EEG 1 Answer Key

Easy English Grammar 1 Answer Key

(일부 이미지 답안은 생략되었습니다. 양해바랍니다.)

Unit 1 – Nouns

p.4-6 Graphic answers

A. Look and match.

Students should draw lines from each word to the correct picture.

B. Find the words and circle them. Match each word with the correct picture.


C. Put the words in the correct baskets.

















Unit 2 – Articles … a / an / the

A. Circle the right one.

1. a computer and a desk

2. an elephant and a rabbit

3. the sun and the moon

4. a teacher and a student

B. Unscramble the words and add a or an.

1. a house

2. an octopus

3. a violin

4. an umbrella

C. Write the correct articles.

1. a

2. a

3. an

4. the

5. the

6. an

7. a

8. an

D. Write in the correct order.

1. a blue T-shirt

2. an orange crayon

3. a strawberry cake

4. the full moon

Unit 3 – Plural Nouns

A. Circle the right one.

1. boxes

2. potatoes

3. leaves

4. dresses

5. sandwiches

6. elephants

7. nurses

B. Look and write the sentences.

1. These are apples.

2. Those are houses.

3. These are foxes.

4. Those are pencils.

5. Those are trucks.

6. These are umbrellas.

C. Circle the 9 plural nouns and write. NEEDS GRAPHIC ANSWER

1. dolls

2. houses

3. foxes

4. monkeys

5. tomatoes

6. guitars

7. tables

8. leaves

9. books

D. Write the plural nouns.

1. glasses

2. computers

3. robots

4. elephants

5. watches

6. brushes

7. airplanes

8. oranges

9. telephones

10. houses

Unit 4 – Be … am / is / are

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. am

2. is

3. are

4. is

5. Are, am

6. Is, isnt’

B. Look and write sentences.

1. It’s an orange.

2. They are shoes.

3. She is a teacher.

4. We are baseball players.

5. You are a police officer.

6. I am a taxi driver.

C. Write the correct words.

1. He

2. It

3. They

4. I, You

5. She

6. we

D. Look and complete the sentences.

1. Is it a horse? No, it isn’t. It is a zebra.

2. Is he a short boy? No, he isn’t. He is a tall boy.

3. Is she playing the violin? No, she isn’t. She is playing the piano.

4. Is Jacob a dentist? No, he isn’t. He is a nurse.

5. Is it a small bird? No, it isn’t. It is a big bird.

6. Is it a new umbrella? No, it isn’t. It is an old umbrella.

Review 1 – Units 1-4

1. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words.

1. This is Grandfather. Grandfather reads a newspaper.

2. That is Grandmother. Grandmother walks the dog.

3. Are you a king? No, I am a teacher.

4. Are they doctors? Yes, they are doctors.

5. Is that one leaf? No, those are two leaves.

6. That is an apple. The apple is in the kitchen.

2. Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks.

1. potatoes

2. houses

3. an

4. an, kings

5. Are, cats

6. Are, foxes

p. 22-23 Game Responses

1. Those are watches.

2. Those are books.

3. Those are boxes.

4. It’s an igloo.

5. It’s an umbrella.

6. It’s a guitar.


8. It’s a hamburger.

9. It’s an orange.

10. It’s a house.


12. It’s a lion.

13. It’s a playground.

14. These are dolls.

15. It’s a plane.

16. These are leaves.

17. I am a police officer.


19. It’s a bike.

20. Those are brushes.

21. I’m a monkey.

Unit 5 – Personal Pronouns … I / you / we

A. Write am, is or are.

1. am

2. is

3. are

4. is

5. Is

6. Are

7. am

8. Are

9. is

10. are

B. Write the correct pronoun in the blanks.

1. They

2. We

3. She

4. You

5. He

6. It

7. I

8. we

9. they

10. you

C. Circle the correct answer.

1. B

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. B

D. Look and write the question forms.

1. Am I small?

2. Is she a good teacher?

3. Are we children?

4. Are they twelve years old?

5. Are you a pretty girl?

6. Is it an octopus?

7. Are you singers?

Unit 6 – Demonstrative Pronouns … this / that

A. Check the right sentence (√).

1. That is a bag.

2. This is an umbrella.

3. This is a bus.

4. That is an octopus.

5. This is a blue sweater.

6. That is a snake.

B. Write This or That.

1. This is a doll.

2. That is a house.

3. This is a violin.

4. That is an elephant.

5. This is a yo-yo.

6. That is a school.


This is a boat.

That’s a car.

That is a snake.

This is an orange.

That is a house.

D. Write in the correct order.

1. That is James.

2. This is a camera.

3. That is an octopus.

4. This is a red pencil.

5. This is a white skirt.

6. This is Jenny.

7. That is an orange crayon.

E. Correct the mistakes.

1. This is an apple.

2. The sun is yellow.

3. That’s a dolphin. / That is a dolphin.

4. This is Mr. James.

5. That is an computer.

Unit 7 – There is … / There are …

A. Read and match. Graphic ANSWER NEEDED ?

There is a bus in the street.

There are books on the desk.

Are there any apples in the bowl? Yes, there are.

There is an airplane in the sky.

Is there a baby in the car? No, there isn’t.

B. Read and check (√) the correct sentence.

1. There are children on the bus.

2. There are shoes under the bed.

3. Is there a king in the castle?

4. Is there a blue hat? Yes, there is.

5. Are there five chairs? No, there aren’t.

C. Look and write There is or There are.

1. There are

2. There are

3. There is

4. There is

D. Write Is there or Are there.

1. Is there

2. Are there

3. Is there

4. Is there

5. Are there

6. Is there

Unit 8 – Imperatives … do / don’t

A. Circle the correct one.

1. down

2. Eat

3. Don’t run

4. smoke

5. Open

B. Look and make sentences.

1. Close the window.

2. Don’t smoke in the hospital.

3. Drink the orange juice.

4. Don’t talk in the library.

C. Write in the correct order.

1. Listen to your teacher.

2. Don’t jump on the bed.

3. Don’t touch that cake.

4. Don’t climb that tree.

5. Close the door.

D. Write the opposite.

1. Play with this.

2. Don’t drink this milk.

3. Don’t swim in the pool.

4. Don’t read this book.

5. Go to the park.

Review Unit 2

1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.

1. That is Andrea. She is my sister.

2. This is Casey. He is a doctor.

3. That is me. I am John.

4. This is Mrs. Martin. She is a teacher.

5. Are there any monkeys? No, there aren’t. There are students.

6. Is there any coffee in the cup? Yes, there is coffee in the cup.

2. Match the sentences to the right pictures.

1. D

2. C

3. E

4. A

5. B

p.42-43 Game Responses

1. Don’t smoke.

2. Sit down.

3. Be quiet. / Don’t talk.

4. Do his homework. / Study. / Don’t play.

5. She is a doctor.

6. They are nurses.


8. We are students. / We are kids. / We are children.

9. It’s an umbrella.

10. He is a teacher.


12. There are three.

13. There is one.

14. There is one.

15. There are four.

16. There are two.

17. This is candy.


19. That is an umbrella.

20. That is a house.

21. This is a guitar. / This is a monkey.

Test 1

A. Write the words in the correct list.





















B. Correct the sentences.

1. This is an octopus.

2. There is a watermelon.

3. She is playing a/the piano.

4. That’s a rabbit.

5. We can see the moon.

6. This is a big elephant.

7. That’s an orange T-shirt.

C. Look and write This or That.

1. This

2. That

3. This

4. That

5. This

6. That

D. Write the correct words in the blanks.

1. This is James. He is a pilot.

2. My name is John. This is Linda. We are friends.

3. He is a doctor. He is very kind.

4. They are students.

5. We are students and he is a teacher.

6. She is a teacher. She is smart.

E. Look and complete the puzzle.

1. cars

2. apples

3. lions

4. oranges

5. guitars

6. stars

7. rabbits

8. tables

9. houses

10. elephants

11. dolls

12. dresses

F. Write the opposite.

1. Don’t sit down, boys and girls.

2. Eat the pizza.

3. Don’t drink the orange juice.

4. Smoke here.

5. Don’t speak loudly.

6. Don’t run in the house.

7. Don’t watch TV.

8. Listen to music.

Test 2

A. Circle the word that does not belong.

1. chair

2. glass

3. balloon

4. girl

5. train

6. hospital

7. potato

B. Circle the correct word.

1. a

2. an

3. This

4. That

5. a

6. is

7. a

C. Write in the correct order.

1. This is an airplane.

2. That is Kate.

3. There are crayons.

4. It is a window.

5. This is an onion.

D. Match the right one.

1. A

2. B

3. A

4. B

E. Correct the sentences.

1. He is a policeman.

2. They are ladybugs.

3. You are Paul.

4. These are pants.

5. We are soccer players.

6. That is an igloo.

7. You and I are brothers.

8. What are these?

9. Where’s Andrea?

10. Where is the book?

F. Write in the correct column.



















G. Look and fill in the blanks.

Brandon and Linda are students.

They are eleven years old.

Brandon is short and fat.

Linda is tall and thin.

They are best friends.

H. Use these words to fill in the blanks.

1. Sing

2. play

3. touch

4. There are

5. That is


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