Meeting Minutes Template - NJHA

Education Committee

January 15, 2015

Meeting Overview

The committee leadership and membership were discussed. Committee members agreed to conduct a needs assessment to identify topics and speakers. A template to serve as a checklist guide as the committee members consider potential speakers will be developed. Plans for committee recruiting and needs assessment at the Annual Meeting were outlined.

|Discussion Points |Actions |

|Welcome – Kathy Scipione welcomed members and began with a round of introductions. |Template for Potential Speakers and |

|Committee Leadership – |Objectives |

|Susan Cholewka reported the membership on the Education committee has dropped to approximately eight active members. |Barb Tofani |

|Discussion followed on members who moved to other committees and members who have become inactive in committee participation. |Call for volunteers for committees |

|Call for Action will be sent to membership for volunteers to join any of the committees. The committee purpose and meeting |Susan Cholewka |

|schedule will be included in the message. |Education programming needs assessment |

|At the Chief Nursing Officers Constituency Group meeting Jan 20 Maria Brennan will include comments about the committees and ask |Conference call with Toni Lewis to review|

|the CNO’s to pass along the information sheet in the handout packets to nurse leaders in their organizations. |slides for the Annual Meeting |

| |Education Committee |

|Minutes – motion to accept the Nov 20 and 24 minutes as written was made by Laura Mularz; it was seconded by Barbara Tofani. The |Committee summary for the Annual Meeting |

|motion carried. |packets |

|Annual Meeting |Susan Cholewka |

|The brochure is complete and the registration opened last week. |Committee Sign up and request for |

|Toni Lewis’ slides. |information card in the Annual Meeting |

|Ask Toni to identify the following objectives in her presentation: |packets. |

|What is the role of the nurse? |Susan Cholewka |

|What does this mean to nurse leaders? Ask her to walk us through how this point is important for nursing. |President’s Comments include committee |

|Be very clear with respect to the takeaways. |sign up invitation. |

|The notes in the slide presentation do provide some guidance. |Susan Cholewka |

|January 21 and 28 were identified as possible dates for a conference call with Ms. Lewis. Susan Cholewka will coordinate with the|Report the topics the committee is |

|speaker and send a meeting invitation to members. |considering for future programs to the |

|Nancy Winter reported the speakers’ packets have been sent to all of the speakers for the contact hours. |Board and request feedback. |

|Committee Recruiting at the Annual Meeting |Helene Burns |

|A write up will be included in the folders describing the purpose of each committee, the projects and responsibilities and the |Ask other committees and members for |

|meeting schedule. |topic or speaker suggestions. |

|A card to request more information will be included in the packets. |Susan Cholewka |

|Maria Brennan will include in her comments after the Mentoring presentation that committee work is a valuable venue to foster |Ask PONL and NYONL for speaker ideas. |

|mentoring relationships. |Susan Cholewka |

| |Cecily Tynan speaker fees |

|Criteria for potential speakers |Susan Cholewka and Nancy Winter |

|Members agreed that a guide should be developed to use as we interview prospective speakers. |Assign Annual Meeting speaker |

|Barbara Tofani volunteered to draft a checklist and guide. |introductions. |

|Feedback Annual Awards Brunch Speaker |Education Committee |

|Members agreed Donna Hartley delivered an average talk. Several members commented on the fact that she ended with a sales pitch | |

|for her publications. All agreed we should make it clear in the future that this is not appropriate especially if contact hours | |

|are being granted. | |

|2017 Annual Meeting | |

|Members agreed the overarching theme will be leadership. | |

|Members will send their suggestions for topics to Susan for discussion at the next meeting. | |

|Needs Assessment will be included in the Annual Meeting handout packets. The main objective is to identify the following: | |

|What topics do you want to hear from ONL NJ? | |

|What leadership topics do you want to hear about? | |

|How do you use EBP and big data? | |

|What are the big challenges for nurse leaders in NJ? | |

|Do you know of a speaker for the topics suggested? | |

|DNP Capstone Projects – What was your topic? Would you like to present to ONL NJ members? | |

|The Nurse Executive/Advanced Nurse Executive Certification is a possible resource for topics. | |

|AONE Competencies for Nurse Executives is another possible resource for topics and speakers. | |

|Suggest to other committees that they include a needs assessment related to their committee in the packets. | |

|Refer to the questions from the previous needs assessment. | |

|Ask other committees for their suggestions. | |

|Topics | |

|Application of Emotional Intelligence (EI) specific to nursing. Laura Mularz recommended Barbara Mackoff, EdD, she has done work | |

|with AONE. | |

|Compassion fatigue | |

|High Reliability Organizations | |

|Integration of the APN in organizations | |

|Integration of Clinical Nurse Specialists | |

|How do we keep Masters prepared nurses at the bedside? | |

|Ethics | |

|Bullying – Rene Thompson spoke to the staff at Kennedy Health. | |

|Bring the topics to the Board to ask if the committee is on the right track. | |

|Timeline for Programs | |

|Nov 18 Nurse Leader and Aspiring Nurse Leader Leadership – Brochure & registration complete by Aug. 18. | |

|Dec 8 Awards Meeting | |

|Continue with a fun, light speaker | |

|Ask members to send the Education Committee ideas for people they have heard. | |

|Ask PONL and NYONL for recommendations. | |

|Local broadcasting personality – Helene Burns has the name of a local radio/TV personality. Helene will send the information to | |

|Susan Cholewka. | |

|Cecily Tynan is the weather person on a local station. Susan Cholewka and Nancy Winter will investigate fees and availability. | |

|Recent book published – authors suggested were Hoda Cope and Elizabeth Gilbert. Barbara Tofani has a contact who knows Ms. | |

|Gilbert. She will try to get more information. | |

|Evaluations from 2015 programs will be sent to the committee. | |

|Next steps – March 4 meeting | |

|Assign introductions for the Annual Meeting speakers. Before the meeting, Susan Cholewka will send the agenda with a space next | |

|to each speaker and ask for volunteers from the committee. | |

|Needs assessment | |

|Nurse Leader and Aspiring Nurse Leader program | |

|Awards Brunch | |

|Adjournment – 3:24 p.m. | |

|Follow-up | |

|Conference call with Toni Lewis took place Feb 3. Kathy Scipione, Rita Zenna, Helene Burns and Susan Cholewka attended the call. | |

|The members made suggestions to Ms. Lewis as to the slides she could consolidate or eliminate to keep the presentation within the| |

|60 minute timeframe. | |

|The key takeaways were reviewed, the primary takeaway is that resources are available. Where you live matters. Toni Lewis is | |

|accessible as a resource. | |

| | |

|Respectfully submitted, | |

|Susan Cholewka | |


Next Meeting

March 4

Present: Kathy Scipione, Laura Mularz, Donna Delicio, Barbara Tofani, Nancy Barrett-Fajardo, Rita Zenna, Helene Burns

Staff: Susan Cholewka, Nancy Winter



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