UOPX Material - University of Phoenix

University of Phoenix Material

Business Governance Plan Research Journal Appendix

Below is a list of scholarly journals and conferences that may be suitable to submit your paper for publishing/presenting.

Select at least four journals and one conference that you would consider for submission, feel free to add others that you feel would be suitable.

Complete the columns aligned to your journals and conferences to discuss your audience and why, specifically these sites would work best with the content of your paper.

Student may use completed papers from PHL/717 and ORG/716

|Paper Title |Journal/Conference Name |Audience Demographic |Why this Journal/Conference aligns to paper content |

| |Corporate Governance | | |

| | | | |

| |Corporate Reputation Review | | |

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| |Business Ethics | | |

| | | | |

| |Journal of Business Ethics | | |

| |Education | | |

| |Business and Society Review | | |

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| |Social Responsibility Journal | | |

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| |Business Horizons | | |

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| |Business and Society | | |

| |Journal of Corporate | | |

| |Citizenship | | |

| |Corporate Responsibility | | |

| |Management | | |

| |International Journal of | | |

| |Business Governance and Ethics| | |

| |International Conference | | |

| |Promoting Business Ethics | | |

| |ECOA Ethics and Compliance | | |

| |Conference | | |

|**Note: “Conference & Scholarship” is a resource provided by the University of Phoenix; PhoenixConnect. To view this site, sign into eCampus and copy and paste the following link into the address |

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