



Captain James Corrlgan. In 1893 Corrlgan placed 6.B00 Standard Oil trust



Into certain soft coal districts to work. Mr. Mitchell says the Devlin Coal com-

4-- 44444444444444444444 444444444444444444 4444 44.4 44 44 44 4f4 44 44


certificates In Rockefeller's hands to



Becure a loan, stock as trustee

Rockefeller held the and finally purchased


pany at Toluca, Illinois, U paying union wages nnd that there should bo f

no objection to men going there. It Is




It himself, placing tho value ut $1(5? pur MAKES SPEECH DEALING WITH share. Corrlgan nttcrwards charged

(Concluded from Pige t.l

said the officers of tho local assemblies do not consider tho reply very satis-


"starch " Aiiab


The Charges Mode Against the Argo Company Aro Analyzed If Feoplo of Nebraska Defend Starch Trust Thoy Must Defend All Others.

n Kxclusho Wire from Tho Associated Press.

Nebraska City, Xcb., Sept. 2C Hon.

"W. J. Hryan spolo to u largo crowd

here tonight. Th2 speech had been

looked forward to with much Interest

because that be

.Air. Dryan would deal

had with

announced tin trust

question ns affected by the suit

by Attorney General Smytho

to annul the calo of the Argo Starch

works, of this city, to tbo National

Starch company, popularly known as

tho Starch trust.

Mr. Bryan came down from Lin-

coln this panied by

afternoon. He Mrs. Hryan

was and


friends and supporters

also by finite a from Lincoln

number of and other

)ilm with committing froud. Ho alleged that ItocUofcllcr, by reason of lili position as trustee, had superior knowledge of the stock and that the stock was worth $150 Instead of J1G7 per shaie.

The matter was submitted to arbitrators, who decided In favor of Hocke-felle- r.

Corrlgan refused to nrcept their findings and took tho case Into court.



Many Papers Read nnd Discussed.

Delegates Havo Reception.

Ily Exclusive Wire from The Avorialcd TroM.

Wllkes-Ilarr- e,

Sept. 2C This was a

busy day for the doctors attending the

state convention of the Homeopathic

Society of Pennsylvania. A great

many papers wore read, and there was

more or less discussion. At the morn-

ing session the following read papers:

K. W. Mercur, Philadelphia; Mary A.

Ciaik, Philadelphia;

1. Ella

Ooff, Alio-ghen-

1). C Kline, Reading; Hiiuna

T. Schrelner, Philadelphia: J. H.

mously voted to strike. Hoforo this action was taken, George W, llcart-lel- n,

secretary of tho United Mlna Workers' union In the Lykcns vnlley district, mndo an nddress urging them to join tho strike.

He was followed by Rev. Father Logue, rector of the Wllllamstown Cuthollc church, In a speech advising tho men to stand by the company and continue at work. Twelve hundred men and boys nro working at the WIN laimstown colliery.


Will Continue Until Efforts Toward Arbitration Have Failed Less Than 25 Per Cent. Mined.

Ily i:rliuhe Wire from The Associated Press. Hazlelon, Sept. 20. Tho employes of

factory and that they aro still opposed

to miners hero accepting positions In

soft coul mines.

John Gallagher, Michael Cullcn and

John Hrcnnan, tho three men who wero

nrtested nt Derringer yesterday by

Sheriff Harvey and deputies, wero

taken Into court today for a habeas

corpus hearing. They were discharge 1

on a technicality, Judge Woodward

saying the commitment wns a very

bungling affair. Counsel for tho de-

fense scored tho prosecution for rail-

roading the men to Jail by bringing

them to Wllkcs-Barr- e,

a distance of

forty-flv- o

miles, to appear before a Jus-

tice of the peace, when the men could

have had a hearing at their own homes.

After the men were discharged an at-

tempt was made to

them, but

Cullen nnd Rrennnn got away.

Gallagher was taken Into custody by

a deputy sheriff, but later allowed to

depart. Sheriff Harvey telephones to-

night from Hazleton that all Is quiet

In the district tonight, but he does not

know how long It will remain that


f f-f--



towns nt tho

on the way. Tho party railroad station by two

was met or three

Thompson. Plttsbuig; W. H. N. Fritz, Philadelphia; .1. K. Jones, Philadel-

O. R. Marklo & Co., who have remained nt work during tho present


marching clubs and by a large num-

ber of to their

admirers, who hotel. There

.rscorted were not

them many

unfriendly Interruptions, but evidentl-

y- Krmr hud been expected, for pre

vious to tho meeting the mayor of the

city issued an order saying" that there

had been rumors lif trouble und warn-

ing against it. The meeting was hold

In the court house grounds and the

people stood under the trees much of

tho time in npokc. Mr.

the rain wl.Me Hryan said, In

Mr. Hryan patt:

"A prominent Republican has ac-

cused tho Democrats of representing

tho forces of law lessncss. I mention

this becaute the Republicans of Ne-

braska City have met and protested

against tho enforcement of a statute

uf the state of Nebraska, and a Re-

publican judge was chairman of the

1 evolutions committee. While the

meeting was called a non-partis-


phia; J. L. Van Tine, Philadelphia: Clarence Rartlctt, Philadelphia; W. V. Caiter. Philadelphia; 10. H. Vandusen, Philadelphia.

The following read papers at the afternoon session: A. 1'. Howie, Union-tow- n;

Edward Cranch, Kilo; W. G. Diet?, Ha.Ioton; W. G. Martin, Pittsburg; (iiailes Mohe, Philadelphia; C. S. Schielner, Philadelphia; II. T. Well, Pittsburg.

This evening the Homeopathic Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania entertained the visiting delegates ut a

at Hotel Sterling.


Freshmen and Sophomores Have Their Cano Rush.

Hy r.xclulo Wire fiom The Assuilaled Pros. Hethlehem, Sept. 26. Lehigh univer-

strike, pending tho consideration of grievances presented ten days ago, met at noon today at No. C Jcddo mine for the purpose of considering the answer tho firm made yesterday. There were nbout 150 men present. Each grievance and Its answer was taken up y,

and it wns decided to ask for ut (titration of those demands which the firm did not concede. A motion to continue work tomorrow was declared cat lied by tho chalinian. The Mnrklo mines were closed today In order to give the men a chance to hold this meeting.

According to the number of loaded coal cars shipped yesterday over the Hnzleton division of tho Lehigh Valley lallroad, which piactlcally covers the Hazleton region, less than 23 per cent, of the normal dally coal production Is now being mined. The number of cars shipped yesterday was 180, as com

Pastor of Russian Greek Church Will Mortgage Property,

fly Kxclmltr Wire from The Associated Press.

Shamokln, Sept. 26. Rev. John pastor of the Russian

Greek church here and vicar general of the United States, sprung a somewhat Important and certainly unexpected surprise this afternoon. He announced that In the event of the strike continuing until suffering nnddestltu-tlo- n

put In nn appearance he nnd his congregation had arranged to mortgage the whole of their church property, valued at over $23,000 and divide the proceeds among tho sufferers, and In tho event of tho strike being continued for a longer period tho entire congregation will leave this region.

The situation hero remains unchanged.




Epcclal to Hit Scranton Tribune.

Hazleton, Pa., Sept. 26.The number of idle men in the Hazleton and Schuyl-

kill regions were reinforced yesterday by the 460 men employed in the Harwood

Colliery of Calvin Pardee & Company. An error of transmission credited the 485-me-

of the Enterprise Coal company as working, whereas they have been out since

the beginning of the strike. The and the number at work 39,174.



of idle

men yesterday



Namo of Colliery.

Name of Operator.

West Brookside

P. & R. C. & I. Co


P. & R. C. & I. Co

Good Spring

P. & R. C. & I. Co


P. & R. c. & I. Co

Phoenix Park, No. 3

P. & R. C. & I. Co


P. & R. C. & I. Co


P. & R. C. & I. Co


P. &, R. C. & I. Co

Pino Forest

P. & R. C. & I. Co

Eagle Hill

P. & R. C. & I. Co

Silver Creek

P. & R. C. & I. Co


P. & R. C. & I. Co

Kalmla Washery

P. & R. C. & I. Co


P. & R, C. & I. Co

Bear Valley

P. & R. C. & I. Co

Buck Ridge

P. & R. C. & I. Co

Henry Clay, Sterling, Big Mountain. P. & R. C. & I. Co

North Franklin

P. & R. C. & I. Co

Alaska Reliance Locust Gap


& &


C. C.

& I. Co & I. Co


P. & R. C. & I. Co

Locust Spring

P. & R. C. & I. Co


p. & R. C. & I. Co


P. & R. C. & I. Co


P. & R. C. & I. Co

North Ashland

P. & R. C. & I. Co

Preston, No. 3

P. & R. C. & I. Co

Bear Ridge

P. & R. C. & I. Co

Boston Run

P. & R. C. & I. Co


P. & R. C. & I. Co



P. & R. C. & I. Co

Glrnrd Mammoth

P. & R. C. & I. Co


P. & R. C. & I. Co


p. & R. C, &I. Co

Indian Rldgo

P. & R. C, &I. Co


P. & R. C. &I. Co


P. & R. C, &I. Co

Mahanoy City

P. & R, C. & I. Co

No. of men employed

when colliery working full.

1,302 080 450 471 205 013 310 440 300 500 051 110 2 008 444 253

1,420 422


471 420 581 102 G05 575 338 304 480 327 450 1,038 271 500 457 500 706 483 502

No. of men

at work. 1,302

720 450 471 205 013 310 440 . 300 506 050 110

2 120 417 121 122 422 060 471 384 561 162 603 575

364 10

I'. 27

D60 10





4 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4


Its purpose was purely political and sity opened this afternoon with a total

it Is woith while noting that the Re- icglstratlon of 4fi.", an Increase of sixty publicans seem better able to enforce over last year. Piesldent Drown, after the statutes ngalnst petty offenders welcoming the students, condemned 'than they nro to enforce statutes hazing as unworthy and unmanly. The

against great corporations.

freshmen and sophomores, however,

"The menced

attorney general has comproceedings, not to destroy a

had their cano rush, oft victorious.

the sophs coming

local manufacturing establishment, but Later Lehigh lined up ngainst Nato 111 event the manufacturing estab tivity In foof ball. Captain Clark's elevlishment from entering into a trust.' en holding the students down to one

In this connection It may be well to touchdown in two fifteen minute

note tho different steps which have halves.

been taken."

Mr. Hryan then proceeded to nna-lyz- o COUNTY TREASURER ROBBED.

the charges made by the Argo Manufacturing company. In May, 1S39, Thieves Force Their Victim Into a

he said it was a prosperous company

Vault and Lock the Door.

and successfully competed with the national starch trust. In September of that year It joined with other staich monufactuilng concerns In forming the 1'nlted Starch company, with a capttil of $G,000,000, to compete against tho starch trust. Continuing, Mr. Hryan said:

"About a year later, that is, in August or September of this year, 1900, tho third step was tnken and the United Starch company joined the trust. First, we have an independent companv, growing and prospering upon its merits; second, this Independent company joins other companies to fight the starch trust, and, third, this Independ-

By Kxcluihc Who fiom The Associated I'rew.

Merced, Cnl.i., Sept. 21!. County

Treasurer Hambauer was. held up late

last night while on his way home and

forced at the point of a pistol to go to

his olllee and open the vault containing the county funds. After securing $1,500 or more and some papers tho

thieves forced Rambauer Into the safe

and sprung the combination.

The imprisoned man was discovered

this morning In an almost unconscious

condition. The detectives have a good

description of the thieves, who, how-

ever, has an eight-ho- ur

start on their


ent company, with Its associates. Joins the starch trust and competition Is at


last destroyed. "If the people of Nebraska City de-

fend the March trust they must be pro-p.-uto defend all the other trusts,

for it is Impossible for them to destroy trusts located elsewhere anil defend a trust located In their own cltv. Aro the people of Nebraska City willing to

Enthusiastic Reception Given Him nt Colorado Springs.

Ily i:dttslc Wire fwni 'Hie Assoi Uted Press. Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. 26. A

great demonstration was made in Coi-0- 1 ado Springs today on arrival of the

Roosevelt train. The governor made a

pared with an average of 800 cars per day before the strike began.

Shei Iff Harvey this afternoon had a telephone talk with Adjutant General Stewart at Harrisburg, in which they came to an understanding in regard to the sending of troops. It Is said they ugreed that It would be better to proceed cautiously, In view of tho fact that quiet now prevails In the region hereabouts, and that It would be Inadvisable to send militiamen here under present conditions.

The sheriff this afternoon gave out the following: "The fact that I havo called upon the governor for help Is true. I have since been In communication with him and also General Gobin, who assures me that upon the slightest overt act by the unlawful assembling of men that he will have troops here within an hour, and also assures mo that thev will stay until all the trouble Is over."

Marchers Near Mahanoy. Shenpndoah, Pa., Sept. 2(1. A band of strikers today marched to the Rrookwood washery, near Mahanoy Cltv, and induced the men at work there to return to their homes. There was no violence.



Company Suspends Operations at Cambridge to Insure Safety of Their Employes.


President Truesdale Denies Report in Newspapers.

Dy Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Press.

New York, Sept. 2(5. President Trucddnlc, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and "Western, said today con-comi-

the report published In two morning newspapers that the mine operators had secretly agreed to mako certain concessions to the miners' demands that so far as he know there was no basl.i for such reports. Ho added that the situation was unchanged from yesterday.

Vice President W. V. S. Thome, of the Pennsylvania Coal company, continued this view, but would say nothing more.


President Mitchell Declines Help ficm Philadelphia Trades Council.

Hi Kululo Wire from The Associated Pres. Philadelphia, Sept. 26. Secretary R.

T. Mitchell of th" Allied Rulldlng Trades Council, of this city, today

a letter from President Mitchell, of the Pnlted Mine "Workers, declining for the present a proffer of financial, aid for the striking mine workers. The offer of assistance announced that special subscriptions would be received If tho mine workers so desired.

President Mitchell, In his reply, stated that no financial aid was needed

at this time and none wns likely to

be needed for some time. He nsked. that the taking of subscriptions be




subject themselves and their countrymen to the extortion practiced by all

short speech in the Temple theater and one in the opera house. Rotli places

the trusts In order to maintain one were ciowded. AH business houses

trust which has one factory In their city? As a matter of fact, tho people

along the line of march were decorated with bunting. Tho escort consisted of

of Nebraska City aro more Interested in the dissolution of tho starch trust than the people of other parts of the state."

the Flambeau club, G. A. R. organizations and various other chic and military bodies.

After halting here an hour and fifteen

"The people of your town have al- minutes the train left for Cripple Creek.

ready seen a distillery closed down by tho Whiskey ttust. What la to pre-


vent tho Argo company from being closed down by the Starch trust?

Russian Novelist Declared an Enemy

When all the factories belong to one

of the Chuich.

corporation the closing clown of one Ily l!.c!usle Wiie frutn 'lh' Associated Pre-vs- .

factory does not bring loss to tho corporation, because the work can bo Tarried on somewhere else; but the .At go company, as nn Independent company, could not close down without serlou-- loss, th?r?fore tho chances nro greater In favor of the local factory belns cloed down under a trust than under Independent management. The Argo company as an Independent company could not afford to close down and turn off Its employes, but when the Argo company becomes a member of the National Starch company Its

Laussanna, Switzerland, Sept. 26. A secret circular addiessed by Joannl-clu- s,

the metropolitan of Kleff, to all the Russian utchblshops, virtually excommunicating Tolstoi, the Russian novelist and social reformer, Is published here.

It declares that Tolstoi Is an avowed enemy of the church, und that, therefore, unless he recants, the holy synod will prohibit the celebration of all divine services and explatoiy masses In the event of his death.

employes have no way of protecting themselves, because the work here can



be suspended, while tho employes aro Hon. F. G. Marchand Had Been Ill

starved Into submission. "If an order comes from the head

ofllce In New York to reduce the wages

All Summer.

Ily Kxclushr Wire from The voel.itcil Piess.

In all tho starch factories, the men Quebec, Sept. 20. Hon. F. G. March-an- d,

havo nothing to do but submit. The

the Liberal premier of the prov-

same jalse

greed which leads the tiust to prices and extort from consumers

ince of Quebae, who had been seriously 111 all summer, and whoso recoveiy has

will allow It to lower wages and do Injustice to the employes.

been despaired of for two weeks, died last evening.

"The attorney general Is seeking to enforce a statute of Nebraska. The law is a good law and ought to be en-

The premier was conscious until yes. terday morning, when ho gradually sank, and at 2 o'clock became uncon-

forced, nnd the people of Nebraska City ought to hold a mass meeting to

scious, remaining He was sixty-eig- ht

so until his death. years old.

commpnd him lather than condemn him. The fusion foices believe In en-



forcing both state laws and national laws against the trusts. The Kansas

Unanimously Returned as Chief Ex-

City platform demands the annihila-

ecutive of Mexico.

Ily I'Atlmhe Wire fiom The Associated rrena. discontinued.

Shenandoah, Pn., Sept. 2S. Tho closing tonight of tho Cambridge colliery,


operated by the Cambridge Coal com-

pany, completed the tie-u- p in the vi- Verdict That Konitskie's Death Wns

cinity of this borough. This was a

from Deputies' Bullets.

small operation, employing about 140 men, nnd was tho only colliery working today between Hazleton and Ashland. D. It. James, a member of the firm, Informed Provost Marshal Miller today that strikers had Intimidated the men and that the company decided to suspend operations to Insure the safety of the employes. Mr. James

told Major Miller tint strikers had en-

tered the homes of Cambridge employes nt night nnd thteatened them with bodily harm If they continued to work. Rrookwood washery east of Mahanoy plane, was working with a full force this morning, when a number of strikers visited the place and Induced the men to return to their

Ily Kxclushc Who from Th- - Associated Press.

Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. 2G. The Inquest In tho case of Jonh Konltskle, the Polander killed In last Friday's riot, which was continued from Mon day, was finished tonight. Deputy Coroner Cardin examined a number of witnesses, among them several deputies, who testified that the rioters had used pistols. It was not In evidence that an order was given the deputies to fire, nor could it be learned who fired the first shot.

The jury rendeied a verdict that Konitskie's death was caused by a stray bullet from a pistol In the hands of one of the sheriff's posse.

homes. The strikers did not tesort to



At Ashland the Hast colliery resumed

today with almost Its entire force. The Asks the Influence of Governor Stone

Potts colliery at Locustdnle, and Locust Spring colliery nt Locust Gap, are also In operation.

on Strike Settlement. By i:clusic Wiie fruin The Assoilated Press.

There Is no change In the situation nt Mahanoy City, all tho collieries there remain Idle. The men are quiet,

Lock Haven, Sept. 20. Northumberland Presbytery adjourned Its stated meeting nt Beech Creek today to meet

but express a determination to remain out. General Gobin remained at his headquarters all day and was In com munication with Governor Stone tonight. Tonight the general said there were no Indications of an outbreak around Hazleton, although he was fully prepared In tho event of a call for troops. The Glrardvllle and Gllberton woshcrles were closed today, the HtrlkciH peisuadlng the employes to quit.

at Jersey Shore In April next. The Presbytery sent a telegram to Governor Stone requesting his Influence In having the coal strike troubles settled by arbitration. On the revision of the creed the Presbytery decided to submit certain questions to each church session, answers to which will give the general concensus of opinion as to whether the change Is desired or not.

The following commissioners were elected to the synod at Harrisburg In

October: Rev. J. D. Cook, of Ronovo;


Rev. J. K. Wright, of Lock Haven; Rev. J. M. Kckert, of Northumberland!








Rev. James carter, Kiders J. W. Wood,

of Wllllamsport: S. P. Gaston and

Strike Remain Idle.

G. 13. McCormlck.


f f f



f f f

tion of all private monopolies, and It tho Democratic ticket Is successful, I believe legislation will be enacted which will mako It Impossible for the National Starch company to 'buy, bully or wheedle' the Argo company Into Joining a trust, and with the dissolution of the starch trust will come the dissolution of all other trusts which aro now plundering the people."


Arbitrators Decide in Favor of the Oil King in Corrigan Case.

Ily Kxclushe Wiie (rom The Assoilated Press.

Cleveland. Sept. 26 Judge Lamson, of tho common pleas court, today handed down a decision in favor of John D. Rockefeller In the million dollar suit brought against the latter by

11 l:ihnho Wiie fium 'lho i.oclatod Pi ess. City of Mexico, Sept. 26. Tho con-gie- ss of Mexico last night declared the

lesult of tho piesldentlul election. Gen-ei- al Porllrlo Diaz was unanimously and will be Inaugurated

next December. The president has entirely iccovered fiom his lecent Indisposition.

The American colony hus subscribed 10.C0O pesos for the relief of Galveston.


Ily P.ulinho Wire fiom The Ahoi luted I'lesa.

I.eliishtiin, Pa., h pi. 2". -- llw

annual fair ol t lie Cailion County

scUitv t'i;i'i line u'sttnljj. The raie irulii

m follows!

J.M trotting, purse $C00.

Mue Wilkes

J, hi Viddlctcn




lluth M


ly Uuluthc Wjic from The Aisoclatcd I'ren.

Wllkes-Rarr- e,


tenth day of the strike has closed with-

out change In the Wyoming valley. All the mines that were Idle tho first day were Idle today. And tho one mine

Transport Samoa Sails Again for China The Nuremberg Loading.

that continued In operation the first Ily Kxclusltc Wire fiom The Aoiated Press.

day Is still at work

tho at one

Moca-naqu- a.

San Frunclsco, Sept. 2G. The Ger- -

Tho operators seem to be abid- 411 an horse transport Samoa, which re

ing their time, confident that In the turned to port after sailing for China

end victory Is going to be on their side. on account of slight damoge to her

Tho strikeis, nn the other hand, are machinery, bus again started for the

just as confident. If their leaders are Orient. Almost 600 more horses for tho

to be believed, tho men ure more con- kaiser's troops In China ure soon to be

fident ot winning now than at any tlm loaded on the transport Nuremburg.

since the strike, was Inaugurated. The The transport Flintshire has returned

local operators say the statement Is- from Manila In ballast.

sued by the Markles was the only The ship Cyms V. Wakefield, recent-

proper stand to


the ly purchased by the United States, has

conditions existing between employer sailed for Puget Sound, where she will

and employe, and that the Markles land with coal for Manila. At the lat-

have played a winning card against ter port she will be made a coal hulk,



4- -

Maple Hill

P. & R. C. & I. Co



North Mahanoy

P. & R. & I. Co



St. Nicholas

P. & R. & I. Co




P. & R. & I. Co


Shenandoah City

P. & R. &I. Co


Turkey Run

p. & R. & I. Co


4-- 4

Tunnel Ridge

p. & R, &I. Co


West Shenandoah

p. & R. C. &I. Co


400 4

St. Clair Greenwood East Lehigh

St. Clair Coal Co Beddall Bros Mitchell & Shepp

473 102 25

400 102 25

4 4

West Lehigh

Dunkelberger & Young



Oak Hill

Leisenring & Co



ytle Albright Ellsworth

Lytle Coal Co Albright Coal Co Davis Bros

702 224


700 60 60

4 4


Roberts Howard

.... Roberts Coal Co

E. C. White & Co


130 4- -


325 4

Mt. Hope

Mt. Hope Coal Co . . .


155 4--

East Ridge Pino Hill Lorberry Little Diamond Bell Tuscarora Sebastopol

East Ridge Coal Co . . .

.... Pine Hill Coal Co

Losch, Moore & Co F. F. Simons Gorman, Campion & Co Slattery Bros J. H. Denning

300 155


52 55 41 23

325 4

155 70 50 50 35 30

4 4 4 4 4



Woodside Wolfe Creek Washery Stodart Washery Palmer Washery Broad Mountain Washery Colbert Mt.. Carmol Excelsior. Drlfton, Nos. 1 and 2 Eckley and Buck Mountain

Hepner & Whims . . . . Woodside Coal Co . . . . Stodart Coal Co Stodart Coal Co Tyler & McTurk Eagen & Whims Shipman Coal Co T. M. Righter & Co Excelsior Coal Co Cross Creek Coal Co . . . Cross Creek Coal Co . . .

22 74 42 70 32 26 265 370 303 580 418

25 75



42 72

32 25 100 375 300 573 400


4- -





4- -


4- -


Cross Creek Coal Co . . .

Beaver Meadow

Cross Creek Coal Co . . .

Derringer and Gowen

Cross Creek Coal Co . . .


Cross Creek Coal Co . . .

Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., No. 1 . . L. C. & N. Co

Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., No. 4 . , L. C. & N. Co

Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., No. 5 . , L. O. & N. Co

Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., No. 6 . , L. C. & N. Co

Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., No. 0 . . L. C. & N. Co

Screen Building

. L. C. & N. Co

Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., No. 8 . . L. C. & N. Co

Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., No. 10 . L. C. & N. Co

Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., No. 11

. L. C. & N. Co

Lehitrh Coal & Nav. Co.. No. 13

. L. C. & N. Co

Hazleton. No. 1

Lehigh Valley Coal Co

Hazleton Shaft

Lehigh Valley Coal Co

Spring Mountain

Lehigh Vnlley Coal Co

Spring Brook

Lehigh Valley Coal Co

Packer, No. 3

Lehigh Valley Coal Co

Packer, No. 5

Lehigh Valley Coal Co

Centrnlia, Logan and Big Mine Run. Lehigh Valley Coal Co


Lehigh Valley Coal Co

350 337

330 283

4-4- -

650 615 644 357 312 182 423 200 267 553 443



630 015 644 357 312 182 423 209 267 553 443



4- -

4- 4- -

4- -


4- 4- 4--


4 4 4

630 410 360

537 580 830 500

512 260 375






47 500



Lattimer, No. 1

C. Pardee & Co



Lattimer, No. 3

C. Pardee & Co



Lattimer Stripping

C. Pardee & Co




C. Pardee & Co



Lehigh & Wilkes-Barr- e

Coal Co .



Honey Brook, No. 4

Lehigh & Wilkes-Barr- e

Coal Co .



Honey Brook, No. 5 Beaver Brook Morea Kaska William Jeddo, No. 4 Highland, No. 2 Highland, No. 5 Buck Mountain Vulcan Pennsylvania Richards Hickory Swamp Hickory Ridge Cameron Luke Fldler Short Mountain Williamstown William Penn Milnesville Coleraine and Evans Cranberry Upper Lehigh Sandy Run Hazle Brook Silver Brook Stockton Washery Pond Creek Dusky Diamond Rowe Washery Neilson Corbln Enterprise

Lehigh & Wilkes-Barr- e

Coal Co .

Dodson Coal Co

Dodson Coal Co

Dodson Coal Co

G. B. Markle & Co

G. B. Markle & Co

G. B. Markle & Co

Mill Creek Coal Co

Mill Creek Coal Co

Union Coal Co

Union Coal Co

Union Coal Co

Union Coal Co

Mineral R. R. & Mining Co

Mineral R. R. & Mining Co

Lykens Valley Coal Co

Summit Bianch Coal Co

Stlckney & Conyngham

Est. A. S. VanWickle

Est. A. S. VanWicklo

A. Pardee & Co

Upper Lehigh Coal Co

M. S. Kemmerer & Co

J. S. Wentz & Co

........ Silver Brook Coal Co

Audenrled Coal Co


Wyoming & Pond Creek Coal Co

Morgan & Arnold

Rowe & Stauffer

J. Langdon & Co

Excelsior Coal Co

Enterprise Coal Co

Girard Coal Co

778 407


207 755 371 615 358 330 075

1,205 653 551

1,440 650

1,125 1,040

860 630 007 835 432 230 450 400 133



18 455 222 485 316

21 20 60

4 4

207 517 321 460


4 4 4

312 4


125 70 20 100 325 133

444 4 4 4 4

75 4

1,049 4

800 4

20 4

640 4

830 4

100 4


455 4

165 4

135 4

46 4

17 20


150 4

22 4


48 4

jAoyal Oak Columbus, No. 2 Mldvolley Nos. 1 and 2 Pork, No. 2 Kehloy's Run Lawrence Cambridge Furnace Star Washery Carson Washery

Royal Oak Coal Co White & White . .

..... Midvalley Coal Co

Lentz & Co . Thomas Coal Co . . Lawrence Conl Co Cambridge Coal Co Furnace Coal Co . . Audenreld Coal Co Carson Coal Co . .


38 4


830 748

S 140 4

83tT" 4 750

261 430

80 132

261 430

80 132

4 4 4


123 100

23 13

4 4



30,171 4


Number of men idle




The Highland, Jeddo and Ebervale collieries of Markle and Co. were idle yester day, but not on strike. The men wanted a day off to consider the answer made to

4 4 4

their demands and the company acquiesced.

4 4

.44444444444444444444444444444444 44 44444444444444444 4

-- --

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taken at night will mako you

iifi1eullOe-i-cliltin.rUiainnnntdc, yD3aeccuetrnotr,lconitohatnllsdaur,nu.pedaut.ol.oorone...k.

1 1

Kite Medium 1II Sue

Tllils-S.a- U;


, 31V4;

3 2 S.2IV4;



Dy Uxdiuhe Wire fiom The Associated 1'ieAi,

WllkM-Dirrc- ,

Sept. Ifi.-J- Mir.

W. It. Daw,

pajtor of the filjjrlm rliurrh ol

lij mouth, died today of typhoid fever. He

graduated from Yule in the clou of '3X

Mr. Mitchell's efforts.

The operators are also of the opinion

that It Mtukle's men jeturn to work it

will have a great Influence on tho other

stiikote, President Mitchell has replied

to tho communication sent to him by

tho o(Ilcer8 of the United Mine AVoik-er- s'

assemblies of Wilkes-Barr- o


vlrinlty, protesting against granting

permission to hard coal miners to go


Has Not Yet Been Rewnrded for Exploit at Santiago.

Ily Kxclushc Wire from The .Uwclotcd 1'riss.

Washington, Sept. 28. Lieutenant Richmond P. Hnbson, of Merrlmac fume, who has just returned from the

Orient, passed through Washington to-

day on his way to Alabama to visit


Mr. ward


recommended for Santiago harbor.

his heroic work In The secretary rec-

ommended that he bo advanced eight

numheis fortlmt exploit, and It Is

probable that tho recommendation will be renewed In tho secretary's annual report. It Is understood that Mr. Hob-so- n,

who has a fondness for line duty, would prefer to be transferred to tho lino and have his advancement made ther Instead uf In the staff, und it 13

probable that an effort will bo made to comply with his wishes In this respect.

To Cure a Cold In One Day

Tako Laxative Uromo Quinine Tab-

lets. All druggists refund tho money

If it falls to cure.

Grove's K. AV.

rii-uatu- re

Is on each box. 25c.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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