EBSCOHost Research Databases

[Pages:8]EBSCOHost @ HKU Libraries

? 2006

EBSCOHost Research Databases

EBSCOhost is a powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet. The comprehensive databases range from multidisciplinary full text collections to subject-specific databases.

I. Access

HKUL Homepage at lib.hku.hk

> Electronic Resources > Key English E-Resources > EBSCOhost research databases

Off-Campus Access :

1. HKU Staff or Students - EZProxy 2. HKU SPACE - SOUL Platform 3. Circle of Friends (Platinium -Alumni) - EZProxy

Details please refer to HKUL Homepage > Technical Support > Off-Campus Access

II. Choose Databases

Academic Search Premier is selected by default. You may select more than one title for searching.

Click on the button to proceed.

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EBSCOHost @ HKU Libraries

? 2006

Major Resources Available :

Databases 1. Academic Search Premier 2. ATLA Religion Database


Article database ( Full Text )

Article database ( Index )

Subject Multidisciplinary



FT from over 3,600 peer-reviewed journals


More than 1.3 million bibliographic records

3. Communication & Mass Media Complete

4. TOC Premier

Article database ( Full Text )

Journalism, Communication & Mass Media

Article database ( Table of Contents ) Multidisciplinary

5. Econlit

Article database ( Index )



Article database ( Index )


FT from over 240 journals

Over 23,000 TOC of the most recently published journals

More than 735,000 records

Over 1,000 educational & education-related journals

7. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia


8. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts


Article database ( Abstracts )

Article database ( Index )


Over 25,000 articles covering different areas

Library & Information Sc

More than 600 journals, plus books, reports & proceedings

Medical Sciences

More than 4,800 journals

10. The Serials Directory


Library & Information Sc

Information & pricing of popular periodicals

11. EBSCO Animals



Nature & habitat of

Ecology & Zoology familiar animals

12. CINAHL & Pre-CINAHL 13. SPORTDiscus

Article database ( Full Text )

Article database ( Index )

Nursing Sport & Fitness

More than 2,500 journals

Over 650,000 records of articles, books & dissertations

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EBSCOHost @ HKU Libraries

III. Search Cases

Case #1 Locating a publication :

PC Magazine

1. Locate the publication

1 Select .

? 2006

Enter the publication



PC Magazine

3 Click


2. Browse the publication by issues

4 Click on the publication title.

Click on the issue to 5

browse its article list.

PC Magazine v.23 n.20 p.43 What is the article title ?

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EBSCOHost @ HKU Libraries

Case #2 Finding an image :


1. Find an image

1 Select .

? 2006

Enter your terms in the search box



4 Click .

2. Download the image 5

Click on the image.

3 Limit your search if necessary.

Can you find Dolly's picture? Who is Dolly ?

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EBSCOHost @ HKU Libraries

Case #3 Searching journal articles on a topic :

Negotiate with your Customers

? 2006

1. Analyse the Topic

Concept Related Terms


Negotiate Negotiating Negotiation


Customers Customer Consumers Consumer

2. Search by keywords

Select the appropriate

2 boolean operator.

negotiat* customer* or consumer*


Enter your terms in the search boxes

5 Click on the Search button.

Peer Reviewed Periodical


Tick "Peer Reviewed" to find articles

assessed by experts.

4 Select "Periodical".

This will exclude newspaper or magazine articles

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EBSCOHost @ HKU Libraries

? 2006

3. Evaluate the results

Which record is more reltated to our Topic ? (Hint: Examine their Subject Terms and Abstracts)

Recrod A Managing Change in Software Process Improvement. Mathiassen, Lars; Ngwenyama, Ojelanki K.; Aaen, Ivan. IEEE Software, Nov/Dec2005, v. 22 no. 6, p.84-91

RReeccoorrdd BB (amendment) HCoownstuomLeorsPeeCrsuusatosimoner:sT. hBeroUdsekyo,fNEovrimde.nIcnec.W, Jhuel2n0N05e,gVotoial.ti2n7g ItshseuePr7ic, ep4o9f-a50New Automobile. Seiter, John S.; Seiter, Debora L. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Apr2005, v.35, p.686-698

44.. MMooddiiffyy tthhee sseeaarrcchh HHeerree aarree tthhee SSuubbjjeecctt TTeerrmmss ffrroomm tthhee mmoorree rreellaatteedd rreeccoorrdd.. SSeelleecctt kkeeyywwoorrddss ttoo mmooddiiffyy tthhee sseeaarrcchh ::

Subject Terms: Subject Terms:



*SCAULSETSOpMerEsoRnnreeltention SELLING

consumers negotiation

SSUU SSuujjbbeecctt TTeerrmmss SSUU SSuujjbbeecctt TTeerrmmss

5. Get the articles

From the result list, if the article full text is not found, check against HKUL Catalogue or WebBridge if we have it in the HKU Libraries.

Check HKUL catalogue

Link to a full text source, if available in HKUL.

Full text available - 6 -

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