Citizens Advice


Ideas for saving money on your gas and electricity bills

What is in this booklet

| | Page |

| | |

|The main things to check |3 |

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|Can you pay less for gas and electricity? |4 |

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|Money and help you can get |7 |

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|Help to make your home better |10 |

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|Things you can do at home |11 |

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|Words you may need to know |12 |

The main things to check

1. Can I get gas and electricity cheaper with my company or another company?

2. Am I on the best tariff? Tariff is the word for how much your gas and electricity costs

3. Can I get money to help me

Pay my bills or use less gas and electricity?

4. Can I do things at home to save gas and electricity?

Can you pay less for gas and electricity?

You can check to see if you can pay less for your gas and electricity.

You will need some information like:

✓ How much you pay for your gas and electricity. This is called a tariff.

✓ What the cheapest tariff is for you.

✓ How much gas or electricity you used in the last year.

✓ How you pay for your gas and electricity.

✓ Your postcode.

You can find this information on:

• your bills

• or the annual summary letter the company sends you once a year.

You can use this information to check for cheaper gas and electricity.

This may be from your company or another company.

It is fine to change to another company if you pay the gas and electricity bills.

Gas and electricity is sometimes cheaper if:

• you get gas and electricity with the same company. This is called dual fuel.

• you get a fixed price deal. This is when your gas or electricity stays the same price for a certain time.

But be careful. There may be special rules that mean you have to pay extra money.

For example, if you use extra gas or electricity.

You can also look at the ways to pay for your gas and electricity.

There may be better ways for you.

Here are some of the ways to pay.

Pay as you go meter. You don’t have bills. You pay for your gas and electricity as you go.

Paying your bills by cash, cheque or card.

Direct Debit. This is when the money for your bills comes straight out of your bank account.

You pay the same amount each time.

If you need help, you can call Citizens Advice on 03454 04 05 06.

Money and help you can get

Help if you cannot pay your bills

Your gas or electricity company should help if you do not have enough money for your bills.

Talk to them to sort out a way to pay your bills.

For example, you could pay a bit at a time. Or there may be benefits you can get.

For advice you can phone the Home Heat Helpline on 0800 33 66 99.

Or in Scotland you can call Home Energy Scotland on 0808 8082282.

If you use a pay as you go meter you can still change company if you owe up to £500.

Sometimes you can save money by changing to a different company.

Money for your electricity bill

You may be able to get £140 off your electricity bill if you are older or get some benefits.

This money is called the Warm Home Discount.

Ask your electricity company about it.

Check that you will still get this money if you change your electricity company.

Money for your heating bills

Some older people can get money to help pay their heating bills in winter.

This money is called the Winter Fuel Payment.

This money may be paid straight to you if you get some benefits.

If not, call 08459 15 15 15 to find out if you can get it.

Extra money if it is very cold

If it gets very cold in winter for a week or more you may get some extra money.

This money is called Cold Weather Payments.

You can get this money if you get some benefits.

If you are disabled, older, very ill or find it hard to see or hear

Ask your gas or electricity company if you can be put on their Priority Services Register.

This is some extra support you can get, like:

• a free check to make sure the gas in your home is safe

• sending your bills to someone you know who can help you pay them

• bills in an easier to understand way, like in large writing.

Help to make your home better

There are ways to make your home warmer and save money on your bills.

For example:

• insulation. This is something that goes in your roof or walls to keep heat in

• double glazing for your windows

• a new boiler.

Sometimes you can get free insulation or help to change your home.

To get advice about this:

• speak to your gas or electricity company

• visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau

• Or call the Energy Saving Advice Service on 0300 123 1234

Things you can do at home

Here are some ideas to save money on your bills.

1. Put the heating and hot water on only when you need it.

2. Close your curtains at night. This can help keep the heat inside your home.

3. Always turn the lights off when you leave the room.

4. Only charge your phone or laptop when you need to. And turn off your TV properly when you are not watching it.

Words you may need to know

|Word |What it means |

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|Energy |This is another word for gas and electricity. |

| |Your energy bills are your gas or electricity bills. |

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|Tariff |This is how much you pay for your gas or electricity. |

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| |There are different tariffs. |

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| |Some may be cheaper or more expensive than the one you pay. |

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|Dual Fuel |This is when you get your gas and electricity from the same company. |

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|Fixed price |This is when your gas and electricity stays the same price for a certain amount of time. |

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|Switch suppliers |This is when you change your gas or electricity company. |

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|Benefits |This is money the government pay to some people. Some examples are Income Support or Disability Living |

| |Allowance. |


Direct Debit

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