Ch1 ES: The Nature of Science

Name (First & Last)______________________Period___Ch1 ES: The Nature of ScienceObjectives: List the steps used in a scientific method. This means I can define, identify, and compare & contrast the following: observation (both qualitative & quantitative) vs. inference hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, constant, data, conclusioncontrolled experiment, control group, experimental group. Identify basic SI units for mass, weight, length, volume, density. Convert between SI units; example I can convert from kg to mg….Differentiate between a scientific theory & a scientific law, and between science & technology. In addition, I can identify a given example as science vs. technology.Science vs. TechnologyScience: ________& _____________________of natural world, to gain ________________ & to __________________/understand Technology: ____________________ of science to help (or harm) Observation vs. InferenceObservation: Using one of the _____________________ to make understand the world around you. Sight, touch, hearing, smell, ________________ (NOT in science class!)____________!!! Example: There is one TV in the room.Types of observations:Qualitative: Description based on observations or “relative” comparison; __________________________________________________________Quantitative: Measured & numerical; _______________________________ Recorded as ____________________in an experiment. Data = __________________________Inference Logical interpretation/explanation. Using reasoning to make sense of what you are observing BASED on observations Example: You entered the classroom and a new adult was by my desk. You might infer that I ________________or that the new adult is a _____________________________. Clues You Are Making an Inference; I think.., Like…, Because…Used in writing the ______________________of a lab report.Scientific Method = _________________ investigation. Usual Steps:Question/Problem:State/Identify a ________________or ______________ (What you want to know/understand/find out)Gather __________________________Form a hypothesis ; _____________________ ____________________ for an observation. Must be Must be _____________________________ Usually in ___________________________________format.NOT a “guess”. NOT simply a prediction. Test hypothesis with an experiment Data: Record _______________________________________Conclusion: NOW analyze – ______________________________Based on ________________________Decide if hypothesis was __________________________or not. NOTE: A hypothesis is NOT “proven” – it is supported. Experiment RequirementsVariable: A quantity that can vary & can affect the experiment outcome Independent variable:What the scientist____________________ changes. Must have only __________ independent variable. It is what you are “testing”. Usually the ________part of hypothesis.Dependent variable: ______________ outcome;The outcome “depends” on what the independent variable causes. It is usually the ______________ part of the hypothesis.Constants: All other variables are kept the same for each test. “Controlled” Experiment: Experiment that contains 2 set-ups, with ONLY ONE factor/variable different between the set-ups.Control Group: _____________ to _______________ to. May be the _______________ condition w/o the independent variable. Used for comparison to the experimental group. Helps determine the effect of the independent variable in the experimental group. Experimental Group: The group containing the independent variable – what you are testing. I Have My Data (Recorded Observations) & Conclusion, Now What?Report Those Findings!!Very Important StepWhy?Credit - so YOU get the credit & not someone elsePeers Check WorkRepeat ExperimentsBuild Off Your Work Theory vs. LawScientific Law: _____________ that describes the behavior of a natural phenomena (happening) that seems to be constant.Describes ____________ happens. Example: __________________________Theory: _______________________based on ____________ observations & investigationsUsually the simplest principle that unifies the many observations. It explains _____________ it happens. NOTE: BOTH can be proven ____________ with______________ data.SI System (Metric)Importance? Allows for a Standardized Measuring System Across the GlobeWhy would we want/need a universal measuring system? Same LanguageEasy ConversionsImportant Metric/SI FactsSI System = International System of Units Based on number 10Set of prefixes: All either increase or decrease by a factor10. Prefixes Abbreviation (prefix only)Abbreviation(with base) Factor of 10 kilo- kkm, kg, kL1,000hecto- hhm , hg, hL100deca- da dam, dag, daL 10Home Base – NO PREFIX grams , liters, meters Meters = m Grams = gLiters = L m, g, L **Single Letter**No prefix1deci d dm , dg, dL0.1 centi- ccm , cg, cL0.01milli- mmm, mg, mL0.001 Metric PrefixesMetric Equivalents:1 cm = ______mm 1m = ______cm1 km = ______mKing Henry died by drinking chocolate milkKilo hecto deka *base deci centi milli Km, kg, kl __hm_ dam,dag m, g, L dm,dg cm,cg,cL mm,mg,ml *meter *gram * literConversions Practice 90 Meters is equal to:How many kilometers?How many Decameters?How many meters?How many decimeters?How many centimeters?2.65 centimeters is equal to how many decameters?67 hectometers is equal to how many millimeters?Base Units in SI system (Metric): What units are used for the following measurements?Length – ___________________________________Mass & WeightMass = The amount of matter in an objectUnits = _______________________________________ – stays the same regardless of location (same number of atoms no matter where the object is) Weight = measure of __________________________________ on an objectUnits = _____________________________ Calculation: Mass (kg) x Gravity(m/s2) = Weight (N)___________________w/location because gravity variesChanges slightly even at different places on EarthChanges significantly once you leave Earth’s atmosphere. Weight Calculations:John has a mass of 73 kg (approx 160 lb). Following is the surface gravity on 3 space objects:Earth 9.8 m/s2Pluto 0.72 m/s2 Sun 275.0 m/s2Complete the following table. Show work for calculations. Label answers with unitsMasson EarthWeighton EarthMass on PlutoWeighton PlutoMasson SunWeight on SunVolume = amount of ____________ space occupied by an object Solid units; __________________. Example: ___________________________Irregular solid: ________________________________________Liquid: ________________________ etc.NOTE: 1 cm3 (solid) is equal in volume to 1 mL (liquids)Density: Measure of the amount of matter that occupies a given space Mass/volumeExample units: ___________________Describes how tightly an object’s atoms are _________________together. Atoms that are packed tightly= _______________densityAtoms packed loosely = _______________ density Volume & Density Practice P #1 Calculate the volume of the box to the right. SHOW YOUR WORK. Include units on your answer. P#2 Now calculate the box’s density if its mass is 144g. SHOW YOUR WORK. Include units on your answer. PRACTICE PROBLEMSPractice #1 Marshmallow Muscles (Scientific Method Practice)Larry was told that a certain muscle cream was the newest best thing on the market and claims to double a person’s muscle power when used as part of a muscle-building workout. Interested in this product, he buys the special muscle cream and recruits Patrick and SpongeBob to help him with an experiment. Larry develops a special marshmallow weight-lifting program for Patrick and SpongeBob. He meets with them once every day for a period of 2 weeks and keeps track of their results. Before each session Patrick’s arms and back are lathered in the muscle cream, while Sponge Bob’s arms and back are lathered with the regular lotion.Which person is in the control group?Which person is the experimental group?What is the independent variable?What is the dependent variable? List 2 constantsThe data from Larry’s experiment is shown in the table below.Time Patrick Bob Initial Amount(Marshmallows lifted) 18 5 After 1 week(Marshmallows lifted) 24 9 After 2 weeks(Marshmallows lifted) 33 17 What should Larry’s conclusion be based on the results in the table above? EXPLAIN using QUANTITATIVE DATA.Practice #3 Graph Analysis – Cow Growth RatesMonthAprilMayJuneJulyAugBessie150 lbs210 lbs260 lbs320 lbs400 lbsBertha150 lbs250 lbs290 lbs340 lbs400 lbsA type of feed claims to boost the growth rate of cows. The feed is tested on two twin newborn cows. Bessie receives the experimental feed, and Bertha receives regular corn feed. Their weights are recorded below.Graph the data. Make sure you label the X and Y axis. Add graph title & key to show which color line is which pare (similarities) & contrast (differences) the growth of the 2 cows. Did the experimental feed change the amount of weight or the way they gained weight at all? Explain.Design a hypothesis the experiment might have tested. Was the hypothesis supported or refuted? Explain with quantitative data. Describe your conclusions about the experimental feed. Explain why it is important that the experiment used twin cows. ................

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