Strategic Objective - PMG


A. Aims and functions of the Commission

B. Vision

C. Mission

D. Organisational Values

E. Strategic Objectives

F. Budget in Respect of Strategic Objectives

G. Proposed Acquisition of Assets for the 2009/10 Financial Year

A. Aims and functions of the Commission

In terms of Section 190 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), the Electoral Commission must

i. manage elections of national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies in accordance with national legislation;

ii. ensure that those elections are free and fair; and

iii. declare the results of those elections within a period that must be prescribed by national legislation and that is as short as reasonably possible.

The duties and functions of the Electoral Commission are defined in section 5 of the Electoral Commission Act, 1996. These include –

iv. compile and maintain a voters' roll by means of a system of registering eligible voters by utilising data available from government sources and information furnished by voters;

v. compile and maintain a register of parties;

vi. undertake and promote research into electoral matters;

vii. develop and promote the development of electoral expertise and technology in all spheres of government;

viii. continuously review electoral legislation and proposed electoral legislation, and to make recommendations in connection therewith;

ix. promote voter education;

x. declare the results of elections for national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies within seven days after such elections;

xi. appoint appropriate public administrations in any sphere of government to conduct elections when necessary.

B. Vision

To strengthen constitutional democracy through the delivery of free and fair elections in which every voter is able to record his or her informed choice.

C. Mission

The Electoral Commission is a permanent body created by the Constitution to promote and safeguard democracy in South Africa. Although publicly funded and accountable to parliament, the Commission is independent of the government. Its immediate task is the impartial management of free and fair elections at all levels of government.

D. Organisational Values

To enable us to serve the needs of stakeholders, including the electorate, political parties, the media and our own permanent and temporary staff, we subscribe to the following organizational values:

i. Following best practices

▪ Stopping all forms of waste

▪ Driving for results and success

▪ Planning and working so as to maximise the use of all inputs

ii. Being sensitive to race, culture, language, religion, disability and gender issues

▪ Taking note of diversity in experience and ability

▪ Caring and showing respect for others

iii. Being ethical, honest and truthful

▪ Communicating in an open and honest way

▪ Carrying out our work independently and impartially

▪ Acting with integrity and opposing corruption

▪ Promoting the image and credibility of the IEC

iv. Improving continuously

▪ Maximising training and development opportunities

▪ Supporting and inspiring each other

▪ Fostering collaboration between teams and team members

▪ Fostering achievement of common goals

E. Strategic Objectives

1. To position the Commission as a global leader in electoral democracy

2. To develop strategy, to monitor project implementation and to facilitate independent assurance processes to ensure the effective and efficient functioning of the Commission.

3. To maintain systems and procedures which will ensure an accurate and up-to-date national voters’ roll

4. To implement and promote effective electoral processes that will facilitate the participation of political parties and candidates in the management and delivery of free and fair elections

5. To deliver well-run elections which produce results that are credible

6. To educate and inform civil society with a view to optimising citizen participation in democracy and electoral processes

7. To develop and maintain effective business processes (in respect of legal services, human resources management, support services, financial management, and information and communication technology services) in order to ensure the effective functioning of the Commission

In pursuance of these strategic objectives, programmes with specific activities and the outcomes which are expected to be achieved were set. Progress against these activities will be monitored and reported against the following outcomes, outputs and measurable performance levels and indicators:


2009/10 – 2011/12

Strategic Objective 1

To project the Commission as the global leader in electoral democracy

Area of responsibility: Commission Services

Performance Measures¹:


|Entrench the Commission as an |Improved quality of |Provision of independent opinion and |Review of legislation and regulations |Review of legislation and regulations |Review of legislation and regulations |

|effective, independent and impartial |electoral processes |advice on matters affecting electoral|at least once a year |at least once a year |at least once a year |

|custodian of electoral democracy | |democracy in South Africa, including | | | |

|nationally | |legislation and regulations | | | |

| |Leadership on matters | |Reporting to the Portfolio Committee on|Reporting to the Portfolio Committee on|Reporting to the Portfolio Committee on|

| |pertaining to electoral | |Home Affairs in Parliament on proposed |Home Affairs in Parliament on proposed |Home Affairs in Parliament on proposed |

| |democracy nationally | |legislation / amendments at least twice|legislation / amendments at least twice|legislation / amendments at least twice|

| | | |a year. |a year. |a year. |

| | | |Reporting to Portfolio Committee on |Briefing the Portfolio Committee on |Reporting to Portfolio Committee on |

| | | |Home Affairs on management of 2009 |Home Affairs on election readiness at |Home Affairs on management of 2011 |

| | | |Elections |least twice a year |Elections |

| | | |Briefing of political parties and other|Briefing of political parties and other|Briefing of political parties and other|

| | | |relevant stakeholders on |relevant stakeholders on |relevant stakeholders on |

| | | |legislation/amendments at least twice a|legislation/amendments at least twice a|legislation/amendments at least twice a|

| | | |year |year |year |

|Entrench the Commission as an |Leadership on matters |Management of elections of other |Managing at least four elections of |Managing at least two elections of |Managing at least four elections of |

|effective, independent and impartial |pertaining to electoral |institutions |other institutions per annum per |other institutions per annum per |other institutions per annum per |

|custodian of electoral democracy |democracy nationally | |province |province |province |

|nationally (continued) |(continued) | | | | |

|Engage in Local Liaison |Enhanced co-operation between|Strategic liaison with government |At least four meetings of the Forum of |At least four meetings of the Forum of |At least four meetings of the Forum of |

| |the Commission and other |departments, other Chapter 9 |Independent Statutory Bodies (FISB) per|Independent Statutory Bodies (FISB) per|Independent Statutory Bodies (FISB) per|

| |institutions through joint |institutions, NGOs, and other |year |year |year |

| |programmes (e.g. Human Rights|relevant stakeholders |Liaison at least twice a year with the |Liaison at least twice a year with the |Liaison at least twice a year with the |

| |and Democracy Awards, | |Parliamentary Committee overseeing |Parliamentary Committee overseeing |Parliamentary Committee overseeing |

| |Meetings with Chapter 9 | |Chapter 9 Institutions |Chapter 9 Institutions |Chapter 9 Institutions |

| |Institutions, joint visits to| |One Human Rights and Democracy Awards |One Human Rights and Democracy Awards |One Human Rights and Democracy Awards |

| |provinces) | |event per year |event per year |event per year |

| | | |At least one joint provincial visit per|At least one joint provincial visit per|At least one joint provincial visit per|

| | | |year |year |year |

| |Provision of a platform for | |At least two multi-stakeholder |At least two multi-stakeholder |At least two multi-stakeholder |

| |engagement on all electoral | |discussion forum per province on |discussion forum per province on |discussion forum per province on |

| |matters | |electoral matters |electoral matters |electoral matters |

| |Provision of accurate | |Provide responses to all Parliamentary |Provide responses to all Parliamentary |Provide responses to all Parliamentary |

| |responses to Parliamentary | |questions and other enquiries directed |questions and other enquiries directed |questions and other enquiries directed |

| |Questions related to | |at the Commission |at the Commission |at the Commission |

| |electoral matters | | | | |

|Engage in International Liaison |Strengthened observer |Strategic alliances and co-operation |Participate in at least two technical |Participate in at least one technical |Participate in at least two technical |

| |missions and provision of |with relevant international |assistance programme |assistance programme |assistance programme |

| |technical expertise |stakeholders |Observe elections in at least 4 |Observe elections in at least 4 |Observe elections in at least 10 |

| | | |countries |countries |countries |

| |Structured exchange |Liaison with electoral management |Participate in at least 6 study tours |Participate in at least 3 study tours |Participate in at least 6 study tours |

| |programmes and study tours |bodies (EMBs) on the African |to other countries |to other countries |to other countries |

| | |continent and other parts of the |Host 12 international delegations |Host 12 international delegations |Host 12 international delegations |

| | |world | | | |

| |Strengthened participation in|Liaise with the Department of Foreign|Participate in at least two meetings of|Participate in at least two meetings of|Participate in at least two meetings of|

| |international and regional |Affairs (DFA) and other stakeholders.|each of the following: the SADC ECF, |each of the following: the SADC ECF, |each of the following: the SADC ECF, |

| |institutions that enhance | |International IDEA, the AAEA, the AU, |International IDEA, the AAEA, the AU, |International IDEA, the AAEA, the AU, |

| |democracy | |the Commonwealth and DFA |the Commonwealth and DFA |the Commonwealth and DFA. |

|Facilitate Observation of Elections |Accreditation of strengthened|Accreditation of high calibre |Update application forms for |Advertise in all national and regional |Not applicable |

|in South Africa |domestic and international |delegations of international and |accreditation |newspapers and on electronic media for | |

| |observer delegations, |domestic observers | |observers to apply for accreditation | |

| |including diplomats to visit | | |Update application forms for | |

| |voting stations | | |accreditation | |

| | | | |Hold at least 4 briefing sessions for | |

| | | | |observers | |

Strategic Objective 2

To develop strategy, to monitor project implementation and to facilitate independent assurance processes to ensure the effective and efficient functioning of the Commission

Sub-Objective 2.1

Area of Responsibility: Office of the CEO

Performance Measures¹:


|Develop, adopt and table |Consulted on process to develop and |Annual review of strategic |Once per year |Once per year |Once per year |

|Strategic Plan for the |adopt Strategic Plan |objectives | | | |

|organization | | | | | |

|Develop and maintain regular |Regular reports to relevant |Updating a common template for |One accepted format for monthly reports|One accepted format for monthly reports|One accepted format for monthly reports|

|reporting mechanisms for the |stakeholders |monthly reporting against |by all officials who report directly to|by all officials who report directly to|by all officials who report directly to|

|organisation | |strategic objectives, |the CEO. Provincial reports to include |the CEO |the CEO |

| | |operational plans, project risk|data from local offices of the |Provincial reports to include data from|Provincial reports to include data from|

| | |assessment and budgetary |Commission. |local offices of the Commission |local offices of the Commission |

| | |performance |12 reports per year by the 15th of each| | |

| | | |month to the CEO | | |

| | |Monthly reporting on |12 reports per year |12 reports per year |12 reports per year |

| | |performance against strategic | | | |

| | |objectives to Commission | | | |

|Develop and maintain regular |Regular reports to relevant |Quarterly reporting on |4 reports per year by the 5th of the |4 reports per year by the 5th of the |4 reports per year by the 5th of the |

|reporting mechanisms for the |stakeholders (continued) |performance against strategic |relevant month |relevant month |relevant month |

|organisation (cont.) | |objectives to Treasury | | | |

| |Annual Report published and tabled in|Annual reporting on performance|1 Annual Report tabled in Parliament by|1 Annual Report tabled in Parliament by|1 Annual Report tabled in Parliament by|

| |time |against strategic objectives to|31 August of each year |31 August of each year |31 August of each year |

| | |Parliament | | | |

|Develop and maintain |Streamlined policy environment |Compilation and maintenance of |1 Policy Manual detailing policies on |1 Policy Manual detailing policies on |1 Policy Manual detailing policies on |

|organizational policies | |comprehensive policy manual in |electoral matters, finance, HR, and |electoral matters, finance, HR, and |electoral matters, finance, HR, and |

| | |line with relevant legislation,|general organizational matters by 31 |general organizational matters by 31 |general organizational matters by 31 |

| | |regulations, Strategic Plan and|July |July |July |

| | |adopted policies | | | |

| | |Coordination of policy |6 new policies developed or existing |6 new policies developed or existing |6 new policies developed or existing |

| | |development |policies reviewed and submitted for |policies reviewed and submitted for |policies reviewed and submitted for |

| | | |approval to the Commission within the |approval to the Commission within the |approval to the Commission within the |

| | | |financial year |financial year |financial year |

|Programme management |Adherence to approved project time |Development of monitoring tool |Existence of 1 common monitoring tool |Existence of 1 common monitoring tool |Existence of 1 common monitoring tool |

| |lines, stated outcomes and outputs of| |by 31 May |by 31 May |by 31 May |

| |the strategic objectives and ENE | | | | |

| |goals by applying risk identification| | | | |

| |and budgetary management | | | | |

| | |Review management reports to |Regular review of 108 provincial |Regular review of 108 provincial |Regular review of 108 provincial |

| | |extract and action matters |reports, 36 DCEO (Divisional) reports, |reports, 36 DCEO (Divisional) reports, |reports, 36 DCEO (Divisional) reports, |

| | |requiring attention |12 Internal Audit reports |12 Internal Audit reports |12 Internal Audit reports |

| | | |Regular Committee and Commission |Regular Committee and Commission |Regular Committee and Commission |

| | | |meetings |meetings |meetings |

Sub-Objective 2.2

Area of responsibility: Internal Audit

Performance Measures¹:


|Ensure effectiveness of Audit |Review Audit Committee Charter and |Audit Committee adheres to |Audit Committee meets at least three |Audit Committee meets at least three | Audit Committee meets at least three |

|Committee |conduct self evaluation assessments |charter that is in line with |times a year to deliver on their |times a year to deliver on their |times a year to deliver on their |

| | |legal framework and best |mandate |mandate |mandate |

| | |practice | | | |

| |Inform and approve 3 year rolling |Monitors internal audit |Audit Committee pronounces on the |Audit Committee pronounces on the |Audit Committee pronounces on the |

| |Internal Plan and internal audit |performance and level of |effectiveness of the Internal audit |effectiveness of the Internal audit |effectiveness of the Internal audit |

| |charter |internal and external audit |activity once a year |activity once a year |activity once a year |

| | |recommendations implemented. | | | |

| |Audit committee members adequately |Audit Committee appraised of |Audit Committee informs internal audit|Audit Committee informs internal audit|Audit Committee informs internal audit|

| |reviews Quarterly Statutory Internal |internal audit findings and |priorities on a quarterly basis |priorities on a quarterly basis |priorities on a quarterly basis |

| |audit reports reviewed |recommendations | | | |

| |  | | | | |

| | |Secretariat identifies and |Commission performs evaluation on |Commission performs evaluation on |Commission performs evaluation on |

| | |facilitate appropriate Audit |competence of members and effectiveness|competence of members and effectiveness|competence of members and effectiveness|

| | |Committee skills enhancement |of audit committee on an annual basis |of audit committee on an annual basis |of audit committee on an annual basis |

| | |programme | | | |

|Ensure effectiveness of Audit |Audit committee reviews reports on |Audit Committee formulates |Audit Committee publishes statutory |Audit Committee publishes statutory |Audit Committee publishes statutory |

|Committee (Contin.) |performance information, financial |informed opinions regarding |assurance report in the EC’s and |assurance report in the EC’s and |assurance report in the EC’s and |

| |statements, risk management, |stakeholder information |Represented Political Parties’ |Represented Political Parties’ |Represented Political Parties’ |

| |internal controls and governance | |Fund(RPPF) annual reports |Fund(RPPF) annual reports |Fund(RPPF) annual reports |

|Monitor effectiveness of |Launch combined Risk Management |Culture of proactive risk |Individual risk owners table monthly |Individual risk owners table monthly |Individual risk owners table monthly |

|management’s Risk Management |Awareness and audit Readiness |management adopted |updates on operational risk management |updates on operational risk management |updates on operational risk management |

|Committee(RMC) |workshops | |to senior managers |to senior managers |to senior managers |

| |Risks on the organisational risk |Risk management is structures |RMC tables Quarterly reports on |RMC tables Quarterly reports on |RMC tables Quarterly reports on |

| |matrix is assigned to individual risk|and coordinated |adequacy of strategic and operational |adequacy of strategic and operational |adequacy of strategic and operational |

| |owners | |risk management to EXCO and Audit |risk management to EXCO and Audit |risk management to EXCO and Audit |

| | | |Committee |Committee |Committee |

| |Create, promote and monitor toll-free|Irregularities reported |Monthly reports on irregularities and|Monthly reports on irregularities and|Monthly reports on irregularities and|

|Promote Fraud Prevention strategy |‘whistle-blower’ fax line |timeously assist with speedy |investigations issued to CEO and |investigations issued to CEO and |investigations issued to CEO and |

| | |forensic investigation and |Commission and incorporated into |Commission and incorporated into |Commission and incorporated into |

| | |remedial action |statutory quarterly report to Audit |statutory quarterly report to Audit |statutory quarterly report to Audit |

| | | |Committee |Committee |Committee |

| |Update policy framework to EC policy |Updated Fraud Prevention |EC Staff, Contractors, Business |EC Staff, Contractors, Business |EC Staff, Contractors, Business |

| |framework and best practise |Framework published in public |Partners and Service Providers are |Partners and Service Providers are |Partners and Service Providers are |

| | |domain |continuously informed about Fraud |continuously informed about Fraud |continuously informed about Fraud |

| | | |Prevention Policies |Prevention Policies |Prevention Policies |

|Develop and implement approved |Human resource plan with budgetary |Implement internal audit |Optimise structure of the Internal |Optimise structure of the Internal |Optimise structure of the Internal |

|Internal Audit Staffing structure|options approved by EXCO |staffing plan within the agreed|audit activity is continuously in |audit activity is continuously in |audit activity is continuously in |

| | |timeframe |synergy with out-sourced capacity |synergy with out-sourced capacity |synergy with out-sourced capacity |

| | |Monitor and report on skills |Structured skills transfer and skills |Structured skills transfer and skills |Structured skills transfer and skills |

| | |transfer by outsourced capacity|base is structured and evaluated |base is structured and evaluated |base is structured and evaluated |

| | | |quarterly |quarterly |quarterly |

|Monitor compliance with policies, |EC is Compliant with all relevant |Conduct structured |Framework for Audit programmes and |Framework for Audit programmes and |Framework for Audit programmes and |

|legislation, regulations and |policies, legislation and regulations|environmental scans to update |audit consulting services is updated |audit consulting services is updated |audit consulting services is updated |

|other applicable authorative | |audit programmes and audit |with applicable legal framework on a |with applicable legal framework on a |with applicable legal framework on a |

|conditions | |consulting services framework |monthly basis. |monthly basis. |monthly basis. |

| | |on a monthly basis | | | |

| | |Ensure Management is informed |EC business processes is continuously |EC business processes is continuously |EC business processes is continuously |

| | |of applicable changes in |aligned to regulatory framework |aligned to regulatory framework |aligned to regulatory framework |

| | |regulatory framework | | | |

| | |Develop register of delegated |Corporate governance framework is |Corporate governance framework is |Corporate governance framework is |

| | |authority |continuously updated in a structured |continuously updated in a structured |continuously updated in a structured |

| | | |manner |manner |manner |

|Develop 3 year rolling Internal |Internal audit plan and internal |Communicate scheduled audits |Annual 3 year rolling internal audit |Annual 3 year rolling internal audit |Annual 3 year rolling internal audit |

|Audit Plan in line with the |audit charter is informed and |included in approved Internal |plan is risk based , aligned to |plan is risk based , aligned to |plan is risk based , aligned to |

|mandatory framework |approved by Audit Committee, endorsed|audit plan |strategic objectives and adheres to |strategic objectives and adheres to |strategic objectives and adheres to |

| |by EXCO and supported by Commission | |best practise |best practise |best practise |

| | |Audit charter adheres to |Annual review of Internal Audit Charter|Annual review of Internal Audit Charter|Annual review of Internal Audit Charter|

| | |National treasury Framework and| | | |

| | |best practise | | | |

|Develop 3 year rolling Internal |Internal audit plan and internal |Statutory reports and monthly |4 quarterly reports to Audit Committee|4 quarterly reports to Audit Committee|4 quarterly reports to Audit Committee|

|Audit Plan in line with the |audit charter is informed and |operational reports are tabled |, Executive Management and Commission |, Executive Management and Commission |, Executive Management and Commission |

|mandatory framework |approved by Audit Committee, endorsed|timeously |and 12 monthly reports to CEO |and 12 monthly reports to CEO |and 12 monthly reports to CEO |

| |by EXCO and supported by Commission | | | | |

| | |Annual plan spawns internal |Management continuously consults |Management continuously consults |Management continuously consults |

| | |audit consulting services |internal audit regarding improvement of|internal audit regarding improvement of|internal audit regarding improvement of|

| | | |business processes and policies |business processes and policies |business processes and policies |

|Perform periodic internal audits, |Effective project management of |Management and business |EC business processes continuously |EC business processes continuously |EC business processes continuously |

|audit reviews and |Internal audit and consulting |processes are reviewed and |reflects the organizational quest for |reflects the organizational quest for |reflects the organizational quest for |

|agreed-upon-procedures for |services ensures execution against |subjected to continuous |excellence |excellence |excellence |

|compliance and performance |best practise audit programmes aimed |auditing techniques (CAATS) | | | |

|evaluation |at improving the operations of the | | | | |

| |Commission | | | | |

| | |Recommend value adding remedial|Continuous and timeous implementation |Continuous and timeous implementation |Continuous and timeous implementation |

| | |actions, encourage proactive |of Internal audit and external audit |of Internal audit and external audit |of Internal audit and external audit |

| | |auditable ‘control self |recommendations reported for NO section|recommendations reported for NO section|recommendations reported for NO section|

| | |assessment ‘processes and |and PEO/MEO offices and continuous |and PEO/MEO offices and continuous |and PEO/MEO offices and continuous |

| | |inculcate value for money |evaluation of compliance with stated |evaluation of compliance with stated |evaluation of compliance with stated |

| | |principles to reduce the audit |controls is performed as a shared |controls is performed as a shared |controls is performed as a shared |

| | |time required |management responsibility |management responsibility |management responsibility |

|Perform periodic internal audits, |Effective project management of |Review the efficacy of EC |EC Business risks are timeously |EC Business risks are timeously |EC Business risks are timeously |

|audit reviews and |Internal audit and consulting |Business risk identification |identified and aggressively managed on |identified and aggressively managed on |identified and aggressively managed on |

|agreed-upon-procedures for |services ensures execution against |and risk management |a continuous basis |a continuous basis |a continuous basis |

|compliance and performance |best practise audit programmes aimed | | | | |

|evaluation (Contin.) |at improving the operations of the | | | | |

| |Commission (Contin.) | | | | |

| | |Project management ensures |Audit programmes are continuously |Audit programmes are continuously |Audit programmes are continuously |

| | |adherence to Internal audit |aligned to changes in EC business |aligned to changes in EC business |aligned to changes in EC business |

| | |Manual or Issuance of Audit |processes, AG reports findings and |processes, AG reports findings and |processes, AG reports findings and |

| | |Guidelines adopted by Internal |official practise notes/guides |official practise notes/guides |official practise notes/guides |

| | |audit Steering Committee | | | |

| | |Coordinate internal audit |Auditor General annually confirms |Auditor General annually confirms |Auditor General annually confirms |

| | |activities with external audit |reliance on internal audit work |reliance on internal audit work |reliance on internal audit work |

| | |programme |performed |performed |performed |

Strategic Objective 3

To maintain systems, procedures and infrastructure that will ensure an accurate and up-to-date national voters’ roll

Areas of responsibility: Registration, Delimitation and Voting Station Infrastructure

Performance Measures¹:


|Undertake targeted registration in|Increased participation of targeted |A demographically balanced |Make registration facilities available|Make registration facilities available|Make registration facilities available|

|specific geographic areas and |groups in registration process |voters’ roll |to 60% of high schools and 100% of |to 60% of high schools and 100% of |to 60% of high schools and 100% of |

|population sectors exhibiting | | |tertiary institutions across SA |tertiary institutions across SA |tertiary institutions across SA |

|lower registration patterns (e.g.,| | | | | |

|the youth) | | | | | |

|Conduct research to establish the |Increased participation of targeted |A comprehensive and |Shortfalls in demographic areas and/or |Shortfalls in demographic areas and/or |Shortfalls in demographic areas and/or |

|demographics of a valid voters |groups on the voters’ roll |demographically balanced |population areas targeted |population areas targeted |population areas targeted |

|roll composition | |voters’ roll | | | |

|Collaborate with the department of|Improved voter access to registration|Engage the Department of Home |Registration initiatives initiated per |Registration initiatives initiated per |Registration initiatives initiated per |

|Home Affairs to utilize their |facilities |affairs successfully in |province |province |province |

|mobile units for Registration | |Registration procedures | | | |

|purposes | | | | | |

|Make facilities available for |Increased voter convenience and voter|An up-to-date (current) Voters |22.6 million registered voters on the |23.4 million registered voters on |22.8 million registered voters on |

|eligible citizens to register on a|participation to maintain accurate |Roll |voters’ roll |certified copy of the voters’ roll for |certified copy of the voters’ roll |

|continuous basis |Voters Roll promoted | | |Elections 2011 | |

|Investigate alternative voter |Improved voter access to points of |A comprehensive and up-to-date |Registration facilities at Local |Registration facilities at Local |Registration facilities at Local |

|registration methods and report to|registration |voters’ roll |Offices opened continuously |Offices opened continuously |Offices opened continuously |

|the Commission | | | | | |

| | | |Registration stations in every voting |Registration stations in every voting |Not applicable |

| | | |district opened during registration |district opened during registration | |

| | | |weekends |weekends | |

|Process Registration Application |Incorrect registration data curbed |An accurate Voters Roll |100% of valid REC 1 forms captured |100% of valid REC 1 forms captured |100% of valid REC 1 forms captured |

|forms |and quality of Voters Roll improved | |correctly |correctly |correctly |

|Verify that the applicant is |An accurate Voters Roll that ensures |An accurate Voters Roll |Voters registered in correct voting |Voters registered in correct voting |Voters registered in correct voting |

|registering in the correct voting|that voters find their names on | |districts |districts |districts |

|district |correct segment of the voters’ roll | | | | |

|Verify registration applications |Ensured that only eligible voters |Each applicant’s status is |Voters roll checked against NPR monthly|Voters roll checked against NPR monthly|Voters roll checked against NPR monthly|

|against the National Population |appear on the voters’ roll and are |checked against NPR to verify | | | |

|Register (NPR) |able to vote |the applicant’s eligibility to | | | |

| | |vote | | | |

|Develop a National Address |A database that can be used to verify|A database that allows for the |Add 20% more geo-referenced points to |Add 20% more geo-referenced points to |Add 20% more geo-referenced points to |

|Database (NAD) |whether voters have registered in the|linking of a voter’s address to|NAD |NAD |NAD |

| |correct segment of the voters’ roll |a voting district | | | |

| |Increased integrity and credibility |Ensure that all applicants who |Use of correctly issued MEC7 forms used|Use of correctly issued MEC7 forms used|Use of correctly issued MEC7 forms used|

| |of elections |apply for registration find |in by-elections reduced by 50% |in by-elections reduced by 50% |in by-elections reduced by 50% |

| | |their names on correct segments| | | |

| | |of the voters’ roll | | | |

|Improve access to voting stations |Improved accessibility of voting |Reasonable access of voters to |100% of voting districts reviewed in |100% of voting districts reviewed in |Not applicable |

|for voters |stations for voters |voting stations |accordance with legislative |accordance with legislative | |

| | | |requirements, and signed-off by |requirements, and signed-off by | |

| | | |Municipal Party Liaison Committees |Municipal Party Liaison Committees | |

| | | |(MPLC) |(MPLC) | |

| | | |100% of Voting Stations reviewed and |100% of Voting Stations reviewed and | |

| | | |signed off by MPLC |signed off by MPLC | |

|Review the delimitation of voting |Improved accessibility of voting |Reasonable access of voters to |One voting station per voting district |One voting station per voting district |One voting station per voting district |

|districts |stations for voters |voting stations | | | |

|Review the voting stations network|Improved stability of voting station|A stable and permanent voting |Not applicable |85% of venues used in 2011 elections |Not applicable |

| |network |station network | |are the same venues used in 2009 | |

| | | | |elections | |

| |Improved facilities available at |Increased number of schools |Use 60% schools as voting stations for |Use 66% schools as voting stations for |Not applicable |

| |schools |used as permanent voting |the Local Government Elections |the Local Government Elections | |

| | |stations in a bid to assist | | | |

| | |schools in obtaining the basic | | | |

| | |facilities such as water, | | | |

| | |electricity and sanitation. | | | |

| |Improved type and quality of venues |Reduction in number of |Reduce the current temporary voting |Reduce the current temporary voting |Not applicable |

| |used as voting stations |temporary voting stations. |station network to 7% of total voting |station network to 5% of total voting | |

| | | |stations |stations | |

| |Improved facilities at venues used as|Facilitate the improvement of |2 meetings with provincial |6 meetings with provincial |2 meetings with provincial |

| |voting stations |facilities at venues used as |infrastructure task teams |infrastructure task teams |infrastructure task teams |

| | |voting stations | | | |

|Review the mobile voting stations |Enhanced type and availability of |Reduction in number of mobile |Reduce the current mobile voting |Reduce the current mobile voting |Not applicable |

|network |venues used as voting stations |voting stations. |station network to 2% of total voting |station network to 2% of total voting | |

| | | |stations |stations | |

|Provide a reliable and accurate |Functional voting station facilities |Reliable data available and |Reliable data sourced via surveys of |Reliable data sourced via surveys of |Reliable data sourced via surveys of |

|system to secure identified voting|at the disposal of the Commission for|sourcing options and processes |voting station facilities and |voting station facilities and |voting station facilities and |

|stations and ensure an adequate |each electoral event |in place |accurately captured on the Voting |accurately captured on the Voting |accurately captured on the Voting |

|and effective level of | | |Stations Operations system |Stations Operations system |Stations Operations system |

|infrastructure at those voting | | |Provisioning undertaken for identified |Provisioning undertaken for identified |Provisioning undertaken for identified |

|stations | | |infrastructure shortages |infrastructure shortages |infrastructure shortages |

| | | |Up to 21 400 voting stations secured |Up to 21 500 voting stations secured |Voting stations for by-elections |

| | | |and functionally equipped per |and functionally equipped per |secured and functionally equipped |

| | | |registration and election event |registration and election event | |

| | | |100% voting station availability per |100% voting station availability per |100% voting station availability per |

| | | |registration and election event |registration and election event |by-election event |

| | | |Infrastructure Task Team to be active |I Infrastructure Task Team to be active|Infrastructure Task Team to be active |

| | | |in each province to meet at least 2 |in each province to meet at least 6 |in each province to meet at least 2 |

| | | |times a year |times a year |times a year |

Strategic Objective 4

To implement and promote effective electoral processes that will facilitate the participation of political parties and candidates in the management and delivery of free and fair elections

Areas of responsibility: Party Liaison

Performance Measures¹:


|Maintain continuous liaison with |Effective liaison with political parties |Provide forums for |494 Party Liaison Committees |1 482 Party Liaison Committees |519 Party Liaison Committees |

|political parties | |sharing information |held at National, Provincial |held at National, Provincial |held at National, Provincial |

| | | |and Municipal spheres |and Municipal spheres |and Municipal spheres |

|Maintain political parties register |Up-to-date, accurate and compliant register of political parties |Update political parties|Registration of political |Registration of political |Not applicable |

| | |register with new |parties completed within the |parties completed within the | |

| | |parties |legal timeframe |legal timeframe | |

| |An up to date and accurate database of registered political |Political parties |Status of current registered |Status of current registered |Status of current registered |

| |parties |register reflects |parties reviewed continuously |parties reviewed continuously |parties reviewed continuously |

| | |deregistered or |as required by legislation |as required by legislation |as required by legislation |

| | |cancelled parties | | | |

|Receive, verify and record candidate |Accurate candidate details captured within timeframes as |Establish effective |Nominations of candidates |Nominations of candidates |Nominations of candidates for |

|nominations |stipulated in the Election Timetable |nomination process |checked against legislative |checked against legislative |by-elections checked against |

| | | |requirements |requirements |legislative requirements |

| |Eligible candidates for elections |Candidate list available|Candidate lists available as |Candidate lists available as |Candidate lists for |

| | |for inspection |per Election Timetable |per Election Timetable |by-elections available as per |

| | | | | |Election Timetable |

|Fill municipal council vacancies |Vacancies filled in compliance with legislation |Declared municipal |Ward by-elections held within |Ward by-elections held within |Ward by-elections held within |

| | |council vacancies filled|90 days of declaration of |90 days of declaration of |90 days of declaration of |

| | |Effective information |vacancies |vacancies |vacancies |

| | |and appointment process | | | |

| | |in place | | | |

| | |Vacancies filled in | | | |

| | |compliance with | | | |

| | |legislation | | | |

| | | |Vacancies filled within 35 days|Vacancies filled within 35 days|Vacancies filled within 35 days|

| | | |of declaration of vacancy |of declaration of vacancy |of declaration of vacancy |

Strategic Objective 5

To deliver well-run elections which produce results that are credible

Sub-objective 5.1:

Areas of responsibility: Logistics and Local Office Infrastructure

Performance Measures¹:


|Provide a stable warehousing network |Reliable warehousing network |Maintain lease agreements and |100% availability of warehouses at |100% availability of warehouses at |100% availability of warehouses at |

|at National, Provincial and Municipal |available for all electoral |equipment |national and Provincial spheres of |national and Provincial spheres of |national and Provincial spheres of |

|spheres of government to cater for all|events | |government, and facilities secured as |government, and facilities secured as |government, and facilities secured as |

|electoral events | | |and when required at the Municipal |and when required at the Municipal |and when required at the Municipal |

| | | |sphere of government |sphere of government |sphere of government |

| | | |90% stock accuracy rate maintained per |90% stock accuracy rate maintained per |90% stock accuracy rate maintained per |

| | | |warehouse facility |warehouse facility |warehouse facility |

| | | |Warehousing Operational Guidelines |Warehousing Operational Guidelines |Warehousing Operational Guidelines |

| | | |published |published |published |

|Provide a stable distribution network |Normal distribution service |Maintain, monitor and manage |Distribution services specified and |Distribution services specified and |Distribution services in place for |

|for the distribution of materials and |providers secured through-out the|Service Level Agreements (SLAs)|procurement processes concluded for |procurement processes concluded for |by-elections |

|equipment to voting stations and other|election preparations period |with service providers |these services |these services | |

|venues for all electoral events |Security distribution service | |At least 99% accuracy in distribution |At least 99% accuracy in distribution |At least 99% accuracy in distribution |

| |providers secured in line with | |of materials and equipment attained |of materials and equipment attained |of materials and equipment attained |

| |the elections milestones for the | |Distribution of materials and equipment|Distribution of materials and equipment|Distribution of materials and equipment|

| |specific event (period can be | |compliant with the milestones set |compliant with the milestones set |compliant with the milestones set |

| |specified) | | | | |

|Consolidate and procure all materials |Correct and cost effective |Effective procurement |Needs for materials and equipment |Needs for materials and equipment |Needs for materials and equipment |

|and equipment as used in all electoral|provisioning of materials and |management processes |determined and quantified in a bill of |determined and quantified in a bill of |determined and quantified in a bill of |

|events |equipment as specified and within| |materials (BOM) and a materials |materials (BOM) and a materials |materials (BOM) and a materials |

| |the milestone dates as set | |requirements plan (MRP) |requirements plan (MRP) |requirements plan (MRP) for |

| | | |Publicised specifications for BOM items|Publicised specifications for BOM items|by-elections |

| | | | | |Publicised specifications for BOM items|

| | | |100% provisioning of materials and |100% provisioning of materials and | |

| | | |equipment using appropriate economies |equipment using appropriate economies |100% provisioning of materials and |

| | | |of scale procurement methods |of scale procurement methods |equipment using appropriate economies |

| | | | | |of scale procurement methods |

|Provide infrastructure requirements |Functional infrastructure and |Effective MEO management |All office infrastructure secured in |All office infrastructure secured in |All office infrastructure secured in |

|and additional election support staff |additional staff in place to meet|processes |terms of municipal agreements or IEC |terms of municipal agreements or IEC |terms of municipal agreements or IEC |

|for MEO and Regional IEC offices to |IEC needs | |procurement processes |procurement processes |procurement processes |

|adequately manage all electoral events|MEOs in place in accordance with | | | | |

| |Commission requirements | | | | |

| | | |MEO appointment process supported and |MEO appointment process supported and |MEO appointment process supported and |

| | | |monitored |monitored |monitored |

| | | |Additional election support staff |Additional election support staff | |

| | | |recruited as per term contracts in line|recruited as per term contracts in line| |

| | | |with election milestones |with election milestones | |

Sub-objective 5.2

Area of responsibility: Voting and Counting

Performance Measures¹:


|Draft Election Timetable |Final Election Timetables |Obtain timeous buy-in from all |Obtain Commission approval |NPLC consulted on draft timetable and |PLC consulted on draft timetable and |

| |compliant with legislation |stakeholders | |final timetable published as per |final timetable published as per |

| | | | |legislative provisions |legislative provisions for by-elections|

|Review voting, counting and results |Consistent, accurate and reliable|Determine and address high risk|Results processes 100% accurate and |Results processes 100% accurate and |Results processes for by-elections 100%|

|processes |processes implemented |areas/issues |auditable |auditable |accurate and auditable |

| |Reasonable level of voter turnout|Ensure a level of voter turnout|65% voter turnout achieved in Elections|40% voter turnout achieved in Elections|Not applicable |

| |to underpin the credibility of |that adds to the credibility of|2009 |2011 | |

| |elections |elections | | | |

|Implement controls for managing |Effective controls in place |Draft plan to effectively |Functional operations centres at |Functional operations centres at |Not applicable |

|election day activities |Enhanced credibility in elections|monitor all processes with due |National, Provincial and Municipal |National, Provincial and Municipal | |

| |management |regard to political party and |spheres of government |spheres of government | |

| | |media liaison | | | |

|Verify and capture election results |Elections declared free and fair |Effective processes in place |Publication of results within 7 days of|Publication of results within 7 days of|Not applicable |

| | |and stakeholders well informed |the elections being held |the elections being held | |

|Implement controls to manage |Elections declared free and fair |Conflict management processes |Resolution within the legislative |Resolution within the legislative |Not applicable |

|election-related conflicts, complaints| |in place |requirements |requirements | |

|and objections | | | | | |

| |Successfully resolved election |Resolved election conflicts |Mediators deployed to manage election |Mediators deployed to manage election |Not applicable |

| |conflicts |underpin the credibility of |conflicts |conflicts | |

| | |elections | | | |

Strategic Objective 6

To educate and inform civil society with a view to optimising citizen participation in democracy and electoral processes

Sub-Objective 6.1

Areas of responsibility: Civic Education, Research and Knowledge Management

Performance Measures¹:


|Plan, design, promote and |Civic Education (CE) and |CE curriculum statement |246 170 interventions, and number of |253 555 interventions, nationally and |261 161 interventions, nationally and |

|implement Civic and Democracy |sustainable democratic culture |Customised & quality-assured |people reached nationally and in |in provinces |in provinces |

|Education initiatives |promoted |programmes and materials |provinces | |Review reports on curriculum and |

| |Role and work of the Commission |CE Projects for educational |Review reports on curriculum and | |stakeholder engagements |

| |publicised and conveyed to the |institutions, for by-elections, |stakeholder engagements | |Post-elections survey reports |

| |general public |for persons with disabilities, |Post-elections survey reports | | |

| | |mass education, community |All materials used in 2008/9 reviewed | | |

| | |mobilisation, stakeholder |and improved. | | |

| | |engagement and multimedia | | | |

| | |platforms implemented | | | |

|Institutionalise Civic and |Civic Education (CE) |Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)/|Revised MOU to accommodate municipal |10 revised MoU / agreements with |10 revised MoU / agreements with |

|Democracy education in formal |institutionalised in General |Formal agreement with national & |elections ( if necessary) |national Department of Education and |national Department of Education and |

|curriculum |Education and Training (GET), |provincial Departments of |Plan of action for municipal elections |provincial departments in place. |provincial departments in place. |

| |Further Education and Training |Education |Implementation at pilot sites |All existing materials reviewed and |All existing materials reviewed and |

| |(FET), Adult Education and |Re-engagement with SAQA processes |Civic education implemented in |quality assured. |quality assured. |

| |Training (ABET) and Higher | |curriculum as per curriculum statement |Civic education implemented in |Civic education implemented in |

| |Educational Institutions (HEI) | |SGB for Democracy, Human Rights, Peace |curriculum as per curriculum statement|curriculum as per curriculum statement |

| |bands | |and Elections resuscitated. | | |

|Conduct Advocacy, Public Awareness|Communities empowered to access |Public awareness, advocacy and |10 campaigns conducted per province and|10 campaigns conducted per province |10 campaigns conducted per province and|

|campaigns, Community Outreach and |and practice their civic rights |outreach initiatives, seminars, |4 campaigns conducted nationally, |and 5 campaigns conducted nationally |5 campaigns conducted nationally |

|other educational interventions |and responsibilities |conferences and other educational |Reports of the campaigns |3 new publications developed |3 new publications developed |

| |Information about Commission |interventions |3 new publications developed | | |

| |created and disseminated to ALL |Range and quantity of information | | | |

| |primary and secondary stakeholders|disseminated | | | |

|Engage with Stakeholders |Harmonized shared programmes |Number and range of collaborative |6 stakeholder engagements per province |6 stakeholder engagements per province|6 stakeholder engagements per province |

|Develop joint programmes and |Integrated, joint planning and |interventions targeting the local |Reports of provincial stakeholder |Reports of provincial stakeholder |Reports of provincial stakeholder |

|collaborate with organs of State, |collaborative delivery enhanced |government sector |engagements |engagements |engagements |

|Civil Society and Chapter 9 |Commission accessible to |Number and range of strategic |Minutes of quarterly meetings with |Minutes of quarterly meetings with |Minutes of quarterly meetings with |

|institutions |stakeholders |partnerships |provinces |provinces |provinces |

|Implement multi-media education in|Role and work of the Commission |Multi-media education proposal |Evaluation of the multi-media model |Evaluation report of the multi-media |Evaluation report of the multi-media |

|all the provinces |publicised and conveyed to the |Multimedia education in all the |Review and evaluation of voter |model |model |

| |general public |provinces |education and other democracy and human| | |

| | |Creative collaboration with |rights education interventions on | | |

| | |community radio, SABC Radio and |community radio, SABC radio and SABC | | |

| | |SABC Education as a means of |television. | | |

| | |diversifying the methods for |Evaluation report on the effectiveness | | |

| | |providing voter/democracy |of Multimedia Education | | |

| | |education to the nation. | | | |

|Develop comprehensive and |Policy QA framework developed |Assessment of QA toolkit and |QA systems applications report |QA systems framework document |QA systems framework document developed|

|integrated quality assurance (QA) |All CE programmes quality assured |methodology developed | |developed | |

|and management system | |QA committee in place |Reports of QA committees | |Reports of QA committees |

| | |Formats and schedules for reports | | | |

| | |in place | | | |

|Develop in-house capacity for CE |Capacitated trainers |Training model developed |Reports on all in-house training |50% of EPCs trained |All training agents complementing field|

| |Professionalization of training at|Training approach enhanced | |All training agents complementing |workers trained and accredited to |

| |all levels | | |field workers trained and accredited |conduct CE |

| | | | |to conduct CE | |

|Undertake and promote research on |Information about Commission |Number of research projects in |2 research projects in regard to |4 research projects in regard to |10 research projects in regard to |

|electoral democracy |created and disseminated to ALL |regard to electoral democracy |electoral democracy conducted |electoral democracy conducted |electoral democracy conducted |

| |primary and secondary stakeholders| |Conferences, forums & workshops and |Opportunity matrix and critical |Opportunity matrix and critical |

| |IEC entrenched as major resource | |range of events/interventions |research agenda in place |research agenda in place |

| |and primary focal point for | | | | |

| |thought leadership and research on| |Policy in place |A minimum of 3 high-impact areas |A minimum of 4 high-impact areas |

| |electoral democracy | | |requiring KM interventions identified |requiring KM interventions identified |

| | | |Range of methodologies |and prioritized |and prioritized |

| |Civic Education interventions | | | | |

| |informed by research | |Range and scope of collaborative |At least 4 partnership initiatives in |At least 6 occasional papers produced |

| | | |practice with individuals and |place | |

| | | |communities of interest and practice | |At least 6 partnership initiatives in |

| | | | | |place |

| | | |At least 6 occasional papers produced | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |At least 6 partnership initiatives in | | |

| | | |place | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Databases and directories of expertise | | |

| | | |in place | | |

|Monitoring & assessment of the |RKM designed to advance and assess|Number of conferences , range of |3 conferences |2 conferences |3 conferences |

|state of democracy |democracy and a culture of human |events / interventions & workshops|External and internal scoping and |External and internal scoping and |External and internal scoping and |

| |rights, especially electoral |on state of democracy |analysis conducted |analysis conducted |analysis conducted |

| |democracy |Monitoring & evaluation toolkit in| | | |

| | |place | | | |

|Establishment and maintenance of a|IEC entrenched as major resource |Phased implementation of |Conduct library review |Implement Phase 2 |Implement Phases 2 and 3 |

|world-class resource |and primary focal point for |establishment, maintenance & |Identify systems for upgrading, | | |

|centre/library/learning |thought leadership and research on|running of world-class resource |development and maintenance of the | | |

|centre/museum |electoral democracy |centre/library/learning |library and initiate procurement | | |

| |Role and work of the IEC |centre/museum. |processes | | |

| |publicised and conveyed to the |Provide nature of support to users|Implement Phase 1 of Museum project, | | |

| |general public and internationally|Library services at provincial |i.e.: | | |

| | |offices |Capture Corporate Oral History; | | |

| |Information about IEC created and|Knowledge management processes for|commission and curate 2 collections; | | |

| | |capturing / archiving & |source and procure site for museum; | | |

| |disseminated |dissemination in place. |source and procure service provider for| | |

| | |Develop number of case studies |museum | | |

| |Well resourced library / learning |for learning purposes | | | |

| |centre well utilized | | | | |

|Design and implementation of |Internal & External knowledge |Phased approach: |Initiate and activate Phase I of RKM |Continue with Phase 1 implementation |Continue with Phase 2 |

|Knowledge management Strategy and |gathering & sharing in place |Internal processes in place for |strategy : |Develop Phase 2 | |

|System |(internal – organizational |submission of documents / reports |Conduct Knowledge Management Readiness | | |

| |sustainability e.g. review of risk|Audits performed e.g. of project |Assessment | | |

| |management, asset & liability |and stream-specific knowledge |Facilitate normal flow of knowledge in | | |

| |management, product & systems |No. of seminars, roundtable |IEC | | |

| |development) |discussions, forums & networks in |Document good practice | | |

| |Information about IEC created, |place |Central database of knowledge available| | |

| |new ideas and concepts related to |Internal dialogue forums |and accessible | | |

| |core business identified and | |Identify knowledge champions | | |

| |deliberately developed | |Culture change plans | | |

| | | |Identify technology infrastructure | | |

| | | |issues | | |

| | | |Key expertise areas priorities | | |

| | | |Establish mentorship programmes | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Expert database in place. | | |

|Quality Assurance |Comprehensive and integrated |Systems document developed |Phase 1: |Phase 2: |Phase 2 continued: |

| |management and quality assurance |Formats for all reports in place |Intellectual property policy in place |Relevant policies identified, |Relevant policies adopted |

| |system developed |Number of policies, concept papers|Approved policy adopted |developed and adopted |Systems document developed |

| |All RKM programmes quality assured|developed |Systems document developed |Systems document developed |Quarterly QA reviews |

| |with adopted policy and |Number of consultative and change|Quarterly QA reviews |Quarterly QA reviews |Norms and standards in place |

| |theoretical frameworks in place to|management workshops |Norms and standards in place |Norms and standards in place |Database of thematic content issues, |

| |ensure institutionalisation |Toolkit and methodology developed |Database of thematic content issues, |Database of thematic content issues, |stakeholders etc. maintained |

| | |Situational analysis templates |stakeholders etc. identified. |stakeholders etc. maintained | |

| | |developed | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Stakeholder forums | | | |

Sub-Objective 6.2

Area of responsibility: Internal and external Communications

Performance Measures¹:


|Encourage a culture of interactive|Calendar for Employee engagement |Staff Briefing Sessions - |4 times Annually |4 times Annually (once per quarter) |4 times Annually (once per quarter) |

|employee engagement (Media for |forum finalised |Siyathetha | | | |

|Internal Communication) | | | | | |

| |Scheduled monthly teleconference |Internal Communication Forum |4 times Annually |4 times Annually |4 times Annually |

| |for provinces and department | | | | |

| |Tools to communicate current |Payroll Inserts |12 Inserts annually |12 Inserts annually |12 Inserts annually |

| |executive decisions that would |Telephone Voice Messages |4 Messages annually |6 Messages annually |4 Messages annually |

| |have an impact on employees | | | | |

| |developed | | | | |

|Maintain policy guidelines and |Dot the corporate landscape into a|Production Schedule to maintain|Number of hits in non-election |Policy guideline in place |Policy guideline in place |

|programme for an interactive and |single system that enables |the Portal produced | |Number of hits in non-election period |Number of hits in non-election period |

|informative Portal [Intranet]) |employees to find information |Counter on the number of visits| |Number of hits in election period |Number of hits in election period |

| |wherever it resides | |Utility trend map |Utility trend map |Utility trend map |

| | |Counter on popular pages | | | |

|Develop user guidelines for Vota |Enhanced internal communication |Editorial Team established and |11 Issues for 2009/10 |11 Issues for 2010/11 |11 Issues for 2010/11 |

|News | |trained | | | |

| | |Scheduled Editorial Meetings | | | |

| |Regular training of Editorial |Detailed content bank | | | |

| |staff |maintained | | | |

|Provide technical support to |Technical support to departments |Register of projects and |At least 80% of interventions provided |At least 80% of interventions provided |At least 80% of interventions provided |

|departments and provinces |and provinces provided |requests from National and |to departments and provinces |to departments and provinces |to departments and provinces |

|Develop project coordination | |departments | | | |

|practices | |Calendar of meetings, visits, | | | |

| | |workshops and teleconferences | | | |

|Develop policy guidelines for |Institutional business practice |Protocol Guidelines on Internal|34 for Head Office | |34 for Head Office |

|internal protocol |enhanced |communication |45 for Provinces | |45 for Provinces |

| | | |237 for Regional Offices | |237 for Regional Offices |

|Review and develop policy |Heighten the profile of the |Integrated team to review the |At least 80% of respondents to ongoing |At least 80% of respondents to ongoing |At least 80% of respondents to ongoing |

|guidelines (Website [Internet]) |Commission |current website convened |surveys |surveys |surveys |

| | |Counter on the number of visits| | | |

| | |and popularity of specific | | | |

| | |pages | | | |

|Review current Corporate Identity |Express the identity of the |Updated Corporate Identity |34 for Head Office | |34 for Head Office |

|Manual |Commission as recognised by our |Manual |45 for Provinces | |45 for Provinces |

| |varied stakeholders | |237 for Regional Offices | |237 for Regional Offices |

|Review and Maintain Corporate |Strategic collaborative |Programme of Shared Initiatives|5 Partnership initiatives |5 Partnership initiatives |5 Partnership initiatives |

|Partnership Programme |partnerships for promotion of |with Partners developed | | | |

| |electoral democracy |Calendar of activities | | | |

|Review current Policy Guidelines |Communicate effectively and |Schedule of activities |9 national media training workshops |10 national media training workshops |9 national communication training |

|(Media Relations) |credibly with the media |Media Handbook |with provincial communication officials|with provincial communication officials|workshops with provincial communication|

| | |Media Resource Centre |Print and distribute 50 electoral | |officials |

| | |Updated Database of media |information manuals to communication |Print and distribute 1 000 electoral |Print and distribute 50 electoral |

| | |contacts |officials attending the workshops |information manuals to journalists |information manuals to communication |

| | |Media briefings |10 media briefings annually |attending workshops |officials attending workshops |

| | |Media releases |10 media releases annually |10 media briefings annually |10 media briefings annually |

| | |Scheduled / requested |50 interviews annually |10 media releases annually |10 media releases annually |

| | |interviews | | |50 interviews annually |

| | |Interaction with press clubs |2 meetings annually | | |

| | |Media analysis tracking system |12 media analysis reports annually |150 interviews annually |2 meetings annually |

| | | | | |12 media analysis reports annually |

| | | | |2 meetings annually | |

| | | | |12 media analysis reports annually | |

|Develop Policy Guidelines for |Profile initiatives, campaigns and|Distribution list developed |4 issues per year |4 issues per year |4 issues per year |

|External Newsletter |projects of the Commission |Production Schedule compiled | | | |

| | |Editorial Team established | | | |

| | |Content bank developed | | | |

|Compile Production schedule for |Profile various initiatives |Commission’s Corporate Profile |25 000 copies printed |25 000 copies printed |25 000 copies printed |

|various publications |undertaken by the Commission |published | | | |

| | |Annual Reports produced |3 000 copies |3 000 copies |3 000 copies |

| | |Conference Reports published | | | |

| | |Elections Report |2 000 copies |2 000 copies |2 000 copies |

| | |Ad Hoc Reports published |3 000 copies |0 |3 000 copies |

| | | |2 000 copies |2 000 copies |2 000 copies |

|Ensure efficient and structured |Enhance the brand of the |Protocols for events developed |9 provincial events |9 provincial events |9 provincial events |

|planning of key Commission events |Commission |Calendar of Events | |1 Election launch | |

| | | | |1 Results Centre launch | |

|Establish an efficient Call Centre|Ensure accessibility of factual |Information factsheet compiled |50 factsheets for communication staff |200 factsheets for call centre staff |50 factsheets for communication staff |

| |electoral information to the |Well trained staff: 100% of |IVR directly linked to toll free number|Service level: 80% of all calls made to|IVR directly linked to toll free number|

| |public |agents accredited prior to |for public to access relevant |contact centre to be answered in less |for public to access relevant |

| | |working on the lines (voter |information/messages |than 20 seconds |information/messages |

| | |registration and voting |6 messages annually |90% of all queries resolved by |6 messages annually |

| | |content, and use of software | |front-line agents without having to | |

| | |application – Maptitude) | |escalate the query to a supervisor | |

| | |Policy guidelines developed |25 policy guideline documents |Escalated queries resolved within a |25 policy guideline documents |

| | | | |turnaround time of less than 60 minutes| |

| | | | |Dropped call rate to be less than 3% of| |

| | | | |all calls to contact centre | |

|Develop policy guidelines |Promote critical information on |Implementation Plan compiled |5 Mini-campaigns utilising all SABC PBS|700 Billboards; 310 000 posters X 2 |5 Mini-campaigns utilising all SABC PBS|

|(Advertising and Promotions) |the Commission during specific |Strategy for advertising |(stations) |registration weekend; 3 Million flyers|(stations) |

| |national commemorative days and |Schedule developed |80 Ads placed on Community Radio |X 2 registration weekend; 3 million |80 Ads placed on Community Radio |

| |election campaigns | |80 Ads placed in Community Print |flyers for elections; 3 Ads for TV |80 Ads placed in Community Print |

| | | | |-registration weekend; 3 Ads | |

| | | | |for Elections; 3 Ads for Thank; 2 Ads| |

| | | | |for 11 languages – SABC Radio; 90 Ads | |

| | | | |on Community Radio; 90 Ads in | |

| | | | |Community Print; 15 Ads for Commercial| |

| | | | |Radio | |

Strategic Objective 7

To develop and maintain effective business processes (in respect of legal services, human resources management, support services, financial management, and information and communication technology services) in order to ensure the effective functioning of the Commission

Sub-objective 7.1

Area of responsibility: Legal Services

Performance Measures¹:


|Revise legislation and draft proposed|Legislation amended and aligned |Pocket books available to all |Submit first draft within 14 days after|Submit first draft within 14 days after|Submit first draft within 14 days after|

|amendments |with the Commission’s |staff, including electoral |receiving the instruction. |receiving the instruction. |receiving the instruction. |

| |organisational requirements |staff |Collate and publish legislation that |Collate and publish legislation that |Collate and publish legislation that |

| | | |has been amended and approved by the |has been amended and approved by the |has been amended and approved by the |

| | | |Commission within 5 days of receipt |Commission within 5 days of receipt |Commission within 5 days of receipt |

| | | |thereof. |thereof. |thereof. |

| | | |Collate and publish relevant |Collate and publish relevant | |

| | | |legislation in usable “pocket book” |legislation in usable “pocket book” | |

|Draft and publish legal notices. |Procedural compliance with the |Legal notices drafted and |Draft legal notices with regard to |Draft legal notices with regard to |Draft legal notices with regard to |

| |Electoral timetable. |published |National, Provincial, Local Government |National, Provincial, Local Government |By-Elections within 5 days of having |

| | | |Elections and By-Elections within 5 |Elections and By-Elections within 5 |received the request |

| | | |days of having received the request |days of having received the request | |

| | | |Publish Notices that have been amended |Publish Notices that have been amended |Publish Notices that have been amended |

| | | |and approved by the Commission within 5|and approved by the Commission within 5|and approved by the Commission within 5|

| | | |days of receipt thereof |days of receipt thereof |days of receipt thereof |

|Institute and defend legal |Judicial disputes against the |Appointment and briefing of |The Commission’s Attorneys need to be |The Commission’s Attorneys need to be |The Commission’s Attorneys need to be |

|proceedings. |Commission resolved |attorneys |appointed and briefed within ten (10) |appointed and briefed within ten (10) |appointed and briefed within ten (10) |

| |Dispute on behalf of the | |days of receiving a summons against the|days of receiving a summons against the|days of receiving a summons against the|

| |Commission resolved | |Commission |Commission |Commission |

| | | |The Commission’s Attorneys need to be |The Commission’s Attorneys need to be |The Commission’s Attorneys need to be |

| | | |briefed within fourteen (14) days of |briefed within fourteen (14) days of |briefed within fourteen (14) days of |

| | | |having received instructions to |having received instructions to |having received instructions to |

| | | |commence action against a party and/or |commence action against a party and/or |commence action against a party and/or |

| | | |after the Commission has discovered |after the Commission has discovered |after the Commission has discovered |

| | | |that certain of its rights have been |that certain of its rights have been |that certain of its rights have been |

| | | |infringed. |infringed. |infringed. |

|Draft and vet contracts |Commission’s interests protected |Legally enforceable contracts |General Contracts submitted for |General Contracts submitted for |General Contracts submitted for |

| | | |signature by Legal Services in |signature by Legal Services in |signature by Legal Services in |

| | | |approximately ten (10) days. |approximately ten (10) days. |approximately ten (10) days. |

| | | |IT contracts are submitted for |IT contracts are submitted for |IT contracts are submitted for |

| | | |signature in approximately fourteen |signature in approximately fourteen |signature in approximately fourteen |

| | | |(14) days. |(14) days. |(14) days. |

|Provide legal advice and opinions |Appropriate legal advice and |Internal and external legal |Internal legal opinions to be submitted|Internal legal opinions to be submitted|Internal legal opinions to be submitted|

| |opinions dispensed |opinions documented |to the relevant used department within |to the relevant used department within |to the relevant used department within |

| | | |10 days after having received the |10 days after having received the |10 days after having received the |

| | | |request. |request. |request. |

| | | |External legal opinions to be submitted|External legal opinions to be submitted|External legal opinions to be submitted|

| | | |to the relevant user department within |to the relevant user department within |to the relevant user department within |

| | | |14 days after having received the |14 days after having received the |14 days after having received the |

| | | |request. |request. |request. |

Sub-objective 7.2

Area of responsibility: Human Resources

Performance Measures¹:


|Recruit and select staff in accordance |Human resources provided to |Organisation operating at |Ensure that at least 50% of total number |Ensure that vacancies are filled in |Ensure that vacancies are filled in |

|with organizational and electoral event|support the strategic objectives, |optimal capacity |of approximately 170 vacancies are filled |time |time |

|requirements |programmes and activities of the | | |Registration staff | |

| |Commission | | |90% of staff for registration weekend | |

| |Proficient electoral staff | | |recruited and vetted by relevant PLCs | |

| |provided and remunerated for | | |Registration staff | |

| |delivery of elections | | |Replacements and vetting of new or | |

| | | | |replaced recruits by relevant PLCs | |

| | | | |finalized for registration weekend. | |

| | | | |Electoral staff | |

| | | | |Recruitment of 90% of staff completed. | |

|Monitor the implementation of the |Compliance with the EE plan |Demographically balanced |Vacancies filled as per the numerical |Vacancies filled as per the numerical |Vacancies filled as per the numerical |

|approved Employment Equity (EE) plan |Commission meeting its numerical |organisation |targets |targets |targets |

| |and non-numerical targets | |Tri-annual Employment Equity Committee |Tri-annual EEC monitoring events |Tri-annual EEC monitoring events |

| |Reporting to Department of Labour | |(EEC) monitoring events arranged for |arranged for Apr/May, Sept/Oct and |arranged for Apr/May, Sept/Oct and |

| |(DoL) as per EEA requirements | |Apr/May, Sept/Oct and Feb/March |Feb/March |Feb/March |

| | | |EEC meeting to finalise EE report to be |EEC meeting to finalise EE report to be|EEC meeting to finalise EE report to be|

| | | |held for submission of report to DoL on 1 |held for submission of report to DoL on|held for submission of report to DoL on|

| | | |October 2009 |1 October 2010 |1 October 2010 |

|Develop and review supportive human |Substantive and procedurally fair |Compliance with the relevant |Review 5 key policies in the Employee |Review 5 key policies in the Employee |Review 5 key policies in the Employee |

|resource policies in line with relevant|employee relations processes and |labour legislation and |Policy Manual |Policy Manual |Policy Manual |

|legislation and good HR practices |policies reviewed and implemented |Employee Policy Manual |Develop 4 new policies in support of best |Develop 4 new policies in support of |Develop 4 new policies in support of |

| |Best HR practices in place to lead| |HR practices and benchmarking |best HR practices and benchmarking |best HR practices and benchmarking |

| |the organization. | | | | |

|Implement performance management for |Performance assessments done for |Functioning performance |Goals set and performance agreements for |Goals set and performance agreements |Goals set and performance agreements |

|the organization |all employees |management system |all employees entered into and signed by |for all employees entered into and |for all employees entered into and |

| |Inputs generated and staff | |the end of April 2009. |signed by the end of April 2010. |signed by the end of April 2011. |

| |development gaps identified for | | | | |

| |the development of a WPSP | | | | |

| |Best performers identified for | | | | |

| |reward | | | | |

|Administer payroll and maintain |Effective human resource |Payroll administration |Timeous processing of payment of all |Timeous processing of payment of all |Timeous processing of payment of all |

|administrative processes |management systems and benefits |Benefits maintained, |categories of staff and maintain benefits |categories of staff and maintain |categories of staff and maintain |

| |maintained |implemented for all and |in respect of relevant legislation and |benefits in respect of relevant |benefits in respect of relevant |

| | |facilitated through payroll |policies |legislation and policies |legislation and policies |

| | |whilst ensuring compliance | | | |

| | |with relevant legislation and| | | |

| | |policies. | | | |

|Develop and implement a programme to |Healthy employees |Employee Assistance Programme|Provide free, confidential, voluntary, |Provide free, confidential, voluntary, |Provide free, confidential, voluntary, |

|assist employees with their well-being | |in place in support of all |professional, support to employees via |professional, support to employees via |professional, support to employees via |

|and safety | |Commission employees |telephone service, face-to-face contact |telephone service, face-to-face contact|telephone service, face-to-face contact|

| | | |sessions and website access. |sessions and website access. |sessions and website access. |

|Manage employee relations in compliance|Legislative compliance |Awareness by employees and |Provide labour related support to |Provide labour related support to |Provide labour related support to |

|with relevant legislation, policies and|Line managers & supervisors |managers regarding labour |employees and employer |employees and employer |employees and employer |

|procedures |equipped to handle labour matters |issues |Guide employees and employer on corrective|Guide employees and employer on |Guide employees and employer on |

| |Stable workforce |Matters dealt with speedily |actions to be taken |corrective actions to be taken |corrective actions to be taken |

| | |in line with policy and |Represent employer in cases |Represent employer in cases |Represent employer in cases |

| | |procedure | | | |

|Manage compensation and benefits |Employer of choice established |Develop salary |Salary benchmarked organisation |Salary benchmarked organisation |Salary benchmarked organisation |

|function | |recommendations | | | |

| | |Develop remuneration and | | | |

| | |benefits policy | | | |

| | |Administer changes in | | | |

| | |remuneration and benefits | | | |

| | |Establish Remuneration and | | | |

| | |Benefits Committee | | | |

| | |Regular review of salary | | | |

| | |structure | | | |

Sub-objective 7.3

Area of responsibility: Training and Skills Development

Performance Measures¹:


|Utilise the Centre for Elections |Optimal utilisation of training|Up to date and co-ordinated |Coordinate and administer |Coordinate and administer |Coordinate and administer |

|learning as a training venue |venue |training schedules and |organisational training programmes and |organisational training programmes and |organisational training programmes and |

| | |time-tables |confirm with relevant line managers at |confirm with relevant line managers at |confirm with relevant line managers at |

| | | |least one week prior to utilization of |least one week prior to utilization of |least one week prior to utilization of |

| | | |the centre |the centre |the centre |

| | |Well trained facilities |Prepare the centre for training events |Prepare the centre for training events |Prepare the centre for training events |

| | |management staff |within two days prior to the event |within two days prior to the event |within two days prior to the event |

|Revise user manuals and support |User friendly material |Revision of Registration and |Not applicable |Revise the Registration Guide by end |Not applicable |

|materials for different electoral |developed and implemented to |Election guides | |of April 2010 and Election Guide by the| |

|activities |empower electoral trainers | | |end of October 2010 | |

| | |Revision of Registration and |Not applicable |Revised the Registration Diary by the |Not applicable |

| | |Elections Diaries | |end of April 2010 and the Election | |

| | | | |Diary by the end of October 2010 | |

| | |Production and distribution of |Not applicable |Produce and distribute materials for |Not applicable |

| | |Registration and Election | |Registration by the end of April 2010 | |

| | |materials | |and for Elections by the end of | |

| | | | |December 2010 | |

|Revise user manuals and support |User friendly material |Development and production of |Not applicable |Develop Facilitators Guide by the end |Not applicable |

|materials for different electoral |developed and implemented to |Facilitators Guide | |of February 2010 | |

|activities (continued) |empower electoral trainers | | | | |

| |(continued) | | | | |

|Train Lead Trainers for Registration |Expert Lead Trainers trained on|Training workshops and events |Not applicable |95% of Lead Trainers (i.e. between 50 –|Not applicable |

|and Elections |facilitation skills and content|Quality training material | |60 based on approximately 6 per | |

| | |Good calibre trainers | |province) trained on facilitation | |

| | | | |skills and Registration content | |

| | | | |material by the end of June | |

| | | |Not applicable |95% of Lead Trainers trained on |Not applicable |

| | | | |Elections content material by the end | |

| | | | |of November | |

|Manage Lead Trainers training of |Experts trained in facilitation|Training workshops and events |Not applicable |300 - 350 Provincial Trainers trained |Not applicable |

|Provincial Trainers (EPCs, APCs, |skills as well as registration |Quality training material | |on Registration content through 9 | |

|non-IEC trainers |and election regulations and |Good calibre trainers | |provincial “Train the Trainer” | |

| |processes | | |Workshops by the end of August | |

| | | |Not applicable |300 - 350 Provincial Trainers trained |Not applicable |

| | | | |on Election content through 9 | |

| | | | |provincial refresher “Train the | |

| | | | |Trainer” Workshops by the end of | |

| | | | |February | |

|Manage Provincial Trainers training of |Trained registration staff |Training workshops and events |Not applicable |95% of 60 000 registration staff |Not applicable |

|Registration staff | |Quality training material | |trained over 1 day for 2 for | |

| | |Good calibre trainers | |Registration Weekend 1 by the end of | |

| | | | |October | |

| | | |Not applicable |95% of 60 000 registration staff |Not applicable |

| | | | |trained over 1 day for 2 for | |

| | | | |Registration Weekend 2 by the end of | |

| | | | |January | |

|Manage Presiding and Deputy Presiding |Trained voting staff |Training workshops and events |Not applicable |95% of approximately one hundred and |Not applicable |

|Officer training of Voting Staff | |Quality training material | |sixty thousand voting staff trained | |

| | |Good calibre trainers | |over 1 day in January/ February 2011 | |

| | | | |and not later than one week prior to | |

| | | | |Elections | |

| | | |610 election officials trained |190 000 election officials trained |2 500 election officials trained |

|Revise E-Learning Programme |E-Learning facility available |Stakeholder liaison and |Not applicable |Revise E-Learning Programme for |Not applicable |

| |to Party Agents |embarking on research | |Elections to go online to Party Agents | |

| | |activities | |and Security Personnel by the end of | |

| | | | |January | |

|Conduct and administer skills analyses |Competency profile for the |Needs analysis documentation |Conduct training and development needs |Conduct training and development needs |Conduct training and development needs |

| |organisation developed | |analysis of staff members quarterly |analysis of staff members quarterly |analysis of staff members quarterly |

|Coordinate and administer skills |Skills as required by the |Allocation of Bursary grants |Administer bursary grants and studying |Administer bursary grants and studying |Administer bursary grants and studying |

|development |organisation developed | |qualifications of choice by end of |qualifications of choice by end of |qualifications of choice by end of |

| | | |April and end of September |April and end of September |April and end of September |

| | |Arrange management development |Arrange management development |Arrange management development |Arrange management development |

| | |programmes |programmes within a week of application|programmes within a week of application|programmes within a week of application|

| | | |and approval |and approval |and approval |

| |Opportunities for the |Administer attendance of short |Administer attendance of short courses,|Administer attendance of short courses,|Administer attendance of short courses,|

| |development of skills created |courses, seminars, conferences,|seminars, conferences, symposiums and |seminars, conferences, symposiums and |seminars, conferences, symposiums and |

| | |symposiums and workshops |workshops – [non-credit learning] |workshops – [non-credit learning] |workshops – [non-credit learning] |

| | | |within a week of application and |within a week of application and |within a week of application and |

| | | |approval |approval |approval |

|Coordinate and administer skills |Opportunities for the | |440 training and development |489 training and development |450 training and development |

|development (Contin.) |development of skills created | |interventions |interventions |interventions |

| |(Contin.) | | | | |

|Coordinate and administer skills |Performance gaps attended to as |Administer attendance of |Administer short courses and skills |Administer short courses and skills |Administer short courses and skills |

|development (continued) |per the agreements of all parties|short courses, seminars, |programs [with credits ] within a week |programs [with credits ] within a week |programs [with credits ] within a week |

| | |conferences, symposiums, |of application and approval |of application and approval |of application and approval |

| | |workshops and in-house | | | |

| | |training sessions | | | |

| | | |Administer the membership of |Administer the membership of |Administer the membership of |

| | | |professional institutions within a week|professional institutions within a week|professional institutions within a week|

| | | |of application and approval |of application and approval |of application and approval |

| | | |Arrange and administer in-house |Arrange and administer in-house |Arrange and administer in-house |

| | | |training sessions for relevant line |training sessions for relevant line |training sessions for relevant line |

| | | |managers within a week of request |managers within a week of request |managers within a week of request |

| | | |Administer training needs stemming from|Administer training needs stemming from|Administer training needs stemming from|

| | | |Performance Management gap analysis as |Performance Management gap analysis as |Performance Management gap analysis as |

| | | |well as Employment Equity Plan targets |well as Employment Equity Plan targets |well as Employment Equity Plan targets |

| | | |at least 20 days after the formal |at least 20 days after the formal |at least 20 days after the formal |

| | | |performance assessment sessions |performance assessment sessions |performance assessment sessions |

| | | |Administer training needs stemming from|Administer training needs stemming from|Administer training needs stemming from|

| | | |the Employment Equity Plan targets |the Employment Equity Plan targets |the Employment Equity Plan targets |

| | | |within two weeks after confirmation of |within two weeks after confirmation of |within two weeks after confirmation of |

| | | |targets by the Employment Equity |targets by the Employment Equity |targets by the Employment Equity |

| | | |Committee |Committee |Committee |

|Administer and support the Training and|Work Place Skills plan developed |Training and Skills |Identify strategic priorities to act |Identify strategic priorities to act |Identify strategic priorities to act |

|Skills Development Committee |in compliance with the Skills |Development Committee |upon for the current financial year by |upon for the current financial year by |upon for the current financial year by |

| |Development legislation |established |end of June |end of June |end of June |

| | | |Submission of WPSP to P-SETA by March |Submission of WPSP to P-SETA by March |Submission of WPSP to P-SETA by March |

| | | |2010 |2011 |2012 |

|Maintain the internship programme |Skills levels of individuals |Fast track employability of |Administer the appointment of interns |Administer the appointment of interns |Administer the appointment of interns |

| |raised |individuals |within two weeks after request from |within two weeks after request from |within two weeks after request from |

| | | |line managers |line managers |line managers |

| | | |Arrange mentoring monthly as per the |Arrange mentoring monthly as per the |Arrange mentoring monthly as per the |

| | | |programmes submitted and assessed by |programmes submitted and assessed by |programmes submitted and assessed by |

| | | |relevant line managers |relevant line managers |relevant line managers |

| | | |Compile comprehensive report within two|Compile comprehensive report within two|Compile comprehensive report within two|

| | | |weeks after completion of internship |weeks after completion of internship |weeks after completion of internship |

| | | |programmes |programmes |programmes |

Sub-objective 7.4

Area of responsibility: Support Services

Performance Measures¹:


|Provide and maintain office |Appropriately equipped offices for|Rental agreements in place |Perform needs analysis in respect of |Perform needs analysis in respect of |Perform needs analysis in respect of |

|accommodation and infrastructure. |all staff and the Commission |Required infrastructure secured |office space and infrastructure in |office space and infrastructure in |office space and infrastructure in |

| | |and/or procured |2009/10 |20010/11 |2011/12 |

| | |Appropriate filing facilities on| | | |

| | |National and Provincial level | | | |

| |PABX and TMS replaced and |Replace PABX and TMS and restore|Monitor effectiveness of PABX and TMS |Monitor effectiveness of PABX and TMS |Monitor effectiveness of PABX and TMS |

| |capability to monitor payment for |capability to monitor payment | | | |

| |personal calls restored in full |for personal calls in full | | | |

| |Back-up power units installed |Installation of power units |Evaluate the need for back up power at |Evaluate the need for back up power at |Evaluate the need for back up power at |

| |where needed and where possible |where needed |Commission sites down to MEO level |Commission sites down to MEO level |Commission sites down to MEO level |

| |due to local circumstances | | | | |

| |Facility for National Operations |National Operations Centre (NOC)|Not applicable |National Operations Centre for |Not applicable |

| |Centre (NOC) for General Elections|established | |Elections: Facility lease agreement | |

| |secured | | |signed by 30 August 2010. | |

|Provide and maintain security |Provision of services to ensure |National Priority Committee for |Not applicable |Election Security. Activation of the |Not applicable |

|services |safety and security of voters, |General Elections established | |Priority Committee of the state | |

| |election officials and election | | |security cluster with first meeting | |

| |material | | |before 30 April 2010. | |

|Provide efficient transport, travel |Adequate pool vehicles available |Pool vehicles replaced on |Procure pool vehicles as per the |Procure pool vehicles as per the |Procure pool vehicles as per the |

|and courier services | |schedule |approved budget |approved budget |approved budget |

| |Approved travel agency service |Travel agency service provider |Appoint travel agency service provider |Appoint travel agency service provider |Appoint travel agency service provider |

| |provider in place |appointed |through approved procurement processes |through approved procurement processes |through approved procurement processes |

|Provide record management services |Established and functional |Effective electronic records |Maintain a functional electronic |Maintain a functional electronic |Maintain a functional electronic |

| |electronic records management |management system in place |records management system in line with |records management system in line with |records management system in line with |

| |system | |legislation, policies and procedures. |legislation, policies and procedures. |legislation, policies and procedures |

Sub-objective 7.5

Area of responsibility: Financial Services

Performance Measures¹:


|Maintain financial reporting and |National Treasury Regulations and |Close every month by the 30th|Reconciliations finalised by the 10th |Reconciliations finalised by the 10th |Reconciliations finalised by the 10th |

|internal control mechanisms |provisions of the PFMA complied |and finalize all the |of each month |of each month |of each month |

| |with |reconciliations by the 10th | | | |

| |Organisational reporting |of the following month | | | |

| |requirements adhered to | | | | |

| | | |Payments made within the prescribed 30 |Payments made within the prescribed 30 |Payments made within the prescribed 30 |

| | | |day period |day period |day period |

| | |Submit and manage monthly |Submit by every second Wednesday of |Submit by every second Wednesday of |Submit by every second Wednesday of |

| | |reports. |each month |each month |each month |

| | |Timely submission of Annual |31 May of each year |31 May of each year |31 May of each year |

| | |Financial Statements | | | |

|Liaise and cooperate with the |External audit queries attended |Attend to external audit |Distribute queries to line-management |Distribute queries to line-management |Distribute queries to line-management |

|Auditor-General (AG) in respect of |to. |queries |within 1 day after receiving them from |within 1 day after receiving them from |within 1 day after receiving them from |

|the External Audit |Unqualified Audit Report received | |the AG |the AG |the AG |

| | | |Submitted back to AG within 7 days from|Submitted back to AG within 7 days from|Submitted back to AG within 7 days from|

| | | |distribution date |distribution date |distribution date |

| | | |Follow-up on corrective action plan |Follow-up on corrective action plan |Follow-up on corrective action plan |

| | | |after the due date of action. |after the due date of action. |after the due date of action. |

|Adhere to PFMA & Treasury Regulations|Unqualified Audit Report received |Update financial directives, |Every year by 30 November |Every year by 30 November |Every year by 30 November |

|and internal policies and procedures | |policies and procedures. | | | |

| | |Conduct training to all staff|All staff re-trained by end of November|All staff re-trained by end of November|All staff re-trained by end of November|

| | |on the financial directives, | | | |

| | |policies and procedures. | | | |

| | |(Roll-out training). | | | |

| | |Implement updated financial |Reduction on number of errors reported |Reduction on number of errors reported |Reduction on number of errors reported |

| | |directives, policies and |within financial administration and by |within financial administration and by |within financial administration and by |

| | |procedures. |auditors. |auditors. |auditors. |

| | | |Receive unqualified Audit Report. |Receive unqualified Audit Report. |Receive unqualified Audit Report. |

|Liaise with internal audit |Appropriate action taken on |Attend to internal audit |All audit queries attended to |All audit queries attended to |All audit queries attended to |

| |non-compliance reported |queries |Reduction in the number of |Reduction in the number of |Reduction in the number of |

| | | |non-compliance issues reported. |non-compliance issues reported. |non-compliance issues reported |

|Develop and maintain standard |System functional and effective |Update procedure manual and |Revise standard operating procedures by|Revise standard operating procedures by|Revise standard operating procedures by|

|operating procedures in SAP | |financial prescripts to |end of Nov |end of Nov |end of Nov |

| | |correlate with business | | | |

| | |processes as implemented in | | | |

| | |SAP. | | | |

|Perform secretarial function for the |Well administered functioning of |Coordinate committee meetings|Timeously; attendance of all members |Timeously; attendance of all members |Timeously; attendance of all members |

|Audit Committee |the Audit Committee | |confirmed 7 days prior to meetings |confirmed 7 days prior to meetings |confirmed 7 days prior to meetings |

| | |Distribute meeting packs to |Complete and distribute within 5 days |Complete and distribute within 5 days |Complete and distribute within 5 days |

| | |members. |before meetings. |before meetings. |before meetings. |

| | |Take and draft minutes |Updated a complete set of originally |Updated a complete set of originally |Updated a complete set of originally |

| | | |signed minutes within 7 days after |signed minutes within 7 days after |signed minutes within 7 days after |

| | | |meetings |meetings |meetings |

| | |Process members’ claims. |Timeously; within 7 days after |Timeously; within 7 days after |Timeously; within 7 days after |

| | | |meetings. |meetings. |meetings. |

Sub-objective 7.6

Area of responsibility: Budgets, RPPF and Compliance Verification

Performance Measures¹:


|Develop and implement a budget |Clear budget guidelines and |Budget processes which are in|Facilitate task team meetings to |Facilitate task team meetings to |Facilitate task team meetings to |

|blueprint for the organisation |timeframes for the organisation in|line with National Treasury |acquire the necessary input by 31 |acquire the necessary input by 31 |acquire the necessary input by 31 |

| |place |requirements and |August |August |August |

| | |organisational policies and |EXCO to approve draft blueprint by 30 |EXCO to approve draft blueprint by 30 |EXCO to approve draft blueprint by 30 |

| | |procedures |September |September |September |

| | | |Finalise Blueprint and distribute to |Finalise Blueprint and distribute to |Finalise Blueprint and distribute to |

| | | |all stakeholders by 31 October |all stakeholders by 31 October |all stakeholders by 31 October |

| | | |Provide Blueprint training by 30 |Provide Blueprint training by 30 |Provide Blueprint training by 30 |

| | | |November |November |November |

|Co-ordinate the compilation of MTEF |Appropriately funded projects |Facilitate the alignment of |To be completed by 29 February |To be completed by 29 February |To be completed by 29 February |

|budgets for approved projects in line|which are aligned with business |draft budgets and projects in| | | |

|with the strategic objectives of the |and the strategic objectives of |line with the strategic | | | |

|organisation and the stipulated |the organisation and which |objectives for the financial | | | |

|timeframes |complies with National Treasury |year starting 1 April (Y-02),| | | |

| |Regulations and Guidelines as well|after the February strategic | | | |

| |as the PFMA |planning workshop | | | |

| | |Cost strategic objectives and|To be completed by 14 March |To be completed by 14 March |To be completed by 14 March |

| | |finalise Y-02 budgets | | | |

| | |Ensure the Y-02 budget and |To be completed by 31 March |To be completed by 31 March |To be completed by 31 March |

| | |project uploads to the | | | |

| | |relevant financial systems | | | |

| | |Co-ordinate MTEF budget plan |To be completed 31 July |To be completed 30 June |To be completed 30 June |

| | |processes for the next three | | | |

| | |years and compile final MTEF | | | |

| | |plan | | | |

| | |Submit the MTEF budget plans |To be submitted by 31 July |To be submitted by 15 July |To be submitted by 15 July |

| | |for the next three years to | | | |

| | |National Treasury | | | |

| | |Facilitate current year |To be submitted by 30 September |To be submitted by 30 September |To be submitted by 30 September |

| | |adjustment estimates | | | |

| | |processes (if necessary) and | | | |

| | |submit to Treasury | | | |

|Co-ordinate the compilation of MTEF |Appropriately funded projects |Receive final MTEF budget |To be received by 30 November |To be received by 30 November |To be received by 30 November |

|budgets for approved projects in line|which are aligned with business |allocation from National | | | |

|with the strategic objectives of the |and the strategic objectives of |Treasury | | | |

|organisation and the stipulated |the organisation and which | | | | |

|timeframes (continued) |complies with National Treasury | | | | |

| |Regulations and Guidelines as well| | | | |

| |as the PFMA (continued) | | | | |

| | |Co-ordinate re-alignment of |To be completed by 31 March |To be completed by 31 March |To be completed by 31 March |

| | |line-item budgets for | | | |

| | |financial year starting 1 | | | |

| | |April of each year in SAP | | | |

|Develop and implement organizational |Accurate and effective budget |Provide budget performance |Report on performance – % budget spend |Report on performance – % budget spend |Report on performance – % budget spend |

|budgetary performance measures |performance management reports |management reports |per Department per project on a monthly|per Department per project on a monthly|per Department per project on a monthly|

| |which can be used as a performance| |basis. |basis. |basis. |

| |measure during performance | | | | |

| |appraisals, available | | | | |

| | |Monitor and facilitate |Assess monthly expenditure reports |Assess monthly expenditure reports |Assess monthly expenditure reports |

| | |remedial action plans |tabled to various committees to monitor|tabled to various committees to monitor|tabled to various committees to monitor|

| | | |remedial action plans. Monthly. |remedial action plans. Monthly. |remedial action plans. Monthly. |

| | |Implementation corrective |Review / assess budgetary performance |Review / assess budgetary performance |Review / assess budgetary performance |

| | |measures to re-align budgets |of approved projects in Y-00, and |of approved projects in Y-00, and |of approved projects in Y-00, and |

| | |pro-actively |recommend reprioritization. Quarterly. |recommend reprioritization. Quarterly. |recommend reprioritization. Quarterly. |

|Review and manage compliance |Accurate financial and human |Review policies and |Evaluate need for adjustments by end of|Evaluate need for adjustments by end of|Evaluate need for adjustments by end of|

|verification processes |resources data processed and |guidelines to ensure |February |February |February |

| |resultant clean audits. |compliance with the PFMA and | | | |

| | |organisational policies and | | | |

| | |procedures | | | |

| | | |Re-evaluate needs by end of August |Re-evaluate needs by end of August |Re-evaluate needs by end of August |

|Manage the projects, budgets and cost centre modules in|Timely, accurate and up to date |Implement project charters|Updated project charters and |Updated project charters and |Updated project charters and |

|SAP |project, budgeting and cost centre |and related reports in SAP|reports by end July |reports by end July |reports by end July |

| |processes in SAP |Revise the SAP standard | | | |

| | |operating procedures for |Revised standard operating |Revised standard operating |Revised standard operating |

| | |the projects, budgets and |procedures by end of Nov |procedures by end of Nov |procedures by end of Nov |

| | |cost centre modules | | | |

|Manage the Represented Political Party Fund |Funding distributed as legislated |Effective management |Funds allocated quarterly to |Funds allocated quarterly to |Funds allocated quarterly to |

| | |processes |qualifying parties according to |qualifying parties according to |qualifying parties according to |

| | |Clear funding guidelines |legislative criteria |legislative criteria |legislative criteria |

| | |and timeframes for | | | |

| | |Represented Political | | | |

| | |Parties | | | |

Sub-objective 7.7

Area of responsibility: Procurement and Asset Management

Performance Measures¹:


|Adhere to procurement legislation and|Compliance with procurement |PFMA compliance |Revise policies and align with new |Revise policies and align with new |Revise policies and align with new Supply |

|internal policies and procedures. |legislation and internal policies | |Supply Chain Management requirements |Supply Chain Management requirements and|Chain Management requirements and |

| |and procedures | |and guidelines |guidelines |guidelines |

| |Vendor database is accurate and |Purchase orders are issued to|Update vendor database consistently |Update vendor database consistently |Update vendor database consistently |

| |contains up to date contact and |registered vendors | | | |

| |other relevant detail. | | | | |

| |Tender plan tabled at Procurement |Promote effective planning |Prepare tender plan for 2009/2010 – All|Prepare tender plan for 2010/2011 – All |Prepare tender plan for 2010/2011 – All |

| |Committee, EXCO and Commission. |around procurement activities|departments to provide input by end |departments to provide input by end |departments to provide input by end April |

| | |and expenditure patterns |April 2009. |April 2010. |2010. |

| |Reporting is effective and |Reporting to National |Statutory reporting is done as required|Statutory reporting is done as required |Statutory reporting is done as required |

| |continuous. |Treasury, Auditor-General and|and non-compliance reported and |and non-compliance reported and |and non-compliance reported and |

| | |SARS |appropriate action taken. |appropriate action taken. |appropriate action taken. |

| |Monthly and quarterly reporting. |Monthly departmental reports |Submit monthly and quarterly |Submit monthly and quarterly |Submit monthly and quarterly departmental |

| | | |departmental reports to CFO. |departmental reports to CFO. |reports to CFO. |

|Adhere to procurement legislation and|Effective operationalisation of |SAP Materials Master and |Maintain and use applications for |Maintain and use applications for |Maintain and use applications for vendors,|

|internal policies and procedures |SAP and eProcurement. |eProcurement system |vendors, requisitions, auctions and |vendors, requisitions, auctions and |requisitions, auctions and purchase |

|(continued) | |maintained and utilised as |purchase orders. |purchase orders. |orders. |

| | |applicable to the Departments| | | |

| | |functions | | | |

| |Staff trained on procurement |Communicate and train staff |Communicate and train staff of revised |Communicate and train staff of revised |Communicate and train staff of revised |

| |policy and procedural matters. |of revised procurement |procurement policies and procedures. |procurement policies and procedures. |procurement policies and procedures. |

| | |policies and procedures. | | | |

| | |Communicate SCM directives |Communicate SCM directives and |Communicate SCM directives and circulars|Communicate SCM directives and circulars |

| | |and circulars |circulars | | |

|Adhere to asset management |Compliance with asset management |An asset register that |Annual review of policies and |Annual review of policies and procedures|Annual review of policies and procedures |

|legislation and internal policies and|legislation and internal policies |complies with the relevant |procedures to ensure compliance with |to ensure compliance with legislation |to ensure compliance with legislation and |

|procedures |and procedures. |legislation and accounting |legislation and accounting standards. |and accounting standards. (End of |accounting standards. (End of August) |

| | |standards. |(End of August) |August) |Incorporation of annual audit findings in |

| | | |Incorporation of annual audit findings |Incorporation of annual audit findings |the review of policies and procedures (End|

| | | |in the review of policies and |in the review of policies and procedures|of August) |

| | | |procedures (End of August) |(End of August) |Maintenance of a policy and procedure |

| | | |Maintenance of a policy and procedure |Maintenance of a policy and procedure |register for asset management. |

| | | |register for asset management. |register for asset management. |(Continuous) |

| | | |(Continuous) |(Continuous) | |

|Adhere to asset management |Reporting is effective and |Reports that provide |Non-compliance reported and appropriate|Non-compliance reported and appropriate |Non-compliance reported and appropriate |

|legislation and internal policies and|continuous. |management with accurate |action taken. (Monthly) |action taken. (Monthly) |action taken. (Monthly) |

|procedures (continued) | |asset information. | | | |

| |Accurate asset register |Provide an asset register |Monthly capturing of asset |Monthly capturing of asset transactions.|Monthly capturing of asset transactions. |

| |established and maintained in SAP |that correctly reflects the |transactions. (Monthly) |(Monthly) |(Monthly) |

| |Asset disposals completed on an |EC’s asset situation. |Monthly reconciliation of asset |Monthly reconciliation of asset register|Monthly reconciliation of asset register |

| |ongoing basis. | |register and accounts. (Monthly) |and accounts. (Monthly) |and accounts. (Monthly) |

| | | |Ensure that quarterly and annual asset |Ensure that quarterly and annual asset |Ensure that quarterly and annual asset |

| | | |verification is executed and concluded |verification is executed and concluded |verification is executed and concluded at |

| | | |at national, provincial and local |at national, provincial and local level.|national, provincial and local level. |

| | | |level. (Quarterly) |(Quarterly) |(Quarterly) |

| | |Assets disposed as part of an|Assets disposed in line with relevant |Assets disposed in line with relevant |Assets disposed in line with relevant |

| | |asset management plan. |legislation, policies and procedures. |legislation, policies and procedures. |legislation, policies and procedures. |

| | | |(Weekly) |(Weekly) |(Weekly) |

| | | |Disposals recorded on the asset |Disposals recorded on the asset |Disposals recorded on the asset register. |

| | | |register. (Weekly) |register. (Weekly) |(Weekly) |

Sub-objective 7.8

Area of responsibility: Information and Communication Technology

Performance Measures¹:


|System enhancements and |Business systems converted to .Net|Upgrade BPG (Ballot Paper |; start Jun 2009, mid-Dec 2009. |Project completed |Project completed |

|re-write |framework and ready for National |Generating System) | | | |

| |and Provincial Elections 2009. | | | | |

| | |Upgrade EEM (Electoral Event |; mid-Sept 2009; end March 2010.|Project completed |Project completed |

| | |Management System) | | | |

| | |Upgrade VRS (Voter |; start June 2009; end March |Project completed |Project completed |

| | |Registration System) |2010. | | |

|Upgrade of systems |Aligned business systems with |Upgrade to Vista or Windows 7|Test and upgrade all applications on |Project completed |Project completed |

| |changed business processes and |and Internet Explorer 7 |the new platform | | |

| |requirements including operational| | | | |

| |environment | | | | |

| | |Proposal for CNS to included |Upgrade CNS accordingly |Test and Dry Run CNS |Project completed |

| | |a self-service facility for | | | |

| | |candidate nomination | | | |

|Upgrade of systems (continued) |Aligned business systems with |Proposal for Asset Management|Develop Asset Management application |Project completed |Project completed |

| |changed business processes and |through the Zipzip |accordingly | | |

| |requirements including operational| | | | |

| |environment (continued) | | | | |

| | |Review of ESS v/s SAP |Develop/configure accordingly |Project completed |Project completed |

| | |Recruitment module for | | | |

| | |electoral staff processing | | | |

| | |Upgrade LGE Results System |Upgrade LGE Results System to include |Test and dry run LGE Results System |Project completed |

| | | |results slip scanning and processing | | |

| | |Proposal for upgrading the |Upgrading scanning application |Project completed |Project completed |

| | |scanner application to |accordingly. | | |

| | |include REC 1 scanning and | | | |

| | |general scanning | | | |

| | |Upgrade E-Procurement |Upgrade E-Procurement System to be |Project completed |Project completed |

| | |including .NET |cross-browser compatible, on a .NET | | |

| | | |platform including IE7. | | |

|Public Website upgrade |Upgraded and fully cross-browser |Continue to completion of the|Development, testing and implementation|Project completed |Project completed |

| |compatible website |website upgrade project |of upgraded website | | |

|GIS Map production |TCR maps printed and dispatched. |Targeted registration Maps – |Not applicable |Produce 21 000 A3 Target Communication |Not applicable |

| | |A3 | |Registration (TCR) maps by June 2010. | |

| |Registration maps printed and |Produce first Registration |Not applicable |Produce 80 000 A3 voting district maps |Not applicable |

| |dispatched for weekend 1. |Weekend maps | |and 600 A0/1 municipal maps for | |

| | | | |registration weekend 1 by September | |

| | | | |2010. | |

| |Registration maps printed and |Produce second Registration |Not applicable |Produce 80 000 A3 voting district maps |Not applicable |

| |dispatched for weekend 2. |Weekend maps | |and 600 A0/1 municipal maps for | |

| | | | |registration weekend 2 by December | |

| | | | |2010. | |

|Systems maintenance (GIS, electoral |Maintained and supported GIS, |Ensure up to date and current|Maintain and support all GIS datasets |Maintain and support all GIS datasets |Maintain and support all GIS datasets and |

|and financial systems) |electoral and financial systems. |GIS datasets |and voting district/station network. |and voting district/station network. |voting district/station network. |

| | | |Maintain and support all electoral and |Maintain and support all electoral and |Maintain and support all electoral and |

| | | |financial systems. |financial systems. |financial systems. |

|Infrastructure maintenance upgrade |Upgraded printers throughout the |Procure new printers |Not applicable |Procure, distribute and install new |Not applicable |

| |IEC | | |printers at all IEC offices – 30 Sept | |

| | | | |2010 | |

| | |Dispose old printers |Not applicable |Roll back and dispose old printers – 15|Not applicable |

| | | | |Dec 2010 | |

| |Server Virtualisation implemented |Implement VMWare to provide |Design and implement VMWare software in|Project completed |Project completed |

| | |virtualisation capability |the server environment | | |

| |Business continuity and disaster |Clustering of SAP and upgrade|Cluster SAP servers and implement |Project completed |Project completed |

| |recovery |of SAP disaster recover |real-time replication SAP to the | | |

| | | |disaster recover site | | |

| |Data Centre servers upgraded |Migrate of data and |Migrate all applications and databases |Project completed |Project completed |

| | |applications |from old HP server to the new IBM | | |

| | | |servers | | |

|Infrastructure capacity upgrade and |Adequate ICT infrastructure |2009 NPE elections support |Implement final plans, support election|Not applicable |Not applicable |

|NPE 2009 election readiness |capacity, services and resources |and rollbacks |processes | | |

| |provided | |Rollback and election close-out reports| | |

|Infrastructure capacity upgrade and |Adequate ICT infrastructure |Determine ICT capacity |Complete assessment of election |Review and maintain alignment with |Review and debrief for future planning |

|LGE 2011 election readiness |capacity, services and resources |requirements and plans for |capacity requirements – 31 March 2010 |business plans | |

| |provided |LGE 2011 | | | |

| | |Increase ICT capacity |Not applicable |Procured, activated and installed all |Not applicable |

| | |providing for LGE election | |additional short-term ICT | |

| | |processes | |infrastructure and services for the | |

| | | | |2011 elections | |

| | |Deliver sufficient ICT |Not applicable |Implementation in accordance with the |Roll back and closure of LGE 2011 election|

| | |capacity and services | |election timetable for LGE 2011 |centres and results processing |

| | |Roll back and closure of LGE |Not applicable |Not applicable |Implement final plans, support election |

| | |2011 election centres and | | |processes |

| | |results processing | | |Rollback and election close-out reports |

|IT policy revisions |Formal approved policies that |Up to date and current |Annual ICT policy review – 15 Dec 2009 |Annual ICT policy review – 15 Dec 2010 |Annual ICT policy review – 15 Dec 2011 |

| |addressed concerns raised by the |policies | | | |

| |Office of the Auditor General | | | | |



|Strategic Plan |

|2009/10 – 2011/12 |

|(Incorporating the Business Operational Plan) |




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