Introduction -




Chapter 1: Understanding the As in your life..................................6 All about As: Diving into diet, exercise & personality...................................................................................7 Type A and autism: Is there a link?...........................................14

Chapter 2: Understanding the Bs in your life................................16 All about Bs: Diving into diet, exercise & personality..............17 Fact or fiction? Your blood type influences your risk of COVID-19.................................................................................21

Chapter 3: Understanding the ABs in your life..............................28 All about ABs: Diving into diet, exercise & personality.................................................................................29 Why ABs are the unicorn of blood types in Japan...................35

Chapter 4: Understanding the Os in your life............................... 36 All about Os: Diving into diet, exercise & personality..............37 A few more fun facts about this fiery type................................46

Conclusion........................................................................................ 46


About the Author

Hi, I'm Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP, international best-selling author of The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity and The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Younger: Anti-Aging Wisdom for Every Generation.

What you might not know about me is that:

? For the past 25 years, I've been on a mission to change the way the world eats.

? I introduced my evidence-based eating principles to the world in my first gut health diet book, The Body Ecology Diet.

? This sugar-free, gluten-free, casein-free, probiotic-rich, anti-inflammatory diet and way of life is now followed by tens of thousands of people around the globe.

Pretty exciting: The Body Ecology Diet exploded in popularity initially by word of mouth. What I observed in my own life and researched and described in my book really worked for people. All these years later, it still stands the test of time.

What else?

? In 1994, I introduced a powdered blend of stevia rebaudioside to the U.S., and it's since become the safest and most popular natural sweetener in the world.

? I also pioneered and championed gut health foods like cultured vegetables and young coconut kefir -- coining the phrase "inner ecosystem" to describe the stillundiscovered network of microbes in our gut, now called the microbiome.

? I've taught for decades on how to improve gut health and how to tap into the longforgotten benefits of fermented foods, critical to providing the diversity needed in a healthy gut.

I'm humbled and honored to say that, over the past 25 years, I've become one of the most respected authorities in the field of digestive health, diet, and nutrition. In 2013, I completed an Advanced Fellowship with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. My latest passion is nutritional genomics. I credit my fascination with research, lifelong love of learning, and especially the support of my Body Ecology community to helping me stay ahead of the game.



In 1996, a new book was published that had the wellness community stand up and take notice. The book was called Eat Right for Your Type: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets by Dr. Peter D'Adamo, ND.1 Dismissed as another fad diet or hailed as the next big breakthrough in nutritional science (depending on the expert), the book was almost immediately cloaked in controversy. It was updated in 2016.

Research in this area continues, but it's based on the concept that the genetics contained within one's blood type suggest a particular biochemistry that can reveal the basis for disease, healthy aging, fitness, and even emotional resilience.2

According to D'Adamo, knowing your blood type can give clues as to the most effective ways to optimize health and wellness.

For example, blood type may determine your predisposition toward certain illnesses (including susceptibility to COVID).2 When understood, this can lead to learning ways to minimize those risks.

The author also shares recommendations for diet and/or specific foods related to blood type, along with the ideal approach to exercise for your type. Could there be a "shortcut" to reaching fitness goals by capitalizing on your blood type's genetic potential?

Some Asian cultures believe in a direct link between one's personality and blood type. Ketsueki-gata is the name for how the Japanese label this connection.

Similar to astrology in the West, many Japanese believe Ketsueki-gata to be associated with a particular type of disposition and the possessing of specific character traits, including how well-suited one person may be for another or whether someone is a fit for a particular job. It's said to be a culture somewhat obsessed with blood type and personality.


With this ebook, we'll take a look at the personality traits, exercise recommendations, dietary guidelines, and fascinating facts related to each of the four blood types.

As you become familiar with the characteristics of each blood type, you'll see where you fit in, how family members each have their own unique combination of blood types stemming from the type donated by each parent, and whether or not specific exercise and dietary recommendations have been something you've unconsciously gravitated toward, something that felt instinctively right for you -- but you didn't know why.

Or, perhaps the information contained in these pages will provide clues as to why you didn't feel your best after eating spicy foods, for example, or engaging in certain types of physical activity that left you feeling either unfulfilled or exhausted.

Will you join in the Asian obsession with blood type as a means of illuminating everything from a fun look at personality traits to finding the ideal marriage partner or career path, based on your type? Maybe a more low-key, just-for-fun approach best underscores how you feel about blood types overall? Either way, you'll come away with a useful understanding of why blood type matters, as well as the science behind the ABO blood group and Rh-positive/Rh-negative blood group systems.

Don't know your blood type? There's an easy way to discover your type without a visit to your doctor to order a lab test. Blood type test kits can be purchased and selfadministered, at home, with just a simple finger prick. Amazon sells low-cost, at-home blood type test kits that can reliably provide you with this information.

Are you type AB? O? Once you know, let's take a look and see how closely you fit the traits most commonly associated with each of the four blood types.



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