supported |Important ideas and viewpoints were |Important ideas and viewpoints were supported |

| |with references or data. |supported. |with accurate and detailed references to text or |

| | | |other works. |

|Conclusion |No conclusion, or conclusion did not|Conclusion restated thesis statement and |Conclusion summarized the three main ideas |

| |adequately summarize presentation. |summarized the ideas presented. |presented and revisited the grabber. |

|Length Requirement |Under 5 or over 9. Zero points. |5-6 minutes and 8-9 minutes. Nine points |6-8 minutes. Ten points |

|Vocal Expression / 20% | |In addition to Proficient criteria: |

|Rate and Volume of Speech |Speaker was hard to hear or |Speaker was easy to hear and understand. |Speaker was enjoyable to hear; used expression |

| |understand. | |and emphasis. |

|Pitch, Articulation, and |Voice or tone distracted from |Tone was conversational, but with |Speaker used voice to create an emotional |

|Pronunciation |purpose or presentation. |purpose. |response in audience. |

| |Excessive use of verbal fillers. |Voice sounded natural, neither patterned | |

| | |nor monotone. | |

| | |Speaker pronounced words clearly, | |

| | |correctly, and without verbal fillers. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Criteria and Weight |Unsatisfactory |Proficient |Advanced |

| |Below performance standards 0-60% |Acceptable Criteria |Demonstrates exceptional performance 90-100% |

| | |61-89% | |

|Physical Characteristics / 15% | |In addition to Proficient criteria: |

|Eye Contact |Little eye contact. |Strong eye contact, but cards were |Strong eye contact. |

| | |distractive. | |

|Posture |Poor or slouchy posture. |Posture conveyed confidence. |Commanding, purposeful posture. Cards in one hand|

| | | |and not the speakers focus. |

|Gestures and Movement |Movements were stiff or unnatural. |Gestures and movements were natural and |Gestures and movements were natural and effective|

| | |effective. |and helped audience stay focused. |

|Attire |Attire was inappropriate for audience. |Attire was appropriate for audience and |Attire was chosen to enhance presentation (ie |

| | |purpose. |logger wears black, staged pants) or attire was |

| | | |semiformal (shirt and tie for guy, skirt or dress|

| | | |or pant suit for lady). |

|Appropriateness of Content and Language / 15% |In addition to Proficient criteria: |

|For Audience, Purpose, and|Speaker used inappropriate language, |Speaker obviously considered the audience |Examples and words were creative and well chosen |

|Assignment |context, or examples for this audience. |and used appropriate language and |for target audience. |

| |Speaker did not explain the assignment or|examples. | |

| |purpose of presentation. |Speaker conveyed a clear understanding of |Speaker elevated knowledge and understanding of |

| | |assignment requirements and content. |the audience. |

|Overall Impact / 10% | |In addition to Proficient criteria: |

|Energy, Enthusiasm, |Speaker presented the message without |Speaker appeared to believe in message and|Overall presentation was creative and exciting. |

|Sincerity, Originality |conviction. |demonstrated desire to have audience |Speaker was clearly and highly engaged in topic. |

|/Creativity | |listen, understand, and remember. | |

|Features / 10% | |In addition to Proficient criteria: |

|Multimedia, Visuals, Audio|Materials detracted from content or |Materials added, did not detract from |Speaker creatively integrated a variety of |

| |purpose of presentation or were of low |presentation. |objects, charts, and graphs to amplify the |

| |quality. |Materials used were quality products, easy|message. Aids do not overshadow presenter. |

| | |to see and hear. | |


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