Chapter 9: Development of the Eating Disorder Policy

Chapter 9: Development of the Eating Disorder Policy

Chapter Objectives

o Discuss the rationale behind developing a policy

o Discuss current national organizations that have eating disorder policies in place

o Identify the components of the policy and how to develop it

Discussion Questions

o From a risk-management perspective, why is it important to have a policy in place?

o What is one simple way for staff to better recognize a pathology like an eating disorder?

o What organizations currently have position statements or policies regarding eating disorders?

o What three main content areas need to be addressed when implementing an eating disorder policy?

o How does developing the policies and procedures differ from one another?

o What are some questions to consider when writing the procedures?

Chapter Summary

Administratively, institutions need to address the issue of what constitutes a policy versus a guideline, protocol, or procedure. Prevalence rates of disordered eating in the athletic population have been shown to be significantly higher than in the general population. The health and well-being of the athlete are often compromised, not only in the short term but also in the long term. Health issues such as dehydration, malnutrition, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis have been associated with individuals with eating disorders. In the short term, these health issues can lead to decreases in performance because of the lack of proper nutrients in the body.

Over time, problems such as fractures, caused by repeated stresses being placed on a body, may develop, leading to increased time away from competition. The severe consequences of eating disorders, as well as the legal duty of an institution to provide its athletes a standard of care, stress the importance of developing an eating disorder policy. To create a comprehensive policy, one must have knowledge of the basic components of policy development—the purpose, policy, processes, and procedures. When each of these areas is addressed an institution can feel assured that it is meeting the needs of the athletes, coaches, and support staff in dealing with a serious condition. The framework for policy development included in this chapter is designed to assist institutions with this process.


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