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Local Compames Updated 11 38 pm Minority firms gaming

footing at UT Incubator ?


Local Companies Updated 11 35 pm Foreclosure halt sought on buildings

downtown ?,

Article published February 15, 2St1

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Minority firms gaining footing at UT incubator



The University of Toledo has played a key role in the growth of Thomas BeNey's business, he


Bebley Enterprises Inc.. an

industnal cleaning and

Peak Electnc owner Hilton HcIntyre, leff,

maintenance company, is one of and employee Joe Church study plans at

several businesses at the

Riverside School, under construction in

university's Minonty Business North Toledo. Hr Hdntyre says he

Development Center. an incubator often brainstorms with others at the LIT

meant to help bolster growth of Incubator

local mmonty-owned companies ( THE BLADE/JETrA FRASER )

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General Business Updated 11 29 pm Toy makers expect big films to bring them profits

Automotive Updated 11 26 pm Salaried staff at GM In line for bonuses of 50% or more ?

Economy Updated 11 23 pm Job situation has become one of haves and have nots

Retail Updated 9 52 pm Bankruptcy flhng expected from Borders ?

Here business stories SPECIAL FEATURE

Since moving into the incubator eady last year, Mr Bebley stud, he has been able to discuss ideas w?th hke-minded entrepreneurs and recewe business assistance that has helped his company expand In turn, he said, that support recently helped him to be selected as a subcontractor for framing work at Toledo's Hollywood Casino, scheduled to open next year



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"The thing that resonates most with us is the collaborative environment here in the incubator," said Mr BeNey, who has 20 employees

Since opening in September, 2009, UT's Mmordy Business Development Center, at Ihe Scott Park Campus of Energy and Innovation, has grown to house six compames as well as the Toledo Afncan-Amencan Bureau of Commerce and the Northwest Ohio Hlspamc Chamber of Commerce Together, the businesses have hired 44 employees and generated sales of $2 2 mdlion m the last six months

The center has room for two additional businesses and launched a membersNp program Monday that allows companies to use the incubator's resources for $50 a month wdhout renting office space


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? Minority firms gaining footing at UT incubator


Milton Mclntyre, owner of Peak Electric Inc, shares office space with Bebley Enterprises at the incubator and said the companies often brainstorm ways to lure business

"We bounce ideas off each other and we're aware of what's coming in, as far as construction is cencemed," said Mr Mclntyre, whose electrical centrecllng business has seven employees and had sales of about $1 mtthon last year

Benehls of the incubalor program include business planning assistance and coaching, opportunities to meet with unwersity faculty and staff, free


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-- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio

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use of office equipment, and access to student workers - some of whom the compames have Nred as full-time employees

? Diocese weighs m?ddle schools ? Former Ohio State, pro quarterback Schhchter faces theft charge in $1 million deception case

"The center is what we consider an ideal opportunity to not only reach out to the minodty business commumty, but to welcome economic growth," said Shanda Gore, the center's director and UT assistant vice president for equity and dwersity "It truly fosters an enwronment that offers assistance and relahonsNp building, which is a cornerstone to any successful business"

The center, modeled after UT's alternahve-energy and Informahontechnology incubators, alms to help minonty-owned busmesses graduate within three years of arrival

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"The emphasis here is not only to have them grow out of the space and Ihe needs and the services that we have, but that they'll pay it forward and contnbute as alumni back to those that are In the development center," she said

Companies must apply to open an office at the center, and space is limited to companies in the professional services, light manufactunng, and general construction sectors Applicants typically need a business plan, four to six months of workmg capital, and an mtenlion to stay in the area

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? GOP mocks Obama's 2012 budget for Nnodng deficit as House debates even deeper cuts for 2011 ? Further nse In Chfnese, Bnttsh inflation weighs on markets ahead of US retail sales figures ? Deficit is biggest as share of economy since WWII, economists fear a domrno effect later

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Oona Temple's company, Cosine Technical Group LLC, could be one of the first to graduate from the Incubator Her staffing and recrudment firm was the center's first tenant, stading with 125 square feet and two employees Today, the firm has a 730-square-foot office and 11 employees

Cosine doubled its sales last year -- although =t wouldn't disclose the amount -- and recently was accepted as a vendor for General Eleetrlc's aviation division after GE was featured at a fall symposium on UT's campus

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?Qutrky Austnan says he's taking actress Bo Derek to Vlenna's Opera Ball ? Lawyers to discuss TV coverage plans for tnvoluntary manslaughter tnal of Jackson's doctor

Ms Temple, who began working full time with her company in 2007, said the incubator allowed Cosine to grow beyond a home-based business "It kind of helped get me out of the basement," she sa?d

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